Topic: Sixteen Questions With Lang Darkwing

Paige Connelly

Date: 2010-01-29 23:22 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

In our quest to know more about the citizens of RhyDin, we've been picking folks at random to interview. Our latest is with Lang Darkwing. A six foot tall package of attitude and looks. You can look but don't touch ladies, he's a happily married man.

Lang took time out of his day to answer sixteen questions so we could get to know him better.

How long have you been in RhyDin" I don't live in Rhy'Din, but I have been visiting it for a few years now.

What is the one thing about life in RhyDin that you love" I guess that would be how most are very open to the idea of various races of people being able to get along.

Is there anything about RhyDin that you would change" Making a law that parents must keep their children from coming to the inn unattended.

It's rumored you are a flirt, do you find this flattering" I'm not a flirt. I am as innocent as they come in this town. Just don't ask anyone that knows me. They'll say otherwise.

In your opinion, what is the sexiest thing about a woman' Their eyes, and watching my wife when she sleeps. We can say a lot just by looking into the other's eyes.

Who do you think is fascinating to watch' Easy. My wife when she is sleeping peacefully.

Have you ever gone troll tipping" No. Never heard of troll tipping.

What is something most people don't know about you? What do they miss when meeting you? Most don't know that I am actually good with kids. Most miss that I am easy to get along with. Mostly due to something to get on my bad side.

If you knew you were going to be stranded on a deserted island - what 5 things would you take with you? My wife would be the only thing i would want with me. I could make due with living off the land for everything else.

What do you admire most about your best friend" That she chose to marry me and put up with how I am.

Who is your favorite bartender" Eless. Real friendly and has her moment of being a naughty little flirt.

Do you like Jello' It's alright, wouldn't mind seeing Hera rolling around in it.

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off" No...Though I don't wear shoes.

How do you feel about garden gnomes" I have no problem with them, then again..They have never given me a reason to hate them.

How big is your tab at the Inn" I don't have a tab, or if I do..No one has told me about it.

Have you ever fed the stew" I did once, but we'll not get into that.