Topic: Not to be pinned by black shipped pirates


Date: 2009-11-09 19:16 EST
The passing of pirate vessels did not go unnoticed by the Captain of the Defiance. The king's flagship would not be caught moored at dock. The message of their arrival had come via signal light from the frigate squadron of the 3rd Fleet that escorted the king's ship.

"Haul the buntlines and let fly the hawsers. Cast off Mister Edwards." The captain was none to happy about being disturbed during the dogwatch and this was obvioused by the tone of his commands. "Mister Edwards, pipe the gun crews to their mounts, stack the brass monkeys, make battle sails and prepare for action."

Each order was repeated aloud by the ship's sailing master, barked sharply to ensure he was clearly heard.

"Make fast that jackyard, look sharp you bilge rats, you have not been that long from battle." Still the captain marched the deck, fastening the buttons upon his jacket as moved along the deck. "They shall not run groundage upon us Mister Edwards. Open your gun ports, but do not run out the guns until the word is given."

The crew which had begun sluggishly, now began to move like a finely honed naval crew. Each station crisply manned, each action sharp and well practiced. The sound of the wood creaking and the masts moaning in protest as the sails filled with wind could be heard througout the ship.

"Let's keep the wind in a close haul Mister Edwards, make for the squadron."

"Aye Cap'n, making for the squadron. Helmsman make your course Nor by Nor Wes."

The ship took on the feel of the wind and sea as the frigate made her way through the harbor. Although longer and sleeker, the clipper one on one was no match for a frigate. However, the captain was of no mind to engage five of them at once. Nor was the security of this port any of his affair, no it was best to make for the fleet and re-enter the port under the king's command.


Date: 2009-11-11 23:53 EST
The ship eased out of the harbor and into the open waters. For a short time the moments were tense, the air so thick you could cut it with a knife. The two ships passed one another, the gun crews holding tight to the lashing ropes to run out that cannons. However, the word never came as the passed out of firing arc of one another.

"Stand down your guns, close the gun ports but keep your wicks a burnin just in case they change their minds." The captain's voice was sharp and clear as he spoke. "Mister Edwards, steady your course."

Although the ship seemed to loose a collective sigh as the ships passed from one anothers arc, the tension was still present. The crew watched as the capatin stood on the aft deck, the knew he kept a weathered eye upon their would be opponent.

"Sail Ho ........Sail Ho" A sharp cry came down from the crow's nest atop the main mast. "Wasp off the starboard bow with the Essex close alee, four more trailing in a battle line. It's the squadron captain."

"Mister Edwards reef your sails and prepare to join the squadron."

"Aye Captain, right away." The ship's master was quick with a reply and quick to repeat the orders and see them carried out.

"Mister Edwards, join the squadron and pass the word that we will lay up off the point, we will be keeping a weathered eye upon that lot. When we anchor up have the other captains join me in my cabin at two bells in the last dog watch for captain's mess. Leftenant Jacobs, you have the bridge I am retiring to my cabin." The captain's words trailed him as he dissapeared below deck.


Date: 2009-11-22 14:30 EST
The seven ships of 3rd fleet's frigate squadron had laid up off the point that marked the entrance to the harbor. By midnight that number had grown to fourteen ships when seven ships of the line joined them. Seven frigates and seven man 0' wars was an intimidating sight in sailor's eyes. In the belly of one those huge ships of the line a meeting was taking place, a meeting to decide the future of the merchant princes of Melnibone'.

"Why should I send my merchant vessels into this god-forsaken port of backward monkey spawn when pirates travel so freely in and out' Why shoud I risk my fortunes on this whim of the king?" Prince T'ael's words were sharp and pointed as he spoke.

Around this table were two of the merchant princes, T'ael and Sha'Anoor, Admiral Gray of the 3rd fleet and a number of ship's captains. Fully, this gathering represented more than a third of the wealth and naval power of Melinbone'.

"I would choose my words carefully T'ael, lest some think your words border on treason. This fleet and those who command it, do as commanded by the king." Admiral Gray shifted his position a bit in his chair as he continued to speak. "T'ael, your father was a great man and an ambitious man, but his ambition was tempered by his wisdom. A wisdom that your youth and petulance precludes you from having just yet."

"Personally, I see the merits in trading here if the fleet can ensure our safety." Sha'Anoor's spoke, his voice smoothed by age. "I am sure we can fatten your pockets enough T'ael to soothe even your aching purse."

"Still, the the king has us dancing .........

"Dancing like what T'ael, would you care to share your thoughts with me personally?" Akhir's voice carried throughout the cabin as he emerged from the shadows. "Well, T'ael .......


Date: 2009-11-24 12:07 EST
"Your majesty, I ". We did not hear you enter" T"ael's words fumbled from his mouth like a small child with his hand caught in a cookie jar. "I meant no disrespect your majesty, I was trying to illustrate the crown's hold on the merchants of Melnibone?"

