Topic: In Memorium - For Those Lost and Still Loved


Date: 2018-12-14 10:36 EST
It is with great and unending sorrow that I tell you of the demise of Jack Scot's (among many) player. Sid and Scottie and consequently the players met in 1997. It was glorious. I will forever miss her. My heart is breaking.

Be well on your continuing journey, luv. <3 <3 <3


Date: 2018-12-16 16:07 EST
It is with great and unending sorrow that I tell you of the demise of Jack Scot's (among many) player. Sid and Scottie and consequently the players met in 1997. It was glorious. I will forever miss her. My heart is breaking.

Be well on your continuing journey, luv. <3 <3 <3

I will forever be more for knowing her.


Date: 2019-01-13 14:02 EST
My beloved ribbon-man. Delightfully dedicated to venery and yet somehow, a stern and cold king. JackScott's player was simply wonderful, and so funny, so intelligent, and just a wonderful friend.

It was a hard blow when I was told Jaxx was gone. Just to lose her so suddenly was awful. Her wonderful voice will always be remembered.

I know that Jack Scott will be forever tramping the realities and finding fun and adventure and love and lust wherever he goes, sharing ribbons or keeping them for himself, and remembering when he remembers and forgetting merrily.

He was truly an archetype, and so was Jaxx.

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 03:03 EST
In Dwarven myth twins are sacred.....

Six-thousand years ago, in the Dwarven nation of Brega, on the world of Relata, the great dwarf King Sulakaaneer's wife became pregnant and his physicians informed him she was carrying twins. The event coincided with the dwarves finally breaking to the surface of their mountain and setting eyes on Relata's twin suns for the first time.

To commemorate the events, the great and mighty Sulakaaneer used his great power to bring down Relata's lesser sun, that his master smiths might harness its power and forge two swords for his heirs. The long-swords were named Day and Break.

He named his son's Brotom and Bretom, the two did many great deeds in their father's name, with their magnificent swords. But on his death, his sons fought over the crown, leading the dwarves to their first and only civil war. The brothers finally agreed that the war was only harming their people and agreed at last to a duel. Both brothers fearing each others strength poisoned their blades in secret. As the duel began they traded blows and superficial wounds, the poisons spread through both their veins, leaving the brothers dead and the bloodline of the ancient kings severed forever.

The other dwarven nobles gathered the two blades, Day and Break, and sealed them in a massive golden coffer, setting it on a high place in their vaults, intended to be a reminder of what happens when blood turns against blood.

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 03:16 EST
Musty carriages and ballrooms were never a place for a lad of fifteen. Though Dravius had seen much of the world he always seen it from the inside of a sterile cage. The dangers far off the adventures imagined. Today would be a day like any other, warm waiting rooms, chuffing emissaries, being herded from one room to the next. All while his father went about royal business.

Dravius Barsoom Daalmuud was ever his father's companion on his diplomatic journeys. Often tasked with entertaining pot belled princelings or bucktoothed princesses, while his father went about the business of securing trade routes and writing treaties. The city of Copper Sound was a welcomed distraction. It was a large town, one of the few dwarven cities not built in the mountains and housed their large museum, known as the vaults.

The lordling had no heir for the lad to entertain, instead he was left with a husky guardsman, named Oilamar, who was deep in his cups by lunch.

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 03:18 EST
Oilamar was a more agreeable steward than most he was left with. Over long drags from a wine skin and spitting foul colored phlegm. He told the most marvelous stories, of the works of the dwarves and the wonders of the vaults. Shortly after noon, is when the war-horn sounded. A great commotion rose through the keep and the word 'orcs!' rang through the halls. Oilamar's wit seemed to return to him all at once, he told the boy to stay hidden, took up his hammer and shield and stormed out of the room. His wits had not seen, to remind him to take his large ring of keys.

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 03:21 EST
Dravius's wits, had escaped him all together, as soon as his hands were around the key ring and his feet were in the halls. He read dwarvish writing well and immediately recognized the word vaults. Soon he stood before a great door, He tried many keys and eventually one undid the lock. A drunkards ramblings could not begin to describe the majesty that he witnessed behind those doors. There was gold, there was gems and most importantly there were arms of war. He played as any child would, trying on a belt, a set of matched pauldrons, but soon his eye was drawn to an enormous golden coffer.

Engraved on the lid, he saw the three peaked mountain with a sun rising behind it. There were words written below but he could not make them out in the dim illumination.

He exclaimed aloud "Why do these damned dwarves not allow for more light!" At the words, the coffer shifted down the middle on an invisible seam and slide silently open.

Inside were the two most magnificent swords he had ever seen. He immediately removed them, donned them and admired him self in a large mirror. He cut at shadowy dragons, charged up mountains made of gold and shouted the war-cry of his countrymen at forgotten wracks of armor. But the charge of the great war chief Dravius was cut short when he tripped over a misplaced gauntlet. Cursing he picked it up and puzzled over the clammer of clock-faces and gears that adorned it. He slid it on to his right hand and began manipulating every dial, slider and button on it's surface.

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 03:24 EST
After the press of one button, the room was suddenly dark, it was filled with an unnatural cold, as his hands groped out into the darkness, the piles of coin where not there. He slowly made his way to the wall and found his way back to the stairs. The temperature grew colder, the whistle of the wind began to creep into the vault. Where the great doors had stood, he was greeted by broken hinges and snow-chilled air. Night was around him as he emerged, where mighty stone walls had stood there was rubble, choked by weeds.

