Topic: Visitation of Home


Date: 2015-07-02 22:54 EST
There was no fanfare, no well wishes of safe travels as Mach arrived at the Rhydin portal station in the still, cool air of the early morning just before the sun peaked over the horizon. Much like the city, most those that the man associated with were still asleep or off doing their own bit of mischief, unaware of his departure. Most....but not all as the man that had been up three hours prior to his departure time was still barely making it through the gate by the skin of his teeth. Now that had been quite the send off by the woman whom he'd sort of assumed didn't even know three a.m. was a time that occurred! Such nor the notion that he should just let Serah sleep when he was departing for a time were mistakes he was not likely to make again anytime soon.

And as for the rest of those the man acquainted with' Well, their absences was really by the hunters own doing as he'd not really informed anyone of this little trip. Didn't see a point really as he'd only be gone for a few days at most and the man knew no one would miss him for that amount of time. Hell, he'd had wild, violence filled benders that lasted longer than that! No, this place that he was learning to call home, these people that he was learning to care for would be fine without the schmooze for a little while as the man returned to the land of his birth for a family visit he wasn't over keen on being part of but one he didn't venture he could avoid.

The portal shuttle that the hunter boarded left the terminal at a quarter past five and journeyed uneventful for half an hour until it reached that trans-dimensional transfer gate that had been stabilized between the worlds of Rhydin and Tang. Mach sat alone in the small passenger compartment ahead of the cargo holds that was the trains true mainstay of service. He had with him a single, large canvas duffel done up in standard drab military olive which matched well with the brown military peacoat uniform he wore of his profession decorated tastefully with only a few insignia, ribbons, cords, and mantle that draped intimidatingly over his shoulders. The man did have the option to wear his caster given his rank and position and it had been a serious consideration given some of his past experiences while traveling but this was a homecoming visit. No need to look the part of a monster more than he had to!

An overhead small LCD band display flashed orange drawing the blue eye blue gaze of the sole passenger up to the display as the transition countdown scrolled along. Mach didn't really like this part, the sickening disorientation that came with moving from one dimension to another. He was particularly sensitive to the lunch churning nature of the transition given his enhanced sensitivity to ether climates and what he felt was a healthy paranoia about slipping into the great inbetweens of existence. Ten" nine" eight' he let his fingers curl around the well-worn ends of the armrests attached to his seat. Seven" six" five" four" his nails felt along the groves left by dozens of passengers before him who had prepared for this shift in the exact same way as he, a nice compromise of relaxed and clutching for dear life found as he settled in. Three" two' one" he sucked in a breath, holding it for a heartbeat before letting it out in a long, steady exhale as he felt that subtle shimmy that ran through the cabin as the train hit the anomaly. There was a sense of motionlessness as the world suddenly lost all indicators of time, the cabin taken by a flash of brilliant crystalline light from the dark, empty void that existed outside. Mental alarms went off as he felt the ether churn violently like a whirlpool while direction and orientation became meaningless. Those sensations of wrongness stretched for what seemed like minutes despite what he understood as the physics of what occurred, knew that mere seconds was all it took for trans-location. And suddenly, just as quickly as everything went strange did it revert but now was just slightly off from what it had been.

Outside what had been dawn as the fingers of sunlight were just beginning to crest the horizon over the sleepy city was now a radiant pre-noon spectacle with low level clouds casting diffuse shadows over the landscape. Mach felt slightly heavier as the increased gravity constant of Tang took hold, the pressure at the back of his mind easing as the concentration of chaotic magical energy dropped" the flavor and texture of ether drastically different. It all worked to make the man shudder as his body cried of something being horribly amiss. Something amiss and yet so familiar, comforting as a favored set of clothes in a favorite room during a favored weather pattern in one's favorite season' but such was to be expected. The man did spend thirty one years of life in this environment' though it was a testament to his adaptability as even now he felt just a touch nostalgic for that which he had just left. It was a feeling he nursed for the half hour it took for that train to travel into the hub of that small city that shone in the noontime sun. Tarsndel wasn't a very impressive city by any measure lying at the edge of the Korach Plains. If anything it was just sort of there, a place to travel through, perhaps catch a meal as one passed through to destinations of true note. If not for its proximity to a few prominent portals the little city probably wouldn't have existed at all much less be so grand as to have a large train-depot and airport as it had.

Blue eyes blue watched the buildings pass by as the portal shuttle speed through to that terminal station where he would make his change over for the transport that would carry him back to Prysbal. His wandering attention made note of the much more standardized style of architecture, of modern building material that made up the low reaching skyline of the commercial buildings that dominated this place rather then the manic mish mash that was typical of Rhydin. The place had its charm to be sure but the sheer variety was just a little daunting, the soupy nature of the space around the nexus almost nauseating to those not used to the sheer amount of strange and weird. He mused lazily over what exactly it had to say about him that such didn't really bother him....but then he had seen a lot of strange in his time even before reaching that melting pot of culture.

Mach stood to retrieve his canvas duffel from the overhead compartment as he felt the shuttle beginning to slow as it reached its destination. A tug was given here and there to straighten his uniform before he slung his luggage over shoulder and made his way down the aisle of that small passenger car to the set of loading doors in the front. Those last few pillars of the rain cover slid on by the man's view before the shuttle lurched gently as it came to a stop, a momentary delay passed before the doors let off a gentle hiss before opening to let an arid summer wave wash over him. He breathed in the subtle fragrance of the tectonically active valleys to the east which mixed with the heady fragrances of the dense mountain woods from the north all filtered through the distinct smogs of scientific and arcane industry. It smelled so familiar yet alien, a vastly different bouquet than found in Rhydin particularly with the lack of the salty sea from the docks, the smell of burnt fuel from spaceport, or the exotic medley from the marketplace or the west end. There may be hints of such smells elsewhere in Tang, perhaps even all of them in a few of the major cities but there would certainly not be the almost overpowering smell of the arcane that seemed to seep every corner of Rhydin.

He stepped out onto the lonely platform, no fanfare over his arrival and none made as he rushed over from the shuttle terminal over to the train station located in the same yard. He did note a few glances from those he passed by but there wasn't much time for him to take in the sights or sounds as this was the only train leaving from here to Prysbal. Sure there was an airport just a quick cab ride from the train depot which offered flights via both airship and airplane throughout the day to his final destination but the man was rather leery of such modes of transport. Perhaps it was just paranoia but then again the last time the man traveled via airship was during the Red Rose Incident in Trentval. Something about fighting off mind controlled soldiers while trying to force reboot the levitation matrix of his crashing flight left a negative impression upon him. The incident had soared not only him but a fair number of other hunters against ever considering such a mode of transport that required them to be lifted to lethal drop heights!

A pass of phone over the gate terminal flagged him through to that final jog up to the platform and in through the train doors moments before they rolled into action, a pressurized hiss emanating as he heard them snap closed behind him. "That was too close?" A wary sigh escaped him as he hoisted that duffel upon his shoulder, a tick of those blue eyes blue noting only a few other passengers. His gaze paused momentarily on each person as it went, a quick threat assessment made on everyone out of sheer habit. At the realization of what he was doing evidenced as more than a few of the passengers shrank away from his gaze, Mach friendly as it was, his expression just thinned. He chided himself mentally for letting such a bad habit express so readily, but then it was something typically seen as normal as normal could be in Rhydin likely because everyone there just sort of assessed everyone else for threat all the time. But then again Rhydin was chock full of dangerous types so such was not only expected but prudent. Not that this was any excuse for the man's behavior, in honesty he would have done it anyway. The only difference would have been the degree of blatancy which applied.