Those gathered in the belly of the ship fell suddenly silent, a certain uneasiness could be sensed in the air by all those present. The king had appeared from nowhere as he was wont to do, those infernal shadows carried him at a whim like a mother with a newborn child. "No disrespect T"ael ?"" no disrespect you say." Akhir could feel the anger swell within him, the rage and fury tore at him, threatening his sensibilities. "I allowed your house to return to my court after your brother tried to usurp my throne, and now you attempt once more to sow the seeds of discontent."

The others seemingly mindful of the king's temper began to back away from the table, exiting their seats save for one. Sha"Anoor sat quietly and stalwart in the face of the brewing trouble, nary a sign of trouble on his brow.

"My house is grateful your majesty, you were most kind and benevolent in your grace and mercy upon us." T"ael began to rise from his seat as he spoke, the sound of steel being loosed from sheathes in all directions stayed his actions. "If I may be allowed to rise majesty."

Akhir raised his hand to stay the blades of the marines gathered below deck, motioning to T"ael to rise.

"I wanted to point out majesty that perhaps you should weigh your decision more carefully when dealing with this port. We put much at risk when our ships enter these shipping lanes, shipping lanes in which pirates travel so freely." T"ael now standing spoke with his head ever so slightly bowed in deference to the king. In the blink of an eye Akhir was upon him, then there was that sound, that unmistakable sound of the black blade being drawn from its sheath. Ever so faintly could be heard the moan of those souls condemned by its black heart to serve in Arioc's army of souls. A deathly still fell across the room, every eye fixed upon the blade, even T"ael's eyes glanced upward to fix upon Akhir's sword. The black tip came to rest beneath his T"ael's chin, the blood red runes that decorated the length of the blade began to glow with anticipation and morbid intent. A collective deep breath was taken, for everyone here seemed to know that T"ael's life and more so his very soul hung in the balance. "I will weigh your words carefully T"ael, for to them there is some merit. However, mark these words well for I shall na"er repeat them. Should you so much as ever let a single syllable of treason cross your lips, I shall personally come and collect the debt that is owed. Mind you I will collect all of the debt, man woman and child." Hanging on that last word for emphasis, Akhir truly meant what he said, the rage and fury of his kind barely contained. Still deep inside his blade spoke to him, spurred him on to finish this act ?"...feed me Akhir ??". Feed me, feel his life surge through your being, feed me and be rewarded.


Date: 2009-12-03 20:07 EST
The tip of the black blade just barely crossed T'ael's face as if it were being withdrawn, then in a flash and a flick of the wrist a long cut was laid across his cheek. A darkly disturbing moan came from the blade as its victims blood wetted the tip, the room fell deathly hush, not even T'ael's so much as flinched. Everyone here knew what could be at hand, when the sword began to feed and Akhir began to feel the madness, no living creature in range is safe.

Akhir could feel his heart race, nearly beating its way out of his chest. The steel gray of his eyes was replaced by blood red pools, the lust was upon him. He must kill this man, he must destroy everything about his essence. He must posess the very life essence that gave T'ael existence. Akhir's grip on the pommel tightened, the sword prepared to strike, it spoke to him, it clouded his mind, "take him Akhir, take him now, feel his life essence be added to your own, he will betray you, they will all betray you, take them all .......TAKE THEM NOW".

"Your majesty, I beseech you to stay your hand." Sha'Anoor's voice was clear and calming, this was not his first time to see the blade nor the lust in the eyes of a king of the Ruby Throne. "Reach inside and find yourself, do not become lost among your own."

Akhir's eyes shot to Sha'Anoor, but the blade did not follow. Akhir hissed at Sha'Anoor before he began to quell the lust. "I am master here, you will not speak unless I command it." Akhir struggled greatly within himself to regain control, it had been some time since it had been drawn from its sheath.

Sha'Anoor bowed his head in deference to the king. The only sound that could be heard was the drops of blood that fell from T'ael's face as they hit the table and the groan of the ship under shifting waves.

The blade howled mightily in protest as it was returned to its sheath. The howl was audible for all the room to hear. It served as a stark reminder to all just a small part of the power that those who sat upon the Ruby Throne wielded.


Date: 2009-12-06 18:35 EST
Akhir retired quietly to his quarters, people tended to T'ael's wounds and things began to slowly return to normal. There was someting of a pallor cast over the meeting or what was left of it.

Akhir slammed the door to his quarters behind him, pitching the blade on to his bunk as he made his way in. "Accursed blade, I have had my fill of you." However, Akhir knew in his hard of hearts that the sword was the one thing above all else that secured his position on the throne.

Settling into his desk he prepared himself a brandy, the blue crystal snifter sparkling in the cabin light, a sparkle that absenty held Akhir's gaze. He was lost as his mind began to wander, it had been a very long time since his heart had been warmed. Not since Jaisyn had he allowed any female to get close to him, yet now those familiar longings tugged as his heart once more.

