Welcome! You have entered at 9:26 pm
: Jak Redstar has entered at 9:26 pm
Jak Redstar: "Brand New! Marketplace forums category, along with the new Teas'n Tomes chat
Jak Redstar: "Now Open! Mount Yasuo - explore the further realms of Rhy'Din! http://rdi.dra
Jak Redstar: Welcome! You're currently in the OOC Lobby. Enter a role-play room by using the
dropdown menu above.
If you find the room empty, please check the calendar to see when hosts are scheduled to be present. You can find the calendar at http://www.dragonsmark.com/calendar Welcome! You have entered at 9:27 pm Jak Redstar: The Arena was built in the basement of the Red Dagon Inn. Renovations were extensive as a goodly portion of the wine cellar and catacombs were taken over. In the main room of the Inn is an unmarked door with two simple crossed swords hanging above it. If you go through that portal, you will descend a long set of roughly hewn, seemingly rickety-looking torchlit stairs. Fear not though, they are much stronger than they appear.
When you reach the bottom, you will find yourself in the northwest corner of the Dueler's Arena. A long wall extends to your left, and in front of you are numerous tables and chairs, all seemingly made out of the same old wood as their stairs. Early in the evening there might be some organization to the set-up, but surely late in the night, the fact that many have visited is glaringly apparent. If you sit for a while, you'll also notice that many have been unable to keep themselves from carving their initials in the wood while waiting to duel. Across from you, and down the length of the east wall are makeshift bleachers, erected to give the growing crowd a better view of the rings.
For more information: www.ringsofhonor.org Welcome! You have entered at 9:27 pm Jak Redstar: To the south of RhyDin city amidst rolling, forested hills a glen is nestled. It's a valley saturated with magic, a place sought out by creatures of the woods and humans seeking refuge from the city alike. Narrow towards the east, the glen opens up onto a small lake at the western end.
Caves and tunnels burrow into the surrounding hills, many still unexplored and hiding the treasures of the earth. Some have a faint light from coming within, some are just dark with shadow.
A small, under-traveled path leads to a glade west of the glen with a small pool off to the one side that is fed by an underground spring. The pool spills off into a small stream that winds its way through the trees until it eventually reaches the lake.
If one listens carefully, just beneath the sound of running water and chirping birds, they can hear the roar of dragons and the laughter of pixies. It is surely a magical place. Jak Redstar: ::Walking in Through the forest that have been clears and grown over::Hello... Shadow-chantra: ::looks up::oh hi Jak Redstar: ::Cerious::Wheres shadow" Shadow-chantra: ::stands up::why" Jak Redstar: ::Srachs head::Just wondering..." Jak Redstar: Scrachs*} Shadow-chantra: Oh okay::goes back to watching the water:: Jak Redstar: "Alright,"::Walks over to the water:: Shadow-chantra: ::removes her daggers and begins to clean them, watching Jak carefully:: Jak Redstar: ::Takes out Revolver and Looks down the aim:: Shadow-chantra: ::see's the revolver and is instantly on edge:: Jak Redstar: ::Goes over to a near by boulder and sits down:: Jak Redstar: ::Places Revolver on another rock near by:: Shadow-chantra: ::sits on her rock cleaning her Daggers::I don;t think he'll be back Jak Redstar: ::Takes out a baby blue silk cloth & Pleases under revolver:: Jak Redstar: "Hm" Jak Redstar: Places*... Jak Redstar: ::Takes out a Tool kit from hit jacket and sets it on another rock:: Jak Redstar: ::takes out a mini Screw driver:: Jak Redstar: ::Unscrews the Revolver hand grip:: Shadow-chantra: ::shakes her head:: never mind ::takes out a stone to sharpen her daggers:: Jak Redstar: ::places a Piece of cloth in it.:: Jak Redstar: ::Screws back togeather:: Jak Redstar: ::Do you need that dagger sharpen":: Jak Redstar: oh Jak Redstar: ::Asking:: Shadow-chantra: ::looks over one of her daggers and throws it at the farthest tree, hitting it in ht emiddle::no, but thanks for