The passing of pirate vessels did not go unnoticed by the Captain of the Defiance. The king's flagship would not be caught moored at dock. The message of their arrival had come via signal light from the frigate squadron of the 3rd Fleet that escorted the king's ship.
"Haul the buntlines and let fly the hawsers. Cast off Mister Edwards." The captain was none to happy about being disturbed during the dogwatch and this was obvioused by the tone of his commands. "Mister Edwards, pipe the gun crews to their mounts, stack the brass monkeys, make battle sails and prepare for action."
Each order was repeated aloud by the ship's sailing master, barked sharply to ensure he was clearly heard.
"Make fast that jackyard, look sharp you bilge rats, you have not been that long from battle." Still the captain marched the deck, fastening the buttons upon his jacket as moved along the deck. "They shall not run groundage upon us Mister Edwards. Open your gun ports, but do not run out the guns until the word is given."
The crew which had begun sluggishly, now began to move like a finely honed naval crew. Each station crisply manned, each action sharp and well practiced. The sound of the wood creaking and the masts moaning in protest as the sails filled with wind could be heard througout the ship.
"Let's keep the wind in a close haul Mister Edwards, make for the squadron."
"Aye Cap'n, making for the squadron. Helmsman make your course Nor by Nor Wes."
The ship took on the feel of the wind and sea as the frigate made her way through the harbor. Although longer and sleeker, the clipper one on one was no match for a frigate. However, the captain was of no mind to engage five of them at once. Nor was the security of this port any of his affair, no it was best to make for the fleet and re-enter the port under the king's command.
"Haul the buntlines and let fly the hawsers. Cast off Mister Edwards." The captain was none to happy about being disturbed during the dogwatch and this was obvioused by the tone of his commands. "Mister Edwards, pipe the gun crews to their mounts, stack the brass monkeys, make battle sails and prepare for action."
Each order was repeated aloud by the ship's sailing master, barked sharply to ensure he was clearly heard.
"Make fast that jackyard, look sharp you bilge rats, you have not been that long from battle." Still the captain marched the deck, fastening the buttons upon his jacket as moved along the deck. "They shall not run groundage upon us Mister Edwards. Open your gun ports, but do not run out the guns until the word is given."
The crew which had begun sluggishly, now began to move like a finely honed naval crew. Each station crisply manned, each action sharp and well practiced. The sound of the wood creaking and the masts moaning in protest as the sails filled with wind could be heard througout the ship.
"Let's keep the wind in a close haul Mister Edwards, make for the squadron."
"Aye Cap'n, making for the squadron. Helmsman make your course Nor by Nor Wes."
The ship took on the feel of the wind and sea as the frigate made her way through the harbor. Although longer and sleeker, the clipper one on one was no match for a frigate. However, the captain was of no mind to engage five of them at once. Nor was the security of this port any of his affair, no it was best to make for the fleet and re-enter the port under the king's command.