The subtle nudge of movement beneath his feet jarred the man's mind back to the here and now, legs finding motivation once more as he moved over to his assigned seat in the back corner. It was a bullet express train that would take him across the Korach Plains and into the gentle hills of the Moldon Plateau stopping in a half dozen cities along the way before it finally descended into the Tal Ysbin Flats where Prysbal was located. The trip wasn't long enough to warrant a sleeper such if he were traveling to the coast but it was still going to be a seven hour trip! He stowed his duffel into that overhead storage before flopping in to his seat, a sigh escaping him as he let his eyes close to just soak in the warmth of the noontime sun that filtered in through the window. Despite the slight apprehension at being back the man still felt a touch of nostalgic relief which mixed with the fatigue from his morning activities leaving him feeling pleasantly worn. He could probably catch up on some sleep to help while away the trip and so it was with that though that he settled in to his seat to doze off"

Or he would have if he could just shake that feeling of eyes upon him! A single eye opened against the light, a squint settling upon round hazel eyes that peeked at him from a messy mop of blond hair all atop a row of little fingers. Mach played a little game of one eyed squint with the youthful eyes that peered at him, a minute passing before finally half those little fingers curled in a silent wave. Straight faced the hunter lifted his hand, a lazy wiggle of his own fingers in a silent wave back before a mild grin pulled upon him as those eyes only widened. "Sup squirt?"

The boy looked to be about seven traveling with who he assumed, based off of facial feature similarities when he was profiling everyone, was the boy's mother who sat a few rows ahead of him. At his words the child's features lifted to expose a gappy yet tooth filled grin of their own. "Hello mister?" Mach almost chuckled at the mix of wonder and trepidation in the child's tone.

His other eye opened lazily to join the first as he watched the boy who in turn watched him. Another minute would pass in relative silence save the sounds of the train cutting along at a staggering pace before Mach's patience finally wore thin. "Can I help you?"

Mach knew he was terrible with children. This was not a fact that he would ever contest and perhaps made him a little glad that he was consequentially sterilized from being a hunter. Sure he did well enough with Gin's kid, but Regina was quite used to dealing with the generally broken, crass, and unpleasant sort of folks that hunters tended to be due to the sheer number of the lot she'd been exposed to throughout her life. Her very own personalized, dysfunctional, clown family.

Those blues ticked to follow the movement of the child's hand as it moved now to point at him. "Good guy?"

Mach smirked ever so lightly at the term used. "I don't know, why do you say that?"

The boy's features scrunched in thought. "Because you'rea shoulder!" A smirk escaped the man as the child chirped that with pride.

"A shoulder" You don't say!" A mock look of shock pulled on those rugged features before it gave way to a grin. "What makes you think I'm a shoulder?"

"Uh huh, a shoulder!" A nod as if asserting that fact was all it took for it to be true. Of course at the schmoozes question those round features scrunched once more. "Why..." Cause you wear a un...un"un-i-form...uniform!" And there was that pride once more before the child started chattering excitedly. "Mom and I saw a parade back home with a lot of shoulders with their colorful squares and their string!" A point of little digit was issued towards his rack of assorted ribbons and the service cords that encircled his right arm. The wonder was evident upon the child as they looked over Mach's service uniform, that gaze finally pausing on the odd-man-out piece " the decorative brown leather mantle that draped over his shoulders covering his epaulettes. It was as synonymous, ubiquitous, and symbolic of meaning as the campaign hat for drill sergeants or the special issue beret for ranger forces. Only those who were part of the hunters corp in the army were issued the hunters mantle, an at a glance designation of what they were for better or for worse. Along the left lower hem that fell just below the collar bone was the three golden stars signifying him as a Class A hunter while mirrored on the right was a rectangle with three gold thunderbolts and two silver hashes deigning at what level he was licensed.

Of course how do you explain to a child that your job was to hunt people down" Granted that's what all soldiers did but one could not try to loose such a fact in the details since that very negative connotation was the very moniker used to describe his chosen profession. "That's a mantle....means I'm a special soldier."

The youths features contorted just a hair as Mach inadvertently corrected them when he lost the cute mispronunciation of what he was though it would quickly slide to wonderment at the term. "Special" You're a special sho...solde...sol-jur" The boy struggled with the term but seemed pleased when they mostly got it. "Why are you special?"

Mach chuckled slightly at the boys struggle, a wry grin upon him as he considered that question. "Well....I stop bad people....who do especially bad things. Bring them to justice yeah?"

The boys brows dropped as they integrated this into their limited scope of the world, a moment or two consideration before a shocked look crossed him. "You'rea hero!?"

Mach balked at that term, a humorful snort escaping him at such an inappropriate view. But then it wasn't surprising since there was a lot of drummed up pride in soldiers at the moment. There was a sweep of nationalism and patriotism in Taj due to recent politics and military conflicts including a few short term wars. Nothing like having the enemy at your gates to stir pride in who was essentially your nations group of paid and trained killers. The man shook away that dark little thought as he noted that wide eyed hazel gaze that was locked upon him....oh, right. "No.....I mean, no more a hero than any other shoulder yeah?" A cheery wink as confusion now took the boy....was it shoulder or soldier!" Of course whether you were seven or seventy seven distraction was still a useful tool for when you wanted to avoid touchy subjects....and the man kept that tool very well maintained and polished.

The boy looked as if they were about to say something else when a set of larger hands fell upon their shoulders, those hazel eyes looking up at the disapproving glare that the woman that loomed over him shot the lad. A friendly enough grin was held as blue eyes blue looked at the small, pointing finger. "Mom, look! A shouldier!" And now Mach smirked as the child opted to just combine all the 's' words together! An apologetic look was given to the boys mother at his role in the delinquency of the child's vocabulary.

The woman spared Mach the barest of glances, a lingering look upon his shoulders before she gave the boy a tug."Yes....I see...lets not bother the man, come on."

"Aww, but I'm not bottoming....both-ering....bothering anyone! Am I mister!" A puppy like expectant look was shot towards the schmooze. Aw jeez.

"I-It's alright, really. No bottom....I mean, bother here." A slight chuckle and a cheeky little grin played upon Mach though the woman obviously did not find his terrible humor humorous. She bowed her head apologetic.

"N-no....sorry....about my son..." An uncomfortable tension lurked just behind that apologetic expression before the woman turned to her son once more, a more forceful jerk given as she pried the boy from the seat back which he clung. "Come along now Benji...” Her tone was an unpleasant hiss as she all but drug the child away.

Benji gave a half sad, half annoyed look to Mach as if he were being pulled away from a toy he wanted to play with. "Sorry mister....but moOW!" The boy screeched as he gave his mother an accusing look, little fingers grasping at that sharp grasp the woman had upon the child's shoulder as she lead him away.

For Mach's part he simply curled his fingers in a friendly little wave, a gentle smile offered to the boy and his mother as they retreated. It really wasn't his place to defend the squirts obnoxious curiosity or chastise the mother's sort of blunt and unfriendly manner....wasn't his place in the least. Not in the least. Damnit. "Hey now, careful yeah' I understand youth are the future and tend to be fragile sorts."

