Topic: A Return Home

Dameon Phoenix

Date: 2007-01-27 18:17 EST
On the outskirts of RhyDin City, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the town proper, dust trailed about in the air within a small and abandoned house. The door flung open, allowing light to pour into the room. The light revealed random pieces of broken furnature, chairs and a table among them, along with a torn up and worn-out sofa. Cobwebs adorned the corners up toward the ceiling, and the windows were covered in layers of dust too thick to allow even the mid-day light through.

"The perfect place. I think we can do something with this." Dameon stepped in through the opened door, looking about at his empty canvas. The frame for which he would rebuild a home for he and his page, Jonas. He was not dressed in his armor and cloak today. No, today it was working clothes. He wore a simple red tunic, that tucked into a pair of black canvas pants, which were then tucked into a pair of brown leather work boots.

He walked to the center of the room, placing his hands on his hips, a broad grin plastering itself across his face. "This will do nicely, I'm fairly certain of it."

Maven Jonas

Date: 2007-01-27 18:23 EST
Through the open door Jonas stepped carefully. He was wearing his normal clothing, gray tunic and black linen pants, and his own pair of brown work boots. Draped over him was his trademark blue cloak, the hood of which was not atop his head, and his hat was not present today. He peered at the dust and rubble of the house, quirking a brow at the remnants the long-gone previous tenants left behind.

"Why not..." he mused in a soft and delicate voice, "just get up the cash to buy ourselves something that's not so..." scrambling to find the words, he continued hesitantly, " need of repair?"

He stepped to Dameon's side, looking up at the cobwebs, and then giving a look to the broken furnature scattered about, folding his arms under his cloak, shaking his head. "I mean, honestly....Miss Lerida or someone at the bar might be able to point us in the right direction of something less....less....dilapidated."

Dameon Phoenix

Date: 2007-01-27 18:28 EST
Dameon looked at Jonas with a shake of his head and a confident smirk. "Because, Psy. This is more....our style. Why try to get something handed to us when we can work for it and feel accomplished?" He laughed walking to a broken chair, two legs of which were broken off, and the back support badly cracked and worn. "We can either ask around like 'oh, please help us, we have no home,' or we can bloody well make ourselves a home."

He tossed the chair aside, haphazardly, returning his hands to his hips, offering a decisive nod. "Yes, this is it. We will hang our cloaks here, and this will be 'Casa de Firebird.'" He looked at Jonas, giving him a hopefull wink. "It will be a great place for us to show off once we're done, mate."

With that, he stepped to the window on the front wall, near the door. He gently placed his hand upon it, wiping some of the dust off, then shaking his hand a bit to try and dust it off. "See" Just a little elbow grease and it will be perfect."

Maven Jonas

Date: 2007-01-27 18:35 EST
Jonas gave his mentor an unamused look, narrowing his eyes slightly. "I didn't mean we should ask for hand-outs. I'm just saying we could spend a little money and move in straight away, and worry about new furniture and decorum, rather than have to worry about making it livable to begin with."

He sighed, knowing he wouldn't win this fight, and frankly not really caring. He was willing to help, as always. After all, this would be his home too.

Remaining in the center of the room, he spied the dust and cobwebs one last time, shaking his head in slight disdain. "Well, can I dust' I can dust. It's probably the first thing that needs done." He nodded matter-of-factly, arching his back to stretch a little bit before bringing his hands out from under his cloak, extending them before himself, interlacing his fingers to give his knuckles a little crack. With that, he steadied his hands in the air, giving Dameon a minute to confirm or object.

Dameon Phoenix

Date: 2007-01-27 18:39 EST
He nodded his head, giving Jonas a quick glance. "Go for it, mate. It would probably be faster than the 'old-fashioned' way, at least." Stepping to the wall off to the side of the front, he crossed his arms, lowering his head in wait, taking the last deep breath he'd be able to take for a minute or two.

"Just make it quick, because we need to get to work." With that, he closed his eyes tightly, lowering his head and bracing himself.

Maven Jonas

Date: 2007-01-27 18:49 EST
Jonas nodded. "As quick as I can, Dameon." He bowed his head, closing his eyes, extending his arms to the side a bit, a small gust of wind blowing in through the front door, upsetting some of the dust on the walls and windows near it, and Jonas breathed a heavy sigh.

A few seconds later, another larger gust made it's way through, sending dust a little farther inward from the entrance, shuffling around a broken chair near the door. The gust subsided, and the dust settled about halfway through the room.

Jonas faced the door, eyes still closed, and slowly extending his arms out in front of him. A small hesitation. He paused, taking a deep breath and throwing his arms back behind him quickly.

