Topic: The Shadows know

Traeline Helston

Date: 2017-02-11 18:16 EST
A portal with iridescent edges appeared in the main living area of Dark Lake Manor. After a couple seconds, Traeline's head popped through before the rest of her followed. Chryrie had insisted she come see her immediately. It was important, she said.

"Moooooom?" Traeline called out once she had gotten her bearings. Her gaze swept over the extravagant furniture and decor. Much of what was here had been left behind by Alysia Skye. The couches and chairs were wrapped in soft leather. Trae had heard rumors the leather wasn't necessarily made from animals, so she generally avoided sitting on them. She didn't have many memories of her Aunt Alysia, but what she did remember was enough to make her take those rumors quite seriously.

"In here, sweetie!" Chryrie's voice flowed through the halls from a rarely used side room. Trae quirked an eyebrow as she headed in that direction. Her boots made no sound as they traveled over the plush rugs and marble flooring. The trinkets and baubles that decorated the fireplace mantle and adjoining shelving were given a cursory glance. Most were gifts from past admirers and friends. Some were objects of power that the goddess had collected in her desire for more power during her mortal years. Each gift had a little card next to it, saying who it was from.

She only paused to eye the impressive bastard sword that was displayed on the wall above the fireplace. The workmanship was excellent. There were many times she eyed that sword with admiration and a hint of envy. Her eyes dropped to the card that was fastened next to it.

"From Gwydion Rage..." She mumbled under her breath. There were little hearts next to the name, which probably indicated a past lover. She briefly wondered if Kane had any knowledge of sword forging before her thought process was interrupted.

"Hurry up, sweetie!" Chryrie's voice called out again.

"Why do I feel like I've been summoned to my death?" Traeline muttered low as she turned and continued in the direction of her mother's voice. Did the children of other deities have to deal with this crap"

The ominous feeling grew as she reached the door. The oak door was closed and Traeline stared at the intricate carvings on it for a few seconds as she reached for the brass doorknob that was in the shape of a man writhing in pain. Her eyes closed as she opened the door, reopening only once she had stepped into the room.

"What the bleeding hells?? The words erupted from Traeline's mouth before she could stop them.

The room was lined with lit candles so the shadows flickered along the walls constantly. The room had no windows, so no outside light had a hope of reaching them. However, what was on the floor was what concerned Traeline the most.

Traeline Helston

Date: 2017-02-11 18:17 EST
Traeline wasn't the best student at Ravensheart Academy, but she learned enough to know that there was some serious magical craziness happening.

On the floor was a large circle drawn in blood. She didn't even want to know where the blood came from. Within the circle were a myriad of glyphs and runes. Some looked demonic. Others looked elvish. Some she didn't recognize at all. And on the outer edge of that circle stood her mother.

"We should probably do this while the blood is still fresh." Chryrie chirped cheerily as she turned to grab up a cloth from a nearby table. She wiped what Trae assumed was blood off onto it and then discarded the cloth back to the table's marble surface.

"Do what? What fresh hell are you getting me into now?" Traeline stared at the bloody circle a few seconds longer before looking back to her mother. She knew her mother was insane in ways that could be dangerous. It was always best to question everything.

"Since you seem determined to get into a fight with Kane, I decided it was time to bequeath upon you what was given to me by your Aunt Alysia many years ago." Chryrie slowly stepped around the circle to approach her daughter. While the goddess was usually clad - barely - in whites and purples, today she was in black. To Traeline, that seemed to make whatever was about to happen all that more disconcerting.

"Okaaaaay?" Traeline nervously eyed the blood circle again before looking to her mother. She really had no idea where this was going.

Chryrie smiled and reached out to gently grasp Trae by her shoulders, giving them an affectionate squeeze.

"My darling daughter. I feel it's finally time I-"

"You're not going to give me another horse, are you?" Trae cut her mother off. Of course that wasn't the case, but if she didn't say something sarcastic, she felt she might explode. And it did earn her a very perplexed look from Chryrie.

