Topic: Examiner Notes

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-09-07 17:08 EST
Someone once told me that it's not what we do in life that defines us, but how we live that life. It's all about finding that sense of fulfillment and personal happiness. At the time I could only laugh given how altruistic it sounded. Let's face it, in this world there aren't any Saints, at least not ones who are true to the nature of it. It's all about playing an angle. What can I get for being oh so nice to someone I barely know" What are you willing to give me in return for this kindness" Had I known then what I do now, I would have laughed harder.

My cynicism barely scratches the surface of how things actually work in the real world. Everyone is content to think they have a good bead on the things, but in truth it is far darker than any ever realize. We build a bubble of ignorance around ourselves to blind our fragile sense of reality and perception. To protect our eyes from the preacher who smiles before the congregation as an altar boy chokes for air behind the pulpit. We flood our audio senses with a loud cacophony to drown out the mother of two next door, being beaten by her estranged husband. Then complain to the landlord the morning after saying the walls need more insulation because the heater is broken.

We cloud our nostrils with odoriferous perfumes and bodysprays to block out the subtle tendrils of decomposition drifting on the currents from the homeless man we casually tell ourselves is just sleeping. This is just the beginning of the week. And this is where I was woken up to the fact that there is so much more going on that what I see in progression from points A to B.

What I know, and have come to understand, is just a mildew laced confection. Beneath it all sat a decadent slice of putrescence waiting to force its way down the throat of the innocent. Like I said already, I was awoken.

Living in Rhydin, being sweet an innocent means choosing to overlook all the bad that exists here. To see beyond the superficial and into the heart of everything. Yes, this city is not for the feint of heart, nor the weak minded and willed. This city is for one kind of person, and one alone. Survivors.

How do I know" I'm one of the city's medical examiners. The people I meet at work, are those that can't survive here. Every night there's a new soul brought through the door of my office to be weighed and measured. Occasionally they don't stay dead. Sometimes they just...come back. Must be something in the water. Lots of people die in this town. And, a lot of them don't stay that way. Really must be something in the water.

Someone should write a letter to the Governor. I need to get back to work. Tonight's project is the last victim of a meth lab explosion. I have 115 pieces of a human puzzle to arrange and record. Just hope we haven't run out of coffee, gonna be a long night. Wonder what Gem is up to"

Stop record.

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-09-13 21:49 EST
"Patient's name...Robert Blackwell. Cause of death, severe head trauma to the back and left sides. Wound size comparative with a long, cylindrical object." Regina's voice carries distantly to the microphone hanging above the examination table. "Subject has been deceased for?" a slight wet squish punctuates her words with the insertion of the thermometer into the cadaver's liver. A pause follows as she looks at the temperature depicted. "18 hours, minus two hours since discovery. Subject dead 16 hours before being found by a neighbor. Stop recording."

She gently strokes Robert's face and shakes her head sadly. "Such a beautiful man, pity you were taken from what must have been a good life?" Judging by the few personal effects on a table nearby. A wallet filled with pictures of him with different children, all smiling. Lots of outdoor activities and animals.

"Let's get you more comfortable Robert, or would you prefer Rob' Oh..Bob' Bob's fine" All right." she carries on a non-existent conversation with the body, casually pulling back the sheet covering him from head to to. Exposed as it is on the table, she looks over the remains with little emotion as her gaze traverses the cold contours of his flesh, barely phased at such a violation.

"For what it matters, Bob. I'm sorry for this, but...I have to know who did this to you, nothing personal. I'll be gentle, so just relax and try not to clench too greatly.." she says softly to the cadaver through thin lips. Hands worked in a practiced way to remove her gloves. Reaching over to press a button and swipe the screen of her cellular, she flips through her music files. "This will do?" She taps play and puts on a new pair of gloves.

My love, there's only you in my life...the only thing that's bright

The opening notes to Endless Love by Lionel Richie begins to fill the examination room. Gently swaying to the music, Regina takes up her scalpel and makes the opening incisions. Cutting a gentle slit along Robert's abdomen. Like static in the back of her mind, she hears a phantom scream in pain. Her heart quickens at the sensation the connection brings.

My first love. You're every breath, that I take. You're every step I make.

Scalpel set aside, she tenderly reaches inside his stomach cavity. The fetid stench of his stomach bile and intestines invade her nostrils, violating Regina's senses. Her fingers drag along the smooth lining of different organs, caressing them to get a feel for where everything is. She has no idea if he's human, or something more. Only way to find out is a hands on approach.

And I want to share...all my love with you. No one else will do..

"So far, nothing out of the ordinary. Really should settle down Bob, I haven't gotten to the rough stuff yet." Never mind that she's massaging his liver and gently removing it to be weighed.

Your eyes, your eyes..they tell me how much you care. Oooh yeah. You will always be?

That static in the back of her brain buzzes louder than ever, like a scream of agony as Regina's fingers move from Bob's liver to his large intestine. She pulls out small sections at a time, squeezing it between her fingers like a tube of yogurt where one must push everything inside up from the bottom. All the while she's counting, counting the exact amount of length in feet Bob's intestines are.

My endless love"

The further she delves, the grander the static becomes. And with it, she catches glimpses. Fleeting images of Bob's last moments. She comes up short, gripping his intestines in her hands. "'ve been very naughty." Her tone scolding, seeing memories of Bob and his children, in less than parenting ways.

Disgusted, she starts to yank on his innards, jerking them from his body like a twisted garden hose flying off the wheel. In her mind, Bob is writhing on the table now, feeling everything she's doing. She brings his parts up to her face, sniffing at his detestable filth. Tastes his sins by running the putrid skin of the intestines along her tongue.

Two hearts. Two hearts that beat as one.

Nearly all forty feet of Bob's upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts are drawn out of his helpless corpse. His tethered spirit bellowing at every inch removed. "Can never understand what drives any.." she grunts, tugging on the last foot until it comes out with a wet pop. " being to do that with children.."

Regina seeths, piling the mass of tissue on the bucket scale. Her blue scrubs stained black with the man's drying blood.

Our lives have just begun. Left floating in the emptied cavity is little else than the remnants of Bob's last meal. Melted section of a chocolate coated candy, some mixed vegetables...and a pinky finger. A child's pinky finger. "You know Bob, I thought we had something special when I started this autopsy. But now, I see. You're a vicious son of a bitch?"

Her teeth grind as she reaches into the wallowing depths of the cadaver, following the line of vertebrae upward until her petite fingers wrap around Bob's heart. It gives a phantom pump in her grip, as if Bob knows what?s coming. Not nearly as gently as she began...her hand gives a fierce jerk, rending the valves and arteries in a single pull. Her breasts mashed against the table as she wiggles to get herself upright again. Blood clings to the sleeve of her lab coat as she hold Bob's heart in her hands. His ghostly voice begs for mercy from the back of her mind.