Upon this action, a torrent of wind began ripping it's way through the front door and windows, sending dust from the room to the back of the room, and sending the furniture flying into the back wall as well. The windows at the back of the room flew open to allow the wind through, and the dust made it's exit out of them, following the wind out into the distance as it travelled through the house and out the back, billowing out of eyeshot.

The wind subsided, and the furniture settled. The dust from the windows was mostly gone, but some still caked-on dust remained, that would have to be cleaned by hand. He opened his eyes, and looked about at the dust and cobweb-free room, smiling happily. "Well, it's a start I guess."

Dameon Phoenix

Date: 2007-01-27 18:57 EST
Having held steady through the torrent of wind, he breathed the now clean air of the room, opening his eyes to look around at his page's work. Smiling a satisfied and hopeful smile, he unfolded his arms, placing his hands back on his hips. "This is indeed a good start, Psy. Bloody good show, mate."

The light now being able to come in a little better due to a large deal of the dust on the windows having been removed, he looked to the far corner in the back of the room, jumping a little, delighted as he saw a stone fireplace that seemed completely undamaged from the house's neglected state. "A fireplace! I saw the chimney before we came in, but it looks to be in fantasic shape!"

He stepped quickly to the broken chair he had early thrown aside, carrying it to the fireplace. He smashed it on the ground with a quick blow, breaking what remained of the legs and back support off with ease. He grabbed up all of the scrapped pieces and threw them into the fireplace, turning back to Jonas with a satisfied grin. "And we even have firewood." He gestured to the rest of the broken furniture, nodding. "It's not as though we can do much else with it."

Maven Jonas

Date: 2007-01-27 19:07 EST
Jonas watched Dameon break apart the broken chair, and shook his head, sighing almost disgustedly. "You know, we might have been able to repair that." He straightened his cloak that has been windblown from his 'dusting,' and folded his arms under his cloak again, walking over to Dameon by the fireplace.

"But I guess maybe we should just get all new furniture, huh?" He mused, tilting his head, his innocent grin returning to his child-like face. "So, let's go ahead and break all this stuff up, and then we can finish cleaning the windows and get some new tables, chairs, sofas, and whatever else we'll need." He yawned a bit, tired from the expending of magic he'd just used, mostly due to the amount of energy he'd expended the night before in entertaining Miss Lerida in the alley with a night-time magic show.

"But....we could just grab our things from Firebird Keep and bring them here....I mean, it's not like we're going to be doing anything else in that realm anyway. We're back home in RhyDin now. I could simply portal back and forth between here and the Keep and bring it all like that." He tilted his head, quirking a brow at the simplicity of his own plan. "Then all we have to do is clean the windows. Then we can hit the bar and get some drinks and social time."

Dameon Phoenix

Date: 2007-01-27 19:21 EST
He shrugged, nodding at Jonas as he grabbed another nearby scrap chair, swinging it down into the floor, breaking it into more managable pieces, and tossing them all into the fireplace with an agreeing nod. "Mm....that sounds like the best idea. I keep thinking there's a reason to leave our home there intact, but we won't be there for much else than to visit anyway. We should just clear it out and bring it all here."

"I'll stay here and get all this wood taken care of. I'll store whatever doesn't fit into the fireplace out back behind the house. When you get back with the furniture, we can start a fire and rest a bit, and then head off to the Red Dragon for some drinks with everyone."

He smiled triumphantly. Finally he was back home. He hated to admit it, but he missed RhyDin during his travels to other realms, and a certain gap in his life seemed to be filled upon returning and rebuilding a residence within the realm he always called home.


Maven Jonas

Date: 2007-01-27 19:32 EST
Jonas smiled, nodding. "Then I will get ready to start transporting things here. I'll just portal them out front of the house, then we can carry everything in and juxtapose it as we need." He folded his arms tightly over his chest, bowing his head and closing his eyes.

As he did this, a black shadow began swirling beneath him, eminating a small cloud of black smoke around it. Slowly and silently, he sank into the shadow, until the top of his head could no longer be seen beneath it. Once Jonas was gone, the portal swirled shut, leaving nothing but floor behind.

This was indeed going to be a fruitful endeavor. A welcome homecoming to the place where his adventures began all those years ago, with the best friend who has been with him through everything. The battles, the wars, the love and the loss as they travelled to other realms in search of adventure after their reluctant departure from RhyDin. None of it seemed to matter anymore. They were home, and it felt like the other travels were merely a dream.

Jonas' adventures with Dameon could begin again, and vice-versa. There's truly no place like home.