He was confused, at how such a mighty fortress could be gone in such a short period of time. A smart lad, he immediately thought of the gauntlet. Scared of what power the thing must possess he stripped it off and dropped it to the ground. He looked around and could find no hint of the road which had bore him and his father into the keep, he began heading the direction he reasoned as south. There had been a nearby village and he had hoped it had fared better than the fortress.

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 03:29 EST
Within twenty minutes of setting out, Dravius saw a campfire in the distance. He hurried toward the camp as fast as he could, eager for some explanation as to what was going on.

As he neared, he saw a man hunched over a cook pot. He whistled loudly, the man stood alert and gave a friendly wave. As he approached, he saw an older man in a green and brown cloak.

The man greeted him "Hail Stranger! It's odd to see people in these parts of the world."

Dravius said to the man, "I was was on a trip with my father to Copper Sound and I have no idea what happened to him." The man nodded. "Is your father an archaeologist' I can help you find him and if you are in need of a guide I know the area well enough."

The lad replied, "My father is a diplomat from House Daalmuud, We were staying in the keep, when i took a chance to tour the vaults and when I emerged, I found the keep no longer standing."

The man laughed. "I think, rather your father is a wine merchant and you spent the afternoon sampling his wares. Copper Sound hasn't stood for nineteen-hundred years!"

Dravius's eyes widened."that could not be, I laid eyes on it today!"

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 03:31 EST
The man eyed him wryly "Perhaps you have taken a fever boy." He stirred the contents of the pot- "My stew is almost ready and I'm willing to share a meal and the tale." He motioned him closer. "Take a seat."

Dravius sat on a bare bit of earth, joining the ranger as he took an offered bowl of hearty stew, it had been hours since his last meal or so he thought.

The ranger took a big spoon of his soup and begins.....

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 04:29 EST
"At the beginning of the second age, Copper Sound was the site of an incident that would cause the one hundred year war, between the Dwarves and the kingdom of Daalmuud." The Ranger took a long drink from a wine skin.

Then he continued. "The king of Daalmuud had sent his cousin to Copper Sound in order to arrange a festival between the two nations. The man had brought along his young son. At some time in the course of these talks a band of orcs attacked Copper Sound. After the orcs were dispelled, it was found that both, the ambassador's son and a set of ancient relics dear to the dwarves had come up missing." He paused, to look out over the slightly barren lands, then back to the lad. "The Dwarves accused the king's cousin of paying the orcs to attack, so a spy posing as his son could steal the relics. The man in turn accused the Dwarves of not taking care of his son or of kidnapping him themselves. Tempers flared, the ambassador returned to Daalmuud, to report the events to the king. The dwarves, massed an army on the borders of Daalmuud."

Dravius found his appetite quiet removed and sat the bowl aside. The ranger, took another spoon of stew and continued speaking after bites. "The king, angered by their aggression, amassed his own army and the war began. The kingdom of Daalmuud pushed the dwarves all the way back to their mountains, but suffered heavy casualties in the process. The Dwarves responded with an army of golems."

There was a bit of a pause as the Ranger got more comfortable. "Though the dwarves did not return from under the mountains for three hundred years, the golems overwhelmed the Daalmuud army and smashed their kingdom into dust. The nation was split but no king would ever sit above these free lands again. Copper Sound has ever set as a border, that the dwarves of Brega have never crossed unto this day....."

As the ranger finished this tale, he took a long pull from the wine skin and offered it to the lad. "Would you like me to guide you to a village nearby in the morning?"

Dravius sat for a moment, deep in thought before responding. "No, I will make my way back to my father's camp in the morning" The ranger laughed, "Well enough lad, your welcome to the warmth of my fire for the night" He rummaged through an old leather pack and pulled out an old wool blanket. He handed it to Dravius, before stoking the fire and laying down himself.

Though Dravius's thoughts were troubled, he eventually settled into an uncomfortable sleep. Nightmares of his homeland burning plagued his mind through the night. He woke in the morning, to find the fire burned down to coals and no sign of the ranger, but two ripe red apples laying near his head. His thoughts immediately turned to the gauntlet and he knew that he had to fix this.

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 04:34 EST
He began walking back to the site of Copper Sound, he broke into a sprint, then a full run, fueled by anger at himself he ran until his chest began to heave and he fell over vomiting.

With Copper Sound in sight he continued walking on to the ruins and found the gauntlet laying on the ground where he had dropped it. He donned it, manipulated it as before and nothing happened.

This continued for hours, until the sun rose high into the sky and his mouth burned with thirst. Finally, in a fit of anger he threw it to the ground and screamed.

"Curse the Dwarves, Curse this damned glove and Curse my father for bringing me here!" He drew one of the swords and slammed the blade down onto the gauntlet.

Dravius Daalmuud

Date: 2014-12-26 04:37 EST
He did not know how long he had been unconscious nor why his clothes felt so tight, the landscape around him had transformed. No longer the barren plains lands or the dwarven ruined buildings. He knew not where he was or what would happen next.

The sword and gauntlet lay at his feet, he slid the sword back into its scabbard next to its mate and picked up the sundered gauntlet. With it split open he noticed an inscription inside. 'Crafted by GORT, The Mighty, on the occasion of Prince Belwar's birth'....