"I'm glad you're dead?" She crushes his heart in her hands, the static cut off completely. Bob's physical connection severed.

Her next actions are simple. Regina cleans up her mess, documenting weights and measures, stomach contents and other pertinent data. Then she changes her scrubs and reaches up to start the recorder again. "Start Recording. A child's finger found inside subject's stomach. Further investigation into murder demanded. Potential kidnapped child involved. Search clock elapsed...nineteen hours since subject died. End Record."

Forever, I'll hold you close in my arms.

I can't resist your charms.

I'll be your fool, for you, I'm sure"

You know I don't mind.

You mean the world to me?

I know...I found in you,



(For Skid, because he asked! ))

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-09-21 20:36 EST
"LUCY! Get back in here, lass!"

Chill to the touch, Regina lays there in silence. The blond in her hair a shade lighter where it mats to her head and the sheets around her in long woven curls.

"There is shock...we have to watch for that." She was trying to remember what first aid she had learned over the decades. "Uh...face pale, raise tail...face red, raise head! I think."

And Jack left the coat on her. It was wool and water resistant despite the ribbons. "Aye, do that, lass." And then he leaned down to kiss Gina's pale and chilled lips and shared some of that Faerie heals. A breath breathed into Gina.

There's a thick and heavy beat of her heart. The sound almost like a sledge crashing onto stone. Any touching her may be in for a right as she gasps into life, right up into Jack's lips, her blond hair curling around his hand like Medusa's serpents. An odd aura converging on her from head to toe.

"Wool blankets. Ben." Repeating, she hurries out of the room, like a particularly well-dressed Florence Nightingale. She hurries down the hall, checking doors for something that might hold linens::

His eyes flew open and he tried to pull away.

"..........vith!" Gem had her hands on the woman's feet and she paused to stare at her near Jack's head. The elf's eyes wided and she gave a little murmur and a sway of her body.

Bingo. She's got one of the two things requested, piling her arms with blankets—are they wool" Who knows. They seem extremely uncomfortable to her, but whatever. She hurries them back down the hall to the room:: I have—she stops talking and stares from the doorway

And back Ben came, carrying a large kettle of hot water. He caught up with Lucy and stopped where she did, head tilting, green eyes incadescent.

Dark" He had no clue what went on in the room. He was simply intent on shreadding anyone not helping Gina that got close to that door.::

Jack Scot tried to pull away, but....he just couldn't.

The elfess, though, had a strong streak of the practical in her. She shook her head, bit her lip hard enough to leave an imprint of teeth there and shook off ...whatever she had felt. "Ahem. Right. Blankets." She looked around for Lucy.

And then she looked back to Jack.

Falling deeper into the kiss. He couldn't help himself. It was so delicious.The Crow quit resisting.

'OOooohhh, no you don't, my girl," She reached into her pouch and pulled out a long hat pin. And this was jabbed with interesting force into Gina's foot.: JAB!

Lucy was there, in the doorway. Blocking Ben's way. But afraid to move. Arms full of blankets

Ben ...just....stared.

Jack didn't notice what Gem was doing. Hmmm....Gina kisses. So sweet. And already out of his coat too

"I didn't have my first lover in this blighted, bedamned, thrice cursed town be a bloody incubus to not know what this is!" And she would jab again if she could.

"..." Ben's gaze ticked aside to Lucy, mouth open.

The elf growled. "Ben, get me some COLD water."

Seconds tick by before Gina falls back on the bed, still but her color returning. Though her foot jerked back from the stick pin, little red dots forming where Gem stuck her. That odd aura flowing reverse whence it came.

"Oh. There is a ewer there." She marched over, hackles on full rise, and snatched up the pitcher and looked inside. Yes. Cold water. She smiled with singular sweetness as she tossed that cold water on Jack and Gina.

: "...Jack....Great Grandfather...." He did Gem one better, he swung under Lucy's arm, stepped in....catching a handful of energy - small, and hurty - not much more than one of Jack's own sparks. *ZAP* Right in the backside. "Jack, what the hell, man' She was just shot!" he sputtered, astonished.

That knocked Jack back, oh yes it did cold water and lightning...with a shout and he's on his butts. And no longer touching Gina. Just sitting there stunned. "Wh...what?" He just sat there. He looked around stupidly. Some might say that was his normal look.

"Jack...?" Ben frowned, head tilting.

"I'll just—I'll just leave these here." She steps in quickly and sets the blankets on the top of the dresser, then starts backing out again, hoping Gem doesn't shout at her once more, but prepared for it.

Don't mind her as she yells her self, sitting bolt up right...then then swoons holding her abdoman and her head. "Ugh....." her form falling back onto the bedspread.

Ben's about to retreat with Lucy. His gaze ticked to Gina, and then to Gem. He shook his head, lips froming the word 'what..."'

She considered using the pitcher on the blonde's head, but managed to refrain. "She has seductress in her." This in a flat little voice.

But when Gina bounced up and then down, Jack scrabbled back and up onto his feet really fast. "What the **** was that?"

The elf looked about at all of them. "What' You haven't ever encountered one before?"

Lucy stares a moment from the doorway. Have I mentioned how pale she is now" She starts backing up more "Gonna go fill out the register—" murmured low under her breath, like anybody cares.

"What' No." He had no clue.

"Lucy and I will be downstairs. Come on, Jack," he decided abruptly, reaching for Jack's arms.

"My coat...," but he dare not go close.

Gem shook her head and moved to Gina. "Coat, please." Hands held out.

Maybe he could. Benjamin was pulling but he might be resisting just a little. His coat. See.

"Ben" While you are downstairs you should look up Succubi." Gem offered tersely.

Not a Clue. Ben pushed Jack behind him, and towards Lucy. "I'll get it."

Yeah, Ben. Definitely. For reals. Lucy turns, when it's safe, and moves for the stairs, starting to head back down. She needs a drink. A big one. How is she not drinking already"

"No, Ben, not you." Gem stepped in front of him. 'I have this."

"No." Jack's really resisting. "My coat."

"Succubi..." We have on the show. She's........Oh." Yes, he's bulldozing Jack out.

Dark had heard Gina, she was alive. Dark slowly stood and made his way over to peek into the room "rrrrowrl?"

"No!" This wasn't about a succubus in the bed.

The is the flight part of fight or flight. Lucy doesn't really care if Ben and Jack are behind her. She's out of there, heels clicking on the stairs

Dark stumbled backwards when Ben pushed Jack towards the doorway. And fell on his rump. The room was bleeding people!

"We're not leaving without your coat, Jack! Just get to the door!" he responded, clear and sharp.