It was not until the snifter overflowed and the precious brown liquid spilled over his fingers that he realized his thoughts had wandered so far. "Damn" Akhir exlaimed outloud as he shook the brady from his hands. Shy had deffinately stolen his thoughts and most assuredly threatened to steal his heart, if she hadn't already.

Akhir kind of chuckled to himself as he poured some of the brandy back into the bottle and set about cleaning up his mess. "Women will get the best of me yet", he remarked aloud. He did need have other matters that needed tending too, but for now he was content to be alone with his brandy, the view of the city lights from across the water and his thoughts of Shy.


Date: 2009-12-07 19:19 EST
Akhir returned from the Inn in town and was furious. Appearing from the shadows and into his cabin his anger was obvioused by the destruction he began to wreak upon his quarters. The first to be sacrificed was a crystal bottle that sat upon his desk, many books and other asundry things would soon follow.

The marines who gaurded his quarters moved to burst in, alarmed by what appeared to be trouble. However, the curses in the ancient tongue marked all too well who was in those chambers.

Akhir settled into the wreck and shambles his quarters had very quickly become. Never had he ever been questioned in such a manner, he could not allow this. She questioned his integrity, not just that she questioned a time of great heroism and sacrifice for his people. His people who stood on the bridge of Jotunheim and fought back the tide of frost giants and Hrimthurs himself. The tapestries and banners to mark this great event had been ordered woven by Odin's command, the tales of the battle were put to song by his words and Freya's lyre.

Now she bade him prove it, prove it indeed. Who was she to command such from him, who would dare command such from the throne of Melnibone'. No one commands anything from me, Akhir's fist slammed into the desk as his thoughts roiled, he did care about her but still such insult to the throne.

His thoughts cleared for a moment as he pondered his options. He could leave her to her own devices, just ignore her and the feelings he had for her and move on. However, there was another option, he could take her to Immrryr the dreaming city. No, this was forbidden, his thoughts wrestled back and forth, but he was king, he made law. Perhaps if she was Aesir or Vanir it would be less problematic. Immrryr was the only place he could provide the proof she wanted. His cupped his head into his hands as he wrestled back and forth with taking here there, oh how he now regreted ever going to the Inn last eve.

"Vidar....Vidar old friend, where are you now?" Akhir whispered Vidar's name quietly to himself. He would seek out the counsel of the shadows, they would guide him to Vidar.

Akhir rose to his feet and began a few incantations which caused a swirl of light and shadows. The room righted itself under the cantrip incantation and Akhir began to make preparations to commune with the shadows. Only the lords of the shadows could find the bed of the wench that held Vidar.


Date: 2009-12-10 22:05 EST
The concentration necessary to achieve what Akhir needed to achieve on board was near impossible. A single mistake and he could end up wandering the plane of shadows for months. Something he has done before and was not particularly inclined to do again.

Akhir closed his eyes and began to mutter a few incantations once more, but these were not the simple cantrips of before, these were much more complex and spoken in the ancient tongue. As the words began to roll from his lips in fluid fashion his eyelids opened. Akhir's steel grey eyes replaced by blood red ords, the fires of chaos burning within them. Around him small pools of shadows began to form and meld into larger ones, these larger pools began to swirl and roil, black tentacles lashing out at him, the black mass consuming him.

Travels through the shadowrealm was tricky at best and deadly at worst. Akhir spirited himself through the plane of shadows with a quicly uttered fly spell, trying to stay with the flow as this realm seemed to always move, ebb and flow. You could quickly lose sight of your destination if you did not concentrate on it. The lands we colored in varrying shades of grey, the sky gave the appearance of old charcoal, black dots marked the stars and the sun was nothing more than a metallic disk. Passing over silvery and translucent vegatation Akhir moved towards the great palace Chiaroscuro.

By all outward appearances it was a pleasure palace, great spires, flying buttresses and soaring walkways. Yet, Akhir could see past even the most powerful of illusions. Beneath this grand illusionary magic was a smaller, well gaurded fortress, illusions of columns and pillars are actually phantom soldiers and the bartizans concealed shadow griffons.

Allowing the fly spell to disipate Akhir landed himself in front the grand entrance of black marble and obsidian. The grand ornate gate opening in front of him, a smallish ashen skinned man in robes of silver and black came out to greet him.

"Who are you and why have you come?"

"I am Akhir, Knight Protector of the Realm and King of Melnibone', I have come to seek the counsel of the Shadowking."

"Ahh a Melnibonean, I thought your kind were long dead." He hissed at Akhir, his voice contemptuous and filled with venom.

"Go and fetch your master for I am the shadow kin." Akhir's tone was sharp and crisp, marking his own contempt for this petulant little servant.

