Topic: Dancing With The Devil

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-17 19:02 EST
Through your eyes the strains of battle like a brooding storm Your up and down these pristine velvet walls like focus never forms My walls are getting wider and my eyes are drawn astray I see you now a vague deception of a dying day Sarah Maclachlan - Vox

Stepping silently from the pooling shadows just outside the entrance Cieara barely paused in her movements as she moved towards the door, pushing the folds of her cloak hood back from a fall of auburn curls as she slid inside silently.

Lord Veighn gaze turned from the witchy pair to the rather cadaverous individual with the tome, a brow piqued as he sat near the Fae. His movements seemed deceptively weighted, though fluid in their languid expression. He sipped his wine, regarding the Deathknight from his vantage behind the bar.

Sending a smile to Jewel, Cieara headed for the bar but a second later eyes narrowed slightly, making note of two within, the brooding form of Daug and then the "Black Mage" the liche was watching so intently and it made her lips twitch slightly.

"That's nice..." Veighn intoned, not making a move to fulfill the drink order, he regarded the man coolly. Another sip of his mulled bloodspiced red taken. "Ahh...But ye have potential. Donnae discount it." He gaze shifting back to Jewel and the deathknight.

Jewell laughed pleasantly. "I won't ask what you consider gross." She put on a good mask of mock-surprise for the deathknight sitting at her side. "Who would dare say such a thing about you, sir?"

Infernal, acting the typical simian. My how Fallen's standards have truly...fallen" The thought brought a soft second of hissed laughter from Daugolozan, the sound akin to a boiling teakettle.

"Ye are a horrid actress Jewel, give it up." Blowing her pretense of surprise, embittered by sarcasm. The Mage interjected himself into the conversation.

"You need not fool me with your false surprise. I know what others think of me." Nathanios said, his back to the bar, leaning against it. He knew he was getting no drink tonight.

Jewell waved away Veighn's comment like a bad smell, grinning at Nathanios. "I don't know what others think of you, though death does cling to you, doesn't it?"

Circling around the bar counter to move behind it, Cieara shot a pointed look to the mage who stood in her way. Speaking in a soft low tone. "Mind moving milord?" That stated to Veighn rather blandly, as she drew coins from a pouch at her side and dropped those into the till.

"I do." Lord Yhaull returned to the woman asking him to move. "I'm rather comfortable here as I am."

The man near the hearth was duly noted, keen sense picking up the muted energy emitted by that one. Veighn was engaged, however, and did not consider him overmuch.

"Your in the way of others attempting to help themselves. I would hate to have to move you otherwise. Perhaps a step closer to the front counter would suffice." Pale, frosty cold green eyes flicked over him with little expression except for that chill radiating in Cieara's gaze.

Nathanios looks to Jewell and as his eyes met with hers, they swirled a white cloud. "Aye. But much, much, more." The temperature in the room seemed to drop a good 15 degrees over a span of 15 minutes, He just smirking.

"Confrontational are we" How quaint. I donnae budge so easily, Madame. Help yeself to something else." Veighn waved her away, sipping his mulled wine with no intention on moving from his current lean.

A concerned glance Cor's way as he stepped inside, but the main of Jewell's attention remained on the death knight. "Aye, perhaps you are a bit..chilly' Cold..cold, yes that's the word when applied to personalities."

Light of the hearth was caught and reflected in slitted eyes, catlike in shape and glow. And let the consideration be his. Dead man tending. Daugolozan thought to himself with a low growling hiss under his breath.

"Mmm..If only you had known." He said with a smirk, Nathanios raised his gauntlet and licked some of the blood from it, then licked his lips, reserving the flavor.

Less then impressed with the male and his arrogant ways, Cieara stepped back and nimbly vaulted up on the bar and just moved around him that way, disturbing nothing as she dropped back down on the other side muttering something less then flattering in a foreign tongue.

Lord Veighn turned his gaze back to the woman. "Ye are still here." Obviously stated, a gruff irritation to his discordant trio of voices.

Jewell arched a brow at the gesture. "Ah yes..if only."A Dreamy sigh before she broke into a grin again. Only to turn a moment later with a wag of her finger at Veighn. "You leave the nice lady alone."

"Hush you." Veighn wiggled his own talon-tipped fingers at Jewel, though the gesture was borderline semantic, eyes narrowing.

Licking the last drop of blood from his lips, Nathanios turned around, now facing Jewel. Giving a darkened grin."So, tell me. What is it you wish to know of me" Your very expression shows...intrigue."

Taking up the bottle of Absinthe and a glass with a glance over a shoulder and a smirk. "I do as I please and go when and where I wish. You are but an annoying obstacle to work around." Cieara was soon making the drink, using the distilled water and then the flame sparked, the heady sent of baked sugar rising in a curling of smoke before dropped into the mix.

"Pssh." Cue obnoxious hair toss in Veighn's direction. Yes, the death knight was much more interesting. "Well..I was wondering how one got to be so very tall."

The edge of Nathanios's lips curled into what could have been a smile. "Well..the same way any does...My father was tall." He grinned, to her, Biting on his tongue so it bled.

Jewell laughed softly. "I had so overlooked the obvious, shame on me! But I must say, I have slept with many tall men and you are by far the tallest I have seen in some time!"

Nathanios gave a deep chuckle, Looking to her. He was clearly enjoying this. "So, what is it you do. Per say?"

At her side the blade hissed a string of vulgar demonic remarks but was stilled a moment later with the brushing of a gloved hand and low husky warm laughter fell from Cieara's lips and then whispered softly to the sentient blade. "Hush Vestia, that one is hardly worthy of your ire."

"Then perhaps ye would gift so lowly a man such as I, the name of the Lady who brandishes such grand authority like a firebrand. That I may then better know what to call one so presumptuous as to assume I would yield to her will and whim." Veighn returned to Cieara suddenly, eyeing her from his current position.

"Aye Vestia...Do lower ye boil to a simmer." Antagonizing the sentient blade at her hip. The "Black Wizard" then looked back to the Cieara. "Ye mistress was about to grant me her name."

"My name is of little consequence to the likes of you Milord." Words stated ever so softly, then with the drink prepared with all the items carefully returned or dropped into the sink, Cieara turned to regard Veighn with the glass moving to touch rose pale lips for a sip.

"Do' Do." One finger tapped her bottom-glossed lip. "Champion of justice." Jewell laughs again. "I tend bar here at times, raise a horde of children in preparation of taking over RhyDin."

Nathanios interest had peaked now, Grinning as she spoke. "Taking over you say' Now why would one ever wish to do so?" He added with a cocky tone.

Seeing Dameon from the corner of her eye, Jewel blew him a kiss before looking back to Nathanios. "Because I believe everyone should bow down and agree about how beautiful and worshipful I am?"

Nathanios offered a darkened laugh that arose from his throat. Clearly her presence was amusing. "Worship..For beauty"..That is...New."

"You mean it's never been done before?" Jewell seemed even more excited at this prospect. "Not only will I be worshipped for my beauty but I will be the first to do so! Wonderful!" She clapped her dainty little hands together.

"Very well." Veighn did not press the woman further, his attentions pursuing something more entertaining. His gaze fell upon the twins once more.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-17 19:16 EST
Stop hitching the monster man It was a bad plan, but I had to get to town Unbitten, but the way I found it was a hand came down And pow, I got illuminated Soul Coughing - Monster man

Growling again Daugolozan watched from his place near the hearth. "Verbose, obtuse, and trying to mate. So much a simian." The soft words accompanied by the typical sneer as he watched. The smirk faded slightly, as the particular aura was...familiar" Yessss around that mongrel Maerissa the night previous.

Standing up straight now, Nathanios grinned, his eyes clouding a tiny bit. "Well then, In that case.....I wish you the best of luck....You may need many, many more children." He said with a sly grin.

With a pressing of gloved hands on the counter and Cieara was pulling herself up with decided ease and just swung up to the bar top and down the other side with liquid grace and muttered under a breath as she took up her glass again. "Arse." She muttered as she moved away.

Jewell playfully pouted as he stood but it turned back into her full-blown teasing grin. "Is that an offer to help?"

His grin bleared teeth with it. Leaning down on the bar, resting his elbows there. Nathanios looked to her and spoke. "My kind does not offer.....We fulfill."

Wandering her way towards Jewel Cieara raised her glass to the lady in a salute and the smile was amused as it grew on her elegant features.

Lord Veighn lifted his glass in a toasting gesture to the departing harpy, a knowing smile forming his lips behind the dark of Shar'Vae Shades. He then brought it to his lips once more, a long draught gifted. He turned his upper torso, reaching for the ladle to refill his bronze goblet once more.

"Ah, dear Nathanios. I am a woman of too many needs for you to fulfill, I think." Again she was playful, Jewell's tone holding no bite to it. She raised her glass of whiskey in a mirror to Cie's greeting.

Nathanios was only too intrigued by this conversation. "Your needs...are my treasure to pursue ...However...You did say...You had children...Which indeed means...You are no single woman." He said, he was rather intelligent for his type.

Sliding into a seat near Jewel with a whispering hiss of leather with the crossing of long legs Cieara let her back rest against the edge of the bar and took a sip of the green fairy and let it play over her senses, while listening to Jewel and the male with her.

"Any man would treasure to pursue them." Jewell could barely keep up the false lack of modesty. "Alas, I am not. My husband abandoned my children and I, however, so I killed him. Drank his blood to make myself stronger and have now attached myself to a man more suited to myself."

Peripherally, Veighn caught the seating of his former irritation seating her self near one of an older variety. Smirking, he muttered. "Figures as much..."

Nathanios smirked, he grinned deeply, having been correct. "So I assumed correctly." A slight dark laughter was given. "My...I do rather enjoy this."

"Most do rather enjoy me." Winking, Jewell's eyes dancing with laughter one more. She too was obviously enjoying this.

Lips twitched again as Cie listened to Jewel, but sharp pointed ears did hear that muttering and she slanted a look that way, eyes gleaming catlike with the reflection of lamps and candles in the inn and gave an almost believable innocent smile to Veighn.

Nathanios leaned down, licking more of the blood from his armor, enjoying it. Then looked back up to her. "My, my. How playful bantering can be the highlight of ones night."

Veighn missed the smile from Cieara as his attentions were more focused on the Shadowcat and her exchange with Cor.

"Are you trying to show me how skillful you can be with your tongue?" Smirking as he licked more blood from his armor ?"Highlight of ones night" Ah yes, I've been called that before! Many times, in fact. It was just the other night when my friend here and I" Jewell stated while nodding to Cieara. "Were with one of our favorite male-friends in bed. He told us, "Ladies, you are the highlight of my night.""

"Very touching." Jewell then added.

Lord Yhaull chuckled, withdrawing the focus to a mere casual observance. To do otherwise might have displayed an acuity not becoming of a Black Wizard that was so obtuse, as it were.

Nathanios stood straight up once more, leaning more over the bar, mere inches from her face, a dark grin rising on his lips. "Oh I need not show any my skill.....I know it all too well." His eyes flickered slightly as she said what she had. And then spoke up. "Strange.....I have been told the same...Time and time again."

"Indeed." A brow arching with a glance at Jewel, as Cieara tried hard not to laugh and actually manage to maintain a straight expression worthy of her own father. "Was so touching I nearly cried."

"Which only made it hotter." Grinning to Cie only to turn back and find Nath inches from her face. "Have you now?" Jewel squeaked out a little as he backed up before regaining her composure. "By all means then, we just may be perfect for one another but fate has brought you to me too late!"

It would seem he would have to modify his previous estimation. Morningstar's standards were, as always, typical. His spawn seeking to mate and multiply. And here Daugolozan had thought this new foe might be different. Alas, the wheel turns true, and like the dripping one, it appears they think with their testes.

Nathanios grinned once again to her words. Standing straight again. " has." Giving one last grin this time. Somewhat seductive, he slowly turned, looking as though he was ready to walk away.

Glittering frosty green eyes swung to inspect the male speaking with such boastful claims to Jewel as she idly brushed a curl back over a shoulder, making some rather amusing observations of her own but left unspoken for the present.

"Cieara, I do believe this nice young man is going to walk away from me without a goodbye. This just isn't done. Shall I call him back?" Jewel questioned while grinning to Cieara with obvious mischief in mind.

"Of course. You are the Empress after all and do require certain respects due that station." Lips curling into another smile as Cieara's gaze watched the odd male with a slight leaning of her auburn head.

Nathanios never walked, but rather stood with his back to her. "I thank you for the conversation this night Jewel. It was...intriguing." He turned to her one last time, laying a black rose on the bar in front of her.

"And thank you, Nathanios, for enduring my mischief and conversation so pleasantly." A smile as he set the rose down but Jewell did not move to pick it up just yet.

Veighn returned, swishing his wine around in the goblet's reservoir, affecting a charming smile for his watcher to label and file away systematically.

A bow of his head was given before had smiled to Jewel. "Be well Jewel. I've business to seek out." His gaze shifted to Feilas as he walked in, Nathanios eyes clouding up again.

A nod to Nathanios before Jewell's full attention turned to Cie. "How are you, sweets?"

Cieara was resisting the urge, but it wasn't easy as a glance swung briefly towards the dark mage, and slowly one small worm sized shadow started to creep closer to the hem of that rune laden robe of his. "Oh I am doing well." A low melodic laugh falling from her lips as she looked over at Jewel and her pale green gaze shimmered. "You're also looking as if troubles have eased for you considerably Jewel."

"Ahah, then I have tricked you all!" Jewel laughed. "No no. You're eyes do not deceive you. I am...happy. I have lifted my head above water once more, or perhaps have had it lifted for me?"

Gathering his robes about him as Daugolozan stood, he moved back toward the stairs, a glance toward the young daughter of his enemy and her friend as he passed. His thoughts though, on the more immediate.

Lord Veighn drew open his robes, and with a sweeping gesture, had the cloth ravenously engulf and devour the little beastie at his feet. Blackness descended upon the creature, and blinked it from view. A toast raised to the orb.

Realizing Jewel was swept off by the nexus shift her glass moved to touch her lips again and she glanced after Daug now, eyes narrowing slightly with a flicker of disgust in the radiant depths.

Another thought struck him, and Daug paused on the landing to look back down to the bar. A ploy of that miserable Dewey and the odorous Howe" Something to ponder. Oh, and for our intrepid young shadow assassin, Fiona threw a wave of parting.

Cieara eyes flashed, instantly glittering with a sudden sheen of crimson for just a moment as her head lifted and she shot a baleful glower at the annoying Lich.

Whistling quietly, knowing the nudge would tweak, and finding pleasure, he moved toward the Keeps door, fading from view as he passed through it, as though the wooden portal wasn't there.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-17 20:04 EST
Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by. Easy to find what?s wrong, harder to find what?s right.

I believe in you, I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies. I won't stay long, in this world so long. Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight. Don't you dare look at him in the eye, as we dance with the devil tonight.

Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The Devil

The Lord of Westridge comes out of the kitchen where he removed his heavy leather jacket. He's now dressed in riding boots that folded at the knee, black pants, and a white poet's shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a bar apron, ready to work behind the bar. Good eve, everyone! It's LATE NIGHT WITH GAVILEAN!"

RDI Gav immediately takes up his position behind the Veighn. "Get on the other side."

Veighn turned his gaze toward Gav, a brow piquing. "Pardon?"

"You have trouble hearing" Get out from behind the bar." Gav stated to the Mage.

Gav takes a towel and wipes down the bar. "Anyone need a drink?"

"I'd rather not, the view is much better from this perspective." Veighn returned, meeting the gaze of the man in a clash of hellfire eyes.

Cieara's head turned and she smiled sweetly at Gav while lightly tucking a wayward auburn curl back over a delicately tapered ear point, laughing softly at the conflict about to arise.

"I don't care what you'd rather do. You can wait until I'm off duty and then play bartender all you want." Gav stated and then smiled to Cie as he got a bucket of ice water ready.

"Play bartender?" Veighn guffawed at the interjection. "Hardly. I'm relaxing. That said, tend ye bar and I shall relax. If tis all the same to ye."

"Just keep out of my way."

Lord Veighn raised his off-hand, eyes narrowing.

Twisting around Cieara was wondering if Gav really would douse the arrogant Mage in ice water, and if he was, she wanted to be sure to witness it first hand and just brought her glass up for a sip.

Gav wiped down the bar and throws the towel across his shoulder. "Anyone need a drink" We're overstocked and anxious to see you happy!"

Hand freed, Veighn's fingers twitched, eyeing the threat of the ice shower. But once the threat receded, he resumed his position against the back counter.

Traveling to the back bar, Gav moved Veighn aside to pour the hot water into the cup with the tea ball...then moves to the front bar.

There was a rather nasty affect that happened as the man entered the space of his wards. A cold fire kiss to the man's limb was brief, but enough to chill bone and vital essences beneath.

Gav felt the ward, a feeling that would have been much worse without the Elven king's own protective magic at work.

More velvet soft laughter as she watched Gav just work around the mage without out to much worry and soon glanced off, with the glass rising to touch rose pale lips again and taking in the subtle sent of anis and scorched sugar

"Funny, you don't even work here and are acting like you have right to stand back behind that counter. Are you an RDI milord?" Frost kissed green eyes swung towards Veighn and a russet brow rose sardonically on Cieara's elegant visage.

Cieara tipped the glass back against her lips once more, savoring the faint sting and burn the Absinth created on it's way down her throat.

Through sheer will, he manifested himself once more through the Shar'Vae Shades, tearing through the fabric of dimensional space as he left the realm the Nexus sought to bind him to. Once more, he resumed his lean behind the bar. A long sip from his cantrip ensorcelled goblet was had.

"May I get a spring water Gav?" A golden coin was pushed across the bar with a single glove encased finger and Cieara gave a smile in his direction.

"You sure can get a spring water." Gav goes to the fridge and takes out a bottle of spring water, twists off the cap and pours a tall glass, adds lemon slice to the rim. "Here ya go!"

The empty glass was placed down beside it, thinking one was enough for this night and slanted another narrowed glance to the arrogant mage. "Thanks Gav, it's much appreciated." Cieara stated.

"Any time, darlin'."

Veighn regarded Cieara impassively, a moment lingered between his glance and her features, and then he turned his attentions to the commons.

Cieara decides to use her own silent ability to irritate the Sorcerer and just a few ribbons of shadows trickle down from above his head, likely not even noticeable to the naked eye as she reaches for her water and brings it up for a healthy drink.

An expulsion of heat and the gust of warm atmosphere swept across his features lifting his hair to ripple in dark waves about his shoulders. The Lunithaylian Lord turned his attentions toward the djinn by the hearth, his lips pursing around the reservoir of the goblet as he took another sip.

"How is your lovely wife doing Gav?" Cieara asked while glancing up from her inspection of the water she held and peered at the Elven King with a questioning expression, while a few more dark bands dripped down from above near the Mage.

Veighn affected a look of one basking in the sun as the near solar winds, or so they seemed by way of temperature, caressed his frame as much as his Shar'Vae Shades would allow. The heat was a welcome thing. Relaxed, his eyes hooded as he watched.

A glove clad nail trailed over the condensation on the bottle of water she held and she shifted back in her seat with a low hiss of leather in protest at her movements, and just sent a few more bands snaking ever closer to that annoying mage pondering upon an attempted hobbling with those.

Gav caught a glimpse of what she was up to and looked over at Cie and winked. "She is doing well and thank you for asking!"

The closer those tendrils got, the more they'd feel the exquisite power the wards did not mute. A flash of brighter light within the glow of crimson eyes, and Veighn just assumed a casual expression, noncommittal, and glanced about the inn. He knew they were there; he just wanted them to get closer.

And closer they did move, slithering unseen towards the Sorcerer with apparent stealth, but only small creeping bands, as Cieara turned to regard Brian, one her father had mentioned but didn't think she actually had met but she took that moment to commit the face to the name.

He looked on, and espied the waking blonde-gum mess seated at the bar. A slow smile forming on the Black Wizard's lips. The aura of fear was the merest fraction of what it could have been, and his gaze shifted due to the tingle at the edges of his mind. Pink wad of gum in her mouth noted, he snickered, though he the nimbus surrounding him began to leak bands of its own Shadowy substance, creeping through the cracks in the floorboards, issuing forth like the great roots of some Oak, or Weeping Willow.

Cieara's head lifted, picking up on a variety of emotions rolling around in the air of the place, some nights more so then others and just chuckled to herself, picking up instantly on the rippling in the shadows but it hardly gave her pause as the ribbons of black inched ever closer to the mage, almost to the hem of that robe of his.

Trap set, and triggered, the Shar'Vae Shades sent barbs of black lightning into the shadowy tendrils at his feet. Wards flared violently and the nimbus grew thick and tangible like black veins in a Smokey haze. His gaze snapped with some vehemence to the source of them as his wards informed him of the information he sought. The will behind his gaze assumed titanic proportions, like a storm cloud hovering over and threatening to devour the woman. His eyes narrowed. "You!"

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-17 20:12 EST
Trembling, crawling across my skin. Feeling your cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine.

I believe in you, I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies. I won't last long, in this world so wrong.

Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight. Don't you dare look at him in the eye, as we dance with the devil tonight.

Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The Devil

Her auburn head turned to regard Veighn, wearing a curiously baffled expression. "Are you talking to me Milord?" Cieara's tone one ever so serene and calm, carrying just a tiny taint of sugar to seem almost sincere.

He was no dupe, and wasn't buying the act one bit. She was caught red-handed. His wards tugged on the bands of her own shadowy feelers, wrapping them up in a ganglia as his will began to force its way to the tangles. "Indeed....and ye are well aware of what ye do, spy." Veighn shot back with disgust in his tone.

"Spy' And what proof of such a claim do you have" For I am simply sitting here drinking as is common enough in such a place." Cieara's gloved hand waved about and she laughed, a low whiskey warm tremor of sound. "Or are you merely paranoid Milord" Have something to hide perhaps that you fear spies?"

As conduit formed, the Shades sent that energy draining lightning up the length of her bands, seeking out the source, their mistress.

Having disconnected the link the moment he had yelled and looked her way with apparent rage in his eyes, the link to her had already been broken, for those tiny bands had been little more then that and Cieara smiled benignly at the Mage with an arched brow.

Bands disconnected, the lightening scorched groves into the wood and blackened it where it struck. The Shar'Vae Shades began to retract the energy of the bands, using the sample it had tasted to gather and collect the tidbits into an orb of jet hue that started to manifest itself in his hands, translucent and unholy in its glow. He scribed runes into its surface and they began to scroll in the literature born of emerald flame. Veighn smiled slowly as he watched her affect the look of innocence. "The silk of the web is akin to the spider that wove it." He lowered his hand, tucking the globe of sustained energy into the folds of his robe, locked in the magical sigil of the Shar'Vae magic. "Charmed....indeed." Acerbically spoken.

"Oh, I do try Milord." Cieara was no longer even attempting to hide the humor that was welling up within. "Must make life a tad bit difficult being so very jumpy I am sure." A glance sliding away from Veighn towards Gav and the man he spoke with.

Supple leather hissed as she shifted, re-crossing long legs and Cie's attention drifted back almost casually towards Veighn, her smile captivatingly sweet. "Still fretting over something that likely could have been a simple hallucination Milord?"

"Try, an accomplished task will do, when the mix of bloodspice hits the brew. Insight gifted, this sagely known, when imbibed by flesh and bone." Lord Yhaull smirked, turning his gaze away from the woman. The affects of the Rhilshen spice, mixed into his drink by the Priestess's Fae cousin was a thing she'd not foreseen. And secretly, he thanked Chryrie for her gift of foresight.

The bottle of spring water was tipped back against her lips for another pull and Cieara glanced again at the obviously scattered mage, but such things were common with that ilk after all.

"Good game, so far, darling. Good game, indeed." He chuckled, sipping more of the bloodspiced, mulled red. And tapping into the wards, Veighn gave way to the visions of the enchanted root of Rhilshen. A gamble, but one he was willing to take, for the Priestess had her own tricks. Though, vulnerability was a discomfort he would afford for this bit of knowledge gleaned, and so he fell into the trance. The wards acting of their own volition cocooned him in a tangible inky bubble, obscuring his physical being entirely.

As the Wizard encased himself in a dark bubble of some type, Cie just regarded it blandly and then gave a slight shaking of her head that sent the cascade of rich auburn curls along her back dancing gently. "This place does seem to attract the strange and unique." Speaking more to her self at this point.

Darkness abated, though it was a long time coming. What he'd gleaned was for him to know, though enough would be brought to bear in due time. The cocoon shifted once more into a dark haze of Shar'Vae shade, not totally unlike storm clouds being broken up by the coming of the sun. The nimbus of darkness did not fade entirely, as could be expected, but enough to allow the natural eye to glimpse, though partly, his robed physique. Veighn's features were stoic and he broke the trance easily enough.

Taking another sip of her water as Cie noticed the slow swirling mass of blackness start to ebb and swirl back from the form of the mage but didn't say a word, just lowered the bottle to the bar once more, lightly swirling the spring clear liquid about in a casual rolling.

"So finally, the aforementioned siblings have come out of the woodwork. To spy, no less, and glean what they can before their decision to treat with me." Veighn smirked, eyeing the woman, skeptically. "And have ye come to tell me something good, Madame DeAuster. Or does ye family not grant ye their authority to speak for them?"

"Madame?" Cieara's head lifted, as she wasn't too concerned about him realizing who she was and she smiled faintly. "I am unwed, so that title is not correct, but I can speak for myself. So, I take it you have seen my brother as well?"

"I have seen many things, Cieara. More than ye know. Tell me, how comes the progress with your extended family and the laws that keep dear Tasha beholden to me?" The Mage pressed the issue. "Have ye come to announce their acquiescence?"

A shifting and legs crossed in a lazy slide, leather whispering softly from the friction as she regarded him. "Did you not expect others to keep an eye on you Milord" You have made yourself known to the family after all, placing your mark on one of ours as you have." Soft laughter following. "I don't know what you speaking of actually. I was sent word last week to watch you if I see you in the inn, that is all."

"Hmmm...I see...And which Ancient holds ye leash, hmmm' Would it be the infamous Lankyn?" Veighn paused, considering this. "I donnae think so. I doubt a being of his subtleties would be so direct. Nae." He steepled his hands before him. "Relay this to the one whom pulls ye strings, Tis impolitic to pry where one is not welcome. Though for reasons mine own, I will not call to surface the backlash that might come of such meddling. I will, however, have it be known that I am expecting the terms to be granted in due time. I am no ambassador for a family head to keep waiting. Tasha neglects her duty; it is now known that my suspicions are correct. So I am known by many, and I'm sure the bulk of ye family does as ye do. Go, tell them, I am waiting, and in the open, whilst they bide their time in the shadows."

"Perhaps you should speak with my Aunt Belial Milord. She is the one that asked a few of us to simply keep a watchful eye on you." Her smile was serene, as regarded him, but there was a frost growing in her pale green gaze. "Considering that Tasha's father is a busy man, perhaps you need to learn a little patience Milord Yhaull."

"Oh, and do remind Tasha, her frigid lizard's life hangs in the balance, and those of her unborn young." Veighn intoned ominously. "Then he would well know the sins of the father are the child's to bare." He issued just as coldly.

"Ah yes, I had heard you have a fondness for picking on the lady dragon here. Making you much a bully type." Leaning slightly she nearly cooed at him, tone just laden with honeyed warmth. "Maybe you will find out your not the biggest threat here eventually. One can always dream after all, and believe me, you harm Tasha and you will regret that, as they burn you to ash and scatter your ashes over many realms."

"The venom of ye threats is as impotent as a newborn babe. I am waiting, and remember, I can call in Tasha's ticket as easily as a snap from my taloned fingers. Tell ye aunt, I shall hold audience with her first, and foremost, whilst I await the father to weigh the weight of the matter at hand."

Draining her bottle down, Cie placed the empty down on the bar carefully and then brought her shimmering gaze around to meet Veighn's with another slow lazy smile touched her rose pale lips. "Personally," Tone all so very casual. "I rather like the idea of seeing you hacked into tiny little pieces and used as fertilizer. As for your threats, well shall I act appropriately terrified" Would that sooth your obviously offended sensibilities?"

"I see Tasha has not well informed ye of our exchange. Ye are safe as long as I am safe. Take aggressive stances, and I shall counter in timely fashion. If the heads of ye household are as formidable and wise as Tasha lets on, I'm sure they will come to the conclusion, that it is in their best interest that I cross into and out of ye family territories unmolested."

"Had I wanted to do you harm, you can be assured you would have noticed" Cieara stated very softly as a smirk touched her elegant features with a narrowing of her eyes, and in the space of a second something else lurked in that gaze but a blink and easily missed. "I was told to watch and watch I have. Learn what I can and be assured, I shall tell my Aunt Belial to speak with you. She will find you as boorish as I of course."

"I donnae wish to treat with them for them to praise me with their empty words. I care little of they consider me a threat or nae. I would speak with them, nonetheless. Tis my wish, simply put." Veighn stated.

"I know your kind. I have been warned all my life of about the likes of ye and yers. You make pretty promises that end up meaningless and empty of any value at all. Why Tasha agreed to anything with you is beyond my comprehension." Sliding down with liquid grace to her feet, movements silently offered and Cieara's temper starting to fray a touch, still having not quite managed to control that part of her nature as of yet.

"Ye blood sings to me, Cieara." Veighn took what resembled a breath in through his nostrils, upper torso expanding, eyes fluttering to a half-lidded state as though the whole ordeal of it all was ecstatic. Did he visibly shudder" There was a bedroom timbre to the voices that echoed from within his being. "A royal line I sense in ye, corrupt as ye label me with ye words of hypocrisy. Tis scintillating....mmmmm.." He purred and his eyes opened more, scarlet and crimson swirls etched with the tracery of black flame.

"Delicious little strumpet." Said with more malice than sultry entendre. "So ye play the hawk, though I am no field mouse. Ye are many, I am but one. Tell me true, is there threat ye see in me?"

That brought a momentary widening of her eyes and then laughter as Cieara watched him for a moment, and leaned against the bar as a drifting of spice and wild flowers floated from the waves of auburn curls with her movements. Cieara's voice holding a whisky warm tone with slanted eyes flashing of crimson ribbons in their depths. Her faint accent dropping in softer, velvety cadence, threaded with an unseen energy. "Does it' That's likely because of what I carry inside me Mage. Darkness calls to darkness. Just be careful what you think you see, you still carry little knowledge about what drives my urges. As for being a Strumpet, I haven't quite slipped so far. One does need to have some taste after all." Cie's gaze roamed over him slowly now with a faint curl of a smile on rose pale lips. "Ye spoke of fear, and yet, ye stand amidst the storm with arms lifted to the sky. Ye revel in the possibility that I am more than ye perceive." His shades began to swirl about him, sharing ephemeral shapes through the veil to be devoured by the blackness of his shadow. Veighn smiled a cruel smile then.

"I grow more fond of ye by the moment." The "Black Wizard" chuckled, and this turned into laughter. Booming laughter, which began to echo acoustically off the walls of the inn, shaking the glass and panes in the windows, the dust falling from between slatted rafters and the wood of the floors and walls vibrated with the deep base. He leered at her from his vantage, the dark mixing equally with the crimson and scarlet in his eyes, swirling and shifting like pools of liquid fire.

"Those like you, play the game of tease far better then likes of me Milord." A hand moved towards him, stopping just short of those wards of his and she smiled a wicked little grin at noticing that leer of his. "I am hardly the fool you think me Milord. I see little use in lusting after one I can't even touch. Would leave the palate flat and dry after all."

Veighn's laughter faded like water through the fingers of an open hand. He staunched the wards, for the most part, lessening the blackness of the haze around him. His mouth shut, though his eyes retained their look, and he stepped closer, passing her hand through the frightful chill and hellish heat of the atmosphere surrounding him. Just barely, it was bearable, and he leaned in, the darkness began to fill his gaze more so than the brightness of the fire. A breath's distance from her cheek, his features neared. Air pulled though his nostrils caressed her flesh just before.

Her scent, captured in the full gravity of the aroma, the scent of sanguine humor beneath the shell, hot as hell's forge. His lips parted, and he breathed, the breath a striking contrast to the sensations brought by hid deadly wards, though lessened they were, they'd fell a mortal within an instant. Electric pin pricks across the nape of her neck and behind the column of spinal stem. The air grew static, and the scent of ozone was rich in the air surrounding them. His potent Laws mingling with the sweet, decadent stench of Chaos, like the ruttings of beasts, and the purity of chastity born anew. It was holy, and blasphemous all in one fell swoop. He then stepped aside, moving from her near proximity.

There was a glimmer of bronze scales before the wards redoubled their position with such ferocity that the air charged and crackled around him. He pivoted, regarding her with hellfire eyes once more.

The smile widened slowly, offering a peek at the small fang points seldom seen as he drew even closer still and she chuckled again, impervious to the heat he radiated as eyes that bled red into the pale of green darkening and shone at the sensory impressions made by him and then glowed with unholy amusement as he drew back. "Ah, upon the surface you might appeal to the baser nature, but even I suspect you play the part of the seducer quite well without intention of a conclusive reward."

"Oh, tis the culmination of events that beckons my pike-stave to arise." That could have been a lie, or the truth. Who knew, but that rich chuckling of voices came again, off-kilter and mixed in a cacophony of sounds, more discordant and detached than their normal harmonious nature.

"Oh' I am sure it likely is all very intricate and involved, perhaps even time consuming, Aye?" A low purr floated in her quietly spoke words, deigned to roll along the senses, enticing and warm upon nerve endings as Cieara regarded Veighn with an eerily glittering of blood darkened green eyes and then smiled again serenely looking almost tranquil.

"Send Belial my regards..." He turned suddenly, making his way toward the exit of the inn. Ten paces from the door, the dark miasma surrounding his figure descended upon him, and Veighn melted into the stretch of his own shadow upon the floor and disappeared completely from the establishment. The air crackled and sizzled in the wake of his presence, warping the view like bent light before it too lingered no more, the scent of ozone and spices left behind.

Cieara's eyes moved off for a moment, as if listening to something and then glanced back to the Mage and casually swept a wandering auburn curl back behind the delicately tapered ear and as Veighn fled, low mellow warm laughter followed, carried with the wind as she seriously doubted anything she had attempted effected that one, but he played the part well. If he wasn't so bloody arrogant he might be amusing.


Date: 2007-05-19 16:06 EST
Speak oft of the devil, and he will manifest was the way the tale was told. So true to that tale, the Black Wizard's presence had come to be. It was a common thing, dark edges, dark corners, shadows and the lack of lighting that made many places so dark. The oil lamp refused the flame in a booth near the center bisection of the commons suddenly. Darkness, as black the face of the moon during an eclipse, seemed more an inky mass or veil as it filled the space of the booth suddenly. Spheres, like tiny hellfire stars blossomed like a rose in sped-up time, almond cast reshaping them as they cast angular shadows across bronze-dusted visage swathed in shades of ephemeral grays and deep blacks.

A soft snort as Cieara picks up the shifting of light, her innate nature making that difficult for her to ignore and her gaze swung towards the darkest point with an arching of a brow.

"Speak of the Devil Aunt Belial." Sensing Icer's tension Cie's frost kissed green eyes swept over that way in concern. Apparently she was as aware of that one as others and then attention returned to her Aunt.

Since Belial's sitting at the bar, she hasn't really noticed that Yhaull has arrived. Waving down a tender hadn't worked so she hops off her bar stool and heads behind the bar. Taking up the coffee pot with a soft, "Excuse me", to any in her way. In no time she has a fresh pot brewing.

Bel takes a casual lean as she waits for the pot to finish brewing, that green gaze roaming the commons, coming to rest on Storm and Ewan. She's heard of the pair but has yet to meet them....a glance over to her niece with a nod towards pair.

"He's the one Sid was telling me about, eh' The one working out the city watch?" Distracted momentarily by the arrival of Taneth, Bel gives the lady a smiling wave.

Topping of her own glass Cie didn't bother to move, just retained that relaxed and casual recline in her seat with a look over at her Aunt. "I am not sure Aunt Bel. I can't ever keep up with all Aunt Sid knows, since it's likely the whole of the city."

A warm smile lifted the somber cast of Cie's features as she lifted a hand to wave to Taneth as well. A mellow laugh follows. "Evening, Taneth, sweet."

"Oh, I am sure it is he....And she....She was at the house only hours after he left....They came to see Kitty." Bel quietly relates to Cie.

Veighn took note of the Ice dragon and her entourage, as well as his garnered spy, speaking with another woman he now knew to be Lady Belial. The reference to aunt, aside from the scrying of her shadow substances and the like a few days prior had gifted him with more foresight than he cared to admit.

He is a black silhouette swathed in shadow, resting in the lighter confines of a still very dark booth. It seems to radiate darkness, and even a small bit of horror as the waves of fear flowed forth from his aura like malice personified. It is a tangible thing, though muted greatly from its true force, still quite considerable even at the smallest of fractions. Eyes, whiteless and pupiless, pan the interior from his vantage.

That green gaze of Bel's flickers to "the booth of threatening darkness" with a quirk of full red lips, she softly murmurs an aside to her niece. "Let me guess..."

"Your Mage has arrived as well Aunt Belial." Cie didn't deign to even look towards the eerie darkness he radiated, as she suspected her Elder was well aware.


Date: 2007-05-19 16:10 EST
Belial nods to Cie but her coffee is done....She grabs up a mug and fills it to the brim with the hot sludge. "Coffee, anyone?" offered loudly, although she has no intent on serving it. Leave that to the tenders, it's their duty after all.

"Quite astute, m'Lady. Though tis not an attempt to impress. A pleasure." Veighn spoke from across the room, and his discordant voice, one of three - the latter two lying dormant for a time - cut the atmosphere like a scythe through dry wheat.

Cie isn't going to drink coffee, but another sip of rum is welcome. It aids in easing the ache in her shoulder as internal damage is slowly being repaired. Flesh and bone wounded earlier in battle, but to look at her, one wouldn't notice a thing. There is no blood, or overt injury bandaged by healers.

Bel sashays from behind the bar, pausing beside Cie to contemplate her response to the Black Wizard. Again in a soft murmur meant for Cie alone" although she is well aware Veighn heard her before" no reason to assume he won't this time. "He always like this?"

"Having only watched him for a short time, I can only answer *always*." Cie's voice drops to a velvet whisper as she regards Belial with a glittering green gaze. "He's a tease Aunt Bel, but tis nae real."

"Well, niece, wish me luck..." Belial can't help it, she feels like she's about to enter the Lion's Den and its not a feeling she enjoys....Measured steps lead her towards "the booth of darkness". A hint of a smirk plays over full, red lips as she considers what Cie has told her.

A tease is he" Well....two can play that game...

"Good Luck Aunt Belial. Hopefully you chat with that one will go far better then my attempt did." A fleeting smirk played over elegant features and Cie found herself chuckling low and whiskey warm.

Yeah, Bel's pretty sure her chat will go much worse"

Veighn did not speak up when Cieara decided it amusing to color a new perspective with old bias. His cowl low over the crown of his head, he subdued the darkness around him enough to allow her to see at least the outline of his eldritch features, those apparent anyway. The cast of red glow from his eyes leaving a glimmering presence as if the man's face were but a mask, yet it moved as fluidly in expression as any other expressive face. His sundry smile was donned, and he gestured with his hand toward a nearby chair, and then to the bench of the semi-circle booth he was taking up residence in for the time being. His gaze hooded and his hands folded, talons clicking against the wood, atop the table.


Date: 2007-05-19 16:16 EST
Laughter warms the sheen of pale green eyes as Cie turns to peer over at Taneth. "Something wrong Taneth Sweet' Is my nose in the wrong place perhaps?" With a shift and another swallow of rum she places the glass down to rub her upper arm lightly. All the while keeping a watch on that darkness of the booth across from where she sat.

Belial comes to a stop before "the booth of threatening darkness". Green eyes dance over the occupant while she takes in the dark throb of power surrounding him. Interesting, she thinks as she continues her assessment. So far she's ignored his offer to sit, rather she takes a lean against the opposite side of the booth from him and grants him her most beatific of smiles.

"Good evening, Milord. My name is Belial. Lord Long Lankyn has sent me to speak with you. Do you have a moment?"

"A moment." Veighn considered her at length, using the pause between words to do so. "I had thought that ye found me beneath ye notice, so I was wondering whether or not ye'd show at all."

He steeples his hands once more atop the table, lifting his gaze to hers. The Shar"Vae shifts and flows like ink, painting the air about him in somber tones. The effect, to some, is undoubtedly considered on the side of the macabre and nefarious. Quirking his lips to one side, he contemplates the situation.

"So now ye come....Though precious time is, I do believe I shall grant ye a few moments. It pleases me to do so." Needlessly stated. "A pleasure, as stated before. Now, I am sure I donnae have to introduce myself. I hear tell that ye have amassed a bit of information about myself, so I donnae think an introduction is muchly needed."

Cieara gave a faint stretching, and yes she was certainly listening. The words regarding information brought a faint smirk to rose-pale lips along with a slanted flick of frosty green eyes towards that booth and the pervading darkness it held.

Veighn seems petulant and tricky....but with a certain dark charm. Belial is ever cautious to give little of her true nature away, although she realizes very well indeed that he's seeking such clues. Her smile never falters as she listens, a slight cant to her head, green eyes steady upon the Black Wizard. What had Cie said" That he is a tease....Yes, she can see that about him, but not now, not while dealing with her. He seems to have taken offense.

"My thanks, Milord and you are indeed correct. No need for further introductions...

"As for your comment about my coming now" I had not been aware that you were waiting for us....And whatever information we've gathered, you must confess it was brought on by your interactions with one of our own....Did you think that marking Tasha would pass by unnoticed" Certainly, you expected to gain some attention from such an act...? Bel speaks quiet yet firmly, she is aware of the Black Wizard's power, but she is not testing it. Not yet anyway.


Date: 2007-05-19 16:20 EST
Luse pushes in, but not before pausing at the half open door and flicking his smoke out into the night.

Belial notes Luse's arrival....but she does not react to it. She is otherwise occupied and she doubts the Black Wizard would take kindly to any show of disrespect, intentional or otherwise. Indeed....she would not dare such trespass at this time.

"She had informed me of such." Veighn smirks, the amusement quaint.

Belial is reserved, and cautious. Collected even. He withdraws into his own personal Shadows, lowering his chin all the while.

"Though the arrangement of which ye speak was one she had entered into of her own volition and free will. Perhaps her greed had caused her the sloth of mind to move without taking heed to the signs. The agreement was plainly stated, and deliberate. She accepted it. She knew me well enough by that time that she might have exercised more caution, perhaps taking pause to examine the words at every conceivable angle, however, as I had suspected, she did not. Hence, why ye are here now." He made a sweeping gesture with his hand, a flick of his fingers and a smooth roll of his wrist before slipping those hands into the opposite sleeves of his robes, crossing his arms abroad his chest.

A hand lifts as Cieara waves to Luse; the other retains hold on the bottle of rum. Cie gives him a warm smile that thawed that chill in the pale green eyes. "Evening Uncle Luse."

A nod and Luse is moving in Cieara's direction.

"Aunt Bel was just asking about you earlier. She will be pleased to see you. Once she's done with the" Black Wizard there." A flick of a gloved digit in the direction of Veighn and Belial and a faint twisting of rose pale lips.

"Yeah." Luse sets his bag down and takes a seat with her. If he knew anything about what was going on with anything here, it didn't show.

Cieara holds up the bottle or spiced rum and nods towards Luse as he sits down with her. "Want some" Or would you rather whiskey' Was on the front earlier. Daddy's line collapsed under a sudden surge of Torvien's. Seems that one has gotten in some fresh forces and trying to push Daddy back."

"No, I'm fine with the alcohol, Cie." Luse nods to himself. "That prick still around?"

"Draconian forces. Those are less then amusing to deal with." Cie murmurs with an idle lift of her hand to rub at her left shoulder lightly, reminded by the dull throb of her injury sustained earlier. "Yes, alas."

"Your dad's getting old." Luse quips with a semi-smile.

"Just when Daddy thinks he has him pinned....more forces arrive. We don't know where Torvien is getting the funds for it."

"Does it matter?"


Date: 2007-05-19 16:24 EST
A warm, husky chuckle falls as Bel grants Veighn a slight nod, dampening her scent, playing down her otherworldly features. She has no intentions of offering him more knowledge of herself than need be. He is quick of mind and she suspects he knows how to exploit and manipulate quite expertly. He's practically confessed such with his words.

"Yes, Tasha is a child, very young in experience and years....I am sure you are already aware?" She makes it more a statement than a question. "You should know that her father is the Leader of our Family." Her words hold no threat....that's not the intention at this time.

"Therefore you can also understand why he would prefer that the deal between you and his daughter be renegotiated. He invites you to meet with him, milord....however....there are a few....small stipulations. Again? I am sure you will understand..." She is being incredibly cordial....far more than typical of her considering the circumstances...

"Aye, it does to Daddy." Cie casts a look over at Luse as if he had gone a bit mad from to much sea air. "If we can determine the source we can take them down next."

"You mean after he gets through being pushed back by new forces?" a semi-smile. Luse has no doubt that Luc can do it....but he's kind of upset to see Cie so worried.

"Well, you speak with him about it, if you have some other options that would work. Daddy resents every bit of ground he loses after all. Today, he lost a bit, but still holds the Trailvar." naming a small township nearest that location of Cie's father's current march.

"I am sure there are and I will hear them out. I have some of mine own as well. I'm sure that the whole of the founding heads of ye Noble line and myself can arrange for an amicable agreement benefiting both parties." Veighn smiles at the dampening of her scent, her aura. Is that brimstone in her blood, his nostrils had taken to flaring.

The Shadows and Shar"Vae Shades shifted once again, emitting a hiss of nigh unintelligible words: "Demon", "Half-fiend", "Chao-spawn", and "Fallen Ones". These words echoed in the dark, sinister and foreboding, like a doom call. His chin rose again, allowing more light to enter into the shadows of his hood.

Luse nods. "I will...he's on the list. He lost a couple of acres of land that wasn't his 3 months ago, Cie."

"Aye, that is quite true, but you know Daddy." ::Cie's soft laughter falls for a moment and then followed by another swig of rum. "In that time he's taken a good 1000 acres of land, but once it is his" He resents losing even a blade of grass."

"I understand the strategy of the thing, and you're dad is probably the best war mind I've ever met. But he's a perfectionist. If it was easy and perfect, they wouldn't call it war...they'd call it a fucking walk." Quips Luse with another semi-smile.

"Aye, but there is also something else bothering him. Some threat from another source. One that apparently got a little to close to Kaelyn. Even found a way to cross the wards and that also needles Daddy."

Luse arches a brow. "I'm guessing he didn't elaborate."

Cie noted that arched brow and just gave a slow nod. "It's true. Some mage sort." Her tone tainted with disgust. "Didn't have a chance to do harm, but did screw with her mind."

"I hate mages. Hate magic.? Luse mutters darkly.


Date: 2007-05-19 16:39 EST
So far so good....if Belial could pat herself on the back, without offending, she would....Bel has kept her cool, stayed on point and, in her eyes anyway, behaved herself admirably. Now, if she can only keep it up!

Her smile widens with sincerity as she visibly begins to relax. Almost as if the lifting of his chin, the chasing of some of the shadows from his features offer her a greater comfort....almost....There is an air about her that whispers of things far grandeur than Below....She leans to a nearby table, graceful and elegant in movement, too smooth for mere human, and sits her cold mug of coffee aside. Straightening she turns that green gaze back towards him, momentarily taking advantage of the spill of light on his face.

