It had finally warmed up, and the petite blonde found herself with a craving for ice cream. But not just any ice cream, of course. No, the first warm days of approaching summer demanded something in particular. It took her a little while to find exactly what she wanted, but eventually Tahlia found herself leaned up against the back quarter panel of her Spitfire, with a chocolate and vanilla swirl of soft serve ice cream in a cone. She’d pulled her hair back into a messy bun, to keep it from flying into her treat, and the sun glinted off the golden strands that escaped. She a poster on a teenage boys wall, right down to the smile as she swirled her tongue around the melting ice cream to keep it from dripping down her fingers.
Grinning like a Cheshire Cat, she didn’t notice the two eager Watchmen approaching as she slid the phone from her back pocket, and snapped a few selfies, mid-lick, and possibly playing up a little for the handsome Selkie those shots were being sent to. Holding the ice cream aside for a moment, she sent the pictures to their intended target. This, of course, then had her rushing to keep the drips from her clothes, and her without napkins.
The taller of the two nudged his partner, as if both men's attention hadn’t already been on the blonde, and pointed his chin in her direction. “We oughta bring her in…”
The shorter Watchman, round-faced and a little less worldly, stammered, watery blue eyes darting from woman to partner and back. “Her" B-but why' Jendell - she’s just…really enjoying her ice cream…”
Watchman Jendell grinned, almost leering. “Yeah, but Sellers…look at her...that’s gotta be a crime…” With a smirk, he set off, striding toward the still-oblivious Tahlia.
——————- Several Hours Later——————-
After a rather intriguing phone call from a police station, there was absolutely no way Ace wouldn’t make himself present to the current case at hand. Tahlia…. Got arrested" Whaaat" Oh, he just had to find out what that was about.
And… what better way to bail her out than to show up looking like gold lined his pockets with the soft, rumbling purr of a Cadillac engine" Dressed to the nines in a black suit - slacks, button up shirt - and a blood red, velvet material of a suit jacket, he’d walked in paid the handsome amount without blinking an eye. “Cash or check"” He’d merely asked. After signing his John Hancock to the piece of paper, they’d released her into his custody - and more than capable hands.
“I refused to let them tell me what happened…” He informed her, his overheated palm centered on her back as he lead her out of the station and toward his car. “But I want more than anything....currently… is to hear in your words what in the Hells Nine you did to get arrested…” He slid those deep coagulated crimson eyes toward her, arching a dark brow with intense curiosity as he lead her around the front of the car toward the passenger’s door. However, he didn’t quite reach for it yet. He wanted - no, needed - an explanation!
Tahlia rubbed at her wrists with a grimace, flexing her right hand as they stepped back out into the bright sunshine, and she looked over the Cadillac with a grin. Sensing that they weren’t getting into the car until she explained herself, she reached up to release her hair from its bun, and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. She wasn’t embarrassed - if anything she might get the papers framed and hung.
“I was eating ice cream. Soft serve. It’s been so cold, so I took out the Spitfire, and went looking. That’s all. Well, until I punched the tall, smirky one…” Those pale green eyes slid up to his face with a wink, and a saucy grin. She’d thought about calling Eddie, but for one, he’d probably still be either laughing, or tearing the Watch house apart, and she’d still be in a cell. Besides, what was the point in being the Devil’s darling, if you didn’t get to make calls like this. Not to mention, that single shot had almost broken the guys jaw - which is why her bail had been nearly…obscene. He shouldn’t have tried to put his hand there. “Apparently that was enough to get me charged with ‘Public Acts of Indecency’ - and resisting arrest, assault of a Watch officer…” Oops.
He simply stood there, waiting for an answer… but he hadn’t quite expected the one he’d gotten. The more she explained, the higher his brows soared until they threatened the integrity of his hairline. He eyed her skeptically the moment she mentioned soft-serve ice cream, and he was fighting delighted laughter audibly, but it twinkled Hellishly in those dark eyes. It brought life to them all on it’s own, and ignited them with an impish flare that perhaps only a devil could appreciate.
Relenting, he spilled a chuckle as his shoulders shook with more silent laughter, his head tipping forward as one arm crossed over his stomach, the other propping on top of it so he could cup his bearded chin. Flaring fingers, he composed himself with a tick of brows to her. “When you say… eating ice you mean, the way most people do… or the way you do, ma petite colombe. I have to admit, you sometimes get carried away,” he flashed a fiendish smile to her, “ didn’t happen to be chocolate or cherry flavored, would it"” His brows soared, feigning innocent curiosity of flavor reference to anyone looking in on the conversation. But there was a secretive, intimate twinge to his voice that was known only to them it’s meaning.
“It was not.” She winked, still running her fingers through her hair, bare skin twitching occasionally. “First one of the year has to chocolate and vanilla swirl. It’s a rule.” Whose rule didn’t matter, maybe it was just her being a smartass. “Ugh. I swear there’s a spider on me…somewhere, the place was crawling with them.” She twisted to look at her back, and try to hide the delighted sparkle in her eyes at having amused him so very much. “What do you mean carried away" It was very good ice cream, and it was melting...and I might have taken a few pictures to send Eddie…” Satisfied, for the moment at least, that there were no arachnids accompanying her home, Tahlia batted wide, guileless eyes up at her savior, and darted up on tip toe to kiss his cheek. “It’s not my fault the tall one decided grabbing my ass was going to make me ‘cooperate with the authorities’ - they’re lucky I’m not charging them for the ice cream he’s now sucking through a cracked jaw. You should sic one of your lawyers on them.” Because of course he had one, according to a lot of people, he had all of them. “Just as long as I don’t have to go to court or anything.” She didn’t need that kind of attention.
“A rule that you actually follow"” His brows soared incredulously, as if she was trying to break his mind. “Since when"” He chuckled softly, those dark eyes shifting toward those fingers in her hair. Raising a brow, he answered her bluntly. “....Carried away, like that time we got ice cream and didn’t remain at the parlor for long.” They’d decided to go back to his place and make their own sundaes. Snickering, he shook his head. “Oh, if you were posing, you certainly got carried away…” He mused, squinting at her suspiciously. “I’m almost sorry I missed it…” He murmured, his cheek tipping into the kiss she bestowed on him. His smile spread into a delighted one at the mention of a cracked jaw. “I’m definitely sorry I missed it, then…” He changed his mind.
Lifting his chin, he seemed to consider it. “...I may be able to arrange one of my lawyers to take care of it. Perhaps compensation for the horrible trauma you’ve faced,” he stuck out that bottom lip in a feigned pout before he chuckled, movement catching his eye before he reached out. Catching one of those eight legged freaks that had decided to peek out now that she wasn’t ruffling her hair, he settled his finger close to it, allowing it to crawl on him and away from her. Once there, he flicked it away and cast his eyes to her. “I’m glad to hear the bail was well worth it, give ‘em Hell, ma cherie,” he hummed.
She managed not to squeal as he removed the spider from its hiding spot, but there was no missing the full body shiver. Even if she did try with a saucy wink. She couldn’t really argue with any of his points, save one. “I follow your rules, mon cher...” Granted, those weren’t particularly difficult, thus far. “Would you? It was wretched - there were all the spiders, and Constable Grabass moaning about his jaw, and I think an ogre...a rotting, nasty thing, and a giant spider. I’m going to need ages of therapy. Or at least a spa day to try and recover. Maybe Kami can join me.” She reached up and slid her hands down his lapels. “Get your lawyer to make the Watch reimburse you, just for the principle of it…” Laughing brightly, she stepped back, all sun-kissed skin, and dangerously delicious “Of course it was worth it, mon vilain - now I can go back to causing some real mischief…”