The smallish man nodded and motioned Akhir into the main hall. Mostly unremarkable save for the dome a full sixty feet overhead, decorated with stars and Mool. At one end of the hall were columns, a portal and a black marble statue of robed man holding a tome and a torch. The monochrome world played on the senses, if you concentrated long enough and hard enough small tints of color could be seen, all very surreal.

"Follow me." The man motioned Akhir to the opposite end of the hall until the stood in front of the statue and portal. "I present Akhir Dyvim Tvar, King of Melnibone', Knight Protector of the Realm, Archduke of Dulce and Shadowkin." The silver hair fell away from the man's face as he turned to offer Akhir a twisted smirk with lips as black as night. The sound of the portal to the ballroom opening could be heard behind him. "I suppose his majesty will see you, your majesty, please follow me."

The little bastard knows who I am, he was toying with me. Akhir's thoughts were first to snatch the frail man up and break him in two pieces. However, he soon thought better of it and made his way inside the ballroom and then quickly into an alcove just off the main room. They came to stop in front of a dark door, no handle or grill but Akhir knew what lay beyond.


Date: 2009-12-11 20:39 EST
The dark door slid openly without sound, wonderous for a door fully six inches thick. The room opened into a double diamond shape, with a v-shaped ceiling. On the walls hung many shimmering drapes that divided and marked the eight points. In the center of the room was a double diamond shape table of stone. Around this was fifteen chairs, one chair darker and mistier than the others held the Shadowking himself. He is the king of the plane of Shadow and a Lord of Balance. He is very tall, very thin, pearly-skinned with hard, ashen eyes, ashen hair, and thin, night-dark lips. He has an aristocratic bearing and an arrogant visage.

"Your most Umbrageous Majesty, Lord of Murk, your most majestic Gloominess, may I please present His most beatific majesty Akhir Tvar?" The smallish steward was lowered in deference, his eyes never once lifted to gaze upon the lord of the shadows.

"Be gone you useless troll, I know who this is." The Shadowking's words were sharp and cutting.

The little man scampered from the room post haste causing Akhir to stifle a chuckle as the large dark door closed behind him.

"Akhir, to what do I owe the pleasure of an emporer of Melnibone'?" His ashen eyes probed Akhir as he spoke, motioning for Akhir to sit as he does so.

"It is an honor to be received by one such as yourself, your majesty." Akhir pulled out the chair motioned to by the Shadowking. "I need a favor, I need to locate someone that only you can find."

"All these centuries later and you do not come to visit your kin, you do not come to pay tribute or even socialize, you just come to beg favors?" The Shadowking's words were pointed, if he jested he was not letting on.

"Surely not your gloominess, I bring that which you love most from our lands." Akhir retrieved from the folds of his cloak a large red crystal bottle trimmed with gold, such contrast in a monochromatic world.

The Shadowking leaned forward, the misty veil falling away, his ashen eyes alight. "Say it isn't so, can it be?" The Shadowking rose from his seat to retrieve the bottle himself, cradling it, admiring it. "Brandy from the first golden age of Melnibone', the Noorak dynasty."

Akhir cast a wiley smile as he watched the Shadowking fawn over his present. "There is precious little left."

The Shadowking paused and held the bulbous bottle by its long thin neck, his eyes narrowing on the king of Melnibone'. "Wait, what favor would you ask of me that warrants such bribery?" The Shadowking returned to his seat, still clinging to the bottle, a bottle that he had no intent of ever surrendering.

"I need you to find someone, I need you to find Vidar, the Nor..." Akhir did not get to finish his sentence before the Shadowking interrupted.

"The Norse God, yes I know who Vidar is." The Shadowking set the bottle on the table in front of him, folding his hands in his lap in contemplation. "That is a dangerous thing you ask Akhir, I know you and he are friends but the Norse gods take a dim view of being spied upon. Why do you seek Vidar?"


Date: 2009-12-11 23:24 EST
Why am I hunting Vidar, now that was an interesting question for Akhir. How could he answer that and not appear the fool? He shifted position uncomfortably under the Shadowking's watchful gaze before answering. "I need to ask him a favor."

The Shadowking raised an eyebrow and appeared to ponder Akhir's answer for a moment. "If he gets angry you are dealing with him."

Akhir nodded in agreement and smiled. "Deal!"

The dark lord grunted and frowned his frustration as he pulled a small pouch from his hip. A black vial with silver designs was removed from this small leather bag. His gloominess poured a small amount of silvery metal-like liquid onto the table, it forms itself into a circular pool, then forming into a sphere. Slowly the sphere rose from the table and floated mere inches above the table as the Shadowking began to vocalize incantations in the shadow tongue.

Akhir listened carefully, trying to decipher the spell being cast. His eyes never left the silver sphere, slowly images began to appear as the dark lord's incantations began to flow. After what seemed to be an eternity the images began to focus on on a single place. The image began to zoom in on a small out-building next to a larger more ornate building. The inside of the of the building came next, slowly focusing on those within. Several figures seemed to mill about what appeared to be a mass of three or four figures together. The incantations became louder and sharper, the image seemed to follow suit. Two, no three women and a large red headed man. The women seemed to mill about him, feeding him wine and what appears to be fruit, as more half naked women milled about the room.

