On the outskirts of RhyDin City, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the town proper, dust trailed about in the air within a small and abandoned house. The door flung open, allowing light to pour into the room. The light revealed random pieces of broken furnature, chairs and a table among them, along with a torn up and worn-out sofa. Cobwebs adorned the corners up toward the ceiling, and the windows were covered in layers of dust too thick to allow even the mid-day light through.
"The perfect place. I think we can do something with this." Dameon stepped in through the opened door, looking about at his empty canvas. The frame for which he would rebuild a home for he and his page, Jonas. He was not dressed in his armor and cloak today. No, today it was working clothes. He wore a simple red tunic, that tucked into a pair of black canvas pants, which were then tucked into a pair of brown leather work boots.
He walked to the center of the room, placing his hands on his hips, a broad grin plastering itself across his face. "This will do nicely, I'm fairly certain of it."
"The perfect place. I think we can do something with this." Dameon stepped in through the opened door, looking about at his empty canvas. The frame for which he would rebuild a home for he and his page, Jonas. He was not dressed in his armor and cloak today. No, today it was working clothes. He wore a simple red tunic, that tucked into a pair of black canvas pants, which were then tucked into a pair of brown leather work boots.
He walked to the center of the room, placing his hands on his hips, a broad grin plastering itself across his face. "This will do nicely, I'm fairly certain of it."