Topic: Playing with fire...


Date: 2006-05-29 10:21 EST
Questions, Answers and Revelations in the folder "Old Villain, New Start" and after the events in There But For the Grace of God in that same folder.]

Playing with fire . . .

Things she gets herself into. She has got to remember that restraint can sometimes be a good thing. Ah, but that thought soon leaves, supplanted by another. Jodiah is upstairs asleep. A glance out the front window tells her false dawn is on the horizon, and in that instant she makes up her mind. Impulsive nature taking the lead, she climbs the steps to the second floor. Soft booted footfalls make their way to the door of room three and she presses her head to it to listen.

It is silent, of course. The small hours of the morning are reserved for sleeping, under most circumstances. All sensitive ears pick up is the slow, rhythmic rush of air, in and out from a slumbering body. She knew before she tried it the door would be locked, and using magical means wouldn't work on guest quarters' locks. So, bending to one knee, she slips her hand to a front pocket, drawing forth tools she's used now and again throughout her existence.

If she'd paused to think, which she didn't, too wound up from the night's previous fiasco with Chris, Lucky, and that raving female, Stacey, claiming to be having Chris' children, she might have stopped herself. But, she didn't. Silently she worked the tumblers until she heard the telltale click. Why didn't she just knock" We mentioned she wasn't really thinking, yes" Rising, the knob was turned and she opened the door a crack to peer inside.

The door parted, and the interior was black, save the ever-open window. What light filtered in from the early morning cast blue-gray highlights down onto the body of Jodiah Ayreg, scarred as he was, and resting comfortably. Three-quarters of a bottle of Midnight Tears and her eyes fairly glowed in the ghostly light. She watched him from the door, watched his measured breathing.

The Ancient could have simply walked through without bothering with the lock picking, but Sid had this thing about the overuse of magic. She wasn't content, however, to just spy on him from the hallway. Plus, someone might come along and speak to her and that wouldn't bode well. So, stepping inside, the door was closed behind her; keeping the knob turned and easing off it before it had a chance to sound its soft alarm of clicking.

She stood against the wall, then, not really knowing why she was here and what she wanted. Actually, she was still trying to figure out why she'd spewed her entire existence's history to him the other day. Still hadn't sussed that one out yet. There was just something about him. Was she attracted to him' Well . . . yeah. Sid found attraction in many things and many beings. That wasn't the issue, really. The issue was, what had compelled her to do the telling" For, truly, it was a compulsion.

Jodiah, it could be said, was not that attractive insomuch as the beings of Rhy'Din go. Old, human, small, and short - all by Rhy'Din standards, of course - the aging knight simply had to make his way through life with what he was born with. If there was a reason Sid found herself attracted to him, then it once again simply went to prove that the ways of the supernatural are subtle, and mysterious, and unknown to the human mind. It could be seen that Ayreg had been a restless sleeper this past night. He was prone to nightmares, though. A kind of loose-fitting black pair of linen pants were worn, and nothing else. The blanket he so cherished wrapping himself up in was in two separate heaps - one to his flank, and the other on the floor beneath that one, connected by a length of that blanket.

It would be so easy to slip inside his thoughts right now. And, for a moment she contemplated it. Yet, the Ancient was a respectful being and she didn't root about unwanted in the minds of those she . . . felt something for. What she felt for Jodiah Ayreg, she hadn't defined fully, but she respected him enough to let his secrets remain his own until such time as he felt the need to speak them. There was a darkness within him, she knew this, she sensed it. She knew Belial was wary of this male, too. Curiosity was often quite the strong pull on the Trueblood, but she resisted the urge to meddle about. Standing there, back to the wall and watching him breathe, she dropped the glamour. Bare feet silently moved to the tossed off blanket. Gingerly she picked it up and slid it over him, a breath of fabric settled across his sleeping form.

He stirred. Soldiers sleep lightly, it is said, and the death knight had been a soldier all of his life. A turn of his head, and a faint, inaudible mumbled series of words rolled out of him, but he was not wakened. Not fully. That motion of his head, a few muttered words, and a shift of his arm beneath the now-draped over blanket was the only reaction he had to the feather-light touch of her covering his shattered and broken body.

Standing over him, high on the essence of Midnight Tears, more than once she stopped herself as a hand raised to hover above the slumbering knight. She knew, without having to be told in so many words, that Jodiah was uncomfortable in his aging body. It would be a fairly easy thing for one such as her to trifle and gift him with a surprise upon his waking. Three times that hand went up, and three times she brought it back down. What was wrong with her!" Why were these thoughts even being raised within her mind"

The filmy hem of the white shift breezed upwards slightly as she crouched beside the bed, eye level with the sleeping man. Rocked back to her haunches, arms lying atop her thighs, eyes aglow in the dark, she knew she was playing with dangerous fire, in two ways. The immediate being, he could awake and strike out at what he would take as an unknown intruder. She would continue on, true, but this would probably anger him. Again, she would deal. She was sure. The second, though, she couldn't see the whole of it. But, she knew that danger had far deeper reaching consequences.