Date: 2015-02-27 01:10 EST
Random Encounters: Prologue: A little over a month ago...Cynthiana had been hired to collect a very valuable piece which was part of an extensive collection of gems. The Cats-eye of Aldune, had been stolen from the Three Daggers guild, it was the half-elve's task to return it. In return she would gain access to services only the guild could provide. On an evening which was cold and snow threatened to blanket the city, Cynthiana found herself dressed in black leather clothing from head to two, even a mask of black

Random Encounters: hid her face. Black leather boots made little noise as she slipped along through the alleyways, taking back roads toward the address she had been given. She stopped once standing in a dark alley between as collection of three storied warehouses, the halfling she had taken the job from had given her specific directions and instructions on where to go and even what door was best to be used. The half-elf would stop and check the pathways, being sure no one was seen she crouched near the doorway and

Random Encounters: listened. She heard no sound, no voices, the door she crouched next to was simple, wooden and could have easily been forgotten or overlooked from the outside. Attention was paid to the door, the latch and the framing, mint green eyes searched for traps, triggers or springs. After a few moments searching, nothing was found, a black leather gloved hand reached and tested the latch, there was a very soft click as the door was opened. Cynthiana crept through, keeping her senses on edge, her eyes


Date: 2015-02-27 01:12 EST
Random Encounters: adjusted to the lighting of the large room she had let herself into, it was a storage room full of crates pilled three or four high in places. Deeper into the room she'd sneak, staying quiet, listening to all that was around her, though only silence was heard, she crossed through the large room, thinking how easy this was going to be she had seen no guards yet, she kept moving, only stopping when she came to a large arched doorway the doors stood open, she heard a sound up ahead, her ears picked

Random Encounters: up what it was and a grin came to her lips, someone up ahead was snoring, a hand moved to her belt and she took out a small wooden sap which had a leather wrapped handle, holding it just right she slipped up to the door way and peered out into the hall, to the left set a chair with a gruff looking human who seemed to have had a few many drinks tonight, made apparent by the empty bottle of rum which laid on the floor the leftover drink spilling out onto the floor. Cynthiana kept the small wooden

Random Encounters: weapon in her grasp but continued out into the hall, there were two ways to go, left toward a set of metal stairs ascending to the next floor or around a corner to the right. She took to the right careful to stay silent with her steps, her eyes ever watchful, staying closer to the walls as she went. The path she took led her past a set of large wooden doors, from the way they sat she knew this was the main entrance to the building from the main street, the room that opened up opposite the main

Random Encounters: doors was another large warehouse room with many crates a stairway across the way going up and another near the back wall which headed down. The half-elf nodded to herself and made her way stealthily toward the back wall and that descending stairway. As she went she was listening, she could hear voices and work being done above, perhaps on the floor over head, perhaps once she had her treasure she could explore a bit more. Below she heard laughter and the sounds of bottles clanking and talk,


Date: 2015-02-27 01:14 EST
Random Encounters: she knew this group of men would more than likely be celebrating their latest heist and that more than likely the gem she sought was on display to be showed off, where others gathered. This kept her moving toward the stairway leading down. Below there were indeed laughter, drinking and eating, men and women of various races were deep in their cups, inside a makeshift bar which was set up a midst another room of storage crates, boxes and barrels, at the farthest side of the barroom a chair

Random Encounters: made of wood, with elegant carvings and a thick cushioned seat sat, there were cushions around to both sides on the floor and at the very side of the carved wooden chair was a small pedestal, the gem atop it glimmered yellow in the lighting of the bar. Sitting on the chair was a tall elven man wearing fine clothing vests, pants and leather boots, around his neck was a necklace of finely spun gold, he wore other fine things as well, he sat while a human brute of a man stood nearby talking to

Random Encounters: him. Cynthiana had snuck her way down the stairs and ducked behind a set of crates nearby, her mint green eyes took in the scene before her and taking a breath she would stand, hoping the patrons closer to the bar would only see her as one of them, or preferably not see her at all, she attempted to fit in to the small crowds, even taking a seat at the bar, That's when she caught sight of the pedestal and the flickering gem which sat on it, then she saw the elven man on the nice wooden chair and

Random Encounters: the man who stood only feet away from him. She knew that the stone was what she sought, the way it shone in the dimly lit bar, she would lower her eyes away from the men at the chair as the barkeep offered to take her order, she blinked softly, she hadn't considered having to speak or to be asked a question, slowly leather clad hands moved up and pulled the mask down so she could speak, the hood of her cloak was still up, she prayed silently that it shadowed her face enough to keep her features


Date: 2015-02-27 01:15 EST
Random Encounters: hidden. She took a slow exhale and spoke- "I be 'aven' a swig o' 'er best Ale" -the barkeep nodded and would go about filling her a glass, his brow rose as he turned back and she had walked away from the bar, a few others had heard her voice and turned to look around when she walked away, she seemed to have vanished. Oh no, the half-elf had quickly ducked away and behind the patrons, she was headed to hide behind another stack of crates and catch her breath, the small hitch in events had caught

Random Encounters: her off guard. She was now standing close enough to get a clear view of the men standing near the pedestal, there she would stop and wait, The music in the bar was coming from a jukebox along the opposite wall but the sound didn't travel so loudly on this end of the barroom, like it seemed to across the room. The elven man spoke with a slightly cold tone to the other man, "Will we have something new to impress our customers...come the end of the month' Or will it be the same?" -he sneered-

Random Encounters: "more of the same over used stock?" -the human man who stood six feet and a few inches tall, had black hair which was combed back and kept in multiple short plaits behind his head, his body muscled and he showed signs of brute strength, spoke with respect toward the elf though his tone seemed to mask something behind it- "..Sir...we will have the gem.." -he motioned a hand toward the displayed stone, then lowered his hand- "there are not many new 'items', that have come into our hands...

