Topic: Ash 'n Bone


Date: 2006-07-04 20:32 EST

A plume of smoke rose in a dash of coal black and grey, as the stick insect-like arms rose into the air and spindly fingers like spiderlegs crawled across the edge of the dirtied chimney top to find its edge, as suddenly her head reared from the descending droplets of ash and the wan seeming coal dusted face stared straight ahead at the view of the sharp point of the Inn in the distance. A crooked smile gathered on those pale lips as she shook her ruffled ash-smattered whites and pulled the rest of her endless body upwards, muscles clenched tight within lily-white arms as she swung herself to crouch on her heels on the chimney's edge, like an antique statuette govered in a silver sheen after years in an attic. The delicate rising and fall of her silvery lashes against the semi-darks of her pools, lowered to take in the curling paint on the roof that was her precarious walkway from here.

"Gots to wal' lik' a Balle' da'cer I do's", she then rose, extending her arms and lifting a foot behind as she bent that narrow torso across the roof, her shadow spreading across the curled paint like clouds upon a ravaged city, as she bent swan like, spindle digits splayed into the chill air as she closes her eyes and hovers there, rising to her toes, and balanced like a ballerina statuette now, her gargoyle hunch of before diminishing with the press of her poise against the twilit haze bleeding across the sky.

In that Zen moment she counted and mapped her thoughts to get some bearings on her dwindling need for the 'Pecca. She held her breath, snowy lips parted as she took in the chill and let it feed her will. She shivered at the cool breeze wafting against her but maintained her pose. She stood there then, ashen faced(literally!)with silver feathered lashes closed against her cheek as she thought on the changes in the wind and what they brought with them-a burgeoning storm that was not weather borne, but rather stirred by the hearts of those who sought the end to her breathren. The steady growing presence of Trues venturing into Rhy'Din recognised the bite to the air and their urge to arrive was not for pure adventure-that lust for action was peppered by the Instinct that war was upon that darkening horizon, it was a thought that she could not, would not dwell upon. They were a seasoned kind, a Breed of Discontent who were no less sensitive to what bound them to this plane, what affected them, and to whom their presence was poison.

Bending her legs she rejoined her extended foot beside the other, lowered her arms and hunched forward, hands draping at her side like breeze blown branches, as she hopped along the roof top as agile as her necessary, forgive the few slips and shocks, as she attached her self like a bug to a wall, and pulled herself down a pipe, till she reached the sandy ground and the relief of gravity. She trudged then into the night, shadows cloistered about her moon dappled form, a shower was needed now, as well as a hit. To forget. To forget. The Willow knew what was coming though, whether she let it ring true or not she still knew.. She waited.


Date: 2006-07-05 21:35 EST
Her little chamber of sound, below the hatch on the outskirts of a large bordered up Mansion on the east of the Westend was her hideaway. There her music loud, her hits came, and the dis and re-assmbling of pinball machines-tampering with the Points system so that she was always the reigning champion (beating her consecutive titles each time under the name Owl), and staking out away from those who sought her dead.

Her collapse at the Inn was awful. She had lain cold and open to attack for a time, before regaining some sense of alertness and coming to consciousness fully-it was any wonder she managed to get home, the walk had seemed to take decades-and she knew what that felt like! She'd tread that path many times.

But now, pinball machines pieced together, music off, lights out, she sat frail and meek, entirely within her self, eyes misty and bronze-troubled. Her breaths kept a rhythem to any unguarded thoughts that might make her sick with their tragedy-a Trueblood did not sweat that much, so the process of letting the substance reduce in her absorption levels was going to be arduous, along with ignoring dark mental compositions of the 'Storm'. She had tempered her pain with adopting that Zen like pose throughout the night as she had atop the chimney, as it had called all four polar opposites, seasons, energies and Light her way-so that all shadowy sockets now filled with life, air and like beacons, pinpricks of cosmic light, guided her thoughts down a healthy route-clarity her chosen delight, before coming to rest on that couch and too tired to fight the tendrils whispering at her..