Looking upon Jodiah's true face it is not the steel and frowning angles it normally is while awake. Lips turned simply into a neutral gesture, muscles relaxed, he could have been anybody's father. Maybe grandfather, if they were young enough, but Jodiah Ayreg was not so old and decrepit yet as to not have the fire and zeal and passion that a younger person might. His was simply controlled; matured. Experience tempered in knowledge. Ah, but knowledge of what? His brow furrowed for an instant, and then returned to a tranquil state. The old knight was dreaming, it seemed, head turning once again, now almost entirely on the side of his face as if looking to those glowing eyes.

The Ancient smiled softly, thin lips curling slightly but no show of teeth. Brushing back a bit of spider-silk silver, she gestured with that same hand and a gentle breeze of fragrant air wafted across the sleeping man. It smelled of Summer World, exotic flowers and green, budding leaves. Eyes looked down as the smile grew when a lock of his graying hair fluttered just so beneath its touch.

In truth, Sid watches him like one looks over a child. Wondering what he dreams, hoping the one he is reviewing makes him happy, brings him peace. She wanted him to have peace, at least in sleep though she knew he most probably did not. It wasn't hard to guess the knight most likely suffered of bad dreams, most mortals who had seen what Jodiah had obviously seen - from the looks of his battered body - did.

A kind of long, sighing breath was released from the dreaming knight. Were the Ancient to dive into his thoughts, would deeper secrets be shown" Jodiah's expression remained slack and stoic, whatever played out in his subconscious. It wasn't an unpleasant face, by any means - a vast improvement to the usual sneers and frowns he seemed to normally have. The corner of his eye twitched, and his shoulders rolled back against the bed. Another soft, near silent murmur of sound loosed.

What do ye dream, Jodiah Ayreg? Her words were not speech, but the gentle breeze caressing his cheek and brow. Something struggled deep within her, a pull to delve inside his dreams and watch him there. Silvered hair floated about her angular visage with the violent shaking of her head. Shoulders scrunched up and she worked tension from her neck. Tell us what ye see, Jodiah Ayreg. A frown mars faultless features as she continues the trickery. If she had a mind, she would call the Dreamwitch, Melyantha, to her side and beg her sister take her to the dream plane to see. But, her lips were still and silent. Only the breeze played on.


Date: 2006-05-29 10:52 EST
Gets one burned.

An unhappy - very much so - look crossed the death knight's features. His mouth parted, and then closed, and his body writhed once as he reset himself on the bed, beneath the blanket. Fingers flexed and gripped, and he scowled. His mouth opened again, and then closed, then opened. She was coaxing him, trying to get him to speak to her. One happening upon this scenario might wonder if, perhaps, she wanted to know if he dreamed of her" A sound finally came out at the last - a word, nearly so low as to be silent. "Murder..."

The Ancient cared not if he dreamed of her. Sid was not a female given to such needs and wants. These things did not flutter her heart, or heat her flesh. She wished to know of him. Dreams were telling. Dreams were windows to the soul, if one possessed such. Dreams took the past, the present and the desires for the future and laid them bare. At the single word from Jodiah there only came the lifting of silvered brows. Did she wish to know more" Was this subterfuge any less heinous than a mental rape"

The annoyance of unwanted and alien emotions shadowed the depths of her gaze. For a moment she began to rise from her spot thinking it might just be best to let this lie. Then, a turn of the aging knight's lips in dreaming sleep, a settle of his furrowed brow stilled her motion. She swallowed. The breath of warm breezes renewed, a scent of flowers and clear water bathing across the sleeping male. Tell us of murder, Jodiah Ayreg. Unburden yeself to the unjudging winds.

"Murder . . . " another soft, nearly imperceptible whisper. Gray hair, released from the usual tail it was pulled back into, shifted across his face as he turned again. It was a clearly uncomfortable dream for the death knight. The sheets of the down-filled bed were gripped and twisted, pulling the white fabric up from the base of the mattress upon which he rested. He had a scent of his own, too - he smelled clean. The faintest wisps of kiwi rolled off his body, carried by the warm breeze of flowers and cool, clear water. "Can't . . . stop it . . . "

His breathing paused, long enough for his tongue to snake out and wet his lips, and then it continued again. Heavy, almost gasping, as if he had just finished running full-tilt for ten miles. "Precious . . . " His eye nearest her twitched. Twice. The drawn-tight flesh over his cheekbones lined and heavy, threatening to be stained with a tear ready to fall. "Forgive me . . . "

His mouth closed, and she could see the flexing of his throat as he swallowed. The act of doing so raked her attention to two small, side-by-side scabs there, placed roughly an inch or so apart. "Vengeance . . . " His chest rose, sharply, taking a deep inhale of breath, his next words rolling out in an almost singular rush of air. "...Or let the world burn."

