February 8, 2016
Ammy made her way to Rhy'Din General. Normally she avoided hospitals like the plague. She hated the smells of chemicals that assaulted her nose, the shrillness of medical alerts and status reports, and a complete aversion to needles. It didn't help that most of her life in Rhy'Din revolved around having her ass put in the hospital from a lot bad choices.
Still, she had a new friend that could use some more cheering up and some of her services. She made her way to the hallway leading to Mach's room, the nursing staff well aware of who she was and that she was relatively harmless when she chose to be. Ammy would pause in front of the two guards keeping Mach safe. They'd see her in shredded jeans that let her white fur spill from the slits and dressed in a blue t-shirt with an airbrushed portrait of the Silver Hawks cartoon cast. A very large black back pack was over one shoulder.
A smile to the guards. "Hey guys. Just here to visit Mach for a while. Hangout, cheer him up and see about fitting him with a temporary arm till he gets home." She'd unsling her pack and hold it out for one of the guards as well as assume a T pose for pat down and wanding. A younger her would have balked the 'man' and break the rules. The older her often smirked at the younger her.
Ammy may have noticed when she left the elevator that the detail had increased in presence as there was now a guard stationed at the elevator to the medical wing as well as one that sat lazily about the nursing station atop of those guards at the door. Of course the men at the door were still as humorless as ever with the lupe, perhaps even a little moreso since it was just the fury non-human. Regardless they'd treat her with respect as they wanded her down, an appreciative nod as she took to the position for the pat down which was....oddly more personal than before. This was 'no fly list at the airport' sort of pat down! When they were finished one guard held a hand out for the bag. "We'll need to hold on to that for the moment and go over all it's contents first ma'am. We'll bring it in to you when we're finished." Stated flatly.
The bag was either given up or the man with the assault rifle before the door was not moving so it would seem the only way forward was to give up the bag for inspection. And upon doing that, well, they would let the woman pass on into the room with perhaps a few withered glances. Stepping in the first noticeable difference would be the second gurney that now occupied the other half of the room, the bed emptied and made but the presence of personal affects and monitoring equipment spoke volumes that, usually, it was occupied. And in the far bed, well, there was Mach putzing about on his phone. The man looked far better with hair and everything, the number of bandages down to a minimum and the color fully restored to him though he still looked fatigued and haggard.
Shifting blue eye blue from this phone to the door a wry grin pulled upon him as he saw the lupe entering. "Hey Ammy, fancy seeing you!" He chuckled as he dropped the phone to make grabby hand at the woman.
Ammy let out a small playful growl at the guard patting her down. "Hey. Hey. Ease up or your buying me dinner and explaining to my mates why they shouldn't break your legs." she grinned, showing all white, sharp canine teeth. The bag was handed over with ease as they let her pass, she looked to the guard taking her bag. "I need most of that equipment. Nothing is lethal and would snap if used as a weapon. You hawk or break anything and I remove your intestines through your nose with a local."
Threats and jibes given, she'd smile seeing Mach and head inside. "Hello Mach. Looking much better today. You have company?" A nod to the spare gurney and gear. She would give him a hug. "Thought I'd drop in, keep you some company and.....get you that temporary prosthetic arm so you can grab things twice as good." a small wink attached to that statement.
The gaurds....well, their expressions only seemed to thin at those joking threats, the subtle sound of rubber squeezing on metal becoming evident as the one guard took a firmer hold of his rifle. They were obviously nervous and distrusting of the non-human, a stark difference in attitude from Mach it seemed! As for the comment about breaking or hawking anything, well, the man just gave a nod. "I'll keep that in mind ma'am." Yes, cheerless sorts indeed.
Inside the room the atmosphere was much different as Mach pulled the woman into a hug, a kiss pecked to the side of her muzzle and one for the other. French a la Lupe greeting it seemed! Giving the woman another squeeze he'd finally release her, a full teeth grin offered. "Yeah...a friend of mine got into a scrape with some bastards." There was a dangerous glint to that sole cobalt eye as he spoke on such. "Pulled some strings to have her in here since one of the bastards got away and yeah....armed guards, good for the peace of mind even if it might put her a little close to me and the bad that can come after a dope like me." He shrugged lazily at that before motioning for the chair bedside or to the spot next to him on the bed. Her choice, either or!
"Company eh' Your a sweetheart!" Bright little smile at that as the man set aside his phone, pulling the bedside table over so as he could snag a box of cookies which were opened and offered over like a proper host. Of course at the mention of a prosthetic the man's expressions lifted some in surprise. "Oh' A temporary' Like....no surgical?" That peaked his interest as he liked grabbing things! And perhaps more importantly so long as it was removable he'd actually entertain the notion since were it not it would likely be ripped off of him when he got back to Tang. Alien tech and disciplinary boards and such and such.
Ammy was happy to be on the other side of the door and not a target. She'd hate to explain to Mirius why her favorite shirt had bullet holes in it and why she'd have to bail Ammy out of jail for killing guards.
"Yup. Company and an arm." she grinned and accepted a cookie. She'd sit on his bed, making things a bit more relaxed and friendly. "Enjoying the better reception on your phone" And yeah. Temp prosthetic. I'm not a surgeon. I got really good at making non-invasive limbs. The more serious ones I could make and design, but I'd have to check in to get put in, back in the day. In fact, here's some pics of what I did personally for myself during those years." she'd pull out her phone, swipe it open and show him pics.
Mach was clueless but likely very glad whenever one of his friends came along and there wasn't a firefight outside his room! Hey, he knew the sort of views those back in Tang held and the sort of people he associated with. And the fact that this one had artificial limbs, fur, and a tail....yeah, he could imagine the sort of treatment she was getting. He'd apologize himself if he thought such would do any better but instead he simply decided to do what he did best. Ammy was Ammy and that was how he'd treat her.
