Topic: Watch File #1


Date: 2012-08-02 19:34 EST
Aja walked down the docks, on her way to greet a ship captain about a new supply route and saw the sailor propped against the pylon as if he were napping. If not for the blood running down the man's arm onto the dock and slipping through the cracks in the boards, she could've easily bought the napping scenario.

She sighed deeply before she pushed the button to dial the only cop she could think of that she liked.

"Rach, it's Aja...if ya got connections in homicide, ya might want ta send one of 'em down ta pier three at the Biston Docks on the West End. I think they'll find a new case."

"Merci, mon ami." Rachael's French was easily understood by Aja at this point. "It is nothing I shall have to file paperwork on, is it?"

"No. This one ain't mine." Aja grinned slightly into the phone and then looked back to the poor man in question. "I jist happened across him along my route today." Aja glanced around then back to the man. "I don't think he's been here very long though. Rats ain't found him yet. And ta answer yer next two questions, I didn't hear or see anything or anyone."

"Merci, mon ami. I shall contact my colleagues in Homicide, and give them the tip. They will ask for a source, but I will say it is someone who does not wish to be known, if you wish."

"I'll stay with the poor guy till they get here. Keep the rats away." it was the least she could do for a fellow sailor.

"Oui, both sorts of rat, non' Merci. I shall let them know that there is someone to speak to, on behalf of the victim."

"Alright. I'll call Rico, let "em know I'll be off schedule by an hour or so."

"Oui. If there should be any other trouble, you have my number, non?" Those words held a tone of concern for her friend.

Aja laughed a little. "Of course I have yer number. Silly." she shook her head a little. "But I get what yer saying. And it's appreciated."

"De rien. Mallow would miss her treats on Tuesdays, also."

"See ya tonight. I'll buy ya a scotch fer da added work."

"Make it two, and you have a deal. Bonsoir, mon ami."

"Ya got it. Bye.? she hung up, clipping her phone back to her belt.

Aja stood and looked at the dead man, tilting her head considering how his life came to such a violent end without anyone witnessing it. It was nothing new to her, she had seen death before, caused some herself. Somehow, this one seemed sadder to her. This sailor, dying alone with no one but the sea he loved as a witness.