Gem reached down to "help" Gina take the coat off. "Come along, now, love. He has to have his coat. " Firm tones, gentle hands...with purpose.

Pale, a bit shaky, she makes for the bar, pressing her lips together. Cause that was weird as hell

"I keep forgetting it's real," He exhaled, a hand over his face, "And I'm at a disadvantage not having a faith with a lot of demons."

Jack's beginning to panic because it's starting to hurt. And he can't seem to step into the 'scape.

As Jack's panic grew, Gem's efforts to get the girl to give up the coat intensified. She considered, and looking over at the Crow, she decided. A ring was pressed a certain way. "Love, give over the coat now before I have to get a bit mean." the ring goes back on normal mode as the poor dear reluctantly gives up the coat. The coat was taken with a smile and a nod. "Thank you, lass." Then it was offered out to Jack once she crossed the room.

"Let's go," Ben whispered, helping Jack swing the coat over his shoulders, intent on getting the hell out of there.

Jack clutched the heavy thing tight to his chest and ....and....stepped into dreamscape.

Dark peeked into the room again to see what went on in there. He had the rights, he guarded dangit!

Gem breathed a sigh of relief and then looked Ben's way. She wanted him out, too.

...Thud. Into the wall. He swore, aggravated as hell, "Dark, she's all right. Come downstairs," he whispered, because if he gave his voice tone, he'd be snapping. And Dark didn't deserve that.

Dark looked over his shoulder at back to Gem for a few moments, his shoulders slouched as he turned to make his way back down the stairs. Stupid stairs.

She smiled at Dark as he left. Then. She turned back to Gina watching her try to curl up into a ball and hide. Slender arms curling around her midsection.

Gem neared the bed and finally stopped just at the side of it. Amethysts that maybe glittered a bit gazed down into those of the coroner. A faint smile was on her lips. "I know what you are from that jolt I got. But I don't think you must be wholly succubus, because that was actually a pretty weak little jolt. I threw it off without too much effort." Never mind what it had done to poor Jack. He didn't have Gem' "I don't care what a body may be, or what a body may have done in the past. I don't judge, me." Her little slip in syntax should be ignored because this is not her native language. "But if you dare to plant an anchor or a barb into anyone I know and care about, well, me girl. You and I are going to come to some pretty rough times." Her voice was soft and kind until that last bit.

She slowly turns to look at Gem and just says..."What are you talking about?" Her voice a hoarse whisper. Confusion and pain, plain as day in her eyes.

The elf frowned a little at the look in those big, pretty eyes. She considered what she knew of the woman, which admittedly was not a whole lot, despite the whole Teslim thing some three years back. "You don't seem to know what you are, lass. And I could maybe be wrong. But it seems to me you may have a wee bit of succubus in your past. Perhaps a mother, a grand, or a great grand" I don't know. But I do know you better be careful with it. You especially, because if you really haven't a clue you could be planting your desires in other folks without realizing it. That's what a barb is, that which an incubus or succubus plants in their intended victims. It calls to them, makes them take in dreams you send...and other things. It isn't fair and it isn't right to manipulate folk like that, not with them being unaware, mind you."

"Succu.." she frowns and falls back on the bed, hands covering her eyes. Why was it so bright' Was it bright' She couldn't tell.

She bent close. "An' ah smelled ye on Jack, so ah know ye been wi' him. Don' bae thinkin' on plantin' anythin' there, lass. Nae." The sudden accent the lilt of the Drow, there and then gone for the last words. "No future in it."

She pauses and lifts her hands to look at Gem. "What are you talking about' Who's planning futures?" She's in far too much pain to be thinking like this, only half of Gem's words are getting through her mental fog.

"Mmm." Could be she was being a bit precipitate. She gave a sigh. It could wait for another time, then. The elf gave a kind smile to the lass. "Tis alright, you and I will talk when you feel better. For now you have been shot. The bullets show some kind of soul binding on them. I dunno who you annoyed but you did a grand job of it. You might invest in some kevlar." She stood upright and nodded. "Rest you, and when you feel better you can set about figuring things out. "

Excuse her as she curls up into a ball, pulling the pillow over her head to block out that blasted blinding light from the small bedside lamp. Too much is going on in her mind to make sense out of any of this. "Tell...everyone..thank you.." Regina whispers to the departing Gem.

The elf nodded silently, turned out the lamp, put a wool blanket on the girl,. The whisper had been heard and a nod given before the shutting of the door. Spying the shell-shocked Lucy and Ben, she made her way over to them. Down the stairs she went, a look of concentration on her face. Damp leathers, dirty knees and mud on the boots

You might ask...what happened to cause my life to be turned upside down like this....

I'd like to say I know. But I can only guess...I think it started with a meeting I had with Brian Ravenlock.

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-09-25 17:16 EST
The Marketplace is the central square of RhyDin City. It is located on the north bank of the RhyDin River, and West of the Red Dragon Inn. The clock tower in the Marketplace is visible from almost anywhere in the city. The Marketplace an open cobblestoned area with a variety of benches, monuments and other permanent fixtures, able to easily hold hundreds of people. It is surrounded by streets and walkways that take you to a number of shops, eating establishments and other businesses. And during most days merchants of all sorts travel from throughout the city and beyond to the Marketplace to set up stands, push wagons and carts, or just throw down a blanket and try and sell their wares. In the evenings, the open area of the Marketplace is often host to a traveling troupe of actors putting on a play or wandering minstrels or possibly even a band set up to play for a special event. Sitting across from Gina, Brian lifted his hand to signal a server. As they approached, he offered a smile to the young lady. "Two coffees with baileys and— fancy a bit of cake, Gina?" Brian then stole a quick glance at the file once more.

"Not this time, sweets go straight to my butt. That's big enough, thank you." She sniffs delicately with a shameless grin.

"Alright, coffee it is with one slice of lemon cake for me. Please and thank you." And with a bow the server was off leaving Bri and Gina to talk. "So lemme get this straight, you have bodies rising up and all that fun stuff?" Brian asked as he looked through, the file.

"Right. The body rising. Isn't the person on the tag who is supposed to be checked in. A lot of the cases have been patients, as I call them, who are marked to be cremated per their DNR's and other documents." She motions to a copy of a preliminary report.

Brian nodded, continuing to look as the server deftly delivered their coffee and his cake. Like a ninja she was gone, leaving Bri and Gina there. "So— what you have risen, isn't what came in" So are we looking as a literal swap possibly, or perhaps a metaphysical change" Also, any of your staff— were they attacked or harmed?"

"One or two yes, we don't have any way to know how many slipped through. The first one"woke up in the middle of autopsy. The attending examiner was lucky to get into the safe room alive as he's still on medical leave to recover." Gina shakes her head, the normal playfulness falling aside to a grim ire.