Not an unhandsome male by the little she can see of him....but the thought is fleeting. Bel isn't looking to get laid....Again she offers him an angelic smile. "Milord, we welcome you in our home, but we ask that you understand that, at least on this initial visit, your magics and technologies will be suspended. We can't allow you access otherwise....But' I am happy to hear what terms you offer....and shall carry them to my Lord."

Veighn snickers, glancing the woman over, slowly. It is as though he is looking through her now, and the weight of his will floods forth from behind those eyes. It was merely a fraction, though again, like the aura of fear surrounding him, and the Shar'Vae Shades swathing his form, it is only a fraction, muted and blunted to a scaled degree.

"Elaborate. There is more to it to that. Details, I'd expected as much." He continues to look at her, almost as if he were glaring through the woman's physical shell, past her, to whatever esoteric knowledge lay beyond. "Though I would love to hear the details of what all this talk of technologies and magics entail."

Bel feels the pressure against her....a pulse, a dark throb of alien power....It doesn't push past her boundaries, or seem to threaten her yet the presence of his will is felt....but not recognized for he'd kept it far too muted. A break in her facade as the smile flickers to a slight frown but as quickly as it came it's gone. Perhaps he'd miss it completely'

She gives him a slow measured nod, picking her words with care. "To allow you unfettered access to the grounds of our home, without having a promise of safety would be foolhardy of us, Milord....surely you understand" Should your meeting with Long Lankyn go well, you will certainly have such restrictions removed. What it means" In the most simple of terms is that you will not be able to work spells while on our property....And what technologies you hold will be nullified....but only while you are within our grounds....Once you depart what talents and toys you have will be fine..."


Date: 2007-05-19 16:40 EST
"A token of faith is indeed a nicety one in Lord Lankyn's position would expect of a potentially dangerous visitor within his demesne. That is understandable, rest assured. Though, for assurances, I donnae feel the same way about offer proffered to me at this junction.

"Ye see, I have a notion that Lankyn is every bit as paranoid about his safety, his holdings, and his family, as I am for mine own well being. Ye offer me a leash, and ask for me to take it eagerly, and without rebuke. I donnae. I am every bit as interested in a civilized meeting, an ambassador stance as ye will. However, I will not lay down my reigns for any man, even for such temporary circumstances as those ye offer now.

"A non-aggression truce is what I would seek in its place. I yield no upper-hand, nor take the position of the aggressor in this aforementioned situation. However, I would not bare my chest to a den full of daggers to have at me should emotions flare. It is a tempting though, and almost provocative in its careful deliberation. Though I find it somewhat of an oxymoron; for Chaos to grant Laws to Law, as has been stated here."

"Reins Milord" You have such upon you to lie down?" A delicate brow arches as Bel watches him closely.

Veighn tilts his head as she interjects her comment, his bow mirroring her own. "Do ye see me through rose-tinted lenses" Do I smell as sweet' Do I look as fragile as a silken petal" Do I wilt in lack of life-giving water" Semantics, my dear lady, and I know well the price of such words. Armed as he is, so armed will I be in my defense. Nae, I will nae agree to those terms stated. I offer others. Consider them without haste, and offer me something else in kind. I set aside the aforementioned terms; by ye own word, for a new set that would be just as agreeable."

In a soft murmur Cie comments to Luse, "That one so loves to hear himself talk I think. Dreadful tease as well." She shot a frosty slant of eyes towards the darkness Belial was conversing with and a faint snort broke from soft lips.

Bel chuckles softly as she shakes her head. "You wish a pact of nonaggression, is this correct, Milord?"

"Not so easily defined. Nae. Non-aggression, meaning, me and mine....will not take the aggressor's stance against ye and yours at this time of dealing. That means spies, employed or crafted by one means or another. That means family, extended and immediate; allies and friends, guardians and others. I wish a security, and privacy, and grant that in kind. No records unless agreed upon whilst in the meeting. None but the House's Heads, and Myself." Veighn continues.

"He's one of the reasons I've cut my stay on the Kuru short." Ask Luse if he likes this fact.

Cie whispers softly in response to Luse. "Daddy is still most annoyed at that mage too. He is the one that marked Tasha after all." A look of surprise. "I am sure Kit will miss your hands, but I believe Tasha will be glad you're back around."

Luse pauses and eyes Cieara most deadly-like.


Date: 2007-05-19 16:42 EST
"We will deliberate until all is concluded, until every plan of action has been met to an agreeable portion to both parties. Then, and until I am safely away, will I follow the non-aggression treaty. Pacts, should there be any, will come be something broached during the meeting. No collecting of energies. As hospitality dictates, I wish to be received as a welcomed guess, facade or nae, make it as believable as possible. I would have my comforts assured, as will ye. I will be the guest, and ye family, Lankyn at its head, the host. Once wine and salt have been taken, one may not aggress against the other under the Laws of Civilized Hospitality."

"Bel said she made friends with him....What's this marked bollocks?" Luse demands. Cie shrugs at Luse's question. "Tasha makes friends with that type usually, but I think that one, be only using her." The drink was making her speech slip back into older habits of much younger days. "She be havin' a mark on her palm now. One of his." A jerk of her chin in the direction of Veighn and Belial. "Burned there deep and has her aura in an uproar. Tis that which has Daddy livid."

"So he marked her as someone he's using" So it's a literal sense, huh?" Luse grits of his teeth.

"According to Daddy...marked is marked. Though the agreement was mutual at the time by what Tasha has told me. Mind ye, she is the one to make friends with a dead dragon. One Daddy utterly loathes beyond death. So tis likely she might be friendly with that one, but I suspect otherwise. Ye be knowing Tasha." Cie pauses to take another swig of spicy rum and chuckled softly as pale green eyes swept over from the Mage back to Luse. "She be the eternal hugger, and she can nae be touchin' tha' one."

Veighn has a valid point....Bel has to agree" she would not walk into a potential hornets nest without having her abilities intact. Why should he" But she doesn't have the right to such negotiations....she will have to speak to Corwyn before she can offer anything more.

Bel nods, knowing that the interaction between them is being recorded....Unfortunately the Bloods are not the only ones keeping an eye on the Red Dragon these days....Sid had informed her only nights ago of the other image orbs present.

"Milord, I will have to speak to Lord Long Lankyn about this....I do not have the authority to negotiate here....However I will seek his council immediately and will be happy to return to you at your convenience.? Her tone brooks no arguments, because she speaks in earnest and truth. She has to take his stipulations to Corwyn.


Date: 2007-05-19 16:48 EST
"More detail, would be expressed in a place that would be free of looker's on. It seems this vat of honey before ye have come to draw flies, and they settle hungrily on the walls, gleaning what they may with bellies full of larvae to lay waste to the sweet bridge I wish to construct over the chasm between mine house and ye own." The bit of sarcasm, though rich in the voice Veighn's worked to manifestation by one of three narrow something he is sure does not fall on deaf ears.

Veighn takes a stoic expression, nodding his consent. "Give him my best wishes in the war he wages, and I shall look forward to a meeting with him, should he agree to the terms. Is there anything else he wishes for ye to express to me, or is this the only notion he grants ye to bring to my attention' I assume, perhaps correctly, that he would discuss further his intentions face to face?" The last is more a statement than a question. He withdraws the weight of his will, eyes lidded to half-mast position as he lowers his chin again, cowl obscuring his features in utter blackness.

A bit of a flounce in her chair, Cie winced faintly as the movements made her arm ache more then usual and annoyed her instantly. In a low tone she mutters. "Should be laws about how those like that can look."

"Fucking arrogant prat, isn't he?" snaps Luse.

"I saw that Lich the other day as well. Seems he's been made aware of that mage Aunt Bel speaks with now and has a dislike of him." an evil little curling of a smile touching Cie's pale lit features briefly. "I think that would be a very interesting battle to witness."

Veighn's words are indeed dead on. He is no fool and fully aware of much more than they'd anticipated. Bel nips at her lower lip contemplatively as she nods. And for the first time considers him a potential ally in the days ahead rather than an enemy he's been assumed....Could such a course happen" The choice isn't hers to make....But her duties are far from done....Corwyn needs to hear what Veighn had to say....and she feels the sooner the better!

"My thanks for understanding Milord....I will speak to Lord Long Lankyn posthaste....And perhaps we should pick another location for our next meeting?"

Luse turns to Cie, about fed up with mages and all things mystical and spooky this day. "Which mage?"

"Indeed, I shall send my Witch, Malvhista, to prepare the place. I would like one of ye own to partake in the safe-guarding of the secret meeting in turn, so that equal hand in the fashioning of defenses should be met with accordingly.? Veighn responds to Bel's inquiry.


Date: 2007-05-19 16:49 EST
"Ah," Cie replies to Luse softly, "that one over there in the shadows. Lord Veighn Yhaull be the name I was given. Pretty as ye could like for a male, but rather caught up in his own vanity. Pity really." An auburn brow arching slightly as she glances to Luse.

"Crow, we're back on him now, huh?"

"The Slaver be of little concern. He's nae been around since Mum started to hunt him. So there be that one there, then Daug of course along with his pets and some vampire clan seeking Tasha."

"Slaver" Daug, I know..."

"Ahh...and yes...Viki has been abducted. I could nae forget that as it has caused a bit of chaos unbound." A slow nodding of Cie's head. "Seems one attempted a Force collaring of one of ours" Lord Travanix was the name."

Luse grits his teeth. "Viki....The....she talked in rhymes, right?"

"Aye, that she does....but seems much and if one listens....they will learn volumes. Some creature by the name of Irrykin seems to be the culprit on the stealing of our seer, but he also hides. Though Daddy did mention Tasha had a run in with him." Cie responds.

Eavesdropping ears took up notice of the conversations at hand. Keen senses of acuity were a manifestation of Veighn's preternatural perceptions. He was indeed taking notes on the matters at hand, all inclusive.

Veighn is correct in assuming that Corwyn would do his own dealing with the mage, Bel has been sent merely to offer the invite and lay down the ground rules....Rules he's dismissed. A slow nod granted the Black Wizard.

"I shall tell Lord Lankyn of your choices, Milord..." With a slight bow of her head as Bel steps from her lean, intent now on departing his" company. "Good evening, Milord, mayhap we shall meet again....Mayhap....Not..."

"Not likely she's going to talk to some slaver..." Luse cracks a kink out of his neck. "Oh, so many things need to be set right.....Brutally and finally."

"As the fate-staves fall....M'Lady Belial. Well met, and farewell." Veighn's tones cryptic, betraying no emotion except cordial exchange.

There was a line in the famous "Alice's Restaurant" where Arlo is in the Viet Nam recruiting office....and to get out of serving he quips "I want to kill....I...I want to kill...."

"Simply put, ye be needed around here aye?? Cie softly mutters the aside to a seemingly distracted Luse. A flick of frosty green eyes towards the Mage as Cie catches the final comments and a faint smile in dark amusement is granted.

Bel isn't quite sure how to take the Black Wizard's parting comment....Spinning on her heels, she takes up the mug as she passes by the table, heading towards the bar. She will need to seek out Lankyn and quickly' It seems the Black Wizard isn't taking the bait he wanted her to offer. Indeed, the mage has proven to be as slippery as an eel and as sly as a fox. Bel is forced to ponder where all of this will end up leading them.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-19 22:27 EST
There's just so many ways you never needed to be. Like cuts of empty space that never leaves your side. Now wipe that stupid look off of your face. You're not the finest one, you're not the only one. You're just a disease that stains the lips tonight. You are the disease that's in my life.

Evan Blue - Dark that Follows

Sliding silently from the darkness just outside the inn door, she took a moment to adjust, eyes gleaming catlike in the dim light and with a sharp turn in a heel Cieara moved towards the entrance with a liquid glide of motion. A slow sweeping turn of her gaze over the Inn and a faint smile touched rose pale lips as she instantly moved towards her brother while pushing the dark hood of her cloak back from a cascade of rich auburn curls.

Gloved fingers wrapped around the bottle on Daniel's table and lifted it up to sniff, and a slight crinkling of her nose followed. "Ale is your choice for the night Big Brother?"

Lowering his mug to rest on his thigh, Daniel chuckled softly at her question. "Depends, Little Sister. Do you want ale, or something else?" He was up for a change, if it suited his palate.

Placing it down quietly with a low husky laugh and she moved towards the bar. "I'll be back in a moment" Circling her way around the counter with fingers tugging coins from her money pouch to drop into the till. "Something else." Cieara called back the short distance to Daniel.

A bottle of spiced rum collected, having developed a taste for it as it was usually what Cieara's and Daniel's father kept on hand when warring and snapped up two shot glassed with nimble ease before returning to the table.

"Your choice, then." Danny state before draining the last of his mug, it was set to the tabletop, and for a half-moment he sat up, to exchange chairs for his foot prop. The other chair near the wall now free for her.

A low whiskey warm chuckle as Cieara noticed Daniel had moved, knowing her so well and just sank down with graceful movements and the faint whispering of leather in protest. "Thanks Danny." Her words followed by a sharp crack of the bottle's seal and two glasses deftly poured.

Cieara turned a pale green glance to the blade on the table and lips curled as the glass rose up and paused. "Rough day on the front line?" Taking a drink from the glass and then shifted back in her seat legs crossing lazily as the back the chair was tilted to rest against the wall behind her. Sending a nod and a smile turned towards Icer, catching sight of her across the room and then slanted another curious glance to her brother.

"No problem, sis." Leaning forward, Daniel took the shot-glass in leather-clad fingertips, and then settled back again. "Wasn't there today. I was up at Shadowhold and Onyx House most of the day." A soft 'tink' of glass to glass before the shot was downed.

"Ahh, and what did you learn there, anything of interest' Like something about that Mage perhaps?" There was humor on Cieara elegant features for a moment as she tucked a few wandering curls back over a delicately pointed ear and gazed quizzically at Daniel.

"No, nothing directly." Shifting, Daniel grabbed the bottle and refilled their glasses."I peeked in on Kitty for a sec, and the rest of the time I was running messages back and forth. Somethings up.

"Aye, I saw Uncle Trev the other day and he was setting up patrols. I wasn't added of course, but that is only due to Daddy's war taking a bit of a slide I suspect." A slow rolling of the refreshed glass Cieara sent the liquid within rolling around the very rim of the lip before taking another sip.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-19 22:35 EST
Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes Of strange illuminated mannequins Shall I stay here at the zoo Or should I go and change my point of view For other ugly scenes Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes

Alphaville- Big in Japan

Daniel glanced to the side at the two horndogs, and he moved a hand to hide the soft chuckle. But it was only fleeting, as he looked to Cie again. "Dad's brought in more men. I even saw Delana at that barracks he's set up."

"Well, that isn't a surprise either. I suspect Daddy knows more about what is going on then we do after all." Placing her glass down for a moment, gloves were tugged from Cie's delicate fingers and she gave a faint smile.

"Probably. I know he's been distracted the last few days."Nudging Cie, Daniel nodded over to the disaster in the, Reap, on a mission from Baker.

Frosty green eyes swung towards Reap curiously, Cieara having no idea what stupidity the male was up to, but it would likely be of some amusement.

Downing his shot, the tumbler was set on the table between them, as Daniel peered around Cie's shoulders, also watching. "Bet you 5 gold she slaps him." Said softly, to his sister.

"I won't take that bet. If it were me, I would have to break him in two on general principle." Cieara whispered back, a faint smirk touched her pale lit features for a moment as she leaned to rest her chin around curling fingers to watch with a glint of pale green eyes.

"What is this Brale they keep spewing about?" Cieara's brow arching slightly as it appeared to escape her understanding.

"According to what the Gossip paper said, it's something to do with dipping a woman's breast in a tankard of ale." Daniel shrugged a bit, reaching for the bottle. "Guess it's like a body shot."

A look of distaste fluttered over her features at the mere suggestion of that and she slanted a narrowed eyed look at her brother. "I see little good coming from such a thing. Tis a vile act and obviously demeaning to the woman."

"From what I understand, a body shot is much more fun."Daniel stated as he was pouring another glassful of the spiced rum.

"Break him!" Cieara called out to Riley, as the man did deserve it by taking such liberties after all and she rather thought it would serve him right to boot.

Daniel had seen the loud entrance by Kairee, peripherally, but for the moment, was trying to stop the soft laughter, marked with an occasional wince. And they did stop, as he looked around, eyes narrowing slightly as he felt a rippling in the Weave. A hand moved to lightly touch Cie's arm.

"Ah, I feel it also Danny." A ghost of a smirk touching Cie's lips as she glanced around, picking up on the mild disturbance of energy. Her glance sliding back to Daniel and she gave a slow nod, a ghost of a smirk touching rose pale lips as she looked over, feeling the ripple of shadows and just gave a light shake of her head. Then commented to her brother very softly. "Not sure what to make of that one at all."

Daniel nodded slowly. She had understood and replied in the same low tone. "That's been the problem, from what I understand."

"Well as long as Daddy doesn't hear what that one thinks of me, I think Aunt Belial can keep him from confronting the Mage. Although, Daddy is still pretty angry about that mark of his on Tasha." Cieara replied with another sweeping of pale green eyes about the inn.

A flicker, subtle - startlingly so - and unnatural; Black on black, black fell into black, and the shadows became sentient things. The movement stirred the air. The scents of stale alcohol were overpowered with the scent of ozone and spice. Shadows stilled, quieting.

"From what I saw, so is that Lich. If lucky that one will take on the mage and deal with the issue without making it into a family event." Cieara's head lifting at the wafting hint of spice and she smirked again faintly and her words fell into a velvet soft whisper. "And who spies now eh?"

A glance to the Amazon Jewell had introduced him to, then back to Reap. "Oh, this should be fun. Muttered, more than anything, Cie's comment, took away any levity gained from watching the Reap and Baker romp. "Yeah." Leaning to set the still-full shot glass to the table, Daniel casually reached over and tugged the peaceknot on Deathlight's hilt free.

Cieara Muttered. "Knowing that Mage, he will assume we are hear spying." Her head lifting and then a slow wickedly little smile played over the pale lit features with a flicker of laughter in her frosty green eyes. "However, I will point out that we where here first."

Shadow receded into shadow, the taste of static in the air becoming a non-pulse in its charge. Nothing.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-19 22:42 EST
As the storm begins to rise Wild were the winds that came In the thunder and the rain Nothing ever could contain The rising of the storm In the wings of ebony Darkened waves fill the trees Wild winds of warning Echo through the air Blackmore's Night - The Storm

"He's going to learn, things don't revolve around him." Growled softly, as Daniel took up his glass and drained it, the small tumbler set back to the table with a soft 'thunk'. "Frelling swine can't face any man, has to pick on women."

Cieara didn't know the Scath sister well, but knew what they looked like so watched the large woman for a moment before glancing at her brother and offering a laugh. "Well it's not as if he had picked weaker ones like that slaver type does."

Daniel shook his head slowly, the ink black ponytail falling over his left shoulder. "First someone targets Kaely, then Tasha, then Viki. We had those bounty hunters hanging around awhile back..." he trailed off with a soft Elven curse.

The dragon flickered into view beside Cieara, blinking and cursing the Nexus in Draconic.

Jewell climbs the stairs from the Arena wearily, bruises already forming on her shoulders from Cor's beating. Headed straight for the bar when a grin blossoms upon seeing Issy and she changes her course. They'd been missing each other so much recently with scouting schedules and nighttime activities. Yeah, she was gonna be rude as Issy was chatting with Ewan and all but she walked right up to her and held up her left hand in her face. The one with the ring and all.

Offering a gentle pat upon Icer's neck and a sympathetic smile touched Cieara's elegant features as she made a soft comment to the dragon. "Oh I know just what you mean Lady Icer."

Brow arching as Cie watched Jewel, then a soft laugh as she noticed the rock on Jewel's finger and hummed a few bars of the Wedding March before glancing at Icer. "Don't think yours be the only ones. The Nexus does seem to enjoy biting into my family as well Milady."

Reaching for the bottle, Daniel glanced over to Cie and Icer, a brow rising slightly at the humming.

Icer remained beside Cieara and nodded, then she peered toward her sister

Shadow rose along the wall adjacent to booth's placement, it rippled as an arch formed a high lintel of tangible black substance. Another shimmer of darkness, and then it began to swirl. Shar'vae Shade-swathed, robed insidious Black Wizard stepped into view as the shadow-walk corridors fell into non-existence after the exit.

Daniel leaned back, but coughed softly, forced.

Muscles tensed again as spotted the Black Wizard, but Icer still grinned catching the kiss from her sister, Jewell. "Congratulations Empress."

"Thanks, Icer! I really am excited." Nodding her head as Jewell replied to the Lady Dragon. "I think Stephen must be absolutely crazy."

Frosty green eyes swung towards the arriving Magi with a slight arching of a brow and a faint smile touching her rose pale lips, but the light in Cieara's eyes was far from welcoming, just seemed to be chiller then normal.

A wave for Jewell as Daniel sat up, feet coming to the floor, along with the front two legs of his chair.

Like some shadow-wraith, the nimbus-shrouded magus made his way toward the bar. Crimson gaze illuminating the dark, piercing the bands and tendrils of black surrounding him, his movement flowed like liquid and his vestments billowed as he stirred the atmosphere in his wake.

A turning of her head and Cieara sent a blown kiss to Jewel and a warm smile before looking over at her brother. "The Captain is very smitten and would look that the feeling is mutual."

"So the pirate captain managed to tame her heart." Chuckling softly as he whispered to Cieara. "Guess that means no more morning nudie shows in the Inn." Daniel's smile was genuine, but the eyes glittered with red runners.

As his head turned toward Icer, he affected a vapid expression, eye's lids lowering to half mast. He drew his hand up, stifling a yawn with the back of his hand. There was no pause in his circumnavigation of the tables and strewn-about chairs. He was destined for the bar,

Cieara offered a gentle pat to her brother's arm and a smirk growing on her lips. "I am sure you will survive that big Brother."

An arch of an eye ridge given, but Icer still remained settled beside Cieara and Daniel.

"Well, it was a truly memorable morning." A soft chuckle as Daniel's hand covering Cie's for a second.

Daniel was listening to Jewell's explanation about the effects of Fae blood on vampires and nods slowly, demons blood having similar effects.

Cieara's gaze swing and she stared with faintly narrowed frosty green eyes at Veighn, with her chin resting against curled, black nailed fingers and a hint of a sardonic smile playing on rose pale lips. "I can well imagine that Daniel."

He rode the current of Nexus magic, spanning the once-gap between him to the bar. Phasing back into view, mid-stride, Veighn swiped a choice black bottle from the racks, collecting a snifter before turning. Dust fell from the faded label and turned, carrying the expensive alcohol and crystal from the back bar area.

He watched paused in his movements, taking up the view of Reap taping himself to the seat. A word came to mind, and once spoken, it sounded very flat. "Bondage..."

Another narrowing of eyes as the mage passed and then laughter as Cieara caught the word he said so softly and just gave a shake of her head.

Daniel's attention wavered from the mage to Reap, and a disbelieving blink.

Bondage? The Black Wizard had Reap worried, and tape was being pulled away. He'd much rather risk the nexus than the thought of Veighn and the word bondage together.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-19 22:48 EST
Don't over kill This painless thrill It's bitter still Your pretty pill You wait until You've had your fill I know you will I know you will Breaking Benjamin - Shallow Bay

"Ahh...Perhaps the Mage favors a more alternative lifestyle. Mayhaps ye be more his type Danny." Soft melodic laughter fell from her as Cieara glanced over at Daniel and watched him with an arching of a brow.

A flash of mischief glimmered in those luminescent pools where irises and whites should be. A crooked grin formed his lips, predatorily, as he relaxed to favor one leg with his weight. He slipped the stem of crystal snifter into one hand, and worked at the cork of the bottle with the talon terminating at the end of his right thumb. He looked the man over like a butcher might as he appraised a choice piece of meat.

Cieara did love to tease and torment her brother when she can and just grinned at Daniel wickedly with a curious leaning of her auburn head.

"That's not even funny." Daniel glanced over to her and then pitched his voice a little higher, deliberately for shadow-enshrouded ears. "What goes on in my Playroom wouldn't interest him. First off, it's not any male-on-male actions." A smirk formed, teeth flashed feral. "He might try to frat house for that."

"Mind if I take what?s left of him after ye're through, darling?" Veighn said in an aside to Riley as she approached Reap in her rage. His words had more color to them, per se, as though he might have been hinting at something lewd, had it not sounded so very sinister.

Laughing a bit Cieara patted her brother on the shoulder as more soft whiskey warm giggles spilled free and then nodded. "Aye, but I think that one he's giving the eye to is one of those."

Veighn heard the conversation, turning his head to take Daniel DeAuster into view. Did he just wink at the man' Was that a creepy smile" His head turned before the glimmer of expression made its firebrand impression. Back to the spectacle.

Tossing a shot of spiced rum back against her lips, Cieara turned and regarded Veighn again, intense frosty green eyes trying to see past those shadows of his while another wicked smile touched her soft lips.

No, it was a smile imagining the fresh gout of blood as teeth sank into whatever flesh lay under those shades. Daniel did have a very vivid imagination.

Lord Veighn made his way toward the pair, lingering near Riley's right flank. It seemed he was looking down past her shoulders. His expression receptive as he forced the cork out of the wine bottle with an audible "POP!" "Ye should rip his tongue out.." He said to Riley off-handedly, watching Reap's expressions. "I believe there are some wrought iron tongs behind the bar."

More laughter as Cie watched the Mage, curious as to what mischief he was up to and just nudged her brother lightly.

Twisting in his seat slightly to keep the room in view, Daniel leaned closer to Cie speaking softly. "Who are 'Brits'?"

Cieara offered a lifting of shoulders in a baffled shrug, having no idea what "The Brits" was either and just shook her head, the action sending a cascading of auburn curls dancing along her back.

"Do it..." Meanwhile, Veighn poured his snifter half full of the amber liquor, a little thinner than most alcohol. It had a red tinge to it, however, almost rose, though it had a content stronger than wine, and bubbled.

A shrug to himself, as Brian offered a most respectful nod to the DeAusters.

A smile and a nod back to Brian before Cieara reached for the bottle of spiced rum to refill her glass and glanced at her brother. "Do you want more also?"

"I'm a Brit." Erin Offered to Daniel and Cieara. Everyone else was being ignored, ayup.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-19 23:00 EST
Wish I had your faults, Nothing seems to phase you. Lies, you're much more than just human. I was high up on you, 'Til the shadows, began to crawl. Some say, we can never know. From just how far down, This beast has come.

Chevelle - An Evening with El Diablo

Cieara's pale green eyes swung to Erin in surprise, as she didn't look odd to her. "You look perfectly normal Miss.'

Daniel nodded over toward Lord Ravenlock also, before finally reaching for the shot glass to toss back the fingers-worth of spiced rum.

"Only on the outside." With a wink to Cieara. Then Erin turned back to the pair with her. "Aw, I'm getting dumped from the threesome?" She winks again and sips her drink.

Daniel gaze moved to Erin appraisingly. Nice and round in just the right places, nice hair he thought with speculation.

Erinalle was being appraised" Preened.

Cieara did consider kicking her brother under the table, as she knew the look he had but instead just snickered softly. "Remember what Daddy said about that in RhyDin Daniel." She said in a quiet whisper, using his full name as well for effect.

"Just because I don't buy here doesn't mean I can't consider the potential." Daniel replied in hushed tones, while thinking that sometimes, it was spooky how Cieara did that.

"She's a friend of Viki's. That alone means you can look all you want, but not any of that "Master" stuff you have in mind." The smile Cieara wore was amused of course, but there was a bit of teasing in the tone of voice she used as well.

A wry smirk, and a glance back toward Erin, and then Daniel turned back to Cieara. "She's also well-known around here. Last thing I'd want to do is bring trouble down on the family." And a pointed look in Yhaull's direction. "We have enough right now as it is."

Erin kept up her blank stare to nowhere. She was alone now, and was just kind of listening to the going on's at the bar. What she could hear, anyway. Which wasn't any talk of her social status. A yawn, fingers splayed over her mouth.

Cieara's head leaning towards her brother's darker one and she chuckled softly, then turned to whisper to him again quietly. "Which is another reason why Daddy doesn't think hunting here is all that much worth the headaches it causes."

"True." Tapping his forehead to hers once, gently, Daniel leaned back again in his chair, chuckling softly.

Taking up her refilled glass she tossed back the contents then reached again to pour another, while frosty green eyes swung off to regard the Mage once more, the look searching but slightly curious.

Lord Veighn sipped his libation after swirling it about to let the alcohol "breathe". The bottle rested in his other hand, lowered to his side with the thumb over the mouth of said bottle. He was still watching the two.

The scene dissipated like smoke, and as it did so, he hooked the finger of his bottle-grasping hand about the drape of his robes, lifting the hem before seating himself in the recently vacated stool. It seemed as though that was what Veighn really wanted. It swiveled, and he put the stool's backing toward the bar, watching the room as he propped the bottle atop his robe-covered thigh - shadows shifting about his frame.

"I'm about to head back to Shadowhold and grab some sleep. Figure dad'll want me for something. Besides, need to take mom her day gift." Leaning over Daniel gave Cie a one-armed hug, a gentle squeeze before he stood.

Pressing a kiss to her brothers cheek Cie looked up at him with a wicked smile. "I already gave her mine. But yes, it's likely a good bet Daddy will have you running again tomorrow."

Taking his weapon from the tabletop and clipping it to his belt again, Daniel leaned down to brush a kiss to his little sister's forehead. "Be careful sis."

"Always Big Brother." A warm smile to Daniel as Cieara glanced up at him through the tumble of curls and then chuckles softly. "I shall see you tomorrow I think."

Again, Veighn took that on the vapid expression, his chin lowering as he draped his arm across the backed stool's armrest. He cupped the snifter's bowl in his palm, stem dangling between his fingers, not caring weather the drink got warmer.

No longer needing to share the bottle, fingers wrapped about the neck and lifted it as Cieara rose to her feet nearly silent as leather hissed faintly and just tucked her gloves into the low-slung belt before sauntering off towards the bar.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-20 06:41 EST
You were way out of line When in turned it all around on me again How can I not smell your lie Through the smoke and arrogance But now I know That so you will not get away with it again I'm listening, those hollow lies Puscifer - Undertaker

Hooking the seat beside Veighn with a boot heel, she pulled it a short distance away and slipped in and regarded him and that faux expression he masked his features with and a brow arched slightly. "Does that actually work?"

"Does what work?" He was well aware of her, having caught her movements in the peripheral. Those shadows still shifted, perpetually so, obscuring a goody portion of what lay beneath the hazy aura. Veighn lessened the shadowy bands rippling near his features, lightening them to a smoky blue-gray.

"That faked expression your wearing Milord." A brow arching slightly as Cieara's pale green eyes flickered faintly, able to see into shadows normally, his took a bit more effort on her part, which was unusual, but hardly something she felt a need should worry her.

The dark around the Mage's shoulders and down began to thicken at her shrewd appraisal. His brow arched as he turned his hair to her, lifting the glass again to sip it. " Until now, aye.." The spiced Assii Sparkling Blood Brandy adding a thick huskiness to his dark timbre, the peculiar accent very fluid, like honey or soft velvet."Nobody was bothering me until ye came over."

"Ah, now that is a rather blatant hint that I am bothering you. And here I thought nothing could ruffle your feathers, so to speak." Cieara didn't even attempt to hide the sudden shimmer of laughter that brought an eerie sheen to frosty green eyes and just shrugged. "Public place after all Milord. Much as that might pain you."

"Panther does nae charge me for the beverages, and I'm mostly left to do what I wish. Too, there are many different wines and morsels from many strange places. It amuses me to come here, therefore, I choose this haunt despite the slight irritation that could be endured by unsavory patrons." Veighn took a sip of the bubbly blood brandy once more, turning his features toward her.

"Besides, I think Panther does nae like to deal directly with me, and has found no other means by which he can without placing himself in view of me. One of the main reasons, I believe, I am nae charged for what I help myself to on occasion."

"Unsavory eh?" A whiskey warm laugh and she took a pull from the bottle before sliding down with smooth grace to her feet with on the faintest of leather whispering and glanced at him. "Well then Milord, I shall remove my foul presence from your sphere of notice." And off Cie moved towards the hearth, planning on finishing that bottle before heading for home.

"Ye smell of saliva, by the by." Referring to her brother's kiss. Veighn turned his attentions back toward the nigh empty commons.

Sinking down into one of the plush chairs before the hearth with a lazy crossing of legs and just chuckled quietly to herself as the bottle rose to Cie's lips and she took a healthy swig of the spiced rum.

Lord Veighn drove many to drink, and it was no surprise that she too slung back the alcohol as though she were a desert traveler who'd chanced upon a water skin. Veighn swirled his libation, reaching out and back to place the bottle of the same drink back on the ledge of the bar top.

There was a flicker of crimson, a faint pinpoint amidst the pale depths of green but lost with the dropping of thickly lashed lids and she just smiled to herself, always able to get along well on her own as much as with others.

Resuming faux look, he sat there, brooding over some things, ideas, thoughts. He too let out a bit of laughter, though his was somewhat more smug-sounding.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-20 20:31 EST
Gotta make the list of what is best Gotta make the fist and beat against Have to leave an impression Do you have a suggestion' I'm all out of good ideas The ones you have always put into your ears With all you care to share How did I end up here"

Your signs are pointing to nowhere That's exactly where I won't go Your signs are pointing to nowhere And no one that i know Will ask all you care to show me Care to show me

Nonpoint - Your Signs

The Elven King of Westridge enters to serve (quite literally) the people of Ryh'Din.

Ahh...Now Cieara did have someone to speak with and slowly rose once again, for one that might seem to be partaking liberally of spirits, she didn't move like it and just made her way towards the other end of the bar, giving the vapid seeming mage his space literally.

It's "Late Night With Gavilean" folks...I'm here to serve. Remember, time flies when you're having rum. Gav called out to the patrons in the bar. Sees few here, but that's to be expected since he wasn't here to serve.

"Evening Gav." The warm smile touching rose pale lips as Cieara leaned against the bar with the half full bottle of spiced rum dangling in between black nailed fingers.

Veighn reached into his robes, procuring a few coins to set atop the bar's counter with a metallic sounding clack against the wood. Currently facing the seat of the stool toward the Inn's commons, he turned it slightly upon its swivel-joint, and eyed the Tender, lips pursed.

"Cieara! Good eve, to you!" Gav then looked at Veighn. "Ahh...a paying customer. What an honor!"

"Glad to see a friendly face." A pointed slanting of eyes towards the Mage now and a smirk replaced the upward turn of lips on Cieara's pale lit features.

Veighn's palm pressed over the currency, holding it fast. "I'll release them into ye possession, if ye promise never to speak that line again at least, in my presence. Ever."

"And just which line is that' A paying customer?"Gavilean responded to Veighn.

Tera snuck around the back alley gathering up all the tiny recording devices that were full and replacing them with new ones that were empty, she blended perfectly with the shadows dressed from the top of her head to the tips of her toes in curve hugging black this night, silently she slipped along the side of the building until she reached the back door and into the common room she stepped with a bright smile. "Howdy folks!"

To be contrary perhaps, Cie removed a stack of Cisroean gold and laid that down on the bar for Gav. "I will play double if you say it again Gav." Her soft laughter fell from her with a whiskey edge to the tone.

"Time flies when you're having rum!!!" Gav then called and then cracked up while snatching up the coinage.

Anne sweeps in, her long blue-green dress trailing down to the floor. Her sunglasses tonight are emerald-studded, and her body is her normal blonde self. "My, it's quiet this evening." She smiles at the people assembled, not talking to anyone in particular.

"Good Evening Milady Tera. Cieara's smile warmed again with a shimmering of pale green eyes as the lady came in from back door, a rather curious thing but not to uncommon in this place.

Sees the woman, Anne enter. "Good eve, lass!!" And Gav was then instantly distracted. "Tera" My love?" Where!" TERA!!!"

Across the floor Tera heads with a warm smile to Cieara and wave. "Evenin' Cieara! How ya been?"

Anne slips onto a barstool, the shining silk of her skirt cascading interestingly. "Good evening." Seeing that Gav is distracted and laughs.

"Case and point previously stated proven to the best of ye capabilities, Cieara." Veighn smirked collecting the coin under his palm, and pulling it back to place it once more in its security.

Gav flies around the bar, taking Tera into his arms. "Tera! Des! My love and mother of our daughter. Happy Mother's Day once again!"

"Lordy be Babe don't ya know your own wife when she is walking in the back door, Gavliean Starfare!?" Tera laughed and ran across the room to fling herself into his arms for a hug and kiss of greeting.

"Oh doing well enough, although I think my presence here is an annoyance to another. So, I remain a bit longer." Again there was a pointed look towards that annoying Devil of a Mage but the smile remained fixed and serene upon Cieara's face.

Anne sends a mental tendril in the direction of Lord Veighn....a polite sending, much like a psionics introduction....I am a soul-toucher, and what are you, thou interesting person' She knows better than to invade a stranger's mind without asking."The bartender seems to be distracted. Are you fond of brandy?" She dazzles a smile at the Lord seated near her.

Looking to Anne, Gav offered a smile. "And what might I get thee this fine eve" Brandy?"

Tera chuckled to Cieara's words and glanced to Veighn while moving back behind the bar with her beloved husband as she didn't want to interrupt his work too terrible much by visiting this evening. "Ahhh."

"I didn't want to disturb you with your lady." Anne offered a polite smile. "I have some excellent Spanish brandy, I never leave home without it. But since you're back on the job, how about....something fruity and alcoholic. With an umbrella, if that's possible. She lowered her eyelashes winsomely at Gav, and turned her attention back to Lord Veighn.

A glance to Anne and Cieara smiled again wickedly and then leaned a bit with a low husky purr in her voice. "Careful there, Milady, tis said that one tends to bite." Referring to Veighn.

Chris comes pushes in, dragging his feet in a lazy walk across the room towards the bar.

"Well, okay, now I'm hurt. Wounded to the bone. A woman brings her own brandy."Gav declared and then noticed another patron. "Chris! A Lowenbrau for the Chris Meister!

"And how is the rest of the family doin'" I ain't been around to much lately as things have been busy at home for me." Tera was talking to Cieara again while pouring herself a mug of coffee and waving to Chris with a smile.

"Insipid strumpet.." Veighn Murmured into his snifter before taking a sip from its crystal reservoir.

"Spanish brandy and an why didn't *I* think of that." RDI Gav poured the brandy, plops in an umbrella and hands it to Anne. "Here you go."

Chris snaps on a smile for Gav and Des. " Sup yo." Dropping into a stool.

Lord Veighn directed Anne toward Cieara. "Fruity and an alcoholic."

"Aye, I heard. Mother is a rather time consuming job after all. For the moment the family is well. Daddy is dealing with his war, Mum aiding of course along with both doing with with the Bloods of course." A wicked smile and Cie turned and performed a perfect curtsey to Veighn. "Aye, tis what I strive for Milord. Just to annoy the likes of ye."

"Is she" She's getting an invite to my next party, then." The reply coming smartly from Anne.

Chris took up the green bottle, a tip of it as in a nod for Veighn before the sip.

A snicker and shaking his dark head before taking another sip, Veighn's gaze shifting to Christopher, brow piqued.

Veighn lifted his snifter in toasting the postal parcel-man.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-20 21:02 EST
I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore I just know that I'm harder to console I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me But the key is a question of control Can you say what you're trying to play anyway I just pay while you're breaking all the rules All the signs that I find have been underlined Devils thrive on the drive that is fuelled

Depeache Mode - A pain that I'm used to

"Yup I have heard of the goings on and have been keeping an ear to the ground even though I am busy." Tera grinned to Cieara then tilted her head to the side inquisitively at the blushing Anne, she shook her head and reached for her wooden spoon which she placed onto the back bar beside her with an audible whack.

Gav hearing the wooden spoon and knows his flirting time is over.

Sadly for Tara's beloved husband that time never started had he only known she took a sip of her coffee then went and hid all the pots so he would have no armor this night to hide his head under.

Veighn stayed silent for a time, considering the woman like a jeweler might a bin of diamonds. His gaze was shrewd and keen, missing little, if anything at all. He set to swirling the liquor in the snifter again, relishing the feel of the liquid displacement as it whirled around in the large bottom of the globe-like glassware.

Taking another sip from the bottle in her black nailed fingers Cie glanced over at the lady Des and Gav were speaking with and chuckled quietly.

"Hmm...Nothing aside from being pestered by Cieara....and yeself, Chris?" Veighn was starting to get used to the postman's odd lingo.

Chris shrugged. " Working." He replied then took another drink.

Oh there was an imp lurking in her eyes that flash of crimson dancing there as she looked over at Veighn and in ever so sugary sweet tones spoke up. "Pardon me Milord Yhaull but might I ask you a question"

"Nae, ye may not." Veighn issued acerbically to Cieara, turning his gaze back to Christopher and his current antics. He was content to watch for a time.

"It is just one small little question. Hardly likely to take much of your time after all." Rose pale lips just twitching faintly as Cieara placed the bottle of rum on the bar.

Chris shifted in the stool to glance back and Cieara then over to Veighn. Lets the bottle dangle in his fingers. "So the cheese man is back." Frowns into a sip. "Talomar. I saw him last night. And he was sucking face with Tasha."Shakes his head. "How does he get a hottie like that?"

Veighn knew he was going to regret this, and turned his features to her, right brow escalating."If it will get ye to shut that sour trap of yours, what is it?"

"I merely wished to find out what your definition of "Strumpet" was, as you seem to think that is what I am. I would certainly like to know, as it's a word I haven't used myself you see."Oh sugar wouldn't have melted on her tongue Cieara was so perfectly polite and pleasant, aside from the flickering of crimson fading in and out of pale green eyes.

"Strumpet. One might call it a summary of the phrase, "Slatternly trollop," or "sullied woman," or an "uncouth vile excuse for a lady", who indulges in the violation of mores and taboos set by the status quo of today's society. However, it is a male to female perspective. It does nae apply to the former. Just ye." Simply put, another sip. Veighn turned his gaze toward Chris. "So ye're saying, Christopher, that Anastashia is a strumpet as well?"

"I'm saying..." Chris's eyes moved back to Cieara a moment, a tilt of the gaze. "She was sucking face with the cheese man."

Nicholai Looks to Cieara. "Or more commonly known as his usual choice of partner." Smiling sweetly.

A brow arching slightly and she laughed quite airily with a slow tipping of her head as frosty green eyes shifted from the mage to Nicholai and back once more without missing a beat. "Ah, that is rather and interesting assessment of my character. Considering you barely know me Milord."

Veighn issued Nicholai a droll look, his head tilting. "Donnae presume to bring me up in your Conversations."

Anne offered to Cieara. "Psychiatrists say that men often see in others what they cannot admit about themselves." So in a sense, baseless accusations tell more about the character of the accuser.

Laughing at the Lord, Nicholai replied. "I did not bring you up in my conversation sir. I inserted myself into yours. Surely you see the difference?"

Veighn made a face at Chris's last comment, washing his mouth out with a bit of the highly potent Assii Brandy.

A very wicked smile touched her pale lit visage as she turned shimmering green eyes to Anne with more husky laughter falling with out care from her lips. "Aye Milady, I suspect your right about that."

Chris nodded to Veighn. "I know...I know."

"Donnae bring yeself into this, I grant no quarter or parley, sea wench." Veighn turned his luminescent crimson gaze toward Anne suddenly.

Anne was polite but skeptical. "Yes, m'lord" Something you wanted from me?"

Coaxing waft of his hand, a signal for her to drink up. "A request that ye do something other than speak. Find another job for ye mouth."

Anne wondered if she is the "sea wench" and whether this is a bizarre nickname for some other woman the Lord hates. "Or are you just going to burn your eyes at me all night' Please feel free to speak your mind. Again, sir, you displace your feelings! You are so eager to get your mouth around a !@#$, you suggest that I do the same." Laughing quietly then. "My words have meaning."

"Come now Anne, you know its difficult for the lower echelons of men to keep from staring at you." Nicholai sought to sooth the lady.

"And I'm assuming that despite appearances, you are not entirely a joke." Anne then added to Veighn.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-20 21:07 EST
Bite to break skin, Don't give the secret, My stoic face, Beaten with passion The phoenix will die Inside the fire storm

Senses Fail - Bite To Break Skin

"Don't mind him milady, I don't think you are of the right gender to appeal." Ever so evil her smile as she looked over at the mage with an quizzical tipping of her head. "He seemed far more interested in one of those Frat boys earlier I believe."

"Really, respect is best earned by granting it in return. Such a sad style of conflict resolution." Anne kisses Father Nicholai lingeringly on the cheek.

"Such is in the eye of the beholder, as they have a wont to say." Dismissive in his manner, Veighn turned his gaze back to Christopher.

Chris smiled down to Veighn. "Ya always have some many friends around ya every time I see ya...all competing for ya company.'

"See that' Even now that Postal worker male holds more of his attention then any mere woman could." Velvet soft Cieara's laughter bubbling from her lips as she pointed out only that; which was apparent after all.

"A travesty I must endure. I believe it is my irresistible charm." A snort, Veighn sipped his wine, the shadowy aura around him shifting, lightening in areas and darkening in others, constantly moving.

Quirks a brow Cieara's direction. "Name is opposed to Postal worker." Then looked at Veighn. "Price of fame dog." Pops a pretzel.

"Ah, so sorry Milord Chris." An impish and very amused turning of lips as Cieara inclined her head towards him and green eyes just took an eerie glint of humor.

"More at infamy, however, it does provoke the same reaction." Veighn turned his gaze past Cieara briefly."I believe she grows jealous of ye, Christopher."

Chuckling softly Chris's eyes swung back to Cieara. "I shall refer to ya has hottie..M'lady Hottie." Offering a mock bow.

"Guard ye eyes, that one has claws." Veighn warned.

Settling in, Chris gave another shrug. "Price of fame dog."

Glancing at her hands as she crossed her booted ankles smoothly and peered over with a laugh. "How would you know Milord Yhaull" You can't claim knowledge of such a nature on any personal level to be sure."

The darkness gathered shielding him from the ripple of Nexus storm. He was totally engulfed in his own Shar'Vae Shades for a moment, before they lightened after the passing.

Warmth radiated from her smile, as Cieara looked towards the couple behind the bar and the laughter was just as soft, they did make a rather cute couple.

"Okay, folks, I'm heading home with my gorgeous the bar in now self serve." Gav announced to those still lingering within the Inn.

"Hey Gav...can I get one more of these before ya go?" Chris asked, holding up the green bottle. "Damn. Never mind...I'll get it." know where it is with your eyes closed, Chris." Gav stated before turning to his lovely wife. "C'mon, Des! We've got lovin' to do."

Jumping up, Chris makes his way behind the bar.

"Y'all take good care and it was grand to see y'all again! G'night folks!" Tera added, while waiting for her husband.

"Good Night Gav and Lady Tera." A respectful incline of her head to the couple with her smile widening upon Cie's elegant features and sincere warmth in pale green eyes.

"Goodnight, All! Goodnight, Cie." Gav replied and quickly caught up to his wife.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-20 21:16 EST
You think its crazy to think theres Nothing to hide Whenever theres a proposition For me to decide on Theres a million suggestions With a million intentions

Nonpoint - The Truth

"Ye'd fare much better with Christopher, I'm sure, Cieara." Decidedly informal for his lack of knowing. Veighn took another sip of aerated brandy as Chris enters into acrobatic feats.

Chris waved to them both Gav and Tera the bends to the icebox for another Lowenbrau.

Tera smiled and waved to everyone as she headed for the door with her handsome husband.

"Hey...don't get me involved in ya little love tryst, Veighn." Chris retorted moving to lean on the bar on the tender side.

