What if the gods of each race, each people and each aspect of power were real" What if Fate"or Destiny'suddenly forgot who they were" This is exactly what has happened, Fate has forgotten. What happens now"
STORY LINE INFO Fate has forgotten who s/he (open to character interpretation as to who and what fate may be or may not be) is, and so the many strings which are usually hers to play with may have become unwound, unbound, tangled up, broken or even worse'strings never meant to be tied perhaps are now knotted beyond repair. Perhaps even in the future, people who should not ever be together may end up together (to hilarious or disastrous consequences.) How will that affect the already chaotic realm of Rhydin" How does that touch the many lives within the realm or does it even touch anyone"
This is where you, the player, get to decide (as always!)
HOW TO PLAY ALONG" Forgetting Fate is a completely open-to-the-entire-site (DM & RoH) Story Line. Players are encouraged to role play, write or respond in any way (or not at all) that they deem best fits for them and their characters. This is an open story line for anyone interested. The possibilities for how it will play out are only limited by player imagination.
FORGETTING FATE PLAYABLES: A Minor Note (02/20/2013) The Softest Discord (02/27/2013) Three Eyes Blind (03/05/2013) A Little Froggy Out (03/15/2013) Missing Persons: Airissa Marrow (03/30/2013) How Many Hounds for a Rabbit" (04/19/2013) A Stink of Blue (05/11/2013) Sleepless Knight (05/20/2013) NEW
WHAT'S NOT COOL" Please do not immediately have a character point out the problem (revealing the issue), fixing all the issues at once, or solve the story line in one get-go/story/line sent into the chat room.
What you, the player, are reading here is out of character information. Please do not use this information in character"your character should not know who fate is, that she has forgotten, the source of the issue(s), story line source and so on. (Obviously, information in Playables are public to react to :) )
Please do not "cure" Fate or approach her with a character revealing said character knows who she is, what she is, everything about her, what has happened, and how to fix it. I do understand that some characters will be powerful enough that they should be able to do so"but I am asking, as a fellow player to another that you choose to respect other players choosing to write or participate in this story line. Give them time to write and play :)
SETTING THE PACE" This story line will be slow in order to ensure that as many people as possible, who want to participate, can participate. (It will also be slow because I have a lot of things going on in real life currently, and wanted to Role Play and engage the community a bit somehow :P) Please be patient . Pace will be dictated by Playables written by Sadhbh. For example: the first playable writes that only a few small things seem off"please follow along with playables to the best of your ability. (As in: The world should not be ending, for example, thousands should not be dying, kittens should not be kicked". Poor kittens D: )
If you are participating and would like, please feel free to share any forum threads involving Forgetting Fate so we can read your wonderful stories: Forgetting Fate SL ? Threads
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me anytime or ask right here in this thread. I will try and get back to you as soon as possible.
STORY LINE INFO Fate has forgotten who s/he (open to character interpretation as to who and what fate may be or may not be) is, and so the many strings which are usually hers to play with may have become unwound, unbound, tangled up, broken or even worse'strings never meant to be tied perhaps are now knotted beyond repair. Perhaps even in the future, people who should not ever be together may end up together (to hilarious or disastrous consequences.) How will that affect the already chaotic realm of Rhydin" How does that touch the many lives within the realm or does it even touch anyone"
This is where you, the player, get to decide (as always!)
HOW TO PLAY ALONG" Forgetting Fate is a completely open-to-the-entire-site (DM & RoH) Story Line. Players are encouraged to role play, write or respond in any way (or not at all) that they deem best fits for them and their characters. This is an open story line for anyone interested. The possibilities for how it will play out are only limited by player imagination.
FORGETTING FATE PLAYABLES: A Minor Note (02/20/2013) The Softest Discord (02/27/2013) Three Eyes Blind (03/05/2013) A Little Froggy Out (03/15/2013) Missing Persons: Airissa Marrow (03/30/2013) How Many Hounds for a Rabbit" (04/19/2013) A Stink of Blue (05/11/2013) Sleepless Knight (05/20/2013) NEW
WHAT'S NOT COOL" Please do not immediately have a character point out the problem (revealing the issue), fixing all the issues at once, or solve the story line in one get-go/story/line sent into the chat room.
What you, the player, are reading here is out of character information. Please do not use this information in character"your character should not know who fate is, that she has forgotten, the source of the issue(s), story line source and so on. (Obviously, information in Playables are public to react to :) )
Please do not "cure" Fate or approach her with a character revealing said character knows who she is, what she is, everything about her, what has happened, and how to fix it. I do understand that some characters will be powerful enough that they should be able to do so"but I am asking, as a fellow player to another that you choose to respect other players choosing to write or participate in this story line. Give them time to write and play :)
SETTING THE PACE" This story line will be slow in order to ensure that as many people as possible, who want to participate, can participate. (It will also be slow because I have a lot of things going on in real life currently, and wanted to Role Play and engage the community a bit somehow :P) Please be patient . Pace will be dictated by Playables written by Sadhbh. For example: the first playable writes that only a few small things seem off"please follow along with playables to the best of your ability. (As in: The world should not be ending, for example, thousands should not be dying, kittens should not be kicked". Poor kittens D: )
If you are participating and would like, please feel free to share any forum threads involving Forgetting Fate so we can read your wonderful stories: Forgetting Fate SL ? Threads
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me anytime or ask right here in this thread. I will try and get back to you as soon as possible.