"No one was bitten?"

"No one was infected, correct. We've increased security measures and installed additional surveillance, and nothing further has happened. However, who is behind it still needs apprehended."

"I agree— this is no joke...Alright, lessee....Any dots to connect with the patients that came in before the changes" Locations" Family' Anything at all" Also, if they replaced the original bodies, where the hell did the switch happen— not to mention the one that rose....Wait, I'm sorry. I'm going in too many directions, even for me. Let's back it up a sec....Alright, do we have anything in regards to the bodies that can link them together— family, or locations" Primary Care Physicians?"

"Not yet. At present there have been a total of six incidents documented. One woke up in autopsy, another on the way to the funeral parlor where the original body was dated for cremating, three on their gurneys awaiting processing into the database, and the last one came too in cold storage...after autopsy." She shakes her head as a deep sadness replaces the flash of anger from just a moment ago. "My theory, and that of my boss, is whoever is behind it is out to kill vamps, and is using both the : doctors, and the cremation facilities to do their dirty work. They bag and tag the poor souls, hope we'll do the rest and be none the wiser. Again, we have no idea how long this has been going on, that's the scary part."

"Well if they are targeting Vampires, why go through the trouble" I mean, it's a lot easier to simply take them out then to draw it out like this....I mean, there's collateral damage across the board here, and of course loads of chaos, so I can see that— if someone were looking to stir trouble. As to killing them, it's just a lot easier to take them out. But if their goal is to have you do them in, in the end— how the hell did they manage to subdue them for so long?" Brian pondered a good bit, pouring over the reports.

"I actually have an idea. The only thing that fits, would be a stasis spell of some form. On average, vampirism makes the individual highly resistant to mesmerism and mind affecting arcana, but when captured at rest, during peak sun time, or noon while they are literally dead to the world. Again, species variances not taken into consideration, they can be manipulated in this way." Her shoulder rise and fall helplessly.

Brian nodded a bit, "True— but if they're that dead to the world, one could just take them out. I gotta feeling there's a bigger picture here....Gina, how many bodies do you get, on the average— say a week?"

"Lately it's been slow, hence my being able to come outside in the daylight. That might change given how quiet the Markeplace has been lately," her delicate knuckles rap quickly on the table-top. "I'd or eight, but we're constantly in backlog working on the oldest cases first, unless a new resident has some urgent mark-up on it from higher up the chain."

"Any of these 'risers', were they marked for a quicker processing?"

"Now that I'm thinking on it...they all were. However the slips aren't all from the same person. One was from Watch Captain Cullen, the vic was a friend of the family sort of thing. He wanted the body back to them quickly to expedite their grieving." Her well cared for nails drum lightly on the table as she looks off into thought. Leaning forward a bit, her chin rests lightly on her free palm, two long locks of blond hair hang down around her face like a frame.

"Cullen....Hmm, can't say we've met....But that's expected, considering most of the watch is privatized now." Brian set the file down a moment, and took a glance around the square a bit. His gloved hand lifted, as fingers stroked his chin. "All were streamlined....Do we know who authorized the others?" He scooped up the file and took another look.

She blinks. And takes out her datapad and begins to furiously swipe at different folders..."One thing stuck out. In one of the cases. The assailant was marked as still at large. The rest have all been caught by now. So we have Cullen, and another for two of them was judge Ombutu, the attacks were caught on surveillance which negated the need for a follow through autopsy."

"So you have two of the risers, in custody?"

"They were released after interrogation. I can get you copies of the audio, the transcripts are in the file towards the back." She's willing to do all the leg work and puts it up front, sitting taller in her chair.

"That'll be good....It's a start." Brian closed the file, and set it on the table. "There's definitely something going on here, Gina. No doubt about that....I think we need to find the judge, and maybe ask why these particulars were marked to be sped up, as a starter."

Seems she and Brian were riding the same wave at the moment. "The CoC told me he has open office hours tomorrow with nothing presently on the docket. That'd be the best time to schedule an appointment."

"Then we have a date with the judge, it seems."

"If I can squeeze out the time to show up with you, otherwise you might have to fly solo, would that be a problem?" Covering eventualities.

"Nothing we can't deal with, Gina. So is this file okay for me to hold on to, or do we need to make copies?"

"That is a copy, just to be safe and I documented a copy file was made and sent to be turned over to a member of the 27th." She smiles broadly at her own dotting i's and crossing t's.

"Outstanding, well then I will make sure look it over tonight as well." Then a crackle of radio could be heard, which caught Brian's attention. "Time to get back on the clock it seems. So I'll look out for you tomorrow, and if you can't make it, I'll handle the judge and get back to you right after."

"You'll know where to find me." She nods then has to laugh as their coffee and cake arrive. "So...get these to go' I'll pay.."

"No, it's all good. I got it." Standing slowly, Brian smiled to Gina. "Thanks for the intel, Gina. I look forward to getting to the bottom of this."

"You're always such a gentleman, Brian. And I do love to rely on the kindness of people I know." She rises as well, giving him a wink. "My pleasure, and besides I can't think of a person I'd rather have working on the mystery. If anyone can figure it out, you can. With some help from friends of course."

"Always with some help, Gina. Always. So you take care, stay in some piece and I'll see ya on the morrow."

"You too," her pale fingers take up the coffee as she wiggles fingers to him in farewell. Regina moves much as she arrived, quickly and with purpose, her head high and looking everyone around her in the eye.

Brian did the same, and making several mental notes as he did so.

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-09-25 17:26 EST
Tennishoes carry her lightly across the cobblestones where Regina comes around the corner in sight of the Inn. She's lifting am arm to wave seeing Gem and Jack with Ben, Lucy, Taneth, and Dark as she crosses the street when a vehicle comes racing up, the window pulled down. There's a flash of light and a male voice saying "Should have kept your mouth shut, Doc..." Then Regina is staggering to the side, eyes wide open in shock. Blood flows from a wound in her stomach. The vehicle roars off madly.

It's so slomo. The star gaze swinging to the sound of squealing tired and angry yelling.

: "............shite!" Gem dropped ribbons and yanked eyes over to the noise and the car and the tires squealing and all that. The thief leapt off the railing with a neat twist and ran for the woman downed.

: "Gina," Ben sputtered.

He could smell the blood. Her blood. Coroner's blood. Jack was faster. A flicker and the Fae was there before Gina hit the ground. Like catching a flower as it wilts, kneeling to catch her.

Benjamin didn't move, he hung onto Taneth, glancing back at Dark, baffled, and whut..." He turned to watch Jack and Gem.

