Topic: He Aint Heavy, He's My Brother (Bringing back Mar pt 2)

Kitty Helston

Date: 2014-04-09 16:06 EST
"No!" Chryrie's voice had taken on a shrill tone that echoed off the walls within Dark Lake Manor. "I can't believe you would ask such a thing of me."

"Chryrie, he's still our brother." Kitty pleaded from where she sat on the Victorian style sofa.

"NO!" Again came that shrill tone. The anger held within it was enough to make thunder rumble outside. "He is your brother. He was one of my torturers. He and Kalentor were never my brothers. The fact that you would still consider him a brother..." Chryrie let her words trail off as she walked to the fireplace in the main room. Her hands lifted to rest on the mantlepiece as she tried to calm herself.

Kitty silently watched her sister. She really couldn't blame Chryrie. Throughout their childhood, their brothers tortured the then half fae every chance they could. Moredhel were not known for being kind. Especially to someone they believed to be a halfbreed.

None of them knew what Chryrie was. Nobody had seen a fae in Midkemia before. The shamans just knew she had great magical talent and they intended to use that to their advantage.

However, she was too kind hearted then. And her ability to fly was seen as a threat. If she were to suddenly fly away and join the Eledhel, that power would be in the hands of their enemies.

So Kalentor and Marlenthal were encouraged to pin her down and cause enough damage to her wings so she could not fly. Since her wings would repair themselves, or molt off to grow new ones, it was a task they did rather frequently.

Marlenthal usually just stood back and watched on while Kalentor did the deed. He was the first to face Kitty when she would fly into a rage. He would try to stop her from reaching Kalentor, but always failed. Inevitably Kitty would send him face first into the ground shortly before she tackled and punched Kalentor off her sister.

It was no secret that Kalentor enjoyed the task. He held deep resentment toward Chryrie and the way her magical talent overshadowed his own. Before she was born, he was the star pupil of the shamans. After her talents came to light, he was all but ignored.

"Chryrie..." Kitty started, but she was cut off by a wave of a hand from the goddess who stood before her.

"Why' Why should I bring back the elf that had a hand in destroying my childhood?" Chryrie furiously demanded as she turned to face Kitty.

"Think about it, Chryrie. I mean, really think about it. He wasn't like Kal. Did he ever actually lay a hand on you?" Kitty gripped her knees with clawed fingers. "It was always Kal who did it. He was always the one I was pulling off you."

"Mar never stopped him either." Chryrie was quick to point out.

"Do you really blame him?" Kitty lifted her eyebrows. "Do you remember how many times I was beaten by Uncle for stopping them?"

"How could I forget' I was the one who healed you at night when we were suppose to be sleeping." Chryrie's eyes took on a distant look as the memories from centuries past came floating to the surface. "I know mother heard the whispers, but she always pretended not to on those nights."

Kitty watched her while giving her a weak half smile. "You know since you're a goddess now, if he really does turn out to be a turd, you can just kill him again."

A single brow arched on Chryrie's face. She seemed to truly be thinking that part over. "That might actually be worth it."

Kitty got a small hopeful smile. "Soooooo...?"

"Fine." Chryrie said with a sigh of exasperation. One hand raised to rub at her face. The other hand extended toward Kitty with the palm facing upwards. "Let me see the soul cage."

Kitty blinked in surprise. "How did you know I had it on me?"

"Helloooo' Goddess." Chryrie gave her a shrewd look while pointing at hersef with the hand that had been on her face. The other hand was still extended toward Kitty..."I sensed it on you before you even walked in.

"Oh. Right."


Date: 2014-04-09 23:47 EST
Kitty placed the blue glowing pyramid in Chryrie's waiting palm, being careful to not touch it bare handed. She carefully watched Chryrie's face once the goddess had the soul cage in her grasp.

Chryrie pursed her lips in thought as she looked at the soul cage. She wanted to crush it and the soul inside. She wanted to obliterate him in a way he could never bother her again, alive or dead. It was only Kitty's expression of pleading and hope that stopped her from doing so.

As Chryrie held the soul cage she could see the myriad of memories the Moredhel had gathered in life. Everything he saw, heard, smelled, and tasted. Apparently he really did dislike the taste of ale.