"As I nae seek to fair with either of ye, it's rather a moot point don't you think Milord Yhaull. Contrary to your idea about my personality and ways, I don't take up toys I would break easily or dally with others that would become a bore." Cieara replied tartly. To much rum apparently and the bottle was pushed aside and lost into a swirling of black ribboned shadow.

"Ye should not be so vicious when speaking about Christopher. He is a good man, I'm sure. A little quirky, however, but entertaining." Veighn turned his gaze toward Christopher, another sip partaken. He chose to ignore the man's comment for the time being.

Chris made a face. "Geez...that was a little harsh." Eyeing Cieara. "For someone who speaks so much of not knowing ya or ya nature, ya sure don't mind placing that mantle on others. As for ya and being bored and not liking toys...I don't like the bitches myself." Grins. "Or lack of intelligence."

Veighn chuckled as Chris said just what he was thinking, nearly squirting the potent liquor out his nostrils. He swallowed, coughed, and pressed the back of free hand to his lips.

Cieara's head turned and she regarded Chris now, eyes flickering then fading into a full- blown crimson shade and she smiled, just a hint of fangs against the edge of her lips. "Perhaps you wouldn't break so easily but I fear otherwise Milord Chris."

"I'm sure ya fear a lot with that stature of yours." Chris added, while drinking more.

"Ah, and I wasn't thinking ye would be the bore actually." Cieara's eyes slid to Veighn now. "That was reserved for the self superior mage friend of yours actually."

Chris slides the gaze along with her down to Veighn.

"I think ye're arousing her Chris, ye'd better stop. She might just ravish ye. That, or make us both pray for the affliction of blindness." Veighn sat the snifter atop the bar, thinking it dangerous to drink more. Not that the alcohol was affecting his mental state, but for the notion that he didn't want liquor entering one orifice, and shooting out another.

"It's the uniform, Veighn." Chris offered a big smile back to Cieara.

"Aye, darling. I am a bore in the bedchamber." Veighn's hand rose in a flippant wave. "Now move along."

"Takes far more then drink swilling or nose spewing to capture my attentions in such ways Milord Yhaull." Oh yes she noticed he had nearly snorted his drink and had been vastly amused by it.

"M'lady?" Chris's eyes still on Cieara. "Why is ya have a problem with my friend here" I mean everyone does, but what is ya reason?"

"I noticed, incestuous relations are more ye forte." Veighn returned just as snappy-as-he-cared.

Chris offered an inward whistle at the sizzle. "Daaaaaaam."

"Seems to run in the family. Perhaps tis something in the blood." Turning his gaze to Chris with a brow arching the Mage continued. "Interesting news indeed."

"He actually started it, but I find it amusing to battle with him verbally. Perhaps I might be smitten with him." Cieara's own hand lifted in a sort of casual wash of air and then laughter fell from her. "Because my brother kissed my forehead" My, my...such a horror that is."

"Hmm." Chris attention swung back to Veighn.

"Simmer down, Cieara, my heirs are not for the swallowing. Nor do I wish to have ye lips in near vicinity to my lower torso." Veighn curled his lips back, tapping one set of elongated fangs, the shorter inner pair, the ones beside a bit longer. "Scathing and scraping, I have no wont for the chaffing."

A look of faux horror on her face but belied by the dancing of darker green eyes as she looked at Veighn and started to inch closer. "I also kiss my father on the cheek and hug him too. Does that mean I will be ......Damned?"

"Well shite baby, ya are sexy...I don't mind finding out just how fragile I might be....might even surprise ya." Chris chuckled. "What ya say' Want to step out in the alley and break one off" Ya might say "damn" I underestimated this tall drink of water." Sitting up a little straighter...mock pose

"Perhaps ye should show me should he happen to accept my terms and meet." Veighn turned his gaze to the Brandy he was neglecting, his hands steepling around the stem.

A brow arched as she regarded Chris for a moment, gaze skimming over him slowly from the tip of his head right now to the heels of his boots and then chuckled low. "Ah, but you wear my Aunt's scent my good man."

Sniff in the air. "I do?" Chris was curious. "Who is ya aunt?"

"Aunt Sid." More husky laughter as Cieara drew a bit closer to Veighn but eyes rested on Chris for a moment longer. "Besides dear.....I am really more into teasing."

Veighn refrained the follow-up to that comment, deciding to partake again of the libation in snifter's reservoir. He reached for the bottle down the way, topping it off as the pair talked.

Chris shrugged with a smile...looks to Veighn. "Well she got me there."

His wards reacted to her nearness, flaring along the trim and cuffs of his robes. The mage narrowed his eyes, watching the redhead move closer. His lips pursed.

"Gotta love that dark magic...can be a total dick and still get the chicks." Chris commented and went back to enjoying the brew.

"Sid, hmm?" Veighn turned his gaze to Chris, settling back to lean into the frame of his wood stool.

"So tell me Milord Yhaull...What would happen if I touched those slithering shadow snakes of yours" Would it fry my brain" Rip apart my weak essence" Send me flying across the room?" A pale hand lifted, but didn't move towards the sense of his wards as yet, for Cieara had paused a reasonable distance away.

"I'm curious to find out as well." Secretly hopes for flying across the room."Sid. Nods. "Yep.

"Why don't ye venture to find out?" Veighn gave her a rather sober look, having put some distance between them.

Laughter as she glanced at Chris and then at Veighn and Cieara's eyes glittered almost feral with a brow arched. "You can't smell that upon him' Marked him she has, without likely knowing it. Soft scents of Fresh Spring."

"Interesting choice, Christopher. What happened to Amthyst' I thought ye had something going with that little pixie some time back." Veighn eyed Cieara brazenly. "I'm looking for the explanation of said scents, Cieara." Turning to Chris. He has opportunity to explain himself.

"Ahh shite dog, we were just having fun while her man was away. Sid and I were just having fun too." Chris grinned. "She is mated."

Lord Veighn snickered. "Ye know, I donnae think even a thorough washing will lift that scent from ye pores, Christopher." He shook his head, sipping his libation.

"That sounds about right. Aunt Sid has a few regular playmates after all. Ancient she is." Cieara's hand was still raised but palm outwards, no sign yet she was going to touch those wards of his, as there was a good chance she wouldn't.

"I'm not relationship material ya know...just fun. Not around enough." Chris looked at Cieara. "So no strings after we finish in the alley."

"She might become incensed were she to find out ye casual observance of the thing transpired." Veighn suggested.

"Who' Sid?" Chris's brows lifted in question to Veighn, shrugged. "Well...I doubt it. Though I do have a route with lonely housewives...I've dealt with incensed husbands so I am used to it."

"Ah, but if I were to break you are damage you in any way, Aunt Sid would be displeased and I would rather not face that wrath. She is far older then I and holds more power after all." And considering Cieara wasn't a slouch in that department that did say much.

Veighn leaned closer, the Shar'Vae Shades starting to move more violently as he affected a look of mischief. The barrier surrounding him edged closer to her outstretched hand.

"Yet she didn't break me...hmmm." Chris remarked smiling to Cieara. "More power but didn't break. interesting."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-20 21:22 EST
Clock is ticking while I'm killing time Spinning all around nothing else they can do to turn it back Breaking partnership in this crime Ripping up the past, condescending smile Time to forget The fall of my truth Time to forget Our ways of our truth Come and tease me

Lacuna Coil - Our Truth

Shadows spiraled from her fingers suddenly, dancing to the very edges of his turbulent wards and she smiled faintly, eyes narrowing with an instant rise of crimson. "Aunt Sid carries a different nature from the likes of me Milord Chris. Her's are of a mingling of many, mine is but a mingling of a few but darker in their design."

His shades met her shadows in an image of motion most remarkably vile. They slithered and wound, licking like serpentine tongues against the other, rippling as they tasted the mana imbued within her own willful summonings. Pressures light and hard, deliberate and precise. Something might come of it, something might not.

Chris frowned into his bottle.

"She's merely trying to intimidate ye Christopher." Veighn turned his gaze to Chris, sipping of his beverage once more.

"Lord Yhaull was correct earlier, but had no actual facts to back up his warning of my having claws, for it is a fact that I do. I also bite." Another wicked little smile and fang points did show as around the spiraling ribbons of black, taloned points grew on the fingers.

Chris looked up from the bottle...he must have missed something. "Yeah?" Looks at Cieara. "Are ya?"

Spying the claws...Chris offered up another shrug with an easy lift of the shoulder. "Claws or not, ya are still a hottie. Don't let those things keep ya from enjoying ya self." Bending the gaze to the pretzel bowl and picking out a good one.

"Ah, perhaps a little." Velvet soft laughter as Cieara slanted darker green eyes towards Chris, the runners of crimson spiraling in the normally pale sheen.

"Tis remarkable how much ye have forgotten, Cieara, it was not a voice that gifted me ye name, darling." Veighn snickered, knowing a bit more about Cieara DeAuster than she allowed Chris to know.

Encourages her. "Oh well in that case...good job." Chris stated and offered her a wink.

"Ah, it was a form of divination by meditation." Casually Cie responded to Veighn, not terribly worried as he couldn't do much unless he could get her to divulge that name, and that wasn't likely to happen.

"Ahh..she conveniently remembers." Veighn offered to Christopher, his shades playing with her shadows in some lewd mockery of a very graphic sexual act, twining around the tangible shadows seeping from her fingers like rutting serpents in a pit.

"A woman of convenience." Chris smiled, cheered then drank again.

"Lord Yhaull thinks me a fledgling, and he is right but I am not as witless as he believes either." A flicker of laughter as some shadows danced around his, rather a teasing of movements even as a few might tangle and entwine in the amoral actions.

Veighn chuckled at Christopher's comment, turning toward Cieara."Strumpets are most convenient..."

Chris nodded to Cieara. "Witless" Yet ya still contemplate the shadows" Now as much as I would love to see someone hurled across the room, should the result be as such, mayhaps it is the fledgling part that does not know better?"

"Hardly Milord, but believe what you wish." Cieara's auburn head turned to regard Chris with laughing crimson flecked eyes and nodded slightly the cascade of curls slithering along the line of her back. "Indeed I do. I can manipulate them, control them to some degree. Use torment arrogant mages."

Veighn withdrew the Shar'Vae tendrils from the molestation of her shadows. She teased, and prompted, he snickered and shook his head. "Ye see Christopher, she is trying to prompt my attack of her person."

"Oh." Chris gave a slow nod, glancing between the two.

"I don't think so. Would require a certain anger that you simply have not shown. I am but a nuisance to you and hardly a danger so you believe Milord Yhaull. Besides, Aunt Bel wouldn't be happy if I would seek you harm."

Another inward whistle from Chris. "Bel. Now that is a scent I would like to have on me."

"I merely enjoy messing with you." Which was all very true and Cieara slowly lowered her hand with another fall of melodic laughter.

"She would hope for such, as such action would violate my pact with Anastashia." Veighn lifted his gaze from his glass to Christopher."She hopes that I will become incensed by her meddlesome nature, and forget the laws that bind me to the agreement of my fashioning."

A glance then to Chris and Cieara's laughter grew into a flow of obvious amusement. "My, you do aim high don't you Milord Chris?"

"Lady Belial." Veighn chuckled. "That one may well do more than ravish ye, Christopher."

"Now why would my messing with you Lord Yhaull ruin that pack you have inflicted upon the small elf" I have promised I wouldn't harm you after all, as that is what Aunt Belial has requested, but there was nothing said about my teasing you a wee bit."

Chris dipped the gaze to Cieara in a polite bow. "Better to aim high than low, m'lady."

"Pact with Anastashia" She is with the cheese man now...mayhaps ya should slap some sense into her...the pact be damned." Chris quickly added. "So can ya tell her I said "Hi?"" This for Cieara in regards to Bel.

"Belial seems far wiser than ye, fledgling, and has some idea of what pacts could portend should they be violated. Though a breed apart, there are some parallels." Simply put, Veighn told no more than that. He turned his gaze to Christopher then.

"Cheese man?" A puzzled glance to Chris, but was able to determine the requested greeting was offered to her Aunt Bel and gave a nod. "Indeed Milord, I will surely pass on your regards."

"She can dally with Talomar as much as she likes, I care nae. Perhaps ye might slap some sense into her, if that is what ye aim to do by the slapping."

"Talomar. Cheese purified." Chris stated to Cie as if clearing things up for her."I don't care is just mind boggling."

A flicker of annoyance touched Cieara's ivory pale visage. "Careful there. He is a friend to my father Milord Chris. He is also friend to many of the family so I have heard as well as myself. He was married to Tara after all. I may not have cared much for her, as she was dreadful to me, but she is my adopted sister and I doubt she would have wed any such thing."

"Sure, Tasha and I don't get along but at least I had some respect for her before." Chris shot a look to Cieara. "I don't care who he is to ya and do not think I have not called the cheese, Cheese to his face."

"That is true.." Veighn chimed in helpfully, wasn't he a doll"

"Another vile nuisance, that one. Has someone staked her" Pray tell. Or have I finally run her off?" Veighn's brow piqued, withdrawing focus to watch the pair simultaneously.

"Nae, she's returned to her own lands, hail and hearty and still very much un-staked milord." Cieara seemed to take a bit of delight in informing him of that. "It wasn't your arrival that sent her running. She left before."

"Why do you hate Lord Longden so much Milord Chris?" It was a simple question and to Cieara, it didn't seem too unfair to be asked.

"The cheese is a fake...I find it funny that ya and ya family have no problem with Talomar but give Veighn here..." Chris broke off with her question. "Because he is nothing but a cheese ball...knew that the moment I met him." Shrugging a bit."I just don't like the guy."

"Let us hope that one stays away. Ever since I denied her advances toward me, she's been a tiresome little insect." Veighn intoned with morose attention regarding Tara.

"Ahh.." A step back as her gaze swept over Veighn and looked a bit impressed at his willpower resisting Tara, as few could so she had been told that is and then laughed. "Careful Milord Yhaull...that might make ye more appealing."

"Denied advances" Chris's eyes shoot up to Veighn. "Ya hit that...a long time ago but ya hit it."

"The fact exciting ye is of no concern to me.." Veighn's nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He turned to Christopher."The rumors she spread were false. The closest to "hitting" that one was nearly cleaving her in twain with my bastard sword, and it was sheer folly on her part that saved her from a timely demise."

Chris chuckled softly, eyes back to Cieara. "Ya gotta admit it...he is a lady killer." Thumbing a point Veighn's way.

In truth she was finding this teasing of the Mage most amusing indeed and her eyes just returned the look with a glint of dark crimson kissed eyed, only to laugh softly at his boastful claims regarding Tara. "That is why she continued to pursue you. You bested her, meant you might have the patience to control her."

"Luse I think was the one who controlled her." Chris offered with another sip.

The crooked grin was rueful, though it disappeared as lips molded to the rim of his snifter, draught taken.

"Uncle Luse" Aye, but he didn't care for her childish tantrums. She never could keep his attention with those." A faint rocking on the balls of her feet as she regarded the pair of them and then smiled slowly.

"Whatever the case, it was always a joy to watch." Picking out another salty treat and Chris popping it into his mouth.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-21 19:22 EST
He's standing on the threshold Caught in fiery anger And hurled into the furnace he'll...curse the place He's torn in all directions And still the screen is flickering Waiting for the flames to break

Pink Floyd - Wearing the Inside Out

Veighn growled at that comment, the fact that he had come to find that out only afterward was enough to irk him, her pointing it out drew his ire upon her. Waves of pure horror began to seep through the ward's shielding. His jaw set, and a slight twinge more than a fraction of the aura was left unmuted. His eyes smoldered, and he turned his mind introspective for a moment to sooth the rising ire as something dark roiled within the Lunithaylian's corporeal being.

Chris sent a side-glance at the growl. "Ya aight dog?"

"Tara with Uncle Luse...Never did feel right to me." She did catch that smile before he hid it and just chuckled low, a quiet husky tone but natural and not in the least bit tainted by her nature but as the horror crept towards her, her eyes flashed for a moment and she didn't let it effect her as he likely hoped it would.

Instead she started to soak it up, using it as sustenance and knew he would know just what she did as a faint grin touched pale lit features. "I only spoke the truth Milord. Tara always sought...a certain type after all and you do rather fit the demeanor to a degree."

Chris offered an aside to Veighn. "Tara was always koo koo pants too man...looney toons." A finger circling his temple with a look back to Cieara.

It was more than could be considered creepy, but terrifying, as he turned his smoldering gaze toward Christopher. There was death in those eyes, and the threat of it reached out to him with the seeping of that sensation of power flowing forth from his being. It was a promise thereof, and the Shar'Vae Shades expended, snapped and cracked at the air like whips. The scent of ozone was rich in the air, charging it with the static of his power. He seemed much bigger than he was. His eyes flashed, and light strobe so much from those eyes that their glow caused a red glow to bath Chris in their unholy firelight. Swirls of crimson and scarlet met with black flames, and they all danced in the pools of his gaze.

That "Law" Tainted energy was a unique flavor but not unpleasant from one of her nature for it was ripe with the evil that her other half could enjoy and did so but she didn't step back from him as he seemed to expand instead she looked over at Chris. "Ah, but that was all part of Tara's unique charm as well. True she wasn't always stable. . .But she was never, and I shall make that emphatic...Never boring."

Chris's brows furrowed as he returns the gaze. "Shite dog...ya might want to lay off the sauce." Then nodded in agreement with Cieara...smiles at the thought of it.

She felt the heat flowing from the Devil Mage but other then a bit of a flush on pale cheeks it didn't seem to bother her as she watched and just planted herself down against the floor boards where she stood, unwilling to move back from what was to her an intimidation tactic. "Milord Yhaull, you really should get control of that temper of yours."

"If ye value ye life Christopher, I would suggest ye pick another subject." The glacial look Veighn shot the man was nothing to be easily rebuked. He didn't appear to be jesting in the least. His eyes hooded, as if to reign in some control of his rising rage.

Chris sat up a little straighter, his head cocked from one side to the other in a crack of the neck...lights a smile. "Thought we were past this my man...ya threaten, I joke. That is the way it this is the second time in nearly that many that ya have threatened me and it grows old."

Veighn chin lifted, as if the act of him doing so caused him to quell the rising inferno of his anger. His lips grew into a taut mow, and his eyes opened again, lessening their glow as the black became consumed again in reds, scarlets and crimsons.

Cieara leaned a bit, without taking a step and gazed almost sternly at Veighn and then her head tilted slightly. "Such lack of control nae suites ye Mage. Should save that display for those that have truly earned it. Perhaps that Mr. Howe?"

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-21 19:27 EST
Here shall we live in this terrible town Where the price for our minds shall squeeze them tight like a fist And the walls shall have eyes And the doors shall have ears But we'll dance in their dark And they'll play with our lives

Like a Slow Burn Leading us on and on and on Like a Slow Burn Turning us round and round and round Hark who are we So small in times such as these Slow Burn

David Bowie - Slow Burn

"Not to mention I don't know what subject ya speak of." Chris picked up the beer. "Tara?"

"It does indeed." Veighn nodded to Christopher. "Ye are correct in that, and I find it to be a suitable unsaid agreement." Veighn turned his gaze back to Cieara.

"And no. I was following that fat Lawyer the other day and not you. So don't accuse me of spying on you. It was him I trailed that time." Cieara smile was sudden and brightly released with a chuckle.

Chris sipped his beer. "#$%^&* n' lawyers."

"Were it a lack of control, Cieara, there might have been much more than words that colored the air, a pact laid to waste, and other such things I donnae care to delve into." Veighn smirked, turning toward Christopher. "Ye know the Attorney I surmise."

"They get parcels like any other." Another sip.

"He offers empty promises and emptier threats." Veighn turned his gaze toward Cieara. "I'm surprised so influential a family as yours has not put the rabid dog down as of yet."

"I saw this Howe's head ripped off once by a giant frozen caveman and it grew back." Chris made a face, looking at the beer. "That's a #$%^&* n' lawyer for ya."

"Ah, Milord Yhaull such things are not discussed with outsiders after all. What will come , when it does will be done with great thought and care." Cieara was not giving anything away as she knew the place was wired for sound and vision same as he did.

"A giant frozen caveman?" The Mage turned his gaze toward Cieara for clarification.

"Ripped the thing clean off. Nasty." Chris added helpfully.

"Aye. I heard about that. Tasha touched him. I believe that the caveman was a friend of Jewel, Sid and the "One we shall not speak of?..." A slow lazy smile curled on the corners of Cieara's lips as she nodded to Veighn. "Yes, a thawed out Caveman. I saw him a few times."

"Who is the one ya shall not speak of?" Chris suddenly asked and then blinked. "OH..Tara." Cursing him attention.

Veighn turned a rather blank look toward Chris. "The sound of that word is growing annoying the more I hear people say it around me. Do refrain, Christopher."

Chris nodded. "My bad dog. I imagine a dude like that is hard to kill. To have ya head ripped off and it grow back, well, that's disconcerting."

Veighn donned a pleasant smile before sipping his beverage. "Tis not oft my ire rises so. That, and I have no desire to rob ye of ye well-being. The place would become rather dull were I to ....evaporate ye." As kindly as he could put the term. The fact that he wasn't going to do so was the point of the remark, another sip. "I've known Baatezu to do the same thing, and some Tanar'ri..."

Chris offered another nod. "Ya well, I hear ya Veighn and appreciate it." Chuckles. "Don't believe it but appreciate it."

"Which part?" Veighn said, brow piquing slowly, curiosity just as piqued.

"Ya?" Chris turned a look to Veighn. "So how do ya kill those bastards...those Battzus and Taneer?" Answering his question. "All of it."

"Devils and Demons, Christopher, respectively." To the former. The last."Why do ye think I have nae roused myself to taking action to those aforementioned threats, Christopher?"

Cieara looked over to Veighn now, waiting for his ever so knowledgeable remarks on how one would go about killing such a creature, having her own information on the subject but wasn't about to say it in the orb riddled inn.

"What would be the point of it' That is why I think ya have roused ya self. Oooo..ya kill the postal guy, don't think that would bring ya anything but regret after." Chris then added. "Besides...who else would stick up for ya once I'm gone?"

"Baatezu, or, in vulgar terms, Devils, are not easy to kill. Should ye manage, they manifest again upon their respective planes. However, they are dropped in rank due to failing their Arch Duke. There is a way to get rid yeself of them once and for all." The Maged stated."None I would not need to cajole to do so," A sly smirk forming on Veighn's face. "Ye have the meat of the matter, Christopher. Astute and perceptive."

"Though when it suits ya needs, if it ever suits ya needs, I think regret would be a small matter." Chris chuckled and lifted his bottle. "I guess then I will just have to take ya down with me."

Veighn continued. "Demons are similar, some. There are ye breeds apart, however. The majority of the middle echelons of demon and devil are not easy to destroy. Banishing works much better though they become rather vengeful if ye do so, so I would suggest not trying that. Too, they have a way of tainting summoners that donnae have a guard or attunement to their preternatural natures or magic."

A glance to one and then the other, not actually having followed that conversation as something else was whispering to her, something near but likely only felt and she lightly brushed some wandering curls back over a delicately point ear.

Lord Veighn chuckled at Christopher's commentary. "Indeed Chris, indeed."

"So this Howe guy is a demon then?" Chris offered a salute of the bottle Veighn's way before a sip. Looking from Veighn over to Cieara who has been quiet for a while.

"Most likely all of them are Milord Chris." Such news was hardly unknown to many and while the lawyers might hate it being out there, they couldn't stop that rumor from creeping, at least Cieara did believe that.

"I have been told as much, I have not pried to find out. Though he alludes to darker capabilities, and with the more information I garner, it seems that he is starting to fill the parameters of something infernal, or abyssal. However, again, there are ye breeds apart." Veighn interjected.

"Who would be their Crimson King then?" Chris asked, thinking it over. "They have the front, a business, a firm, but who pulls the strings?"

"That is the question after all." Cieara had no answer to that, but wasn't in the know either being a younger Blood and not one of the house heads like her father.

"Again, that would depend. There are layers in the infernal planes, and in parallel dimensions, other ArchDukes rule. The Abyss has infinite layers, some inhabited, some a waste, some unformed by chaos. Demon Princes, Demon Lords, Demon kings, they all vie for power over these layers, and when they're not fighting each other for supremacy, they war against other layers."

"Interesting." Chris replied, giving a nod.

"The hierarchy of Devils is much more stable, but not by much. There is more politic to it than outright war, as well as assassination." Veighn added.

"Rando Thoughtful." Chris said just before another sip of beer.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-21 19:43 EST
Could this be our punishment" The floods and fires, the bombs and liars For our Mother's discontent Could production be a slave" To the devil on a full rampage Oh where will I be when I wake up"

Delerium - Returning

Cieara's arms folded over her chest as she listened, aware of some of what he spoke of but as her mother wasn't involved in such petty schemes she was not as familiar with such places, although her grandmother would love to take her and her brother on a sightseeing tour of it.

"Are you trying to say that Devils are superior Milord Yhaull?" A brow arching slightly as her gaze swing towards him and head took that quizzical tip to the side in a slide of auburn curls.

"Devils and Demons are two different things, neither is superior. That is the common misconception; a deadly one to hold a large amount of faith in. Dealing with demons, and dealing with devils, takes entirely different tactics. Tis like comparing an apple to an orange. Or, an onion to an orange...more at." The mage defended.

"Your claim they were more stable would call attention to that misconception after all." A slow smile touched pale features for a moment. "I know more about the legions of Chaos Undivided then the demonic castes."

"Once one understands that there is Law...or Order, within the hold of Chaos, and that there is Chaos, in the hold of law, or Order, then one begins to see that much can manifest in those two spheres." Veighn stated.

Chris blinked. "A tough thing to see my friend." Followed with a chuckle. "For me at least."

"They can both be predictable, and unpredictable, such is the paragon of paradoxes."

Chris shook his head, still chuckling. "Whoa now...y'all are getting out there. Chaos. Paradoxes." Sipped on the brew.

"I'm quite sure ye'd go mad trying to peal the many layers and sort them out, Christopher." Veighn tilted his head, considering something."I don't think that sort of madness would suit ye."

"A long way from see it, kill it." Chris commented while laughing to himself and quickly nodded in agreement with Veighn.

"There is law in Chaos. Something my father has stated and follows." Hardly giving up much in that statement Cieara just gave another velvet soft laugh as she regarded Veighn.

"The study of such could take eons, Christopher, and still the changes during that time would make what was learned obsolete. Take Astaroth for instance...." Veighn begun to speak again.

"Chaos in the bedchambers would suit me fine...I shall stick with that." Chris's gaze turned back to Veighn and instance of this Astaroth.

"Some label him a demon, however, they are wrong in classifying that Prince with the lable. He does hold a position and commands many legions of Tanar'ri, but is a Fallen One..."

"Do you have any demon in you Milord Chris" As ye sure do think much about bedrooms and the like." Attention caught by the comment of "Fallen One" but didn't make that to obvious as Cieara slowly swung her darkened gaze back to Veighn.

"Astaroth D, we shall call him." Careful not to name that one fully; The Arch-magus wasn't stupid, after all. "He's rather a bookish individual."

"One might think your a Helston by such ever constant thoughts." Another aside to Chris there added by Cieara.

"Fio caught me young, M'lady Cieara." Tugging a grin at the corners of Chris's mouth, eyes still on Veighn, listening.

"Erynes too, have a penchant for sexual appetites, as Succubi and Incubi do."

Cieara knew the Fiona he was referring to and gave a nod, as that one while not her mother was an interesting woman nonetheless.

"Fio?" Veighn's brow arched, turning his gaze toward Cieara, thinking along those lines.

"And they can be male or female right' Both at the same time I mean." Chris asked of Veighn. "Do some crazy shite with too...benefits of their rule."

"Aye. Fiona Helston. Of the Helston Clan. Tis true my mother also a Fiona worked for them for a time, she is nae the same one. Different line." Cieara's lips took a faintly lopsided smile.

"Aye, but there is still a defining difference, therefore, they have different names to classify their species." Veighn replied to Chris's query.

"Oh. Yeah!" Chris nodded quietly. "Different one! Her Fio.." Pointing at Cieara. "Likes me not."

"Now, they do spawn, those that wish to once they gain more power and intelligence through their ranking...and ye might have a progeny with both Incubus and Succubus blood, or Succubus and Nabassu."

"I've heard of tales where the Succubus will take a man in the female form and turn it around and take a female in the male away the seed it took as female." Chris commented.

"Succubi are more of the tempter variety..." The mage responded.

That didn't surprise Cieara in the least as she gave a soft laugh. "Threatened to cut off your family jewels did she" Or a finger or Two' My mum takes more to violence then the sex apparently."

Chris didn't recall a specific threat from the Lady Fio but remembers it was something unpleasant.

"It is a perversion thereof, remember the taint, Christopher. Tis how Half-fiends are spawned. That is, if they donnae leech their victim of their life force first."

Chris nodded. "Ahhh."

"Though this information is good to know, forearmed is forewarned. Should ye ever learn a Tanar'ri's real name, or a Baatezu's for that matter, never utter it aloud. Ye would not want to draw their attention upon ye."

"Bad mojo if that happens eh?" The postal worked questioned.

"Ye like ye soul in ye own possession, do ye nae?" Veighn was quick to ask in response.

Lips twitched slightly as Cieara listened to the mage impart knowledge but didn't interrupt, for the moment she wouldn't needle him as this was of some interest to her. "To know the name makes ye a danger to them and most will react in what can only be called a negative way."

"I do." Chris nodded quiet a bit in reply to Veighn's question. "It ain't much but it's mine."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-26 14:11 EST
Shed some light on me And hold me up in disbelief And shed some light on me And tell me something that I'll believe in

It's innocence within the maze But I have chosen the wrong way I'm still getting over who I was There's no sense of trust

Shinedown - Shed some Light

Chris offered a quick glance to Cieara then back to Veighn. "Well, if ya know the name...can't ya use that to ya advantage?"

"Are ye a gifted Demonologist, Summoner, or a Magus gifted in the vile languages of the abyss or infernal?" Veighn questioned.

"Not yet." Chris replied picking up the beer. "Though I can juggle while riding a unicycle."

"Aye, ye could, but if you make one mistake, one misstep, you will find them seeking to rip your body into shreds as they feast upon your entrails while collecting your soul. Most demons of any kind wouldn't take to kindly to any seeking to bind them against their will." Cieara quickly added with a soft flow of chuckles.

Chris nodded to Cieara. "Worst pain imaginable...that's all ya had to say...worst pain imaginable."

"Far worse than imagined pain Chris...Ye mind could not fathom it." Veighn was just as quick to add.

"I dunno Veighn...I have a pretty good imagination." Chris responded before turning to give Cieara the once over...a quick smile afterwards.

"Doesn't have the same impact." Laughter low and husky flowed from her rose pale lips as Cieara nodded to Chris.

"Aye, there is that part where they could keep ye alive, healing you back up and doing it all over again, repeating that process for an eternity. So I have heard of course." A wicked smile played now for just a moment on Cieara's elegant features. "Demons of any type do tend to be vindictive."

"Consider this...In the formula of arithmetic....take your worst imagined pain, and then add to it an exponent of infinity. Then, add to that exponent, an exponent of infinity, and again, and so on for infinity...Then, ye begin to get to the outer fringes of the gravity of the thing." The "Black Wizard" intoned.

"Demons tend to be vindictive. Hmmm...So ya are saying demons are women." Chris shook his head. "Should'a known." Followed by a soft chuckle directed at Veighn. "Veighn...I can't beat that. Infinity plus one!"

"Not all are. The males can be even worse." Cieara's bubbling of laughter now rose up from her in a sudden wave of amusement.

"Please M'lady." Chris lifted a hand held up to Cieara...purely jest and wearing a smile he was. "Lets not go telling tells out of school."

"Tis not easy getting the upper hand on a demon or a devil. Nigh impossible the more powerful they are." Veighn continued, ever willing to impart knowledge.

"Ahh...and be that a warning Milord Yhaull?" A faint purr in her voice as Cieara looked over at him, laughter just radiating in her crimson-flecked gaze.

Lord Veighn turned his gaze to Cieara. "Were I either, it might have been." A Cheshire grin forming.

"Ya would think if one was a devil they would choose a different identity other than a lawyer...I mean doesn't that just defeat the purpose if ya were to not have any know ya identity?" Chris asked simply.

"Ye give this old magus far too much credit, Cieara. I am just a dabbler in the arts." Veighn affected an impassive expression suddenly, a sip finishing his glass off. He moved to refill the snifter of the heady Spiced Assii. "Misdirection...Indeed. However, there is that saying, Christopher. The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world he did not exist."

"Ah, you're also a mystery and I have always been rather fond of puzzles." Cieara wasn't pushing as much as she could, but still found him amusing as she looked at Chris a second later. "Perhaps, but I suspect they are lawyers by choice or design."

"A postal worker, now there is where the lie suckles upon the momma's teat." Chris snapped a grin. "Devil that I am." chuckled and nodded to Veighn having heard that saying before. "I mean I can go anywhere without drawing suspicions."

"Parcels and presents, sometimes unasked for, sometimes solicited. Broken, and intact." Veighn lifted his drink to Christopher, sipping after the salute. "A devil after his own likeness."

Chris lifted his bottle in return then followed with another drink as well

Cieara's hand rose to make a circle in the air. "They might hear you and seek to recruit you. Or perhaps just switch you out of your body for one of them. Hardly a fate one would want. That vile Mr. Howe riding around in your skin now is it?"

Chris chuckled. "Oh, didn't I tell ya M'lady. I'm fast."

"Who says that he would" Christopher might capture the beast himself, without lifting a finger." Veighn interjected. "He seeks to tempt me to his side, Christopher. Shall I indulge the fiend, if that is what he is.....?"

"There is that chance Milord Veighn, but not as likely as we would all hope." Her head turned to regard Veighn sharply, a flickering in Cieara's iridescent eyes as she had hoped he would have better sense then that truly.

Chris's laughter growing louder. "I doubt that my friend." Looking to Veighn. "I would lift a foot after another in a dead run...a finger would be the middle that sigil, that I give when enough space is between."

Chris laughed, only to stop a second later. "Howe?" His attention moved back to Veighn.

"Howe.." Veighn answered simply.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-26 14:16 EST
And all these little things in life they all create this haze There's too many things to get done, and I'm running out of days

And I can't last here for so long I feel this current it's so strong It gets me further down the line It gets me closer to the line

3 Doors Down - Running out of Days.

"I say ya make fun, speak of that giant caveman that twisted his head and gather his response." Chris quickly suggested.

Veighn turned his gaze toward Cieara then. "So ye wish me to join ye brood" I had not seen such an invitation. Perhaps I am more dense than I thought." Another sip taken, he let them both chew on that one.

"He was rather aggressive when I did not appeal to his proposition, and threatened me thereafter." Veighn stated with a mild frown touching his shadowed visage.

"Ye can also mention Viki, or Tasha even, as it's obvious the fat Lawyer has a fear of them as well." A brow then rose slightly. "I was under the impression such a thing was in the works, but if you side with DCH, you would then become the enemy, at present you have not been given that status." Cieara replied with smooth cultured tones that gave nothing away.

"It seems I have a time limit, should certain doom befall me." The Mage feigned a shudder, his ichor-tinted brandy sloshing about in the snifter at hand.

"If ya both want to do some good...I say ya put the good word in for me with Bel." Looking between the two, as Chris interjected. "Ya ain't the enemy now Veighn?" Makes a face."Good god man...imagine how they will treat ya when ya are. I still got ya back though." And that quick turned back to his drinking.

"If you had been deemed the enemy Milord. I would not be standing here now, annoying you as I have. No, ye would be dealing with far worse then me." Cieara's rich laughter now floated softly from her as she regarded him.

"Hmm...A lesser evil then." Veighn chuckled, eyeing the pair of them.

"I've seen Howe and the other old men of his like. I mean if nothing else dog, M'lady and her brood are much better to look upon." Another comment from Chris and this left a smile for Cieara.

"Too, I believe that Alysia would not be too thrilled to hear of me siding with Howe."

"Except for Alysia." Chris added that in quickly. "But hey, sometimes ya gotta take the bad with the good." And back to the drink he goes.

"Lord Lucian has led them all a merry dance so they will seek to see him dead...Agreements aside." Cieara felt sure of that, as Howe had yet to prove his word was good on any level as far as she was aware of course and then smiled wickedly at Chris. "Keep that up Milord Chris and I shall indeed put in a good word with my Aunt."

A regal bow, or regal as can be while still seated, and smile for Cieara, was the response from Chris at her words.

"I donnae think by his offer, he intends to make me a partner as well in his firm." Veighn considered the names. "Dewey, Cheetum and Howe, Lord Yhaull" Hmmmmmm....well, let me tell ye..." Ending with a snickering.

"How about Hey Yhaull, it's Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe." Chris suggested. "Sounds like top billing to me." Laughing into his brew. "Of course, if ya aim is to take em down...then what better way than from the inside." Shrugs, it was just a thought.

Lord Veighn tapped his lips, smiling, more for Cieara, because he was looking pointedly at her at this present moment. "Such colorful bias, which shall I choose, decisions ...decisions." He arched his brow."Has ye "father" informed ye of any terms?"

"All ya little spiders..." Chris commented, and then trailed off into another sip.

"I nae think the suits they wear would fit, but if that be the side ye take, well it would be a pity" Cieara seemed more amused then annoyed about it, as she suspected he wasn't to fond of the pompous lawyer anymore then the rest of the realm of RhyDin. "My father does not discuss such things with me. However, I know he was summoned to the House today, so no telling what will come of that."

"I think Howe is threatened by me." Veighn strummed his talons against the wood of the stool's armrest, tips of his boots pressing to rock him from side to side, using the swivel of the stool. "And desperate."

Finishing the beer Chris stood and offered a smile for both. "Should either of ya need any assistance in future endeavors, ya only but need to ask." Pats a hand to Veighn's shoulder with a polite smile for Cieara. "I wish ya both a good morning. I gotta go finish delivering these #$%^&* ng parcels." Grabs some pretzels for the road then turns for the door.

Chris' hand passed easily through the wards without any thing remarkable happening, that, could be seen as extremely odd.

A sudden bright smile as Cieara dipped her head to Chris and then blew a kiss that might actually feel like it landed right on his cheek and then chuckled low.

"Indeed. Save a good one for me, Christopher. I do so like presents." Veighn snickered as he rolled his recently tapped shoulder.

Chris grinned and with a lift of a hand backwards to the room then stepped out.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-26 14:25 EST
Hold your hands into the sky Pray for my sin, instead of time You are the massacre, the masochist , the tease And you're captivating, standing in front of me

Evan Blue - Tease

"Nice to see that you didn't fall into a pile of dust upon the lightest touch Milord Yhaull." A step over, sliding herself up with easy grace into a stool two away from Veighn's with another velvety soft chuckle from Cieara's lips.

"It is indeed amusing to think so, however, is it nae?" He remarked drank another dram of brandy. "That excites ye doesn't it?" Veighn quipped, lowering the glass. His gaze shifting toward her, though he faced the mirror.

"I think you just Nae like to be touched. Some are simply like that. According to my father, my Mum was rather protective of her personal space when they first met. Often would become irate if any sought to invade it." Her head turning to regard him and Cieara started to laugh again, with a quiet warm tone. "Perhaps it does, but I think ye be liking the tease as much as I.."

"I think it arouses ye." Tongues trilled into a wicked purr of speech thereafter. That was unexpected.

"Ah, it would take a bit more effort then mere teasing to achieve such a thing as arousal Milord." She twisted with the chair and Cieara spun about to look at him fully with a casual crossing of leather-clad legs followed by a low amused laugh. "You are appealing enough true, but looks while welcome are not always the draw."

"That's not what I was referring to." Veighn turned his stool as well, a brow arching. "Ye are smitten with me. Ye ooze it in ye very movements and mannerisms. I think that is a reason ye like being so close to me. Ye like watching what I do. I think it thrills and excites ye."

"Smitten" Ah, in that I find ye interesting yes. That is true enough, but I have not actually sought to get to close. I have nae invaded your space or sought to cloud thoughts in a way you likely know I could. I find verbally sparing with you engaging, if that be the thrills, then I guess I be guilty there also." Cieara wasn't at all embarrassed to admit any of that and just looked at him with a certain shadow of humor playing on pale lit features.

"Well, then perhaps that is a good thing." His glass lowered to the bar top. Veighn began to pull at the voluminous left sleeve cuff of his robe, his wrist rolling as if to remove stiffness or a cramp. "I would nae want ye so utterly infatuated with me, now would I. It would really be a hard thing to endure, should I side with DCH and the like."

"I would like to suggest ye not do that, but it is your choice to make." A serious expression moved over Cie's elegant features for a moment, but then faded with another quiet chuckle. "Though I doubt my feelings on that matter hardly carries any weight. If I would be so enthralled, it wouldn't faze ye one way or the other. Other then to perhaps be a nuisance to you or mayhaps a minor amusement depending upon your mood at the moment."

The green gaze watched the movements he made and Cie tilted her head slightly, a few curls sliding over a pointed ear from the tipping. "There are herbs that aid in such physical discomforts Milord. Should look into that."

"I have many moods, and not all of them appeal or fall into the realm of those choices." He turned his head toward her then, hands steepling. "Why should I chose ye and yours over DCH. Ye have provoked my movements toward certain avenues and paths of approach. Why should I stroll down ye boulevard?"

"I think that would be up to you to decide Milord. I can hardly offer you any information regarding my family. That would not be very prudent of me now would it?" Cieara's brow arched as she started to smile again, realizing he was subtly seeking information. "I can tell you this. DCH's power is formidable, but I suspect much of that is borrowed or stolen energy. What you will find with my family, the Bloods is inherent. Deals made there while tightly woven, would be binding to both parties."

"I suspect any made with the Lawyers, would be worth little more then paper they are printed upon if such a thing is done there." The "Black Mage" conjectured.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-05-27 15:53 EST
"When Ideas fail, words come in very Handy."

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Uruviel's form rippled and distorted the direct nexus about her in several hot waves of influx as she from the Warp into this reality; this act gave off a little too much Chaotic, almost Eldritch energy. The Eldarian Farseer, in her slave-like attire, weaved her little threads of direction towards Veighn, silently coming to stand beside him. Scrying would aid her in the topic currently talked about, and would more than likely bequeath her with the jist of said conversation.

"Binding agreements hmm' And what else know ye of DCH" Hmm' Or is that privileged information that requires a price?" Veighn smirked, hands folding to rest in his lap. The nearness of the pact-bound was felt - her rune began to shimmer with rose-tinted light before it quieted.

A brow arched upwards as she looked to the Elfin female coming to stand so correctly beside Veighn and her crimson-flecked eyes swept over her and the apparent attire. "Ah, well I am impressed Milord. Didn't think you swung to such hedonistic flavors, but all need those curious little mysteries to break up the tedium of living, Aye?"

Uruviel's blocked-color emerald gaze rose unto the woman, a slight smile offered to her respectfully. "This is why I prefer my original form, than this..." She remarked dryly, pausing to glance down upon the pact-rune branded in her palm.

"What little I know about DCH, I will share with ye Milord, without a price as it is somewhat common enough knowledge. Tis the belief of many they are body snatchers, if ye will. Viki often refers to Howe as "Snakeskin" with reason, for he's shed the flesh on a few occasions and took a different form. I believe it was Tasha that ruined the last actually decent body he had." Cieara then added, while still regarding the unknown woman.

"Ye are presumptuous to think so." Veighn turned to watch Uruviel, glancing her over again."Though I can see why the imagery would cause ye to think such." He turned his head back to Cieara once more.

"Oh, well, if I'm in error I offer my apologies. My father is a slaver but his chain nae wears quite those type of garments, but the idea ye, ah, um associate has for fashion does lend itself to that misperception." Laughter lit up her features again as Cieara looked from Veighn to Uruviel.

"Clever deception, though lacking if it does nae hold those off too long." Veighn turned his gaze back to Uruviel. "Ye wish ye construct armor, hmm?"

"Ah, Viki....Surely is that the name that you-" Slannesh's voice was cut short, she really did not need him whispering in her ear today. You could say Uruviel looked a little moody this morning, but that's mostly because she had spent most of the night preforming rituals for further Scorpians....Which turned out fruitless in the long run. The Eldarian crossed her arms - the armored limbs coming together, "....The Rafter Woman-" She spotted in the rafters last time, "A pleasure to meet you." She changed the topic mostly, but nodded to Veighn's question. "Mm."

"Back to the subject of DCH then." Fingers furled around a bent knee as Cie considered the pair for a moment, a lopsided curl of lips followed, as if she noticed something that amused her. "Nice to meet ye as well Milady." Her auburn-haired head dipped in a slow nod to the woman.

"I find it offensive." Veighn added for Uruviel's mental examination, turning back to Cieara. "Go on."

"I know of few to have ever seen Cheetum, but Dewey cuts quite the figure. Nae as repulsive as Howe but carries the same energy they both seem unable to hide. Their tactics are less then legal. Did ye know they did already attempt to kill Lord Lucian by blowing up his home?" Cieara graciously obliged.

"Is that so..." Uruviel commented, disinterested. Normally she would have told Veighn something sarcastic. Don't let that her ignorance fool you, she really is a cute little playful puppy on the inside trying to break out. For now, she will remain quiet and listen in on today's topic about the Game. "See" Summoner" Hypocritical little creatures those....Snakes in the grass. "

"I read about the fire, aye. I assumed, by what Alysia had told me of the event, or was it Lucien" Pause. "No matter, I assume that they had a hand in it. However, the conformation thereof is interesting."

"Tis believed they also blew up the court house as the RhyDin Courts had ruled in Lucian's favor, something Howe took quite personally." Cieara continued with a glance now turned towards Veighn.

Uruviel raised an eyebrow at that little piece of amusing information. "Ill tempered, hm?" Idly to herself.

"By my own observations. Howe does love to make deals, but if one could read the emotions correctly, he already plans to twist them to his own ends and delights in the planning of such. Dewey has a fondness for the ladies. Seems interested in Taneth if the reports are correct and according to my father" there is a large Norskman working for them as well. One that I heard recently shot my Aunt Sid with a blaster."

"I see....well....were there magistrates in the building, or was there no one?" His chin lifted, banishing an image that had come to mind.

"There Was a few if I remember right. Was some time back but there was a report about it in the paper ? can always look to the archives. DCH of course tried to lay the blame upon the Bloods for the Courthouse, but as always they had nae any valid proof." Cieara continued to give helpful information.

"Gunthorm...Aye, he's "run into" me recently. I know of the Norseman ye refer to." Veighn's lips pursed and he snickered as more information came to confirm what he already thought.

"My Father plans to break that one I suspect, as he nae likes that one's interest in one of the family." Doesn't say who, as Cieara doubted that hardly mattered to the Mage. "They have purchased several areas of land around the township and seek to harness the Nexus power, but as of yet reports state they have failed in that endeavor and that too they blame upon the Bloods."

"Understatement." Uruviel muttered, side glancing to Veighn.

"My Aunt Belial has far more information regarding DCH, that I am sure of and likely would share that with you should you ask." Of course Belial would also have proof of some of it, while others the lawyers did manage to hide.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-05-27 16:02 EST
There is no law of progress. Our future is in our own hands, to make or to mar. It will be an uphill fight to the end, and would we have it otherwise" Let no one suppose that evolution will ever exempt us from struggles. 'You forget,' said the Devil, with a chuckle, 'that I have been evolving too.'

~William Ralph Inge (1860 - 1954)

"So Gunthorm has an interest in Anastashia, and Lankyn wishes to dismember the Norseman. Aside from that, DCH is trying to hurdle obstacles at the Bloods to busy them whilst they try to harness the nexus " most interesting. What about Kairee" Does she fit into the Bloods or DCH?" Veighn questioned sharply.