"What' No! It's...." Chryrie sighed in exasperation at her daughter. "Shadow magic, for the love of Loki. I'm going to give you shadow magic. It doesn't necessarily make you tougher, but you'll be better equipped to take on the likes of a partial demon."

"Oh," Trae nodded and looked to the circle again. "Well, I'd rather not bring your jerk of an ex into this, if it's all the same."

Chryrie closed her eyes and sighed again in that way only a mother can do as she dropped her hands from Traeline's shoulders. One spidery digit extended to point toward the circle. "Just....Just get in the circle."

"Is it going to hurt?" It was a valid question when dealing with her mother.

"No, it's not going to hurt. Crimeny, Traeline. Do you want this or not?"

"Well, I guess since I'm here and the blood is drying..."

Traeline Helston

Date: 2017-02-12 11:09 EST
Traeline eyed the circle once more before she carefully stepped into it, taking great pains to avoid smearing any of the writing. As soon as she was fully within the circle she felt doubt in whether this was her most intelligent moment in life. She knew youth was the time to make those questionable choices, but still...

Once she was sure she was centered and not messing anything up she looked up at her mother. Chryrie was pulling an ornate dagger from the table where she had earlier discarded the bloody cloth. Trae couldn't help but furrow her brow slightly as she watched. Who in the nine hells was she planning to use that thing on' Breathe. Right. Breathing was a thing and Trae chose this moment to exercise it to it's fullest with several slow, deep breaths.

The dagger took on a reddish hue moments before Chryrie drew it across her palm. However, what burbled to the surface of Chryrie's hand was not crimson. It was a brightly glowing rose gold fluid, spider-webbed with thin lines of black. Slowly she squeezed her palm into a fist and turned it sideways to let the ichor drip onto the circle.

"Blat ty sa uai," Chryrie murmured softly. Trae didn't recognize the language. It wasn't common or moredhel. Not even high elvish. Demonic" Well, Aunt Alysia was actually in part - if not entirely - demon, so that might make sense. Her eyes watched a drop of that glowing ichor drop from Chryrie's squeezed shut hand and fall into the bloody circle. For that brief moment, the world seemed to run in slow motion.

"Wha-," Traeline started to question, only for her voice to be cut off by a gasp. The instant the blood of the goddess hit the blood of the circle, the power of the magic rippled through and encircled her. The circle itself glowed a bright red before the light became too bright to look at. It was if the fires of hell themselves were opening up around her. Her eyes slammed shut against the power that blasted up at her. Her arms went up to cover her face.

This was it, she thought. This was the time she was going to die and nobody would know what happened. She was going to be evaporated by her batsh*t crazy mother and nobody would be none the wiser.

Wait. What was that"

There was a tickle at the back of her mind. Something dark and alluring at the same time. It called to her. It beckoned and reached out with the familiarity of a long lost love. She couldn't resist it. She fell into the blackness and let it envelop her with its warmth and comfort.


Traeline's eyes fluttered open to stare at the ceiling and her mother's worried face. She was alive" Oh good. That's always helpful.

"You worried me when you fainted. How do you feel?" Chryrie ran her fingers over Trae's forehead. The sensation left behind seemed colder than usual. Traeline grimaced as she slowly sat up.

"Fine, I think. I just..." Her voice trailed off as she looked to the shadows that moved along the walls. They weren't just shadows to her anymore. They were alive. She could feel them pulsing around her, waiting for a command.

"You'll need to practice your control. Stay here as long as you need," Chryrie whispered softly. She placed a kiss to her daughter's cheek and then drew herself up to her feet. Traeline's eyes, the colors in them now streaked with fine lines of black, watched her mother quietly leave the room.

Once the door was closed again, she looked back to the shadows that seemed all too willing to bend to her will.

"Alright....Let's do this.?