Gem arrived after Jack, her breath fast and hectic, hands reaching down into her Belt of Many Pouches. "I have potions. None of them the bloody right kind...not for this.." Rummage!

"Benjamin. A moment please." Jack called out from the street.

"Should I call someone" Lucy opens her handbag, fumbling for her phone watching from the porch

"I'm coming," he responded, setting Taneth down beside Lucy and trotting to Jack. "Do you want me to try and heal her...?"

"Aye, lad. You can do it easier than I." And then he was looking down at pretty, bloody Gina as she mutters incoherently. Out of all she's seen and done, this isn't something within her realm of experience. Being on the recieving end. The shock of it ruling her mind as she looks at the blood on her own hands, clutched as she is in the arms of the Crow

Gem gave up on her pouches. "I only have healing for light damage, Jack! " Her hands came over and she probed for whatever was making her bleed. She heard Jack and then Ben and she looked hopeful, just putting her hands hard on the bleeding hole.

Dark looked at Gina "rrrrowlr?"his ear was forgotten as Dark stood, VERY alert and snarling. His neon green irises flared brightly as he panned the distance to find some one who might have caused gina's current state.

"Easy, darling," Jack cooed to Gina. He nodded at Gem. She was doing the right thing.

Dark climbed up and parched on a top railing near by, more growling.

"Alright." Ben knelt, green eyes intent. He drew in his breath, focussing, praying, most likely, before he gripped his right hand. Thunder grumbled in the foothills, flashing lightning cloud to cloud. Energy gathered over his arm, his hand, delicate tracery of pale green lightening woke over his skin, flowing to his loosely closed fist where it glowed brilliance. Clouds started to pack in. Rain.

She heard Gina muttering, and her heart clenched. "You won't, sweet. You won't. We won't let you." She looked up at the two men. "They won't let you die, lass, hold on." Gem looked down at the woman suddenly. "Don't you give up, you hear me?" Her voice was fierce. Almost sibilant.

"Here we go. Let's ride the lighting," Jack rumbled at Gina. He knew her fear and shielded Gina's face from the rain with his coat.

"Okay. Hand on," Ben whispered, his eyes illuminated, vivid green. His hand opened, he thrust the ball lightning through Gina, intent to healing her wounds. Lightning strike fast and harsh. Thunder cracked loudly with the pass of energy. Her back spasms violently, thrusting her chest upward and out. If not for Jack and Gem she'd have pretzeled up then and there. As it is, she convulses with the gigawats and killijules of the strike. She thrashes harder and faster before muscles can no longer twitch, smoke rising from her hair and mouth.

Dark ganced back at the scene before he looked back at the darkness. The sudden lightning flash made him twitch. Lucy stares wide-eyed from the protection of the porch, watching the lightning, watching Ben intently. Dark let out a whining growl but he stayed his guard on the porch. Anyone that intended to inturrupt the healing would find themseles shredded. Nearby Lucy drops the cigarette from her fingers without realizing it and brings her hands to cover her mouth::

"Tell me I didn't kill her," Ben whispered, wide eyed, clasping his hand in hand. He's healed a few people, even could modulate the amount of energy he used, but this was a gut shot.

Gem had been holding on for dear life. It was rather like a bucking bronco, she figured, but with teeth. All over her. She gave a little squeak as it hit and then grit her teeth. At the end of it,. she felt something push into her hands. Metal. What' Fingers curled around them and she lifted bloody hands bespattered by rain to see what lay within them. "....Oh. Look..! " In the hands of the elf lay several metal fragments shaped like ..well, like what bullets were shaped like when they were large calibur and had been shot into a body. She tipped her hands a little so that the light glissaded over them. There were markings there. " There is..something on them."

Lucy looks over at Teneth, then Dark, before looking back towards the road

"Is she breathing?" Ben asked, anxious, simply allowing the rain to pelt the thin fabrics he wore to his body. "...Something....written on the bullet?" dubiously.

The elf frowned. "I...I think those are magic runes. Or something. " She squinted and tried her Read Languages ability. In case it was a language. : "Two of them." Two bullets.

"She lives." Jack was taking off his coat to cover her with it. "Her heart beat is weak." Getting soaked, he draped his coat over Gina and gathered her up to carry her to the Inn.

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-09-25 17:27 EST
"Do you need anything?" Calling over to the three from the porch, feeling useless standing there watching: Gem scrambled up from the now soaking wet cobbles and then followed, letting the rain wash the blood from bullets and hands. "Come on, Ben! You did so splendidly!" She smiled over her shoulder at him.

"A room," Jack called out to Lucy.

"Not having a bullet in her is a start," Ben exhaled, standing and shaking water through his hair. He didn't follow, he turned to Star, speaking to the animal while glancing to the rain. It wouldn't last long, unless it was going to rain anyhow. Either way, he sent Star trotting home.

She can do that. Lucy picks up her purse and pushes into the Inn, heading immediately for the bar. She hasn't stayed in the Inn in years, but she remembers how it was done, her high-heels clacking across the floor boards as she hurries to slip behind the bar. She opens up the register, flicking through the pages. Then she grabs a room key and moves back out. She starts up the stairs, readying to open a room for Jack to Regina. Hurrying again, this time up the stairs

Jack carried Regina across the street and up onto the porch. Jack looked like a pretty scrawny guy without his coat. Such a contrast, her usual vibrancy reduced to a smoking withered thing of a pressed flower in the arms of the Crow. He whispered to her as he carried Gina inside. Little spells of binding, at least till he could her upstairs and dry.

Exhaling, Ben followed finally, shaking out his hair, then simply removing the cloak. It was sodden, and so was the chiton he wore under it. But that would dry much more quickly. He tossed the cloak over a chair near the fire and trailed after Jack and Gem who was right there with Jack and Gina, anxiously watching the girl and holding open the door for them. She paused to snag up towels and a big bowl from the closet at the base of the stairs. Above, Lucy opens the door of the room she's selected on the second floor, and holds it open for Jack. "Up here!" Calling down to the lot of them.

Dark slipped down from the railing and paced along the porch, more or less in a guard like fashion. Growls came and went as he walked, toe claws clicked against the porch boards. Dark wanted anything, anyone to appear as a threat. His eyes flicked at folks that came and went through the door::

Gem looked for Ben. "Can you get this bowl filled with hot water, love?" Gem turned and went on up with her arms full of warm, dry, fluffy towels.

"Towels" Ben grabbed one, because otherwise, he was letting it all hang out.

Jack swept himself and Gina past Lucy with a nod and into the room she'd selected. Whispering still in Gina's ear as he set her on top of the bed spread.