asking,::smiles:: Jak Redstar: ::Smiles:: Alright, Jak Redstar: ::He takes out a Deck of cards and Put them in his hands. he opens them not taking them out:: Jak Redstar: ::He stands up. in a Drawl Stance:: Shadow-chantra: ::lies down, her hand touching the water:: Jak Redstar: ::He Quickly Drawls a card and does a strange finger stance and throws it to the tree with dagger sticking in it:: Jak Redstar: ::The Card hits the tree.2 inchs in:: Jak Redstar: ::He puts the deck of 51 back into his jacket:: Shadow-chantra: ::another dagger flies at it slicing the card in two:: Jak Redstar: ::Pulls out a Revolver and shoots the Daggers handle Flinking in like a Bomarane.The dagger flies to jak,He catchs it in hand:: Shadow-chantra: ::sits up snarling::what the" Jak Redstar: ::He flips it over and to the sharp point hanging on to it with 2 fingers:: Shadow-chantra: ::lies back down, running her hand through the water:: Jak Redstar: ::He Throws towards Chantra...Stops and drops in front of her point down:: Jak Redstar: "Their you go" Shadow-chantra: ::opens her eyes and looks at the dagger picking it up and turning it over in her hand::thanks Jak Redstar: "No promblem Jak Redstar: ::He walks over to the tree with the dagger.He tries to pull it out and couldnt...::"What the hell"!"..Wow..!::He puts both legs to the tree pulling.He falls back with dagger into the water Knocking the wind out of him:: Jak Redstar: Problem** Jak Redstar: ::Standing up he Throws the other Dagger to the ground enar Chantra:: Jak Redstar: ::He Drops into the water ina dizzy motion:: Jak Redstar: ::He passes out and rewakes and stands up immidiatly Shadow-chantra: ::stands up and picks up her dagger, turning it over in her hand again:: Jak Redstar: ::He manages to crawl to the shore:: Jak Redstar: ::He crawls over to a Tree and puts back to Truck:: Shadow-chantra: ::puts her daggers past and goes over to him and hunches down::are you okay" Jak Redstar: "Yeah"::He whispers:: Shadow-chantra: ::stands::good::turns and heads for the tree line::
If you find the room empty, please check the calendar to see when hosts are scheduled to be present. You can find the calendar at http://www.dragonsmark.com/calendar Welcome! You have entered at 9:27 pm Jak Redstar: The Arena was built in the basement of the Red Dagon Inn. Renovations were extensive as a goodly portion of the wine cellar and catacombs were taken over. In the main room of the Inn is an unmarked door with two simple crossed swords hanging above it. If you go through that portal, you will descend a long set of roughly hewn, seemingly rickety-looking torchlit stairs. Fear not though, they are much stronger than they appear.
When you reach the bottom, you will find yourself in the northwest corner of the Dueler's Arena. A long wall extends to your left, and in front of you are numerous tables and chairs, all seemingly made out of the same old wood as their stairs. Early in the evening there might be some organization to the set-up, but surely late in the night, the fact that many have visited is glaringly apparent. If you sit for a while, you'll also notice that many have been unable to keep themselves from carving their initials in the wood while waiting to duel. Across from you, and down the length of the east wall are makeshift bleachers, erected to give the growing crowd a better view of the rings.
For more information: www.ringsofhonor.org Welcome! You have entered at 9:27 pm Jak Redstar: To the south of RhyDin city amidst rolling, forested hills a glen is nestled. It's a valley saturated with magic, a place sought out by creatures of the woods and humans seeking refuge from the city alike. Narrow towards the east, the glen opens up onto a small lake at the western end.
Caves and tunnels burrow into the surrounding hills, many still unexplored and hiding the treasures of the earth. Some have a faint light from coming within, some are just dark with shadow.
A small, under-traveled path leads to a glade west of the glen with a small pool off to the one side that is fed by an underground spring. The pool spills off into a small stream that winds its way through the trees until it eventually reaches the lake.
