He made his way back to a town he had left so many years ago.To say he missed the place might be a far strech. But he did indeed mis the people he had gotten to know here as well as the friendships he had made over the years But for him that was a doiuble sided blade. Just about the time he got close to people either something would happen or he would have to leave. It has happen so many times he can not even keep count anymore. as for money he had more then he could ever spend. But does that keep you warm at night' does it hold you when you know what is about to come is going to be worse then death?. He hoped to perhaps start a new way of living here , but he also knew one can not hide from one's past it runs faster then you do my old friend. He pulled the hood tighter around his head to try to keep the cold wind from hitting him in the face. His violet eyes almost seem to glow in the dark as he made it into the first parts of the town he left so long ago. ::he looked at all the building that had sprung up over the years and how large the place had gotten. He wondered if the Red Dragon was still open. many of drink and time had been spent there.