Topic: Tempers Will Rumble


Date: 2006-09-19 16:02 EST
Isuelt didn't really know what to make of things.

Jenai had come home and fumbled through benign greetings only to offer up a tale of trouble at the Inn. Apparently Trixie and Eddie had had some sort of run in with two men. These men, according to Jenai (who had heard the story from Isuelt was a fountain of third hand information, which explained her foggy comprehension of the events of the evening), were bawdy and asking for a beating. Trouble was, they didn't receive one.

So, the elder Scathachian sat on the couch of one of the receiving rooms, her elbows balanced on her knees, her fingers laced together, her dark eyes boring a hole in the wall opposite her.

Men behaving badly was one thing. All men, in Isuelt's estimation, fought the eternal drive to grope breasts and behinds, inject lewd comments and generally run their repugnant tongues all over the clean face of society. But acting this way with a Scathachian' The very thought of it sent the Judge into silent fits of boiling rage; the sort of rage that would only be stayed when she cast the testicles of those responsible into the nearest fire pit.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-09-20 06:11 EST
It was with quick feet and quicker tongue that Jenai had rounded up the locations, or would be locations of all the Sisters. She would tell each one of what she knew of the attack.

Attack may have been a strong word for some....seeing how the sisters could handle just about anything, this was more an attack on Pride and the Scathachian could not look kindly on one of their own being treated in such a manner. Jen wanted blood. No more, no less. There would be no excuse and no way out.

Barging in the arms room, she was quick to grab up little bits of gear she felt, before, comfortable going without. It wasn't for her protection how she dressed. It was strictly business. And the Fire Orchid spread across her back itched with anticipation. When even smiled as she slung her long sword over her back, then smiled even bigger when the blessed mate followed on top. Screw what her training told her....if she got nudged into berserker, she'd not look back. She's only let it roll along with the heads of the men or women that played this kind of game.

She'd double her patrol route tonight as she skipped steps off the front porch. A quick glance at the Temple and Jen was out the front gate.

As she walked along the shadows, she let her mind wonder as to how anyone so stupid would try to stand in their way' These had to be people from a new land, tourist' But she had seen how retarded women had acted around Brian. Well, not seen, but heard. They all seemed to change their little sighs and tunes when she walked in the room. Some of the men too. She paused after turning a corner and smirked thinking about how much people just simply underestimated them. Maybe they just thought since they were women they acted just like the rest and would only hair pull and cat slap when it came down to it. But truth be told, each one had kills under their belts and heaven help them if each didn't wish to feel that euphoric race of the heart, the clenching of the gut, the smell of copper in the lungs. Adrenaline raced thru her and warmed every muscle she had. Ah Jenai, calm yourself beastie, do not give in yet. Do not give in unless they ask for it. That was not literal, after all Jenai Angelique was a firm believer in Interpretation is nine tenths of the law. She adjusted her Rules of Engagement according to that loop hole if need be.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-09-20 10:20 EST
It didn't take long for Brian to catch wind of the previous nights events, and head back home quickly enough. He had a few appointments, and some paperwork to tend to in regards to his upcoming journey to Appleburg, but that was easily set aside. He and Jen had spoken and while he knew this was their fight, he was still determined to get a pice of someone's ass on this one. Okay, maybe it was a tad of the bloodlust, as it could easily be felt around the compound.

Arriving home, Brian found no one and quickly went to his room. After a quick rummage through the room, he commited a once over to the braces on his knee, and side and nodded to himself, and then it was time to gear up. A change of clothes included in his duffle bag, as it was also the DoS visit, so he expected some fun in addition to any other toss down that might arise. Sending the bag ahead to the Inn via Jean Luc, Brian finished gearing up, and checked himself over once more.

His trademark Tac Harness, was snug and secure, swords were a go, boots, gloves and his bag o' holding (if ya dun have one get it, you can fit a Tera or Tara in these bad boys and STILL have room left over.), a pair of glock .45 slim lines with extra clips w/ silver rounds, and hollowed points, as he truly didn't know what to expect. He nodded once more, and set for the door. He figured a quick patrol early, and he would meet Jenai at the Inn, and see what else was to present itself.

He knew this was their fight, and knew more than anyone around that these women could handle themselves. He knew this was going to get ugly one way or the others, and control chaos be damned to that extent. Still, what kinda friend, ally and all around cook would he be, if he just sat by and watched" After all, like Trix and Eddie said, he was the 'hire help', so he had to earn his keep, one way or the other...Sides you ever see a pool boy throw down, and then cook a great meal" Along the way, Brian contacted Wyheree via the 'Ice Charm' they shared, and gave her the heads up. He wanted to make sure the deck was stacked correctly, and an extra tendril or 5 wouldn't hurt.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2006-09-23 16:22 EST
Trixie was probably not helping to ease tension with her disappearing act. Ever since the "incident", she'd been stalking around by herself, sleeping on rooftops and lurking under rocks. Only once had she swung by the Scathachian HQ, and that was just to grab a change of clothes. She'd been careful to show up when she was sure Rae and Laufeia were out patrolling, the Chef, Jen, and Eddie were around at the Inn, and when Issy was at the otherside, in the Temple. It was a quick mission, and executed properly, with little sound made. She'd checked in on Keaton, too, on that same night, just to see how he was holding up. But she couldn't bring herself to talk with him, either. And her boys, the ones she'd just made so proud by earning her piercing license, they didn't even get the 411. Though, they'd gotten used to her doing her "lone wolf" thing a decade ago.

She kicked at a rock, sending it spiraling into the murky waters off the Rhy'din docks. Passer-bys and ne'er do wells didn't fear her tonight, but they didn't approach her, either. She was incorporated into their bleak world. She'd taken the defeat pretty hard, needless to say. She'd reacted too quickly, gone against her better judgement, then went and got humiliated in the process. How was anyone supposed to see her as a protector now? Some badass she was. She snarled at the ghost-like reflection she caught in a puddle on the rotting wood of several planks, then crept off into the night.