Random Encounters: with the do-gooders and the has been slim fer new...merchandise" -he didn't snivel or bow as he spoke, the man seemed like he wouldn't ever do such a think, he was dressed in black clothing with a black trench coat, when the light hit him, a series of chain could be seen hung off his belt, as well as a few other items which foretold his trade, cuffs, a couple collars..etc. The elven man on the chair scoffed darkly and took a drink from a silver goblet as he sat back against his


Date: 2015-02-27 01:16 EST
Random Encounters: chair- "So..boring...I have bedded few of them...because i don't see most of them wonder we haven't sold them." -he growled at the human- "you need to work harder...whip our stock into shape! Hire men to deal with the Watch..and you better come up with something suitable for stock...soon." -it was a threat, he waved the man away as if he were sick of him...he took a longer drink from the goblet. The human man in black sneered right back at him, he would turn to look out over the

Random Encounters: barroom in thought. Cynthiana had heard far to much, these men were nothing but pigs, they were slavers and merchants, thieves who gave a bad taste in her mouth, but her task was to retrieve the gem and to return it to The Three Daggers guild safely, that was first priority. She knew she couldn't take these two on alone, they had friends, thugs and loyalists within theses very walls, it would be a dumb move to even attempt it. She had inched her way behind the wooden carved chair now,

Random Encounters: crouching down behind the high backed chair she turned so that she was facing the pedestal, there it was before her, the Tiger's eye of Aldune, the gem glimmered as the light hit it and caused a ripple of reflections and refraction around it on the surfaces. She calmed her breathing and slowly rose her hand toward the gem, her arm extending outward, black leather gloved hand opening to be ready. The human man dressed in black, turned to look at the elven man on the chair and his blue eyes went

Random Encounters: wide as he watched the hand reaching up then the arm- "Sir...someones stealing the Eye!" -he alerted the elf. Cynthiana blinked as she looked at the man, she had been caught in the act- ~Oh..hell!~ —hand snatched up the gemstone and quickly pulled her hand back, she pushed to her feet and started back the way she had come quick on her feet, her mind racing with fear, she worked to keep her thoughts straight. The elf stood up once he had seen the hand take the stone from its place,


Date: 2015-02-27 01:17 EST
Random Encounters: his voice rang out over the once relaxed bar as he whirled around toward her- "Stop!.you stop!" -he then turned to the man in the trench coat- "Stop fool!" -the man turned round and started shouting orders- "Stop her! Guards!" -he bellowed and climbed over the cushions that lay on the floor, his hand moving to his belt. The men who were mostly drunk now heard the bellowing slaver and a few of them would perk up, some taking swords from their belts. Cynthiana slipped around some barrels

Random Encounters: and jumped up onto the bar top. A man turned around on his stool and attempted to grapplw the half-elf around the legs. "Come 'ere...girlie...i got ye!" -Cynthiana brought a boot to his chin and jumped over his hold, then started along the length of the bar, a couple other men including the barkeep tried to subdue her, The first she kicked a glass of whiskey over into his face as she danced by, the other she simply toppled over, the barkeep had come around the end of the bar in attempts to

Random Encounters: grapple her into his arms. but the half-elf glanced above her and lept up, taking hold of a hanging light above the bar, she raised herself up off the bar top and swung over the keeps head through the air. By this time the man in the black trench coat was running toward her pausing long enough to watch her take the leap and swing, he turned and headed toward the stairs. The elf watched from near his chair he was furious and pacing a bit as he watched, the merchant waited for his men to bring the

Random Encounters: thief back to him. Cynthiana swung and let go of the hanging lamp, her agile from on a course for the stairs, her feet landed first and she was forced to crouch in a way that showed off just how agile she was, taking only a few seconds before she saw the slaver closing on the bottom of the stairs, she popped up and ascended the stairway, the gem was tucked down into her leather shirt- ~go..girl go!~ -her thoughts pushed her on as she ran up the steps, not daring to look back, she could hear the


Date: 2015-02-27 01:19 EST
Random Encounters: man cussing and yelling as he gave chase behind her- "Guards!" -he bellowed and when he thought he was close enough he unfurled his whip which he had taken from the belt and snapped it upwards toward the fleeing female- "Seize her...Damn you all!"

Random Encounters: -the men and women in the bar watched as the woman dressed in black leather ran up the stairs out of the bar, most were already to drunk to respond and sat in stupors or hushed conversations, when the female and the slaver had ran out of sight they went back to their evenings, the elven man sat back on the chair and turned the silver goblet with his fingers, he was waiting, perhaps he had some

hidden faith in his men. The whip had cracked near Cynthiana's cheek and in her quick Random Encounters: movement she ducked away from the stink she felt on her cheek, she would reach the top of the stairway and turn to the left. She found this room darker than it had been when she first came in, someone had turned out half of the overhead lights, but with the aid of her low-light vision she could still make out the crates, barrels and other things in her way, she quickly rounded a stack of crates piled high, hoping to make the man who was chasing her pursuit a bit harder. The slaver in the black