The elf burst into the room and laid the towels on a convenient armchair. The bullets got a last look from her before she put them in her belt, and then set to removing wet clothing from the lass. "Weak heart' Did you say that?" She had the girl's shoes off and then was briskly rubbing and slapping her feet. Getting circulation going down there.

"LUCY! Get back in here, lass!" Chill to the touch, Regina lays there in silence. The blond in her hair a shade lighter where it mats to her head and the sheets around her in long woven curls.

"There is shock...we have to watch for that." Gem was trying to remember what first aid she had learned over the decades. "Uh...face pale, raise tail...face red, raise head! I think."

And Jack left the coat on her. It was wool and water resistant despite the ribbons. "Aye, do that, lass." And then he leaned down to kiss Gina's pale and chilled lips and shared some of that Faerie heals. A breath breathed into Gina.

There's a thick and heavy beat of her heart. The sound almost like a sledge crashing onto stone. Any touching her may be in for a right as she gasps into life, right up into Jack's lips, her blond hair curling around his hand like Medusa's serpents. An odd aura converging on her from head to toe.

"Wool blankets. Ben." Repeating, she hurries out of the room, like a particularly well-dressed Florence Nightingale. She hurries down the hall, checking doors for something that might hold linens::

His eyes flew open and he tried to pull away.

"..........vith!" Gem had her hands on the woman's feet and she paused to stare at her near Jack's head. The elf's eyes wided and she gave a little murmur and a sway of her body.

Bingo. She's got one of the two things requested, piling her arms with blankets—are they wool" Who knows. They seem extremely uncomfortable to her, but whatever. She hurries them back down the hall to the room:: I have—she stops talking and stares from the doorway

And back Ben came, carrying a large kettle of hot water. He caught up with Lucy and stopped where she did, head tilting, green eyes incadescent.

Dark" He had no clue what went on in the room. He was simply intent on shreadding anyone not helping Gina that got close to that door.::

Jack Scot tried to pull away, but....he just couldn't.

The elfess, though, had a strong streak of the practical in her. She shook her head, bit her lip hard enough to leave an imprint of teeth there and shook off ...whatever she had felt. "Ahem. Right. Blankets." She looked around for Lucy.

And then she looked back to Jack.

Falling deeper into the kiss. He couldn't help himself. It was so delicious.The Crow quit resisting.

'OOooohhh, no you don't, my girl," She reached into her pouch and pulled out a long hat pin. And this was jabbed with interesting force into Gina's foot.: JAB!

Lucy was there, in the doorway. Blocking Ben's way. But afraid to move. Arms full of blankets

Ben ...just....stared.

Jack didn't notice what Gem was doing. Hmmm....Gina kisses. So sweet. And already out of his coat too

"I didn't have my first lover in this blighted, bedamned, thrice cursed town be a bloody incubus to not know what this is!" And she would jab again if she could.

"..." Ben's gaze ticked aside to Lucy, mouth open.

The elf growled. "Ben, get me some COLD water."

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-09-25 17:29 EST
Seconds tick by before Gina falls back on the bed, still but her color returning. Though her foot jerked back from the stick pin, little red dots forming where Gem stuck her. That odd aura flowing reverse whence it came.

"Oh. There is a ewer there." She marched over, hackles on full rise, and snatched up the pitcher and looked inside. Yes. Cold water. She smiled with singular sweetness as she tossed that cold water on Jack and Gina.

: "...Jack....Great Grandfather...." He did Gem one better, he swung under Lucy's arm, stepped in....catching a handful of energy - small, and hurty - not much more than one of Jack's own sparks. *ZAP* Right in the backside. "Jack, what the hell, man' She was just shot!" he sputtered, astonished.

That knocked Jack back, oh yes it did cold water and lightning...with a shout and he's on his butts. And no longer touching Gina. Just sitting there stunned. "Wh...what?" He just sat there. He looked around stupidly. Some might say that was his normal look.

"Jack...?" Ben frowned, head tilting.

"I'll just—I'll just leave these here." She steps in quickly and sets the blankets on the top of the dresser, then starts backing out again, hoping Gem doesn't shout at her once more, but prepared for it.

Don't mind her as she yells her self, sitting bolt up right...then then swoons holding her abdoman and her head. "Ugh....." her form falling back onto the bedspread.

Ben's about to retreat with Lucy. His gaze ticked to Gina, and then to Gem. He shook his head, lips froming the word 'what..."'

She considered using the pitcher on the blonde's head, but managed to refrain. "She has seductress in her." This in a flat little voice.

But when Gina bounced up and then down, Jack scrabbled back and up onto his feet really fast. "What the **** was that?"

The elf looked about at all of them. "What' You haven't ever encountered one before?"

Lucy stares a moment from the doorway. Have I mentioned how pale she is now" She starts backing up more "Gonna go fill out the register—" murmured low under her breath, like anybody cares.

"What' No." He had no clue.

"Lucy and I will be downstairs. Come on, Jack," he decided abruptly, reaching for Jack's arms.

"My coat...," but he dare not go close.

Gem shook her head and moved to Gina. "Coat, please." Hands held out.

Maybe he could. Benjamin was pulling but he might be resisting just a little. His coat. See.

"Ben" While you are downstairs you should look up Succubi." Gem offered tersely.

Not a Clue. Ben pushed Jack behind him, and towards Lucy. "I'll get it."

Yeah, Ben. Definitely. For reals. Lucy turns, when it's safe, and moves for the stairs, starting to head back down. She needs a drink. A big one. How is she not drinking already"

"No, Ben, not you." Gem stepped in front of him. 'I have this."

"No." Jack's really resisting. "My coat."

"Succubi..." We have on the show. She's........Oh." Yes, he's bulldozing Jack out.

Dark had heard Gina, she was alive. Dark slowly stood and made his way over to peek into the room "rrrrowrl?"

"No!" This wasn't about a succubus in the bed.

The is the flight part of fight or flight. Lucy doesn't really care if Ben and Jack are behind her. She's out of there, heels clicking on the stairs

Dark stumbled backwards when Ben pushed Jack towards the doorway. And fell on his rump. The room was bleeding people!

"We're not leaving without your coat, Jack! Just get to the door!" he responded, clear and sharp.

Gem reached down to "help" Gina take the coat off. "Come along, now, love. He has to have his coat. " Firm tones, gentle hands...with purpose.

Pale, a bit shaky, she makes for the bar, pressing her lips together. Cause that was weird as hell

"I keep forgetting it's real," He exhaled, a hand over his face, "And I'm at a disadvantage not having a faith with a lot of demons."

Jack's beginning to panic because it's starting to hurt. And he can't seem to step into the 'scape.