Without warning the large red haired man seemed to stare right back at the orb, right through the orb. His blue eyes pierced straight through those who watched him. Then with a thunderous clap of his hands the sphere went blank and splashed back down on to the table in liquid form. The Shadowking was knocked backwards into his seat and there he collapsed unconcious. The red headed man, Vidar could be seen no more.

"I wondered who would be spying upon me." A third voice appeared in the room suddenly. This voice was booming and strong.

Akhir spun quickly around to find a bare chested Vidar looming over him. "


Date: 2009-12-15 21:26 EST
"It is some nerve you have to disturb my wenching, and to go to the shadows to do it no less. I always detested this place, it lacks terribly in color." Vidar's booming voice seemed to calm some as he spoke, settling into a normal volume.

"It is good to see you too Vidar. I see the centuries have been kind." Akhir got to his feet to embrace his old friend as he spoke.

Akhir had moved to arm clasp Vidar, but Vidar had snatched him tightly and pulled him to his chest, nearly squeezing the life from him. "It is good to see you Akhir, good indeed."

Akhir cringed in pain as Vidar released his hold on him, slapping him firmly on the back as he did so. "It has been entirely too long since we have broken bread and drank meade." Akhir jerked a thumb to the Shadowking. "Shouldn't we wake him?"

"Not yet. So I understand you have been looking for me, pray tell what for" Are we going to battle, a good war perhaps?" Vidar cast a sideways grin as the bear chested red haired leviathan spoke, his leather breaches creaking in protest as he seated himself.

"Nothing quite so grandios." Akhir returned to his own seat as they spoke. "It seems that I am required to provide proof that I participated in the battle on the bridge to Jotunheim."

Vidar was noticably taken aback as judged by his expression of first confusion and then anger. "Who would question your word and why would you even bother" That battle was legendary, we still sing songs of that great war. For seven days and seven nights we battled without rest, without sleep and without retreat."

"It is a woman." Akhir's reply was almost sheepish as the magnitude of the battle and to whom he was speaking to came into focus.

"A woman......A WOMAN, you interrupt my wenching for a woman?" Now Vidar's boomed again, the vibration threatened to shake the very foundation of the castle.

"I would not ask if it was not important." Akhir's own voice began to rise in tempo and volume. "You owe me as much!"

Vidar looked at Akhir, his eyes wide and bordering on anger before Akhir's last statement began to cool his demeanor. "Look, let me take you out into the world and show you wenching. You will forget all about this shewolf before the first nightfall."

Akhir shook his head for a moment. "No, I want to see this through."

"You always were a sucker for the fairer sex. Will you at least tell me her name?" Vidar queried, probing into who would cause Akhir to go to such extremes.

"Shylah Vulpecula" Akhir trying his best to pronounce her name as she would.

Vidar paused, rubbed his great red beard and shook his head. "Come I tell you, we will wench, drink and make merry, you will be better for it." Vidar appeared to be contemplating where to go with this. "However, I know you and I know better. I know this woman of which you speak, it is dangerous ground you tread upon. I will tell you this much old friend and it should quench her thirst for proof. Tell her to seek her answer in the wisdom of her father, I can tell you this and nothing more."

Vidar got to his feet and stretched for a moment before something caught his eye. The gilded bottle that sat in front of the Shadowking had Vidar smirking. "Is that what I think it is Akhir?"

Akhir nodded and smiled. "You are going to take it aren't you?"

"Why Akhir, you are a mind reader." Vidar snatched the bottle from the table. "Tell the old gloomy one there it was my price for him spying on me. Akhir be well my friend and when the shewolf gets the better of you, seek me out and we shall wench in grand fashion."

"Thank you old friend." Akhir knew to leave Vidar's curious answer where it was, it would have to suffice.

Both Akhir and Vidar would vanish nearly simultaneously leaving the Shadowking to awaken to an empty chamber and a missing bottle. Akhir could hear him call his name, his voice echoing with frustration as the shadows slipped away.


Date: 2010-11-08 18:42 EST
Truly, she simply must view those special tapestries of which Akhir spoke about one evening at the infamous drinking establishment. Ja, that ....discussion ....where they both had grown quite angry with each other. The information he relayed had come as a complete surprise. Never had she been told of such a battle. Was it any wonder that she found what he said to be suspicious? She would be a fool to take anyone at their word unless they could back it up with proof. Especially when it came to the Norsk! She is a Seafaring Warrior for Odin's sake! Any Norsk warrior would have acted in the same manner ....of that there is no doubt!