"I nae think she has taken any stand on one side or the other. And tis my father that wishes the Norseman's head. I can not say what Lord Lankyn feels on that matter." Leaning back with a lifting of one hand, Cieara smoothed a few curls back over a pointed ear with a glance at Veighn."It is known the lady can use the Nexus, but she may not be the only one after all Milord."

Kairee" Uruviel blinked to that name. She knew who it was, but her involvement in this was something a little new to her. Uruviel gave Veighn a puzzled look of interest....And too Cieara. Can manipulate the Nexus" Interesting. "Amusing that. Is it not?" Uruviel's cosmic tone echoed.

"One thing I can say Milord Yhaull, DCH while clever and dark in their ways, has only been allowed to go this long due to other threats considered more dangerous." Cieara paused and her head tipped slightly, with a glance towards one area of the rafters and then chuckled. "I shouldn't speak of such things here."

"I doubt that it is all, I just mention her because she is an eyesore I'd rather have erased than be kept around to watch. She is far too self-diluted, even for mine own tastes. There is confidence, there is arrogance, and then there is that one who surpasses both labels." This stated by Veighn with a sneer.

"Ah, but many of the males here seem to hold her with great fondness, even my own brother has found her a very charming creature." Cie was just a quick to add with a glance over at the mage.

Veighn blinked, and fought the wave of nausea threatening to bow him over in the redecorating of Cieara's attire. His lips soured, and he turned his head toward his shoulder suddenly.

And if he would spew, he would find out just how fast Cieara could move. A brow quirked upwards as she noticed the expression Yhaull wore and glanced to his associate as if the woman would have some understanding of what ailed the Mage. "Be ye alright Milord?"

Uruviel looked to Veighn, raising a brow again. Why was she standing so close to him' She recall didn't want Veighn-gunk over her first thing in the morning....Or ever, for that matter. "He's thought of something....Displeasing Either that, or I did something wrong." That grinned to the woman.

"I find such grotesque, donnae speak to me further of ye brother's interest in the woman." Veighn seemed rather appalled by the whole imagery flashing through his mind, and turned a glance back to her, then Uruviel.

Uruviel smirked just then, she loved it when she was right. Ahhh, she picked the right thread that time to read into! "I assume you do not find the alien creature attractive, Summoner?"

"Oh I nae think ye did anything wrong Milady. I saw one of those mild tantrums earlier, had a different effect to be sure." Cieara's laughter bubbled at Veighn's remarks. "Well Milord I am sorry if my words soured ye stomach so simply."

Veighn just looked blankly toward Uruviel, a blink, then turning his gaze back to Cieara, not deigning an answer to that question. No, he'd rather imagine she'd never asked it, rhetorical or not.

Uruviel smiled, yet her prejudiced emerald orbs scanned Cieara's form for the billionth time today. "He finds most thoughts inclined to attractiveness to most creatures putrid....Well. Most." That spoken, she turned to make for the bar. She desired a drink.

"Oh Aye. I have noticed that Milady." Her low whiskey warm laughter falling as Cieara sent a nod to the lady as she passed to round the bar and then regarded Veighn with that humor still present.

"I see ye find that amusing?" Veighn noted with a disdainful tone, eyes narrowing as he moved to collect his snifter of neglected bubbling brandy.

"Most enjoy beauty Milord. To be repulsed by it is a rare thing and amusing due to it's oddity. So I do find that something of an amusement in the fact ye seem to not follow that norm." And indeed that laughter flowed and colored Cieara's words without actually falling freely.

That 'Milady' was really starting to grate on her nerves. She gave enough time to give a glare to the bar top, perhaps even a silent sneer. Once at the bar she selected some bottle of fermented - whatever it was - and attempted to read the inscription. How annoying. Filling a glass of the white wine, she turned and made her way back to Veighn's side. "If you think he's repulsed, you should see my husband." A shudder.

"If ye saw what I saw, ye'd be repulsed by the woman as well. This I assure ye." He turned his gaze to follow Uruviel's movements, spying her over the rim of his glass as he stole another drink from the crystal vessel. Veighn's gaze shifted back to Cieara once more, scanning the outline of her figure with his eyes.

"Must be difficult if you can't find your own spouse appealing Milady." She did pick up on that irritation, the emotional thread absorbed with ease but as Cieara hadn't been given the lady's name she had little choice but to use the formal but ever polite title.

Aware of that inspection, she didn't respond like many others might, there was no preening or efforts made to position her into some appealing pose, instead she regarded him with those gleaming crimson flecked eyes and that faint smile playing on rose pale lips.

"I find that my Master's....Beauty is in his actions alone. However, I find creatures like-" She indicated Veighn, "More attractive than him." Maybe her taste died with her when she was sucked into the Eye of Terror, but....Who knows! Maybe there is hope for the Eldarian yet. I'll make you pay for that, Uruviel. "The Norseman....How strong is he?" Uruviel's eyes flashed a most Daemonic and sinister glance to Veighn.

"Very bull like strength." Veighn turned his gaze toward Uruviel, his eyes hooding, assuming that vapid look once again. "I wouldn't begrudge him his might, he looks as though he might be able to wrestle a minotaur down to the ground."

"That I can not say Milady. I have not actually paid that much attention to the Norskman, but my father has stated he is a rather large man - strong and muscled." The smile fell on her lips then as she looked to Veighn. "And yes, Lord Yhaull is attractive." Cieara had never saw a reason to Lie, as those often came back later to haunt after all.

"How very interesting." Uruviel commented with a sip of the wine, finding the liquid tasteless. Why did she bother with such pleasures these days" When it all came down to little taste and satisfaction' Leaving the subject of attractiveness lie, she tilted her head. "I wonder how Chaos would taint the man. Khorne....I'm sure he would find the man useful."

"Blood for the blood god, perhaps?" Uruviel commented with a grin over the rim of her glass to Cieara.

Lord Veighn gritted his teeth, taut lipped as he was. There was another sip, cursing his figure and frame. It was one of those many ironies of life. Were he disgustingly hideous, he would be overlooked until he wanted to be. No, he found the remarks irritating. He sipped his brandy, setting it on the armrest of his perch.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-05-27 16:19 EST
The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.

~George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950), "The Devil's Disciple" (1901), act II

"If he has the bend of a Berserker, tis a sure bet that may be why my father has interest in him as well." A brow arched slightly at the woman now and she sat back slowly. "Indeed, such is the ways of Chaos undivided. That however is my father's path but not mine."

"Yes....Indeed..." Uruviel moved to lean against a chair in front of her with an outstretched hand, her other tilting the glass to her lips. "Your Father is a very brave man. I am sure my Master would be pleased to meet him, sometime..." Tilting her head she took a sip of the wine, giving the liquid a most curious expression. "Maybe I should drop my interest in the Norseman too, as it seems one banner of Chaos has already laid eyes upon him."

"He shrugged of a minor pulse of mine, which I have never seen a human take gracefully before. It sent him sprawling, but he recovered quickly. I'm most sure it shattered any bones, though it seems the pack of muscles in his frame took the brunt of the blow before it got to his bone structure, softening it." Veighn remarked, but apparently in a less then pleased manner.

"Ah, but Milady, Chaos as it is, allows for a few various paths to the same goals. If you see the chance, would be best to take it, as would my father if such an opportunity would arise." Cieara replied to Uruviel simply.

"I hope its not the side he's exposing to us now." Veighn muttered before taking a sip of his beverage. His brow piqued, ready for the rebuke and the chance to look innocent.

Veighn was regarded with a chuckle, "Oh you know my attacks are not that physical, Summoner. There is only one way to break men with nothing but brute force..." Of course, Uruviel was rather adept in the line of destroying that sort of creature, "Perhaps I might keep my eyes out for the man....Maybe hand him over to your Father....He sounds like a man who would do better good with him." Uruviel grin once again took a sinister form.

"If the man be a Blood thirsty berserker type, they can take much in the way of damage, shake of pain as if it was nae anything Milord Yhaull. Tis the nature of that trait, but they can also attack their own, that being the draw back." This was one area Cieara did have some personal knowledge of and didn't mind sharing it.

Veighn let out a sinister laugh, his lips curling back into a toothy grin. Apparently the jape had gotten under the man's skin." I must name the juggernaut to stop him." Off-handedly, another sip, he was growing rather fond of this libation, at lest for the time being. He still preferred his mulled wine and the absinthe.

A curious look to Veighn and then quiet laughter falling from her as well. "Tis likely that one is one of those outpatient types from the RhyDin Mental facilities." Cieara referring to the one that had just left in a bit of a temper.

Uruviel rolled her eyes, "I thought most of the creatures here are....A little lacking in the sanity department?"

"Victoria would be at home there, I believe." Yes, Veighn knew she was as loony as a Saturday morning cartoon, not that he knew of any such sort of thing. The girl was a bit off, to say the least. However, he also knew that she had some insight into things that others didn't. She was the snowflake that started this whole avalanche, after all.

"Ye make an assumption there Milord that is rather false. Viki is nae as loony as ye seem to think. Simply takes listening to her and connecting the words to their true meaning." Something Cieara had never had trouble with, while others did more often then not.

Uruviel was awfully silent now, glaring at the glass in her hand more than anything. It seems the name hit a rather deep nerve. "Yes, the woman is rather interesting in her speech, isn't she?"

"She is the seer."That said quite simply by Cieara, for that was what Viki was and seldom was she wrong, if one listened carefully to what the girl said and understand their meanings.

"I know." Uruviel smiled to Cieara.

Veighn donned an expression that said "oh' really now?" He turned his gaze from her to Uruviel, her silence prompting him to speak. "Indeed, she is.." That in answer to her remark. Attention danced between the two. He counted the fate-fall in his mind. In the meantime, he pressed his booted feet to the rung of his stool.

Cieara offered a sharper glance of crimson kissed pale green eyes towards Veighn, gleaming with some silent amused thought perhaps. "I seem to recall hearing that you sought to capture Viki's attention. I know she nae trusts you, but you have that odd way about you after all Milord."

Uruviel placed down the now empty glass, and looked between the two. "If you excuse me I must take a short leave. I feel that certain Scorpions are calling my attention." A rather short glance to Veighn as she moved to the door. Whenever she heard that name....Viki. The Seer. The woman with interesting words to speak - yes, Uruviel desired to see her once more...."Excuse me." And she's out of the door.

"Tis nae odd. And aye, Viki loves me, she just does nae knows it yet." Veighn didn't nod to Uruviel as she left, accepting it as was. He found the departure rather swift, and frowned at the mention of scorpion troops. He didn't want those things trying to reduce his castle to ruins, however the wards were in place, and they'd have to deal with his two servants, and possibly a third, if they tried any such nonsense.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-05-27 16:25 EST
Self-denial is indulgence of a propensity to forego.

~Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914), The Devil's Dictionary

Elf Galeas's hues glanced over the few others before he strolled over behind the bar.

"Your. . . Associate seems to have an interest in Viki as well....and I would call Love a bit of an exaggeration Milord." This time Cieara did stretch a bit, a muted one lacking much in the way of energy in it's offering and just regarded him with a bit humor.

"Growing tired, darling?"He noted her stretch casually, allowing his eyes to linger on her features rather than dropping them to the strain of breasts against leather confines. Veigh leaned against propping left elbow a bit, using the armrest to support the weight of his upper torso. He crossed his ankles on the rung beneath him, heels meeting the wood with thud of pressure.

"Aye, a bit. It has been a rather long day after all." Doesn't mention the lingering effects of a poison she had been recovering from as she believed that he didn't need to know about and darkened green eyes drifted half closed, shading the glint of laughter with lowered lashes as Cieara leaned against the bar and rested a chin against curled fingers.

"Look like ye're about to fall out there in the stool. " He smirked, tilting his head as he watched her. Then Veighn's attention turned his gaze toward the one behind the bar, brow furrowing as he gave him a pointed look.

The elf had prepared some tea and was busy sipping at it, not paying any mind to the others.

Cieara was watching him with a sort of semi contemplative mood resting upon pale lit features but at his words a laugh slipped from rose pale lips, a low mellow tone. "Ye of all people should know that looks are often deceiving Milord."

"Hence, why I referred to the appearance as just that." The Mage waved his hand at her comment, shooting it like some moth. He then drank up some more of the Spiced Assii.

A side glance towards the Elf with the steaming tea, thinking he looked vaguely familiar but she couldn't quite place him before her attention returned to Veighn, his waving hand drawing another laugh. "My, ye are rather the dramatic one." Cieara's speech slipped, much, into the more common manner of her homeland.

The elf reached back with a porcelained hand to smooth out his hair before softly closing his eyes, taking another sip.

As soon as she had stepped out of the Inn it would seem, she was stepping back in! Ah, the ability to use the Warp was indeed a little plus. The Eldarian had looked little different from the form she left in - and was tempted to return in full armor, just to get Veighn's anger perked....But no, she would be appear like the good little slave for the public eye. She walked silently to Veighn, giving him a somewhat apprehensive glance. "Sorry about the quick exit." Her cosmic tone echoed, oozing the usual seduction.

"Dramatic?" Veighn smirked. "Explain your view of this; I'd very much like to hear it."

A second and the connection in her mind was made, the Elf was a friend of Kitty's that was why he had looked familiar, but was again gazing lazily at Veighn through those hooded darkened eyes. "Ye like to talk with animated emphasis Milord. The use of ye hands being a rather noticeable trait, which be all. Tis hardly an insult just a mere observation. Tis likely the magic user in ye I would suspect."

Lord Veighn turned his head to his hands after having drained the snifter of its libation. Leaving it on the bar, his brow furrowed as he examined his hands. His head tilted, lifting one brow, and then he glanced up as Uruviel reappeared. "I never really thought of it, nor gave it any passing consideration." He shifted his attention to the Farseer then. "Ye scorpions are not making a mess of things, I'm sure. I would be very displeased to find such out."

Uruviel glanced away then, but brought them back to Veighn with a little bow of her head, bringing her cosmic voice lower "A few of them decided that they were hungry, and made a meal out of some of the maturing Scorpians....nothing serious. It has been dealt with." Straightening her posture, she then smiled to Cieara. "Sorry to interrupt the conversation."

A serene and quiet smile graced her pale features as Cieara glanced over at Uruviel, acknowledging her return with a touch of amusement in her hooded gaze. "Ye have nae interrupted anything Milady. This Lord of ye's be immune to all my blatant wiles after all. So ye be welcome."

"What kind of mess?" Veighn's eyes narrowing on Uruviel. "Ye will control ye beasts, or I'll have to leash them myself. That, or make an example out of them, which I'm sure will not make me the most desirable company to be around afterward." His stolid expression was not hard to miss, a daft man could make it out by the look in his eyes. He softened the expression somewhat, turning his attention back to Cieara."Blatant wiles...indeed." He crossed his arms abroad his chest, not slipping them into those voluminous sleeves as he usually did. His own gaze hooded. "Such advances, ye might have a lesser beast swooning and clamoring over ye, drooling whilst he did so."

The smile was short lived....Veighn had subtly soured her already bad mood. "I have made examples of a few....They are bored, if anything, Summoner. A few are more succumbed to the beast that has been forced upon them, by my Master....Their....mutations have perhaps shocked them. They are angry, and thirst for something to take it out on....The mess consisted of a few of the Warp maturation chambers collapsing. Nothing I can't fix."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-28 22:10 EST
The air is visceral around us, Turning in it's circle steps on slow currents. And I watch as it pirouettes and spins in slow motion. A long drag becomes a slow dance in a halo of ember.

Dashboard Confessional - Currents

Affecting a very dramatic sigh as Cieara looked to Veighn and there was a lurking of devilish laughter playing in those half closed green eyes as she regarded him. "Alas, ye are hardly a lesser beast to fall at my feet Milord. Perhaps I will have to redouble my efforts."

"Ye could always send them into the sewers. There be a vast amount of Skaven below that would be amusing for them to slaughter. Foul creatures after all and make good moving bodies for target practice Milady." Cieara suggested helpfully to Uruviel then.

Uruviel instantly gave a hiss at the race name. "Disgusting rats..."

"Perhaps, though I am not sure ye most extreme effort is enough. I am, after all, unyielding in my position." Yes, stroke the ego. He knew well she was being sarcastic, and Veighn found it amusing to challenge this, not that she'd be up to the challenge in the first place.

"Indeed, but tis unlike many would notice if a few or more went missing after all." Wasn't to fond of them either, but they did have plenty below all crawling about under the city."

With the knowledge that the Skaven even EXISTED in Rhy'Din had her natural racial hatred for....Well, anything not Eldarian had her clenching her fists at her hips. Her grim expression pointing directly towards the ground, she could almost feel the pests scratching below her feet, and it gave her a shudder. "Perhaps I should view how the Scorpion's battle-worthiness has changed with the mutations. I have yet to see them battle in their current state."

"They say that the dragon, Icer, was forced down the privy pot as a fledgling by some child's mother when she found her son with the beast." Veighn lied, but it amused him to do so. "I wonder is she could be considered vile Skaven vermin as well.." Tapping his lips.

That washing emotion of hate had Cieara sitting up a bit at the surge of energy and gave a soft laugh, having felt that sort of intolerance from a family member and couldn't help but be amused by it in another.

"Ah, the Lady Dragon is far from such a lowly station Milord." Cieara would defend the lady in such regards, as she liked the Dragon after all and did call her friend.

"Highly doubtful." Veighn returned, withdrawn from his thoughtful expression. He turned his glance to Uruviel. "Perhaps ye could send them to the lawyer, and deliver my message for me, so that they might emphasize the point of it."

Uruviel blinked....Then raised her brow to Veighn, "And how would they implement your message" Again, if they face with opposition, I will not know how they will fare against...if they are faced with the snakes in the grass."

Cieara didn't ask what his decision was, as she followed that idea of her Grandmum that the choice of everyone was theirs by right, and while she might be curious, the answer would show itself soon or later, of that she was certain.

"Well...if faced with opposition, or aggression, they will nae come back, will they?" Veighn smirked. "Perhaps ye should enhance them more."

"The armor should be protective enough. Their souls are safe with the Soulstones in place....The mark of Slannesh should boost their strength as well as their speed, but I cannot imagine with their current mutations there can be further enhancement." Uruviel glanced to Veighn, "The only way to get stronger troops would to offer Slannesh something in return."

That bit of news from the lady brought another soft husky laugh falling from Cieara's rose pale lips as she knew the ways of the god and could only imagine what favors would be required considering the hedonistic hungers it carried.

Countess Lynn slowly moved downstairs dressed in her usual attire of a flowing burgundy gown of fine satin. The neckline of which was cut low and a matching corset was laced tightly to accent ample globes of flesh. Raven hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Emerald eyes moved ever so slowly over the occupants has she stepped casually towards the bar. A stool pulled out and firm rear planted upon it. Legs pressed together and hands placed upon her lap.

He heard movement by the stairs, which prompted the suggestion. "Offerings are more than ample. One comes this way as we speak. Would he be muchly satisfied with that gift?" Veighn's brow piqued as he turned his gaze toward Uruviel.

A cup of earl gray was placed before her by some unseen force. Lifting the mug up she took a small sip, Countess Lynn's eyes dancing over the patrons once more.

A turn and half lidded green eyes regarded the lady and then offered a polite smile and nod of her head before she looked back at Veighn and Uruviel with more then a little humor flickering on her pale features.

Uruviel's eyes lifted to the woman, and smirked to her self. "The Great Enemy would be deeply satisfied with anything that could give....Well. Him. It. Her's - pleasure." Slaanesh's forms sometimes took on the male, or female - sometimes beautiful. In this case for Uruviel, Slaanesh took on the form of....something quite disgusting, Perhaps to mock her. Don't think such vile thoughts about me, Uruviel. Take her. I would be....Pleased. "Pleasured yes, of course..." Uruviel's emerald orbs scanned

The woman with the tea, felt a certain Daemonic call tickling the sinister and darker side of Uruviel's persona. "She might do. But I have no desire to kill something....Like that."

"Well?" The "Black Wizard" verbally awaited the response of the Farseer "witch." His lips pursed, while she explained. His brow furrowed, seeing her have some trouble with the description of the Chaos God. Veighn lips quirking from the left side to the right side of his mouth twisting and puckered. "Hmmmm...."

"Like what?" His brow arching, Veighn turned to look to the Countess, gesturing blatantly toward her direction with a languid sweep of his arm. "Like that' And just why not?"

Cieara held her words to herself as she watched and listened but there was humor resting easily on her features, as the she knew the God of Uruviel would be happy enough with a release of Lust in many cases.

"I think he would like to find something a little warmer." Uruviel commented with a grin.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-28 22:25 EST
Replace, replace that line That spoke to you And showed no signs to be alive. So are you livin' or dead" You have made a choice to hear your voice Or hold on to what they said.

Daughtry - There And Back again

Countess Lynn gave a nod in return followed by a smile. "Good day to you." Commented to Cieara.

"Well, perhaps that Taneth girl, or Samantha and Serena would do. Or..." Veighn pondered. "The scantly clad scamp in the very ridiculously short dress yester eve." He turned his gaze to Cieara suddenly. "Ye saw her, aye?"

"Ah, wait. The woman in the blinding pink?" A color she would never wear on her person, in fact didn't own such a shade in all of her many, many garments.

Uruviel nodded, her eyes almost grinning with her toothy grin. Somehow, she was enjoying the topic of conversation, and nodded. "I shall view tonight's display of flesh, and find a woman or man suitable for my Master's needs. If he is pleased, then maybe I will ask of him to summon some of the stronger forces of Chaos."

"Aye...That slatternly one. I'm sure she'd enjoy being granted as a gift." The Mage turned his gaze to Uruviel. "I am not sure much prompting would be needed."

"Do you know the woman's name?" She glanced back at him, struggling to hold back the urge to throw up at her own little dark desires to....She shook her head, resting a hand against her forehead. What was she thinking" The last thing she wanted was to sink as low as Slaanesh...."Maybe I'll find another way of offering."

Countess Lynn watched the trio as she sipped her tea. Listening with great interest.

"Maybe ye shouldn't. I'm sure he would enjoy the present talk of gifts, and in return, grant me something useful I might utilize should things go awry with the fiendish attorney." Veighn stated.

"Afraid I nae caught her name but can say she was a Lustful little thing. Had a seriously odd Lust for Pink as well. Somewhat resembled a stick of that cotton candy one can get at those traveling fairs that roam about." Was there a little hint of disgust there" No sure way of knowing as she was not fond of the color pink after all.

Uruviel's eyes lowered. No Farseer of the Eldar race would have dared bent herself to the taint of Chaos like she had....There was that voice - that little nagging piece of consciousness that held some kind of humanity to it, telling her that what she was contemplating on doing was not only down right wrong, but against everything the Eldar hate about Slaanesh. Do it, Uruviel. "I shall do it, for the sake of your games, Veighn." She almost sneered.

"I like what I'm hearing, Uruviel. Too, ye may keep whatever ye are gifted with. I'm sure ye small platoon of warriors would need some rather formidable lieutenants." The Mage replied.

Countess Lynn motions the a barmaid over and another cup of earl gray was poured, while her emerald eyes continuing to watch the trio has she sipped the freshly poured tea.

"I would like to see the look on his smug, fat face when he tries to weasel his way out of this." Veighn snickered, rubbing his hands together.

"I'm glad you do..." Uruviel's eyes briefly flashed a white of eldritch energy, annoyed at herself, cursing the rune on her palm - and cursing that pleasure-crazed Chaos God she called 'husband.' But let's be honest here. They were anything but that. "whose fat face?"

"I think he be referring to Mr. Howe Milady." Cieara responded with soft snicker falling from her at the comment as it did fit, must as Viki's calling the man "Snakeskin".

Veighn gestured to Cieara with his hand. "She will explain.." Volunteering her without her giving leave. He was scheming something already. That miasma of darkness moving about him more swiftly, that it even lifted his hair from his shoulders in the speed of its currents.

Another floating drift of husky laughter as Cieara had volunteered the information a mere second before Veighn's rather regal comment and just resumed her lean against the bar, fingers bracing light against her chin.

"Ah....The snake in the grass..." Uruviel then lifted that ignored wine glass to her lips, sipping as she just thought of something quite amusing. "I think once the ritual for summoning further forces is granted - providing he is pleased with the offer, I might ask of him to release a few of the Warp Spiders. I wonder how they have succumbed to the mutations of the Eye..." For a moment there she was excited about that prospect....Without a doubt, Slaanesh has twisted them in his own unique little way. "You might approve of them."

Countess Lynn watched as that dark mist swirled around the gentleman. Seems no one was normal in RhyDin let alone herself. Sipping that tea ever so slowly watching with a predator's gaze upon the three.

Uruviel then nodded to Cieara, "I also would like to meet your Father some time. I am sure our....Encounter would be amusing, since we are of the same race, yet different banners."

"Indeed." Sounding rather like her father in that moment but then the humor ever near the surface rose once more. "I am sure that would be an interesting meeting for both of ye. I am also of the mind that it could happen any time, as my father does frequent the Inn."

Countess Lynn's eyes continued their dance over the patrons contentedly sipping and listening with keen hearing. Nothing short of a whisper from, a near mile away would escape her.

"It will be an amusing encounter." She spoke softly, almost dangerously. If anything, Slaanesh and the Blood God were something of archenemies in the Chaos race, so two followers from the different spectrum of Chaos would be a most amusing encounter, in Uruviel's eyes. Not to mention, she is Eldarian. Maybe the man will know just what Uruviel is. Which in itself, might turn out bad. "I hope to run into him."

Crimson-flecked green eyes swung to Uruviel, feeling the various ebb and flow of emotions she wasn't attempting to guard and Cieara chuckles softly. "I am sure if you see him, you will not miss him. My father does tend to stand out even without making the effort."

"Without a doubt I am sure he is the perfect visage of a Berserker of Khorne." The Farseer smiled, looking to Veighn - who was bring suspiciously silent after all. "Is something troubling you? Or is the talk of Chaos upsetting the Law-master?"

"Ah, ye might be surprised Milady. My father follows Chaos Undivided. So he may nae look like what ye be expecting. If he is nae wearing his helm that is." There was a touch of pride in her words as she was very proud of her father as any good daughter would be.

"Nae...though I do find it peculiar, tis of little affront to me so far as I am not directly involved in the finding out of beasted breeds, Dark Gods, and sacrifices." Veighn turned his gaze toward Cieara.

"Ah, well if ye be into sacrifices, perhaps ye might be invited to one of the Blood Moon Ceremonies." Cieara didn't delve deeper on details however, but left that to a rather cryptic remark with a slight arching of a brow towards Veighn.

Countess Lynn finally rise and moved to Lord Yhaull. A curtsy was given and her head bowed. "Good day M'lord. I am countess Carolynn Wyrmcrest at your service. Might I sit and inquire further about your interests. We seem to have some things in common, and since I am new to this realm I find it best if I made some new acquaintances."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-28 22:41 EST
He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He doesn't play for respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance

Sting - Shape of My Heart

Uruviel smiled at Veighn's reaction, but drew her voice to the direction of Cieara. "I am sure I will be able to pick him out of a crowd, the Chaos tend to have a certain look about them....Don't they?" That said, tilted her head to the tone of the woman's voice, the words seemed....Well. Confident. Proud almost. For a moment there Uruviel was actually smiling - happily to the woman. Which is a first....But then the interruption from the Countess had her smile turning into a very grim, frown, almost in the span of a second. Let her play. Take her in your arms, Uruviel - take her. Take- "Mm."

"Aye Milady. He is quite distinctive." Cieara's slumberous green gaze swung towards the lady with a twitching of lips that bloomed into a smile of obvious amusement, and then shifted instantly towards Veighn to see how he would accept the greeting.

Distracted, Veighn turned his gaze toward the Countess introducing herself to him. He appraised her worth, or so it seemed by the shrewd, calculating look his stoic face registered. He took some time to examine her structure before nodding to the woman, it was a fraction of a movement, almost imperceptible. His eye's narrowed before tilting his head to the side. "What interests are these" That, and what things is it ye presume to have in common with Lord Yhaull. Veighn's tone became very sinister however, formal in cadence. Yes, he just referred to himself in the third person as well.

"You spoke of interest in..."Exotic" imports. I to have such an interest, may I sit?" The Countess motioned to the seat adjacent to him with a small smile and another small curtsey.

Uruviel had expected such a thing from Veighn, but it would seem the woman had other things on her mind. Sit....With the Summoner" She was all but cautious, after all, she needed to protect him, right' And so far he needed little of that - Veighn is a big boy and could easily handle the woman him self, by the looks of it. She stepped closer to Veighn.

Lord Veighn directed her to a chair, one from a nearby table. The fact that the seat was perched lower than his own was of no consequence to him. He cared little if it hurt her pride or her feelings. "There, draw that near if ye wish to listen and explain. We shall see if ye interests parallel mine own. I would rather ye not impede my view of the red-haired woman across from me. Too, setting behind me in such near vicinity is out of the question."

Countess Lynn's eyes moved to the red head and a nod given to her has she examined the woman briefly before lowering herself into the chair offered. "Thank you." Spoken softly. It took a lot to hurt her pride. Lifting her earl gray listening once more.

" spoke of interests in acquisitions. Do expound upon said aforementioned topic. What is it ye think ye have in common with myself, and the two ladies present?" "Shocker, Veighn didn't refer to Cieara as a strumpet upon introduction. Maybe she was growing on him, like a fungus or a bad rash."

That remark regarding her brought a brow rising under the disheveled drift of soft curls and the somnolent green eyes took on a decidedly devilish twinkling but Cieara remained silent, merely watching with avid attention.

"Acquisition and subjugation of said goods my good lord." Spoken in that soft tone once more has Countess Lynn sipped her tea.

Uruviel was watching the Countess, not really paying much attention to what was being said. Which was a lie, those long ears weren't for show.

"What, ye're referring to the women previously mentioned?" Coaxing gesture, Veighn wanted her to explain herself further to him. His brow arching. "Are you looking for a slave of some sort?"

"I believe the lady be offering to garner such for ye Milord." Cieara's cultured words sliding quietly from rose pale lips as she regarded the lady for a moment and then lifted her gaze slightly to Veighn.

"Not the women in our presence no. They seem to be spoken for. And yes...I am looking for reliable vessels for my newly built manor." The Countess took another sip of her drink. "Its construction was a taxing endeavor on my funds, but I assure you I still have more then enough for a few "Servants"."

"Ah, I stand corrected." Cieara didn't look at all abashed having mistaken the interest after all and just settled back to rest a soft cheek against a pale hand, black nails stark against her lighter skin.

"Is that so?" Veighn regarded Cieara as she attempted to shed new light on the matter at hand. Now that the reality of the situation came to fruition, being what he'd first expected, he started to laugh. He turned to Cieara with a grin. "She seeks a slaver. How very interesting." He then turned his gaze to Uruviel, and then back to the Countess. "What sort or variety of servant are ye looking for?"

"A few hands to work fields and bring income into my manor, and a few for, private occasions." The Countess sipped her tea once again. "Males for the labor and females for the aforementioned private occasions."

"Did she call Uruviel indirectly a slave" Uruviel's teeth gritted together, her blackened hair falling about her face as she tilted her head downwards, struggling not to glare back at Veighn at the woman's insinuation. "Probably blood slaves."

"Oh yes. RhyDin does not have scruples about flashing one's special needs does it...Yes...vessels to slate my hunger are what I am looking for. Hunting is so ..unladylike." The Countess added.

"Or lazy." Uruviel commented in a grumble.

Was sure it was Uruviel's apparel that had led the lady to think the woman a slave, much the same mistake that she had also made and Cieara gave a slow lazy smile but kept her tongue for the moment just glanced to Veighn's associate with some humor evident in her half lidded green eyes.

Countess Lynn glances to Uruviel. "My dear woman. When one is from a noble upbringing such has myself it comes with certain privileges. Privileges I have been without ever since I came to this realm, and I do wish to go back to that which I have grown accustomed."

Uruviel glanced to Cieara's humorous expression and returned it with a forced little smile. She's perfect. Yes, the woman's self indulgence was perhaps now fully taken into account by her Dark God, Slaanesh, and....Well. Desired to have her. Uruviel held her tongue, and simply stared back at the woman - after all, it was Veighn's conversation.

Countess Lynn's eyes moved back to Veighn. "Forgive that outburst my lord. Please continue."

"Hmmm....Blood slaves hmm' Ye need a herd of vessels, I see. Somewhat like chattel." Veighn turned his gaze toward Uruviel, and then back to Cieara with a grin blossoming. "What manner of beast' Human, Elven, demon, dragon?"

"Yes. Cattle...It would be presumptuous of me to say that many of these inhabitants have lives, and being pets and cattle will be the only real purpose for them." The lady replied.

"And are these for the slaughter, or do ye mean to only drain them of their precious bodily humors only slightly?" Veighn's brow piqued. His fingertips pressed together, and his chin lifted slightly as he watched what emotion her face might register. His own look was one of stoic receptiveness, his eyes lowered to half-mast again, causing him to look more impassive as he looked down upon the woman from his high perch in the stool.

"That all depends on two things...if I am very hungry, or they anger cattle they are replaceable should one expire before it's time." Again the Countess responded to the "Black Wizard".

The dark green eyes, looking a bit drowsy met the Mages with a slow languid smile curling on Cieara's lips, the glance shared was one of dark amusement but to the onlooker would likely seem perfectly proper, a mere exchange of looks and little else on display.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-29 03:09 EST
Deal with me Don't even think about leaving yet I'm not a part of some false regret Even though I believe in fables Come reset A part of life that you'd soon forget And maybe think about who you hurt In the process

Shinedown - Trade Yourself In

Lord Yhaull flickered back into view, his words having been cut off as he was manifested into a pocket dimension. His lips pursed, and he cleared his throat, restating what he was going to ask. "Ye still did nae define which sort of chattel ye were looking for. And the price ye were willing to pay should I have such garnered for ye."

Countess Lynn took another sip of her earl gray and eyes move along the patrons once more. Trailing over to mage a few moments longer then the rest before her eyes move back to Lord. "There is a third. I correct myself; If the said cattle were to bore me...I would just be rid of it and find another that amuses me. Oh. forgive. Well feeding cattle will be of the female persuasion...I have very particular tastes. and I find females taste much better then males. Any species will do really. I would rather enjoy a variety to choose from. a buffet if you will."

"Females hmm' Of any variety' Tell me, dearest Countess, how delicate is ye palate?" The Mage asked with a calculating cast on his continence.

"I like my prey to be in their mid teens early old and they expire quickly. To young and the same results." The lady explained.

A shift of movement and a hand rose with casual attention to brush a curl back over a shoulder as she languidly crossed well toned legs and drawing for a softly whispered hiss of leather with the motion and movement.

Veighn turned his gaze toward Cieara at this newest revelation. "Indeed! Tell me Cieara, have ye any females that might interest the Countess" " Brow piqued, yes, he was drawing her into the middle of this as well.

Uruviel listened, and nothing more. Though the prejudice in her eyes ever more evident than before. Her breathing had become suddenly shallow - her eyes drooping half closed as....Well. Impure thoughts flooded her metaphorical 'mind.' She had to lean against a chair to steady herself, for....Well. The hedonistic taint that was Slaanesh calling out the Daemon within. Tempted"

"Ah, I am afraid not Milord. Tis my father that deals in such thing. I have but one Handmaiden, but I am rather fond of her so wouldn't offer her up to such a cause. She has a rather lovely singing voice I would miss." Cieara's features wore a placid expression, showing little emotion however the glitter under the thick shadow of dark lashes was that of amusement.

"Oh I would not kill her...especially if she can sing...I do so love music...perhaps I could use her for a quick fix?" A hopeful glance to Cieara. "Of course I will pay for renting her."

"As she is the only one I can claim I would not offer her away Milady. In truth, I do nae own her, she is the property of my father and he's nae one willing to share if they are of his personal chain. Of course others he collects as prizes of war are another matter but his prices are known to be rather high." Cieara replied in soft cultured tones.

Do it! "I..." She began, rubbing her armored fingers against her cheek nervously, "I don't suppose you're interesting in....More exotic flavors of the flesh, Countess?" Uruviel's cosmic tone dropped, to a sinister level, "Perhaps, I could ask as to how....Experimental you are, in tasting new things?"

"I see." The Countess rubbed her chin some sipping her drink. Looking over to Uruviel. "What sort of flavors" I try to keep an open mind and love new things. I am not that old fashioned."

Lord Veighn turned his gaze to Uruviel then, his smile broadening. He even granted her a nod. His lips pursed and his luminescent crimson eyes danced with mirth. He was rather enjoying this turn of conversation. His hands slipped inside the voluminous sleeves of his robes, crossing across his chest as his "assistant" aided in the suggestions to the Countess' quandary.

Cieara's eyes flickered, taking on a deeper shade of crimson as the more base emotion was caught in a fleeting moment from Uruviel and she couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips, although she did attempt to hide with a hand lifting as if to cover a faint yawn.

Uruviel smirked, "There is a few enslaved wretches in my....Master's good possession. The blood is ripe, they are beautiful - if at all, unnaturally so. My good 'husband' does have a myriad of tastes of various....Flesh." Good girl, Uruviel. Good girl... "They are the best in the....Realm that he resides in. If you desire a....Taster, perhaps some time during this day I could take you to pick some of your choosing....But I do warn you, they may be beautiful, but there is as with everything, a price." Why was she speaking in seductive tones that seemed roll from the tongue ever so....Fluidly' "They are awfully good little girls, even if somewhat submissive."

She nodded some. This sounded to good to be true, and The Countess would have to always be on guard for treachery. A sip of her tea was taken. "I see. I will have to look into it."

"If you wish I could arrange it for today to sink your teeth into one of his children. I am sure he will be pleased that you are interested in them."

"They can be deadly, if not tended to, I will admit." The Mage stated after a pause, allowing his "assistant" to explain. "Though, ye seem like a very attentive woman, and they are prize possessions. The question is, how many would ye desire, and what value would ye place on them. Monetary, or otherwise?"

"Hmm...Well let me look the stock over, and if I find one that catches my eye we will then discuss payments agreed?" The lady suggested.

"Perhaps ye might switch them out. The could be used as guardians, as well as a feastful prey." Veighn's smile was almost Cheshire.....almost. "Though I would not drain them too much, where ye to do this. Besides, the circulating of many could keep them busy, and distract them from becoming bored. After all, every rose has their thorns." His chin lifted, brow escalating over his right eye.

"Oh I will keep them busy my lord. feeding from and putting to work to bring in an income." The Countess Lynn promised.

Veighn turned to Uruviel, a nod of acceptance given. "I shall see to it that my assistant has one of her better ones ready for the viewing."

"You may find that they....Interact, rather well." Uruviel titled her head, "The lovely children of the Prince of Excess will tend to your every whim. They'll even eat the dirt from the ground upon your strict instructions..." See, Uruviel" There is nothing wrong in spreading pleasure to those who want it. "I shall indeed, Summoner." Uruviel's rune began to shimmer, and wan red light began to emanate from her palm. His gaze shifted to the Countess. "I hope to find this beneficial for the both of us. Should ye need more, I shall have my assistant see to the details and the payments needed."

Sitting up once more with a slow lazy stretch, more akin to that of a feline then any effort to tease at this point, Cieara subsided with an idle bouncing of a booted foot and a faintly amused smile resting easy upon pale lit features.

Uruviel glanced to her hand, noting the glow from the rune in her palm. What was this for" For a moment she seemed distracted - she seemed distant, almost, thoughtful. Like she was taking in words. Then with a silent nod to herself, her smile widened, looking to the Countess. "If you desire, I can show you now" So you can come to a conclusion."

Veighn turned his gaze from the Countess, lifting it toward the stretching Cieara whilst Uruviel made arrangements and thought about concessions needed to forward the agreement to a beneficial resolution. His brow piqued as he tilted his head to the side, a crooked slip of a smile forming his lips as he did so. Again, the shadows began to writhe about him, shifting in the dark nimbus radiated by his being.

A brow arched as Cieara intercepted that look in her direction and she appeared mildly puzzled about it, but then chuckled again quietly, as the "Black Wizard" would likely think it deliberately provocative when in fact it hadn't been at all designed to be.

Countess Lynn finished her tea looking to the trio once more. "How much would you say each is worth monetarily?"

"Are ye enjoying yeself, Cieara?" He was suddenly distracted by the unexpected question, He turned his gaze toward Uruviel. "Hmmm...that is just the question we were waiting for, Countess." Veighn turned his gaze toward her once more, affecting a casual expression as his hands slipped from the sleeves of his robes. He leaned forward slightly, propping his elbow against arm's rest as he swiveled the seat of his stool in her direction.

"Indeed Milord. I always find ye company amusing." Cieara replied softly. Oh there was plenty of innuendo in that remark, but all very much an inside comment that he would understand due to earlier conversations.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-29 03:29 EST
You go out like a riptide You know that ball has no sides You're an angel with an amber halo Black hair and the devil's pitchfork Wind-up anger with the endless view of The ground's colorful patchwork

Modest Mouse - Interstate 8

Uruviel smiled, "Why don't we first allow you to look upon some of the finest before we start thinking of payment. A taster - I will grant you to suck upon the lifeblood of one, to see if you're satisfied. Then we can talk payment."

"Ye say that ye are taxed in ye manner of payment right now. And, as these are quality goods, I am sure we can come to an agreement." Lord Yhaull turned his gaze toward the Eldarian again. "What would price would ye say one of our pretties would be worth, in monetary value?"

"Hmm....indeed..." He turned his gaze toward the Countess. "She does have a point, I would not wish ye to be dissatisfied with the wares. I do have a reputation to uphold, after all. I shall leave the details to her." Veighn obviously trusted Uruviel's judgment, due to him relaxing into the frame of the stool once more. He turned his gaze toward Cieara suddenly.

"Yes. We do not want you displeased, Countess." Uruviel stepped away from Veighn, backing up some of that protective overshadow she seemed to had been casting upon him for the last two hours. "Why don't you come with me, so you could taste one. Then we can discuss such matters afterwards."

Countess Lynn nodded and slowly rose to her feet. "Lead the way.."

Uruviel indicated the Back Alley, "This way, hopefully this should not take long." Turning to glance back at Veighn, she made a slow step for the door - opening it for the Countess to step through. "After you, Countess."

Countess Lynn nodded and moved slowly outside towards the back alley.

Slumberous dark eyes peered at Veighn with another smile, as if he was of great interest to her, but Cieara's gleaming gaze under that drift of lashes was dancing with wicked and well-repressed laughter. "Bravo Milord. Very well done by the pair of ye." She whispered soft and low.

Veighn to laugh one of those very ominous laughs of his, finding some sadistic amusement in the newest potential acquisition. "Oh' Ye believe so?" He settled into one of the two corners of his chair, still using the side of his armrest as a lean-to while he sat. His brow arching slightly. "And what is it ye think is well done, exactly?"

"To see such deviousness in action, ah, well that could certainly excite the senses to be sure." Fingers folding around her bent knee as Cieara pondered his next question. "I think the lady actually believed ye. Perhaps it be ye looks that led her to believe ye manipulations. Or mayhap ye manner. Either way it was rather masterful."

"Hmm...A virtuoso ye say?" He lifted his chin, hooking said chin in the grasp of his forefinger and thumb, as though he might have been stroking a beard or goatee that was not there. Veighn's lips pursed. "We shall see how this plays out. Should she seal the deal, much the better. Should she not, it shall be a lesson learned, on many sides. She does have promise, does she nae?"

"Depending on what ye hope to collect from her. I would admit her greed and lazy ways give plenty to prey upon." Soft amused laughter falling now as Cieara gave a slow shaking of her auburn head, sending a few burnished curls to bouncing along her shoulders and down her back

Lord Veighn ran taloned fingers through his black locks, soothing back the errant tendrils that began to do more than just frame his features. He then pursed his lips. "What would ye surmise that I intend to collect from her?"

"Ah, I would nae attempt to determine what price you would seek from the lady, I am not that clever. Considering she nae wishes to do for herself, I can but wonder, but I am sure ye be having an idea of her uses." Cieara's head tipped lightly to one side with another shimmering of darkened green eyes, as she had absorbed plenty of pure emotional energy this day.

"I do think ye are warming to my company, Cieara." Veighn chuckled, whetting his lips with a slip of tongued trinity. He moved to lightly trace the rim of the empty snifter still atop the bar, producing a tone with the pad of his index finger. "Who'd have thought so, hmmm?" His brow piqued as he turned his attention back to her rather drowsy expression.

"Ah Milord, I do find ye entertaining. So if that be warming then aye I have, but I would nae be thinking to make any deals with ye. I think I know better." Cie's attention shifted to the sound he was creating with the glass and she smiled slowly with a slow languid blinking of eyes.

"What makes ye think ye haven't already?" His brow dropping as he offered over a sly smile, his tones a light velvet purr - accent apparent.

"Because I have nae agreed to anything specific Milord." Cieara's own tone dropped into a low husky tone as she replied and her head dipped slightly while regarding him.

Veighn turned his head, though his gaze stayed upon her features, her expressions. Crimson eyes flickered here and there, she seemed to be seeping some form of ease that he did notice, though she seemed as though she might snap to an alert state of being were he to press her to that action. He continued to produce the tone, his dusky timbre issued forth from multi-tongued mouth once more. "And yet ye donnae seem as hostile toward me as ye once had been."

"Would ye rather I remained hostile" In truth I like to make ye bristle a bit, it amuses me to see ye react as ye do, but I suspect ye already know that." Indeed if he did press the situation she would snap to attention with preternatural response as was part of the nature she carried.

"Do ye think me as dangerous as many say' Or do ye find me more or less, harmless and impotent as some might suggest?" Veighn's brow arching, he didn't expect her to answer truthfully, but it amused him to see her dodge it, or not.

Ah, and Cieara's face just wore a look of surprise there and then soft mellow warm laughter spilled freely from her lips as she leaned into her hand, chin resting on a palm while regarding him. "I think Milord ye can be very dangerous. Nae once have I thought ye impotent as ye might believe. I am nae foolish enough to make just poor judgments as that. Where there is power, there is always danger."

"Therefore, in essence, ye like to flirt with disaster. Or, mayhaps, tempt danger. Smile in the face of death or destruction." Veighn could go on forever like this, but decided that he'd not get too far ahead of himself. The exchange was indeed a bit appetizing, and his expression was somewhat telling of this, though very peculiar. It was as if he might be plotting something else as he spoke. There was no telling.

"Oh Aye Milord. I do admit to having a bit of interest in walking along that edge, but I think that comes with the nature I carry. Or perhaps something inherited from my parents, for they also carry that craving for excitement that danger, destruction as ye say carries with it." Cieara suspected he was plotting, seeking to lead her down a rather rocky path and would be sure to tread that lightly as a languid smile curled upon her lips.

"I noticed that, indeed." He chuckled, stopping the sound produced by his moving index finger atop the crystal. Veighn sat his hand and forearm flat against the bar. His lips pursing. "It amuses me that Howe has nae seen that part of ye. Am I correct?"

"Mr. Howe sees what he wishes. He's nae taken the time to observe me in most situations so likely nae has any clue what to make of me, other then perhaps a rather wild child. Cieara didn't seem the least bit disturbed by that at all, as that was the impression she had purposefully given to many over the years. "It suits me to leave that one wondering of course."

"So ye suspect him to be dangerous, and yet, ye also believe that given House Bloods current matters, their disposal of him has been put off for a time" And just what, might I ask, do ye surmise his interest in me to be? Hmm?" His brow piqued as he inquired.