The woman turned a sharp glare at the mans glib tone though her ire sank at that humorless smile the soldier gave her....the hunter gave her. He wasn't sure if it was an apology or a curse that she leveled under her breath at him while she bowed slightly but it really didn't matter. Hell, he had no real obligation to have done such, no reason even other than the fact that the sight just sort of annoyed him. He really did have a knack for shoving his nose where it didn't belong! That thought was left to whither as he sort of settled back into his seat feeling a little accomplished for his good deed of the day. Those blues would close, letting the steady sound of the train, the gentle rock as it speed along at over 240 kph lull him to sleep.

And sleep the man would do, or try to do at least until he felt a very subtle tap upon his shoulder. Once....twice....and by the third those blues cracked open once more trying to take in the world he'd been trying to escape from. The sun had only progressed just a little since last he recalled indicating that he'd obviously not been out long before the interruption. A slide of gaze would follow those slender fingers up along the arm and to the face attached to such. The woman was young, pleasantly late teens by his venture with her blond hair dolled up in a professional like bun to match her uniform: a train attendant. A friendly enough smile was offered to the girl. "Sup doll?"

Even that overly friendly greeting wasn't enough to wash away the apologetic tension from the attendants feature as she smiled service industry pleasant at him. "I'm so sorry to disturb you sir, but, um, I need to talk to you about some complaints that, um, have been brought to our attention." Blue eyes blue watched as the woman tripped over herself in that dubious duty, her hands wrenching together uncomfortably. It didn't take much imagination for Mach to figure what had happened as he hazarded a glance past the girl, a note of the other passengers in the car.....and how almost none of them watched what was going on. That was just against human nature, to not participate in voyeuristic rubber necking, unless one had a direct hand in the show that was going on.

True there was pride, nearly stupid amounts of such, in the soldiers of the armed forces which protected the homeland against the hostile curs along the borders, the political strife, the internal conflicts. But then again the most recent war in the populaces memory was the Permiatic War....a war against a state of demi-humans, monsters, and mages which Taj lost. Now one may have thought that such would have made folks like him big damn heroes.....but if your powers, granted by the dangers of mad science, was no different from the media demonized monsters one was fighting against then what exactly did that make such folks" It was almost laughable that hunters who underwent such trials as they did so as to protect the populace against maleficarum and dangerous madscis would be lumped in the same category by the population they served. Almost giggle worthy.....and yet that was the truth of things.

Mach knew he was seen as an albatross, but he didn't think that hunters were seen quite so negatively! It was a good measure on what the tension level was against the normie population and the potentialed....and the fact that just redressing a sort of bitch mother rallied most of a compartment of strangers against him left a very soar taste in the mans mouth. Had things really gotten that bad" Or was there always this much tension but he was just sort of numb against it until he'd been in a place like Rhydin"

The hunter returned his attention to the girl, a sad little smile offered. He did not envy her in the least, at very least she was caught between a rock and a hard place and at most she had to have been thinking she was being fed to the griffons. It wasn't exactly a paranoid fear either as that's why there was such a an emphasis to ensure hunter purity and integrity as more than a few had gone mustache twirling bad....or at least let the power granted them go to their heads. "Oh' Good. Actually, I was wondering if I could get moved....keep getting bugged as I'm trying to catch some shut eye yeah' Long night..." A coy little grin pulled upon him as he shifted slightly, a stretch lifting his hand up to tap the girls nose bringing a little 'eep' from her.

The attendant blink, a confused look crossing those youthful features before the understanding of subtext finally clicked. That sad, apologetic look pulled on her once more though there was now a glimmer of honest gratitude. "O-Oh....well, I'm terribly sorry. Uhm, unfortunately we do not have any more business seating available. W-we can offer you general coach with a refund and..." He was already standing, a hand snagging the strap of his canvas duffel while he turned for the door leading further back in the train.

He was already walking, leaving the flabbergasted attendant behind without much interest in hearing the platitudes. Pulling open the sliding door to that corrider between cars he'd pause as there was a bustle behind him, a little struggle before he heard a familiar voice chirp up in his defense. "But why does he have to go!" He's a hero!"

A wry smirk escaped him but Mach couldn't help the smile that pulled on him. Youth are the future huh' He turned a beaming grin back to kid whom the mother was trying her best to contain, her motions becoming much less aggressive under the oppressive gaze of the hunter. Everyone else who had started to gander when his back was turned were suddenly trying to find somewhere, anywhere else around Mach to gaze so as not to potentially annoy the crazy, crazy, mage like hunter. Sly little bastards but such didn't exactly bother him.....human nature and all. "Damn straight kid, I am a hero, don't forget it either yeah?" The boy seemed to brighten as Mach winked at him cheekily and before he stirred anymore trouble he would turn and step through the linkage corridor and into the next compartment without further ado.

It wouldn't be until he'd made it into the coach class cars that the attendant would finally catch up to him, her expression pained and embarrassed. "I-I really am sorry about this!"

Mach waved off the apology, a glance over the occupants of this car noting the gazes he got as the focus always fell upon his mantle. He probably wouldn't have bothered with his service uniform if not for the fact that he was going back to visit family in his homeland after half a just seemed kind of fitting to arrive dressed in his prideful nines. That was a sentiment he would most certainly not hold again. "It's fine, I don't mind yeah?"

He made his way through the car and into the next one. At very least he should at some point run out of cars and wind up in the commuter cars upon which then it would be the problem of everyone else to move! Hot upon his heels the attenedent followed. "O-Oh, we don't have to go all the way to the back. We have some coach seating that..."

"What part of 'don't wanna be disturbed' do you not get' Nah, I'll just go back to commuter where if anyone's got a problem with me they can just sorta move or deal." A wry grin offered to the girl as he pushed from the connection tunnel the were in and into the next car.

"Y-you don' shouldn't have to do that..." There was a slight slow down in his pace at the sadness that pulled on the girls features, in that beaten tone. It was a sort of sadness that Mach knew well from his time around other hunters....and their families.

"Got family in the service...?" A wry little grin offered as he mindlessly wandered into the next car.

The girl looked at him, a wary, surprised expression upon her. "Sister in the army flies hunter support....had a dad that died in the a body back to bury because a hunter was trying to get him medical aid even though it was too late."

Mach pushed into that last car. He wasn't exactly sure what his expression was at that moment but it seemed to make a few of the commuters jump as they looked at him. Remembering to smile he wandered off to the back bench which seemed to quickly vacate of it's occupant as he approached. Don't want to sit too close, might catch the magic! Something inside the man sighed a breath of relief that Serah had opted not to join him on this little homecoming....or any of his friends really for that matter. Dumping his duffel upon the bench unceremoniously before he turned about to join it those blues would tick back to the girl. "Ah....well, tell your sis and pops thanks for me, yeah?"

The girl looked conflicted. "I....I will, thanks. But....this isn't right....I mean, we can at least..."

Mach cut that thought off with a raise of finger. "It's fine."


"It's fine!"

The girl nibbled upon her lower lip, that conflict apparently at a head. "Are you sure there's not anything I can do for you...?"