At first she thought he might insist she sail to his hjemland of Dulce' to see them. So she waited and waited and waited to receive word, but none had been forthcoming. The lack of communication on his part had irked her more than she let on, and it had fanned the flames of doubt even higher. The Melnibonean seemingly had vanished from RhyDin.

Until recently. . .

It seems as if a dozen years have passed since they had that heated talk at the Red Dragon Inn, but the incident, if one wants to call it that, remains quite vivid in her memory to this day. When they finally cross path's again, the subject of those depictions is renewed. Happy to learn that the tapestries are now aboard his flagship, she gladly agrees to meet Akhir at the Docks.

"Permission to board the Defiance," calls out loud enough for the crew to hear.


Date: 2010-12-14 15:17 EST
The marines who stood watch over the dock and gangway had allowed Shy to approach the vessel unemcumbered, as she was a recognized friend of the king. However, to board the vessel was a different matter entirely.

A young sailor on the dog watch peered over the railing and shouted down. "'ere now, who are you and what business 'ave you aboard this vessel?"

A small crowd began to gather around the railing as a woman's voice had not gone fully unnoticed. Bedraggled sailors and sharply uniformed marines alike began to peer over the railing. Quiet mumblings, idle cat calls and low whistles began to ring out.

However, all these things quickly quieted as heavy bootfalls could be heard crossing the deck. "Back to your duties or I will flog the lot of you." Which of course caused peering eyes to quickly dissapear back behind the railings.

Then at the top of the gangway was a mountain of a man, dressed in all the fineries of a naval officer. By all appearances, it would seem he is captain of the vessel.

"What business have you aboard my ship missy?"


Date: 2010-12-20 12:33 EST
Being ogled and receiving unsavoury-type remarks as well as wolf whistles is nothing new for her when traversing the Docks; it is to be expected from those who sail the waters. Even more so from those who do not know her and truly understand what she is, will behave in such a distasteful manner. However, should she ever decide to show them exactly how ....things ....are, they more than likely will either run (and how she simply adores the chase) or take it as a challenge. Those who are stupid enough to dare her to that battle" Pity them.

Now usually, when at the harbor, at least four members of her crew accompany her. That is not the case on this particular day (by her command), and she is glad for it. Too often they are more than willing to fight anyone who they believe is disrespecting their kaptein. Having known the Melnibonean for many years, she is absolutely certain any crew he gathers, especially for his flag ship, are just as well trained and adept as her own men. It would not serve any fruitful purpose to have the two crews at each others throats, literally.

An enveloping gaze up at the sailors leering and peering over the railings; lightest of blue eyes takes in every face that is looking down upon her. Suddenly, young and old alike are given one of her most dazzling smiles, complete with dimples and pearly whites. Oh! But who among them are wise enough or quick enough to register the moment when her smile turns wolfish in form, and have an alarm bell go off in their heads"

"Back to your duties or I will flog the lot of you."

Saved, just in time! Softly chuckles as she watches the crew immediately retreat, to return to their various duties. But of course there is always one sailor bold enough to blow kisses her way with an added wink and vulgar hand gestures. Did the mountain of a man happen to see it too"

"What business have you aboard my ship missy?"

Him calling her "missy" is non-offensive to her sensibilities. After all, he could have said a lot worse. "Your skip?" Well now, that is an interesting piece of information. Everything about the man standing at the top of the gangway is placed to memory; what she sees of him, hears from him and his scent that already wafts her way, thanks to a light breeze.

Simply a brief pause before continuing, "I am here at the personal invitation fra Akhir Tvar, King of Dulce'and Melnibone'. Please inform his majesty that Shylah Vulpecula is waiting to board, and I komm bearing a gift." Although her response sounds casual enough, there is still that edge of a commanding tone. She is the leader of a Norsk Dragonship, after all, and a strong, proud female Viking. It is evident in her demeanor, in her posturing as she stands tall, with an authoritative air.

Having answered the spiffily dressed naval officer's question, deliberately turns her aquamarine-coloured gaze upon the marines who stand guard nearby, and flashes a charming smile their way.


Date: 2010-12-20 18:46 EST
The captain eyed her suspiciously with a slight tilt of the head. "I have heard thee tales before." He shifted position slightly before continuing his interrogation. "Usually his majesty gives visitors a letter of invitation or marque, did he give you neither? Oh well, it is no matter."

The captain turned to face someone on deck that was out of Shy's view. A few orders could be heard being issued, but none that could be heard to any standing on the dock.

The marines that fell under Shy's gaze, were battle hardened men as well obvioused by their battle scarred faces. Each part of their armor and weapons had a purpose, nothing wasted, nothing for show. They did not return her smile or even glance in her direction, they were rigid, at a attenion and on guard.

"I have sent word to the king, just wait there and I am sure word will come along shortly." The Capatin's words came down from the deck, having spoke his peace, he turned and walked from view.