She could also sense everything he felt during those memories. This was most important. This was what made the hardness in her eyes soften. Every memory of her torture was filled with guilt and fear. Fear of disappointing the clan chieftain. Fear of the beating he would receive if he dared speak against Kalentor's actions. Guilt from the harm he had to watch being inflicted on his kin.

It was then that Chryrie discovered that Marlenthal didn't truly put up a resistance when Kitty would fly at them in a rage. While Marlenthal was also studying to be a shaman, his magical power was noticeably less than Kalentor. However, his physical strength was greater. He could have been a more formidable opponent to Kitty then, but only put up enough of a fight to make it look good.

Secretly the elf was cheering Kitty on as he watched her punch and kick their more malicious sibling away from his task of brutality. He really hated Kalentor. While Marlenthal shared in the belief that the other races of Midkemia were inferior, Chryrie was clearly not of this world. While there was no mistaking the Moredhel half of her lineage, her other half was something ethereal and full of so much power.

Chryrie carefully set the soul cage on the mantlepiece with a sigh. Tears were behind her eyes, threatening to spill out. She blinked them away, refusing to let them surface even as she swallowed the building lump in her throat.

"Well...?" Kitty asked quietly. Her eyes sought those if her sister.

"Well..." Chryrie temporized as she took a moment to regain her composure. "I have good news and bad news."

"Okay." Kitty braced herself for what may come next.

"I am willing to bring him back." Chryrie's words made Kitty's heart lift. What followed made it drop right back down.

"But I can't. Not yet anyway. I'm a goddess of Rhydin. Mar has never been to Rhydin. I currently have no control over his soul once it leaves this cage."

"So what do we do?" Kitty looked nearly devastated. All that work of getting him away from that demon' The lives of all those Ular mercenaries lost' For nothing"

"I'll need one of the Valheru artifacts. A very specific one." Chryrie started to walk toward her library.

"So I need to return to Midkemia?" Kitty was quick to follow. She wasn't relishing the idea of returning to what was once her home.

"No. It's not there." Chryrie shook her head as she walked to a set of shelves and pulled out one of the books. "It's on a world called Andcardia. I can't go there. At least, not with hopes of retaining my power. I'd be reduced to the mage I was before my ascension."

"Never heard of it." Kitty frowned. She wisely chose to not comment on the fact that Chryrie was still damn powerful before she ascended.

"It was colonized by another group of elves much like the Moredhel." Chryrie spoke like she was teaching a class. "They call themselves the Taredhel. They like to boast how they are as powerful as the Valheru, but they made their own artifacts. Which is true, for the most part. They did create most of their objects of power. Just not this particular one."

"So I have to look for some weird object on an unknown planet that's populated by a bunch of elves that could be worse than our own kin..." Kitty leaned to look at the book her sister was holding.

"Actually, I was thinking of sending Hawk. He's been asking me for a quest. Viska has too, but disguising him would be far more difficult. Hawk has the skills and size which would be perfect for this." Chryrie spoke matter-of-factly as she flipped a few pages in the book. She finally turned the book so Kitty could see the picture of an amethyst statuette.

"I'm not sure if I should be insulted or relieved." Kitty muttered as she peered at the pages of the book.

"I would go with the latter." Chryrie gave her a scornful look before she turned the book back around. "The whole thing is dangerous beyond reason. But Hawk seems to get off on those kinds of things."

"If he gets in over his head, we have to rescue him." This wasn't even a question in Kitty's mind.

"Well, of course." The goddess seemed offended. "What kind of awful beast do you take me for?"

"I will monitor his progress as best I can from here. If he needs help, I will send you after him." Chryrie lifted her eyebrows in question. "Does that sound reasonable?"

"It'll have to do."


Date: 2014-05-05 21:27 EST
Chryrie waited for him in the Inn. She had found him just a few days prior and had lured him with the promise of a quest. A dangerous quest that would surely put him in great peril. She let a part of herself track his movements through the wilderness. She knew when he was coming to town.

Coming to find her.

When he arrived she insinuated herself close to him. They talked in hushed whispers and soft murmurs.

Did he still wish the quest' Of course. Did he understand how dangerous it was? Yes.

She was far more concerned about the possibility of his not returning than she let on. She was sending him to another world after all.