Noticing those marks, the Trueblood gave a small cant to the right with her head as she studied them a moment. Vampires ran rampant in Rhy"Din. She even considered a few as friends. One was a lover. However, she did not think Jodiah trucked with such a creature. In fact, she could swear he despised them, from what she recalled. Still, what was it the Bard had once wrote" Methinks thou dost protest too much" Did this mumbling of murder and precious, forgiveness and vengeance have to do with the bite on his neck" It was a simple enough thing, really, and so she let the sounds of rustling grasses fill the air along with the scents and warm winds. Tell us of vengeance, Jodiah Ayreg. The winds never talk.

"Used me . . . " Jodiah's arms flailed with the blankets as broken sentences rasped forth at rapid pace. "Couldn't . . . stop . . . weak . . . " His face contorted in pain and sorrow. "Dead . . . because I'm weak . . . " Harsh swallows undulated his adam's apple. "...Precious . . . " Lips and mouth worked into a horrified grimace, and when the last sentence came . . .

She stood abruptly. Yanked up by these last words like someone had snatched her back from an abyss. Slanted eyes widened, glowing still from the influence of the Midnight Tears. She hadn't heard him right. Silvered brows knitted. The muscles about her nose and upper lip shuddering as if she'd tasted something unbearably sour. Fists clenched and unclenched in the filmy white fabric of the shift.


Spider-silk hair floated and danced as the shakes of her head grew more pronounced, from soft and singular to violent and many.


She shouldn't have come here. She shouldn't have done this. She'd misheard him. She did! Pale lips mouthed the words I be so verra sorry, Jodiah. So verra sorry. And, for the first time in too long to remember the Elvin Goddess Manon - Goddess of Beauty, Joy, Innocence and Love; Mistress of the Dance - embraced her station and all that she held sway over. One long-fingered, pale hand swept the space above his body and bed, a single tear rolling over an alabaster cheek to splash upon his pillow, and as a violet-hued shimmer took her form words were breathed out into the early morning air. "Ye will dream sweet, Jodiah Ayreg. Peace be yers . . . for now."

For now. This was all she could and would do. Fifty silver bells and nine rang strong, then she faded from view. The sound of jackboots heavy in the hall shortly after.

Words, spoken aloud. Barely a breath, but loud enough. A single lid cracked, gently, feeling warm and . . . somewhere in the back of his mind, he would swear in the morning he heard the jingling of bells this night, as he slept. And sleep he did; the stirring caused by her abrupt departure could not stay him in the waking world for long, and he dreamed of far more pleasant things. He fell back into the world of slumber, dreaming of places now where men never grow old and shatter, and the sound of bells echoes faintly in the air with the turn of a beautiful, feminine face. The scowl eased on his brow as he drifted away again, lost in the endless nothing between sleep and wake.

Down the steps she went to the empty common room of the Dragon, pacing like a caged animal back and forth along the floorboards.


Elflocks were tinny, hollow and offkey. Fingers scratched absently at the inside of her left forearm.


Dreams were fickle things. She knew this from talks oft enough with her sister, Melyantha. What he spoke about in the beginning, what he uttered at the end, there was no way of knowing they were related. She was . . . what did others call it' Jumping to conclusions" Yes, that was it. Oh, but rationalizations and justifications are not exclusive to mortal kind, are they' Still, this was reasonable, she told herself. A chair kicked across the room to smash against the wall. "Reasonable!!" Shouting to the ceiling, as if there were any who listened to one such as her.

"No. No."

There was something she could do. Something that would tell. She only had to return to the 'Lands. Yes! "HA!" And, she would tell Jodiah. These new gifts, new talents and powers she wasn't clear on, the ones since Lankyn had cast the spell, she would find Ber and make him tell her all, she would have the knowledge and maybe that would help. But first, first she would tell the aging knight about the trip to the 'Lands. She would know then. When she told him and looked into his eyes she would know if what was uttered in dreams was real. When she spoke of what she had planned, she would know.

One lone table got into her way. Poor table. With a wail of sorrow and rage she flung it from her path to shatter against the front door, stalking over to the bar and locating the bottle of Midnight Tears. Yes. A drink. That's what she needed. Then, then she would begin.