Random Encounters: trench coat came to the top of the stairs and gave chase to the left around crates. Cynthiana made her way across the large room trying not to slow as she worked her way back the way she had come, her goal was to slip back into that other supply room and out that door before the human could realize where she had gone. There was someone the half-elf had forgotten, the man who had been sleeping, who had appeared to be drunk, he was now standing in the doorway she had used to access the hall


Date: 2015-02-27 01:20 EST
Random Encounters: blocking her way out of the building, he had closed one of the storage rooms wooden doors and was standing in the other half of the archway, he wasnt huge but would be ready to stop her. The slaver knew the warehouse and how things had been set up but the half-elf proved quick and agile, he was strong but not as quick on his feet of course, he would continue to close the gap. Cynthiana rounded that open door way into the hall and her feet skidded to a stop as she saw the partly blocked doorway

Random Encounters: with that storage room and her way out beyond, her heart wanted to sink, she knew the man in the black trenchcoat would be on her soon, she kept moving closer to the man who blocked her way out, the wheels of her mind working hard as she thought of a way past the human blockade. The man before her had a grin on his lips, he was ready or so he thought, to catch the female, he knew he'd heard the boss yelling for some reason, though he wasn't to bright, he had done his job in securing the

Random Encounters: back entrance, now he would also get to assist in capturing someone who wasn't supposed to be inside, he set his feet firmly and waited a little laugh came from him as he watched her come closer, hes hands out waiting for her to get close. Cynthiana shook her head, she wasn't gonna get caught that easy, looking up at the big buffoon she reached to her belt and opened a pouch taking out two small greasy looking bundles she ran closer to the man and threw the two bundles on the floor, the floor

Random Encounters: became slick with grease which splattered everywhere and she guided with her feet, there came a litle laugh from her as the grease spread and she down into a slide, aiming to either bowl the man over or slip between his legs, she gave a little squeal as between his legs she was able to slip and through to the other side. He grabbed for her as she went but the grease that came in a wave after her made his feet slip and slide and soon he was falling forward on his face, but he had managed to rip

Random Encounters: her cloak from around her as well as the mask which was still in his grasp as she went sliding along the floor and off of the greasy trail. Cynthiana blinked as she got to her feet a little cat who ate the canary grin came to her lips as she hid in the shadows of a crate there. The human was having a hard time getting up the greas was a nightmare and it was all over the front of him now, he looked up and yelled out in panic. The slaverr had rounded the corner and gave a mad yell as he watched


Date: 2015-02-27 01:24 EST
Random Encounters: the female slip away, but the grease did its job well and his boots caught in it and pulled him forward and quickly he found himself falling over onto the human who had nearly caught the half-elf. There was a fit from both these men as they flailed and made attempts to get up a few times, the foul language and yells from the slavers lips were in rage. Cynthiana would sneak for the door and make her way out it and down the street quickly, not stopping to realize her cloak was gone. She was headed for safety away from the alleyways in haste, with her prize tucked into her shirt for safe keeping until she could return it to the rightful guild.

Random Encounters: Later, the two men were able to right themselves and the grease had lost its effect, the henchman handed over the cloak and mask to the man in the black trench coat, the slaver returned to the elf. After a heated conversation and argument, and belittling from the elf the slaver was heard telling the elven merchant- "She may be gone...for now...but She and I will cross paths again soon" -it was a promise- -End Prologue-


Date: 2015-03-04 03:29 EST
-It had been a few days since Cynthiana had slipped through the grasp of those had meant to subdue her at the warehouse..The half-elf had managed to return safely to the den of The Three Dagger's guild in one piece and had left a bit richer and with access to certain services the guild could offer...the halfling guild leader had been so happy to see the Cats Eye of Aldune, she paid nearly double for the job being done...In the evenings after that the half-elf had gone on about her life,

Cynthiana: she had found small jobs to do and had gained a few prizes along the way, at night she would rent a room at a small inn near the docks, or take to old habits of falling in with beggars to share the warmth of a small fire in a barrel or bin, then move on somewhere else, but all the while keeping the company of a small copper dragon she had befriended over five years ago, named Argyle, the copper had been there somewhere never to far from the half-elf since he had first hatched. On this particular

Cynthiana: cold night at the end of January, the two found themselves in the southern glen, they had caught fish at a small lake, the pair had worked to bust up frozen ice so they could catch their supper, a fire was built and supper had been had, Cynthiana laid back against her backpack and had an old brown cloth blanket bundled around her, Argyle was curled up on her chest, the two were watching the stars that flickered in and out of sight above the wintery clouds, both full of fish and so relaxed they were near sleep, of course Cynthiana had thought about the close call she'd had, but such was the life of a treasure seeker, from time to time when people were involved things could get dangerous, she knew that-


Date: 2015-03-04 03:32 EST
Cynthiana: -On the night that the half-elf had slipped through the man in the black trench coats fingers, the man had made a vow to cross paths with her again and he was planning to make good on his word. That very night after the gem was stolen and that female had escaped, he had gathered his best men, a group of four including himself; the slaver, a half-orc tracker, and two elves who he knew to be quick on their feet and who had plenty of skills to get things done. The tracker was given the cloak and mask

Cynthiana: and told as much detail as possible as the four sat at a table. in the warehouses empty basement bar room, late that night- "she stands bout this tall" -the man spoke to the three- "..brown hair and I think she is half-elf....has herself pierced up..on her ears...lots of cuffs..oh and mint green eyes" -he grinned- "now boys we want to bring her in a live if we can...and Theros wants that gem if we find it on her" -he looked at the half-orc- "what do ye think...Div'ro...can ye track her."