Date: 2010-12-21 01:13 EST
Scrutiny, with a dimpled smile. Ja, the guards on duty are being closely inspected. She does not expect them to return her smile or even speak to her unless she should do something against Akhir's orders that warranted such actions from them. They somewhat remind her of those tin soldiers she has seen displayed in the window at the toy maker's shoppe; their attire completely different, but nevertheless they stand stiffly at attention in that same manner.

"Usually his majesty gives visitors a letter of invitation or marque, did he give you neither" Oh well, it is no matter."

The Captain's words register even though she is not currently looking up at him. There is no letter of invitation or marque in her possession, nei. All she has is the memory of the king verbally inviting her to the Defiance, should she wish to meet with him at the docks after explaining that the tapestries are aboard the flag ship. There is unexpressive surprise, however, upon hearing that it did not matter. He could just as easily have dismissed her and sent her on her way.

"I have sent word to the king, just wait there and I am sure word will come along shortly."

Of course she shall remain where she is, for now. She is not daft, nor is she willing to try anything foolish to secure her presence aboard the impressive war vessel. But, should an inordinate amount of time pass while waiting, in her opinion, then she will depart of her own accord.

Perhaps Akhir has changed his mind since they last spoke" Surely, she is about to find out.


Date: 2010-12-22 14:25 EST
Akhir was thumbing through some ancient tome when the knock came upon his cabin door. He would deliberately finish the passage he was on before answering the rap on his door.

The young sailor was quite nervous outside the king's door, bracketed on either side by the king's personal guards. Clutching his the bandana that had moments earlier covered his head in his hands.

"Come" The king's words were crisp and sharp.

The young man's hands trembled as he opened the door. His gaze firmly fixed towards the floor as he just stepped inside the cabin. "Majesty, the captain sends word, you have a visitor on the dock."

Akhir canted his head a moment, eyeing the young man up and down for a moment. "Has this visitor a name, or am I to be eft guessing?"

Now the young man began to stammer and stutter, struggling to get words past his lips. "I umm .....your majesty .....Shylah was her name."

The king lowered his tome to the desk, his reading glasses set aside. He rose from his seat, which sent the young sailor to his knees. Akhir had to stifle a chuckle with a thinly disguised cough. "Get up boy, go and tell the captain to show her below, bring her to my cabin."

"As you command majesty." The boy rose to his feet and quickly backed from the cabin and then ran down the passageway, not taking a moment to even so much as slow to a walk until he found the captain.

"Captain, sir ....the king commands you have his visitor shown below." The now breathless young sailor, again trying desperately to utter the king's command.

"Very well lad, return to your duties." The captain made his way to the top of the gangway, calling out to the lady below. "Permission to come aboard, his majesty will see you now."


Date: 2010-12-22 16:49 EST
Her intent examination of the guards is complete; every single detail of each man's visage, large and small, from head to foot, is noted and placed to memory. One final engaging smile is flashed to them before she turns those lightest of blue eyes of hers upon the war vessel itself. Again, scrutiny is applied as her gaze roams over the sophisticated design of the flag ship. Quite impressive. Although very different from her own longship. Just as she looks up the gangway, who should suddenly reappear? Why, the Captain, of course!

"Permission to come aboard, his majesty will see you now."

Pleased and pleasantly surprised that her wait has essentially been a short one, a dimpled smile forms. There is no indication of fear or sign of hesitancy to be seen as she begins her graceful ascent up the heavily built planks to board the mighty ship. Before long, she is stepping onto the upper deck. A quick, sweeping look-see at the crew who are busily attending their various assigned duties. Espies the idiot male who made ignoble gestures at her before he moved away from the railing. Blatantly stares at him with haughty disdain; the look turning a bit feral, then dismissive as she turns her gaze back upon the well-dressed naval officer, who apparently commands the Defiance under Akhir's orders.

"Takk, Kaptein. I am most eager to meet with his majesty." Scandinavian accent thick, but her words are usually understood by the majority of those she addresses in the common language of the putrid land. Hopefully, he, too, will have no problem deciphering what she says.

Out of habit, a slight adjustment is made to her Winter's outer garment of arctic wolf and fox furs. And then a lifting of gloved hand to her hair, checking for errant tendrils that might have escaped her braid. Ja, even the Norsk Viking wants to look presentable for the Melnibonean king. Blame it on femininity.


Date: 2010-12-23 11:43 EST
The deck was neatly arranged, every lanyard squared away and the sheets smartly tended. Crew were busily polishing the ship's brass, squaring the rigging and tending to what seemed to be gun maintenence. On the deck the 24 pounders had been hauled back and were being swabbed, the brass monkeys neatly stacked with balls. The long nines on the bow were also being maintained. One could assume the gun deck just below was also flush with activity, peering down through a hatchway would reveal 42 pounders being readied and cleaned.

Shy would be shown to the aft quarter deck, a hatchway was opened by two marine guards. These guards no less equally armed and armored as the ones on the dock. Expressionless men of war and purpose did not even indicate in the slightest that shipboard guest was a female.