Mach leveled a wary look upon the girl. She was pretty cute....naturally thin with the suppleness of youth and perky enough assets. The schmooze knew it would have been simple enough to talk her up, play up that ingrained sympathy to get her number, maybe a promise for some coffee even before he left. If he was really on fire, really turned on the charm he was fairly sure she looked the sorts who wasn't remiss to some rather 'risky' fun on the job and that he could have flirted his way into her considering such. It would certainly be a fun way to while away a few hours.

But then Mach wasn't living the schmooze lifestyle anymore....or was at least attempting to reign in the worse sort of habits from such. A personal choice...and one that was far reaching as he knew he'd never have agreed to this visit if not for some of the changes in his mindset that were starting to occur thanks to it. He'd have happily lied his way out of going back to Tang for his sisters white coat ceremony....gladly done such if not for the fact that if he completely forsook that part of his life as he had planned then what right did he have to try and enjoy the other which he had planned to forsake as well"

A sigh escaped him. "I'm sure doll." A crooked grin was offered up. "Just make sure no one shanks me or steals my shit while I nap, yeah?" This sentiment was sealed with a wink before he settled into the uncomfortable bench seat, adjusting here and there until he was as comfortable as he figured he'd get. If the attendant said anything else he'd not have heard it as he focused on getting back to sleep, on ignoring the world once more. And this time he would succeed.

- - - - - -

Mach had that last car mostly to himself for the remainder of the trip, his very presence seeming to repel all but the most apathetic souls as that train traveled along stopping every so often for fifteen minute blocks in the major cities along the way. He'd slept a fair amount of the time and whiled away the remainder sending off texts to various parties and generally keeping himself entertained with his phone. By the time that the train was rolling into the Prysbal train-depot the sun was barely hanging on to the horizon, sinking lower and lower to give way to the coming night. The hunter was well and ready to be off the train by the time he felt it start it's final deceleration, his duffel snagged and the last five or so minutes of that ride spent standing before the door to the platform.

Blues watched as the station scrolled into view, as the platform rolled up to the train which finally came to a gentle halt with barely a nudge as that last bit of momentum was lost. The doors waited a moment before there was that welcomed hiss, the grind as they slid open letting another warm wash of air pass over him pushing away the comfort of the conditioned air from the train. He breathed in the smells of heavy industry, ore processing, and of the grasslands that surrounded the city as he stepped off and on the platform with a little stretch.

He wasn't even ten feet away from the train, those blues sill adapting to the mish mash of lighting that came from a city at dusk when he'd hear a familiar voice boom across the platform, powerful and shameless.

"Eli! Eli you son of a bitch you really came!?" Blues ticked over to the approaching man. Mach was an imposing figure himself at 160 cm with that scrappers build but the man that approached was a real daunting bastard standing at 170 cm and a build like a trained gorilla. Of course that short, slicked back haircut and the gaudy dragon print silk shirt didn't help that very organized crime thug feel that hung around the man. The hunter dodged left at that first attempt of an embrace, a duck and around at the second before the behemoth finally caught him in the third. Mach could swear he felt a few tender ribs snap as the man gave him a hearty hug. "Gods damn it's so good to see you man!"

"Alright, alright....I get it Mike, jeez..." Mach wheezed out the response as he sort of tapped out uncle upon his brothers broad back. Michael Portman Turner, the eldest sibling with two years on Mach and likely the one he was closest to. The two of them had been raising hell since they were young, both mutually bad influences on the other but at the same time had each others back through thick and thin. Mach couldn't even begin to count how much shit they had gotten into....nor how many times they'd dragged each other back out no matter the cost. Hot headed, short tempered, and fiercely loyal the man was far too bullheaded and lacking of restraint or respect to have made it in the military as Eli had and generally had too much sense to ever really throw his lot in as an enforcer for a proper organized crime element. And so he simply worked out his aggressions through a string of hard, manual labor jobs and a penchant for substance use that made Mach's look tame.

The hunter tapped uncle a little more trying to escape the eldest Turner's bear hug. "Seriously....keep this up and folks are gonna think we're fruity man!" A wry grin pulled upon him, between a few coughs, at the quickness which Mike released him at that insinuation.

"Yeah right man, two fine ass examples of manly men" Would be a tragedy for all womankind if we took to porking each other!" A wicked grin pulled upon the man's broad features, similar yet vastly different. A smirk began to pull upon Mach in response until he was nearly doubled over by the hearty clap of wide hand upon his back. "Besides man, you won't believe some of the shit that's been going on in your absence yeah' Fuck-ing-ay man." A chortle escaped the galoot as he snagged the large duffel from the hunter, hoisting it as if it were nothing.

"Hey now, I got that..." Mach began to protest but Mike was already walking off with his pack. Was this how it was like to have to deal with a force of stubborn that did things even when you don't want them to' Mach may have to apologize to a few folks when he got back to Rhydin!

"Oh don't want the fancy and learned of us to break a nail." The man offered a wry wink back before a bark of laughter escaped him. "Come on bro, so much to catch up on and dinner'll be waiting so lets hop to yeah?"

Mach just sort of glowered at his older brother for a long moment before a smirk escaped him. Here he was, the human turned monster and Mike was just too damn thick to care! He chuckled as he picked up his pace to catch up to the man. "Thanks baggage bitch, I appreciate it!"

Mike simply snorted at that jab. "That's Mister Baggage Bitch, respectable like right' Anyway, stupid and stupid aside, you remember Traci Yorinell....that chick with the massive fun bags going out with Oli" Well...?

And the two hell raising brothers turned men caught up in their particularly broken manner as they headed back to their sisters place.


Date: 2015-08-02 23:09 EST
Night had come over the city by the time Mike and Mach had returned to that neighborhood of town homes stacked side to side like books on a shelf. The stars that shone above where comforting yet strange, the twisted patterns that the hunter had been gazing at so often as of late were nowhere to be seen. It was an alien sky compared to that of Rhydin, one he'd first thought was alien too when he'd arrived but now sort of longed for....if only because he had taken to start bestowing order to the heavens, giving names to constellations from patterns he saw during nights he spent just staring skyward. They obviously were not the constellations that truly existed there, or he hoped at least since one of collections of stars he'd named 'The Big Wobbly Wang'....but they were his constellations.

That thought was surprisingly deep given the manner of conversation that he had been having with Mike as they walked along, caught a bus, and then walked some more. From the latest gossip about friends from the old neighborhood to stupid rag tabloid crap and ponderings of the 'would you rather...' variant with the rare odd-man-out clever observation. It was all so stupid and shallow and exactly the sort of thing Mach loved the bastard for, their particular brand of crass idiocy that they just understood. Along the way they happened across a few of those said familiar faces, short little small talk distractions playing out against the backdrop of uncomfortableness that Mike was just so oblivious to and which he was all to familiar with. Just because you grew up with someone, lived a hard knock youth with them doesn't mean they have to accept it when you become, for all intents and purposes, a monster. Not that they would ever say such to your face but Mach could see it in their manner: the rigidity of their poses, the strain in their tone, the uncomfortable tick of gazes searching for an escape. Despite Mikes attempt to drag every stray acquaintance they came across back to Bri's, Mach did a good job, if he said so himself, giving everyone an out and a gentle nudge....if only because he knew how bullheaded Mike could get if he let him and he was sure Bri would kill the both of them for bringing a gaggle of jerks she didn't like to a homecoming!

