Topic: An Unforeseen Outcome


Date: 2012-11-03 07:28 EST
In a small and cozy tea shop there sat a pair of men with cups in hand at a small table, a kindly woman with a round heart shaped face served them a small dish of biscuits. She smiled pleasantly to the two of them and turned to give them their privacy. As the serving woman departed, the eldest of the two men turned to his companion. His hair was dark and his eyes equally so, but the neatly trimmed beard that covered his jaw was shot with streaks of grey. He wore a black suit and tie and next to his cup was a dark bowler hat. He would never wear it indoors.

"How is your leg feeling today?"

"It aches, but that is not uncommon these days."

The younger man was of a slight build whereas his older compatriot was broad shouldered and barrel chested. His hair was blonde and his skin fair. He seemed rather sickly to be enjoying an afternoon cup of tea with a friend, but his smile was pleasantly friendly nonetheless and he appeared to be in good spirits. Leaning against the young man's chair in the crook of his arm was a polished wooden cane, and he too was dressed in a dark suit.

"In all, I would say that I am doing fairly well. I've grown accustomed to using this," he said, tapping his cane with the tip of a pointed finger. "It's less bothersome than it was before."

"Good, good," the older man mumbled before taking a sip of the piping hot drink. "Do you think you will return to work soon, then?" his dark eyes darted up and away from the young man's, as though the question made him uncomfortable.

"Yes, I think I will," he replied with a laugh. "You look so uncomfortable. Don't worry, I know Charles put you up to it. He's been leaving me messages every day since the accident, hoping I'm well and offhandedly asking if I know when I'll be returning to the shop. I finally wrote him back before coming here, I hope to return at the beginning of the next week."

His friend sat up and chuckled quietly. "Good, good," he said again. "You've been missed in your absence, Stenly asks about you frequently and Marie is certain that you are on the cusp of death and that if you don't return soon, she's going to pick out a nice tombstone for your funeral."

He laughed again. "How very sweet of her, I'll wager she's already picked it out and had it delivered to her apartment," he slowly rose, grasping his cane for support. "Well you tell Marie that she will not have the pleasure of attending my funeral just yet, I am very alive and well."

The other man stood, picking up his hat. "I'm sure she'll be very distraught at the news," he said, holding out his hand.

"I'm sure," the men shook hands firmly, then the older placed his hat on his head and nodded. "I'll see you on Monday, Jericho."

"On Monday," Jericho replied, smiling at his friend who then turned and left. As he gathered himself up and prepared to do the same, he cast a glance down at the plate of biscuits which went untouched. He plucked one up and took a bite as he made his way out into the street.


Date: 2012-11-03 22:47 EST
The shop was a large industrial structure with pipes and chimneys sticking out of the roof and sending smoke and steam into the air. Outside on the street passersby could hear the banging of tools and the roar of fire, electrical and steam powered gadgets and gizmos making all manners of noises in a cacophony of bells, whistles and the like. The citizens of Andoras had long ago grown used to the raucous sounds of the shop and many others like it that spanned the sprawling city and paid the shop little mind as they walked past it.

It was a building with four floors above ground and a fifth below, with windows dirtied and fogged by steam and grease and so thick with grime few could manage to peer through the glass to see what waited inside. The only visible means of entry was a door out near the street over which hung a small round sign depicting an old man with a wrench in one hand and a wand spouting off sparks in the other. The paint was faded and chipped and below it the name was once written, but it had long ago fallen to the test of time.

Jericho approached the building with a limp in his step, leaning heavily on his cane. The door he opened with a gentle push and a bell chimed overhead as he stepped in. Immediately, the man was buffeted by a wave of hot hair and as he approached a counter that lined the wall of the shop's storefront a door behind it opened up and another man appeared. He wore goggles over his eyes but brought them up to rest on his forehead, his cheeks were stained with soot and his nose was bright red. He eyed Jericho suspiciously for just a moment and then lifted a break in the counter to step around.

"You took your sweet time about getting back, Jericho," the man wore a tag on his shirt that said Charles. "I was this close to giving your job away to this bright young lad who had come inquiring about a position a few days ago," though his tone was rough and stern and not at all pleased with Jericho's later than desired arrival, he held little menace in his gaze and lacked conviction to sell the tale.

"Oh, I'm sure you were, Charles. It was very kind of you to hold on for a little while longer," Jericho laughed and he approached the man who was removing one of his dirty gloves to shake hands. "But surely I wasn't that sorely missed," he said as the pair met. "I would have thought a little extra work in my absence would be nothing for the likes of you."

"Yes, well, it piles up in the end and I have my own affairs outside the shop to see to, your absence cut into a great deal of my free time and my research now suffers for it. I hope you're pleased with yourself," Charles scrunched up his nose and tugged his glove back on before turning back to the counter. He was already through the door leading to the back of the shop by the time he turned and barked harshly at Jericho. "Well" Are you coming or not' We've got work to do!?

Laughing, Jericho limped through the break in the counter and followed Charles through a narrow hall leading to the heart of the artificer's shop, where all manners of instruments could be seen sprawled out on tables and hanging by wire from the ceiling overhead. All around him stood machines and gadgets, some looking like they'd just been wrecked and others halfway through their repairs. Overhead in the center of the workspace was a blue ball of light that rotated in the opposite direction of the three golden rings that were secured around it, spinning frantically with a faint hum of energy that flowed through power lines attached to two rods that in turn were directed to the curious sight.

Sparks lanced from tip to tip and fueled the generators that powered the shop. Jericho smiled at the sight of it all as he unbuttoned his coat with one hand and approached a small room full of lockers and a bench. There, he found a locker with his name written on the plate outside it and fished a key out of his pocket to open it up and retrieve his jumpsuit.