At this point they would be greeted by another man and Shy would be handed off to him. The captain excused himself and introduced Raftsanjani, the king's steward. Words were short and to the point, no frivolity or excess.

Raftsanjani was obviously not a naval officer as evidenced by his clothing. Finely dressed and well appointed in brightly colored breeches in some hue of red and wrapped in various robes in scarves of many colors. He would almost appear middle eastern in his wardrobe, but his facial features almost marked him as elvish.

Raftsanjani lowered his head for a moment in deference before speaking. A few silent words at first and a few small gestures with one hand. Once he was satisfied with whatever he was doing. "I would be pleased if you would follow me, his majesty awaits your arrival in his cabin."

At this point Shy would be led down a stairwell which would be rougly on the same level as the gun deck. The walls were teak and well oiled, the stairs were a rose colored wood, perhaps Madagascar rosewood, finely polished brass handrailings and lamps hung along the double wide passage way. A turn to the right would reveal a large hallway, equally well appointed marked by several doors and one set of double doors with guards on either side. The double doors marked an entry way aft, the marines who stood guard were different than the others aboard. These men wore blood red armor, highlighted with black piping. Their swords, and edged pugils were far more fierce and intimidating in appearance. The visors on their helmets were closed, eyes hidden by what appeared to be darkly tinted glass.

Raftsanjani paused in front of the double doors. He double checked the properness of his attire before knocking. A quick glance to Shy behind him, giving her a quick look over and then he knocked.

"Come" was all that could be heard from the other side. It sounded as if it was Akhir's voice, but it was muffled by the heavy oaken doors.

Raftsanjani slowly opened the door fully and took a single step inside. "With his majesties permission I would like to introduce Shylah Vulpecula." He was still blocking her from viewing the king, he would follow protocol to the inth degree.

"Very well, allow her to come in." Now this clearly was Akhir's voice.

Raftsanjani took a couple more steps inside and then stepped aside to allow her entry into the cabin, lowering his head to the king. "As you command majesty." He glanced back at Shy and discreetly waved her in with one hand. "His highness will see you now."


Date: 2011-01-01 16:36 EST
The letter had come some four days prior to his seeing Shy in the Inn. It was quite clear, there was no ambiguity in the core of the letter at all. "Having suffered one civil war because of the crown's love for a human women, and having lost thousands of our kin in the process. The noble houses of Melnibone' do hearby declare that they will not support a second marriage of the royal house to a human."

Akhir looked over the contents of the letter time and again. Although the marriage to the Lady Jaistn D'Artiers had been overwhelmingly supported by the many great houses of Melnibone', mainly because of her philanthropic work with the orphans of all races. Further she had earned the good graces of the merchant princes as well, she popular for a human, and the house of Y'rKoon was not. Akhir's cousin was hated through most of the land for his foul cruel ways, and he led the opposition to the first marriage.

However, now the land had grown weary of war amongst its own peoples. The opposition to a new human interloper had spread to all the houses that suffered losses, even those that had traditionally supported the king. Not even all the fleet admirals could be counted on this time, as one or two prominent names appeared on the list. If the new woman had been one of the ancient races, even elf, it would have been an easier pill to swallow, for the entire kingdom had been declared elf friend.

No, it was crystal clear, no human woman will ever again sit at the left hand of a Melnibonean king. The noble houses had spoken clearly and it was time to return home for now. In fact it had been made so clear that some of the houses had been rumored to put contracts on both his life and hers. He would arrange for a marine courier to notify her to takes whatever measures were reuired, but he could not intervene.

Akhir wandered the upper deck of the Defiance, he could hear the reports and commands quite clearly.

"Captain" the boatswains mate reported. "Everything is secure for a winter's voyage. We have extra provisions, fuel for fire and winter sundries."

The captain looked to the king for some acknowledgement if he should indeed get underway. "Your majesty, should we get underway?"

Akhir took one long look around the harbor facilities, his gaze narrowed for a moment as he clutched the amulet beneath his tunic. "Let us get underway captain while we still have a break in the winter ice."

"Very well your majesty, we will make it so immediately." The captain replied before turning to the first mate. "Let go your lines fore and aft, loose the topsails and make for the channel."

The first mate repeated the captain's commands and the ship suddenly became a flurry of activity. She slowly began to heel with the tide. The harbor master's longboats hauled with longlines to get her turned in the right direction. However, it was not long before more sails had been loosed, the long boats cut free and the ship was moving under her own power.

Akhir did not even look back, he stood on the deck, his eyes afixed on the target, the open sea. The other ships of the Third Fleet clearly dotted the horizon. They too had been reprovisioned and were preparing to get underway. It was not until the ship cleared the breakwater and the point, that Akhir dissapeared below deck. Fully underway now, Akhir would sail off to another day.