The industrial city had taken on a neon glow by the time they hit the stairs to that modest town home. Fingers plucked the remnant of a cigarette from between his lips, the end pinched out before he dropped the dead butt into a trash bin as they passed. Forest green eyes gave the hunter an odd look as the hulk of a man stepped forward to unlock the door to the building "Don't that hurt?"

"Wha-"” Blues followed his brothers gaze to his fingers which rubbed together to dispense with the ash that now clung to them. Lips thinned just a moment at the realization of what he'd done before he offered Mike a wry grin. "Oh yeah, hell of a trick yeah' Real mind over matter shit....impressive!" He chuckled mildly as that hand was shoved into his pocket, out of sight out of mind, before he stepped up and past the other as they opened the door. "Thanks door bitch!" A wink and cackle now as he skipped ahead just avoiding that swipe from the other.

"Asshole!" A smirk of his own escaped the eldest Turner as he turned to close and lock up behind them. Mach was about to tell the man to just leave his stuff by the door when he just sort of walked past carrying it further in.

"H-Hey, I'm not staying, I'm going to-"

"Nonsense, we got a cot set up for you in my come on, dinner's bound to be ready!" The man just gave Mach a cheery little wave as he continued on down the entry hallway. "HEY, I'M BACK! GOT THE ASSHOLE TOO!"

Mach just cringed as the gorilla man bellowed into the living room along his journey down to the door at the end of the hall. The man hadn't changed in the least....a shake of head as the hunter just couldn't help but snigger at such. He heard a commotion of other voices from the old, wood archway that lead into the living and dining room - 'Don't yell dipshit' 'Don't call him a dipshit' 'Who's an asshole' 'Would you assholes stop cursing!' It didn't seem as any of them had really changed, but then again it had only been six months. No time at all and yet all the time in the world for some things to take seed and sprout. The man mused over such as he wandered down the wood floored hall, fingers tracing along the frames of pictures that decorated the walls. Pictures of family, pictures of friends....those that Briana had thought worthy to immortalize and worth remembering....even his ruggedly handsome mug in a number of them. Coming to that archway he'd round his way into the living room, blue eyes blue ticking over the gathered.

It was a cozy room tactfully furnished in a set of modest, post college chic faux wood furniture made of oak veneered particle board and color coordinated gray cushions of felt feeling. Bookcases of real oak surrounded the room, holding a menagerie of books, nick knacks, artsy decor, and whatnot's all obviously chosen by someone of the female persuasion who liked to keep up on the latest trends in better homes and gardens. All eyes turned to the schmooze as a broad grin pulled upon him.

"Ah, that's the asshole…" A mild, disinterested voice preceded those storm gray eyes which looked up mildly from the book that the lean yet masculine man stretched out along the short end of the L-shaped couch was reading. "Mike knows so many so..." Jon ran fingers through the mess of neck length dirty brown locks that crowned handsome features, his gaze returning to his book.

"Well yeah, he does call you brother..." The schmooze met the dour man's mild expression with a cheeky grin. "Good to see you t-"

"ELI!" A youthful squeal which matched the young man that emitted it cut short the soldiers words as they bound from the love seat. This one's features were softer than the other three brothers with a host of bleach blond hair with rainbow tips that bounced jovially as they crossed over to the hunter. Matt was all smooth thin limbs clad in....was that a frilled blouse, short shorts, and stockings!" Mach didn't have much time to contemplate this as the man threw his arms around him, a happy sound escaping them as they clung. "You're back!"

A huff of air was knocked from the hunter at the collision of bodies as wool sleeved arms rose to return the hug. "Jeez Matt, it hasn't been that long!"

The young man pouted with a pooch of lower lip and everything. "It's been over a year! I was incarcerated before you got shipped out and you didn't even come by to say goodbye!" Matt huffed which only brought an embarrassed chuckle to the soldier, hand coming to scruff that rainbow mess of a mane.

"Oh yeah....sorry about that. Meant to but kinda got caught up in culture classes and farewell parties with all my friends yeah?"

"'Farewell parties'....that's an interesting euphemism for orgies...." There was barely a perceptible lift of lips as Jon made that dry jab, the gesture disappearing as he licked his finger to turn the page of the book he never bothered to look up from.

Mach stuck his tongue out at the middle brother. "They weren't all orgies brother dear, just the most fun ones..." The waggle of brow that preceded that glib turn around merely drew a derisive snort from the serious man....and Mach cackled.

"Jon, don't be a meanie! And don't be lewd Eli!!" Matt huffed, bouncing some in the soldiers arms as he gave the schmooze his most threatening glare....which wasn't really that threatening at all. From looking at him one would never have pegged Matt as a kid that would end up in federal prison but then looks were rather deceiving in this case. Of course drug smuggling of a felony amount of Jazz was hardly a hardened criminal sort of charge. It was just the sort of raw deal that any dip could get pinched for and sent to the big boys slammer as was the case with the youngest Turner.

"Yeeessss QueeeeeeOW! Damnit!" The man rubbed at his skull, a glower given to Mach at that sharp rap of knuckles he'd just visited to him.

"Don't be a fu-hey! What!?" The schmooze shot an incredulous look to Matt who was pinching his bicep through the thick cloth of his military coat.

"I said cut it out!" Matt stepped away now as he shot the two of them an angry look....which would have been much more effective if he wasn't wearing glittery eyeshadow which accented brilliant green eyes. As was the two scorned brothers just sort of looked at each other before Jon snorted and Mach cackled much to the youngest ones frustration.

"OI! Are you fuck nuts picking on Matt?" Mike's bellowing voice carried in the confined room causing all three men to jerk to that boom which demanded attention. The eldest brother stepped in from the hallway, a mildly sour look upon gruffly rugged features.

"No." "No." "Yes!"

"Who the fuck is this?" There was a pause as the four men were about to get into it, all eyes turning to the lone figure left remaining on the loveseat who spoke out. Mach didn't recognize the young man dressed in a muscle shirt and baggy burnt umber parachute pants atop the designer athletic sneakers that looked to have never seen an athletic day of use in their life. A number of gaudy jewelry pieces of silver and gold adorned the mans thinly muscular, tan frame topped with an oil slick of black hair styled in pretentious duck bill.

"Hey! Show some respect numbnuts!" Mike growled as he stormed over, an arm swinging to land across Matts shoulders protectively as he eyed the young man. The thug shot the eldest brother a challenging look as he got up from his seat to approach the group.

"I don't respect no one I don't know deserves it." Mach had to hand it to the guy, he had stones to try and down talk to Mike. Of course they may been in his head more than between his legs given the fact that Mike was physically twice if not three times the size of the punk and that was all muscle.

"Should probably learn to fix that shitty attitude." A snide aside from Jon as he lifted his hands in a tiredly dramatic fashion towards Mach. "This is the semi-man of the hour secondly prodigal dumbass of the Turners: Eli the U.T.R.A. Hunter."

Mach shot Jon a sidelong glare, lips thinning as he tacked on that moniker to his name. He'd have wondered why exactly he'd do such but Mach wasn't stupid and he knew well and good what kind of asshole Jon was. This was evidenced as the young thugs expression suddenly changed from defiant to hesitant, verdant green eyes snapping to that mantle upon his shoulders. "Holy fuck this is the freak!"