As she'd find herself on the bed the man would hit the switch on the doggle thing...yeah....the doohickey that made the back raise up! It would get him into a comfortable position as he looked over the photos shown, his expression gentle. "Damn....you've lost a fair bit..." Spoken softly as he tapped her arm and legs softly. "Sort of a fear of most hunters like me, yeah' To loose so much of ourselves when we're barely human to begin with." A lazy chuckle escaped him as he settled back, a look to the phone. "Oh yeah, it's been great! I could get all the porns now for my lonely nights here!" And he'd burst into a cackle at that teasing joke, his head shaking in apology for the crass humor.
"Sorry, sorry, but no, it has been nice, thank you! I'm still not sure how the hell it works....I mean, I can feel it working but....it tastes odd....the magic that is." He shrugged mildly.
Ammy just giggled hearing the man. "I'm not bothered by porn. Hell, I'm a mother and a grandmother." As if that explained it all. She looked at the photos, lost in thought a moment, a slight frown touching her muzzle.
"Marks of an idiot that didn't know how to keep herself safe most days. I was always throwing myself into the meat grinder of life those days. If there was a fight, a war, or some damn deity or monster mucking about, I was there, usually first to charge and first to get thoroughly reamed protecting others. Here, this pic..." She pointed to one of her being almost teen like with silver white metal limbs and black orb joints, "Was my first case of thinking of someone else and not me. The guy had an idiot friend that shoved him around a lot as a joke in a laboratory they were breaking me out of. Dummies didn't realize they were surrounded by liters of transmutation fluid just waiting to shift and change anything falling into them. Well the horseplay got out of hand on a catwalk as the one guy started to go over the rails. I lunged forward to push him back and well, gravity grabbed my butt and pulled me into a vat. That day I learned real fear. My legs and arm vanishing to be replaced by the metal ingots in my back I had on, part of what I could scrounge to help us escape."
She'd chew on a cookie a bit more. "Since then those limbs were fine until, well....a god threw me out of Sliinkaa and into a realm gate. I woke up on some artificially intelligent ship with limbs that didn't work. My first lesson that magic is not equal in all realms. I was the proud owner of three solid metal limbs with no magic to animate them. The AI race, the Mardooks, taught me how to make robotics and prosthetics." She grimace and grinned then. "Lessons served me well since getting here."
She'd give Mach a good look with her golden eyes. "I don't have prosthetics anymore, but then again, when.....the weird happens and turns you into a sun goddess, permanent limb loss, well isn't an issue anymore. They just regenerate now." she said a bit glumly. "I used to count my wounds and maiming as lessons I survived, now.....they just vanish, like I'm some gifted idiot given infinite chances to screw up more." She shrugged some. "Sorry about the blather. I can see why most people fear loss of limbs. You literally lose your freedom in things and parts of yourself. Though I will have to say.....when I got my real limbs back I...missed the fake ones. Felt naked, vulnerable and weak."
The comment about odd taste in magic had her giggle. "Well it's because it's not really pure magic for the Aethar Ware. It uses a piece of special crystal our moon, Moresh, has. My colleague brought them to me one day. Their whole society revolves around their use. They have magical patterns imprinted on the crystals at the atomic level. This is naturally occurring and well, the crystals resonate and radiate energy patterns that mimic and harmonize with magical energy."
The lupe may have found a comforting stump drawing her into a cuddling hug as she spoke about her past, about how she'd lost her limbs and gained them back and was now, effectively, impervious to her own stupid actions. It was something the man could understand oddly, in his own way. Obviously limb loss was a serious thing for him but the woman may have noted that Mach, for what he did and how familiar he was with hospitals, was pretty clean of scars. It was, honestly, miraculous for a man like he to be so well off though by the smell of the regeneration potion he took it was probably not much of a hard trick to wrap ones head around.
"Damn....transmutation fluid doesn't sound like a lot of fun..." Stated blandly as he looked over the picture, a slight color rising upon him at the lack of clothing to keep modesty in those clinical sort of photos. "And it looks like you really did put yourself through the grinder..." A mild smirk escaped him at that. "So is the older, more porn okay you less prone to such boughts of youthful stupidity since..." Oh hey, those taps were to furry meat and not metal. Squish, squish....well, not so much given the strong build but still. Totally unexpected!
"Well...since you're no longer held accountable by stupidity?" A mild smirk though he'd give the lupe a squeeze as she grew glum, his smile thin. "Yeah....I can see that....to look at me you probably wouldn't guess some of the stupid I've lived through. Got chewed near in half by a dragon once and...yeah....a little hip pain when it rains is all I get for it." He shrugged softly. "Well, you just have to remember them....the wounds that make and craft you. Remember the hard times that make you into you, yeah' Keep you balanced and humble." A nudge into her cheek with his brow into a form of broface.
Listening about the talk of the crystal and how it worked, well, the man nodded in that vacant sort of manner that just told that he wasn't exactly the best academician. Yes, resonation and radiation and mimic and stuff....the professor in the woman would very much recognize the vacancy in his eye! Of course this could also have been because he was chewing on some other bit of query that niggled in his mind. "Wait....hold on....you're a goddess!?"
Ammy smirked. "Funny how everyone goes into stupor when I explain physics and latch onto 'goddess' when it comes out of my mouth." She chuckled and snagged another cookie. "Yeah.....I guess I am a goddess. I am still wrapping my head around it and still trying to learn and understand what the hell I really am. I just know my....uhm.....heavier powers are sun fueled and vampires really, really hate me." She grinned.