"Tis likely he is aware of certain deals ye have made. Likely the one with Tasha I would suspect and now seeks to find a way to take control of that. Or perhaps it was that meeting with Belial. If We the family think ye a threat or potential ally, they will seek to interfere." Husky low laughter as that actually made perfect sense to her and Cieara regarded the Mage with heavily lidded eyes. "They may be aware of others, perhaps ye association with Lady Alysia and Lord Lucian as well, and both have nae made friends of DCH that I am aware of."

"That is all very true. I wonder what his angle may be, and what he thinks he will get from me." The Mage tapped his fingers against the wood of the bar, glancing about the Inn, knowing that there were eyes in the walls, per se.

"I can nae answer that for ye Milord." Even her tone was taking a drowsy husky quality as Cie regarded him and just leaned into her hand, fingers curling to rest against inky black nails against her lips for a moment. "It is best to regard that one as a potential threat, even if ye would ally with him, for tis my belief he serves himself above all others."

"Though I have no doubt that ye family seeks to utilize me to their purposes, if they can." He turned his gaze, sharp, upon her once more. Veighn's left hand drawing the right leg over his ankle, his robes rustling with the movement.

"Aye, but do ye nae have plans to use them as well?" The look was somewhat skeptical as Cieara gazed at him, eyes dark and radiating with a certain curious humor.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-03 00:00 EST
You cursed me Falling through your sphere All I know is you and here Your tongue is fire when you speak Darling Daughter - Broken Bridge

"Such is it mine. Hence why I did not allow him to pressure me into the deal he wished to make. Colorful words, but I am nae so easily dazzled by such eloquence." Veighn's tone was mocking at the end of that statement, turning his gaze toward the door.

Cieara didn't look over as he did, just shifted, legs unfolding quietly and stretching out before folding back to rest heels against the rungs of her seat. "I can nae say I know the man well, but by all accounts, his deals have nae proven well for the few that have accepted them. If ye do think to agree, I would seriously suggest a magnifying glass so that the fine print can be read and understood. To be fair, I would suggest the same with Lord Lankyn. However, his deals nae have shown themselves to be false. Then again ye would admit I am biased in that belief."

"He promises a great many things, though I see him being rather limited in his offerings. Too, he seems very hesitant to agree to anything I wish to garner or glean from him. He has very little faith, and the threats.." Veighn chuckled. "Well, I believe ye saw them, did ye nae?"

"Aye, I did, for I was tracking him. He is a rather overstuffed little man in many ways, but I simply have a dislike of him. He emotions read false much of the time." A casually offered shrugging of her shoulders that brought another sliding of curls slithering along Cieara's back.

"I see...hmmm. So ye have dealt with the man, somewhat?" Veighn tilted his head, eyeing her expressions, looking more into her than at her presently. "And just how does he view ye' Hmm' Or Belial" Why doesn't he go after these members of ye family himself" Does he fear them?" Snickering.

"I have had a few minor dealings with him, often catching him seeking to terrorized Viki, or snapping comments to others of my family. Seems to me he has made only a few attempts on his own, and most of those ended poorly for him, so he seeks others to do the work for him." Cieara responded.

"I see...that seems rather interesting. How does he view the member's he's made attempts on' Individually?" The Mage chuckled. "I'm curious to see what sort of tactic he means to utilize. What he may have gleaned in his dealings with ye family."

"I know of two that have enraged him. Those being two he now wishes dead, along with Lord Lucian. I suspect there is fear there. If he feels that, it angers him that he nae longer sees use there, only wishes it gone." This was known to all the family after all, so not some deep dark secret imparted.

The Farseer returned from the Back Alley, none looking to pleased - or displeased for that matter. Slowly she made her way towards Veighn, her face the picture of a stoic statue. Flicking the black strands of hair away from her eyes, she stopped before the Summoner....And slowly curved her lips upwards, "I have returned." her cosmic tone echoing with deep seductive satisfaction.

Laughter instantly alighted on Cieara's pale features and eyes opened a bit more to regard Veighn's associate, wondering how the dealings had gone, but wasn't so rude enough to quiz the lady, for it was hardly her place to do so.

"Fear, hmmm. Or is it merely caution." He seemed distant, whether he was fargazing or working introspectively, It was very hard to tell. Veighn's lips pursed. "That is very interesting. I will like to see what Lankyn has to say, should this meeting occur. His view of the matter might be of some use to me."

"Have ye' And what have ye gleaned from the little Countess" Hmm?" His lips pursing. "She wasn't foolish enough to try and attack ye, was she?" Veighn seemed rather amused by the thought of it as it came to mind.

Uruviel's smirk was wicked, it grew so quickly that it may had been completely unnatural. "You will pleased to understand that it went fine, of course. What I have gained is something far better than directly using her as a sacrifice. I shall be even more satisfied to inform you that....We will be getting aid from Slaanesh, quite soon."

Aware of Howe's fear of her Grandmother, gave her the awareness that the very same fear did indeed extend to the others, but as he wasn't asking a question, she didn't reply with that bit of information just sat back with a slow lazy smile.

"I see. Hmm." He pursed his lips, eyeing Uruviel skeptically. "Go on.." Lord Veighn gaze shifted once more to Cieara, finding the expression affected somewhat curious. He pressed his hands together.

"I tricked her. I sold her some of the young female and not so mutated Eldarian Daemonettes, to sate her desire for blood and slaves. About eight in total..." Uruviel smirked as she came to stand next to Veighn once again, "I told her that for them to survive almost, she will need to directly indulge herself in....Well, sex with them." Tilting her head towards the door, she stood rather erect - almost proud that she had completed this task without so much of a hitch or hiccup. "The resulting self indulgence with Slaanesh's Daemons seems to me - and my husband - a more suitable ritual that can last for as long as we keep the Countess hooked."

Cieara smile gave little away except a certain apparent humor, and the flicker of darker green eyes under those lowered lashes, but then hearing Uruviel's words, the husky float of laughter slipped from her lips.

"I see, interesting. Now tell me, how willing is Slaanesh in the giving of said conscripts...Too, how many would ye think to gain from such a deal?" The Mage's brow piqued and he turned his gaze toward Cieara suddenly at her burst of laughter.

At Veighn's look, Cieara explained. "Ye will be lucky if ye Daemonettes don't become bored with their newest Mistress. They be a rather demanding sort by what I was taught. She nae seemed to be one of such earthy passions but tis possible I missed that." Is soon in need of sleep and could have neglected to note that part of the lady after all.

"He may be willing to release many of the Eldarian Hawks. But I shall put in special request to have the Hawks, Warp Spiders and Daemonettes released to boost the numbers of..." She paused, glancing to Cieara. Should she speak so boldly with her here" Either way she would end the comment, as she had started it. "-the Chaos Possessed Eldarian Army. I will know once I perform the ritual to bring them here, for maturing."

A glance to Cieara at that, "She is a sexual beast, that Countess. Though I am sure to keep the Daemonettes in her grasp she will indulge herself in them. She is after all, a bloodsucking seductive little creature."

Lord Veighn chuckled, turning his gaze from one to the other. "It seems that the venture may be promising. Which are the most ..." His speech broke off abruptly, brow furrowing as he glanced about the Inn once more, the mirror aiding in his view behind.

"I shall take ye word for that." Could have said more but determines it is best she hold back such remarks. "Tis possible I was mistaken, or distracted perhaps." Cieara commented.

Uruviel smiled to Cieara, "I asked her about her sexual desires for the slaves. Let's just say....It was rather tempting, even for the likes of me."

A brow arched as Cieara looked over at Uruviel and a slow curling of lips followed along with another velvet soft laugh. "Aye, I am sure ye were tempted Milady." She had caught that flash just before after all and still found it amusing.

"Was it now" Tempting ye say?" That seemed a bit surprising. Veighn snickered. Howe once spoke about gift horses, and now, it seems one had come. The irony of this being that he chose such to cajole him into an agreement that would forward his plans, and yet, said horse might be his undoing. He found the hilarity of it all very rich. His snicker began to grow, and he started to laugh. His shoulders shook with the force of it. He tossed his head back, and there was a wicked expression cast to the man's features. His shadow's writhed as he laughed, and the sound soon took to vibrating the glass and such near him with the resonation of bass.

"The temptation and taint of Chaos is always something that tries to sway me from my Eldarian ways." She spoke with a sense of distaste for the matter, despite she is after all, of the Chaos now....Soon she frowned, noting Veighn actually laughing! That was most certainly the most creepiest thing she has ever seen, "What's so amusing, Summoner?"

Couldn't miss the distaste after all and found that a curious thing, for most embraced the Chaos, as least thought Cieara knew and grew up around, all seeking to climb higher within the ranks of it.

Cieara's gaze soon swung to rest upon Veighn, a brow arching at the laughter, finding it a surprisingly pleasant sound, even if she suspected he didn't allow himself that sort of luxury often

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-03 00:08 EST
At the devil's party watch them stare in vain At the devil's party, now, you're no friend of mine Oh, lonely days of the road to excess When you're on fire you burn like the rest

Inxs - Devil's Party

"Oh, I was just thinking about Howe and his threats." The Mage grinned, flashing sharp teeth. He turned his glance toward the pact-bound Farseer. His eyes swirling with black flames in a backdrop of swirling scarlets and crimsons. He almost purred his next few phrases. "I donnae think he would expect me to amass something that may very well make him think twice about going through with his threats."

Hummed merrily as Taneth takes her usual tiptoed steps inside, while carrying a large basket of fruit that should be too heavy for her. She's in her usual dancer's world as she gives a little hop-step-twirl toward the bar.

"Good Morning to ye Taneth Sweet." Turning Cieara watched the graceful twirl with a warm smile gracing her pale lit features and languid eyes opened a bit with a shimmering of humor filled green eyes.

As she's still on tiptoes, Taneth sats the basket on the bar then smiled brightly at Cieara. "Hello, Cieara." She rocked back and forth on her feet now as she settled on them. "Did you eat?"

Uruviel blinked. Was that a complement' Was he....Indirectly praising her" Was he" Was he"! Not likely. But she smiled at him, pleased that he would actually laugh at the whole Howe matter. "So you're not going to send me back to the Eye of Terror any time soon?"

"Oh Nae as of yet Sweet. I became a wee bit distracted and admit that food. . . well it was rather the last thing on my mind." A velvet soft laugh escaped as Cieara slowly lifted her head where it rested upon curled fingers to regard Taneth.

"With ye Scorpions, and the Nothra I've enhanced, and the addition of these forces." He mused, smirking. "Aye, I donnae suspect he would enjoy a small army beating down his office doors should he try to force my hand." Veighn continued to smirk, finding the fruits of the evening and the day to be very ripe for the picking. He nodded to the Farseer. "Should this go well, I wish ye to see to it that the drilling of guerilla tactics takes well. Set aside some for assassin's training as well."

"Oooh....but you must eat soon. The fruit is especially scrrrumptious today." Taneth was fairly thrummed at the idea of the fruit. "And the sun is in full bloom!" Her arms raised as she lets out a twirl.

Kairee emerged from the shadowy corner; toss of her long fiery red hair over a perfect shoulder. A shadowed tendril seems to reach out for her; a smack of her hand, a gust of fire and the shadow retreats. "No." Sharply rebuking.

As that wasn't one of her shadows, Cieara merely looked over and watched the lady with a quizzical arching of a brow and then attention turned to the nimble spin of Taneth's, which drew forth another warm laugh. "And what fruit do you suggest Taneth Sweet' What has the sun provided that has ye in such high spirits?"

Uruviel smirked, "The Warp Spiders will be ample assassins for you to use. But I am glad that I am fulfilling my pact with you, Summoner. If anything, the Scorpions are not fit for urbanized warfare, though, I can adapt them. The Slaaneshi Daemonettes might be of some use in that genre of fighting." Then, she would lower her head so that her hair could curve about her face, "But I doubt they will force your hand."

The twirl is over and Taneth begins to bounced lightly on her toes. "Do you like dresses?"

Lord Veighn turned his gaze from Uruviel, to Cieara, and then to "Miss. Peachy-as-she-please". A glimmer of mischief lighting up an otherwise shadow-veiled face, the darkness receding some in richness. He spoke almost TOO enthusiastically. "Taneth! Darling! Good Morning!..."

A little giggle escaped Taneth at the questions from Cieara. "All the fruit is very good, but if you like sour I have that too." The bouncing soon shifts from foot to foot. "The sun is very light and bright and it is warms me up!"

Taneth spun and waved enthusiastically to Veighn. "Hello! I have more peaches for you!"

Uruviel glanced to Veighn at the near-happy outburst. "Has someone poisoned you today, Veighn" You're mood is starting to worry me."

Taneth waved to his companion as well with a brilliant smile then she looked back to Cieara as she confides. "He likes the peaches."

"Aye, I do Sweetness. I have a wide array of dresses back at home. Though I nae tend to wear them here often." A slanting of eyes towards Veighn, as Taneth appeared to have a fondness for him to bring him gifts of sun ripened peaches.

Taneth waved to Kairee. Clapped her hands together as she bounced on her toes once more. "Oh, when there is a dance again, will you wear one of your dresses" I have a new one that I have yet to wear to a dance."

Veighn turned a pointed look to Uruviel when Taneth was distracted, the look was somewhat fierce, though his smile less genuine grew into something more disarming as he turned it Taneth's direction. "Indeed. Have ye a sample for me today, Taneth?"

"I will bring you two!" Taneth chirped to Veighn. Never mind the fact that she has a fondness for just about everyone, she hop steps behind the bar and pulls out a bowl.

"Aye, if there is another dance that I attend, I shall wear a dress." More mirth filled laughter falling as she always found Taneth a breath of fresh air and light, making humor rise easily at her energy.

Up on tiptoes she goes as Taneth looked through the basket. "Wonderful!"

"How very lovely!" Veighn intoned, dipping his chin slightly as he eyed her with some fond expression coloring his features. He did, however, make it so the performance was not overacted.

"And we both will have a dance partner." Taneth seemed to be already planning how the dance will turn out with Cieara.

Uruviel was Looking to the rafters, "I was only jesting." She muttered.

Taneth pulled out two peaches and placed them in the bowl. There is a pause, though, as she stops at a spot behind the bar.

"Tell me Taneth. Have ye had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Howe as of yet?" Veighn's brow arching as he thought this would be an interesting spin on things. He held back his amusement in place of a quizzical and receptive look.

Taneth's voice lowers as she murmured to herself. "Fifty-five paces and missing."

"Aye, I am sure I can find one if needed for such an event." Cieara's eyes moved to the luscious looking fruit the small blond was offering to Veighn and just had to laugh softly.

The words bring her out of her thoughts and Taneth brightened as she moved from the spot, bowl in hand, and she's out from behind the bar. "Mister Howe" Oh yes! He is not as nice or cute as Mister Dewey."

Kairee blew a kiss to Taneth as she sauntered toward the bar.

Taneth offered a giggle at the kiss from Kairee.

"Oh?" His brows rose, blinking as he hadn't expected that. "Is that so. I've not had the pleasure of meeting Dewey. What do ye think of Howe, and Mr. Cheetum' I do not know Mister Cheetum. Mister Howe can be sour. Mister Dewey likes it when I give him blossom sticks, but I have not seen him in a verrrry long time." Taneth rolled her "r's" in that moment.

All this was already known as Cieara had been honest when speaking abut DCH, but suspected the mage felt a need to confirm but wasn't at all insulted about that and just slanted a look his way with half lidded green eyes.

"Sour ye say' Like a lime, or like a lemon?" Putting it in terms Veighn was sure she'd understand. She was a rather bubbly little nymph, if he did think so himself.

Taneth flitted over to Veighn as if she had wings. "Like he needs to sparked!" Her little giggles escaped just then and she set the bowl of peaches down by him. "Two fresh peaches!" Steps back to curtsey low. "I was supposed to plan parties for Mister Dewey, but they never had any!"

"Sparked?" Veighn nodded to her, taking up one of the peaches to placate her for a time, this he tossed between his hands. "Sparked, in what manner or fashion?"

Uruviel looked to the peaches, then raised a brow to the back of Veighn's head.

Taneth popped up and rocks on her feet. " is different for different things." Rocked right up onto her tippy toes then back to her heels. This happened a few more times. "Maybe Mister Howe would not be so sour if he had someone to dance with. But he did take Guthorm away from me." A little pout then she brightened again. "But maybe I will take Guthorm away from him!"

Oh Cieara could so say something to that but holds her tongue with an impressive amount of restraint, but her tone is just a little strained. "Do ye have any strawberries today Taneth Sweet?"

"I see..." Tossing the peach high, he could see that this wasn't going as well as he'd imagined at first. New tactic. "So what sort of dance would ye do with Mr. Howe?"

"Me" Dance with Mister Howe?" Taneth laughed merrily as if it were a joke. I would dance with Mister Dewey." And then she turned and peered at Cieara. "Of Course!"

"Why not Mr. Howe?" Catching the peach, another high toss, sending it up past the rafters, The mage preformed a deft snatch out of the air once it came back down, robe's sleeve snapping a the brisk movement. "I'm sure ye sweetness could make him a bit less sour."

Taneth looked over her shoulder to Veighn. "When I spark Kitty, her tail gets all funny and she bounces around with love. Sometimes..." She squinted in memory. "...Sometimes, her hair stands up too."

"Did you want me to help you?" Taneth asked Cieara, but Veighn's next question causes her to turn around and look at him. "I do not think he likes me so well." She scratched at her head. " I do not think I am to like him either, but I do not remember."

"Might I get a few perhaps?" Cieara was still trying to keep from speaking out of turn on matters best not mentioned and just pushed back a few wandering curls back over a delicately tapered ear point.

"Jal, my friend, trades beads for a spark! It was fun!" Taneth chirped to Cieara. "Of course!"

"Hmm...I think the man needs some cheer in his life, Taneth. May I call ye Taneth?" Veighn seemed very cordial, a dulcet purr to his liquid velvet voice.

"Did you want me to get them for you Cieara" Taneth asked then nodded quick to Veighn. "Yes, you can."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-03 00:12 EST
String of lies, it's always compromise with you String of lies, you know there's nothing left to do String of lies, it's been a string of lies with you And here's a letter from the real world, I don't expect you'll reply And anything you're gonna tell me, it's just another lie

Goo Goo Dolls - String of Lies

"Would ye like to do me a favor, Taneth?" Veighn asked.

Taneth replied. "What kind of favor?"

"Oh nae, I simply nae wished to snoop into ye basket without asking first." Cieara did lean then, finding a few of the succulent berries and claimed them as her own.

"It is for everyone, Cieara." Taneth beamed at her. Very pleased that she's getting some fruit. "Umm..." She looks back to Veighn. "Your friend is not eating any fruit. I brought two." She needs to point this out.

"I will apologize for the other day, I was a little snappish. My wolf just died, poor thing." Lies, lies, lies. The Mage seeking to Pray on her sympathies..."Chryrie didn't understand" Hushed tones. "I don't think she likes wolves...shhh.."

Taneth gasped and her hands come to her mouth then over her chest. "That is horrible."

Sharp even teeth sank into the berry, savoring the sweetness of the sun ripe treat and sank back into her seat with a soft chuckle, but Cieara's look to the mage let him know she was aware he was feeding the sweet Taneth a total whopper.

Uruviel raised an eyebrow. This must had been one bad dream where Veighn appeared like one big For now she would keep her eyes locked on the rafters.

"I know, and Chryrie incensed me before ye came, so I was a little angry when I met ye. I did nae mean harm, I was just, well, ye understand..." Veighn stated nodding to the girl, affecting a sad and forlorn expression.

Taneth blinked and tilted her head as a look of confusion crosses her face. "What do you mean' Did you do something bad" I remember you trying one of the peaches. That is not so bad."

Lord Veighn even did so much as to silence a few of the wards, the shadowy nimbus dropping away, though a few runes still flared along the trim of his robes, and to those keen enough there was no other change in the power emanating from him, as slight as it may have been. "I tried not anything bad. Chryrie helped me out, though I think she was a bit harsh with me. Do ye remember that?"

If Taneth noticed anything, it wasn't apparent as her feet begin to bounce lightly. "Umm...was she mad because she thought you ate her peach?"

"Aye...tis exactly it. She didn't want me biting her peach. She was mean, and called me bad names. Anyway. I wanted to know if ye would dance with Mr. Howe for me. The sour puss needs some cheering up, and I don't think he wants to dance with me." The "Black Wizard" explained to Taneth.

"Mister Howe likes girls. You are not a girl." Taneth paused. "Unless you are one of those people that is really a girl but trying not to show it." Leaned to Veighn with a skeptical look. "Are you?"

Cieara was rather glad she had finished that first berry before that remark from Taneth hit, as she would have liked choked on it, the laughter struggling to slip from her and did so in another muffled chuckle.

"Hence my dilemma, I am not a girl." Veighn frowned. "I don't think I'd make a very good one either."

Uruviel snickered. Lips pushed together to lock away the noise in the form of a snort.

"It must be me?" Taneth asked and wrinkled her nose.

"I know, I didn't want to ask. Ye're so pretty, and I didn't want him being all sour and hurting ye feelings. But, I think it would really cheer him up. Ye know, even if he is a little rude at first." The Mage said ever so smoothly.

"But what about Mister Dewey' Who will be with him while I am with sour Mister Howe?" The dainty little blond asked innocently.

"My friend Uruviel would be happy to dance with Mr. Dewey." Veighn shot a look over his shoulder to his "assistant", that'll teach her to snicker at him behind his back.

"Will she wear a dress" He likes girls in dresses." Taneth stated as if she knew.

Ahh, and the humor lit up her features again as Cieara looked over at Veighn's associate, curious if the lady even had an actual dress, but if needed for the Mage's cause she likely would eventually.

"....If you want." Uruviel defiantly looked back at Veighn - showing much she REALLY DID NOT LIKE THAT COMMENT! "I shall dance with this....Creature..." Her eyebrow twitched, "In....A dress."

"Aye, look...tis pretty too. A nice white one. It poofs out when she spins." Veighn kept his fierce gaze upon the Eldarian. "Spin for Lady Taneth, Uruviel. Show her how pretty ye dress is." Gritting his teeth at the end to emphasize the gravity of the situation.

Taneth looked expectantly to Uruviel.

Veighn affected the same look as Taneth, crossing his arms, his foot tapping nothing but air.

"She is beautiful. Have you kissed her?" Taneth suddenly asked as she looked at Veighn.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "Grrrrrrrr..." Uruviel took a step to the side, and then lowered her gaze to her skirt. Why me, she asked herself silently. But okay, she might as well embarrass herself. Forcing a smile, she swung her arms to the side so that the momentum could spin her about EVER so gracefully, like she was some closet dancer...."Wha-"!" And then she fell flat on her face at Taneth's comment, looking up at the girl with wide eyes. "What' What the hell?"

"Many times. She's a good kisser too." Good gods, the man could lie on the fly. Veighn flashed a rather vicious grin to Uruviel when Taneth couldn't see his face.

Cieara's fingers pressed to her lips, vainly trying to hold back the urge to just laugh at the innocent question posed in such a fashion it was hard to ignore.

Taneth gave Oooohs and aaaaahs over Uruviel. "And you do not even need ribbons you are so beautiful!"

"Uruviel, ..." Forcing his tone to soften. "Be nice." Veighn turned his gaze to Taneth. "Maybe ye can show her a few steps and spins. She's a little rusty, dancing that is."

"But being on the floor might make your dress dirty. I could let you use one, but it might be pink." Taneth nodded and then looked to Veighn. She does give him a disapproving look. "If you are kissing her then you should dance with her." Lessons" She did wonderfully!

"I donnae know how." Damn lies got him in trouble. Better use new ones. He reloaded, ready for the next wave of innocent questions.

The Eldarian was struggling to hide her furious blush, "W-What?" She forced herself to stand, looking to Veighn well....Shocked. Completely. And utterly shocked. Dancing....She hasn't done that since...."I don't think this was in the pact....Summoner..."

Taneth was about to twirl away but Uruviel caught her attention. "Pact?"Leaned to and almost on Veighn. "What pact?"

Lord Veighn turned his gaze to Uruviel. His features stoic. "She meant she needed to unpack, her other dresses. She's not from this land, darling." He recovered swiftly.

"And why did she say Summoner" Oh! Do you know magic"! There was this girl named Charlotte that could make things appear. Can you do that?" Taneth gave Veighn a barrage of questions at all once.

"Its a pet name she likes to call me. Aye, I'm a Wizard" The last word spoken mysteriously, much softer than the other part of the phrase.

Taneth dropped down some to peer at him. "I should like to see your magic some time."

"Appear" hmmm.." Veighn tapped his lips. "I believe I can make something appear, aye."

Cieara thought he missed a word in that descriptor but was kind enough to let it alone, as she was starting to get an idea of just what he was up to.

"Will have to show ye something grand, sometime, lovely Taneth." Veighn smiled benignly.

"Do you prrrrromise?" The bubbly blond replied, with a Rolling of the r again. "I would give you a blossom stick." As if to sweeten the deal.

"Yesssssssss....I prrrrrrrromise." Veighn grinned, effecting the change in his accented voice to trill his R's with not one, but three tongues.

Uruviel glanced to Cieara, almost helplessly. Thank god the subject had changed....But....God dammit....She hated this sort of crap. Kissing Veighn" She blushed further. Tempting, isn't it"

Taneth giggled. "Oooo, that was neat." She straightened and bounced foot to foot. "So who will you be bring to the dance then?" She asks of Veighn. "Or dancing with."

Veighn just smiled, turning a glance to Uruviel then, his head turning with the movement. He rolled his eyes, though it was barely noticeable due to their complete solid crimson hue.

There is a pause from Taneth. "What am I to call you?"

Oh Cieara didn't even attempt to hide the laughter just brimming in her pale green eyes as she caught the look from Uruviel and lips curled into a wicked smile of silent laughter.

"Should I call you Wizard?" The small blond continued.

Why was he looking at her when Taneth said that. Uruviel had the look of: 'No #$%^&* ng way' on her face.

"Ye can if ye like.." Turning back to Taneth with an expression as bright and sunny as a summer afternoon. He did look rather handsome when he smiled. The illusion Veighn had just cast even caused his teeth to look even, the dual sets of fangs gone from plain view.

"What would you like?" Taneth questioned.

"Lord Yhaull....that's what I like."

"Then I would call you that." Tanth curtsied. "Lord Yhaull."

"I'm a landed noble, ye know. And I'm going to build a grand castle. Uruviel is going to help me." Veighn turned, dreading saying this. "Aren't ye....sweet heart?"

Taneth blink-blinked at Veighn. "She is your sweetheart' You did not say so earlier."

The giggles spilled free as Cieara looked over at the happy couple and her head tilted to the side, unable to help her self. "Aye, then do make a most handsome couple."

Uruviel blinked, she moved forward, placing a hand on her chest. She parted her lips to say something....Then looked to Taneth. Then to the rafters...."Yes....Yes....We..." Her teeth grit, "Are....Veighn."

Taneth looked between the two. Then gave a shake of her head. "No. No."

Veighn glanced to his empty snifter, then down to the peach, a smirk, then back to the drink. He needed a drink, not that it would help much. "She's shy...." He turned his gaze back to Taneth, smiling. "She doesn't like being put on the spot in public." Hushed tones. "It makes other guys jealous of us.."

Taneth stomped her foot as she says almost angrily to Veighn. "No!"

"And why not?" the mage shot back.

"What is wrong Taneth Sweet?" A startled look as Cieara couldn't recall ever seeing Taneth cross or angry with anyone so her eyes widened noticeably.

Was Taneth catching on' She was hoping so! Uruviel sucked in some air into her lungs, holding it there for some length of time.

"Because she is not your sweetheart." She pointed at Veighn with a little spark on the end of her finger and she turns and stomps away. Something about that particular thing made her made. "I will not dance with Mister Howe if you tell me untrue things!" She looked back as she left the poor peaches back on the table then she huffed and looks away to Cieara. "He told an untrue thing."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-03 21:07 EST
I haven't time to sympathize With all this nonsense and your lies You are the king of nothing But you shall hold me You've got your finger on the pulse And in my pocket, yes of course I am the voice of treason.

New Order - Liar

Veighn tried to restrain himself from bruising the peach in his hand, and with some force of his will, he did so, barely. This he sat back in the bowl. "What makes ye think these are untrue?"

An idle reach for another berry, although Cieara was a bit hesitant to eat it but the tiny blond had proven rather intuitive, catching on to the fabrications and surprised Cie by doing so. "Well, perhaps it be his fondest wish, nae sure really, for the lady is lovely to be sure."

Heavenly bells were being chimed somewhere above, all for Uruviel's sanity. But then again, but now the whole point of her embarrassment - and Veighn's attempts to get Taneth, seemed to be thrown out of the window. "Actually....We're..." She moved so that she could - oh god, place an arm around Veighn's shoulders. "We've been keeping it a secret, so you got us." She's kicking herself. She's kicking herself hard.

Taneth shot an accusing look at Veighn. "I have seen sweethearts, she is not yours. Kissing is okay but pretending sweethearts is not!" Stomped. Taneth watched Uruviel with a frown on her pretty features.

Uruviel smiles wide, "He's not telling lies. I'm just not fond to having it out in public....You see. I am shy to have people talking about us."

Lord Yhaull lifted his chin, smiling, his eyes shining with pride. "I know darling, I was not supposed to tell.." Turning an affectionate, visible look given to Uruviel. He was cursing the blonde silently for making him have to stoop to this level of deception. "I know ye had plans to surprise everyone. But she has seen through us like a pane of glass." He looked saddened suddenly, lowering his head. He even forced a shudder in his voice, a catch in his throat, as if he were fighting to keep her disappointment in him from showing. "Forgive me?"

Taneth watched them as if she didn't believe them and as she does so, her hands roll an apple between them.

Uruviel smirked at him, "Don't worry....I'm sure you can make it up to me SOMEHOW, him?" The Farseer....Kissed Veighn's cheek softly, almost compassionately! Though, then looking to Taneth she smiled softly, "Okay, so now you don't believe us. How can we make it up to you?"

Nibbling with a bit of care on a strawberry as Cieara watched Veighn digging himself ever deeper and just smiled wickedly then captured a stray drop with the tip of a pink tongue as she looked to Taneth. "I don't know Sweet. Could be true enough."

The apple in Taneth's hands expands a little as spark touches it, but pauses as she hears Uruviel and Cieara. "Maybe..." She agreed reluctantly with Cieara. "Did he keep you and make you?" She asks of Uruviel.

"Relationships in RhyDin are after all, ever changing." Cieara knew the truth and part of her felt it wasn't right, as Taneth shouldn't have to suffer the foul gropes of that vile Mr. Howe. "Tomorrow they may nae be sweet on each other."

Veighn trembled, held, still seated in the chair. His arm slipped around the Eldar Farseer's hip. He was trembling, with rage. His feature turned, face red with shame - fierce anger. He shook his head. "Tis no use...She hates us. I knew she would. I knew it!"

Taneth face went red as she hears Veighn. "Hate! HATE! I do not hate anyone!"

Kina Kitty skipped in through the broom closet door, stopping and blinking at Taneth.

Taneth pointed at him. "I want to know the truth! From her!" Pointed at Uruviel Well, that poor, defenseless apple gets shriveled up as she gripped it.

Cieara actually hoped the sunny blond would forget any idea of ever going near Howe, as he wasn't at all pleasant. "Nae, tis not in Taneth's nature to hate." Her head turned and she regarded the faux pair with a smile, easily soaking up that anger just rolling off Veighn.

Lord Veighn nodded solemnly, turning to Taneth, lowering his head. He couldn't look at her - wanted to rip her Eldritch face off. "Tell her the truth, Uruviel. The whole truth..."

Cieara hit that nail on the head. Uruviel blinked, pondering the situation. "He did not make me, no. She doesn't really hate you, see! It just looks like we were....Well, mislead her too much. Look, hun-" She said "hun", like some Mother would to a child, "I promise, I'm not lying." She smiled ever so sweetly, "I really, really love my Veighn." You know, Uruviel can act pretty #$%^&* well. Inside, she was screaming. She wanted to run away. She wanted to clean her body with a sharp pointed rock, and salt.

Taneth gasped as she looks to the apple.

"Tannie darlin are you alright?" Kina asked in concern

And now Taneth wasn't even listening, how sad. "Its life is gone." Dropped the shriveled up apple and backs away. She does look to Uruviel. "Very well. You may not be lying." That might have been the only part she did hear and then skittered over to Kina for a hug.

Kina Kitty held the girl close petting her hair.

Watching the pair now, Cieara casually nibbled on another berry, catching another drop with the tip of a finger as her green eyes just took on a glow of complete laughter, quite aware of the conflicts going on in both.

"What going on sweetling" You seem upset?" Kina Kitty asked Taneth.

"Lord Yhaull was lying to me." Taneth replied, sniffling.

"About what dearling?" Kina Kitty still petted Taneth's hair much like a kitten.

Once Taneth was looking away Uruviel slipped away from Veighn in one quick side step, brushing her lips with the back of her hand frantically. Well wasn't that fun, Uruviel" Ack! She held out a hand to Taneth and walked to her, smiling as she touched her shoulder, "He isn't lying! We just didn't want anyone finding out!"

"The....the...." Taneth stopped as heard Uruviel. Sniffles. "Okay, he may not have been lying."

"Veighn...Why were you lying to Taneth?" Kina Kitty demanded. "And what were you lying about?"

"And I was going to dance with him one day...." Taneth was saddened by this realization.

Taneth whispered to Kina. "His name is Lord Yhaull."

Uruviel nodded to Taneth slowly, "Yeah. He wasn't lying. It's just that you know..." She leaned in close to whisper to Taneth, "He's a grumpy so and so, it was his idea to lie about it in the first place."

Taneth blinked as she hears the whisper from Uruviel.

"I wasn't lying..." Veighn tried to regain his composure that was true. His skin was crawling, and he took a minute to respond further. "about anything."

"The whole hiding it thing." Uruviel added.

"Liar...and you don't even do it particularly well Veighn." Kina retorted.

Veighn affected the grumpy look well, his eyes narrowing on Kina. She'd ruin everything.

Uruviel glared to Kina, "Oh' And what proof do you have?"

Head turning with a swaying bounce of auburn curls and she looked over at Taneth and the two ladies with her. "Ah Sweetness. Nae worry about if they be mated. Tis hardly something to worry ye head upon."

"Taneth dear, tell me what happened please?" Kina asked the dainty blond.

"The apple died, Kina." Taneth pointed to the apple. Then nodded to Cieara, and chances are she'll forget by the next day.

Kina Kitty pretty much just assumed that 50 Percent of what Veighn says is a lie, proof or no proof. "It died?"

"Yes, and no one got to eat it." Taneth was obviously upset.

"I see, that is a shame. I love apples." Kina replied in a soothing tone.

"Keep ye nose in ye own business Kina, before I shave more than just ye scrawny little tail." Veighn growled at the woman, leveling his fiery gaze upon her. The dark thickened around his form once more, wards crackling to life again, sizzling the air and causing waves of heat to ripple from the Shar'Vae Shades manifesting around him.

Uruviel shrugged and sighed, walking back to Veighn with a smile. "Calm down....Dear." She spoke with a grin, hey, she could play this whole thing to her advantage. Perhaps boss him about like the good old housewife" She sat down in a chair next to Veighn, arms crossed as she leaned back into it.

"Veighn..." Kina shook her head slowly. "I just don't want Taneth unhappy."

Stephen entered the inn singing loudly. " o/ Do wha' ye wan' cause a pirate is are a pirate....Yo ho fiddle de de bein' a pirate is alright wit' me are a pirate o/."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-03 21:12 EST
Open up the book you beat me with again. Read it off one sentence at a time. I'm tired of all the lines, Convictions and your lies. What right do you have to point at me"

Daughtry - Breakdown

"She was happy till ye killed the damned Apple." Veighn snapped. Redirect, refocus, and regroup.

Taneth perked and waved to Sugar then she brightens as she hears Stephen. "I am to be a pirate!" Or she wishes to be a pirate as she waves to him.

"I was not here when the apple died, so that makes little sense." Kina returned.

Stephen nodded to everyone as he approached the bar. Then looked at Taneth. "Hmm ye will 'ave tae take lessons on bein' a rogue luv."

"Good afternoon Milord." Cieara offered to the singing Pirate as she sampled another perfectly sweet berry while turning to nod to Stephen and smiled a moment later.

"Afternoon Cieara." Stephen slipped in behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of port for his afternoon libations.

"What is a rogue?" Taneth quizzed, squirming from Kina and bounded over to Stephen.

"Nae...taw's ye coming that destroyed the apple. It was the taint of ye vile lich-cat nature that caused it. Using the nexus to torment the poor girl. I cannae believe ye'd do such a thing." Veighn defended.

Stephen looked to Taneth as he leans a hip on the bar and pries the cork from the bottle of wine. "Ah a be a loverly type o' lad or lass it do."

Kina Kitty outright laughed hearing Veighn. "Really...the things you dream up Veighn."

"What does a rogue do?" Taneth asked Stephen.

"Congratulations on ye engagement, Ye have captured a very lovely lady's heart." Cieara commented and another warm chuckle fell from rose pale lips as she gave Stephen a quick nod.

Stephen grinned as he heard Cieara. "Tha' fer one...capturin' hearts ..."

"Steals, pillages, rapes, and kills.." Veighn chimed in helpfully for Taneth.

Taneth gasped as she hears Veighn.

"There are many types of rouges Taneth...what Veighn described were just the worst of them." Kina told the girl.

"Nae tha' be somethin' all together different ." Stephen shook his head. "A rogue be a good natured scoundrel."

Taneth looked to Stephen. "Scoundrrrel."

"A rogue more or less takes the innocence ou' o thin's." Stephen replied to Taneth.

Veighn wore a smug expression. Teach her to have him open himself up to be touched. He grumbled, turning his gaze back to Cieara. Giving her a cruel once over.

Stephen motioned Taneth over closer. "ere lass I shall tell ye in yer ear somethin'."

"Takes the innocence out of things." Taneth parroted.

Cieara caught the look and a hand rose with a finger in the air. "Nae seek to take ye foul mood out upon me Milord. T'was nae my fault ye faltered after all. I was merely witness to it, and nae involved."

Uruviel is traumatized. She's staring into space, almost slouching into her chair, a hand resting against her face. The Farseer looked tired. Too tired to answer Veighn's previous mental questions about the Daemonettes, Warp Spiders and Hawks...."Ugh."

Taneth giggled a little.

Stephen Leaned back and waggles his eyebrows before taking a drink of his wine.

Veighn glanced at the pink bubble forming around Sam's mouth. His brow furrowing.

A smooth liquid glide and Cieara found her feet upon the floor, and just lightly tugged her gloves back upon her long fingers with a glance at Veighn with an ever so wicked smile.

"I have to run now!" Taneth announced and then waved all around, blowing a few kisses here and there.

Epiphany! "Samantha. Tell me.." Veighn sought her attention, trying to ignore that xxxx-eating grin Cieara provided.

"Good day to ye Milord. I do hope it improves for ye." A wink to Uruviel and Cieara turned to blow a kiss to Taneth. "See ye later Taneth Sweet. Milord Stephen, sent my regards to Jewel."

Stephen looked to Taneth. "Now I will be startin' classes soon dun forget tae sign up...fer e'ery class ye take ye get one free paddlin'."

"I will do tha' Cieara an' ye 'ave a fine day luv." Stephen replied.

Taneth blinked at Stephen. "Bye, Cieara!" Blows her a kiss.

"Have ye met one who goes by the name Mr. Howe, by any chance?" Veighn glanced over to Taneth, eyes narrowing. He should have savaged her hand while he had the chance.

"No sir." Sam replied.

Soft laughter as Cieara sauntered off with a smooth and easy gait towards the exit and out she stepped, almost energized but the array of amusements found most recently, and started humming a Celtic ditty about a "Widow and the Devil" as she strolled.

"Hmm...That is indeed a shame." Veighn gave a pensive look, turning his gaze toward the bar, frowning.

Sam's angry mood was deflating like one of her bubbles, leaving her just quiet and sullen. She put her elbows on the bar and rest her chin dejectedly in her upturned palms.

As if the conversation were starting all over again, Taneth replied to Veighn. "Mr. Howe is Sour."

"Cheer up Veighn. I'm sure you'll find a way to accomplish whatever evil scheme you are hatching in your twisted little mind." Kina encouraged the Mage.

Veighn turned a glance to Taneth with a grin that said...."Guess what? You're the canary, I'm the cat!" Eyes shone with fierce visceral vehemence.

"Oh, but Lord Yhaull is not evil, Kina." Taneth defended.

Had Uruviel fallen asleep? No idea.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-04 02:03 EST
I've been sitting here for the longest time Reading all the warning and the danger signs I don't have the gift of the prophecy Telling everybody how it's gonna be Soon come, soon come the day this tinderbox Is gonna blow in your face

Natalie Merchant - This House Is On Fire

Coming up the walk towards the inn with Cassie, Cieara strolled up the porch steps and just pushed the door open and waited for the other woman to join her. "So what sort of drink did you wish this evening Cassie?"

Cassie slipped on inside, nodding her thanks as the door was held. "I'll just have tea to start. Can't get bombed before I go off and work." A bit of a chuckle at the thought of trying to run down a target while weaving from drink.

"Tea it is then." Cieara replied. Sliding inside she left the door fall closed behind her and glanced around before her sliding gait took her towards the bar. "Any kind or feeling the urge for a specific type?"

Purple spotted, Lydia glanced that way and offered a friendly wave to Cassie.

"I'll drink most anything, but peppermint is my favorite." Cassandra stated as she slid onto a stool with a wave for Lydia.

Around the counter Cie moved with a soft chuckle. "My father's soon to be second wife loves the mint teas as well, along with the jasmine, although she's picky about that, has to be the white jasmine or nothing else." Tugging off the kidd leather gloves she moved to prepare a large mug of the peppermint tea for Cassandra and a small glass of absinthe for herself.

"I'm not nearly so picky myself. So long as it's tea, I can die a happy Englishwoman." A bit of a chuckle. Of all the habits Cassie had from back home, that had been one of the few that she'd been unable to give up.

Leaving the mug to steep a bit, Cieara collected the distilled water, sugar, spoon and absinthe and the ritual of preparation followed with the final of scorching the sugar and then stirring it into the potent green fairy spirit. "My home has many rituals as well. Think the best one is the sticky spice buns served at every morning meal." Placing the bowl of sugar down she slide Cassie the mug, the curling steam laden with the sent of mint and heat before she moved from the back side of the bar returning to front and slid smoothly onto a stool beside her.

"Mmm...That sounds like a good ritual. One I might have to take up myself." A bit of a grin, as Cassie watched Cie prepare her own drink. Cassie had not tried the green fairy yet, but she had indeed heard of it. "Thank you." Taking up the mug and bringing it to her lips for a sip, pausing to blow across the top.

"I do hope Erin liked her gift. It's a special Elven silk and I wanted to give it to someone I felt would appreciate it's beauty, plus I think it would be a wonderful color for her." That last part was stated with a wicked grin lighting on Cieara's lips and brighting up her eyes.

"This.." Cieara tapped of her finger against the side of her own glass. "Is something of a family ritual. I tend to think the act of making it is all part of drinking it, but My mum, uncles, Grandmum all drink it. Daddy is simpler...Spiced rum, Ale or wine."

"Oh it's quite beautiful! She loved it!." Cassandra grinned as well, chuckling as she pictured Erin's glee at receiving the gift."Making tea can often be almost as calming as drinking it, so I believe I know what you mean there."

"Oh yes. There is several of those where I am front." Soft melodic laughter floating from Ciera for a moment. "Tea rituals I should say, as the entire realm is riddled with many."

"I suppose that's part of the appeal to smokers. The ritual of pulling the cigarette out and lighting it and whatnot." One of the few vices Cassie had not taken up.

"I am thinking I may need to do a bit of shopping soon, perhaps dress a bit differently when I visit here. Far less restrictive a place." A languid rising of her glass and Cieara took a small sip and then grinned over at Cassie. "I would imagine it is. I never have taken up that habit, but know some in the family that are most addicted. Uncle Luse comes to mind or Uncle Trev."

"Yeah' Well the marketplace has a huge selection of shops with all sorts of different styles of clothing and just about anything you're looking for." Cassandra agreed about it being less restrictive here. Sip sip of her tea. "I know Erin did smoke, as do a number of the other people I spend time with. Never understood it myself. The smell isn't all that pleasant."

"Uncle Luse smokes like a chimney. At least Uncle Trev's small like Elvin spice so not nearly as offensive to the senses." Leaning to rest her forearm on the bar and Cieara's head tilted a bit as she glanced over at Cassie. "So you saw the Master Slaver Aye' What did you make of him?"

"I saw him." She didn't sound particularly pleased."I saw how he looked at Erin." Cassie sounded less pleased.

"Aye, that he did do. Also asked Jewel about those that can make silks for a smaller stature. I like the man, find him fascinating so I be hoping it is merely a passing fancy on his part." Concern colored her words as Cieara made that remark and then gave a soft wry smile. "At least he has taste if you think about it. Just will keep hoping that interest fades for Erin's sake."

"I heard that as well." Cassie paused thoughtfully. "I wonder if I killed him because I don't like him, if anyone would take exception." More of a pre-emptive strike than simply not liking him. She disliked plenty of people and hadn't killed them. Ah but she'd said just the other night that she would kill for Erin, and it was true.

"Tis possible. One like that likely has family and others that work for him. I also suspect that killing him would not be an easy feat to be sure. There is power in that one. Muted and I believe with purpose." Cieara's arm rose to rest her chin against curled fingers. "Just odd that the "Dangerous" ones always seem so attractive. Doesn't seem at all fair."

"True.." She sighed a bit. "But perhaps it could be managed if he didn't suspect that's what I was after.." Cassie wasn't above using her ah, charms, to lull someone. She'd get an edge in any way she could. "It's not. Though I've found myself a good dangerous man." A bit of a chuckle. It was almost contradictory.

"Well, I do have one I see, but I can't really say he's "dangerous" Just amusing to spend time with." Lips twitching into another warm smile as Cieara considered that one for a moment. "No strings at all, as he's one that sails the seas, so I can still look about if I like." A sliding glance of pale green eyes to Cassie followed. "So Alain is your man right' Met him the other evening. Seems a nice fellow."

"Would say he was" Cie's auburn head tipped as she mentally sought the word she wanted and then velvet soft laughter flowed for a moment from rose pale lips. ""Edgy"...that is the word I would say fits your man."

Erin came down the stairs. She had packed some things and was finally headed home. With a smile, and a dip of her head she spotted those she had left in the outback. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Ah, couldn't sleep Erin?" Twisting about on the swivel of the stool Cieara was using she gave the woman a warm smile in greeting.

"Amusing is just as good as dangerous." Cassie smiled a bit. Then grinned, ducking her head almost shyly. "Yes, he's my man. And he can get edgy, though most times it's due to the cases that we're on. Some of them can get rather...Haunting.." Then blinked as Erin came into view. "Hey you."

"I had some things to do here before I went home. But now that you're here..." She readjusted her bag and unbuttoned the top button of her coat. "What are you talking about' Dangerous men again?"

"I was half-wondering aloud if I could get away with killing that slaver simply because I dislike him. And that led to dangerous men." A chuckle. She was only half-serious about killing him.

"Well that is always a good subject." Cieara's delighted smile was still in play as she turned back towards the bar with a pale hand reaching for her glass of Absinthe.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-04 02:17 EST
From that cloud, number nine Danger starts the sharp incline And such sad regrets Ohh as those starry skies As they swiftly fall Make no mistake You shan't escape Tethered and tied There's nowhere to hide

Portishead - All Mine

"You should kill him. He wants to collar me." A sigh as Erin dropped onto a seat. "And I really would not look all that great in silks."