"HEY!" Mike boomed as he reached to grab the thug, some quick movement on the schmoozes part though would put him suddenly between the idiot and, well, the ape like idiot stopping what throttling may well have been coming. There was a withering glance to Jon who just looked supremely pleased with himself at the trouble he stirred before Mach snapped a winning smile to the thug.

"Yup, that's me! Eli the freak brother....that gets freaky upon request!" He offered a waggle of brow along with his hand. "And who the fuck are you?" It was only a slightly threatening inflection spun into that question but enough of one to make the thug look uncomfortable with their poor decisions on how to handle things to this point. The young man looked about ready to say something when suddenly they were snagged and drag back into a snuggly, draping Matt.

"Don't be mean!" Machs brows ticked up a little in surprise at just how admonishing and strict that tone was that came from his eternally dopey brother. That was unexpected. "This is Jave....that guy I met while down in Stockhold.

He remembered something about that in the letters he'd gotten from his youngest sibling: a 'studly' guy that Matt had become infatuated with while in federal. Mach had just sort of chocked it up as a fantasy bond, something born to help his brother protect himself in a place filled with truly hardened criminals. Of course Matt had always been sort of effeminate, always the good friend to girls rather than boyfriend, so when it came out he was homosexual Eli hadn't been too surprised or broken up about it (because hey, he wasn't guiltless in playing that side of the field either!) But then the youngest Turner had never been this flamboyant. Turning his attention back to Javenar the young man shied away just slightly from the hunters cold blue gaze before he puffed up in classic punk style. "Y-yeah. I'm Javenar Hermest. And I'm Matties guy, you got a problem fre...friend?"

Mach simply shrugged as Matt tugged Jave back, a disapproving nip at the thugs tattooed neck for that almost slipped moniker. The schmooze did afford a mild glance to Jon and Mike who still looked two steps away from beating the guy but then the hunter suspected they didn't like him for more reasons than he. He just didn't like what a punky, nasty sort this one seemed to be; the same sort that got Matt in all that trouble and sent to prison to begin with...Mike and Jon in particular probably didn't like the fact that the guy was....a guy, and was making Matt into even more of a fruit. While Mach was rather progressive about many things, an almost inevitability given his profession, the other two brothers were much more conservative. It had lead to no shortage of trouble between Matt with the other two and likely had been why the young man so clung to him despite his rather standoffish manner with his family over the past few years. "Me" Nah, not a thing. Just don't hurt my younger bro and we'll be golden...easy enough yeah?"

Jave shot the hunter a sharp look, appraising, before finally he nodded slightly. "Yeah, I read. Don't worry, I love Mattie and ain't going to let nothing happen to my darling." Mach's expression sort of thinned as the thug caught hold of Matt's chin, pulling effeminately rugged lips over for a kiss. Was that how Serah and he looked when being all lovey dovey out in public" He might have to consider toning things down a bit if that were the case....but then again it could well have just been that uncomfortableness he had with the idea that Matt was falling for such an obviously bad boy type. He really didn't want to be around if and or when they inevitably break his brothers heart.

"Hey, hey, cut it out you two, jeez! Gonna make the rest of us feel like losers being such ruggedly handsome and single men!" Mike grinned uncomfortably as he admonished the two, flapping a hand at them.

"Speak for yourself loser, I got a girlfriend. Just didn't want to subject her to this much stupid." Jon cut that sharp remark to Mike, an obviously relieved look crossing him at the distraction from the two young men sucking face in the middle of that small livingroom.

"Hey, your hand don't count as a girlfriend Jony boy! Anyway, still me and Tia ain't with nobody and that-"

"I got a girlfriend." Mach made that correction distractedly as he started moving away from the group to the dining room where he'd caught sight of movement. Stepping through the archway those blue eyes blue would sweep over the spread of food laid out before falling upon the figure putting down one last pie. She was tall for a woman but still a shrimp compared to the rest with auburn hair that fell in a simple bob about well cut features. Awe crossed her as she turned to look up at the schmooze, her expression running a small gambit of surprise, annoyance, and happiness before settling upon a gentle smile.

" made it." A slight inward scowl crossed her at how soft those words came out. Of course Mach understood all of it; why she would be so uncertain, so angry, so happy to see was all his doing after all. A product of 'the game', the purposeful act of keeping ones friends and family at arms length so as that they wouldn't get hurt when a hunter inevitability found their end. He and Brianna had been very close when they were younger, but things had changed when he became a hunter, when he....The man shook his head to dispel that thought, instead moving forward with his arms open.

"But of course Bri." When he got close the woman turned to him....and punched him softly in the shoulder. It wasn't exactly the reaction he was expecting but then he had been working for years to degrade their relation. It was really sort of sobering to see just how efficient he had been at such but then he was always good at directing folks opinions. A right bastardly quality it was but useful until it proved otherwise. Chuckling lightly he closed his arms around the woman none-the-less, holding her through that weak willed struggle to escape. "Wouldn't miss my lil sis's ceremony of becoming a doc!"

Brianna huffed annoyed, a few more pushes before the woman just sort of collapsed against the rugged soldiers form. "Is that so..." Her tone was less than believing yet despite the almost sullen look her arms rose to gently wrap around the schmoozes waist. "It's....good to see you..."

"Yeah....likewise..." A gentle smile pulled upon rugged features. Bri really was the innocent one of the family, the odd duck out. She hadn't been pinched for any crimes, never spent time in juvie or jail, didn't do drugs or have any vices (save for the times her brothers got her to try stuff); she was the epitomes good girl, the conscious in that family of sinners and heathens. Such was why Mach tried so hard to distance himself from the girl, full of earnestness and grit but still lacking that resilience that only came from living in the shadows of the world as he and his brothers had. Even girly boy Matt rolled in the gangs as they, fell in from one bad crowd to another though this was always a spot of shame for the elder Turners as he did such only trying to emulate their poor examples. "Look....Bri, I-"

Mach lurched, crowding Bri as he tried to hold back the intrusive lump that was Mike as he threw himself upon the two. "Whadya mean you have a girlfriend!?" The hunter cringed as the gorilla bellowed right next to his ear. "Like that one bird you brought by last time....what was her name....Liza?"

"Beth." Jon answered unhelpfully as he strolled in behind the lug, taking the opportunity of distraction to thieve a dinner roll.

"Gina!" Matt chirped happily as Javenar wore him into the dining room, a crude little smirk upon the man until he noticed the hunters gaze.

"Would you two get off!" Bri hissed in Mach's arms causing the two eldest siblings to recoil back. She was the innocent one but she had learned well how to deal with the unruly lot that was the Turner typically involved violence. Straightening up she would straighten her hair before leaning over to smack the back of Jon's head as he munched causing the man to choke a little in the act. A scowl for the haughty yet humbled brother before she turned an unnervingly gentle smile back to the schmooze. "So why didn't you bring Carolyn by this time" Or is it Ilyaria that elven stripper from down on thirty first?"

Mach could feel his cheeks redden in embarrassment at just how many names his siblings were able to dredge up regarding past 'relationships' he had been in. More so they were just a long line of 'friends with benefits' but hearing them called out, and knowing they were only digging about a year back into his black book sort of past kind of made him feel like a real ass at that moment. "It's none of those! Jeez, way to be a lot of assmunches!" He snorted in mock hurt as he admonished his family. "Come on, lets sit down and eat!"

