She was to her people one of the Hei"Kor. The Hei"Kor were without a clan. They were claimed to senseless, without order, without a tent or home — lost. Even amongst the savages of Llothgar, there were rules, order, and a steep expectation for tradition and ways to be followed.
S'jira was Hei?Kor. She was lost.
A year's time had passed without word to anyone in RhyDin. The night she had left was one when Se'vrasi — s'jira's sister — made herself known in the Riduen (RhyDin).
The small one knew that time in RhyDin and Llothgar passed differently from one another. She and Panther had found that out together. She had found that out once before. But for the s'jira (little flower), it was only the third time and she had never intended to stay in Llothgar the night her sister came for her.
It was almost a full year gone from the lands of RhyDin. S'jira struggled to forget them. But in the mix of them were wonderful days of food, dance, ne'habrok (after-hunt), gathering of supplies, exploring, and more. But the trials faced when visiting the Hel'Murein, the Northern Tribes in Llothgar, would leave her as skittish around any warrior for the rest of her days.
Llothgar was her hoomeland and Se'vrasi (fire flower) was her blood-sister, but s'jira found that she was a stranger amongst all of them. She had tried, but failed, not to seem such a foreigner. But she had been too long in RhyDin and has many of their ways about her.
S'jira was Hei?Kor. She was lost.
A year's time had passed without word to anyone in RhyDin. The night she had left was one when Se'vrasi — s'jira's sister — made herself known in the Riduen (RhyDin).
The small one knew that time in RhyDin and Llothgar passed differently from one another. She and Panther had found that out together. She had found that out once before. But for the s'jira (little flower), it was only the third time and she had never intended to stay in Llothgar the night her sister came for her.
It was almost a full year gone from the lands of RhyDin. S'jira struggled to forget them. But in the mix of them were wonderful days of food, dance, ne'habrok (after-hunt), gathering of supplies, exploring, and more. But the trials faced when visiting the Hel'Murein, the Northern Tribes in Llothgar, would leave her as skittish around any warrior for the rest of her days.
Llothgar was her hoomeland and Se'vrasi (fire flower) was her blood-sister, but s'jira found that she was a stranger amongst all of them. She had tried, but failed, not to seem such a foreigner. But she had been too long in RhyDin and has many of their ways about her.