"Transmutation fluid is bad. During the early days of alchemy back home on Sliinkaa, the process off transmutations was crude. Often the impurities in reagents would create a....magical liquid that was basically distilled alchemy. The liquid would cut out the middle man you could say by making anyone an alchemist without the study, the arrays, the signs, just put stuff together, a few drops, poof, transmutation. It was my first sin as a Lupinossai. Making that stuff for my captives. My second one.....well let's just say my mates get funny feelings and really protective when I want to back and correct that sin."
The man gave a sheepish grin as he was caught being a bad student. "Hey, I'm pretty dumb yeah' I mean, sure, some of my idiocy is an act, good for throwing folks off kilter....but you don't take a lifetime of getting blown up for a living if your smart....least not where I come from." A mild shrug as he gave the woman a nudge while he cuddled with her, the blanket let to drop some from his lap as, indeed, she was pretty warm! Snagging a cookie of his own he'd nibble upon it as he listened. "Yeah....I can only imagine trying to wrap your head around that. I mean, it still makes my head hurt just thinking about some of the things I've gone up against." The man shrugged. "Well, you'll forgive me if I just see you and worship you as a sexy woman and not someone I should drop to the ground to worship as some divine thing that could squash me like an ant, yeah?" His tone was cheeky but the words were genuine as he spoke.
Of course as she spoke about the transmutation fluid and what it did he just sort of nodded along in some understanding. Mach wasn't the sharpest tool around, but he was still pretty good. And he understood 'bad stuff' rather well. "So wait....for your captives...like....you used to transmute folks?" This was said numbly before he even had a chance to think about the tact of asking such a question. "Ah...er....sorry, that was pretty rude of me. Not that I'm judging...I...we all have skeletons in our closets....and I mean....really, feel free not to answer anything you don't want to." He backpedaled hard with a dopey little idiots grin. "I know how hard taking about such stuff can be....especially with a strange stranger like me."
Finishing his cookie he'd snag yet another and would work on that one as he made note of that second sin in accordance to the first. "Mates..." Spoken mildly. "How many do you have?" A curious tilt of features as he considered this. "Sorry if that's personal. I'm....actually kind of clueless about your particular culture." A motion to her in general.
Ammy just smiled and made two bottles of soda appear for them to enjoy from thin air. "I....don't look for worshipers. Contrary to popular belief, being a god or goddess back home is a job title, not an honorary thing. You put your life on the line daily for those you care about and those you don't know. We....well....our people have a bad history for hating gods and viewing them selfish. None of our gods have worshipers or followers. Just extra ordinarily gifted people that others fear or enjoy. So praying to me wont do a thing. I am just Ammy, with a few new perks. That's about it." she was very modest and low key on her new status.
Hearing him dig some into who she was didn't phase her much. They were in relatively private company and she'd gotten over her urge to deny how dark she'd fallen over the centuries. Well he wouldn't know about the centuries, she assumed. "I did....transmute many living creatures and people." she pulled in a small breath and let out a relaxing sigh. "Pretty much when my Lupe body matured into a teenager and the powers of my Phoenix soul manifested.....I became a lab play toy for a Lupinossai Mage named Spiritor. He, like most over ambitious males wanted to take over our country and then the world. He had me as his little experimental mage toy and spent years torturing and testing me and making me repeat many rituals, spells, and experiments to further his armor of mages along..." Ammy said casually though her golden eyes had taken on a hardened look of someone that had accepted she had done many things against her will, her fault or not. She still had to live with the memories.
"Did you know that a human soul can live and animate one mechanical object for exactly 223 years and 15 days" Or that weapons imbued with the soul of child will actually cry at night when it's dark" That a shield soaked in a mothers blood will be the hardest thing to ever penetrate when it guards a child but will turn brittle like paper when held by an adult' That with proper focus and a snap of fingers, the closest a battle alchemist needs to be to a living target is 30 feet to allow them to deconstruct bone, flesh and muscle" That Nethicite, a mineral that absorbs and negates magic, introduced into the blood will poison a mage for years and every spell they cast removes portions of their body till their blood is cleansed. That a lupinossai teen can endure being beaten, starved, cut upon and left in the dark for 7 years and only want to kill one man. One man that turns out to be the father of her husband." she grimaced and lowered her had a moment, a silent snarl rippled over muzzle and then calmed again. She sipped more soda and relaxed again.
"But I digress. Normally our race takes on one mate, often like humans. Some though have a more clan mentality where harems are encouraged to improve the survival odds of offspring and to cement border peace and alliances with other neighboring clans. I have three mates and often get looked at with disgust. Oh well, just means I have a warm bed all year round and a very loving family. Then again....it's sort of a roll reversal. I wear the pants in the family usually and everyone else follows my orders until one day I snapped mentally and just about lost their respect and love. Now, we all follow someone else's rules."
The man flinched a little as that soda just appeared, sole cobalt blue snapping about as if expecting some sort of hell to rain down upon them or some alarm to wail to life. After a few moments of silence the tension would finally leave the man and he'd take the soda with an appreciative nod. It was a good thing they weren't in a Tanga facility or the whole place would have been rumbling in alarm! Popping the top with a little more practice than one as newly one handed as he should likely have been able, the man just listened as she spoke about being a goddess. "Ouch....that sounds sorta rough. Guess deification isn't all it's cracked up to be..." A mild shrug before he'd nudge her. "Well, I'll still worship you as the sexy beast of a mama and grandmama that you are!" Cheeky grin as he said that, something likely about the sacrilegious notion of worship from the schmooze was obviously humorous to him.
Taking a sip of the soda he listened as she spoke and her word grew darker and darker still, the past that she lived through apparently bubbling up to haunt her. At some point his soda would have been set aside and by the time the woman would have finished her rant about the dark side of magic, the horrors she'd been a party too....well, she might be surprised to find herself wrapped up in the man's arms as he held her to him comforting. "Hey...hey...it's alright, yeah....that's the past....and now....now your a different person, yeah?" He spoke in comforting tones until she relaxed, moreso on her own than anything he did as evidenced as she sipped her soda. This....did little to dissuade the man from comforting her still, a squeeze given to the woman that likely could have killed him ten times over. Yeah....Mach really was sort of species blind, all he saw was a person hurting.