No one seemed terribly impressed with the schmoozes attempts to redirect the topic of conversation, this obviously evidenced by the big, toothy grin that sat dopey upon Mike. "Oh no, we are most certainly talking about this! Don't hear boo 'bout you and suddenly you got yourself another dame you're willing to call your 'girlfriend'."

"Does it matter" I mean comeon this is the schmoozy face afterall. One bed warmer is as useful to know about as the next." Jon spoke as he was moving now to set the table, obviously much more concerned about the food.

"Oh! Oh! Did you choose one! It's such a hard choice!! Pink hair or red skin, so colorful!!" There was a general pause as everyone gave a look to Matt as he bounced on Javenar's shoulders, the youngest sibling simply beaming.

"So this fools a playa huh?" Mach's eye twitched as he noted the approving look the thug gave him. Something about being approved of by that guy just annoyed him.

"Respect dumbass!" Mike growled before turning to give Mach a shove. "But yeah, this joker here is the face of the Turners. Real heart throb....nothing like me but he uses his powers for evil rather than purity and good as I..." A broad grin pulled on the ape until it was smacked off by the woman a head shorter than him.

"If you've time to gossip you've time to help setup! Now move and get glasses and the water from the fridge." The ape of a man looked almost like he was going to complain until the smaller woman readied to smack him again. Sulking, Mike trudged off to the kitchen leaving the woman to turn her attention, and raised hand, to the schmooze. "Good. Eli, take off your coat and get napkins and silverware out from the server. And Matt, you and your boyfriend start serving up salad and soup."

And so it was that the Turners went about readying for dinner. It was something to see Bri, the crybaby tattletale, grown into a commanding and self assured woman. There wasn't a lot that Mach was proud about from his youth spent navigating mean streets and contending with poverty and neglectful to downright abusive guardians, but somehow him and his brothers had made sure that she turned out right. One in five really was a shit success ratio, but it was enough. Shrugging out of his coat he'd drape it over one of the recliners in the living room before returning to help setup a family. How long had it been since all of them were at the same table" It was a question that preoccupied the schmooze as he joined in setting everything up and settling in.

After a silent reverence which only the soldier participated in, a particular gesture of hand over his food would Mach join in the heaping of food onto his plate that everyone else had already commenced in. The spread was rather impressive with casseroles, meats, roasted vegetables, noodles, wild rice, rolls, and several type of dessert including a couple of pies. Of course the hunter couldn't help but notice that there was a favored item of each sibling among the spread. Even though it was Bri's big accomplishment, a gathering to celebrate her she was still concerned about making things special for her dysfunctional family.

"Hey, what was that whole business about?" The punk upnoded at Mach, a motion that irked him with it's familiarity.

"It was a prayer dumbass." Jon shot off that response with disinterest as he loaded up on the chili roasted vegetables and the candied tubers.

"He's a Wayist!" Matt piped in helpfully as he hoarded buttery wild rice and dinner rolls.

"No shit' Lot of belief but not many practicing of that."

"No atheists found in foxholes." Mach offered that explanation simply as he piled on the noodles in gravy with a generous helping of ham. "And a lot of hunters tend to be Wayist. Sorta backwards religion for sorta backwards folks, yeah?" There may have been just a touch of smug self-satisfaction as he noticed Javenar sort of shrink away at that reminder that the schmooze was a freak. It had its perks on know, so long as intimidating people was something one typically had need to do. He was about to poke more fun at the man when there was a hearty snort.

"All bull if you ask me, thinking ya need help from up on high. Ain't nothing can't be worked by some determination and grit."

"Except maybe a miracle of the dumbest luck A roll of shoulders as he popped a tear of bread roll into his mouth. Mike snorted derisively at the argument set forth, a stab of meat taken and chewed on as the man considered his words. It was something Mike and he didn't really see eye to eye on, the idea of some sort of cosmic force that could take an interest in the affairs of people. To Mike the world was all just shit, and it seemed pretty shitty to Mach too but then he had also experienced too much, done such fantastical things, faced such overwhelming odds that discounting the mage academics thoughts on cosmic will and consciousness due to the ether, discount its ability to influence events on a grand and simple scale seemed a little ignorant. But then again, given the fact that in the times of lore and blah, blah man removed the yolk of oppression and slew their gods blah, blah it was a pretty ignorant view to worship any sort of "god" posited by religion too. This schism of thought and reality was where Wayism fit in perfectly: a belief in the universal conscious, warm and fuzzy as it was, residing in the undertone of the ether though not really a "god" per say as it really didn't give two craps about people nor have some grand master plan. It simply was; an all-enveloping concept that could maybe be affected by the will of those who could wield magic when things were dire as oft they could be when dealing with hunters. Taking a deep breath the gorilla focused his gaze on the hunter as he readied to refute the soldiers position for the umpteenth time"

"So who is this 'girlfriend' of yours" Someone from over there or here?" Both men paused to look at the woman as she spoke knocking the wind out of Mike's sails while single handendly putting Mach out there as a distraction. The schmooze shot Bri a look which was met with a cloyingly blithe smile before finally a sigh escaped him. She really did know how to work the angles with them.

"Transient, non-native to Rhydin sort of like me." He tried to ignore the burn of gazes upon him as he forked a ball of noodles into his mouth. Apparently it was a juicy topic as he let his blue eyes blue flit about noting everyone, even Jon, watching him with interest. Damn it. Chewing the lump of carbs and gravy goodness he shifted so as to dig out his phone from his pocket. A few swipes and a few taps would select the pictures that were allowed to be seen on the viewing mode before he handed it over to his sister who took the device with a gracious bow of head. "Her name's Serah."

A shift of cobalt blue eyes tracked the squeal back to its inevitable source as the rainbow headed one bounced about happily in his seat. "Pinkie! I so want her hair!"

A smirk escaped him at the youngest brothers enthusiasm. The young man probably knew the most (after military and self redaction) about what was going on with the schmooze and his life....up to and including whom he was interested in. "Sorry, it's naturally that color, no product needed." A sad little smile was offered to the pouty Matt as he reached out to receive his phone back from Bri. The woman smiled as she handed the phone over" to her left and into the "gimme" hands of Mike who had all but forgotten about the theological debate he was rip roaring to get into mere moments before. Damn it all!

"You really going out with this "Serah' or is this just another veiled fuck buddy affair?" The dour one couldn't quite completely hide the interest in his voice, his expression souring as the schmooze caught him watching.

A groan escaped the hunter as he started to get grilled. It wasn't that surprising for him was it' He'd had other girlfriends" sort of. Maybe he'd have to think some things over and perhaps make a few apologies. "Yeah, I'm really going out with her jackass" seriously so." The schmoozes tone sort of dropped off at that last admittance.

"Damn man, you're a grade A motherfucker! That birds a real looker, check it"!" Jon seemed content to ignore the phone being waved at him until Mach made a grab for it which triggered the man to snag it away and look, a grin curling on him at the mild curse beneath the schmoozes breath. "How long you two been at it?"

"Asshole" yeah, she is isn't she?" Mach tried to fight the prideful smile that he could just feel pulling upon his rugged features. Stop it idiot! "We've been real friendly for a few months or so, just sorta made things" um"official" the past couple weeks."