Cynthiana: see where she gets too?" -the half-orc lifts the cloak up to that nose which seems to have been broken a few times and sniffs the neck of it, feeling the material in his fingers, then the mask is brought up to see what scents are there, his black eyes look at the brute of a human man- "aye it should be easy...Kip.." -he grinned with a nod- " and the dogs will sniff her out.." -he glanced over at the elves, then shoved the cloak and the mask into his belt. The two elves listened to every

Cynthiana: word being said and they both sneered at the half-orc with distaste but they were in this for the money and the raise of standing that could be gained with the merchant elf Theros- "aye...well find the girl." -the human in the black trench coat grinned- "good." -he paused to look at the tree of them- "..well get going!" -he shouted- "...the times wasting!" -the three would exit up the stairs and out the main doors into the night. Kiptrin, the slaver would take a long chug of his bottle of drink and sit there a while before exiting the building, he had people to do and things to see, his steps would take him deeper into the warehouse district-


Date: 2015-03-04 03:34 EST
Cynthiana: -The three had searched for their mark for hours, which turned into a day...taking turns to search, the half-orc pushed the elves in the search from time to time, they rested in shifts when needed and went on looking..Finally the half-orc had spotted her, he had watched the female for hours, he knew it was her from the description he was given and the scent of her cloak, she had stopped to rest with a group of beggars around a flaming barrel one evening and then he had gotten close enough to

Cynthiana: spring his attack, but there had been to many eyes, to many witnesses in the small space, he knew to bide his time, he did however take note of a companion she seemed to keep close at hand, the tiny copper dragon would be a bonus in this job, he would take time and re-join the elves, using the next few days the three of them could trail the half-elf and the little dragon and prepare for the capture. On that cold winter night near the end of January the three men found themselves in the woods,

Cynthiana: they were all dressed in greens and blacks leathers and cloths, the clothes of rangers or hunters, each only wearing enough of a cloak to keep the wind from their backs, they had separated but were all aware a fire had been built further in the woods, the tracker carried with him quiet a few weapons and a leather case which he lowered to the ground once he was in place, he had stopped just beyond a thick patch of overgrowth, where he could see the small campfire and had a clear view of

Cynthiana: the female and the dragon, looking to the left and right in an almost triangular shape around the campsite he could see the elves, each of them had taken to hiding behind a tree and had an almost perfect veiw of the campsite too. The elves were ready, one held a weighted net folded up but ready in his hands, the other was holding a small glass bottle at the ready they were waiting for a signal-


Date: 2015-03-04 03:35 EST
Cynthiana: -the copper dragon raised his head and those stormy grey eyes would glance about as he turned his head, searching a bit before looking toward the half-elf again....Cynthiana looked to the dragon on her stomach on top of the blanket and tilted her head- "..wha' is it Argyle?...i hear' nothin'...ain' nothin' ou' 'ere...not but us 'n' nature" -she yawned softly and looked back up to the sky, she had heard nothing and smoke from the campfire was wafting slightly in the campsite, the wind hadn't even

Cynthiana: been blowing all that bad on the cold night. Argyle settled his head as his eyes looked back to the sky, he seemed to settle down at her reassurances and soon his eyes drooped closed, she would softly start to hum as she exhaled, Cynthiana was in no state to be a forest survivalist tonight, tonight had been relaxing, she was nearly ready to sleep, her stomach full on fire roasted fish-


Date: 2015-03-04 03:36 EST
Cynthiana: -the half-orc could hear her voice, listening as she spoke to the copper dragon on top of the blanket she lay under, he grin showing those sharpened teeth of his, then he watched as the two lazed about, in the light of the campfire he could see more detail of her face and the outline of her body under the blanket, then his black eyes traced up along the copper dragon, it was tiny, but a dragon is a would grow, was his thought...He would focus on the task laid before him and gloved hands reached down and picked up a stick from a nearby dried bush, which he would snap with both hands in signal to the elves, he didn't care if it startled the victims into action-



Date: 2015-03-04 03:39 EST
Cynthiana: -the elf with the bottle heard the signal of a branch breaking and would toss the glass bottle into the campfire at the center of the site, the bottle would shatter and the fire would emit black smoke and a black dust which started to quickly smoother out the flames and cling over the ground like fog-


Cynthiana: -the elf with the weighted net was prepared and watching the stop of the smoke line and the sky above, when he saw the little dragon emerge from the smoke he threw the net, the weights would open up the net and once one part of the net connected with copper scales the rest of it spun around and the weights would drop with the net over the dragon, the elf would laugh out- "got it boss! it ! " -he watched the net fall to the ground with the prize inside-


Date: 2015-03-04 03:40 EST
Cynthiana: -the copper dragon would give out a series of roars and angry flail his wings, but they lost the ability to keep him in the air as they got caught in the net soon he'd fall to the ground inside the weighted net, he wasn't going to give up that easily, he would fight against the netting attempting to bite or claw a hole into the strands that held him, roaring out toward Cynthiana, the half elf heard the yells of victory from a voice she didn't know, then the different roars from Argyle, that last