"I....kind of knew about a lot of that actually..." Spoken softly. "Hunters....we study how magic can be used to terrible effect so as we can try to stop such. I've never experienced forcing such on others though....can't imagine how it must affect you..." Gentle words spoken softly as he held the lupe. "I mean....I can understand a little. I've....done a lot of bad things myself....enjoyed the hunt and the....yeah..." His words fell silent at that thought. "Darkness...it's a bitch, yeah?" A little chuckle at the words though there was little mirth to be had with them.
He'd hold the woman for a little longer until she finally moved off into speaking about her family life and...well...he sort of thought maybe he should just continue hugging Ammy! "Ahh...I see....don't see why there should be disgust but guess I don't really know the culture." Spoken mildly, his expression a little strained as she spoke about snapping and now being under the leadership of someone. Yeah....he didn't have any words for that so she would get a squeeze as a snagged his drink for a sip. "shit....sounds like you've had a rough time at it....kind of make makes me feel like a whiner in comparison." He smirked lightly, another sip taken when there was a rap on the door. Talk about being saved by the distraction! "Come in!"
The door would open to show a rather somber looking guard, the fellow stopping with evident disgust at seeing....well, the furry woman wrapped up in the hunters arms. Yeah, that wasn't obvious, but of course Mach didn't bother to release the woman. If anything she would have to suffer a kiss to the corner of her lips and a warm squeeze which worked to prompt the fellow to bring in the bag and leave it quickly. "Y-Youre stuff passed inspection...excuse me....sir."
"And ma'am..." Mach spoke out in a lazy but cool tone to the man as he kind of nuzzled the lupe woman, hoping to gods she didn't rip him to shreds for being so friendly with her simply for his own selfish reasons.
The soldier paused a tick, his form stiffing before he turned a look back to the cozy couple. "Ma'am." The word was sour but earnest if only because the superior officer was glaring at them. Another nod and the guard would leave and Mach....well, Mach just melted onto the lupe.
"I'm sooo sorry!" A tired whine in obvious embarrassment at the treatment.
Ammy felt the hugging and the kisses and heard the guard come in. She gave him a glance mixed between thanks and almost pity as if she saw something in the guard she'd been privy to so long ago. Immortality of the soul was a bitch. So many memories clouded present life. "Thank you." She said to the man. "Sorry to have been harsh with you all earlier." she said to the guard before he left.
She looked to Mach. "Sorry for what? You're dealing with one of the flirtiest gals in Rhy'Din that rocks the fuzz." she smirked. "Don't be worried about me Mach. I've got a good family that's helped me cope and pull through the crap I've lived through. They'll keep me going well." She'd lean over and take the pack left behind. "Besides, I'll tell you what I told my last husband. Be careful about getting close to a Phoenix. All we do is bring ash and destruction. Then again, my first husband never took that hint seriously so many centuries ago. You'd have liked him. Tan skin, a way about the ladies, ran a beach resort in Eloso, Yasmiir. For a Humaran, he was a real tiger in the sack."
She began pulling out a large metal case with lots of screens and buttons on it as well as calipers, rulers and measuring tape. "He had a kind smile too, and green eyes like sea glass. He knew how to take care of me. Course back then I was like him, a genetically enhanced Human. Humaran was the new monicker they liked...." She asked for his stump and would start taking careful, exacting measurements and even photos with her phone.
"I could only repay his love so much though...." She began tapping things upon the screens of the metal case as she talked more. "Tell me Mach.....you ever do any missions where you knew the risk. Knew the cost and still got.....attached?"
Mach just sort of huffed into her collar before drawing himself up from that mushy state. "Yeah, well, telling me not to worry is like yelling at the sun to..." Okay, he just had to smirk as that saying held a whole new meaning with this one! "....er, that is...like telling the ocean not to be wet." There, boom, nailed it! Still, throughout his chuckling he still held a serious note to his expression, one of concern. "Well, so long as you're okay. It just chaps me though....not really of the view that folks should just have to 'deal' with shit that's mounted on them though suppose that's just part of things..." A sour note at that last part, something obviously personal with that view.
Of course at the mention of Ammy being flirty and her first human husband being a tiger in the sack....well, that drew a light amount of red upon the hunters features! "Well....shit....now I'm curious!" A wry little grin at that which moved into a chuckle as she spoke that warning about getting close to a Pheonix. "But yeah, well, some of us folks are just born stupid." A lazy little shrug was offered. "Or broken since I find the fuzzy version of you rather appealing." And now he smiled warmly to the woman, the expression genuine. "So don't flirt too badly with me or I might have to have my feelings hurt at being compared to lovers past and only measuring up to a kitten in the sack!" And now he burst into riotous laughter at that self depreciating joke, an attempt to humor away the negative vibes in classic schmoozy fashion.
At the request for his stump he would oblige, the gown shifted so he could pull the limb out as he'd unravel the bandaging that lay over it. What lay beneath was....well, still pretty bad. The flesh had grown back but it was still badly mutilated with what looked like spell runes still worming along the destroyed flesh straight down to where it was folded over the bone and sewn up by the surgeons. This pattern worked it's way up to his shoulder where the damage finally subsided rather neatly. It almost looked like wild magic had been consuming his arm by the deep carving and etching of his flesh.
Offering the stump out for the woman without complaint the man listened to the question, a dry smirk escaping him. "Got attached huh?" The man toyed around with that phrase, his form growing contemplative for a long moment. "Yeah...once....kind of....well, sort of where 'Mach' came from..." The man chuckled softly at that admission. "Was your first humaran husband a 'job'?" Asked quietly as he held his stump out for the measurement that would likely need to account from some more mass growth as the limb still looked transitory in nature.