Curling further into the couch, ankles burrowed within the cushions, her hands nestled beneath her arm pits, she stared across the room to the rectangle chain-link bordered window that was the source of all natural and artificial light from outside. The blue-tinged glow of streetlight oozed towards her, spreading like elongated ghosts across the wooden-planked floor. She stared at them, intrigued by the patterns and imagery, stories and imaginings such misshapen shadows and light streaks could illicit from her shaky thoughts. But after a time of tragi-wonder, and staring out that small window, at the streetlight burning its pseudo-rays upon her hutch, she felt sleepy, and moved towards her squeaky spring post bed-stripped of all wood and now a skeleton of black nickle colour. She lay out across the bed, lowering as it caved at the middle, like a lame dogs back dragging at the floor, though not quite so severely, still it was a horror of a makeshift.

Sleep came easily to the Willow, not surprisingly so. Restful, her slight self hushed from movement against the darkness, her wan face gradually gaining colour as hours went by, and the ghost-jigsaws along the planked floor receded and daylight assumed that canvas, filtering the room in broad sheet of yellow light.


Date: 2006-07-09 19:01 EST
Creeek Ajar, the door peels back to reveal angular shoulder, the narrow curve of femine side, black clad leg, sandled foot, as she peers back over boney shoulder to regard the Inn-side; porch-wind ruffling her white gamine cut into quips at her temples as she stares abently about; the door creaks, The long white light of her cut from sight.

The Stringbean glances at the silhouette of trees bending with the breeze, a lethargic dance, lachrymose leaves snapped and gliding to fall from their hosts. A tilt of head, barely, shoulders sagging beneath an invisible weight, as she quietly observes. The only constant here, the grind of the door hinges as the breeze gently whips at its edge, clipping it against the door-beam. Her thoughts wander..

The 'Storm', the polverising the sun with a blade, consuming the world in gleams. The world needs dark to be light. She knew that. But it was a guilty wisdom.

Disorder worked at her hands as they fidgeted with the hem of her charcoal cotton shift top, it was only a singlet top scathing her stark white flesh with its airborne non-weight. Fingertips curl beneath the hem, clutching it, semi-darks illuminated with the entrancing sway of the horizon, its landcape, those subjects too hidden. An obscure thought, it then diminshes leaving sandy resin to blow in twirls along her mind. A moment of pause, the swan-neck turns back to the door, as it snaps shut. A gaze lingers there, then sweeps back to the distance. Taken in.

What of the 'Storm'" Was it to annihilate an entire plenthora of creatures leaving hindered spirits to walk like ghost-stalks across the Undemiel Lake-where our Keeper and Pillar once graced" She moved inside, in thought.

Puzzling to those with short attention-spans, the Willow now sunk back against the bar, a hand affectionately stroking its worn-wood side. Her eyes focused entirely upon it, a faint orange glow trickles through her semi-dark depths, then fades entirely. The white-haired face, purse lipped, seems to blend into the furniture of the space somehow despite height and her Bright, she moves into and out the folds in the world-a fox-stepped Trueblood, a Witch of the wind-snowy lips pull, a faint smile tracing her lips over::

"Ye craz' tha'":: a rasp voice mutters-softly spoken and lilting despite the quip that barely arched her lips as comes again the ::ta-ting:: A long, thicket-stem arm extends across the bar, welcoming an instrument; in sore sore need of restoration, a cornfield brown, it's strings glinting like a spark of gold caught through glass. She cradles it, an awkward apparition there-a wiery endless body with a slender treasure nestled unto her, but her gentle grace, a majesty.

If not much time was left to thread her heart to this plane, at least she still had Music...


Date: 2006-07-10 01:42 EST
The following takes place within the Red Dragon Inn's 'Commons', off to the side, upon her favoured stool, she studies the silence and plays to the Unsaid. Her own disquiet soon blinded by merriment. See inside the Stringbean Siren's Art.