She had prepared everything. The map which would lead him to where she was almost completely certain the statuette would be found. The compass she had enchanted to point him toward the object, not polar north. She enchanted jewels on the compass to help him. A translation cantrip was thrown in. The compass was also his ticket to get to the other world, and his way home.

She gave him as many warnings as she could, advised him on how to use everything she had given him, and then sent him on his way. With a parting kiss, he gave her one of those rare but roguish smiles she's adored for so many years. Then, he activated the compass and disappeared, immediately being whisked off to another world.


Date: 2014-05-05 21:27 EST
When the swirling stopped. When all the fog of the mind cleared. The Ranger found himself on a small bit of solid land in the midst of a bog. While the plants themselves seemed somewhat familiar, they were most definitely not of any plant he had seen on Rhydin. The birds that chirped to each other carried no calling that echoed within the land he came from.

Magic frightened the Ranger but not Chryrie's. It was an innate trust that he had built through all their years of friendship and now their relationship now. But he preferred his own boots to this magical travel any day.

Because he had a good sense of where he was when he walked instead of just being..there. He was there, and then not. And then there again. No need for weapons yet.

It was either late evening or early morning, judging by the sun's proximity to the horizon that was pretty much impossible to see through all the trees and greenery. The chirping birds quieted down as the sound of voices was heard off in one direction. It sounded a bit like a garbled mess before the compass tingled, one of the enchantments placed within the jewels on it's cover doing the job of translating the strange elvish dialect into something more recognizable. "You've chewed too much of the weeds. There's nothing over here."

"I am positive I heard something unusual over this way..."

That something unusual was the Ranger. But when he arrived he cloaked himself in that ethereal garment. Putting the fabric over his head. Letting it close around him. The enchantment in the cloth shifted each color in turn until it matched the strange flora around him. He had no time to figure out the direction of the wind. But stood stark still, and beside a gathering of plants. The natives might not take too kindly to a stranger.

After several moments a pair of elven males were visible through the dense foliage. Their hair was dark and fell in waves. They looked not unlike the sisters he knew, but there was enough of a difference to know they were not exactly the same type of elf.

They reached the edge of the bog before looking down into the murky waters.

"I don't see anything. Can we return to the path now?" The one complained to the other. After the other took several moments to look over the bog, he finally nodded in agreement. Their footsteps were easily heard as they retreated back the way they came.

A certain curiosity came over the Ranger while he watched. They had similar, but not exactly, scents to the sisters he knew. Ears and hair as well. He watched, silently, standing stark still until they left. When he was sure they could not see him he raised the compass to observe which direction he should be heading in.

The needle on the compass spun. When he checked the map he was given, he saw he was heading toward the apparently setting sun in the west. There was a path that ran in that direction, but Chryrie had clearly marked it as not a good idea to be using.

That path that looked like the most dangerous was tempting. To a Ranger who had seen only empty towns in his travels through Rhy'din he grew very itchy to go in that direction. But decided that there was enough danger on this "trip". There were other paths to be found, when one was as agile and well traveled as Hawk. Longer in places. Shorter in others. He started on that path.

As the sun disappeared, he fell into near complete darkness. The dual moons provided just enough light through the treetops to keep it from being that far. However, it didn't take long before he discovered there was something ahead. Something alive, and very very large.

The map said this was the right direction even if he had altered the path. Skimming the edge that Chryrie had told him to avoid but keeping the same direction as that path. The direction was right. Whatever it was that was alive had a very distinct scent that he had never encountered before. Something that big was best avoided. Even on unfamiliar ground he managed to keep his boots from making any noise while he crept behind some foliage to keep out of its path.

Minutes later a beast that looked somewhere between a mix of a tiger and a bear burst into view. There were snuffling grunts as it sniffed along the ground. It paused as if it smelled the Ranger nearby. However, either it did not trust the scent, or simply didn't care. It let out another snuffle grunt and the bounded off toward the south.

Hawk didn't scramble but stayed as still as a statue this time. There would be a time and place to present himself as a threat, and as the larger creature. But this wasn't it. If things turned ugly he would have to use the daggers he carefully hid in his sleeves. Lucky for him and the creature they did not. The Ranger, still trusting his own two feet and the path he set out on, made for his goal with long, quick strides.

It seemed like he had gotten away unscathed. However, he didn't get very far. The only warning was the snapping of a twig behind him before that same beast would came back, leaping right at him with claws extended.