"I know he does. Which is why I dislike him." Cassandra smirked. Then a frown.

"Alas, I think you are right about that Erin. Still, I can't help it I like the man. If he does make such an attempt, I can always send my father to have a little chat with him about it. If ye like that is." Burnished curls shifted with the gradual turning of her head to regard Erin curiously, but her eyes twinkled with a hint of teasing in the depths, trying to lighten the mood perhaps.

"Mayhap I'll have a chat with him.." Looking thoughtful. Although Cassie still liked the idea of killing him more.

"Probably shouldn't, Cass." And then she nodded to Cieara. "If it comes to that, I could greatly appreciate it." She smiled and nodded to the woman. Hands resting on the tabletop.

"Well, Mum and Dad knew him when they used to work for Brutin, so there is some history there and Daddy does know that business quite well. There may be ways to divert him I think. We shall simply have to find it." Cieara's expression was devilish as her smile reflected that along with the shimmering glint in pale eyes.

"All this because of the trouble I caused." And she sighed. "Thank you. You are too kind to a girl you barely know." Then she winked at Cassie. "You talk to him, you know, you could end up on the hit list. Trying to beat him is what almost killed me a couple of weeks ago."

"Pfft. He could try." It was cocky, and she knew it. But Cassie also knew that she could escape nearly every situation so long as she was conscious. "He's not nearly as scary as Alex, you know."

"You haven't seen the fire pillar thing yet!" She protested.

"What fire pillar thing?" Cassandra instantly questioned.

"I suspect he would be a match for even my father. Not one many would care to tangle with." Cie sent a glance from Erin over to Cassie and she couldn't help the husky laughter that slipped out. "Magic Sweet. I did say I suspected he had power after all."

"He can make this crazy pillar of fire that no one can pass through without like disintegrating or something." Erin nodded. "He was so close to collaring me....Wyh helped me out."

Cassandra huffed a sigh. "Tossers...Bloody buggers." She didn't think high of magic users at that moment. It made life difficult for her. "Well. I don't have to go through something physically to get there.."

"And yet, he stepped in and attempted to defend Jewel against Vincent. He is a curious male to be sure." Cieara shifted back, long legs crossed lazily with leather offering a soft hiss of sound with her motions.

Erin nodded slowly. He was and she had no idea why of all the women in Rhydin she was on his hit list. Her mouthiness should have won his respect....She shrugged. "Men."

"Erin" Do you know if Lord Karos is married?" Cieara wanted to know after all so before she even realized it, the words were coming out of her mouth but she did manage to put a bland face on.

"I do not." The corners of her lips turned up. "Are you looking for a mate?" Her brows were at her hairline, and she was trying hard not to laugh. Just in case. "Do you want to own me that badly?" Oh, she could never behave herself.

Cassandra laughed, she couldn't help herself.

"Oh nae!" Cieara's expression dissolved into laughter as she glanced over at Erin and auburn curls danced as she gave a shaking of her head. "My curious ways be all really. Besides, if he is nae wed, there are other ways to distract after all...Keep him away from that goal if that be what he has in mind for you."

"That's my cue." Erin said, laughing again. "I don't think I'm going to be seducing a slaver. It seems to only encourage them." She slid from the stool and pulled her bag close to herself. "I was planning on leaving almost an hour ago. Ladies." A bow of her head to the women.

"There's always seducing him and then surprising him with a knife as opposed to completing the seduction." There was an idea. It would get one close, that's for sure. "Aw. Just as the plotting as getting good. Night Erin!" Cassanda suggested.

"I didn't say anything about seducing the man!" Cieara put her glass down so as not to spill and pressed her fingers to her lips to hold back the laughter.

Darkness ensued; light flickered, shattering the radiance of fire's glow. Shadow thickened, rippling and undulating like some wanton sexual beast. The scent of stale ale, spilled wine, natural scents was warped and skewed in the awareness's of sense as the Dark Lord made his way into the Inn's common area. Crimson gaze panned left to right, right to left, and center. Robes billowed about his frame, even after the zephyr's caress was cut short by the closing of the door behind - assessments of his environs made.

Cassandra had a hand at her mouth as well. She couldn't smother the giggles, but she could muffle them a bit. "Not going all the way through with it! It would be too nice to allow him a last pleasure after all!" Oh no, those giggles just got louder.

"Good night to ye Erin Sweets." Cieara's eyes were brimming with the lingering effects of her mirth and lips still curled upwards even as she caught the rippling of shadows nearby and cast a quick glance over at the source.

Erin started giggling herself. More laughter escaping than she would have liked. "I do love you girls. IT's sad that I must sleep sometimes." A snicker.

"Sweetest of dreams Erin." A light nudge to Cassie before she leaned towards her, a swirling of silken burnished curls, obscuring Cieara's features and perhaps even muffling the whisper that followed. "Speaking of "Dangerous" The mage has arrived."

Erin spotted the mage and giggled to herself as she left to find her coach.

"Ah, so that is he?" Cassie leaned closer at the nudge, not pushing the cluster of lavender curls that fell to obscure her face either. They were better used to keep lips from being read, if anyone here was adept at that.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-04 02:50 EST
He roved up and down through history Specter with tales to tell. In the darkness when the Campfire's dead To each his private hell. If you look behind your shoulder as you feel his eyes to feast, You can witness now the ever changing nature of the beast.

Jethro Tull - Beastie Ducking in right after the tall robed figure, hazel eyes scoped side to side outside the door before closing it and briefly leaning against it. The backpack was clutched between arm and side like a lifeline. Breath heaved her chest beneath the tied-up black t-shirt, Sandman's Death rippling under Sookie's hand as she tried to compose herself and catch her wind.

Veighn brow arched as he saw Erin look at him and giggle. Glowing crimson gaze then narrowed as they tracked her movements. As she left, he turned that same look toward Cieara and his lips blossomed into a taut bud, something in between a scowl and a moue. "Hmmm..."

Her auburn head was still listing close to Cassies as Cieara gave a faint nod, and a low husky laugh escaped her lips, but continued to whisper low. "Aye, that be the one." She sat up with unhurried grace then and just glanced over a shoulder at Veighn and offered a wicked smile catching his regard with an arching brow. "Good Evening Milord Yhaull."

"Crap." Crinkled burgundy cotton fluttered at the tops of Sookie's Docs as she stepped down into the commons, making straight for the bar without hesitation or a glance around. No tender, good. Hand to her stomach, she could feel the rumble and idly wondered if it were audible in its protestations.

Cassandra noted the look directed and Cie and blew the mage a kiss, and then dissolved into a fit of giggles. If Cie wasn't concerned that he'd attempt to do away with them both at that particular moment, she might have been a little more serious.

What he lacked in the obscuring of sight to target, Veighn picked up in sound. There was a slight shift in the eldritch points of his ears, and his fingers moved to rake through his hair. He was accustomed to keeping his cowl down, it seemed, when the weather was nice. It was however, just a guess that he neither admitted to nor denied. The Shar'Vae shades surrounded him in a dark nimbus, radiating the bands of shadows like some black sun in the midst of a solar-flare storm.

Fingertips soothed along bare midriff as if to calm, gold-flecked hazels casting brief looks here and there. Tension radiated from every pore and Sookie began to inch her way along the bar to its break, the backpack drug slowly in her wake across the counter top. A second glance to the robed man she'd come in behind and a shiver took her, the hand at her midriff moving to rub the fine hairs at the back of her neck. "Hate this place." She muttered darkly.

Cieara's head turned with a speaking look at Cassie, as if reminding her about "dangerous" Men being often to attractive to be fair and then glanced back over with a slight twisting of her lithe form. "How are you this fine evening Milord Yhaull?"

Pacts be damned, he considered it for a moment. However, the moment was fleeting, and faded entirely too quickly. A subtle sound, "Hmph," could be heard as he forced air through his vocal cords, setting them to vibrate. Languid, lithe, and silent was the wraith-like gait that carried the "Black Wizard" toward the bar area. His eyes recast as he glanced about the racks, speaking in the multiplicity of harmonious accented tones, one tongue sculpting the words. "Something amuses ye I see."

Cassandra sobered a bit, but couldn't quite wipe the amused smile off of her face. Her mood had improved, despite the fact that fingers still itched to kill the other man. But it would be prudent for her to settle a bit and observe this one. She'd let Cie answer his question for now.

"Most of the time Milord, there is something about that I can find amusement in." Soft smooth cultured words flowing from her rose pale lips as Cieara watched him moving closer with a bit of surprise quickly hidden in her pale green gaze that shimmered catlike for a moment.

Obvious was the rhetoric. "And I conclude ye companion shares the jest in kind. Curious." Veighn passed behind the bar with a gliding pivot; almost a preternatural drifting of his being that was both controlled and precise. He snagged a bottle of ichor from high in the wine rack, and turned, collecting a suitable goblet from cupboards.

As the man approached the bar Sookie came up stock still like some game animal caught in a bright light's beam. Steps from the break in the counter and feet from her ultimate goal of the kitchen, her eyes immediately fell to her pack, which she drug closer and began to rummage about in.

"Oh, you have made me forget my manners for a moment Milord. So dazzled I was by your ever impressive appearance." Laughter edged Cieara's words as she turned slightly and motioned a pale hand towards Cassie. "Please meet Erin's lovely cousin Cassandra. Cassie, this is Lord Veighn Yhaull. "The Black Wizard" As Viki oft calls him."

Multi-colored patchwork cloth and leather, stickers and pins from places not found in this realm she now inhabited, the bar had seen better days. From the peek of the opening it appeared to be filled with mostly clothes. One step back, two steps....Did that chick just call that guy a Black Wizard" Eyes widen slightly, a covert glance behind black and red-streaked bangs as Sookie's hand continued its digging. "Crapcrapohcrap."

"I simply find amusement in life. It's too short, usually, not to." Cassie was smiling, almost grinning, as she nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Lord Veighn Yhaull. I trust you're doing well tonight?" Cassie had manners too. Sometimes.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-04 18:16 EST
In between words Silence parades so confusion is heard Our voices afraid To speak up and reassure So in between words we remain In between

Collective Soul - In Between

The nod was curt, his look pointed, his assessment of her swift and sharp, like a hunter's buck knife skinning his newest arrow-felled prey. It wasn't warm, disarming, nor jovial in the least - but calculating and shrewd. Veighn returned his attentions toward his goblet, grinding the tip of his thumb's talon into the cork stopping the liquid flow in the mouth of the bottle high above its neck. "Well met." Stated blandly to Cassandra. He turned his gaze toward Cieara."I would possibly grant ye the gift of a smile, had that not sounded as caustic as could be considered, Cieara."

Cieara's lips took on a petulant turn as she lifted limpid shimmering eyes to the Mage with featured cast into those of complete innocence and hands resting light against the sides of her cheeks as she leaned to the bar and regarded him. "I was not caustic in the least Milord. I had thought I was being ever so polite."

She was well used to being scrutinized, even if his gaze wasn't lust-filled like most that she encountered tended to be. Cassandra nodded as he proclaimed in the blandest of voices being well met, and remained silent, watching the interaction between he and Cie.

Dammit, he was still behind the bar and in her way! Would ya just move already! Sookie mind screamed the words, but in this place her 'gift' had not seemed as efficient as it was back home and she held no hope. Actually, after thinking it so loudly she was praying now wouldn't be the time, and this wouldn't be the person when it chose to work again. Face practically inside her pack, she bit the inside of her cheek until it drew blood.

He heard the repetitive phrasing from the girl, the mention of fecal matter in rapid succession, however, paid it little mind. Covert glance had seemingly slipped Veighn's awareness, or he'd been to preoccupied to notice or care. He freed the cork, pouring the Angelic Essence and mystical ferment into the goblet, its color a deep ruddy hue, lightened by the presence of alcohol.

She was showing mighty restraint, but there was just the faintest twitching of Cie's soft lips, easily missed of course as she actually considered batting long lashes at him, but refrained holding those back for later.

"So, has ye reign of torment ended now, Cieara, or do ye plan to extend your japes to a lengthy measure this evening as well?" Veighn's gaze shifted to Cassandra twisting the bottle to cut off the flow of the beverage, righting it atop the surface of the bar. Before the answer came, he was moving again, away from the pair.

Content to watch, she simply smiled and arched a lavender brow in question as he looked at her. Blue-grey gaze was more intense than the expression on Cassie's face. He was a dangerous man, and as such, ought to be watched quite carefully.

Taking that instant as he was moving and engaged in conversation with the two women, Sookie skirts behind the bar and towards the kitchen's swinging door without regard to whether she bumps into Mister tall, robed, and icky-feeling or not.

"Actually milord," Cieara's expression returning to normal with the batting of said lashes and she gazed over at him with a leaning of her head. "I hadn't planned to torment you this evening Milord. My mind is on other more pressing matters after all. Cassie here was about to tell me about the Marketplace and the various shops I can pillage."

"Thievery hmm' Pillaging, have we turned to land-bound piracy' Are ye considering a career as a seafarer as well" Sanctioned or nae" Privateer, Pirate....shades of gray?" He rounded bar's end - again, the drift of movements that should not have been, nor were they natural in the least. The Mage tilted the bronze reservoir toward his lips, partaking of the beverage he'd just purloined from the back bar. Few sought to stop him from so doing, Panther most of all.

"It's purely a woman's thing. We look at shopping as you men look at War. It is a battle of sorts to find the perfect outfit for what ever occasion." Soft auburn curls slithered about as Cieara turned to regard Cassie with her eyes starting to glitter with obvious laughter and mirth. "Isn't that true Cassie?"

There was a scathing glance granted to the woman moving near him, and the closeness of his body to her would provide her with that aforementioned "icky-feeling" as that ominous radiation of horrific energy started to roll off him like a fog in a ten-foot radius, though muted it was, it this height it could still be unsettling to bear.

Cassandra couldn't help but chuckle a bit, though she managed to turn it into a cough. "Aye. Shopping could be looked at as a sport as well. Particularly around Christmas time. A jungle it is. And its survival of the fittest." A sage nodding followed.

"An expert on men and their minds, are ye' Or just a scholar hoping to gain more than the average mind can bend itself around?" The Mage's tone was dubious, and a heady bedroom sound issued forth due to the coating of his mouth by the recent sip of his libation.

"Aye, indeed, and sales. My those take some planning, as some places only have them for a short time, so battle tactics must be laid out, and executed with the greatest of care to get the best bargain that looks utterly smashing at the same time. This is not an easy venture Milord. Is can drive sanity from the sane so it's said." Cieara supplied ever so helpful.

"Roving packs are there" Do ye women get territorial as well?" Veighn issued mockingly, a brow arching, half serious.

Pressing herself as close to something that was not him as possible in order to move past her breath rasped out in something between a gasp and a shriek, strangled in Sookie's throat and she clutched her pack before her like a shield, inching by. "Ew, uh....sorry."

"If I see those shoes in my size first...Better back off." Cassie stated with a few nods.

"Were men a zealous over such things, it would be a horror." Obviously, he was discounting those of different sexual preferences. Not that Veighn cared about someone's tastes one way or the other. He took another, healthier sip of his wine, pacing a pattern around the tables in the common area, away from the bar.

"Depends on the shoes there Cassie sweet. I do have a love of boots myself." Oh Cieara's grin to Cassandra was devilish but it was totally altered by the time her head swung back around to regard Veighn. "It is less restrictive here then back home and I am thinking I might try some of the fashions so popular here."

Finally slipping into the kitchen, Sookie breathes and the tension releases enough she sets her bag to the butcher's block, heading immediately for the large box that was sort of like a fridge.

"So, shopping is restricted back home, mmmm?" Veighn turned his head to view the pair of them, continuously moving to keep them shifting about to track his person.

"Oh nae. It's different back in Carowyn Milord. More personalized and all very proper the styles and fashions that is." Cieara's brow arching a bit with another honey toned laugh as she did indeed track him with gleaming green eyes.

The last days on the road in her search for Shimmer again proved fruitless. Frustrated and road-dusted, Baby safe at home in the WestEnd, jackboots thudded up the porch steps and Sid paused to brush touchstone against a small lump in front pocket of rider-worn jeans. She needed a drink, perhaps several. Darker pursuits not far from shielded thoughts, either.

"I am sure you have little interest in the other topic of conversation we were having just prior to your arrival. So it is shopping instead." A light hand rested for a moment on Cassie's shoulder and Cieara gave her a Conspirators grin, with that impish light just radiating in her gaze. "Wouldn't you agree Cassie Sweet?"

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-04 18:34 EST
Even the best fall down sometimes Even the wrong words seem to rhyme Out of the doubt that fills my mind I somehow find You and I collide

Howie Day - Collide The Mage made another semi-circle drifting of his body around one of the displaced chairs amidst the commons navigating a path toward the bar. Veighn was staring at the back of Cassandra's head now, as if something there held some interest. His brow knit as he approached the flanking position of the other female. "I see....So very interesting. Bone-framed gowns and bustiers?"

"I do indeed agree, Cie." An impish grin of her own directed up at Cie. Cassandra didn't turn her head to follow his progress, but the hairs at the back of her neck did prick at his gaze. She listened to his progress while he was out of sight.

"Alas in some locals that is the norm. Near my home, that being Gharnholme, well tis a bit less binding." A brow arching a bit as Cieara turned her head to gaze upon Veighn as he came closer again, becoming used to keeping track of him it would seem.

"The other topics" How about ye recap for me, and I shall decide my interest in them or nae." Veighn's features impassive, the gap between them halved in distance only after a few short instants.

Cieara bestowed the most angelic of expressions upon the Mage and just moved over her elegant visage as she peered at Veighn and eyes widened a bit with just the barest hint of pink touching pale cheeks. "Why, we were discussing Lord Karos."

His foot padding was silent, sound nonexistent in his stealth of movement. Veighn's voice was the only evidence of movement, that and the collapsing of air into recently vacated position that affected only the most keen of hearing.

Cieara had learned long ago, it was always best to speak the truth, with perhaps a little evasion tossed in, for made the words far easier to keep track of, and thus, she wasn't offering up any fabrications as of yet.

Pink noticed, he arched his brow. "Mr. Karos" I know this person naught. What interest have ye in this man, and why?"

Hearing the familiar voice from inside, her hand left her pocket and she stepped through the door. Glamoured blue eyes scanning the commons and taking note of faces and places with hardly a thought. A scowl rose quick to pale lips as she sees who is there.

"Indeed we were." No need to give the specifics of the conversation. It was quite lucky for Cassie then that her blood was muddied up, and she had received rather heightened senses from her father's side.

"Ah, Lord Karos is an old associate of my fathers and one I have had the pleasure of meeting most recently. Alas he isn't well liked about the realms here, but I find him intriguing. Cassie and I were comparing our feelings about the man. Some of mine she does not agree with." Cieara wasn't about to even hint to Karos's interest in Erin, as that would certain pique Veighn's in the same lady. And she knows that wouldn't be with any pleasant interludes in mind.

Cassie wasn't about to mention that particular reason of her dislike for him either. Best to keep it quiet. "Aye. Interesting how different people draw different conclusions. And similar conclusions as well." Cassie affected a shrug of shoulders, saying a lot without actually saying anything.

Elflocks rustled with the sounding of shattering glass on concrete as she moved towards the bar and around it. "'ello, Cieara sweet. Cassandra." Bending to a lower cabinet and opening it, she knocked a complicated pattern against a rear panel and withdraws a dusty bottle, rising to snag down a small spherical cup from a top shelf.

"Well, that is all very vague, and still does nae really define ye interest in said person, now does it ladies" Be more fort-coming darlings." Veighn coaxed with a gesture, having placed himself near a table at their right, a point directly bisecting in the invisible line cutting equal space between the two women, halving it. He lifted his robe's him as he bent knee to settle into a chair.

Cieara's pale green eyes swung towards Sid as she had come in rather quietly and gave her a warm welcoming smile. "Good evening Aunt Sid, how are you this evening?" The gaze making a swift inspection and seeing the faint hint of tension the Ancient was carrying.

"Evening Sid." Then an appraising gaze sent Veighn's way. "He was simply forceful at the duels this evening. That type of behavior tends to draw attention. Although I suppose one ought to be used to it around these parts." Cassie stated and shrugged again.

Pouring the shimmering dark blue liquid to the cup, Sid swiped a bit of road dust from the front of her tank beneath the leather she wore, she set the bottle to the bar. "Frustrated, Cieara. An' ye, sweet?"

At Veighn's next charge, Cieara chuckled a low whiskey warm sound with another turning of her head, burnished curls glinting in motion from candle glow and lamp lights about the inn. "Well I didn't think you really cared to hear about Lord Karos's manly, well toned thighs Milord. Not something many men care to discuss with ladies after all." Well that was fabrication in full, but it sure sounded good to her.

Meanwhile, Veighn was tugging at the cloth of his outer robes in the situation of cloth's drape.

"Aye. And he way his clothing clung to his chest and shoulders. He certainly has a way about him physically." A grin tossed Cie's way. "Coupled with forceful ways of speaking, well, it's hard to ignore a man like that."

"Oh doing quite well Aunt Sid." The air she had drawn in to reply to Veighn floated free as her smile brought another gentle twinkling to pale green eyes that regarded her Aunt. "Mum is looking for the Seerer, but the one that has taken her, seems to have some control of the paths in ways unexpected."

"Oh aye Cassie." Cieara then quickly added in a purely feminine sigh as if reminded of that by the other ladies words, seeking to enhance the effect after all. "He is a most impressive male."

"Aye." The single word set her jaw hard and a hefty swallow was taken of the Midnight Tears. "Than' Fiona for me an' Scottie when ye see her, sweet." Glamoured blue eyes looked between Cassandra and Cieara then. "Be ye speakin' on Anubis?"

Cassandra fluttered of lashes. "Ah and when a man is so skilled in dueling well, it makes a woman wonder if his physical skills extend elsewhere.." Did Cassie look dreamy' Good.

"Aunt Sid, You have seen Lord Karos aye?" Cieara figured she might as well drag her into this, as it was much a ladies topic here.

He settled back into the frame of the chair, leaning against its wooden armrest and propped his elbow and forearm there. The Black Wizard continued to listen, sipping of the fermented honey and ichor every now and again.

"The Egyptian, or some such he claims to be? The slaver?" Sid asked, arching a silvered brow at her niece, amused light in those summer's blue eyes.

Those eyes cast a look to Lord Yhaull as more of the night sky liquid was freed from its bottle to the small round cup.

"Oh, aye." A faint wince, as Cieara had neglected to mention that profession, and rather hoped the Mage listening to intently didn't find some significance to it. "Very much the Dominant male, but has many thoughts that mirror Daddy's, so I would say he is very sharp and intelligent as well."

Lord Veighn met Sid's gaze fearlessly, locking metaphorical horns with the woman there behind the bar. He stared past the duo speaking, to the third initiated into the conversation at hand.

"The Outback was also very packed this evening. I had found Daniel there, pondering upon taking part in the activities." This offered to Sid with another smile and Cieara reached to take up the nearly full glass of Absinth from the bar top.

"He be 'avin' a verra nice chest." Sid commented almost absently, perhaps slightly breathy the words flowed around the lift of cup to lips. Quicksilver flash sparking in the magiced field of Sid's gaze as she flicks her attentions and grins to Cie and Cassie.

"I must agree with you there, Sid." Cassie grinned as well.

"Ah, and those dark eyes. My, intense they are." Cieara offered another low whiskey warm chuckle falling as she glanced over at Cassie and grinned impishly. "I do hope the man's ears are not ringing."

"Daniel fightin' fists. Hmmm..." Sid suddenly stated as another flit of eyes to Veighn, fox light in the smile on thin lips.

"Well he did ask. If his ears are ringing, it's nothing less than he deserves." Mischief dancing on Cassie's face. She was enjoying herself that much was for sure.

"Oh Danny is considering it. I had thought he would likely look towards the Swords more, but he's skilled at both. So wouldn't be unheard of." Melodic, velvet soft laughter drifted from Cieara again as she turned her head to peer over at Veighn. "Tis true Milord. And by the look of you, it's already bored you."

"Ye be a pair o' trouble, m'beauties." Sid's chuckle was honey-dark - for them or for someone else? - as her attentions return to the girls.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-04 18:42 EST
Your brain is faulty wiring the reason for tiring Keep treating the curse, Imagine the worst Systematic, sympathetic Quite pathetic, apologetic, paramedic Your heart is prosthetic

A plate of quite peculiar On a dish of my own A tablespoon of feather tickle me to the bone Give me recipes for happy with the chemicals gone Drinking freedom from a bottle to the tune of belong.

Blue October - X Amount of Words

"Brawling." The Mage snickered. "Interesting that ye brother might find sport in the activity. And it seems rather interesting that he may take to this Slaver, seeing as how he appeared to be so very gentlemanly when he came upon Erin the other evening past."

"Ah but how boring life would be if we did not occasionally find some trouble." Oh but Cassie's attention was drawn at the use of Erin's name, blue-grey gaze narrowing on Veighn momentarily.

A slow turning of the swiveling stool at the bar and Cieara looked at Veighn with a slight arching of a brow. "Daniel found Erin most charming and sweet Milord. He might respect Lord Karos, but if something were to happen, I am sure my brother would look for ways to aid her."

Sid poured a second cupful downed, a third is poured. If she willed it, perhaps the Midnight Tears could still the sibilant whisper niggling in cold, dark corners of her mindscape. Perhaps, she could bypass the edge just one more day. "Erin be tangled with Karos?" Spun-lace silver of her brow lifted into moonwhite bangs at this news.

"There are deals to be struck in such circles as well Milord. Something you are rather proficient at, are you not?" Cieara retorted to the Mage.

He caught Cassandra's look, a slow smile forming his lips as he took in the lack of mastery over expression. This was hidden once again by the sip of his drink, though the casting of Veighn's eyes seemed to find some amusement in the conversation at hand. Swallow before the prompt. "So, this man is a muscular specimen, callous and battle hardened. Someone Daniel is interested in."

That only brought more laughter as Cieara gave a light tossing of her head, sending curls dancing along her shoulders in a merry tumble. "Hardly, Daniel was paying far more mind to the ladies around then Lord Karos, however a slight situation did come up and we were involved."

Cassandra remained silent for the time being. She did not know him well enough to judge his intentions, and so it was best that she not poke at any possible embers an stir them to a fire.

"Deal striking" I make due, I'm sure there are better at the aforementioned task than I." He sounded waaaaay to casual by way of mentioning that. Veighn's gaze shifting more between Sid and Cieara than Cassandra at the moment. His chin lifted, and his left leg crossed, bringing booted ankle to his knee, robes redraping in the movements.

Sid's Head bowed to the taste of the skies in her cup, angular visage curtained by the fall of off-key elflocks, attentions were nevertheless studious on the Lord across the bar. Something about him tasted off, not unlike a certain cajoling whisper deep within her mind's scape; wyrmish and foul. The smile the filled the cup could speak of cold delight if it could be seen.

As she didn't want to actually discuss what entanglements Erin had with Anubis, Cieara could only send a look to her Aunt, one that hopefully would register as best left for a later topic of conversation.

"So...Daniel does not take to the man as ye do, however, the interest in him is no small measure less, only differing by way of intention' I'm sure he does nae blush at the mention of the Egypt-shun slaver." Veighn's talons gleamed their sharpness, black on a backdrop of bronze as they clicked repetitiously against the alloy of his goblet's reservoir.

"I do believe the Lord protests too much." Sid's heading rose again to pin Veighn with a calculating look. "I 'ave heard ye deal, Lord Yhaull. Ye be givin' the leeches o' DCH quite a run for they coin in contract law, if'n I do be sayin'." Another swallow. "An' I do."

Sid's Snowy lids dipped in response to Cieara's look and attentions return to Veighn.

"That does sound about right Milord. Alas..." A perfectly affected breathe drawn in, offering only a mild straining of leather over her chest as she gazed at him and a shimmering of pale green took on a glow of disappointment. "My first interest of late seems to be immune so, my eyes will wander as they will. My weakness for the "Dark and Dangerous" types ever searching."

"I am only meticulous when it comes to my best interests. The attorney offers a covered platter, filled with fragrant steam. Though all in all, it looks to be filled with nothing but sweet smelling hot air. The fool is pompous, and a windbag to boot. Let us just say, wind catches fire easily should it carry the right mixture of fueling elements." The Black Wizard replied to Sid

Twisting back around, Cieara sent a sassy wink to Cassie who she knew was listening and carefully evaluating the mage and just took a small sip of the green fairy, letting it sooth over her senses.

One sassy wink got a cheeky wink in turn. Cassie grinned, but continued to remain silent until she had something to add to the conversation.

Veighn smiled broadly. "I should know, I am the epitome of pompous windbags." Tacking on the admission readily enough.

"Ye be speakin' on Howe. There do be others." It was all Sid said, more of the Midnight Tears upended from the ever-full always-dusty bottle.

"However, my air is hotter, thus I shall "Rise above.""Veighn added.

"Until someone pops your bubble perhaps?" It was said with humor though, and there was no malice on her face or in Cassandra's voice.

Thumb hooked to the harness of Hellballs chaps, Sid's fingertips absently grazing on touchstone in denim pocket, she grins over to Cassandra.

Veighn turned his gaze toward Sid. "That is very true, Sid. Obtuse ye are nae. That much is readily apparent." An off-handed twist of The Mage's hand toward the ceiling, then a roll of his wrist before it found purchase along the armrest again.

She grinned shamelessly back at Sid. Sometimes Cassie could not help herself.

A bark of cawing laughter, so like Sid's mate Scotty fell at the Lord's words. "Ye 'ave nae known me lon', Lord Yhaull."

"Nor did Victoria, though that did nae stop her from stumbling upon a well covered path, now did it, my dear Ancient." A deliberate barb sent from Veighn.

"Ah, but Aunt Sid, Lord Yhaull is very quick to judge character." Long legs shifting and crossing once more with one heel finding a brace on the rung of her stool as Cieara glanced over.

His words on Viki bringing a pause in the next swallow from refilled cup. "Aye, Shimmer be seein' much, e'er so, m'Lord." Was there a touch of fire behind the honorific, within the swiftly cracking glamor of Sid's gaze" If so, it was gone just as swiftly with the lifting of the drink. "Ye know wha' they be sayin' o' those who be quick to anythin' o' import. Aye, Cieara?"

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-05 03:29 EST
Could this be our punishment" The floods and fires, the bombs and liars For our Mother's discontent Could production be a slave" To the devil on a full rampage Oh where will I be when I wake up"

Delirium - Returning

Currents of warmth felt like the rays of the sun cast upon the flesh at a nude beach. Veighn basked in the glory of such a consuming snare that was her gaze. He took another sip of his wine, light and tasteful in manner.

"Not sure. Mum and Daddy are always giving us advice on such matters but the sayings get a bit muddled after a while." There was a very impish cast to her pale elfin features as Cieara peered over at her Aunt with lips curling upwards in amusement.

Coaxing whispers deep within had fingers hidden by the bar now clutching the touchstone in denim, the thought of a random hunt springing to the fore of Sid's thoughts. Cie's words, however, bring her gaze around to her niece, the grin fox lit and sly. "I be sure Fiona an' Lucius 'ave schooled ye well, sweet."

"Wisdom is a convenience nae a great many can afford, Sid." He intoned huskily, the wine adding to the richness of Veighn's highly accented speech, making the lunithaylian syllables more tangible in sound's sculpting than usual.

Sid's smile was returned with a devilish gleam radiating in the pale green shimmer of Cieara's gaze and she slowly glanced over at Veighn, seeing through those shadows of his with more ease then most and a nearly silent sigh fell from her rose pale lips.

"Sad for them, m'Lord. More fodder for the canons for the rest." Sid was just as quick to state.

A slow rolling of the green liquid about the edge of the glass which Cieara wasn't actually looking at and brought it up for a sip, but continued to watch Veighn with an unreadable flicker in her catlike gaze.

"I'm sure, darling, I'm sure." Veighn issued to Sid then, turning his gaze toward Cassandra. "And so, wouldn't she make an interesting bit of fodder for said cannons" I wonder how well she would take the barrage of metal?"

"Me an' mine be safe from tha', I can be assured. Though, at quick judgment many be apt to o'er look some o' tha' in some o' them." Another upend of the dusty bottle. Sid'd lost count, but it mattered little. Quicksilver flash sparked high in cracked glamour.

Cassandra turned with an arch of a lavender brow. "You wouldn't be considering attempting to find out, would you? That would displease me mightily, I assure you."

The Lord got cut a sharp look at the 'darling,' but no words left Sid's mouth as it was busy with drinking.

"Actually, Lord..." Sly wink to Cassandra as Sid finally broke the silence. "I tend to be thinkin' pompous windbags be some o' the best fodder. In me own....personal experience."

"I am sure that when wroth, ye are not a dear to be around, my sweet." Veighn grinned slowly, lowering the goblet from his lips, the metallic sound of his voice ringing in resonation against the metal staunched by the pads of his fingers. His brow arched, tilting his head slightly. "I take it that Erin has a liking for this Slaver, does she nae" Seeing as how ye were giggling amongst yeselves when I entered. Too, ye obvious allusion to the topic, and how his looks appeal to the senses of women."

That broke the state Cieara had been slipping into with a turning of her auburn head to regard the Mage as burnished curls resettled around her shoulders and along the line of her back. "I think your right Aunt Sid."

"Was worth repeating for mine ears. I take it that the pair have met?" Veighn affected a look of impassiveness. "Perhaps I shall have to arrange an introduction."

Only to slant another look back towards Veighn, unsure how to reply to that suggestion, as it was patently erroneous, but to admit that, gave him knowledge Cieara suspected he might find useful.

An aside to Sid. "As ignorant as they may be, I would be a fiend were I to rob ye of ye opinion, Sid."

"I'm inclined to agree with Sid as to the best sorts of fodder." Another arch of Cassie's brow, though he was right, she could rain hell down on the head of people she took offense to, if not literally then metaphorically.

"They've met. So there's no need for you to play matchmaker." She didn't see the harm in telling him the two had met, and Cassie delivered it flippantly. "She's got female friends enough for that."

Sid shot a wink to Cieara, bottle, cup, and she moved to the back counter. Settling the bottle beside her and taking up a casual lean, legs crossing at booted ankles, she utilizes the new vantage to level her gaze somewhere between the three, alert to all.

"I wasn't referring to her, Cassandra, I was referring to myself." The mage stated.

"I have met Lord Karos Milord Yhaull and found him most charming. A very articulate and impressive man as I stated before." Cieara's words falling in soft cultured and serene tones as she slowly brought her glass up for another sip.

"Fiend ye mayhap be, Lord, but I doubt seriously ye can be takin' anythin' from me nae willin'ly given up by me own self." Sid cut a grin as the cup lifts for yet another taste.

"It is possible he might be married, so I wouldn't wish to play match maker to the man if that is the case." Cieara quickly stated.

"Ah so you're sweet on the man yourself" Our descriptions got you piqued eh?" Slightly wicked grin moved on Cassie's face, as she looked at the Mage.

"That remains to be seen, my dear." A broad wave of his arm, dismissive flick of fingers at the end of the gesture, Veighn's smile was most Cheshire, not obscuring, in the least, the view of some of the more pointed teeth. "Indeed, they have.." He admitted freely, solemnly. Perhaps there was more to him than he let on. Perhaps the rumors were right' Perhaps.....

A flippant turning of a wrist towards Veighn as Cieara glanced over with a gleaming of pale green eyes, just alight with silent laughter. "Did I not say he was a pretty one Cassie?"

Cassandra'd not heard the rumors, but it wouldn't have bothered her if she knew. "You did indeed. I must admit you're correct."

Elflocks rattled a touch with the shaking of her head. The Ancient still didn't fully grasp the whole gender thing and keeping to one sex. Perhaps it had something to do with her origins.

"Can you just see it now Cassie" Veighn with his wall of shadow and Lord Karos and that massive Pillar of Flame he uses? Would be a sight to see and likely would make the paper I would imagine." The mental image that brought to mind was amusing and infectious laughter broke from her control and sent the mellow warm sound floating about the inn.

"I could. It would be quite a sight to behold." Cassie tried to remain solemn, she really did, but the vision as well as Cie's laughter killed it, and she broke out into a burst of it as well.

He merely regarded the pair. His features stoic, and another sip as he eyed them over the rim of the goblet's deep reservoir. Veighn's eyes fell to a position of half-mast, shading the luminescence of his gaze partially.

The Trueblood let fall a throaty chuckle into her cup. Cieara and Cassie's laughter indeed infectious, even if the mental image conjured did not cause it.

"Personally, I be thinkin' the males be makin' a strikin' pair. Though, I 'ave nae doubt they personalities be clashin'." Sid stated, just an observation, nothing more.

Black nails feathered back some wandering curls as she caught a breath, but the amusement lingered, bringing some color to pale Elfin features and more shimmering light to her green eyes as she nodded to Sid. "I suspect they would. Rather like two predatory wolves circling."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-05 03:37 EST
Don't say because you can't Say what we should have been Don't show what I resent Don't know cause I forget

So cruel to be so blind Darkness was on my side Now that you've come and gone I know where I belong

Finger Eleven - Stay in Shadow

The "When in Rome" saying was not one he'd been let in on, apparently. Veighn just angled his head toward them after the lowering of the goblet. He didn't seem to be bothered in the least by the cacophonous sounds clashing within the different melodies of laughter from the trio. The Ancient did fall prey to it as well, and he noted this, as well as the mirth being somewhat lacking in caliber than what was offered by the other pair. He seemed more receptive and inquisitive than anything just then.

"Aye. Both two dominant, I'd think. Would make an interesting show, that's for sure." Cassie added as well

"Well in one regard, Lord Karos has Lord Yhaull beat, hands down." An ever so wistful little smile played upon her elegant features as Cieara darted a glanced under lowered lashes at Veighn.

Veighn finished the beverage after the raising of vessel for the remaining sip. That done he lowered his booted foot to the floorboards and rose to a stand in one fluid motion. The quiet of his footfalls was muted too, that as well as the rustling of fabric. He retired the goblet of bronze to the table's surface and navigated his way toward the door. "I shall then seek Erin out to have her introduce me to her new friend. She has so many, it would seem, Charlie being one of the pair, and now. This Mr. Karos. It would be interesting to see what came of this shadow and flame mixture in which ye speak. Again, I'm sure she would love to be privy to the amusement of such a spectacled as well. Perhaps I shall have a few of her lady friends join in on the viewing."

Cieara would be grinding her teeth if she wasn't so good at keeping such expressions from his sight, that new talent coming in handy it would seem and just regarded Veighn as he moved towards the door with an arching of a brow.

Veighn chuckled, nodding to Cieara. "Tis refreshing to know that I am not viewed in ye eyes as being the best there is to be had. That relieves me of a great amount of social pressures I need not have to deal with, for dalliances of such are tiresome and time-consuming. Adieu. I have a few things to attend to, and my refreshment has been extended." Glancing over his shoulder as he made toward the door. "A pleasure, Cassandra..." A broader grin. "Sid."

Sid mused, watching the Lord depart. "I dun know, Cieara, Lord Yhaull cuts quite the dashin' figure, methinks."

Cassandra too ignored the quip about Erin, her face a pleasant blank. "Well, don't forget about us should such a show be put on." Then a nod. "A pleasure indeed." No need to tell him to be careful. Likely he was one of the ones that you cautioned others about.

"Lord." Inclining her head slightly, fox lit grin on Sid's pale lips.

"Oh I have to agree Aunt Sid. I still find him vastly appealing as well, but he's immune." Such a sad little sigh she offered there, hard to know if it was fake or real actually. What is one to do' After all, he's simply not interested and I have tried." Most would have taken a sharp blow to the ego with such remarks made, but she was undaunted.

Sid grinned was turned to Cie at her words. In the Ancient's opinion, and it was just that, she thought the Lord more ripe than any gave him credit, even himself. But, this was purely speculative.

"Perhaps I should....redouble my efforts?" Something Cieara could actually do, but hadn't yet turned on that ultra charming methods as of yet.

"Mayhaps one needs jus' move on, Cieara. Canna beat a dead beast o' burden, aye?" Sid replied.

Veighn was well gone before reaching the door, the ethereal shadow jaunt having left only the residual traces of spice and ozone in the wake of his swiftly dissipating spectral image on the edges of retnas imprinted. It would seem, the movement were so fast, even to preternatural sight, that it left a tracery linger of a shadowy silhouette dissipating like smoke, too fast for the eyes to catch in utter entirety.

"There are others with attractive form and face, and even a modicum of wit who wouldn't put up such a chase. But then, mayhap it's the chase that's the fun part for you." A mischievous glint lit in Cassie's eyes then.

"Oh but there are a few things I haven't tried yet. I should before giving up on such a creature." Her grin was wicked and filled with humor as Cieara looked over at Cassandra. "Well having never had to chase before, it is a rather amusing bit of fun I admit."

"I do so love a gran'....hunt, personally." Sid finished off the whatever number of cups it was and staring into the bottom. Quicksilver threads mingled with darkened cracks throughout the field of glamoured blue, heated flush just tinting the alabaster of high-boned cheeks. Recorking the bottle and kicking open the bottom cabinet lightly, she replaces the bottle to the secret panel.

"At least Veighn I am sure is not married, and I won't dally with another's mate. That is simply not done." Blame her father for those morals as her Grandmother always does, but her mother would agree with their father always as they did expect a certain behavior after all.

"Methinks ye be seekin' troubles with either, Cieara. An', I be thinkin' ye mum an' da be agreein' with me on tha' score." It was as close to an admonishment as anyone might ever hear from the Ancient. Said with a sly grin to her niece.

"That is true enough. I would not want another woman's man in any case." Cassie had the same morals in this case. It was a family tradition that she wouldn't carry on, she hoped.

"Then that is what I shall do. I shall simply look at this as another grand learning experience." Cieara tone was laden with humor as she glanced to her Aunt and just offered a husky warm chuckle. "Well you are likely right. My parents would so not approve of Lord Yhaull. Daddy already wants to kill him."

Sid offered a short caw of laughter."Monogamy. I dun see the need, or wan'." Sid's shrug drawing a hiss of leather from the jacket, across black-ribbed cotton of her tank. "I can be understandin' tha' from Lucius."

"I'm currently trying it." Cassie offered a slightly crooked smile. "It's going well so far, but it hasn't been long."

"A furious, enraged wife is not my idea of fun, as most do tend to lean in the direction of monogamy, tho Daddy doesn't. He is taking a second wife after all, but all with permission and agreements." Cieara replied.

"I wish ye luck, Cassandra. The ways o' mortal realms be still a bit more'n strange to meself e'en after all this time." Sid commented to the purple haired woman.

"It is strange even to me, but I must admit I got more jealous that I liked thinking of my partner with other women. And to stop that, I had to stop dallying with other men." A bit of a chuckle drifted from Cassie. Only took them nine months to figure out that perhaps they did have some tender feelings for each other.

"Wha' I 'ave found curious amongst males, especially, be tha' they be sayin' they be up for one thin' an' they be tryin' to entrap ye to another after a length. It boggles. Truly." Lips took on bemused smile, silvered brows furrowing slightly in thought of that.

"I've given up trying to understand them." Cassandra stated.

"Mum says most males be only out for one thing, nae all but most and it's best to just not tangle it up with them. Of course Mum spent much of her time fighting them off with violent threats and actions. She would not approve of Lord Karos, where as Daddy has respect for him." Cieara laughed.

"Ah, but 'tis nae the days o' yore, an' this be nae Summer." Another shrug offered. The Ancient had been male, among other things, perhaps it was just the physical realms beyond the reach of Summer World that still had her muddled.

"Your mother sounds like a fascinating woman." Cassie chuckled with amusement at the thought of the violent threats and actions.

"Tha' she be, Cassandra. Fiona be, indeed, fascinatin'. Amongst other thin's." Sid stated and grinned to Cieara at that.

"Ah, she is. Been about a great while here. Used to be a Tarn under Lord Brutin as well as a rather deadly and successful assassin. Daddy just got under her guard before she realized it, so they claim." An impish grin returned to Sid as she gave another slow nod with light playing off the burnished cascade of curls.

Cassandra chuckled again, and then stood. "Well, I find that I must be heading towards my bed, else I'll be useless for work later. It's been an extremely interesting evening though."

"She still has quite a finger collection from her days with the SA." Cieara was also thinking it time she headed for home, before her brother came looking or worse, let her father know about the late hours she had taken to keeping.

"Oh good night to you Cassie. Ever amusing and fun as always, you take care on your way home also." A warm smile now rested on Cieara's elegant features.

"Thank you. I hope that pleasant dreams find you both." She'd almost headed for the door, but changed her mind and moved for the stairs. Cassie could surprise Alain and then sleep. A wave was tossed over her shoulder to the both of them before she disappeared.

Sid waved to the departing Cassie, she looks to her niece. "Ye dun be thinkin' Daniel be out lookin' for ye soonest, Cie?"

"He's likely waiting up like the good brother he is...and grumbling at me." Laughter ever easy tumbled from her lips as she gazed over at Sid and slid down to her feet with a smooth glide.

"He worries as does Daddy, tis something they have in common but we dare not point it out." Tipping the last of her drink back, having nursed but one through the evening of chatter and was pleased about that, Cieara place the empty glass upon the bar with a chuckle. "Good night Aunt Sid...You were brilliant with the mage by the way."

Sid snickered."I dun know about brilliant, sweet, but I do enjoy the challenge he presents. E'en if'n ye sets me hind teeth on edge at mos' times."

"Be well, Cieara. Be safe in ye travels an' sleep sweetest when it finds ye." Sid stated.

"Ah, well he does sometimes hit a nerve, but have to say, there is just something about the "Dangerous" sorts that holds much appeal." Cieara's her silent gliding steps were carrying her towards the darker shadows now, letting the bands enfolder in a swirling storm of black and started to fade, leaving the scent of wild flowers and spice at her passing and the lingering strains of melodic laughter. "Same to you Aunt Sid. Shadows bless."

Sid cracked gaze drifted about the empty Inn then down to the lower cabinet, fingers stuffing to the pockets of rider-worn denim and she let loose a sigh. No distractions. She should go home.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-05 17:04 EST
Where its wave over wave, sea over bow I'm as happy a man as the sea will allow Theres no other life for a sailor like me And to sail the salt sea boys, sail the sea There's no other life but to sail the salt sea

Great Big Sea - Wave over Wave

"I would nae wish tae cut intae yer work luv" Stephen stated to Jewel, then turned to Cieara."Cieara 'ow many men is it ye wan' luv?"

Low husky laughter spilled from her as Cieara lifted her head and sent a sassy wink to Jewel and then with the humor lingering on her pale features she regarded Stephen. "Well more then one, as one should have a selection to choose from don't you think?"

Jewel returned quickly from the office quick as that.

"Well I 'ave seventy five men before my mast ye can take yer pick o' them." Stephen stated proudly.

Elessaria shifted on her stool, balances precariously and reaches over to grab the bottle of the good brandy, pouring herself a generous amount before resuming her seat.

"Oh are they "dangerous"?" Cieara's head took a curious little tipping to the side with a rippling of burnished curls and she grinned impishly. "I do tend to find those rather appealing Stephen."

Jewel moved around the bar silently, taking a seat besides Stephen so he is in between her and Cie. Offering little rub to her knee as she leaned forward to be able to see both of them. "I enjoy dangerous men myself."

Elessaria was very glad she had sipped yet overhearing Cie and Stephen.

"They do be pirates...." Stephen replied, as if that explained everything.

Elessaria settled back smoothly, sticking her lower lip out slightly to blow an errant wisp of gold from eyes of blue flame.

"Oh Aye, but that doesn't always mean they are "Dangerous" I know a few of those already." Rose pale lips starting to twitch and finally bloomed into another impish smile that gave light to Cieara's shimmering pale green gaze.