Upon her shoeshine's stool, feet to the side, she is suddenly there, and all at once with harp in her ginger grasp, drawing fingers tenderly across glinting strings, silvered lashes closed as the soft, wavering melody shifts and hunches beneath the quiet in the room-ringing within its four corners, the stairway leading upstairs, and to resonate within someone's heart-perhaps!

Chords are strum, reverberating against the flurry of fingertips, a wave of white against the cornfield brown back drop, as the golden strings still and fluster. The song is fast-paced and disonant-not to be followed or predicted, as she plucks at the 3rd last and final, bound string, her other hand pressing the 2nd and the 5th, as she sways gently, shoulders hunched

Pausing, her eyes open, falling to linger upon the movement of her hands, collecting the strings in awkward stretches of her spindle fingers-as though a white spider ravages in delicate weaves the pull of string to lull it to sound. Stringbean sways to a stop, as her foot begins tapping against the air. Her unearthly beauty glistens there

Despite the occassional shrill, polite notes that ought to cut the steely air with a certain knock, her attempts are in vain-this eve, the air is thick with tension, the draughts whistling through the doorway icey and forboding. The 'Storm' was warding off any attempts at breaking the thick, permeating disorder with the soft tricklings of her harp. But she would continue on, pulling at those strings in a flurry of tender pulsing finger tips, driving the music onwards, to course within the silence. She felt at ease. Despite the ashen grey Vibe

Sensitivities came to the fore while spirits were being unpinned from their host. A rattling of bones shimmied in her ear drums, as the Crickets took up their own chirping chorus within the forefront of her mind. Silvered lashes closed, focusing, breathing in her lullabye, protruding it through the tense aired surrounds, shining her Long light, into the Dark

In that moment of serenity, like the oncomings of a wendigo and a sudden twinge of resilience, she drew a hand towards the harps neck, enfolding her cool fingers about its familiar terrain of worn wood and soft string, as she collected herself in tiny shards and pieced her own mysteries together. The disarray that once cast a teal glow within her mind now faded to a russet shade, as she smiled a crooked smile, faint as ever it was, and bent Her sword, dipping it towards the room as her hands continued to parry. She would soon be but a Veteran of Disorder. Her weapon was her heart. She had her bait.....Now she would wait

Sovereign sent harmonies, each string inviting a different emotion than the last, as the melody was inflected with her soft, faint smile and delight within the Peace she had there. The minstrel quips of the Harp delayed then huried, the tempo scoffing at the silence with a whimsicle foray into ears the sound had not yet travelled to. Stringbean was content to luxuriate in this state of being, to relish, to hold what was her Divine. With langour the faint smile disappeared, and her bottom lip hung there, eye lids heavy. Her feet skid limpy along the floorboards, a forever thigh, knee and ankle pushed before a chair nearbye, so she seemed as though she were a stick insect, harvesting a nestle of sugar within its wiery self

The Wan faced Long Light perused the scene through semi-dark hues, the unfurling scenarios decor for her song. The mood had changed, dipped from unease, and so too her music reflected what was, and took upon its delicate self a sombre twill

Infusing the song with tweeters of sorrow or malay was indeed only a skill for a practiced fingers, and hers though newly aqainted with this sorely painted instrument, she marvelled herself at the ease with which finger tips scuttled and zipped, pressed, pluck and strung beneath, propping the tune into directions she had not herself heard a harp venture before. A smile decorated her lips in pale coloured joy, as she swept those semi-darks from side to side, taking all in, yet appearing absent from it all and completely within the sound.

Delighting in broken silence the twill is tweaked by loving hands, stroking the strings with unharboured emotion, a strained small smile at her lips then, as the sorrowful lilt perked then sundered, a rapid blistering of lower chords inflicting a deeper sound, reverberating against the sheared quiet, shawn by her pluckings. She opened her eyes to the room then. She seemed to glisten, to sway some. Unmoored.