Blessed Mother. He said internally. Forgive me for slaying this creature.

With a tilt backward he fell to the ground, loud, crashing, and a dagger uprose, piercing through what he assumed to be the creature's neck. It was one fell motion and swoop, belying all that grace and agility he always walked with.

There was a gurgling sound that was intended to be a feral roar, but it was cut short by the blade. However, the downside was having a three hundred pound beast laying on top of him, bleeding on him.

It had gotten rid of all his subtlety. He would have to take the cloak to someone who knew its magic to repair it. But the rents made in the cloth revealed his garb. The creatures blood stained his surface.

Hawk, all lithe and taut musculature, was deceptively strong. It took some effort to get the bleeding carcass off of him but he did. He should have opted for assistance. He was in too deep.

He had no idea how deep. Once he stood up, he found himself staring down the shaft of three arrows. Each one notched into very ornate bows. The bow strings were pulled back by the lithe fingers of three very angry looking elves. Two of which he recognized.

The Ranger stood absolutely still, the daggers were dropped with a clatter of metal to the ground.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2014-05-05 21:31 EST
Meanwhile, in Dark Lake Manor...

Chryrie and Kitty were staring into the floating scrying orb. It was a large sphere about a foot in diameter that would pull up whatever images Chryrie demanded of it. To Kitty it was just a blur of color with vague images. Trying to make sense of it gave her a headache. Chryrie, watched the constantly changing visions with rapt attention even as she spoke to her sister.

"If all goes well with Hawk, I have another task for you to complete."

"What would that be?" Kitty slid her golden gaze toward the goddess.

"Having Mar's soul and a means to bring him back into the living is all well and good, but it would make things much easier if we had a body to place him back into. Or at least some genetic material to use to recreate his body." Chryrie said ever so cheerily. The fact that she was giving Kitty a nearly impossible task didn't seem to phase her whatsoever.

"How in nine hells am I suppose to accomplish that, exactly?" Kitty lifted her eyebrows toward her sister. "I have no idea where he was or what he was doing when he died."

"You're the one with the mercenary background. You figure it out." Chryrie shrugged a shoulder without care.

Kitty fell into silence as she looked back at the swirling orb. She would have to spend a great deal of time finding her brother's body. Well, perhaps if she could find his most recent memories within that pyramid that held his soul"

"Where is the soul cage?" Kitty suddenly inquired of her sibling.

"It's up in the Tower. Why?" Chryrie tilted her kaleidoscope eyes toward the larger woman curiously.

"I was going to see if I could figure out where he was when he died from his memories."

"Oh, that's a lovely idea. However, you'll have to do it later." Chryrie nodded before pointing at the orb. "It seems Hawk is in need of your assistance after all."

Kitty snapped her gaze toward the orb, but still could not make much out of the swirling images. Chryrie touched the orb, then splayed her fingers out. An illusion floated up from the orb that Kitty could clearly see.

Kitty grimaced and patted herself down. There were no "modern" weapons on her, but she did have many knives and the magic bracers which gave her swords when she activated them. There was only one thing left. Her old bow and quiver from when she still lived among the other moredhel. She had brought them with her in case she needed them. Once the bow and quiver of arrows were on her back, she nodded to her sister. Chryrie simply smiled and then handed her a compass much like she had given Hawk before his journey. "Remember, do not lose this or you will be stranded there."

"Yeah, I know.? Kitty shoved the compass into her pocket as she waited.

Chryrie locked her magic on the other compass that Hawk had in his possession. Moments later, Kitty disappeared, only to reappear within the far away forest, several paces behind the endangered Ranger.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2014-05-05 21:32 EST
He held out his now empty hands to show he had no weapons in them at this point in time.

The one elf got a wicked smile as he lowered his bow. The other two remained as they were. The apparent leader reached for his blade as he started toward Hawk. However, he never got all the way there. Another arrow zinged through the air and bury itself into the elf's temple, sending him crumbling to the ground. This, of course, made the other two whip around to try and find the source, releasing their arrows into the black night.

Hawk threw himself sideways, avoiding those two quarrels as gracefully as he could. Which was to say, not gracefully at all, it was a desperate move, sudden and quick, and pushed the air out from his lungs so he gasped. Even then he was able to unsling his bow, knock it with an arrow, and loose right for the closest elves' Adam's Apple.

