The RhyDin Post
Telling the truth for RhyDin, one word at a time. |
Den of Iniquity
The Den of Iniquity is more than just a place. It's a state of mind. It's also the nickname for Gem's manor, Quellarin, located five miles to the northeast of Rhydin, just off the Great North Road. Home to herself, her son Rei, their staff, and whatever strays may come their way, it is as magnetic to trouble as Gem is. |
Motley Menagerie of Myriad Marvels
A compendium of narratives collected by the Nexus. |
Fragments of Dream
Where the monster under the bed is real. |
Where certain dark things are to be loved. |
Just Desserts
"She was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect the queen" - Suicide Squad |