Ammy looked over the stump, was very tender and gentle with her measuring, as if she did this often with patients. She noticed the magical rune work going up his arm. "Hmm." is all she said for the moment. Hearing him answer her question she sort of hedged a moment. "No. Jeremy wasn't.....the mission." She said and punched in the measurements into the black metal box.
"He was part of the infiltration stage of the mission...." she ran fingers along the edge of that box. "Being a mage weapon for the Lupinossai wasn't my first dose of that hellish life. As a Humaran, my parents were dead when I was born, leaving me and my twin brother as charges of the State Military. I was hand raised to be their shining star for putting down all Anthro uprising on Sliinkaa and any supporters they had. Well, one nation was Yasmiir. So I was sent there with a team to gather intel and initiate stage two of the plan when the Hammer of Aethar felt they had enough data. Jeremy.....was ...." she went silent a bit and hit an option on one of the screens.
The black metal box began to gently hum and whirr. She moved it to the foot of the bed and then attacked another cookie and her soda. She rubbed at her muzzle as if she had lost the words she wanted to say from her mind. "It....wasn't right. 2nd stage....well.....many people paid for it." She sipped her soda again. "My team included." She looked to Mach. "I never could understand how one group could consider another group expendable, disposable. I knew....I knew my crew, trained them all. I knew all those people in Eloso, many in Tala-Ray, Corcoso, Varem and Halba Bay." She stared at her hands and at the label on the can of soda.
"Have you ever been viewed and used as a weapon, Mach?" She asked him. She had a sense that he was something unique the way he kept saying 'Hunter'.
The man...didn't seem to feel anything in the stump as the woman gently took her measurements, manipulated it as she needed to get all the measurements for that....black....box.....Huh, that was a little ominous! The little sound the woman made studying the arm did garner a little chuckle. "Not much to look on I know but it'll improve. One of the things that will have to happen when I go back is that they'll need to scrub the latent magic still burnt into the flesh and bone." This was said nonchalantly though it hardly sounded so easy or pleasant a procedure. "As is I can move the limb about but I can't feel it in the least. Hardly even in a phantom sense..."
Another mild chuckle before he fell quiet, listening to the tale the woman spoke of about her past. About Jeremy, about a mission, and....Ammy would find herself in the man's arms once more, being comforted as she spoke about loss, his expression gentle, kind, and stoic. That cold stoicism that spoke not of sympathy....but empathy for the plight of another. She may have lived centuries more than him, may have endured lifetimes more hardship....but that didn't preclude her from the simple comforts of contact with another, of caring hugs and open ears. Immortal souls be damned.
It was that last question that would bring him from his thoughts, from the automated response of comforting the Lupe and to the foreground as he gave her another squeeze. "Ah....that sort of attached.....yeah....I've done that too." A gentle chuckle issued. "Ellena was her name and we....were to be married." Soft smirk issued as he waited a moment for the laugh or dumbfounded look that usually followed such a bomb. Mach....married....truly a cosmic joke if ever there was one! But who one was in the present and who they were in the past were often vastly different things....this was something the schmooze sort of figured with Ammy but until today, well, he really had not a clue hadn't he.
Shaking his head he dislodged that thought. "She died....because yes, I....all of us hunters....we are just that. Weapons." And with that admission he smiled gently. "Maybe you saw it when I sort of snapped at Hope about calling herself a monster, yeah?" Wry chuckling took him as he gave the woman a squeeze though perhaps this wasn't so much for her as it was for him. "As a hunter we learn about all the dark and nasty magic can and does do....what mad science can affect on the world. And with that we learn how to stop such....but we pay a price....we give up part of our humanity, yeah' And then we get the magic and....well, we cease to be human's any more. Not human....not mage....not mad scientist....just a tool, a weapon, a monster with a purpose." Simple roll of shoulder to such cruel words as he gave the woman another squeeze. "I'm guessing sort of the view you've had to live with."
Ammy nodded quietly. "Yeah. Sorry you lost her. I....had to stab Jeremy in the back. He knew the Humaran military was coming. Wanted me to go with him into hiding. Didn't realize his darling....wife was the Humaran General of War Magic. It's....the damn eyes. Damn, hopeful regret in his eyes as I pulled my knife out of him. He....was spared at the coming quiet though."
She looked at the box, brought it back to her and looked to him once, briefly, pain in the golds that shone with too much memory. "What.....what....what colors do you want?" she asked distracted, putting in more data.
"You....never know how quiet a whole country is when. Well, when you erase everyone from it with magic." She said to Mach. Her shoulders slouched and she looked at the box grimly. "What I tell you doesn't go beyond this room Mach. Please. I am considered a class 1 magical nuke. I have a blast radius of 200 miles when I put my heart into it......I specialize in overloading magic. It....vaporized the living like a nuclear bomb, but it's clean. No radiation left behind and the structures, vehicles and more remain intact for people to move right into."
She swallowed a little. "I heard you snap at Hope. She's hardly a monster. You're hardly a monster Mach. You are staring at a real monster. I can almost name all 1 million lives I took that day in the name of the Hammer of Aethar. 1 million lives. I've done penance, hell and more and I still feel them. You have little humanity left after that. I broke. I broke hard and ran. Fled the army, went awol, went rogue. Helped the anthros defy my own people. Made and sold them weapon and magic. Was caught and killed by my own brother. Brought back to life to pay for my crimes and sent out to help create the Lupinossai to suppress and kill other anthros. I even died to protect the Lupinossai for centuries with a special spell shield and they did me no better service.