As Jack's panic grew, Gem's efforts to get the girl to give up the coat intensified. She considered, and looking over at the Crow, she decided. A ring was pressed a certain way. "Love, give over the coat now before I have to get a bit mean." the ring goes back on normal mode as the poor dear reluctantly gives up the coat. The coat was taken with a smile and a nod. "Thank you, lass." Then it was offered out to Jack once she crossed the room.

"Let's go," Ben whispered, helping Jack swing the coat over his shoulders, intent on getting the hell out of there.

Jack clutched the heavy thing tight to his chest and ....and....stepped into dreamscape.

Dark peeked into the room again to see what went on in there. He had the rights, he guarded dangit!

Gem breathed a sigh of relief and then looked Ben's way. She wanted him out, too.

...Thud. Into the wall. He swore, aggravated as hell, "Dark, she's all right. Come downstairs," he whispered, because if he gave his voice tone, he'd be snapping. And Dark didn't deserve that.

Dark looked over his shoulder at back to Gem for a few moments, his shoulders slouched as he turned to make his way back down the stairs. Stupid stairs.

She smiled at Dark as he left. Then. She turned back to Gina watching her try to curl up into a ball and hide. Slender arms curling around her midsection.

Gem neared the bed and finally stopped just at the side of it. Amethysts that maybe glittered a bit gazed down into those of the coroner. A faint smile was on her lips. "I know what you are from that jolt I got. But I don't think you must be wholly succubus, because that was actually a pretty weak little jolt. I threw it off without too much effort." Never mind what it had done to poor Jack. He didn't have Gem' "I don't care what a body may be, or what a body may have done in the past. I don't judge, me." Her little slip in syntax should be ignored because this is not her native language. "But if you dare to plant an anchor or a barb into anyone I know and care about, well, me girl. You and I are going to come to some pretty rough times." Her voice was soft and kind until that last bit.

She slowly turns to look at Gem and just says..."What are you talking about?" Her voice a hoarse whisper. Confusion and pain, plain as day in her eyes.

The elf frowned a little at the look in those big, pretty eyes. She considered what she knew of the woman, which admittedly was not a whole lot, despite the whole Teslim thing some three years back. "You don't seem to know what you are, lass. And I could maybe be wrong. But it seems to me you may have a wee bit of succubus in your past. Perhaps a mother, a grand, or a great grand? I don't know. But I do know you better be careful with it. You especially, because if you really haven't a clue you could be planting your desires in other folks without realizing it. That's what a barb is, that which an incubus or succubus plants in their intended victims. It calls to them, makes them take in dreams you send...and other things. It isn't fair and it isn't right to manipulate folk like that, not with them being unaware, mind you."

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-09-25 17:31 EST
"Succu.." she frowns and falls back on the bed, hands covering her eyes. Why was it so bright' Was it bright' She couldn't tell.

She bent close. "An' ah smelled ye on Jack, so ah know ye been wi' him. Don' bae thinkin' on plantin' anythin' there, lass. Nae." The sudden accent the lilt of the Drow, there and then gone for the last words. "No future in it."

She pauses and lifts her hands to look at Gem. "What are you talking about' Who's planning futures?" She's in far too much pain to be thinking like this, only half of Gem's words are getting through her mental fog.

"Mmm." Could be she was being a bit precipitate. She gave a sigh. It could wait for another time, then. The elf gave a kind smile to the lass. "Tis alright, you and I will talk when you feel better. For now you have been shot. The bullets show some kind of soul binding on them. I dunno who you annoyed but you did a grand job of it. You might invest in some kevlar." She stood upright and nodded. "Rest you, and when you feel better you can set about figuring things out. "

Excuse her as she curls up into a ball, pulling the pillow over her head to block out that blasted blinding light from the small bedside lamp. Too much is going on in her mind to make sense out of any of this. "Tell...everyone..thank you.." Regina whispers to the departing Gem.

The elf nodded silently, turned out the lamp, put a wool blanket on the girl,. The whisper had been heard and a nod given before the shutting of the door. Spying the shell-shocked Lucy and Ben, she made her way over to them. Down the stairs she went, a look of concentration on her face. Damp leathers, dirty knees and mud on the boots.

(I want to thank Gem, Ben, Taneth, Lucy, Scot, Dark, and Brian for helping in bring these scenes to life!)

Regina Appleton

Date: 2014-11-02 20:29 EST
Tentative steps bring her beleaguered frame out of the upstairs room. Her hair is less than it's usual perfection as she brushes it out of her face and slowly descends. A Hello Kitty tee hugs her torso, having taken it from a dresser drawer. Her mind still reels with the previous nights events. She's not even sure how much of it was real, other than getting shot, she's pretty sure that happened. And then...Jack..

Who was straddling Gem from behind while draped over the petite elf. Like she was wearing the ribbons. He looked asleep. Her usual shine is gone as Regina looks around the room with haunted eyes, trudging her way to the bar. She felt Gem watching her.

"It's okay," Ben reassured Gem, and though he flinched slightly on noticing Regina, he still smiled. "Glad you're up, hullo, Gina."

She's watching all of them really. The greeting from Ben is returned with a nod as she takes the hint and sits away from them. Ben's flinch had been enough of a message. A single inhale and ex before she puts her face in the palm of her hands and lets the darkness there shut out the room for the time being. What had even happened"

Jack as well whispering in the gray elf's ear, asks, "Who wants to kill you, lass?"

If not for the rise and fall of her chest indicating she still drew breath, she might appear to be made of stone. There's a hitch hearing Jack, and then a steadying breath before she responds, still not looking at them. "I don't know..." a frantic edge in her voice. That very thought plaguing her. It's gradual as she lifts her head to look at the three. "I don't even know what happened last's all fragments..." Her voice little more than a whisper by the end, going back to resting her face in her hands. She just wanted to crawl under something and hide.

"Those were very specific bullets. They *knew* you." Like the rest of them didn't, but honestly, who didn't harbor secrets. Except maybe Benjamin now that his tap dancing videos had been released onto the net. "You were gutshot, darling. And when we tried to heal you, you hit us with some powerful mojo."

Gem was studying the coroner; what she saw made her feel very much for the other woman.

"It was....rather frenetic." Ben smiled a bit lopsided to Gina, then swigged his beer. Mmm, Beer.

Listening to Jack speak, a hand slowly lowers to touch against her stomach...she can feel the bruises without having to see them. "I...did?" Finally gearing up the nerve to actually looks at them head on from her distance away. "Tell me...." Those last two words nearly come out like they're spoken by a child. A scared one.

"I believe Gemethyst has the bullets. They are specifically spelled for ....for you." the Crow responds.

"I need to run home and get the animals tended to," Ben murmured, tossing the empty to the trash. "I'll be back."