As though a sea of feelings had welled, a spilling estuary, it was all she could think to articulate, in her own mind, this governing of sound, an explicit yet dense way to portray emotion. The smile twinged, the corners of her lips straight, as her eyes fell downward, to eye the floorboards marred and pulled back, as though pushed from beneath by an unknown, a monster. A wendigo! Fanciful ponderings flittered away, as she focused upon the sea of mastery inducing her into a state of calm th longer she tinkered with this beast, this treasure, this forlorn cradle of tunes. She displayed the unsaid. A minstrel to the unspoken. Her music, a delayed reaction to the previous spires of Vibe that glistened there in quiet shadow doused heights, plummeting like shrinking sandcastles the longer they stand

Fading out, three counts before strings are drawn and the music vaporised, as she she lifts her gaze and completed her serenade to the quiet. A small smile, as she stands, the endless torso lifting to match the ceiling in white haired gleam, as she looks downwards, tucking the harp beneath her arm, in generous strides moves crescent about the bar, and into the backroom, chimes and tinkling to be heard, a subtle groan from the harp is emitted in muted gasps. Stringbean disappears into dark


Date: 2006-07-11 02:55 EST
Hiders that Finders

There, amongst the shelves and bustling shadows of various decree-lined or shaped, silvered-lashes flutter as she leans against the wooden frame, semi-darks upon her spindle fingers, stretched across the pages of an old, linen lined book, strangely decorated in pressed-stone and stitching, and even curioser still, nigh a word though the pages are creased and look as though rubbed with charcoal...

Fence-post shaped markings, sketched and faint, mark each upper-hand right corner, simple tracings, as though to identify each page from the previous, but not numbered. Her hands gingerly collect each top right corner, folding it over to peruse the next. Shrouded in shadow she felt as though she was within an attic, her soft Bright bent against the dark-from here, she could taste the chandeliers in her thoughts, the hinting warmth of their light basking on her rose tongue. She continued on

Floury and resin-like, the specks of dust rising from the long-concealed book held her attention-rapt she was with that Olde taste, sprinkling her keen senses in applause-she was riddled with a quivering urge to learn more, to tustle with this linen mystery, as though her thoughts, like a sword, could tear beneath the nothingness to conjure a dusted glory. She preyed upon those pages, hunching forward towards it, and further into herself, as the thoughts this stitched diary of faint designs evoked a tantalising thirst. Quietly she closed the book, puffs of dust pluming about the dark, as she moves from from within its branch-like clawing, and into the amber light of the bar-dim radiance cocking at her stark white flesh, her swan-coloured hair ruffled at the crown, as though she had tousled it in thought-she had indeed. Her gaze lifted, the Stringbean obscurely pressed against the bar, slung, sunken, her collar bones pressed severely against her skin. She observes then, tucking the booklet into the back of her jeans-a snug secret.

The next Morning

Dusted paw-prints line the doorway, then fade a moment before she appears upon the porch, did she walk, or blow this way' Eyes lift to the front door, eyeing it's creaking twinges, the handle, and the light beneath, seeping from the tavern. She stands there then, wavering in the quiet of the night air, the long Light of her bent against the night in an akward sling of folded arm

The scent of the Seek was rife-the smell of dusted secrets in an attic, similar to the Olde fragrance that had plumed into the dark after opening the small book which was now nestled in her back pocket. A hand absently went to finger that pocket, to trace at it in relief, or simple fondness. Her other arm, still crooked against her torso, drops to her side, then swings forward to clutch the door handle, peeling it back, and thus, letting her own Bright seep in

Fox-stepped quiet brought her inside unnoticed, 6'6 stilt-like crease-walking that had her Hider, windwitch, Willow. The Stringbean drunk the air in, probing for the Vibe

Silence stirred. The gaps in the chatter, the foot steps, the crackle of fire and dry leaves outside, the soft buzz of insects, the drift of cool breeze caressing the window pain to her far left, and rattling it from its socket of wood in gentle sashays. She closed her eyes, silvered lashes batting before milky lid closed entirely, and she traced those little investigators, slueths of silence, for what they carried. He had been here. It was Known. Her body reverberating with the knowledge


Date: 2006-07-12 00:21 EST
Twilit sky, peppered moths and the odd flash of bat wing littered her view from a top her favourite perch. Her face was sooty, her hair too, having it no longer white-from a distance she certainly would have looked like a ragamuffin Granny, who somehow was still remarkably agile to mount a sketchy piling of scrapped tyres...