I am soaked in the blood of innocent lives. I am forged in the fires of war. I play at being nice, peaceful and yet my blood sings to lay waste with magic and steel. I am a real monster Mach. I am the type you probably come to put a bullet or five into. The type that people tell their children to keep them behaving and eat right and sleep when told." She rubbed her face, stole one of his pillows and literally smothered her muzzle and screamed to get it all out.
Mach smiled thinly at the apology, nothing more to be said on the matter. It was something used simply to bait more from the woman that looked fine on the outside but he knew was screaming within. He could hear such.....it was a silent call that few ever could understand. As she spoke about what she did against her husband his expression grew stoic, sad but there wouldn't be judgment. He did not know the particulars of the situation...what right did he have to judge her for the actions taken even if something about that just made a part of him cringe and growl.
At the mention of colors the man quirked a brow. "Oooh, my choice." A teasing little touch of levity to his voice even though he wasn't feeling very light at the moment. "Gunmetal black." Stated simply. There was no point hiding the fact that the limb would be artificial and really, for it to look like it was forever charred seemed oddly fitting for the man. More a reminder of what he'd done. Of course as the woman started to speak once more, well...he felt his little fancies may well have been a drop in the ocean as the woman let loose. She spoke about being a weapon, a bomb, and what she'd been used for. He listened to her as she talked about centuries of bloodshed, of countless battles, of how she was probably the very worst arcane horror the man had ever had the displeasure of meeting.
His expression grew stoney, that stoic mask hard bent to remain as she broke down, and when she stole into that pillow to scream all that hurt and pain that welled in her, well, she would loose sight of the man who she could feel tremble ever so slightly. Was he that frightened of her" Did her words truly shake him so' Or....or was he pulling her even more into him!" The pillow and her screams would reverberate into his chest as he held her, stroke and encouraging her to just scream all her anger, all her fears into him. She would be held as such long after she'd finished screaming, the man's features buried in those shocks of red as he crowded her in comfort.
Long moments would pass as he held her so tenderly, used himself as a shield against the world if even for a brief time. Such would pass in silence before finally he spoke softly into a pointed ear. "I....yeah....you're right. You're totally the sort that I was created to end....to put two in the head for what you've done." It was such a bland and simple admittance. "But you are not you're past Ammy. You sought redemption and you fight against the howl in your blood. That....that means something. It has to mean something because what?s the point of change if there can't be forgiveness yeah?"
She'd feel something wet and warm hit her scalp as the man's words left him, as they struck a chord in him. Sage advice spoke to him from long ago, words that obviously shaped him. "We....we're weapons....but we're more....we won't just let ourselves be defined but what we've done....I mean, look at you....you're a proud mother....a grandmother even....you're living and affecting lives positively....that....that is not nothing. Maybe there is still vengeance out there for you...a bullet with your name on it just looking to find you....but who you are now is not a monster....and....I think that matters." Those last words were but a whisper as he pressed a kiss to the slope of the woman's brow, nuzzling into her as he gave her another squeeze.
Was he frightened of her" Hell yes! Terrified enough that she could probably feel the vibrations of tension that ran through him. But that did not stop him from holding her, did not stop him from seeing her as Ammy. He wouldn't....couldn't give that up. And she probably could guess that maybe all those words he spoke were the same that kept him going, the ones that helped him not succumb to the darkness that dwelt within him. "We're monsters....yeah....but more...yeah?"
She let it out, let the pillow take the brunt. Took her time to just decompress around another soul that hurt as much as she did in the world of the living. The world that ignored savagery often. She'd mumbled into the pillow a bit. "I've not given up on life..." she said and soon moved pillow so she could breathe. "I....just sometimes I get caught by the past and it boils. Hell, I'm even medicated so the flashbacks stay away and I don't lose it."
She stared up at the single blue eye with wet, reddened golds. "I have done a lot to live a right life. To be a good mother and grandmother. I wish every night and day my kids never be me. Never live to follow their mothers footsteps into battle magic. Sometimes my prayers are heard, other times they aren't. But yeah, the past isn't what matters. It's the future. Still doesn't mean the scars aren't here..." she touched her head and then his head. "....or here..." touched her chest then his.
"Yeah, we're monsters, but you know something Mach. Hope wasn't wrong thinking she was a monster. Not in the way we are. She can be a small monster in her own right, but not a vile monster. A good monster. Just....like us these days Mach. We....may be monsters, but often, we're the good kind of monsters. The ones that do what others can't because someone has to do the damn job for the day and get it all done. The dark knights, the underdog. We make the world function."
She'd tap in the color choice, a few more adjustments and the box was pushed away again. She wiped at her eyes and took a deep, centering breath. "I normally don't crack like that."
"I think we all do....those of us that....that do the dirty deeds that push shit forward....protect shit....all that jazz." The man's lipped parted into a wry grin as he moved in to nuzzle the woman, bopping her head with his playfully. It was a gesture that probably brought to mind the schmooze as some giant cat....a kind, caring, snarky asshole. "I....medicate too....with more than just booze." Stick of tongue at the obvious jab which he defused before it could be said. "Try to keep the screams and the faces back, the feelings and the smells at bay."
Seeing those reddened golds he'd give her another face to face bop before pressing a tender kiss to the top of her muzzle, resisting the urge to scruff her hair or scratch behind her ear. What....yeah, she was a sexy babe but come on, she still looked sort of like a big woofy! Mach was species blind, sure, but there would always be a little bias, a few prescribed notions that just stuck around. And to be honest he was actually rather proud that he'd not pet or scrubbed her belly by now, something that, in his past, had gotten him into trouble!
