Topic: RhyDin Files #29

Paige Connelly

Date: 2013-04-25 21:02 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Under Pressure: A snapshot of how some RhyDinians react to what happens in their city.

RhyDin shops specializing in cookware for chefs, have recently stopped selling pressure cookers citing the various ways the product could be used in making bombs.

"I don't want to be taken to court cause some lunatic is using the product incorrectly." said Hugh McFraidycat.

Already, RhyDin's black market has seen a rise in desperate chefs buying up all the pressure cookers they can find.

"I need this appliance to make my famous Gnome Flambe! I would lose business if it wasn't on the menu anymore. I can't risk it." Chef Nidahl Hamiladi was quoted as saying as he prepared to leave an anonymous location with three pressure cookers.

Other chefs have recently joined Chef Hamiladi in the quest to buy up appliances that they need for their craft, out of fear that they too will ceased to be carried for fear how someone of an unstable nature would use them.

Items include: Candy Makers Certain styles of mixers Salad spinners and food processors.

The list goes on. Let's hope this current round of over-reacting is short lived and people return to common sense soon.