The elf he aimed for dropped, flailing. The one who remained turned to see what became of his comrade, only to take an arrow directly into his eye socket.

And then....nothing. Just total silence.

The scent of his helper was hard to find in the wind, since they seemed to remain downwind.

Bow out, gripped familiar, and an arrow knocked he stood, taking cover behind a large plant that looked like a tree to him. Aiming his bow in the distance in every angle he could foresee. Even the ones above him. "I mean you no harm if you mean me no harm. And purposely meant to help me."

"Shhhh." Came the reply. There was a bit of a flame. A tiny match in the darkness that revealed a pair of golden feline eyes set within an elven body that he was fairly familiar with. One of those eyes simply winked and then the flame was gone.

The Ranger was very good at controlling himself and his distinct facial features. A handsome and horridly scarred face that never made much emotion. At that moment he could have smiled or showed relief. Instead he followed her instructions to the letter.

"Keep going like I'm not here." Her voice was a faint whisper in the wind and then it truly felt like he was once again alone in the woods, surrounded by death.

But at least this time death was on his side. Chryrie had sent her sooner rather than later. Bow out and still at the ready he walked. He was thoroughly skilled with his sword, but deadly with the bow. And he would rather approach every threat from a distance now. He skulked now that his camouflage was ruined. Moving from bush to bush. Tree to tree. Slow progress, but steady.

Kitty was a ghost within the trees, neither seen nor heard. It was easy enough to almost forget she had even been there. Kitty would keep up. Hawk had no worry about that.

The trip took hours, but it was mostly uneventful until he reached the rock-face with the caves. The instructions on the map indicated he needed to find the cave with a certain symbol carved just within it's entrance.

The caves loomed in front of him and he used his keen vision to find the one with the symbol carved at the entrance. Confirming it more than a few times by looking at the map and looking back up to where he needed to go. He paused at the entrance to sling his bow, place that arrow back in the quiver, and remove his sword. Hawk had no fear of dark caves. Because just the light that poured in from the mouth would provide enough light for him to see.

That light went so far, but then as the path curved, the light gave out. However, there was a torch on the wall for him to take and light if he so wished.

He opted for something else. The torch would be blinding in its contrast. He plucked a gray stone that held a few runes in its sides from one of his pouches and chanted a nearly wordless incantation. It glowed with a subtle blue light. Perfect for what he needed. He held it aloft in his left hand, the sword in his right, and made his way down the cave.

The cave branched off several times, but each time the correct path was marked by the same carved symbol as the one at the start. It wasn't until he reached a wide chamber he saw another light beyond his own. Upon a raised platform a box rested. The box was covered in elaborate carvings and detailed runes.

Another whisper, guttural, animal like, dimmed the stone's light and he slid it back into it's proper pouch. Both hands on his sword, he took stock in his surroundings, all the senses he had, even the way the air moved over his skin, and approached the box.

It all seemed to be going peachy until he reached the box. When he got within arm's reach of the box, all the torches on the wall flared to life.

From the very walls themselves five elves in mages robes appeared. Suddenly one of the mages lifted a hand and sent an invisible force like a giant hand smashing into Hawk, sending him to the nearest wall and pinning him there.

Now this was why he hated magic. He did have some last ditch defenses against some magic but none of them that would work on a planet that was unfamiliar to him. Now he was utterly helpless. And being pinned. Even those bits of powder that would cause blinding sparks were useless.

"What exactly do you believe yourself to be doing?" One elf spoke, looking at the ranger under some rather impressively bushy eyebrows for his kin.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2014-05-05 21:34 EST
While the one elf questioned, the other kept his hand lifted to keep him pinned. The other three floated over to the box to check on the amethyst statuette that rested within it's confines. He didn't say anything. The translation was there but Hawk didn't exactly have an answer. Kitty. That was his ace in the hole this time. Stall them Ranger.

"Someone sent me to retrieve the contents of that box." Would they understand him"

"Who sent you?" The elf demanded with a deepening scowl. Apparently he thought he had just been dealing with an over-ambitious treasure seeker.

"They did not tell me their name." The lie was easy with Rhy'dins most perfectly sculpted poker face.