She was sure some Grannies were capable-somewhere. She'd been spectator to stranger.

So, subscribing to her sooty-silver lashed perspective, with the cool of late day brisk at her shoulders, she executed her demons letting the wilted shadow of the now crescent sun, and whippings of this fiendish ice wind, strike at them boldly, as she sat, pretending she was hollow, with a vaudeville troupe of wendigo's and meer (or was it mare?) urchins in cages, clawing and sniveling at their host. She smiled then, a faint and childlike grin, as she closed her eyes and shook her head and hair free of the ash and grime that covered her mercilessly.

The days would come that she and others could roam free. No fights to be had, no hearts to be won, no arrows of poison to duck (now, she was being dramatic) but here, this peculiar town, anything seemed possible.

Bordertown had seasoned her soul. She was rich in resilience, yet poor in self-belief. Too much had been cast her way, a sundered radiance from exploited talent. She dropper her face into her hands, as the last rays shone across the many scattered rooftops and chicken-wire fences; now nickle coloured in the shade. She too felt black, as twilight crept across to a dark blue, and smothered her in proper invisibility, high up upon those battered tyres-torn and fragrant of tar and fumes.

She stayed there a while, crouched and meek, thoughtful and anxious.

The sunset was delirious in its beauty, and that puffed her chest in an aching sigh. If one was patient, life could be beautiful. The clouds were regal in their form-majestic and uninhibited-displaying their wealth of fluffy white and moody gray towards an ever-darkening horizon-unabashed like the neon lights that flickered to life, right now, somewhere reflecting against a wet pavement, back home, on the Border.

The clouds hovered, and she wished to cling to them, as they sailed like a mighty ship. Just to sit on a mast and blow with its sails-unsoot-i-fied-in sky-nautica symbiosis and weightlessness.

At just the thought, she trembled.


Date: 2006-07-12 23:37 EST

Pinball machines were 'quakes'-they had a mind of their own like quakestones that rumbled, shivered and spat whenever they so desired-they were largely unpredictale, and suffered from a temper only an enraged Banshee-queen might match (and she had seen it to believe it). The one she had been re-asmebling bleeped and tinkled it's music as she pulled the wire and it ceased of life.

And at that, she swung a hand and collected a box of Redheads, lit a match in a flourish of her hands against the box-amber glow wheezing in a pool of rays across her face, as she lit the two lanterns, both cracked from a shattering storm (or a quake blowing raspberries) when she had tied one to a chair and taught it a lesson. She still had the scar on her thigh from where it spat jagged-thorns at her. It had repented; she had her ways.

A smile in memory soon broke away, as she switched on a cd and let it zip into gear. She stood staring as the bass kicked up the melody, grinding at her ears as she swung her hips and lifted her hands.. "friends warehouse pain attack their own kind...."

she mouthed the words, hitting home

"a thousand kids, bury their parents"

She shimmied as she strode, the streetlamps dull light seeping into the floorboards, showing their pits and torn parts, as they creaked and hissed at her steps. Her thousands fell to her meeting with the Halfie, which had proved to her personally to be both very appropriate, and spooky. She had been feeling that tingling pressing at her back for days now; expecting the arrival of someone, someone that would be a friend, someone she thought she knew, and though in terms of history she did not, something told her that that did not matter-they knew one another beyond the concept of time, place, and indeed, history.

She sat then against her pinball machine, it's glass cover propped upright against the wall. She slid a hand across to touch its dusty surface, trailing patterns in her fingers wake-swirls, a lightning strike and then, absently, the three letters that spurned a feeling that gave her lips its crooked grin.