Regina watches Ben's exit amid affectionate molestation from Jack and Gem which the man takes in amused stride. Then it's over and The lingering pair put their full attention on the coroner. "Gemethyst and I came to your rescue. Benjamin joined us and healed you, or tried. It expelled the bullets." Gem could jump in at anytime because soon it would get hazy for the Crow. "But you were still injured. I carried you into the tavern to the room you awoke in."

"Your heart was not right." Gemethyst chimes in, picking up where Jack faulters. "I think someone said that. Weak?"

"..spelled..." Like thinking through a fog, she mumbles the words and gradually eases off her stool to walk closer to them. Just beyond an arms reach. "I'm..sorry, if..whatever...I did..." she trailed off. What could she say' It's all a blur for her. "After the bullets, I don't remember...just..images.."

"Benjamin's healing is sometimes imprecise and he uses the methods of his ancestors. There is electricity involved. What do you remember?" Gem had been about to say something but thought better of it, instead listening for Gina's answer to Jack's question.

Her petite, but skilled hands are clapsed at her waist, one over the other as she looks down at her feet. "I remember...the barrel..and a voice. 'Should have kept your mouth shut.', then like my body was on fire." Which could have been the lightning. That stuff hurt. "You..kissing me, Gem saying something about barbs and no future, then...waking my bloody shirt.." she gestures to the stairs.

"I remember kissing you, aye. I was not sure where you were hurt after the street so it is easiest that way." Like waking up the eternal sleep with a kiss, see. Faerie! Jack replies gently."Next thing I know, I'm on the ground. Wet and tasting ozone."

"Yes. Well. That is where I come in." Gem's lips purse a little at the part where Jack was doing the kissing. The elf smiled a little. "When I was rubbing your feet, Gina, to stir your blood, something happened. You and Jack were kissing, and both he and I got hit by something from you." She looked closely at the blonde. "It was something that is done by those with Succubi blood generally, though I am sure there are other causes out there. "

Regina Appleton

Date: 2015-01-26 17:19 EST
"I will understand, or try to..if you guys want to keep as far from me as you can. Clearly there's something wrong with m-" she just trails off as Jack held up his hand to stop her, and fidgets. Kind of waiting for the hammer blow. "But...I've never.." she shakes her head. "I can't parents were human both..." She's hitting a de-nile wall.

Gem considered the matter, looking at her. "Hmm. Well, as I said, there are other things could cause that. But you might have it farther back in your history. You don't bear any physical signs. No horn, no tail, no ....whatever else succubi have. On the other hand, full on Incubi can hide those things. So I don't know. But Jack could not pull away. I jabbed you with a hat pin a couple times in the foot and you didn't stop, either. And then I threw cold water on you both just as Ben sent a jolt of lightning at you. It did the trick. "

"There is obviously some infernal in your past." There had been more, about his coat, but Jack didn't feel like bringing that up.

Well that explains the slight pain in her foot. All of her injuries accounted for now, Regina doesn't look pleased. Furthest from it, if at all she's more confused than ever. "I'm sorry...." it's all she has to say. She's not even sure there's a Hallmark card for this. Sorry I almost sucked out your soul through your mouth! That'd go over well. Shyea.

"Gina," Gem began.

"You cannot be sorry for something you knew nothing about." Jack chimes in on Gem's heels as she continues.

The elf had a very serious look on her face. "That bit about barbs...I want you to be really careful. You can set something like that into someone's psyche if you have very much succubi in you. It provides a link, an opening for you. I know what it's like. You end up draining the person whatever point they manage to get free, if they do."

"But..if something had happened...something bad.." or worse. Though Regina snapped her eyes up at Gem, felt like she were getting lectured..."That's only one type of Succubi. There are several, just as there are multiple kinds of Fae."

Silver brows rose up and Gem nodded. "Okay. I don't know much about it. I also don't know if you are that kind or not. Do you?"

"There are many Fae, aye." Jack had to agree with that.

Hands scrub over her face as the Examiner exhales. "Look, I'm sorry for snapping like that. It's the one thing I can latch onto. With..what I do, I have to be trained and knowledgeable on the anatomy of every sort of being in this city. I have to know not just modern medicine, but the arcane and alchemical. I have to be prepared for anything that comes to it's final rest on my examination table."

Regina takes a breath before continuing."Demonology, dragonology, FaeWylde, it's a nightmare going through the training." She looks at them in exasperation. "Until last night...I thought I was just little Regina Appleton, coroner. Nothing special when surrounded by so many others more interesting." If she could shrink in upon herself she would.

"Darling, you speak to the dead. You told me as much. That makes you more than nothing special." Jack was quick to leap in and bring her up.

The elf listened to Gina as she spoke, a thoughtful look on her face.

She fidgets a bit. "Not so much I talk to them, I just hear them." Came Gina's honest answer.

"Do you think that is ordinary?" Jack pressed.

"For Rhydin?" She counters, holding her right arm to hier side at the elbow with her left hand. "Everything's upside down and turned around, topsy turvy.." she mumbles and shifts to lean her back against the bar. "Are we going to be....okay?" She asks the two of them.

Gem looked over to Jack to let him answer first.

He grinned at Gina. "I think so, but we will be friends with no benefits, aye"

"I understand...that's...safest." What else could she really say' At least they had some fun together, a pleasantly aggressive memory to cherish.

Regina Appleton

Date: 2016-07-06 02:49 EST
"And here we are..." Regina opened her palms to the therapist across from her.

"That's quite a story, Miss Appleton. Would you say the revelations of that night have become beneficial to you?" Dr. Ibram pushes her glasses up from where they've slipped down the bridge of her nose with another look from her notes to Regina.

"In what way?" The question makes her backpedal, her features squeezing in thought.

"Well, it led to learning more about your heritage and a list of powers you didn't know you had. Now you've bad to seek out a teacher to control them. Given your medical background and this new development, I would imagine it's only increased your ability to resolve cold cases." Ibram leans forward after adjusting the position of her legs against her chair.

"Maybe? I guess" Certainly cured my non-existent sex life, but I think meeting Khoom does that to everyone. Spinster to on your back in seconds flat." She blurts out with a coquettish laugh.

"But you still don't know who shot you, or why?" The shrink circles back to something she marked down earlier.

"No, I don't. I know it has to do with one of my other cases and investigating that judge, but I don't have a way to pursue that and I got the message." Regina's hand touches a spot on her stomach subconsciously.

"You've said it was unsettling that someone knew what you were, when you didn't know. Did your mother have any information on that end?" Ibram probes again in a calculating way.

"No, she was mad that I didn't tell her about the incident in the days after it happened. She knows what I do for a living, doesn't always approve of it. It still scares me. Probably why I don't sleep too well, work or no work." Regina brushes hair from her eyes and can't bring herself to look at the Dr. Ibram.