At the mention that Hope was a monster though coming from the lupe this..well, this got a shake of head. "No, she's not. Not even a little..." His tone was almost sullen as he said those words, as if he knew and understood what Ammy was saying, maybe even could see it himself....but just couldn't accept such. "I....I just can't accept that so little makes her a monster too. I....that term is not something I use kindly....can not. It's....it's something bad that I.....we....work up from....not something we own but something we have and strive against..." He shrugged lightly as he gave his own opinion on the topic, that hand leaving the woman's back so as to help clean up her fur of those tears as well as the evidence of his own.
Eying the black box as it made a few noises he turned his attention back to the woman as she worked on centering herself. "Sorry....I just have that affect on women..." This was stated so simply though he had to look away to hide the humor that sparkled in his lone eye as he gave the woman a nudge. "It's fine Ammy. I'm....glad you shared....and it was someone like me to receive it, yeah' I mean....yeah, I.....don't know heads or tails what to make of half what you told me but..." He pressed a warm nuzzle to her muzzle. "I'm not going to let it affect how I see you....You're you. That's it....and I won't be working to put a bullet to you so yeah...if you need to, you can talk to me, yeah?" Warm words and a gentle, positive smile though the man knew that, deep down, all this would take hold. But how it would change things or not was something not even he could predict given his peculiar views for a Tangian.
Ammy would nod and the black box beeped once. She'd pull it over and depress a few latches. She drew out a very well articulated, gun metal gauntlet styled glove. The kind a very rich and fancy black knight could afford except no hand would fit into the glove itself. The cuff was split in half with hidden hinges and latches on either side.
She'd take his stump and gently slide the 3D printed prosthetic on and with deft hands latched it close upon the healthy flesh. She'd adjust it a few times fiddling to get it right on his arm and once the built in sensors detected a pulse in his forearm muscles, a series of red accent lights flickered on. The arm may look like some something Knight Rider inspired from the car called Kit.
"There. Done. Give it a try. Wiggle fingers. Flip me off, pick things up. Can change the accent lights too with just a press of a finger at the LCD display. Hope....it'll work for you."
The man smirked softly at the nod, unsure if he stepped over bounds or not. Well, she wasn't trying to rip his throat out or annihilating things with magic so he figured they had to be at least a little squared as he held out his arm to receive the prosthetic. There was a slight flinch, a moment of 'oh shit this things going to eat me!' flashing across his face; the expression shifting to ' oh shit this thing is going to explode!' when it started to flash at him. Yeah....Knight Rider wasn't something he'd seen yet!
When the hand seemed to settle down well....it would take Mach a few more moments before his expression evened out, a dry look given to the hunk of black that now hung off the remains of his arm. The limb just sort of sat there lifeless as his arm had done the night he had been burnt to a crisp. "Um....how?" A very dumbly stated question as he watched the object with mild distrust as it sort of ignored all his mental commands and his normal attempts to move the hand as if he'd just gotten back the limb. If there was suppose to be sensation he was getting from it, well....it wasn't seeming to register as the man poked at it with his other hand.
"Just reach for something. Act like you still have a hand and don't think about it." she said quietly. "It reads muscle twitches and nerve pulses." she'd toss him a cookie to catch with it.
His arm would move and....yeah, cookie to the face. The limb didn't seem too keen to motion as the man's features scrunched, trying his best to think about how one normally moved an arm while trying hard not to think about what he was thinking about while he was thinking about it like a thought experiment. If it were possible there may have been smoke rising from the man's ears. "Great....this is kind of like my eye but twenty times harder....I can't even feel the thing other than the weight on my shoulder.."
His brow knit as he tried to focus himself, to try and push aside that myriad of other noisy thoughts that jostled in his conscious and subconscious. After a few more for moments a rather grumpy expression crossed the man. "Maybe this tech isn't compatible with folks like me..." A look to Ammy, a look to the arm, a look to the teddy bear next to him, his phone, that paint brushed t-shirt tha- whoa, movement! Oh....oh shit...movement....
A look of cringing horror befell the schmooze as the hand finally did move taking his arm with it....and latched on to a grope of the lupe's bosom! Well....hot damn. "Shit! Stop! Stooop!" He hissed at the limb which just seemed to act like the devils play thing, giving a squeeze with each admonishment he cast at the argumentative creation. "I....I really don't know why it's doing this!" A touch of panic rose in his voice at how very, very bad this situation was turning.
Ammy watched Mach try to work with the prosthetic hand. She was started to feel like she'd lost her touch and that the hand was not going to work. Then she saw Mach reach out and grab one of her girls. She didn't know what happened, but her ears went back and on reflex laid an open hand slap across the mans face as she yipped in surprise and a little pain.
"Mach!" She moved back from him rubbing some bruised pride.
The man looked obviously confused at the grabby little devil and was focused on, well, trying to get it to stop when a rap of paw across his face would have him reeling back against the bed, hand pulling from that globe as the woman leaned back. "Ahk!" Hand came up on instinct to protect where he'd been slapped though the movement was cut short as he'd snatch that prosthetic which was making grabby for the lupe's other mamery. "I-I seriously didn't mean to do that...I...erg....y-you....nnn...you gotta believe me!"
Clear panic mixed with embarrassment held in his voice as he fought with the limb, teeth grinding in annoyance. "Shit....oh come on....s-stop that! Really, I-I'm so sorry! I'm really not this sort of guy.....y-you gotta believe me!" A few tugs, a little growling under his breath and then....well, suddenly the hand changed direction and Mach....he was now struggling to keep the black hand from grabbing and crushing his own throat! "Shit!"
Ammy's eye's widened in horror. She'd never seen her prostheses do that. She leaned in and did her best to unlatch the latches on the hand. Getting all three the device should deactivate and fall to the bed. If not, well, Ammy is going to be a bit freaked out.
It was an epic little struggle that probably would have looked hilarious from the outside as the man pantomimed trying to choke himself with the lupe struggled to save him from his own fate. Of course there was nothing pantomimed about this as the struggle was rather real, fingers curling menacing at the schmooze! After a bit of struggle the woman would get to the latches of the device, pulling it free from that stump with a soft, sizzling pop.