She turned away and listened to the music, as the streetlamp buzzed and burnt out. In complete darkness she sat, the music her light, her reverie.

Standing, she found her way to the bare mattress that was her resting spot. Sitting down, the springs gave and rose again, a tweak of thin metal as she lay down and stared at the ceiling...The music continuing on.

As she closed her eyes, and fell to sleep, the streetlight flickered to life again, a pickaxe came to life in her mind-she saw it there against a fiery orange back ground, hovering, swinging...She opened her eyes and saw only black. Closing them, the image was gone, and she curled herself together; a knot of pale flesh and a mess of pale hair, barely there, a white shadow.

She pondered the Phantasm on the horizon..digging, preying at her mind, setting off the Crickets in a frantic chorus in her thoughts-rattling, like a chime of bones.

As the lamp's light pressed through the sand-sheened pane of her little rectangle, barbed window, the rays touched on the propped up pinball cover. The three letters, swirled in a lazy line looked like black ice carved into white. The three letters then faded, leaving a slight trace of what was there...The disc stopped. Then repeated itself, as the light shimmered across the glass more brightly...Three letters. MOE

friends warehouse pain attack their own kind a thousand kids bury their parents there's laughing outside we're locked outside the public eye some smooth chords on the car radio no hard chords on the car radio we set the trash on fire and watch outside the door men come up the pavement under the marquee there's laughing inside we're locked outside the public eye

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-07-16 19:54 EST
Dust-ridden stair case and cracked chandeliers refracted strange, ghostly, glossy shadows all over the walls and floor as he crept along, closing in distance towards the back porch, where the night was creeping beneath the door, singing its strange song.

He opened it and let night time wash across him, the eve sprucing his hair up and down, as though invisible hands toiled, and led him windswept into the garden.

Towards a moss covered bird bath he walked, the moons glow across it giving it a tombstone aura-cracked stone and stained with white, he reached out a hand to touch it, without much effort his long fingers were there, moving across the rough surface-sandpaper against sandpaper as he withdrew his own calloused hand and held them. He thought briefly then to that Geisha, and her insanely soft manicured hands. He recalled her with a smile, as he headed off to the broken, and bent-askew fence lining the back-thickets and starbeams grew together there-earth and light-encompassing his gray shadow, long and sullen, as he crept into the thorns, like thistle torn from that earth by a lonely, desperate breeze.

In his cycle of movements, his small storm leading him further into the wasteland as dustbunnies kicked and frolicked madly at his shoes, a tremble of ground shook his shoulders, all he could hear through the wind was the occassional pulse of sound from the the basement hatch that he had seen, inconspicuous and tattered-beamed, neighbouring his residence. As he spun into his own turnstile oblivion-six parts wind, two parts unease, and one part magic-then, he was gone.


Date: 2006-07-19 22:02 EST
Delightful as her rest had been, curiousity glittered in her heart. She awoke with a start, as a tremor shook the frame of her creaky, spring post bed, and she immediately went to the small, rectangle window, looking out at the street.

All was still, quiet, unshaking.

She turned and moved to the small shower set up. She would have to go for a wander.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-07-21 01:13 EST
Smothered by the blanket of dreamland air, he walked in the shadow of the old land, a shade darker than the gray of his own. For that land was a malice to the human flesh.

The ghost, it walked with the shadow of the Native land in him. Light hit it, he was home. Not yet. Not yet.


Date: 2006-07-23 06:18 EST
Hijacked from all sleep, she felt a painful moodiness rush her thoughts like a tide of leaves to a dustbunnie, the ones that whirled at the Stranger's feet-that man she had seen often this past week from her perch atop the tyres-overlooking all and everything, even in the creases between time, she swore he had stepped from more than a couple of times yet.