Cynthiana: roar he gave, made her want to go to him but he had gotten his point across, she understood him as always and would do just want he wanted, she took off running, once she felt the thickness of the smoke lessening and the growth of grass and bushes at her feet and ankles she opened her eyes and took a breath, she then started through the woods, it was there she caught sight of a man, his skin near green she could see he was a half-orc, she dodged away from him as he reached for her, she wasn't planning on stopping as she could see now and breath even though her lungs burned from holding her breath that long-


Date: 2015-03-04 03:43 EST
Cynthiana: -the half-orc tracker had attempted to reach out and grapple her as she ran by but the half-elf had slipped away dodging his attempt, he would growl and reach for his belt, pushing back his cloak he unhooked a set of Boleadora, letting the weights fall, he would step up and swing the weapon, then release it letting it chase through the air toward the half-elf, watching as she ran and the three-weighted capturing weapon flew after her, he was already on the move after her too, as was one of the elves, the other stayed behind and would wait as the smoke started to clear so he could claim the netted dragon-

Cynthiana: -Cynthiana moved quickly, she heard the sound of something swooshing through the air, not daring to look back she ran between two trees attempted to use one of them as a shield but to keep moving as well..but as she moved away from the tree she felt something hit the side of her left calf and then two ropes with heavy ball weights caught around that left leg and the third rope and its weight got caught up somewhere around something behind her; the tree, the third rope had anchored the rest of

Cynthiana: the Boleadoras which had caught her, with her her heart racing and her breathing quickened from running, she was forced into a stand-still, quickly she dropped the backpack and pulled a dagger she had used many times before from her belt, she would start to try to cut the thick ropes that had her around the leg-



Date: 2015-03-04 03:48 EST
Cynthiana: -the half-orc tracker heard the signature thwack of the boleadoras as it slammed around something, he slowed his walk as he listened, hearing her voice beyond the tree, hearing the words she spoke in near desperation, he chuckled darkly as he spoke up- "...oh..that'll take a while to cut through..." -a grin came to his lips as he walked with no need to hurry, he would let her wear herself down, if she wanted, toughness enchanted rope would take hours to saw through, he soon came from behind the tree but would give a wide enough birth between them so that she couldn't reach him, here the tracker would be able to get a good look at her finally, his black eyes staring as he looked over her figure, his grin widened- "...well..well...we will have to ask for a higher price.."


Cynthiana: -the half-orc laughed at the the girl, that grin stayed on his lips, his focus was on her, he'd not allowed himself to get close enough for her to reach him with the blade, he asked- "oh really now? seems you are a little out of luck and don't understand the i'll fill you in.." -The elf who had followed, slowly and stealthily moved around the tree that she was roped to, he'd silently stand there just a few feet behind her, watching the half-orc and the half-elf. The tracker would settle his laughter- " who ever has the most the one who..'touches' you girlie" -he looked past her and gave an up nod to the elf. The elf would grin and bring a foot up and kick the half-elf in the back-


Date: 2015-03-04 03:53 EST

Cynthiana: -the elf would set his foot in the center of her back to hold her there, as he reached down and picked up the leather backpack, he opened the few compartments on the outside searching through them, then he pulled the flap back and put his hand inside, searching through things, he looked up at the half-orc- "..It's not here..Div'ro..the gem is not here" -he closed the pack and shouldered it- "but there's plenty to be...sorted and gone through..should bring good coin" -By then the second elf

Cynthiana: joined them he was holding a thick leather bag tied tightly closed and slung over his shoulder there was a mad growl as the bag was sat on the ground, he had the leather case which the half-orc had brought to the forest with him, both the bag and the case were sat on the ground- "got the other little bundle of joy to be sold off too...sure someone will pay big for a dragon."



Date: 2015-03-04 03:57 EST
Cynthiana: -the elf who had his foot on her back ground his boot hard into her against her- "shut up one asked you? -the half orc grinned hearing her, then shook his head at the elf who had her pinned- "...hes right one asked you? -then he looked to the elves and walked over to the case on the ground, opening it would reveal a neatly arranged assortment of manacles and other equipment used in a capture- ".bind her.." -with that the elf that was standing over her would send a hard kick to the back of the half-elf's head and walk over to the case with the other elven man, the half-orc would gather up the dagger that Cynthiana had dropped-


Cynthiana: -the elves would choose their preference of manacles and the two of them would come over and a fight would be put up with the half-elf, she was struggling with them almost wildly, one of them had been bitten and scratched, the other she had headbutted as her left hand was brought behind her and quickly secured in a tight band of metal, they both wrestled her other arm behind her, the half-orc wasn't impressed by the display, he crossed over and crouched down yanking her head up by the hair, he growled in her face showing those filed sharp teeth, the dagger, her own knife was brought up to her neck, just under her chin- "stop...struggling or die here and now"


Cynthiana: -once the elves had her in the tight cuff manacles by the wrist behind her, the half-orc grinned down at her and dropped the dagger then backhanded her, then spoke to the men- "we best make our way back to the city soon...we'll take the old smuggler's route near here..." -the elves would step back from the half-elf and..half-orc would use the Boleadora to bind her legs together and then set her up and pick her up slinging her over his shoulder. The elves would gather the leather bag, which a growl came from as it was moved and the case after closing it and the three would walk for the caves and that hidden route back to the city, with their new merchandise in tow-



Date: 2015-03-16 00:59 EST
-The trio, the half-orc and two elves, had found that cave in the woods, an old hidden smuggler's route. Down under the ground they would walk, the path would soon led them to a series of tunnels that would lead them back into the city, the half-orc, Div'ro carried the half-elf female over his shoulder as if she were a sack of goods to be traded, a grin on his lips as he moved-