"Shit, and you ditched her to come see these losers!?" The man started to hitch his thumb to the gathered family but then even he seemed to know a lynch mob when he saw one, with Bri looking like she may well just spoon out his eyes right then and there! "I-I mean why didn't you bring her along?" The ape man smiled uncomfortably as he backpedalled.

"Why would I bring her to see "losers" Mikey?" Oh the wicked grin that grew on him as he threw his brother under the bus! Mike glowered at the hunter though it didn't really bother Mach. This was how they always were; always one upping the other, always butting heads when they weren't being the bestest of buds. It wasn't a proper reunion without the two of them coming to blows over something!

"So you're really happy with her?" The smug, almost cocky expression on the schmooze just sort of tripped at that question from his sister who smiled ever so sweetly at him while playing the peacekeeper. She always could find just where to poke them' prod her idiot brothers along like a herd of angry cats. It wasn't always that way but it was something she developed when she saw that when they weren't tearing each other apart they were kicking the pricks of the world so she wouldn't have to. Maybe it was her own way to be an asshole like the rest of them though Mach suspected it was really just her effort to keep her volatile little family of dumbasses and fuckups together.

Mach scratched the side of his nose embarrassed. Now would have been the perfect time for a lie, something to throw them off, get them off guard" but then what lie was there for him to tell" "Yeah' I think I am?" He spoke lightly even as he silently cursed that fool smile that pulled involuntarily across his features. Hazarding a glance up to the woman he was taken aback by the warm smile that grew on her in turn, something seemingly more spoken in the embarrassed silence that stretched to fill in the rest of that answer. Just when the hell did his little sister start to be so empathetic seeming" Scratching his head he hazarded a glance about noting the puzzled look upon Mike, the contemplative look on Jon, and the brimming with joy look on Matt. "Aw jeez, come on. My love life can't be that interesting!" Mach whined as he moved to get himself seconds.

"I dunno man, this seems pretty interesting to me. You sound like a boss man."

There was a pause as the schmooze shot a withering look at Javenar as the interloper suddenly piped up. "Shut up"!" A hiss to the punk before looking back to his family that all seemed to have Cheshire grins plastered across their faces. "Come on! What about the girl of the hour?"

There was a pause as the other family members looked amongst each other before looking at Bri. "Nah, not looking." "Too busy for boys." "Oh she just has a benefriend to scratch that itch?" And suddenly all eyes were on Matt before turning to Bri though she was still committing sweet, sweet murder with her gaze.

"S-So' Rhydin. Got any good stories to tell abou-"

"Oh no, we are most certainly knowing who's tapping our sister! She looked like she was about to throw something at Mach but the empathetic nods of Mike and Jon in agreement would have her fury focusing on another.

"You are so dead Matt!? She growled at the young man who simply laughed cheerily at the threat. And so it was that the night of family bonding among the Turners continued.


Date: 2015-08-20 13:20 EST
Dinner continued much the same as it had started filled with jabs, laughs, and catching up just barely on this side of civil. There were spats, little showdowns, crassness, vulgarity, infighting, heartfelt moments" a vignette of a dysfunctional family that despite themselves cared rather deeply about one another and were seeking to learn how each of their lives had been marching forward through time. Of course it had been four years since last time all the Turners were under one roof, where one or another wasn't off busy with something else or being incarcerated or what have them. After the meal concluded alcohol was introduced into the mix and so the carousing and carrying on continued late into the night until fatigue finally took the last sibling leaving Mach alone to his thoughts. The schmooze felt rather good about everything despite the apprehension that had been lurking in the shadows of his mind, the unwillingness to face the family he left behind. His departure hadn't exactly been a big deal, or made a big deal of at least, but it was most certainly a demarcation, a physical separation of the man already growing distant by design from a family learning subtly how to live without him. It really had been the hunter's plans to see as little of these people as he could, to let the bonds between them wither. There was no way to truly severe such bonds, certainly not after the childhood they all shared, but he could have deadened him to them, blunted the impact of his destined passing.

Yet the man found all of this starting to change, his dedication for such a cold and clinical solution wavering. His views on the resolve of death were altering thanks to the close friendships of Val who showed him the importance of struggle despite ones set circumstances, of Sarai who ignited an interest and zest in life that went beyond skimming along, and Serah who showed him the errors in his way of thinking by somehow becoming something so much more to the schmooze than simply a good time. And then there was everyone else just pushing the man along, forcing him to connect to the world which he lived. It seemed his posting in Rhy"Din was equal parts curse and godsend, ripping him away from the life which he was accustomed and forcing him to accept the life which he had, a life that demanded his active participation in rather than passing along idle from one distraction to the next. He still wasn't terribly sure if such was for the best, if he shouldn't have worked harder to stay detached and playing by the rules of "the game," but the damage had already been done. The doubt was already sowed and growing making him think and rethink and try and try again.

By the time his mind has settled it was almost sun up and so rather than worry about trying to catch some sleep he'd simply add in some energy up and concentration plus to his daily regeneration dose before setting to making breakfast. It was a nostalgic feeling standing before the stove preparing a large meal. Reminded him of his youth, of bygone days cooking what little Mike and he had bought or stole to feed the unruly gaggle of Turners. It was a skill he had been letting lax some, using such only to try and deaden the walk of shame his nightly companions had to endure. He may well have to change that notion' change so many things it was seeming though it was all for the better" right' He'd shake away that thought as he heard someone else stirring, a cocky smile and some fresh coffee awaiting the sleepy Bri who was the first to join him and help finish up the morning meal. It was near mid-morning by the time Mike drug himself from bed and joined the already rowdy gaggle. The carousing continued through the morning even after Bri had left ahead of the group to get ready for the ceremony.

Arriving fashionably late Mach and his brothers started things off by making a nuisance of themselves finding close up seating during the opening address. And as for the rest of the ceremony' well, it was very ceremonious. This was to say that the schmooze and his brothers fit in very poorly getting diry glares and shushed on more than one occasion for babbling. And when Bri was up to receive her smock the gaggle of idiots, assholes, and morons whooped and hollered much to the displeasure of all gathered" except for the girl of the hour who despite how furious she should have been could not have wiped that grin from her face if she wanted to.

And after the ceremony concluded the group met up for a celebratory lunch and bar crawl that lasted till the sun retreated beyond the horizon and the first misting of alien stars shown through the darkening dusk. It was a dizzyingly ecstatic time for all that celebrated what may well have been considered an alright achievement for some families, perhaps even just an expected result. But for the Turner's it was something magical, at once a miracle, a showing of the power of perseverance and commitment, and a middle finger to the universe that had dealt the family such a poor hand. That's what it felt like to Mach at least, a win by every definition of the word" something neither he nor he figured his brother had truly had a lot of in their lives. And when finally the night had come the family shared dinner once more before splitting apart to do their own respective things" though once again it all happened to fall to focus on Mach and his conversation with his girlfriend.

By the time the schmooze laid his head down on the lumpy pillow of his cot it was well into the witching hours. He listened to the buzzsaw snoring of the eldest brother for a while as he contemplated all that he had planned for the next day. The less joyous activities of coming back to the land where one was born but then that was all part of life. The good with the bad, the fun and the indifferent' and in the very back of the man's mind he thought of that home which he was starting to find across the dimensions. It was perhaps these thoughts that found the man succumbing to the urge for sleep with a smile upon those rugged features. And so the night passed peacefully into the next day.