"I will parade them around in front o' ye li'e a parade o' pirates." Stephen offered.

"Mmm..sounds nice." Jewel commented, while glancing around the room a little, eyes falling on Art. She hesitated a moment before waving him over.

"Oooooo.....a parade, Cieara." Elessaria laughed merrily.

"I'd so be there for that parade." Jewel added with a grin.

"Now Cieara wha' be this family tha' would nae li'e me brother an' I prowlin these waters?" Stephen asked curiously.

"I think even I would enjoy attending that." Mischief danced among the flames in Elessaria's eyes.

Cieara turned to send an amused smile to Eless before glancing back towards Stephen, with a gleam in her eyes and a russet brow arching slightly. "One thing, only those that bath on a regular basis. I have a rather keen sense of smell."

"Oh lord jaysus wha' 'ave I started?" The Pirate captain exclaimed.

"Art-te-mus!" Jewel huffed slightly as he hadn't seen her wave.

Elessaria can only nod her agreement as she was busy sipping away and has drunk a bit more than usual since it was so "chilled" in there earlier.

Stephen snaked his arm about Jewel's waist.

Jewel tilted her head up to smile at Stephen, scooting her seat as close as it could get so she could lean against him.

Velvet soft laughter rose from her then as she glanced at Jewel eyes just alight with amusement before regarding the Pirate again. "Well if it's a Parade, one might expect the entire township to turn out for it don't you think" That many pirates all marching about...."

"Oh....and then we could also watch some of the watchers, eh?" Elessaria suggested with another smile laden with mischief. "Because men are more proud than peacocks, they would just have to compete for attention, no?" The corners of her lips twitching with barely contained mirth.

"Indeed Lady Eless! No telling what sort of diamond of manly perfection might just be lurking in such a crowd after all." Cieara's humor was just laced and entwined within her softly spoken words and then more giggles just bubbled up with infectious delight.

Artemus poured Wine into a glass that floated over to him, he swirled it around gently before taking a drink. "That's good stuff..."

"More like diamonds in the rough." Elessaria added, and glanced up at the rafters with mock exasperation.

"Artemus Kurgen, are you ignoring me?" Jewel called out again, with a tilt her head to get a better look at him down the bar.

"Wha' 'ave I started I only meant tae introduce a lass tae a sailin' lad now I am bein' asked tae 'ave a proper piratey parade propogatin' proveyours for the province." Stephen grumbled.

Jewel blinked as Stephen went crazy with alliteration there.

A wide blink of her eyes at Stephen's clever tongue twister there and Cieara dissolved into laughter, fingers pressing against her lips and head dropping low as shoulders just shook with mirth.

Elessaria raised her glass in a toast to the alliterating piratey man.

Stephen takes a much-needed drink after his last mouthful was spat out.

With the growing number of auras pressing upon her and Elessaria reached up to knead where her neck and shoulder meet with a dainty hand.

"Actually.." Cieara said, catching her breath with a hand lifting to rest against her neck for a moment. "I do occasionally date a Privateer by the name of Kar Albaelia. Just one slight step away from Pirate I believe."

Snuggled in happily at Stephen's side, Jewel looked down the bar and caught sight of Art again."Art!" Waved him over.

Artemus blinked, hears someone a-callin his name and turns to look down that way. "Can't you see I'm comfortable where I am! You come here!" Started to wave Jewel over.

Stephen narrowed his eyes at that. "Nae Cieara luv a privateer be worse then any pirate...pirates at least be honest about wha' it is we be a privateer hides behind some scrap o' paper nae worth wipin' yer bum wit'"

"Heck no." Jewel moved closer to Stephen, if possible. "I'm more comfortable and still injured."

Elessaria focused on her breathing, then looks at Jade for much needed distraction.

"Wuss!" Artimus remarked and took another sip of wine before he let out a grumble and picked up the glass and the bottle, starts walking down to Jewel. "Now what?s this about' I take my drinking seriously.." As always that amused sparkle gleamed in those faded jade eyes.

"Ah, but he's still much the rogue and scoundrel and it's only my father that made him a Privateer." More laughter rose up in waves as she glanced over at Stephen with another impish twinkle in her eyes.

"Pssh." Jewel rolled her eyes at the insult. "I wanted you to meet my fianc" if that's okay." Nudging Stephen slightly. "I'm sorry love, I don't mean to interrupt your conversation with Cieara, but this is Artemus, my captain for the Fists league coming up."

Elessaria noticed that Icer had some situation well under control she stared absently back down at her nearly empty glass of brandy and traces the rim with a slender fingertip.

"So basically he is "yer" pirate." Stephen retorted to Cieara.

"Glad to meet you..." Artemus didn't extend a hand but left it open for Stephen to give his name.

Stephen winced at the nudge to his ribs. "Murinin I said I will eat ye....." Turned to see Artemus and hear the rest of what she is saying. "Oh' Tis good tae meet ye. I trust nothin' will be happenin' again li'e wha' happened this past week?"

"Well, in a way yes." Cieara's lips just twitching now as she got the laughter under control for the present moment and shifted, legs crossing with a soft rustling of Elven silks, the forest green shimmer settling against her feet. "However his family did start out as Pirates and many still call them that."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-05 17:17 EST
Let your self go with the tide There's an angel by your side Tonight

Back at the bar getting cynically stoned Your friends are drinking alone But it's funny, they don't even cross your mind When she asks you into her home.

Great Big Sea - Sea of No Cares

Elessaria renewed her careful swirling of her glass, intently watching the amber liquid cling then slide slowly down the curved sides.

"Ahh..and Artemus this is Captain Stephen Kidd." Jewel stated, and grinned wide even at Stephen's mention of the other night.

"I have already assured Jewell it will not happen again. I'm a being of my word. I say something won't happen, it usually won't." Artemus's eyes moved from Stephen to Jewell.

A glancing of Cieara's eyes to regard Elessaria curiously, picking up on the lady's mild discomfort. "Are you alright Lady Eless?" Cieara asked, as pale hand reached a moment for a light touch upon Eleissaria's shoulder.

Elessaria nodded slightly with an appreciative smile. "Aye, m'lady. I am fine...and please call me simply Eless." Manages to smile a bit more warmly.

"Then you must call me Cie or Cieara. As that what most do, M'lady reminds me more of my Mum." Cieara's own smile was warm and almost peaceful as she gazed back to Elessaria.

Flinched and winces when she sees Icer begin to slip, Eless then turned her attention back to Cieara. "Then Cieara 'twill be..." The tension begin to fade again. She forced back her emotions, the flames flickering deeply within her eyes.

Amused laughter fell as Cieara looked over at the pile of Icer and Jade and then back to Eless, catching sight of the look on the Elven lass's features. "Oh she will be fine I think. She wasn't able to move around much due to having the clutch, so now she's making up for it."

"Well, I certainly do not blame her." Eless agreed, laughing softly. "If thou wouldest excuse me for a few moments, Cieara..." Sliding smoothly from her stool. "Methinks I need a breath of fresh air before I retire for the night."

"It was very lovely have met you Eless. I look forward to the next time we speak." Cieara replied, a warm smile curling upon rose pale lips as she inclined her head with respect to the lady. "Shadows Bless and may your dreams be peaceful as well."

Elessaria inclined her head graciously to Cieara. "'Twas indeed my pleasure to have met thee as well, Cieara. May the gods and goddesses shine brightly on thy path until we meet again." Seeing the rest of the companions busy, Eless simply retreats to the door of the Inn and pushes it open to step onto the porch.

Cieara watched Eless depart, and then her attention wandered back to the conversation with Jewel, Stephen and the one speaking with them as she reached to take up her glass for another carefully measured sip of the Blue tinted wine.

Stephen bit his tongue letting the fangs really sink in. He took a moment to process everything and when he did he calmed himself. "Vera well I will nae say a word."

Stephen gave a defeated sigh he whispered to Jewell. "Be this wha' all husbands go through?"

"Maybe only mine?" Jewel offered up the light comment without any of the humor in her tone, looking up at him concerned, and then with a lean to Stephen she spoke softly. "We can step outside and speak about this."

Artemus interjected his words he looked at Stephen. "I doubt she's ever been a husband, so not sure she would know."

Stephen looked to Jewell again. "Wha' is there tae talk about. I luv ye fer the ideals o' honor ye 'ave now ye tell me ye stay on this team because o' tha' honor in yer word...tae say different tae ye would be destroyin' tha' which I love about ye."

Cieara rested her arm on the bar top, her chin drifted down to rest on curled fingers as she let the voices sort of wash over her and took the time to ponder all the various things discussed with the family earlier.

Shaking the deep thoughts from her mind with a lifting of her head and a tumbling of burnished curls, Cieara idly lifted the glass to her lips for another small sip, letting the tingling sensation of the wine dance over her senses.

"Actually though I thin' I should take me leave....e tae death he is. Robert be workin' me." Stephen commented to Jewel.

Jewel's eyes were feeling heavy so she just cuddled against him, grinning. "You can't leave, I need my pillow.."

"Take care you two." Artemus offered another nod and he started walking away towards the quiet one at an out of the way table.

"Have a good night, Art." Jewel responded with a smile.

"Then come with yer pillow" Stephen was quick to reply while laughing.

Cieara looked over towards Jewel and Stephen again, she heard the lady's words and it brought a smile to her pale lit features with another low chuckle.

"Mm..moveable pillow. How convenient." Jewel dragged her head up, and released him from her hold to stand. "Cie..I'm sorry I dragged your conversation partner away like that."

Stephen stood and then bent over to cradle his love Jewel close. "Ye wished a pillow?"

"Good night you two." Cieara's smile was warm as curls rippled with a slow lazy shaking of her head. "No need to apologize Jewel sweet. Such things are bound to happen. Now go and find warm sweet dreams." "Mmhmm.." Trying a tired little-girl pout that was killed by the smile turning the corner of Jewel's lips upward.

"Warm round bottomed tarts." Stephen corrected Cieara. "I am in a mood tae devoure somethin'."

"Have a lovely evening, Cie, and give my love to Danny." Jewel said and then was grinning at Stephen. Stephen held Jewell to his chest that smirk on his face growing by the minute.

"Too tired to go search for one with you, you'll have to settle." Jewel replied and patted Stephen's arm consolingly.

"Oh I certainly will Jewel!" Cieara's pale green eyes just twinkled with the shimmer of laughter as she nodded to the couple and the smirk on Stephen's face brought more laughter falling softly from her lips.

Stephen headed towards the door kicking it open and heading out.

"Night Icer Sweet." Cieara's hand lifted to send the lady dragon a wave and a warm smile as she departed.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-05 17:30 EST
You know that life really takes its toll And a poet's gut reaction is to search his very soul So much damn confusion before my eyes But nothing seems to phase me and this one still survives I just want to walk right out of this world 'cause everybody has a poison heart

Him - Poisoned Heart Books, tomes, and scrolls, thousands, even thousands upon thousands. Still, nothing. He of infinite patience was finding that, were it possible, he was running out of the stretch of eternity's lengthy reach, that patience was wearing somewhat thin. He made his way down from the uppers which held the large collection of the Guardian's Archives, the Keep. In tow, he carried a satchel full of books and other such things. Under his arms, a few scrolls and large tomes of reference. Veighn's lips pursed as he came down the steps in view of the common room, shadow-swathed, stealthy, with a brooding look donned behind the shifting of dark nimbus.

Oddly enough Cieara felt the energy even before he entered the commons directly and a glance was turned over a silken clad shoulder to regard the Mage, laden with books, scrolls and the like and a brow arched slightly.

He had a few memories he'd like that psychoanalyst to see if she could wad through unscathed. The thought amused him somewhat, and brought him out of the depths of the brooding mood as Veighn foot padded silently across the floor in seeming robe-obscured glide.

Noticing a few of the scrolls had fallen as he stumbled his way towards a table, a few fingers of shadows snatched them from the floor and they materialized before her on the bar top a moment later, right beside a small crystal cut glass of Blue Elven wine. Legs crossing under a fall of forest green Elven silk, she raised the glass to her lips and took another small sip, appreciating the soothing effects of the wine on nerves only mildly stretched from her father's displeasure at her recent antics.

Veighn dumped a few of the scrolls on the table, rummaging through to marked pages and unfurling scrolls. Placing a few books on either side, and opened his own leather-bound journal, jotting down notes with something that looked like a bone quill in a language both alien and beautiful. He was managing through the bits and pieces, shuffling parchment and flipping pages as he tossed a mixture of alchemist's dust over the drying ink to further dry and preserve the pages.

A slow slide down to her feet she let the swirling slither of emerald green settled over the tips of matching slippers and then with one hand gathered up the scrolls, cradling them against her with apparent respect. She may not be able to read them, but understood their importance and just glided off with a swish of her skirt towards the Mage. "You dropped a few Milord. My father's vault's has a few of those. They are rare, but not impossible to find." A brow arching as she realized the mage was possibly as scattered as Molly had been earlier and was starting to wonder if one of the moons was in a certain phase.

"I know.." The"Black Wizard" cast her a fleeting glance, which only due to the view briefly held, he was given cause to pause in his information gleaning to have a double-take. A brow arched, annoyance washing from his features in a mixture of humor and curiosity.

"Where shall I put these?" A shrug lifting with a rising of the carefully held scrolls, quite aware of the look but wasn't about to explain, thinking it best to let him wonder at least a little regarding her mode of dress this evening and Cieara just regarded him with a mildly vacant expression.

"What' The Scrolls?" The Mage finally pulled himself from the view of the spectacle that had become her, drawing his gaze from her dress-clad form to her face, suddenly his features a mask of stoicism.

"Of course Milord." A step taken back from him but allowed Cieara to turn to place the parchment rolls down upon the table gently, feeling the supple sway of the Elven silk around her legs at the movements. "Such things do not last long on the floor of this place. Certain to be trampled."

"Good Night Connar..." Sugar blew a bubble again then, a smiley face that seemed to close its eyes right before the man.

"Nonsense." An aside to Samantha as he lifted his off-hand toward Cieara for the scrolls."Keep him as long as ye will. It seems he enjoys ye company. Besides, I like the way the conversation is going." Veighn's hand scratching words over the vellum with the bone-quill, it's red ink flowing forth in well-formed gouts. He unrolled one of the scrolls she'd picked up, arching a brow as he scanned the rather ornate glyphs of said scroll's composition. "Indeed. More like these?"

Connar smiled sending Sugar on her way with a nod. "If I see repunzel's hair hanging out of your window...I'll send the cavalry."

Sugar leaned back and smiled to Connar again. "No, not the whole cavalry...just the commanding officer."

"The shining one, right?" Connar quipped in return.

Sugar sent a look to Veighn. "Good Night, Sir! Sweet Dreams!"Only to turn her grin to Connar quickly after. "Any will do."

Was actually oddly thankfully for the modest neckline the dress sported, as Cieara leaned bit to see what he was writing, which while the stroke was flourished and pretty to look at, the words made little sense to her and she lifted pale green eyes to the mage. "Just a few you dropped as you were moving towards the table. If there is more, I couldn't say Milord. My knowledge of such things is not so vast as your own."

Connar nodded. "Ye should be more discriminating than that."

"I mean any officer." Sugar said back with a grin to Connar.

Connar laughed. "So did I."

"Few and far between are those, Samantha....few and far between. Shadows caress and shadows bless." Veighn intoned, setting the new spread of vellum before him across the table. He seemed intrigued by one of the glyphs, and translated it into the language he was scribing into his notes.

"Then I hope tonight is one of those in between nights for you.." Sugar replied to the Mage. Sincere and smiling at Veighn, she turned and headed up the stairs to her and her twins' room.

Connar rose to his feet, the stairs not the most comfortable of places to sit for lengthy periods of time. He watched her retreat safely upstairs and headed down the few short steps to the bottom.

"I believe ye are modest, though I do not doubt that my expertise in the manner of which I do things is easily rivaled. Do have a seat, and explain that rather peculiar get-up ye have donned yeself in this night." The "Black Wizard's" fiery gaze shifting from the pages toward the woman standing near his table.

A pale hand drew out a chair at the table and Cieara sat down, the movements as regal as a princess, but had to be, as the skirt was swept out to prevent the crushing of the delicate fabrics and smiled. "Ah, I could say I wore this just for you Milord....but.." Leaves the word just hanging for a moment to take another small sip of the glowing blue liquid in the crystal cut glass she held in one dainty hand.

Veighn snickered as he heard more of the conversation going on at the other side of the room. He lifted the quill so not to botch the calligraphy on the page with a red blot. His gaze rose then, and he took this time to settle into the back of his chair. He'd been hunched over scrolls for hours and the brief reprieve was refreshing.

"That would be a lie, and I haven't ever really been good at such things." Cieara's her attention shifted as well, catching a bit of the conversation that seemed to have captured Veighn's attention with a bit of confusion on her face.

His gaze fluttered, and he turned his head away from the pair toward Cieara, a puzzled look on The Mage's features. "So why the gown.?"

Long legs slowly crossed under the liquid fall of soft skirt and drew a gentle whispered sound from slithering silks, that released that subtle scent of wild flowers and spice that was uniquely her own. "Was the weekly family dinner Milord. My father expects us to dress for the occasion and this..." Cieara's pale hand swept down over her form. "Is what is usually worn. Warlord he may be, but he is Civilized to a degree."

"Perhaps she was jealous.." The mage murmured under his breath, scratching the parchment vigorously with a swift few strokes of the quill, sending a few spots of ink here and there which, somehow, fell by gravities pull at odd angles to the outer fringes of some glyphs to finish them.

"Pardon Milord?" Cieara's eyes narrowing a bit, as she certain was not one for feeling such emotions, at least she wasn't aware of that and gently cradled the delicate glass lightly in her fingers, the soft fruited fragrance mingled into her own with a magical spiral.

"Lord to be sure, though war is hardly civilized. However, one must find a way to avoid degradation into lesser impulses and mania brought by the horrors of slaughter, were they not keen to it. That, or in mockery of some form of niceties." Veighn snickered, turning his gaze toward the pair and nodding his explanation wordlessly.

"My family's weekly dinners are a means for my parents to find out what Daniel and I are up to for the most part. Lately with all being so busy, Daddy is most determined to continue the ritual of it." Cieara glanced down, lashes dropping to shadow pale cheeks as she regarded the small nearly full glass she was nursing, starkly reminded that she was doing just what her father didn't want but as it would come to only amusement and little else, he need not worry.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-05 17:34 EST
The streets are so empty at this time of night I'd rather walk on my own than fight In a world where I'd forgotten you I found myself forgotten, too That's the danger of believing books And all the lies of those thieves and crooks We sing intellectual songs of love From a stolen pen to a velvet glove.

New Order - As It Is When It Was

He turned his gaze toward the parchments then. Veighn's features took a rather grim cast as he began reading over the parchment, a twist of his lips as he reread over a few glyphs that denoted a few interesting tidbits. However, he halved what he copied down, having been studying the being in mention for the few hours, he'd gleaned that much of the writing was indeed misinterpreted or false by way of lies and the like. "Scholars of Lolth...bah!" Veighn snorted, sprinkling more of the alchemist's dust over the wet red ink, causing the crystals to harden in the ink, giving it a glittery look. He blew against the pages before turning them.

"Keeping tabs on ye' hmm' I see. How very interesting. How does ye father view ye current antics as of late" Hmm?" He released the parchment of his will, and without the pressures of his mind holding it outstretched and flat, it curled like a wilting flower into the roll it had once been.

"Ye really should get some fine sand for that Milord. Blowing can degrade the parchments." Now how Cieara knew that was just a guess, but she regarded him curiously with a lilting tip of her head and light shimmered over the artfully disheveled burnished curls falling over shoulders and down her back. She wasn't yet willing to answer that question and just glanced up at Veighn through the lowered lashes and a secretive little smile played on her rose pale lips before it was hidden with the rise of a crystal glass.

"Elf flesh.." Veighn commented tapped the parchment with the bone finger quill, the latter end of it. He then flipped the next page after another sprinkle of the powder was sacrificed to its pages. He moved to the scroll that was written in under-common, and it detailed some of Lolth's rites. How he'd come across the Mind-flayer's writing was beyond many, for it wasn't catalogued in the archives, however, here it was, and he was weaving the words into glyphs.

Cieara was having to consider her words very carefully, before answering so was buying a bit of time by sipping the glowing blue wine, feeling the warmth just swirling into her blood stream in a bit of a rush of sensation before eventually she spoke in the husky cultured words. "My father does nae like ye, nor does he trust you so would rather I not have any association with you. However, he is only encouraging that, he has not yet demanded it."

"That much can be expected, I suppose. A safety issue, perhaps. Is it true that he sees me as some sort of threat?" Veighn's brow piqued, continuing to copy the notes taken by the Mind Flayer in his torturing of one of Lolth's high priestesses. It appears, he was very interested in the descriptions, seeing how much of his divided attention was allotted to the writing.

"What, pray tell are you searching for within all these parchment scrolls and books Milord Yhaull?" Cieara also heard the remark regarding "Elf Flesh", but while she might look like one, she wasn't so just smoothed back wandering auburn curls over a delicately tapered ear point.

"I have an "ally" who is of the races under the earth. A very brooding being, he is. I mean to understand more of his culture, for he is a native of the realm. It seems that my Keep in Xo'ellii is just over a cavernous vein leading into the Underdark of that realm. Malvhista found it when she was collecting lichen for her spells under the bowels of my keep. My ally tells me that I would have seen or heard of the Drow by now, had they come across the linking cavern." The mage explained, almost absently.

"Ah, Drow is it' I have heard stories of the Elves with the pitch skin. Daddy spoke of them in tales he told us before bedtime as children. He does have a few books in Library on the subject I suspect, but they are a secretive race normally. A Female dominated society." The smile that dawned upon her lips now was amused, as Cieara did rather find such a prospect of worth after all.

"I'm coming to find it is through their veneration of Lolth that their society has come to show such a bend toward the opposite. I find it peculiar, and very interesting. They revere the arachnid, a thing of instinct more so than emotion. However, Lolth is full of that staple, mostly rage and cruelty. I find her fascinating, yet, as a subject of research rather than nae. I find her in some ways, similar to my own ways of thinking. Though we are both very different beings. Too, she is a goddess, I for one own little stock by way of such pursuits." Veighn affected an impassive look that hardly told whether or not he was being truthful, lying, or blending a precise mixture of the two.

"Lloth from what I remember my father saying, is like the Black Widow spider. Which could be why the society is so female dominated. Tis said that arachnid likes to eat her mate once he's provided the seed." A brow arching a bit, and then a slow catlike gleam of eyes as she regarded Veighn, head leaning in a charming tip to the side. "Perhaps that is what appeals to ye Aye?"

"I've found few with the title Widow that can devour me after copulation, my dear." Veighn snickered at the thought, finding it quite a humorous thing to entertain. "Though, I'm sure it would be interesting that ye do." He turned his gaze toward the parchment again, continuing the translation into his logs. "Ye think I wish a dominant woman, hmmm' One that might feast of me after I get her with child?"

"I was thinking more in line with you being inclined to kill your mates perhaps, nae the other way around. You would be ill suited to a more subservient role I believe. You lack the nature or ego for it. Yet, you also seem to have little regard for brainless woman or men for that fact." A slow rolling of her glass and the glowing wine circled about the elegant prisms of the glass in Cieara's hand as she regarded the Mage curiously.

Cieara settled back as the Mage seemed to have become lost within his research and even she was aware having spent time with a few such magic users they often tuned out everything else, so she used the time to survey him instead.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-06 19:52 EST
I promise this thing will sell... I'm gonna make you a deal, you know I'm your friend I'm gonna stay with you until the very end I know you got the guts, I got a lot of time I'm gonna make me yours before I make you mine

Alphaville - Dangerous Places

Veighn lifted his gaze from the descriptor of the test of Mettle, and the colorful notes the Mind Flayer wrote on the horrors Lolth would subject the priestess to once she became aware of the betrayal. His lips pursed, thinking over the question as he shifted the image, brought by the Mindflayers notes, aside."What would leave ye to believe that I would destroy a mate?" His brow arching slightly at the idea she gave. "Though, there is some truth to what ye speak about the mindless drones of both genders in many races."

"I did say perhaps Milord, that side of the spider having some appeal to ye after all. As for the drones, I have noticed you simply can not suffer fools with much in the way of grace." The wine rose to Cieara's lips for another sip as she paused in her speaking and gently cradled the diamond cut goblet in her hands as she continued to regard him. In truth she wasn't fully sure just what he was about, but suspected that was what made him intriguing and more then a small puzzle to ponder upon.

Lord Veighn's amusement was still apparent, however it had faded some. He shuffled the Mindflayer's scroll to the side, in favor of one in the Drow hand. That done, the shuffling of recently penned pages ensued, more dashes of powder sprinkled, and more scratching of the rune-carved bone quill against cured elf-flesh vellum. "Hmm...So ye find me somewhat spidery' Aye' " He snickered, lifting his gaze from his notes toward the Demon-hybrid before him. His brow piqued slightly. "And what makes ye think I donnae suffer fools with grace. Evidence darling, evidence.....elaborate if ye would."

That amusement he carried, made Cieara feel just a wee bit more vulnerable, having simply left the tension of the keep to escape it without first changing and now Cieara regretted that choice, as she felt a bit more protected perhaps behind the leather shielding. "Just the other night when one interrupted your conversation, you were quick to put him in his place. There are others around that have felt the lashing of your tongues, such as that Alana girl."

"Which girl?" The Mage's brow furrowed, his head tilting as he sat the quill down, pretending to massage a cramp out of the palm of his hand. Veighn's fingers undulated, and he watched her from across the table with those sharp, glowing, hellfire crimson eyes.

"Her name was Alana. That much I have learned. She apparently said something you found foolish and you unleashed on her, calling her some rather unsavory names such as a "Whore". I believe she too interjected herself into a conversation without invitation. Mind you the girl did do something rather foolish last night, but that is hardly a surprise." Cieara's chin lifted a touch with catlike pale green eyes meeting his straight on, aware she couldn't allow him to be aware she was feeling a little unsettled, and casually brought the glass up to her lips to take another minuscule sip of the potent ferment.

"So many are presumptuous, and seek authority though lack the power to rest such authority for themselves. I remember the girl now, only because of ye mention of the exchange in detail. Aye, she had slipped my mind as a passing insect easily swatted away. She is of little interest to me, and by her manner, offers little by way of consequence in retribution against my actions. She is sub-level of her species, and beneath my notice; Self-important without the means by which to gain such status. Aye, I have little use for such fools other than fodder for my machinations." Veighn He waved it away dismissively. "Knaves should know their place, and know it well. I will not tolerate them trying to elevate themselves above their lowly stations. Not without a show of promise."

"In that regard, you do have something in common with my father." Cieara strove to keep a certain note from her words, that might alert him to the fact her father saw him as such an insect, feeding off others with little regard, but she suspected the Mage, while crafty, wasn't so easily able to read thoughts and a slow smile played upon her rose pale lips as she regarded him with a bit of speculation in her pale green eyes.

Veighn leaned toward her, a slow smile mirroring her own. "Allow me to let ye in on a secret, Cieara DeAuster. Though, ye have much to gain by the information imparted, I require that ye have no tongue to utter the words mentally, or otherwise, past this we have a deal?" His gaze piercing his smile most cruel and his gaze vehement a strobe of light flashing in the impromptu lean he took. The Mage's hand moved again, picking up the quill. Each stroke of the bone tip funneled the magically renewed ink onto the parchment beneath it, creating the artful calligraphy of words via many glyphs, combining phrases, and often more than one sentence into a single seal upon the page.

Cieara very nearly spoke "Of Course" but just as her lips parted to utter those words, she paused, and a glimmer of laughter sudden shone from her pale green eyes and she slowly gave a shaking of her head, such a crafty and clever mage he was and she had quite nearly fell for it. "Ah Milord, perhaps it be best that you not share such important information with me. If it means trouble for my family I would not be able to keep that sort of "Deal" with ye after all." Making certain notice of the watchful gaze he had leveled upon her.

" seems this insect is far more poisonous than first perceived. I will allow ye the reprieve then." Veighn turned his eyes back the scrolls then. "I would not wish to have ye make a deal that would incense ye father further. I donnae know if I could handle the man disliking me more than he does already. Now can I" Ye learn more swiftly than Tasha, I will admit to that." He chuckled a bit. Switching the subject quickly. "I do so love the structure of Drow house, donnae ye?"

In the instant she was aware she would have to guard her thoughts with far more attention and a mild frown touched Cieara's brow, but only for that brief moment before a brow arched slightly, the velvet soft laugh escaping in a smooth mellow flow. "Tis impolite to scan other's thoughts Milord. My father knows I can avoid deals, his concerns are for something else, but I would nae want to bore you with those details. As for Drow House structure, I know little of that racial style. I have met few."

"Thoughts" What mean ye by way of this introduction?" Veighn turned his subject to the other. "Few ye say' And how many are these narrow few?"

"There was one in Mum's guild. I met him when I was about 15, but was nae ever left alone in his company. He was nae like the men in the stories my father told us as children and I suspected Mum nae truly trusted him." This added with a shifting of her skirt, fingers smoothing out the shimmering soft fabric in unconscious movement. "As for thoughts You Milord, picked upon mine, as I never actually spoke then."

"Were ye thinking about insects?" The Mage's brow arched tapping the book as he spoke. "Well, I could see that as being quite the coincidence, though tis a common mistake to call a spider an insect. They are arachnids, after all." Tapping his notes with the latter end of the quill. "A common slip however, one ye must forgive of me, for the terminology is incorrect, many still are of the mind that....a bug is a bug, to use vulgar slang." Adding at the end a dismissive wave.

Burnished curls drifted lightly as Cieara head tipped and she settled her gaze upon him, the pale green glittering and slightly narrowing as a slow sweeping inspection him was done, with several less then pure thoughts allowed to float to the surface of her mind and she slowly smiled. "I am nae fond of bugs of any kind. Though I will admit there is a certain calculated beauty in the movements of the arachnids. They also can create beauty in how they spin their webs. Like a gossamer snowflake made of silk, and spun with precision and grace. Hard to discount such a creature."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-06 19:58 EST
Between you and me It's hard to ever really know Who to trust How to think What to believe Between me and you It's hard to ever really know Who to choose How to feel What to do

The Cure - Bloodflowers "Are ye implying that I am some sort of spider, M'lady?" Veighn's brow still escalated, he chuckled thereafter, relaxing the muscles of his face. "How delightful."

"Indeed Milord. In many ways, you are. Your web is simply a bit more complicated, but just as intricate in the detailing of it. You cast out your lures and lie in wait for the vibrations to alert you to prey and then move in for the deal." Was Cieara's quick reply.

"Food for thought then, perhaps tis why I'm so loath to be touched. Hmm' For fear that I might become smitten by ye, and have ye devour me after a night of sensual pleasures." Veighn flashed her a wicked grin, which made his appearance all the more sinister with the dipping tilt of his chin in the lowering of examining the parchment again.

Cieara's black nail lightly tapped against her chin as she considered that, but her laughter was whimsical and filled with amusement. "Even smitten if such a thing could actually occur, I seriously suspect you would be a hard one to devour Milord. As it stands, I have never felt that urge. I may bite, but I tend to prefer to leave my lover alive and sated, instead of dead and buried."

"An evasive wasp ye are, I see." The Dark Lord chuckled. "Soaring through my web on gossamer wings, disturbing me from my funnel cove, and drawing me out to claim a prize that is not to be had. I surmise that telling ye the common line of, "What fear ye' I donnae bite," is a little late in case and point."

Cieara's bubbling delight just spilled over in honey warm chuckles as she regarded Veighn. Her green eyes taking a darker cast with a slight drift of her head downwards and she lifted her shoulders in a graceful shrug. "I did say I do bite Milord."

"Though it seems that ye imply that my jaws are not as forgiving as ye own." Again the mage snickered, continuing his transcriptions, his notations, and other odds and ends. So diagrams, some spells called from the pages, half pieced together and reshaped as he cast them to the pages of his notes in the arcane glyphs of the High-Lunithaylian language, a different and more mind-unraveling glyph than those written in the common Lunithaylian tongue.

"Tis sure I am that you hold more power then I. My gifts are different from yours after all. One day I may perhaps be as strong as you are now, but that will be a long time coming." A soft, melancholy drift of a sigh fell from rose pale lips while Cieara regarded him through the lowered lashes, green glittering against the shadows they made. "If my thoughts regarding your ah, jaws was insulting then I do offer apologies Milord. It was certainly not my intention." That last refrain was honestly sincere, as she had not set out to offend him.

"It amuses me that ye would draw that conclusion, Cieara. I will gift ye with a tidbit. The reference to the metaphor is one that is quite true. What I seize in my jaws, I lacerate quite viciously should I will such to be. I tell ye true, were I ye, I would not wish to be on the receiving end of such. Were that those who were had a voice to tell ye, they would agree to such as being an undisputed fact. I can be very unforgiving against certain slights. That said, ye play is a welcome exercise of wit, however, beware and tread carefully. I'm no rabid hound to be put down, my dear, as many might think otherwise. I will not discuss the why's and how's of the matter with ye, I'm sure ye are intelligent enough to draw ye own conclusions. However, sounding the braggart for it might be of use to me." Veighn tapped his lip with the bone quill, having carefully chosen his phrases. "Perhaps I should put some stock in religion." He eyed the parchment again, smirking. "By all rights I should be worshipped as a god, donnae ye think so?"

Velvety laughter rose from her then as Cieara regarded him rather intently, green eyes having darkened a touch took on a mirth filled shine that glowed with catlike intensity and she leaned a bit, arm falling to rest on the very edge of the table. "Do you say that scare me off from my goal of seducing you eventually Milord" While I am quite sure your teeth are sharp, potentially deadly, I can nae see how my interest would even be considered a slight upon you. I am rather picky about such things. As for being a God, tis a sure thing ye would grow weary of it. Most that would pray to you would be asking for favors of the foolish wants."

Veighn tapped the pages of his notes. "Some Deities are nae the favor granting type. Lolth, for instance, does nae come to the aid of her followers, for that is a show of weakness and failure that is punishable by death, or worse." He examined the document over again, pointing with a finger. "Here, it says that many daily observances of rituals in her honor, are the devout sacrifices of their gains for that day to gain Lolth's favor. A promise that what they gain, is all for Lolth's benefit, and should they fail, they deserve death or worse. The Flesh Carver of the Demonweb Pits is very unforgiving of failure. What sort of god would ye believe me to be?"

"She sounds like a lazy God to me then. The true faithful should be granted some boon. Be it in power or in other gifts of natural order." Cieara she remained leaning a bit, more then aware he had ignored her question and soft curls tumbled about with a slow shaking of her head. "As for yourself, perhaps a God with many laws. Rigid rules and few rewards and those that are granted, would be hard earned."

"I like that idea, quaint, though I do like it." The Black Wizard chuckled. "So, have I a faithful and pious servant of ye, Cieara" Would ye worship me and no other entity' Would ye go to whatever lengths to appease me, for fear that retribution would be paid in full?" Veighn's brow arching, and his smile broadening with that presence of his becoming more eerie.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-06 20:03 EST
Well I've got nothing to hide Dip down and come for a ride I'm racing the devil, so sly You cannot hear him coming

"Cause my defenses are weak I have no breath left to speak So take my evidence And bury it somewhere

Maroon 5 Wake Up Call.

"Nae. To be sure I am certain some might do just that Milord, but I find most Gods to be fickle and ever demanding. My father serves four and is always having to balance his way along to appease and that I simply feel is not my path to follow. I would rather talk with you, tease you and even pester you then worship you. But I will admit you're certainly comely enough to achieve that goal if it be what you seek." A tapping of fingers against the surface of the table, the beat a steady thing for moment as Cieara continued to inspect the Mage, intense green eyes sweeping over him from head to toe and back again. "I noticed that you have ignored my question. Does that disturb you Milord?"

"I see, tis very interesting. Four gods ye say." Veighn tapped the book again. "What question?" Casually, he continued the copying of certain interesting bits of scrolls and from books explaining some in depth study of why such was said or what standards and precedents are maintained by what is implied by other writings. He was linking resources, and weaving his own very insightful web of notes by what was available to him on the table. It would probably be reworked in later volumes as more information was amassed and woven in, creating a grand work on the subject that would rival many a scholars views. Extensive was his research, and because things had a wont to change, he too would adapt his notes to such things.

"Ah, never mind then. If it didn't even register it hardly matters for me to repeat it." For just a moment there was a flicker of annoyance in the depths of those green eyes but it may have only been a trick of light as darker green still caught and shimmered like a cat's.

"Easily discouraged." Veighn tisked as he wrote in the log, continuing the ritual of sprinkling the mixture of herbs and gem dust on the pages before turning them to allow him a fresh slate to write upon.

"I suspect you will likely nae reply, but I am hardly discouraged. My ego such as it is, can take it Milord." Cieara's fingers furled about the crystal cut glass and took a fuller sip for the first time that night, leaving still half a glass to go, still nursing it along with unusual care and then did repeat her question. "Do you say what you did about your teeth to scare me off from my goal of seducing you eventually Milord?" Nearly the same very words, perhaps with a few minor adjustments. And now awaits him to gloss over, or simply plow through with another fascinating tidbit about the Drow God Lloth with a faint arching of a russet brow and quizzical tipping of her head.

"Had I any notion that would have detoured ye, Cieara, would I not have used such a phrasing at an earlier time" Too, what makes ye think I am able to be seduced, hmmm' Because I am male" Because with the acquisition of power I mean to seed and further my line with heirs" Too, for what purpose" Or is it merely ye entertain the fleeting thoughts that are so vivid that it prompts ye to saying these things." Veighn's nostrils flared, a slow smile.

"The scent of spice and wildflower are not hard to miss. The access that a garb of such design might allow one such as I" Does it appeal to ye senses, the thought of seeing how well ye thighs mold around my hips in the clutching brought by ecstatic pleasures" Do ye fantasize me taking ye atop this table, even now, having my way with ye, and relishing the warmth of mine...well...The warm cascade down ye thighs after I exhaust ye' Do ye wonder, whether I am capable of exhausting ye?" He bit his lip then, a smile forming around it. Again, his nostrils flared, and he could tell her scent was strong. If it were do to the fact that he wasn't focusing on it before, or if had become stronger due to the affect of his words, he would not tell.

"Aye, ye are male, at least you carry the scent of one, wear the look of one. As for the rest, tis not what interests me." A rolling of her hand and the glowing blue wine circled about the glass, sending a few soft colors playing over the surface of some of those scrolls and books he was so enamored with, but as he continued her face took a hint of color and mentally cursed herself for that minor slip, but hoped the dim lights of the inn hid it well enough. "So now you tease Milord" Words designed to further appeal to my darker nature perhaps" Or do you mock me" Tis hard to know." Speech slipping even more into the language of home. "The dress was hardly by design, having nae known ye would be about this night. As for it's access, that thought nae crossed my mind, of course now it's all very much stuck in me head and only makes me wonder even more." Cieara placed the glass down quickly, a faint shaking of hands that was unnoticeable except to her as it was but a fine tremor. "Perhaps it is merely the challenge that draws me. As ye are nae to great on the pride of or the ego, that being a fact."

"Had I made a move toward that end, ye would have fought me. For dignity, for ego, and for pride, Cieara, ye would have fought me. Ye would not let yeself fall pray to me without me breaking ye bodily before the violation. Ye speak of desire, yet to what end" Desire can mean power, and a display of forceful rape of ye body may very well be an scintillating and emotion rousing thought, both wanted and unwanted, it is indeed something ye would fight to ye very end when I came, by any man. For lust' Is that why ye ask" Is it some revelation ye wish' To know that I find ye beautiful" Ye are not displeasing on the eyes, I will admit that much to ye. Do I want ye like a starving wolf wants a rabbit?" Veighn chuckled. "I'm no starving wolf darling, and there are many rabbits for the plucking."

"That rhymed, didn't it, "plucking?" The Mage amused himself by way of that reference. A snicker issued in dark tones from his nasal cavity as well as the parting of his lips. "Count yeself fortunate that I donnae mean to display my might over ye in such a manner. Ye dignity is safe from that form of attack, I assure ye."

"Contrary to what ye might think, I was nae looking at ye for revelations. Aye, ye be a curiously intriguing creature so that is part of it, but not in the way ye be thinking. Aye, there is some lust there, desire such as it is. There is also attraction, on my part anyway. As for seeking some vindication to beauty, tis but skin we wear, as I am nae one for vanity." Cieara drew in a slow, soothing and calming breath and then her gaze lifted, emerald green eyes glittering with resiliency as she regarded him.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-06 20:17 EST
Feel these thoughts they come then go Holding on to let them know What's given to me given to me To hide behind a mask this time And try to remain

Wipe your eyes to what you see You can't embrace it Leave it well enough alone And don't remember Cut your pride and watch it bleed You can't deny it

Disturbed - Remember

"If it truly bothers ye Milord, ye have but to say the word and I shall cease. I seek no hollowed secrets to run to tell my family. Nae, they would nae approve and have already said as much. However it is understandable that ye might feel otherwise." Cieara's hands lifted and fingers spread with a shrug. "What more can I say' Even I can learn to stop pounding my head against an unrelenting wall given time."

"Is there some purpose that ye have, by way of the asking" Have ye a desire to save me from myself" To perhaps instruct me in the ways of love and compassion' To bring out my potential, a spark of something ye seek deep within my black heart' Ye wish to draw something tangible out of pretense and illusion' What is it ye seek by way of my seduction, Cieara?" Veighn charged right back.

"First of all, I wouldn't seek to "Change" you, as in truth, what you are is much a part of the attraction." Cieara was a bit rattled, so wasn't actually able to block or hide thoughts, and in light of that she was an open book emotionally speaking. "As for love or compassion, they are not requirements to desire. As for any sparks, I only see those in your eyes when your annoyed and the heart is not my area of expertise. I take nothing that is nae given freely and seduction nae has to be with the goals of any fairy tale "Happy Ever After" ending, as I believe that such things are few and far between."

"Ye want me to want to let ye in past my guard. Ye want me to draw ye near, to know who and what I am, for ye own pleasure and to appease ye own vanity. By way of that, ye have trod a path others cannot see, and ye might feel empowered by the allowance of such. Is that not so?" The Mage just as quickly countered.

"That might be true, there is some allure in that." Teeth worried her lower lip a moment, searching her thoughts and it did come down to that odd, unnatural attraction Cieara actually didn't understand. "Though, I am not normally prone to such self serving notions."

"The thrill of the hunt inspires ye. Getting what ye want thrills ye, the conquest. Surviving me, beyond that, and leaving relatively unscathed when ye believe ye've gleaned what ye've wished to know, experience and feel, empowers ye. The fact that I'm dangerous excites ye, though ye donnae fear death, nor do ye fear me in the conventional sense of the word. Yet, ye do fear me, and it annoys ye as well as excites ye. Ye are in constant termoil when near me, and I draw ye like a moth to the flame. Ye could very well be burned, though ye throw caution to the wind, despite what ye father wishes of ye. That, my dear, is ye hubris. I have seen it, I can exploit it if have I a mind to do so. Yet, by me allowing this information to leak out, only excites ye more, doesn't it?" Veighn's unrelenting remarks let her feeling suddenly very susceptible and unguarded for she could not deny how accurate he was.

Cieara had little use in lying, but it was very disturbing to hear the words that fit only to well. Rising to her feet smoothly, with silk falling in a smooth glide around her ankles and just stared at him, dark emerald eyes stunned that he had read her so easily it was rather shameful, but she didn't bolt yet, the urge tugging at her but restrained and regarded him, while trying to find her voice at that assault of truth. "Well. . . I feel rather exposed now Milord." There was a bit of a nervous rasp in her tone as she felt fingernails biting into the palms of her hands.

Veighn gestured toward her seat, affecting the slip of a smile. He sat his quill down atop the tome he'd been writing in, and formed a steeple of his hands before placing them, so positioned, in his lap, elbows resting on the armrest. He regarded her coolly. "Ye see, Cieara, I can read ye surface thoughts. Furthermore, I have the capability of shredding mental blocks and walls down with my will, shattering or unraveling many a beings mind should I want to. I rarely do so, for I am insightful enough a creature to find such displays an abusive show of might. Let alone, what most people think are things I donnae wish to know, and I find them rather boorish in mind as well as speech. Aye, so it is now evident that I am more calculating than I let on. A layer, one of many. Ye take a chisel to a dam, donnae forget the water behind it, for if the Dam fails, the deluge comes. Ask yeself this, Cieara, once ye learned everything there is to know about who and what I much of that knowledge would ye wish to unlearn?"

Cieara resumed her seat with a far more tense posture, balanced on the edge as if ready to take flight at any moment. That sense of danger was throbbing at the base of her skull, warning her to tread with great care as he could read her that simply, it made her nervous and it was only to apparent as a hand crept up to worry at a single auburn curl. "I can nae answer that Milord. I would need the knowledge first before determining what would be best left to the unknown."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-06 20:20 EST
There's no earthly way of knowing Which direction we are going There's no knowing where we're going Or which way the wind is blowing Is it raining" Is it snowing" Is a hurricane a-blowing" Not a speck of light is showing So the danger must be growing Oh, the fires of hell are glowing Marilyn Manson - Prelude (The Family Trip)

Cieara had in fact not dug as deeply as she might have, having considered that sort of thing rude and impolite behavior. It may not be the most prudent of idea's but respectful nonetheless. "I don't think my goal was to draw back the curtain to all your secrets Milord. Those are much a part of your appeal. Odd as that might sound." Her words coming just a tough stilted, as she was feeling vastly uncomfortable at the present moment.

"Then picture this, Cieara. Picture that ye fall for me, utterly and entirely, before coming to know your own very core fears are staring ye in the face. That your loving gaze for such a man, a being of great power, is a monster in your eyes. Imagine the self-loathing, the madness that knowing such as utter fact could unravel ye mind and throw ye into an abyss of fractured shards, reflecting only bits and pieces of what ye once were. Envision that, and ye only start to tread that path of what I truly am."

A flash touched the surface of Cieara's green eyes as she regarded him now and her head tipped to the side, the expression somewhat baffled. "Ye be assuming that would occur. Let us theorize then Milord. To fall for one, to open your heart freely means you love both the good and the bad of that individual. A monster can be loved same as a saint. Learning of their ways, then to become insane from it, is only the sign of a weak mind and an even more fickle heart."

"Ye see now why Mr. Howe was so incensed by my words when he chose to threaten me so after I did not bit the baited hook he dangled before mine eyes" I expected more from him, yet he has let me down in that aspect. Do I see him as a worthy opponent' That I shall leave unsaid. He will do something, I surmise, that he believes I may not know. He will wait, if he is wise, to see what deals I have made, what I have built, and try to chip away at the foundations to topple my machinations like a house of cards."

Veighn paused at her wording, a slow smile forming. "Again, that remains to be seen. Too, ye place yeself in the position of the prospective fickle one. Perhaps tis I ye should be worried about when it comes to that. What's more, the reference to mine jaws is an accurate one. Could ye endure such a laceration' Have ye the strength to hold yeself together in the face of being torn apart' Again, place yeself in the role of the fickle. What makes ye think I would be of a mind to release ye of ye conquest should I allow ye such' Sid, I allow that one her creature comforts. She senses something in me, and it amuses me to allow her to think less. Tis a comfort to her to deny danger when she finds something truly dangerous."