-For what seemed like hours, Cynthiana's mind swam in and out of consciousness, at one point she remembered waking enough to open her eyes, she saw rough stone walls of a cave and felt a rough hand holding her over someones shoulder, she remembered that she was being carried, her body ached from being in the same position for so long, staying quiet, so not to draw attention to herself, she moved her fingers attempting anything she could to help slip from the tightly fitted manacles locked around her wrists, the cuffs had made her wrists raw and sore, it hurt to move them much, after moments she fell back into darkness once again-

-When the half-elf woke it was to the sound of voices, she heard a rough human voice yell with a bit of annoyance- "....You have to rough her up so much Div'ro"!.." -it was a vaguely familiar voice, then she heard the half-orc speak, he wasn't yelling, though his voice seemed annoyed as well, he remained cool in tone- "...not every catch I bring in is going to be undamaged....especially if they are going to fight back" -he chuckled darkly- "but I got her here didn't I"...not like you lot won't rough her up some more...right?" -another dark little chuckle-

-there was a moment or two of silence before the jingle of coins in a pouch could be heard and the human spoke up- "here.....yer pay and more for bringing her back alive and more again for the dragon.....Tell the elves their pay is with Theros..."

-the bag was tossed to the half-orc who caught it. He would snort- "That dragon...should make Theros happy or bring in much coin.....The dogs can find their pay own their own...I'm no milk nurse or messenger boy..." -the sounds of footsteps could be heard approaching the table where she lay, the half-orc paused next to Cynthiana, then gave a grunt- "Kiptrin you know where to find me if you have more work" -he soon exited the through a door which he slammed after going through-

-Cynthiana could feel the cold hard surface beneath her, she had been laid on a wooden table, she could smell the old wood that it was made of, while hearing them talk she did her best not to move, her arms and shoulders ached from the way she was bound, she could feel the metal cuffs digging into her wrists, moving her hands caused a flare of pain, so she ceased that movement, she may have been startled when the door slammed. She felt more of a need to get free and tried to move her legs, her ankles were still bound together by the boleadora, she attempted to move her knees and her feet but could get no use out of them to do her any good, she found how stiff she was and groaned out in pain-

-the human had heard the groans and other little sounds coming from the prisoner, who had been so roughly deposited onto the wooden table. He was a man somewhere in this thirties, wearing black and grey clothes and leather armor beneath a black trench coat. He also wears a thick leather belt which holds a selection of bands, collars and a length of small black metal chain and a couple weapons, He wears black pants and black leather boots as well. He stood from his place at a nearby desk, scooting the chair back across the floor. A dark grin came across his somewhat handsome face, It would have been handsome if not for a long scar from the right brow down over his eye and ending at his jaw. He took slow steps over to the table and would take a handful of the half-elves brown hair into his fist as he pulled her head up and back so she could see him- "Well..well...If it's not the little thief..." -he chuckled as his cold eyes watched her face- "and without the trinket she stole.." -he tsked at her-

-He was called Kiptrin, she had heard Div'ro, the half-orc call him by name, she took it to memory as he pulled her hair and forced her head up, those mint green eyes flickered with hate as she looked up at him a low growl came from her lips- "' gem be back wit' it's right'ful owners....yer noth'n but scum on m' boot" -she spat up at his face as she tried to pull away from his grasp, wanting nothing to do with him, she tried again to pull her hands through the tight metal cuffs or get her legs loose from the ropes-

-watching her test the cuffs and ropes that bound her, he found it comical, his laughter rang through the room, a deep laughter aimed at her and the words she had spewed. His free hand coming up to wipe her spit from his left cheek, then he took a tighter hold on her hair and yanked her head closer to his face with that other hand- "oh we have a fiesty one do we".....well ye'll learn your place soon enough.." -he brought a hand up and while he had her hair tight in his grasp, he backhanded her hard and then tightened his grasp again as he forced her to look at him-

-Cynthiana could smell his breath, she struggled to get away from his grasp on her hair to no avail and grunted when she had been struck. The slap had caused her face to sting and she could feel just where his hand had landed, she looked up at him with a sneer on her now cracked and bleeding lips, when he forced her to look his way-

-the man spoke roughly- "..Let me...lay down the basics for you..half-elf!" -he growled- " lost my boss the Catseye of Aldune....yes a pity.." -he swallowed as the grin returned to his lips- "...but now Theros will have his...'merchandise'.....a fine sell you will make...along with that copper dragon." -his free hand would move to her cheek to caress there, it would have been a gentle touch, but he'd let it glide down her neck to her now filthy shirt and fingers stopped just at the neckline there he'd drop his grasp on her hair, letting her head fall as he stepped away from the table. the man moved over to a nearby shelf, picking up another set of chains, which rattled as they hung and swayed once they were taken from their resting place-

-hearing his words she remained quiet, hate boiling through her. She was no prize to be sold, nor was Argyle, her thoughts went to the copper dragon now, wondering where he was...what these vile apes had done with him. She felt his rough hand on her cheek, Soon she was free of his grasp and laid her head on the table top, a frown on her lips once the man could no longer see her face, somewhat thankful for the coolness of the wooden tabletop, she listened to the rattling of chains nearby, her mind filled with thoughts of what was to come and how she was going to make her escape as she closed her eyes and waited-