"Where did you meet them?" The elf was getting more agitated. The pressure keeping him to the wall was increasing. But then suddenly it stopped. An arrow came from the darkness of the tunnel leading to the chamber and went into the side of the head of the mage who was holding him pinned.

Freed, Hawk didn't pause. He just surged straight for the first mage that stood before him and struck quick and efficient with that elven blade. Thick enough that it would not just leave a gouge or a cut at who he attacked.

The elf that had been questioning him abruptly turned when the one elf fell. That was the elf Hawk got his blade into. Kitty got one more arrow shot off to take out one more mage before noises down the tunnel indicated she was busy. Could he take out the remaining two"

More than just the stones in his "bag of tricks". He threw two balls of shiny wax to the ground. Then closed his eyes momentarily while the bright light surged into the room. He held his breath while the thick, heavy smoke filled the confined space. The first was in his path and he ran him through the chest before pulling his blade free. The other gestured wildly in front of him, spewing fire from his fingertips that Hawk leaped beneath.

When the Ranger rolled, then came to his feet, he had hamstrung the second, and stood over him just long enough to plunge the tip of his sword through his throat.

In the cacophony, the amethyst statue and it's box went tumbling to the ground. The statue rolled out of it's box to land near the Ranger's foot. Meanwhile the doorway was filled with the sounds of metal crashing against metal.

The smoke was still suffocating but the Ranger never took a breath. The tears would start then. He glanced down and the possession he needed most struck his boot.

Without breaking the smooth movements he made in his killing blows he bent down to retrieve it, placed it in a pouch just large enough to contain it, and moved from that wide room in the cave back towards its mouth.

What he saw he may wish to forget. It was Kitty....but not Kitty. She was covered in black scales and she was a blur of movement. While the blades that came from her bracers would slice in, her elongated claws were literally ripping limbs off, and fully disemboweling the elven soldiers that were coming to protect the statue from being taken. The mouth of the chamber door was littered with bloody bodies.

The Ranger stopped short in his tracks, stood, and watched. It wasn't horror or terror over his face but that same stoic mask. The only thing he felt in that moment was relief. Relief that Kitty was on his side. He'd have to remember not to run afoul of either sister for all his days now.

Once she saw Hawk, she just turned and slapped a necklace over his head. It was a simple looking charm shaped like a panther. And then she turned and continued to fight her way through the crowd, clearing the path for him to leave.

He didn't move. Didn't shirk away. But didn't lean forward either. Kitty was terrifying in that carapace, with the claws. The necklace over his head and around his neck woke him from that daze and he moved forward towards the cave mouth again. The sword in his hands flashed a few times, clearing a path for him to move unimpeded.

As she fought her way to the next chamber, he discovered why she placed the necklace on him. They had no more than cleared the tunnel and were about to head to the next one, when the flow of soldiers stopped. However, a wall of fire flew at them. An orb seemed to come up around Kitty, protecting her.

However, the fire that was being sent at Hawk was suddenly sucked into the necklace he was now wearing.

He sheathed his sword. It was no match for the stream of fire the mage was throwing off around them. Instead he moved and waited for their attackers to wail in pain. It was probably a good idea to stick close to Kitty too.

The mage started to lift his hands again to throw another spell as Kitty's protective orb collapsed. Those golden eyes locked on the mage and he suddenly went still. It was hard for Hawk to see what was happening, but he would hear sounds within his head. Like a thousand whispers all off in the distance, tickling the back of his brain. Blood would start to trickle out of the mage's nose, ears, and eyes as the psion basically scrambled his mind.

He had always known Chryrie to be powerful. That magic, and the elements themselves almost ran through her veins. But never had he expected Kitty capable of this. Blood ran through the mage's ears and other holes unnaturally, and Hawk moved forward now that the fire was gone.

Kitty looked at the tunnel, then to Hawk. "If you have that compass handy to take you back home, I would suggest using it." Her voice was rough. Clearly she was not use to talking while looking like this.

Hawk nodded and dashed out through the cave's mouth, pulling free the compass from another pouch at his belt. He followed Chryrie's instructions on its use, holding it out in his palm. The dial was turned and then pushed in.

She was right behind him. As he disappeared, he saw that mass of black go diving into another set of soldiers that were running to the caves. It's possible he even heard her laughing.