His face was scarely familiar-like a creepy shock at the back of your mind that tingles with possibilties and soon reason shuts off and returns your mind to cleaning the numerous pitfalls and cracks within the interior lining of a chimney. But the tingle persisted. A wet dream for a mystic.

One eve, out in the fields, stargazing, she had been watching the flapping of his coat tails, enamoured with his stately elegance, despite the sodden hat and pretty eyes-he was a dark charm, and much akin to her Long Light, though his was flooded in shadow. She had almost trudged over, with a silly smile and wide eyes, but stayed in the fields, beside the shadows that lurched and bickered, some had golden eyes and purrs-but that coulda been the wind. It sure was rife with tale and trifle that night. And the lightning had been quizzing the clouds for answers-so she laid still against the dirt and silvery stalks, letting herself be enchanted more and more by the queer vibe. And fantasies about her neighbour, who clearly hadn't even noticed her. A True could dream couldn't she?

Been far too much of that..

Strange little tweets twittered between the silence, her harp groaning louder and louder as she sat on her hatch watching the mansion next door. It was her harp's insistance she stay put that had her see him fade to gray, and those dust bunnies zoom and twirl as though minions of dust and ash, to that drifting Shadow of a man.

It her was Harp's insistance when she plucked those strings in long, drawn out flutters of spindle fingers, that told her to "go where the wind weeps" and where she had found a crease, that echoed, strangely, between a low, dead tree, and a branch filled with knots and freshly ran sap, that she had smelt the whisk of tindersticks on the air.

It was then that he had stolen her hand into his, and she had felt the Gray of a Dreamwalker's tarot come true...

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-07-23 06:31 EST

The quiet parallel opposite-of-sex sat crossed legged opposite me. Her hair like some tundra had collapsed on her forehead and sunk to its back. Her eyes were golden. She was my polar opposite.

She nodded, and had been quite docile the entire hour we spent talking. I had felt her eyes for day, and was certain she too had been in the field with the cat-sentinels a day or more ago.

"Bu' why's ye leavin' me too soons" Ye jus' tel' me all th' I nee' ta knows!"

Her lips, pale and expressive were hynotising. I felt nothing for the Elf more than camaraderie, a sense of kinship, yet I felt that I could watch her for longer than the hour had let-she had become droopy, lethargic, and I'd had to leave her beneath the latch, on her bed, with ash smeared in a wave across her forehead. I had to go. I had to tell her what would help, then close the relationship for now.

I told her all I could. That the Storm was nearing. That all sides to this battle were related. That the crease was welcome, but she had to spend time with him longer if she was to be accustomed to the heavy, blanket-like air. And to him.

We had left it at that, and I had taken her harp. It was a token of committment. She was Hider. I was Seek.

I had to keep her motivated. The Music, the Art, could not be a dependency. Not when her Dreamwalk, this fragile witch of the wind, had abandoned to drugs and then to being a backdrop.

I sat watching her sleep, the smudged ash fade the longer I stayed. She would understand come morning, it was the dreadful silence of her dreams she would have to overcome first.

I did not doubt Her. I did not doubt her Blood. The True Blood gave her signals, gave her a compass. I trusted her direction, and that she would find me.


Date: 2006-08-20 23:39 EST
She kept to the walls, trespassing his territories stalking his scent, to unzip her ust for knowledge. Thirsty, thirsty her and her tongue, licking at dry pale lips, clicking as she searched the distance with eyes wide and blinking, massive windscreens covered in dead bugs-no cataracts, just dizziness.

"I'll fin' ye dream'r, wi' ye unwra'd glor' ta shin' o' my da'ness"

Stalk height and wobbly shins brought her to the Tree, then in a triangle shaped pitter patter back to the hatch.

Pulling the wood behind her she leaked her long, wiery frame into the crevice of a home, just enough space or her thin enough to slip between the lines.

She moved for her bed in a shaky pace, to curl without sheet and barely a spring-sounding, as her light weight descended into comfort, and she perused her thoughts, deflecting all negativity, like a child clinging to her belief in something more....Magical.