"To be blunt Milord. It would take far more then ye pretty features for my heart to become so entwined. It would take effort on your part that I suspect ye would nae be so willing to extend, so it is rather a moot point. As for Mr. Howe, aye, he will play his games for that is what he does. He's always seeking an upper hand from what I have heard. Even now he watches or will when orbs are collected, but already ye prepare." Cieara was starting to relax just a bit, yet felt the tension still riding slim shoulders but she didn't shift them, just turned her head to regard him with somber attention. "Perhaps I am fickle. Though that has nae ever been a part of my current character. I have nae jumped from man to man, even if ye might think such." Instantly buried the number that was but one down deep within, not letting that float to the surface to be captured and displayed.

"The thing that will draw his ire the most, is coming to realize that he will abandon his tactics at my will and whim. I donnae think he will take too kindly to the realization, and not by my telling now, but when he has his epiphany, that I pull his strings and he dances to my tune."Veighn stated with conviction.

Cieara replied to that remark of the mages in a soft quiet tone. "You do know Milord, he does review the orbs collected her. Be it wise to share such words?" If anything, her voice dropped lower still. "Or do you wish to draw his ire?" She looked him in the eyes with the canting of her head and the dropping of thick lashes would look more the flirt then fact.

A slowly blooming, Cheshire smile formed on the mage's lips suddenly, his eyes crescenting with mirth spawned by her inquiry."Need ye ask me that question, my dear?"

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:38 EST
"Ah, I see." Which Cieara actually did, Veighn was hoping to push Howe into playing his hand in impulse and not with calculated care and drew a momentary smile, but the expression did not linger upon her pale features. A hand raising them to take up the glass the soft shimmering blue a balm to nerves stretched tight. "Dangerous game Milord, but I hope it falls in your favor."

"Were he an intelligent man, he would avoid anything I set my eyes upon, placing his interests elsewhere. However, we both know that is not his nature. He is very alpha minded, and does nae take a slight easily. The question is" who shall crush him first' Alysia, Lankyn, or myself?" The Mage theorized.

"It might well be a combination of all three. He pushes enough buttons at the same time, and then faces a war on three fronts. It would be a foolish thing of him, but I can nae say the man be all that rational." Cieara replied before pausing to take a sip and felt the soothing flow of magical energy from the glowing blue liquid and found some relief in its effect.

"I have come into the information that I have many eyes watching me, Cieara, and not just those of ye brood, and kin. Some will see this night as a way to exploit what they've gleaned. The will see me a haughty man, to have given so much of myself to open display. Some will second-guess themselves, asking if it is only what I want them to believe, others will take it as a fact. Some will be daunted by their own thoughts, some will test, and others will scheme. They will all ask themselves, what plan I have up my sleeves. Others will see how quickly I can adapt. All will be surprised in the end. He wants us all to attack him at once, so he might take his machinations to the next level. He wants us to think little of him, so that he can direct his plans toward their culmination. Tis what I would do in his position." Veighn glanced about with a cat-that-ate-the-canary grin. "Isn't that right...Mr. Howe?"

"Strangely enough, I actually believe your right about that Milord." A shadow of her usual smile curled upon rose pale lips as she lowered the glass, letting the base rest in the palm of her other hand, unwilling to allow any thoughts to bubble to the surface as those were already in turmoil.

"He feeds off the fact that so many wish to know his next move before he makes it. He laughs, lounging leisurely in his domain, finding this all very amusing. Alysia, he finds a threat, though he would deny it...he knows only what she allows him. I myself, do the same. Lankyn, I care not his interest in Lankyn, only that he wishes the man dead for some maneuver or perceived slight. Three houses and he wishes to see the end of them all. He falls prey to the very sins he loves to inspire in others. Tis what he knows."The Mage continued.

"It is well known that he does indulge in all the vices he can. Reports on him have so stated that." A look of distaste briefly danced over Cieara's pale lit visage and her head lowered, looking down into the glass of glowing blue. "Thoughts of some of those rather do turn my stomach I must admit."

"Taboos and mores all." Veighn waved dismissively. "He will shock the status quo, and shake its foundations when he cares to do so. I liken him to a hyena. Alone, they are not strong, though backed by a pack, they will cull the weak, the sick, and the young. He is a necessary evil, as many might label me the same. There is much purpose in us, be it that we are pitted against one another working together. We have each our own side. He will not follow, nor shall I."

Cieara took another sip of the mystical wine as he spoke and gave a slow nod, eyes still measuring the remainder of the glass before glancing upwards, dark green eyes holding a somber cast. "I wish I could offer you more information Milord, but I have little left. DCH can be a pack I suspect, but have nae yet played any major hands."

"Because they've not garnered the right cards to do so. They merely bide their time. They see me as an easy target, perhaps because I am the most active of the three targeted groups." Veighn returned.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:40 EST
"Ye be the new player in town I believe Milord. You are slowly building your power and perhaps they sense that." Cieara's fingers toyed with the delicate stem of the glass as shifted a bit with a rustling of silk, the movement a faint echo of a certain restlessness assailing her.

"New, perhaps more so than some, though less new than others. Just now, I'm making waves and it has come to their attention, as it has many others." The mage regarded her.

"Is that not what ye wanted?" Cieara asked that simple question that and followed by the rising of the glass to touch her lips for a sip and just took a quiet breath at the tingling sensation of powerful Elven magic that she seemed to need.

"Again, ye ask a question that ye donnae, yeself, lack the answer to. Seek ye confirmation?" Veighn's brow arching, he moved his hands over the quill, placing it in the satchel with his tome. He gathered a few scrolls, placing them in a scroll case and placed them in the pouch beside the tome. The rest he left scattered upon the table, settling once more in the frame of his seat.

"Yes, as that is what I think your doing and with a purpose, though for the life of me I can't not figure out why you seek so much in the way of negative attention." Cieara forced her fingers from placing to much pressure upon that dainty glass of the crystal cut stem as he moved.

"That is the question worth the price of many kingdoms, isn't it, Cieara. I'm sure many would love the answer to that question, as ye do. I'm sure that answer will then be a priceless commodity to those who would which to exploit as well. Why would I have such cause to do just that?" The Dark Lord questioned in turn.

"Why don't ye just say "I nae care to share that" and be done with it' As it is apparently just what ye be meaning." A dry laugh fell from Cieara's lips then as eyes that swirled with the barest hints of crimson regarded him with some irritation.

"That would be too easy, now wouldn't it Cieara." Veighn chuckled. "Besides, I do like the scenery available in taking the long and scenic path to an end, donnae ye' Give one time to relish what there is to be bad." Forming that steeple again, his nostrils flared again and his eyelids lowered to half-mast.

"Tis obvious ye do enjoy orchestrating Milord. Thought it nae music that strikes your fancy but perhaps a love of the game or the challenge it offers to pit ye wits against others. So by all means, appreciate the scene as it plays out before ye. Such efforts should always be rewarded." Cieara's tone had dropped only one octave but remained as cultured and soft when speaking, but eyes gleamed faintly with temper restrained. It wasn't the words that had actually ignited that mood, but the look he wore but she outright refused to ponder upon that just shifted back to relax slightly within her chair.

Veighn pushed his chair out from the table and with a gesture, unneeded, staunched the shadows around him into the affect of a gray haze. Rising from the seat he'd taken, he broke into movement that was more fluid than a solid form should have been. He movement was swift, a drift of his being that gave no rustling of legs scissoring beneath the fabric drape of his robe's hem. He had flanked her so swiftly that it took an instant to for nerves to send message to her synapses that his flesh upon her own was registered. His hands moved along her collarbones, fluid as silk, warm as the lick of flames. The full flat of his palm moved along her neck, her shoulders, toward the sides of her pointed ears. His black claws left red streaks against her flesh, only heat scratches, not the deadly life-stealing lacerations that could be had from the merest application of pressures. He was behind her, and onyx hair swept forward to curtain the sides of her face as he leaned.

"Ye think such is deserving of a reward" Others have tried harder still, with only sorrow left in the wake of their attempts." Veighn moved his hand along the column of her throat, the undulation of his fingers was sensuous, and he caressed the underside of her jaw in the palm of his hand, exploring the flesh of her neck as the thumb of latter hand came to brace her spine as he tilted her head upward to look into her eyes from his lean above and behind.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:40 EST
Cieara had barely settled when he moved and had only managed to register the blur of motion before he was beside her, the touch shocked her to total stillness but no panic actually registered, just the sensation of heat. In her hands, the delicate stem of her glass finally snapped sending the small amount of Elven blue to fall harmlessly upon the floor as her eyes went wide, caught in the glide of his hands and the touch drawing a sudden warmth from pale skin, there was honest surprise in the emerald dark eyes that met his at the tipping of her chin, but words seemed to have escaped her for the moment, caught up in a sort of sensory haze that caused her to forget to breath, but then quickly sought air with a muffled gasp. Thoughts scattered and she valiantly struggled to find a coherent thought. "I would ...nae be so bold to make...such claims.."

He made it evident that she saw his lips curl back, the malice in his face was unmistakable, and his sharp teeth gleamed as they parted, upper row from lower, in the opening of his mouth. He moved in without warning, without permission. In all reality, he was in the perfect position to twist her head off her shoulders should he care to do so. His hand became possessive of that jaw, gripping with the closing of taloned fingers on either side, and just as she may have thought he'd bite a goody portion of her face from her head before he leaned in, like a thief in the night, and stole upon her lips a searing kiss that forced his lower lip between hers as he captured her own upper lip in the pursed gripping of his mouth.

The look he had worn while unsettling and registered it didn't drag fear from her, just something akin to awe and she remained unmoving, aware of the position she was in, but again thoughts dissolved like ice on a summer's day at the first touch of his lips and Cieara's pulse jumped into an erratic pace of surprise and instant smoldering attention as soft lips parted at the pressure of his, welcoming the sizzling heat the multiple sensations of his tongues.

His tongues, all three, lightly played at and caressed, and his head tilted to the side, causing his silky black hair to rain down and tickle her features just before that trio of tongues moved to dart into the crevice of her mouth, an opening he'd created by the turning of his head, and the vertical interposition of his lower lip between her own. One of three narrow tongues touched down upon the tip of her own, another tasted of the wine along her upper lip as it lingered. The third tickled along the inside of her cheek, all sweeter than the vile taste one might think he harbored in a mouth that spewed such fowl words to the wind. His lips secured against her own, suckling, molding, manipulating like warm caramel squares. His tongues moved along the insides of her mouth like ropes of honey, teasing, tasting, and withdrawing as swiftly as they came. Before she could register or protest, he broke the seal of the kiss, and pulled away, releasing her from the grip and hold of his powerful, deadly hands. Behind her, his lips puckered, and he ran his tongues against his palate, as if savoring the flavor of the wine, and her mouth, in his own. He turned toward the bar then, and with that wraith-like gliding gait of his, he rounded the bar in search of a bottle and vessel to hold the liquid.

"Ye would nae be so bold....I on the other a different story altogether, Cieara DeAuster." Veighn said whimsically as he maneuvered his hands through various bottles on the rack, as if nothing had happened at all. He seemed to don a casual air about him, and as he did that, the dark of his Shar'Vae Shades manifested itself once again, thickening the obscuring haze surrounding him.

But before Cieara could even start to fully respond he had drawn back, she was absolutely stunned, dazed came to mind and eventually remembered to breath, but it was ragged edge of air indrawn. She could only stare at him as he moved off, all so very casual while she felt as if blown over by a hurricane and slowly pain radiated, breaking the dazzled state she had been caught in. Hands shaking quite a bit as she carefully pulled shard of glass from her palm, feeling quite floored indeed, but managed to find something to say, utter brilliance in action, that whisper escaped. "Wow."

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:42 EST
Veighn pulled out a bottle, blew the dust off the label, frowned, and replace it from whence it came. He kept browsing the selection of bottles, turning his head toward his left shoulder, chin in alignment, and cast her a sidelong glance behind. "Stunned speechless I see." His nostrils flaring again and he pivoted, swiped a clean rag, and tossed it, after wadding it, through the air toward her direction. The force of the throw causing the cloth to snap at the air and take in air, but it made the gap in distance that it should never have made, landing on the parchments at the center-most table of the room, the one she was seated at. "I donnae believe the cat-man would take to kindly to ye bleeding all over the scrolls in his charge, and ye may too ruin ye dress. I doubt ye would have a wont to explain to ye father how that'd come to pass."

While her mind might be reeling, Cieara's responses were not and a hand rose to capture the flying cloth before it landed upon the table and was pressed to her palm, stanching the small wound with nearly mechanical movements, as her brain was still spinning in a total state of shock. "Aye....yes ye be correct about that Milord."

After the clean towel was tossed, he turned back to his rummaging through Panther's wine selection, turning a few bottles that needed turning so the corks didn't rot. After moments, he pulled forth a bottle of the Spanish Brandy he'd had by way of Mary's leaving a few days past. He removed the seal and pulled the cork free, allowing it to breath while he searched for a snifter.

Cieara had managed to string a whole sentence together and even keep her hand from making a mess of the soft forest green silks but slowly the shock started to fade and she slanted a narrowed gaze his way, none to pleased he was so unaffected but as he hadn't actually given her a chance to do much of anything either. "Tis usual to at least give a lady a chance to um...response to such endeavors Milord. And if ye thought to end my ceaseless pursuit of ye, I fear ye may have made it worse."

Veighn dipped in his bend, lowering to a crouch, then raised again, snifter in hand. It seemed they were always hiding the good crystal, shifting it here and there depending on who was tending. Placing the vessel atop the bar, and poured the heady liquor into the globe of the glass, watching the amber liquid roll and swirl as he filled it a good two-thirds of the way full. He then corked the bottle, replacing it in its place of security. This done, he rounded the bar's end, making his way toward the seat he'd left, just across from her position at the other side of the table. Lifting the hem of his robes, he seated himself, pressing the glass to his lips for a sip in the meantime.

Lord Veighn lowered the glass upon hearing that statement, having been robbed of half the intended mouthful, and swallowed. His brow arched, and he regarded her evenly. "Is that so?"

Cieara would not be sharing any details of that brain numbing kiss, as it would be simply to hard for her to even attempt to describe it, but she just willed her galloping heart to slow down as it was making her just a tiny bit light headed at the rapid fire pace but her hand was already healing, inherent gifts from both parents the wound small so was already closing over. "Alas for ye, it is." And while her pulse might be off the chart, her reply was offered in soft even tones.

"Tis a rarity I give so much as even that. Usually, even that, is gained by extreme effort on another's part. Ye got off light in the scheme of things, with so much. Nae that I find myself to be some wondrous Adonis to deign to grant such to any passing female who so much as bats her lashes at me, but for other reasons entirely. Ye might find that ye will have to work harder still to be given the chance to return such back to me in the doing of said act, and beyond that...well...that is left to yet be discovered, isn't it?" The mage replied stoically.

Wrapping the broken glass into the bloodied towel, crimson darkened eyes lifted slowly and gazed at him, there was some wonder there, but deeper lurked that attraction Cieara no longer sought to hide and a faint smile whispered over her lips. "Unlike ye, I can not rely upon the element of surprise. I dare not brave those wards of yours as you might consider that an act of aggression. So tell me milord, what exactly do you mean' If mine efforts have been weak, what does it take to pique your ever shifting attentions?"

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:42 EST
"Now, if I were supply the rules of the game to ye, I could not change them at my whim, now could I, Cieara?" A roguish grin blessed Veighn's mouth then, and a series of three clacks issued as the tips of three tongues became present in rapid succession, sealing and breaking the vacuum caused by the pressing of said muscles against the roof of his mouth.

"Well I knew ye would not make it easy." Cieara sat back with a gliding of silk and legs shifting under it into a lady like cross, allowing her hands to rest upon that slightly raised thigh as she regarded him and much relieved to find her blood pressure starting to level off even as his teased with the smile and the sound made with those tongues of his.

Veighn blinked a few times, lifting the brandy to his lips again, his nose flaring at the scents as he sought to drown his keen senses with the burn of the liquor. He swallowed and his feature retained their stoic expression. His lips pursed in a little smirk just then, eyeing her from across the table. "Quaint....very subtle Cieara." There was some amusement in his gaze then.

"Nae ever hurts to ask now does it Milord?" Ah, ever so proper she was but there was some pink still resting in normally pale cheeks as Cieara continued to watch him, hooded eyes gleaming dark under thick lashes.

"I will compliment ye on the dress, for its look. However, I am keenly aware of ye pheromones more so in this garb than in ye normal garb of muting leathers. Especially when ..." He gestured to her legs, and the crossing of them. He had a very sobering expression displayed just then. Veighn lifted the glass once more, and pinching the crystal stem betwixt index finger and thumb, took another sip of the brandy.

Now that drew a puzzled look as Cieara glanced down at her legs, the posture perfectly proper and all most ladylike and then her dark emerald eyes rose again with obvious confusion. "Ah, I think ye have lost me with that Milord. I usually sit this way so see little change even in light of the dress, though it is far lighter then my leathers."

"The movement of ye limbs stirs the air, Cieara. In stirring the air..." The Black Wizard's gaze grew narrowed once more, peering from beneath half-lowered lids. "Tis pleasant, though again, I am nae one so easily led by urges of that ilk. Though it seems I donnae have to explain further, fore ye are intelligent enough to figure it out on ye own, I'm sure that a lady would restrict herself to the necessary movements upon gleaning the fact I've alluded to."

Cieara stilled with another wash of color, as she knew he wasn't referring to her normal fragrant oils but to her credit the laughter was low and natural as it drifted from lips that still carried the faint flavor of his kiss. "Well, as most nae can notice such things, ye could hardly accuse me of seeking to tempt ye with a natural action."

"Ye are still suspect. For tis easily guessed that one such as I might have that keen sense of awareness." Pun intended, obviously. "So, natural or nae, I'm sure ye are well aware. Despite the fact that ye have granted me the knowledge that ye did not wear the flowing garb for my entertainment, ye are still utilizing its very nature. So I will give ye marks for creativity." The mage challenged Cieara.

It was a modest gown, simple in design, the sort of thing one would wear to have dinner with their family so his words tickled her greatly and Cieara's green eyes just shimmered with that flow of humor. "Ah, perhaps I shall have to find something more ah, what is the word" Enticing perhaps" To wear around ye Milord."

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:43 EST
"Perhaps I will just put on the pretense of being unaware of the change." Veighn smirked, and took another sip of his libation, then lowered the snifter to clink against the wood surface of his chair's armrest.

"Ah, well I do have dresses, quite a vast collection, just nae something I wear all to often. In truth, ye normally do not show up a second day in a row. Often times it's been a day or two before I see ye again." A wicked curling of lips followed Cieara's words and she inclined her head towards him. "So I really did nae think ye would even know of my lapse into more feminine garments."

"I could see how they donnae provide much cover in wartime sorties, as it were." Snickering as Veighn wafted his hand through the air. Another smirk terminating the sound as he swirled the brandy in its glass, allowing the drink to "breathe.".

"Well skirts alone are hardly an option when facing battle. I have nae ever tried to do such of course, but have heard it is nae easy." Cieara was making sure not to move around to much, but a hand lifted to capture a sliding burnished curl and ease it back behind a ear point.

"Most skirts I've known to be worn in battle are plate, scale, chain mess, or boiled leather. Though, a boiled leather, sectioned skirt would be rather short, and probably advertise to much for ye liking were ye to wear it as a casual garment. Too, it would probably draw ye unwanted attention by many a man throughout the realm seeking to sample what was beneath." The Mage stated casually, as if talk of such things were a normalcy in mixed company.

Cieara's lips twitched, as she did actually have such a skirt, but was just as quick to defend herself against any that might seek to touch without invitation. "I have plenty of all of those as well, I am simply more comfortable in the leathers. Those have been my usual mode of armor since I was 13...along side dresses for home and more social events that are much like political wars without blood shed."

"Political wars, hmmm.." He tilted his head, running his free hand back through his hair, moving a few errant locks of black from the ridge of his brow, some having fallen into an irritating position, thus impeding his sight. Veighn's gaze fell to half-mast once more, and he took a sip of his brandy, relishing the burn of the liquor and its taste more than any affect that it should have given him.

"Of course, alliances to be made families to link through those very agreements. Daddy is nae as skilled with those social events, unlike my Mum is. She's more diplomatic, but just as deadly." Cieara didn't seek to explain how deadly her mother was, as he didn't really need to know that unless something came up.

"Tis very interesting, so due to alliance, ye are in association with the Bloods" Or through lineage?" Veighn's brow piqued after that. "I hear tell that Lankyn's libraries are extensive, however, I also hear ye tell it that ye father's libraries are well stocked in and of themselves."

"Aunt Belial is my Grandmum's Sister. So there is blood ties there but Daddy has been with Lord Lankyn for many, many years. It is true that the libraries are both vast. Lord Lankyn's takes up three stores and is lined with several shelves of books on each level. Daddy's is also very massive. Only slightly smaller." Cieara replied, obligingly enough.

"I see. So, Lord DeAuster has only one daughter, or have ye siblings that are nae mentioned as of yet' I know that ye have one brother that I have seen so far." Veighn's lips pursed around the rim of the snifter after its ascent to his mouth, sipping drawl of the beverage taken before it was placed on the table, fingers releasing the stem of the glass.

"It is just myself and Daniel actually. Mum and Daddy haven't tried to repopulate the entire world even if they have been together for nearly 60 years." A glance down at her hand the palm still bearing the faint mark from the stab of glass. "Daddy also has a vast array of healers, and Herbalists. The space where many work is filled with just about any type of herb or element one needs for Alchemy."

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:44 EST
"I suppose such is a wise decision on their part. Ye are of course going against wishes in pursuing my company. I'm sure ye father would have had his hands quite full were there two of ye to look after, let alone a handful." Veighn nodded at the next statement, tilting his head slightly."And who, might I ask, is the aforementioned alchemist?"

"We have many milord, though Myrialla and Kaelyn are both quite skilled with making a variety of healing draughts and elixirs for the troops, but they are only two of a dozen more." Her smile was holding an impish turn at the remarks about her willfulness in the face of her father's disapproval. "Daddy has not demanded anything of me yet he simply nae trusts ye Milord. Expects ye to lure me into some deal as ye have Tasha."

" Oh...I'm sure he perceives this fascination ye have for me just the lure he's insinuating." Veighn chuckled, taking another sip of his wine after the snifter was collected from the table. It was set down again after the action was taken, swallowing in the meanwhile. "So, are ye going to withdraw ye pursuit should he give ye the order" Or do ye mean to disobey his wish and continue to try and work down my guards against ye?"

"I don't think Daddy will make such an order. He will show his disapproval of course, but if I am to learn, I will have to do so on my own and I believe he knows that." In the past Cieara was known to rebel anyway, so Luc didn't seek to force his will upon either of his children through orders, instead he glowered, grumbled and muttered a lot.

"I see..." Veighn's brow furrowed, taking on a thoughtful expression. He then turned his gaze toward the window, seeing that the sun was up and they'd talked the night away, despite the unsettling of the DeAuster woman, and then the shock of his kissing her without warning or permission. Too, her incessant refusals to let up her interests in him, even more so now than before. His lips twisted, considering the different ends these paths could lead to, as well as what other surprises lay in wait once it was out that he'd actually kissed the woman who, upon their first conversation, displayed themselves rather viciously toward each other and their dislike for the other.

Cieara still wasn't rude enough to pry into personal thoughts but she noticed the expressions moving over his shaded features and a brow arched slightly. "And what prey tell has ye so amused now Milord?"

"The irony of our first meeting, and the admission to a total one-hundred eighty degree turn around on ye part. I believe it was a statement when we first spoke, that ye found me beneath ye notice." Veighn snickered, lifting the glass of brandy from the table once again. "I wonder, had I not been beneath ye notice, what might have come of ye pursuit thus far."

"Ye were very rude that first meeting. Brushed me off as if I was little more then a buzzing bee. I thought it then it was most unfair for ye to be fine of feature with such boorish manners. However, ye have grown on me. Nae like a fungus, but perhaps more like a flavor that be bitter at first but becomes something more." A faint shake of her head to send a few escaping burnished curls back over Cieara's shoulders and released that subtle scent of wildflowers and spice from the soft locks.

"Something more....what?" Veighn's brow arching as he swirled the brandy. His lips puckering into a slight moue as he watched any signs of notable expressions moving across her features at his newest inquiry, a coaxing of her to further explain herself.

"That first sensation of bitter, followed by the more soothing fuller taste. It be hard to explain but it is rather like Absinth, tis bitter at first, but then the mingling of the sugar balances the sensation." Cieara knew he drank that so might actually follow what she was meaning.

"Are ye referring the kiss, or the other occasions where we came to sparring wits and the like?" Both brows rose this time, Veighn's cheeks becoming shallow as his teeth moved apart behind closed lips.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:47 EST
"The sparing of wits Milord, as I have nae yet allowed myself to ponder upon the kiss, other then to feel a bit. . . stunned as of yet." Cieara's hand rose to brush a curl from her pale cheek and just chuckled quietly, while her darker green eyes regarded him.

"Perhaps tis just a figment of ye imagination, a vivid fantasy ye came to unconsciously having that was very vivid and so realistic that ye senses took ye on a journey." The Black Wizard's smirk was sly, and he took another sip of the beverage in hand as he watched her for the reaction he was sure to get from such a remark.

"Ah, ye would like me to believe that I am sure Milord, but I can tell the difference. A fantasy as ye might call it, vivid perhaps does not leave marks on one's skin, or the taste upon their lips." A finger rising to brush against the already fading heat marks on the pale skin of her neck.

"I see. Perhaps tis a manifestation of mind over matter, no?" She wasn't buying it, that he knew. However, Veighn found the prospect of saying it just as amusing as her explaining it away after he "tried to convince her otherwise.". "I suppose then I wouldn't have heard the reference to being bold if it were imagined, would I?"

"Aye, I believe we both used that word around the time ye sent my thoughts scattering like leaves in a wind storm." Ever honest in most situations Cieara wasn't going to change now, but a brow arched slightly with a sudden amused gleam of darker green eyes. "Now why would ye wish me to forget it' To pawn it off as some figment or whimsical imagining?"

"Again with the questions. How about ye answer this one for me, and I shall see if ye are close to the mark. Why do ye think I would have ye forget such?" The Mage questioned with a brow arching. "Oh, and by the buy, I'm discounting the fact that ye said ye mind had been scattered to the four winds." A tip of his snifter toward her before taking a sip, an amused glimmer shimmering in his hellish crimson eyes.

"Honestly, up until that moment, I actually believed ye would never do such a thing." Cieara was careful with her movements but shifted only slightly with a hissing of silk and then turned her hooded eyes towards him with a canting tip of her head. "So yes, I was scattered. Surprised that you..are so skilled."

"Surprised, now that is a curious comment." Another sip and despite her care in shifting her legs, the aforementioned affect was again snared by his keen awareness. He took twice the amount of the first sip, washing down what was had as it came again. His eyes closed this time, and he rolled his head from one shoulder, back, and to the other, as if loosening his muscles along the shoulder and neck region. Veighn then tapped the glass, his eyelids slowly lifting to their mid-point position, revealing only half the red, scarlet, and crimson hues of his eyes, which were now alive with swirls of black flame within their depths. Within that gaze was more than just a veiled, sharp intelligence. There was the calling of power, coiling within him, stirred by the stimulus picked up in the stirring of the air once more.

Cieara's gaze was picking up all the subtle nuances of his movements, the glint of eyes and the hint of something curious looking behind the intensity normally seen there and her auburn head tipped with her lashes lifting to return the regard, remaining quite still of course but one single curl choose that moment to spiral down to brush a cheek. "I nae see how that would be curious. Ye caught me quite unaware after all Milord." She couldn't help the faint shiver that radiated down the elegant line of her back.

"And the skilled comment, what of that, my dear" Why would I not be considered such' Hmm?" He found it rather amusing to draw that little bit out, having foreseen she'd leave it alone if she were left to her own devices. Veighn had no intentions of allowing her that grace of comfort. He wanted to know if she would explain herself further. "That is a curious remark, nonetheless."

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:48 EST
"There be few that can come up on me like that and catch me unawares Milord. Let along touch me as ye did. That sort of action takes some skill does it nae?" Ah, it was a rather deft evasion but also truthful and she gave another faint smile, but then moved a bit more in her seat, with a gentle bell like sway of fragrant silks.

"Mmmm...that still doesn't answer my question adequately enough, Cieara. For what reason might I be thought a surprise to know how to move my hands, among other things, in such manners that ye might find shocking, or any else for that matter?" His talon tapped his lips thrice before he sat his libation down. Veighn leaned in, and his eyes darkened further shades of carmine and black, the light in his eyes whirl-pooled swiftly at the forward lean and the dip of his chin. He was peering at her from beneath his brow, eyes recast showing the fullness of his very lucid state of mind. His grin grew, a shadow of its true self, something sundry, with a myriad of cryptic meanings left untold.

"Well the kiss itself was certainly skillful, swift and made impact." A forearm drifting to rest upon the tables edge as Cieara also leaned, her darkened green eyes meeting his with a arching of a russet brow and a slow languid smile curling upon her lips. "Is that what ye meant then Milord?"

" is not exactly what I meant, Cieara." Veighn smirked, shaking his head as he tapped crystal of snifter's globe with his elongated black talon. He shifted his gaze about the room, his lips pursing as he did so. "I think ye know well what I mean, and I think that ye are avoiding the question."

"Ah, are ye wishing details upon how it all felt then?" Cieara didn't retreat yet, just regarded him with gleaming bright green eyes and slowly her head tilted, soft curling waves of auburn floating down against the elegant silk of forest green and chuckled, a warm throaty tone. "For one so resistant to touch, it was a surprise ye even had any idea about such....earthier actions."

"Ye mistake my meaning, Cieara. Why would ye find it surprising that I knew how to make such an impact when it came to ....."earthier actions" .." He ran his fingers back through his hair, lifting his chin as the scintillating sensation of talons lightly tickling his scalp insured.

"Ah, I nae expected ye to do it for a start. Tis' been all about the tease after all. As for ye knowing, aye, that be surprising. Ye be somewhat distant from those urges by what I have determined." Cieara's legs moved, sliding a bit under the chair as she leaned more against her arm where it rested lightly upon the table edge and hooded eyes just glittered with that humor that was returning and her smile was impish.

Veighn regarded her blankly. Perhaps he was pondering what she had said, and perhaps he was merely watching her, multitasking as it were, while she spoke her ideas and opinions on the matter at hand. Like a mirror, he reflected her expression back to her as soon as it was readily available to him. He was very aware of her nearness, and the precision of her casual movement. More at, the precise measurement of each, even those obscured by the top of the table interposing itself between his gaze and her lower torso. His eyes squinted at the sides before crescenting with mirth, he even laughed. "Perhaps I mimic the act well. What say ye?"

"That is entirely possible Milord. As most men do expect some response." A light tossing of her head followed, sending the trickling curls down one shoulder tumbling back and falling with an array of light playing off the burnished waves and of course that ever present lingering fragrance that was uniquely Cieara's own was sent playing in the currents of air around them.

"Ye keep doing that, and I may grow fond of ye sent and seek to capture and keep ye, Cieara." His tone jesting, though Veighn's eyes didn't seem to want to play along to the tunes of his discordant, accented voice. Slender raven brow twitched, almost rising, as his eyes still continued to swirl with black and hues of red. Some of the light played and flickered in time with the flames, others were in the wake of their movements, and the glow cast angular shadows over the valleys of his countenance, escaping the glow of rose-tinted light.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:49 EST
There was a speculative sheen in her dark emerald eyes, taking in the various shifting of micro expressions and it made rose pale lips twitch slightly before her head lowered for a moment, wetting lips with a minute sweep of her tongue, the words giving her a moment of pause and made nerve endings jangle, but once composed again, a nearly relaxed chuckle floated from her with a slanted glance up towards him. "Can one capture shadows Milord" Some perhaps may have such knowledge but tis nae a common spell that I am aware of." Another nimble evasion she hoped.

"Depends upon the web weaver, my dear. Though, I think ye well know the answer to that question. Shadow, light, shall I provide a vessel" I have heard that like the djinnii and demons can be bottled and held." Veighn snickered. "A lovely perfume ye would make, though I find that such, or a cologne of the like would draw some attention." He now leaned into the table, pressing his hands on the edges of the table, gripping and scoring the wood with his talons. He looked very predatorily, almost as if ready to pounce, as his chin dipped as he tracked her eyes with his own.

Velvet soft laughter fell as Slumberous green eyes regarded him assiduously, aware of his movements all to keenly but Cieara held her ground, maintaining that lean of her own and lashes lifted a bit with another smile that only hinted at small fangs lurking. "Ah, now that is flattering to be ever eternally bottled and wore as some scent. Of course if ye ask nicely I can ask Kaelyn to make something personal for ye as well." One talon tip traced faint pattern against the table, unconscious the action as a need to move was strong but she with held the urge.

"Hmmm' I see..." He chuckled, settling back into the seat. "And who is this Kaelyn, and what sort of "person" think can she craft that might be of interest, hmm' " The Mage's brow piqued as he turned his gaze to his talons, flicking wood dust from the pointed tips of a few. Blowing on them then, as if to remove any other minute traces before turning his gaze upon her again, with eyes that burned like a pair of suns in their ocular sockets, veiled by dark lash and bronze-dusted lids.

"Ah, Kaelyn be one of my family. Tis Myrialla's sister and brother's lover." The smile was edged with a hint of a wicked turn as he had moved back first and now Cieara slowly sat up with the barest hint of a spine arching to ease the underlying tension there. "She's quite skilled with herbals. Tis she that created the one I wear. For you, if she might be persuaded to craft a unique fragrant oil."

"How unique?" His brow piqued, and he tilted his head as he watched her, with another pursing of his lips. Veighn wanted to see where she was going with this, and how daring she just might be. He noticed the shift in her position, the relaxation, and that amused him. Body language told a person quite a bit, being as how eighty percent of speech was just that, body language. In context, he could sort out the clues of a misunderstanding by the way one carried or held themselves when saying certain things. He affected a receptive look, awaiting the reply.

"Ah, something nae other could wear....It would certainly need to be spicy to match that biting wit of yours, but perhaps some darker weaving, mysterious. Perhaps some dragon's blood mixed in, as that is also a root, slightly bitter but powerful. If one could find such a match for a scent suitable for one such as yourself it would be Kaely." Cieara was aware he was watching, felt the impact of his gaze upon her and her lashes drifted downwards to veil her own green eyes and let the tension ease even more with a release of breath.

"I know of dragon's blood root, as well as the incense that can be manufactured by such. It heightens awareness, and summons power; Tis good for meditations and rituals, among other scents and fragrances. I think that would be an interesting blend, indeed. I rather like the scent of dragon's blood." His signature pursing of lips came to bare on his visage. Veighn pondered the fragrance, and he leaned forward again. "Though, one must personalize it with a fragrance both exotic and unique. I wonder what ideas ye might have for such a fragrance. Do go one Cieara, I would love to hear what ye mind might come up with." His eyes narrowed on her sharply then, once more, that predator came to the surface, peering through the windows of his eyes, lurking in the shadows of those swirling red and black flames.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:50 EST
"Ah, as I am not the artist in such things, I would only be able to offer suggestions to her as what sort of nature you carry Milord. Indeed, there should be something exotic to tease the senses." Black nails feathered back some sliding curls from her brow but Cieara kept him in her sights, perhaps not seeming to as lashes rested low, veiling the glint of expression and a low, throaty laugh drifted, playing upon hearing with a pleasant tone. "Perhaps you might suggest something you favor and I can ask her to add it Milord."

"What I have in mind is something rather potent in distillate form. Potent even so, it is more noticeable to those of keen senses and awareness." The Black Wizard's features took on a sly, and very mysterious caste. His brow arched, and he chuckled, entertaining the thought of his prospective ingredient. Talk about breaking mores and taboos; he looked as though he'd just sinned with a nun IN the confession booth of a Catholic church. His hands formed a steeple before him on the table, scooting the chair in some as the dark haze of his Shar'Vae Shades swept and slithered around his being. "Exotic, unique, dark.." His jaw hung a bit at the last, as though the look on his face couldn't be any more salacious and inviting than someone reveling in the power of dominance and ecstasy at the same time. His voice turned from a husky timbre to a dark, resonating purr, very cosmic and extra-planar.

"Ah, something very secretive that lurks under the warmth of the fragrance with an edge perhaps Milord?" The purr brought a faint shiver across her exposed skin but she sought to cover that with a sliding of a leg under the fall of forest green silks, but the expression he wore was far harder to ignore. Head drifting a bit to the side she curled the fingers of one hand tightly where it rested out of sight under the table but the relaxed posture remained otherwise. "Exotic, unique and dark, all do suit ye Milord, as I believe ye are quite aware."

"Hmm...I have an idea of what that might be. More at, many, however, I donnae know if such could be made by one such as ye friend, the scent maker. Too, the source would be, I'm sure, reluctant to grant such an ingredient knowingly." His lips pursed. "Not at first that is." Veighn's purr grew more present, and lacing in with his voice, causing a melodic weave to enhance his speech. He eyed her, that expression ever-present.

Laughter just shy of sultry, husky and carrying the echoes of secrets not displayed and she sank back in her chair a bit more, the position tranquil or seemingly so, and lightly trailed one black nail over the soft sheen of fabric resting upon an up lifted leg. "Um, and what pray tell is this mysterious and rare fragrance that so has enraptured you Milord?"

"I have only had the faintest sample, my dear. So I have not any notion of whether I enjoy the distillate thoroughly enough to wear it on my person. It would all depend if I could collect such a sampling, and remove the appealing fragrance from its original composition, condense it, and then distill it into a volume potent enough to register the traces of the fragrance, yet appealing enough to remain non-offensive to those even of keen senses. To mortals, it would be nearly non-existent, however very subtle."

"Ah, well would help if ye share what it is, so I might determine whether Kaelyn might even have something of that nature to make ye a few samples to inspect." An auburn brow rose slightly with Cieara's head tilted to the side and a small fang point worried her lower lip as if pondering upon his comments.

"I have none in my possession." His arms crossed. " As far as I know, it comes in a different form. More so, that form is one I cannae produce. There is only one source. I would have to know the source intimately to manufacture something even akin to the substance. Even then, it would still be off, unless a veritable exact duplicate of said source was made. "

"Too, the substance changes from one thing to the other, due to the environment and conditions. There would need to be extensive research for such a catalyst. Even so, I would have to reproduce the exact environment as before to cultivate the specimen." Veighn all stated. "And only then, could I procure what was needed from the specimen, discarding the waste, and keeping what was sought, condense, duplicate, and distill it."

Dark emerald eyes observed him thoughtfully from under the drift of those long thick lashes and soft, a whisper upon the senses a chuckle played, the timbre enigmatic and yet convivial with the light quizzical tilt of her head following. "Ah, then I shall ask again Milord, what be this specimen that holds ye interest?"

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 14:52 EST
Hands moved, spreading out with a light motion of arms and splaying of pale fingers as she watched him and a brow arched again, the expression however was unreadable. "I can nae give such information to Kaelyn and expect her to understand. One needs a name to associate to the element after all."

"Essence is a term most fitting to describe the sample. Pheromones would be another. The source, I have described to ye already. That much said, those things, combined with the proper stimulus, might be indeed something appealing to sample in various stages existence." His look was very sly just then. He was sure she'd come to the conclusion swiftly after he'd said that. By mentioning this, he wondered how far she'd allow her mind to take it. "Then from there, what exactly the environments and stimuli were that were going to affect change, subtly, in the fragrance to be gleaned."

"If ye be needing intimate knowledge from what ever this essence is, I guess ye will have to procure it. Though by the sound of it, it nae seems an easy task without some effort on ye part." Indeed she had caught it and managed to preserve the casual posture she had assumed, but her pulse jumped instantly, and eyes darkened with a flickering of crimson ribbons within. Cieara was unable to hide the sudden thread of humor that touched her smooth cultured tones. "Sounds to be a rather detailed process of collection if ye be requiring to determine which level of intensity so appeals to ye own senses."

"Indeed...The Aus'Taire Draconai parium would indeed be a scent of extensive experiment." His tone was so casual it was as if he were talking about the essences of plants and flowers, herbs and minerals. Veighn took on the cast of an alchemist's direction as he spoke of blending the scents just right. "The source would have to be in the right state of mind when procured. The stimuli being the levels of arousal, fear, submission, need, awe, and passion, though each sample gleaned, while having been well incubated, would be just one of many determining levels that would produce the right mixture of pheromones to partake of. Then, that said, the samples must be separated from the pheromones, those pheromones made into a concentrate, and then distilled with the addition of the Dragon's Blood root and other appealing fragrances. Then the scent would have to be tested on mine own skin, as if to see how mine body heat and chemistry reacted with said pheromones and scents, producing something utterly exquisite to set the masses on edge. The Aus'Taire Draconai parium would have to have many tests before I found one "flavor" I preferred over the others. Too, one must take into account mine body heat, and whether it would burn away the scent as it was enhanced by the temperature and mine own hormones."

Suddenly soft amused and laughter spilled from her and the moment of tension bled away and Cieara gave a slow shaking of her head, having been led right into that and his hand played most brilliantly but a brow arched slowly as she regarded him. "Ah and where one find this Aus'Taire Draconai parium' It is nae something I am personally familiar with."

"Oh, I believe that ye are more familiar with the underlying pheromone than ye give yeself credit for. More so than I, and yet I have experienced the many changes in the chemicals produced in fragrance while I sat here though the hours, speaking with ye. Haven't ye' I mean," Veighn rose from his seat suddenly, making a move toward her. "Don't ye know the scent I am talking about' " He paused at her right, pressing his hand against the table as he leaned forward. His eyes strobed with unholy light, and his features took a most devious and sinister cast to their restrained, though borderline ecstatic expression.

"Alas milord, my knowledge in the herbal arts is nae as skilled as your own or others I am close to. So I am nae at all sure what ye be referring to." Honeyed warmth permeated her words and Cieara lifted her head and regarded him with the lazy drift of long lashes and the amused curling of lips but as he moved closer she arched a brow holding her ground without so much as a muscle twitching, honestly being unaware of what that Essence he was alluding to was but she did draw in a quick breath, to re-enforce the calm mask she wore. Those ever-changing expressions that moved fleeting over his handsome features enthralled and unnerved her in turn but she was unwilling to let that show, instead she clung to the innocent expression that fit the moment of a lack of knowledge.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-06-12 15:17 EST
Oh, he could tell the play of the game in her eyes, wanted to see how far she might take it. His lips parted slowly, his gaze, lashes fluttering as he willfully staunched the Shar'Vae Shades again. "I will show ye exactly what I mean, for I know well I have probably lost some of it's meaning in my words, tis best to sample for ye self. Allow me to demonstrate." Veighn's purring, heady voice was both commanding and deep, and suddenly, as he neared her person, his hand shot out to her throat, the fullness of his palm pressing against the flesh of her neck where she felt the tips of his talons against the flesh and corded muscle over her carotid and jugular arteries. Applying some pressure, he constricted his hand lightly across her air-passage. He then slid the pad of his thumb upward, along the underside of her jaw where the heat of his flesh met the cold of his talon. He pressed at the bottom of her chin, talon's tip lightly pricking the flesh there, though not enough to puncture - not yet. He looked very majestic then, a dark being with even darker shadow towering over her in his lean. Veighn tilted her head back" and as sudden as it was, she would feel a hand, hot like liquid fire beneath, and the chill of said talons against her knee, squeezing as he gripped and lifted the limb from its drape over its opposite leg.

Under that pressing hand Cieara swallowed suddenly, the heat of skin radiating against her own cooler temperature and pulled a sudden shiver, but the sensation of hand on her knee and she did tense but for a moment before letting her thigh slide free under the silken fabric but then was seeking to rise from the seat just before he could try and play puppet master with her body. A bit unsteady, she was, but unwilling to back down as dark gleaming eyes met his and narrowed faintly. There was defiance there, while her pulse pounded in her ears, but not out of fear or terror - which she suspected was his entire goal or thought - slowly a pale hand rose, wrapping delicate fingers around the wrist that held her chin so firmly. Another indrawn breath taken before she started to smile faintly, it was a touch lopsided and perhaps sardonic. "Ye be seeking to scare me now I think."

His hand on her throat constricted again, though more at the gripping of one side of her neck, caused the heel of his palm to press into her throat. Head and lower jaw cradled in fanning fingers, he drew her close to his face, his lips a whisper's caress against her own, and the sweetness of his mouth, mingling with the heady traces of brandy sweetened the scent and taste of the alcohol on his breath. Due to his body temperature, the toxins and the alcohol was burned away as it had entered, removing the pungent and acrid scent that usually was a staple of one's breath after drinking such draughts. Veighn's breath was much more sweet, and had a preternatural allure by way of fragrance that normally made one's mouth ache to water. He assisted her in the lift, using her spine for support as he helped her to rise to her feet, yet the rising of her frame drew the green skirt higher as his hand slid up her thigh to an extremely upraised position. Yet, as she was allowed to stand, it did not stop, but kept its elevating movement. Talons teased and fingers fanned as he neared where the leg met her hip immediately beneath her. There was humor in his gaze as she spoke her thoughts in soft, well-modulated tones.

He returned evenly, commandingly. "Is that what ye think?" His brow arched and sudden as a flash of lightning, his eyes strobed and she felt the air stir between her thighs as his talons sheathed themselves, retracting into his fingertips as he neared more delicate flesh.

Cieara's will was, as always, strong; perhaps impressively so, even if flesh was weak. Her heart did race, but out of excitement rather than the lesser emotion of fear he sought to inspire within her. It was a heady thing by its very nature. Unknown, mysterious and far more dangerous then anything she had ever encountered. Eyes drifting half closed and centered on his lips and she was quite aware he had deftly turned this all around. Making her the prey to the game as a shiver rippled over her at the touch of a cooler draft of air against silken legs, the fabric's hem caught in his hands and nearly swayed. His words stroking over her senses in a sudden unexpected sensual tide and slowly fingers moved, unfurling from his wrist only to lift and capture a strand of that ebon hair and with a faint tug, and words, husky with both mirth and a something far darker. "Aye, I think ye would rather I was...perhaps I am a little." "We will see....won't we, My Dear Cieara. We will see." A dusky tone was affected by him, though due to the power of his own will, and his examination of things such as desire, a feeling echoed within him, stirred that echo, yet too very alien was the reason for such to be manifested in his voice. It seemed as though he'd taken intimate knowledge from a being in the throes of lust and ecstasy, and applied it exquisitely to his own timbre, with a twist of power thrown in by way of willful dominance. It was sudden, and his hot, partly scaled and partly silky smooth skin pressed against her. Ozone crackled around him, and his aura of fear, still muted, was now extremely apparent as it rolled over her like waves molding a sandy beach'

~~~ "Time held its course, though in their pocket dimension, minutes passed like hours " hours upon hours. To lend insight would be uncouth, for a mind knowledgeable in the arts of ecstasy would know well what transpired next. The race of two wills seeking to be the first to climb the mount of dominance. Aggressive innuendo, sultry appearance, lasciviousness, hedonism, seduction, disturbing kinks and other unmentionables; these are all things that compose a heady dream-turned-reality' and so it was" and so it had been. Know this true, for the tale ends here" Have I left you wanting yet' Do ye writhe with a fiery desire for more" Perhaps I shall oblige, perhaps not. We shall see" another time!"

The Chronicler of Time lowered his quill, and sprinkled sand over the recently penned page. He snickered, smirking to himself, amused. Yes, he saw what happened in the Crystal Sphere of Time Seeing, yet chose to keep what he saw in the crystal ball omitted from the Tome of Time. "There are just some things that should be left private,? he said to the darkness of his palace in the celestial realms. He waved his hand over the orb, and the vision changed to the another denizen of RhyDin. Omnipotent, all-knowing, all seeing, the Chronicler picked up a new golden-feathered quill, and started a new chapter in the annals of time.