The man would, understandably he hoped, scoot away from the black hand for a few moments, blue eye blue glaring at the offending object a bit before finally he looked to Ammy with concern. "Are you okay?"
Ammy stared at the hand on the bed for a long moment, reached to her back pack and took a screwdriver. She poked at the hand some, seeing if it was deactivated or possessed. "I'm.....I'm fine..." she said to Mach. "Little bruised, maybe embarrassed, but fine." poked the hand more. "Never seen that happen before. Almost thinking it was going off of some very repressed thoughts in your mind."
"Uh....very repressed...yes..." There may have been a tinge of embarrassment coloring rugged features at that, the man sort of looking anywhere else but the woman. Like at the demon hand, yes. The demon hand was a good thing to look at! He'd watch it with interest as Ammy poked it with a screw driver, the hand not seeming to respond to the insult. "But truly, I'm really sorry. I certainly didn't think it would do that at such a fanciful....um....thought. W-What was weird though was that it felt like it was taking control of the rest of the arm too. That....that's not right, right?"
A look to the woman as he absently rubbed at his stump, the runes etched into his flesh throbbing and looking just a little more evident than they had before. "Same with when it tried to snuff me out." Shaking his head a light smirk escaped him. "Pretty wily little fucker!"
Ammy looked at the hand, satisfied it didn't move again. She picked it up to inspect it more. She listened to him describing it as taking over and stared at him a bit more. She noticed the runes looking fresher on his arm. "Hmm. I am wondering if those runes aren't uhm....interfering with the hand. Look pretty fresh again." She would lean in a moment to touch at this face. "I....didn't claw you did I" How's face?"
A tick of blues down to his arm that he rubbed, cobalt blue studying the limb a moment before his expression scrunched unhappily. "Hnn...you're right. Thought that felt like a strange bit of feedback. Like, I could feel the hand moving but I wasn't getting any sensation of....well....yeah. I should have at least felt a squish but nothing of the sort." He considered the hand once more until there was a lean, hand coming to touch at his face where four neat holes now oozed blood.
At the question of concern the man simply shrugged, a chuckle escaping him even as he bled. "Oh nothing bad. It'll heal, yeah' I'm just glad you were slapping and not trying to rip my fool face off!" And he'd chortle once more in humor, obviously fine with the damage he'd receive. "Well, I think I'll need to practice more with that hand before I start to rely on it, yeah' Maybe not when I'm....distracted....or feeling anything in any form..."
"Like being distracted by someone you have some....thoughts about?" Ammy gave him a small, polite smile. Hand still on his cheek, he'd feel a light warm on it, like a partial sunbeam on a warm summer day out in a farmers fields. The holes would be gone, the blood as well. She went back to looking at the hand. "Well from what I can tell, the hand itself is fine. It has no added tech for AI and no capacity to create AI. So....maybe after you've been, what did you call it, scrubbed of the wild magic, it'll work better until you get the official replacement." She looked really sorry for slapping him. "I haven't torn anyone's face off in years. No need to." she grinned.
Mach snorted lightly at that polite statement. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I also had thoughts about wanting to die of embarrassment and yeah....seems this little fucker is a wish granter." Dry smirk at that as he lifted his hand to hers her which still cupped his cheek. He was going to pull the hand away until he felt that magic curling which had him cringing a little under it's weave. It was a gentle enough spell and so he was able to take the magic but he had to say he felt a little worse for it even if he wasn't bleeding anymore. Of course he'd not let on to this as he just smiled as he could at the woman.
"Thanks fuzzydoll. And yeah, maybe....or maybe it just interprets things oddly because of who I am or..." And he'd fall silent to a shrug. "Suppose I'll just have to try it again later. Good it doesn't have an AI because yeah.....that would be creepy!" And now the man cracked at that notion, his hand moving to boop the lupe gently, "It's okay Ammy, really. Perfectly acceptable sort of reaction." He noted the guilt upon her features which prompted him to shake his head. "But that's good you've not had to rip faces off....very much so. But yeah.....I'm thinking all this extra magic is probably screwing with it."
Grabbing the hand once more he'd sort of pick it up and held it towards his stump, watching a moment until the fingers ever so lightly twitched. Yeah....there was some definite feedback going on!
Ammy nodded and tucked the screw diver back into her pack and zipped it up. "Well, keep it unlatched and off your stump. It'll power down soon. If you need to turn off when on your arm, tap the LCD screen three times. It's a built in panic button that'll cut the power out of it." She smiled to him and leaned in and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "I hate to cut the visit so soon, but I do have a few things to run and tend to. When you get out, come find me and I'll take you out for Ramen or make you some Miso soup." She'd stand and shoulder on the pack.
The schmooze took in the information with a nod as he put the hand on his bedside table.....and gave it a little push so it was faaaar away from that stump. "Alright, yeah, thanks for the info." At the kiss to the brow the man smirked as his all organic hand snaked about for one last hug and squeeze. "You mean ' it's high time to get the hell out of here so as to ice your girls' yeah?" The man smirked but he'd not stop the lupe from her sudden departure from off the bed.
"Yeah, sure, when I get out I'll seek you out for sure!" A bright grin curled on him though it seemed a little hollow, reserved even from some thought that pattered about behind that friendly facade but not enough so as to be easily discerned. No, he would keep that mask well enough as he waved to the departing lupe. "Hey, thanks for the visit....and the hand even if it's a little cray cray, yeah?" And the man cackled at that.
Ammy just giggled. "Yeah some ice and maybe a beer are in order. Take care Mach." She gave him a parting hug and would leave the man to his wily ways.
(Adapted with many thanks from live play with the crackalackin Ammy Spiritor!)