If one listens carefully, just beneath the sound of running water and chirping birds, they can hear the roar of dragons and the laughter of pixies. It is surely a magical place. Jak Redstar: ::Walking in Through the forest that have been clears and grown over::Hello... Shadow-chantra: ::looks up::oh hi Jak Redstar: ::Cerious::Wheres shadow" Shadow-chantra: ::stands up::why" Jak Redstar: ::Srachs head::Just wondering..." Jak Redstar: Scrachs*} Shadow-chantra: Oh okay::goes back to watching the water:: Jak Redstar: "Alright,"::Walks over to the water:: Shadow-chantra: ::removes her daggers and begins to clean them, watching Jak carefully:: Jak Redstar: ::Takes out Revolver and Looks down the aim:: Shadow-chantra: ::see's the revolver and is instantly on edge:: Jak Redstar: ::Goes over to a near by boulder and sits down:: Jak Redstar: ::Places Revolver on another rock near by:: Shadow-chantra: ::sits on her rock cleaning her Daggers::I don;t think he'll be back Jak Redstar: ::Takes out a baby blue silk cloth & Pleases under revolver:: Jak Redstar: "Hm" Jak Redstar: Places*... Jak Redstar: ::Takes out a Tool kit from hit jacket and sets it on another rock:: Jak Redstar: ::takes out a mini Screw driver:: Jak Redstar: ::Unscrews the Revolver hand grip:: Shadow-chantra: ::shakes her head:: never mind ::takes out a stone to sharpen her daggers:: Jak Redstar: ::places a Piece of cloth in it.:: Jak Redstar: ::Screws back togeather:: Jak Redstar: ::Do you need that dagger sharpen":: Jak Redstar: oh Jak Redstar: ::Asking:: Shadow-chantra: ::looks over one of her daggers and throws it at the farthest tree, hitting it in ht emiddle::no, but thanks for asking,::smiles:: Jak Redstar: ::Smiles:: Alright, Jak Redstar: ::He takes out a Deck of cards and Put them in his hands. he opens them not taking them out:: Jak Redstar: ::He stands up. in a Drawl Stance:: Shadow-chantra: ::lies down, her hand touching the water:: Jak Redstar: ::He Quickly Drawls a card and does a strange finger stance and throws it to the tree with dagger sticking in it:: Jak Redstar: ::The Card hits the tree.2 inchs in:: Jak Redstar: ::He puts the deck of 51 back into his jacket:: Shadow-chantra: ::another dagger flies at it slicing the card in two:: Jak Redstar: ::Pulls out a Revolver and shoots the Daggers handle Flinking in like a Bomarane.The dagger flies to jak,He catchs it in hand:: Shadow-chantra: ::sits up snarling::what the" Jak Redstar: ::He flips it over and to the sharp point hanging on to it with 2 fingers:: Shadow-chantra: ::lies back down, running her hand through the water:: Jak Redstar: ::He Throws towards Chantra...Stops and drops in front of her point down:: Jak Redstar: "Their you go" Shadow-chantra: ::opens her eyes and looks at the dagger picking it up and turning it over in her hand::thanks Jak Redstar: "No promblem Jak Redstar: ::He walks over to the tree with the dagger.He tries to pull it out and couldnt...::"What the hell"!"..Wow..!::He puts both legs to the tree pulling.He falls back with dagger into the water Knocking the wind out of him:: Jak Redstar: Problem** Jak Redstar: ::Standing up he Throws the other Dagger to the ground enar Chantra:: Jak Redstar: ::He Drops into the water ina dizzy motion:: Jak Redstar: ::He passes out and rewakes and stands up immidiatly Shadow-chantra: ::stands up and picks up her dagger, turning it over in her hand again:: Jak Redstar: ::He manages to crawl to the shore:: Jak Redstar: ::He crawls over to a Tree and puts back to Truck:: Shadow-chantra: ::puts her daggers past and goes over to him and hunches down::are you okay" Jak Redstar: "Yeah"::He whispers:: Shadow-chantra: ::stands::good::turns and heads for the tree line::