Topic: Moving in, setting up. The Silver Hammer


Date: 2009-11-08 17:58 EST
Old Market.

Perhaps he had never bothered to really explore the city in earlier days, but now with the help of some well written directions he made his way through the streets of the Old Market District. As it was described, the building was right against the riverbank and form a distance, appeared to be in decent repair. Colleen herself didn't appear to be able to make it, and the keys to the forge were handed to him by a young woman who's name he forgot to get, but it was a small matter, it was time to take a look around.

The workshop was first. It was a bit dusty, but nothing seemed broken. The hearth appeared clean and would be ready for use with minimal work. the bellows received closer inspection, but no tears in the bags found, the wood seemed to be in good condition as well.

The anvil was large, if used, but a good anvil should be. The slack tub...that might need replacement, he wasn't sure if it would hold water or not. A few tool hung on the walls, though he still maintained ownership of a few of his own. Overall, it was a fine forge, plenty of room to work in and he was sure he'd be able to spend much time here.

That done, he took a quick moment to inspect the living quarters and there was indeed one. Nothing fancy, but he was fine with that. A little furniture and things would be fine. It was better than sleeping outside every evening he supposed.

Stepping outside once again he looked at the barren sign bar that hung above the door of the smithy, he already knew what the name of this place would become, saying it aloud as he grinned.

"The Silver Hammer..."

locking the door behind him he was out into the streets once more. One could not run a forge without supplies after all.


Date: 2009-11-09 20:25 EST
A few questions and a little word of mouth had him visiting a few local suppliers. It seemed there was one benefit to being located in a large market district, supplies it seemed wouldn't be an issue. A little talk, and more importantly, a little coin and he soon had carts brought to the front of the smithy, helping the delivery men unload both ore and coal and place them in the shop. It wasn't exactly a clean job, but the best ones rarely were.

The shop anterior hadn't gone through a drastic renovation, just a little knocking off of dust here and there, but a forge was hardly a place that one could expect to keep squeaky clean. Molding metal was hardly surgery, no matter how much care one put into their work. He had managed to obtain a new slack tub however, the old one's rotten bottom making it useless.

A quick look around confirmed what he already knew, this forge was ready to be lit and work to start, however, no matter how ready the work area was, the shop was not quite ready. He went to the front counter and picked up a little something he had been working on since the previous evening. it was a simple oval shape, a bit of lettering and the relief of a blacksmith's hammer carver upon it. That piece of wood and a step later were taken outside and in a few moments later, on fresh chains, the sign for The Silver Hammer was hung.

Climbing down the stool he looked up and nodded. "Good enough" spoken to himself before heading back inside, he had a fire to start and stoke and a hammer to wield. It was time to get some work done.


Date: 2009-11-24 02:56 EST
She had committed the directions that Gunnar gave her to memory and made her way towards the market district where he mentioned that his shop was located. She had announced that she would arrive in the morning and that she could start her apprenticeship then and discuss her wages when she made it there. She found it wiser to arrive an hour earlier than he had asked her to be there. Even if he wasn't around yet, she was sure that he would appreciate her being there before she was asked to. She figured it would allow for him to show her the ropes of what she would be doing throughout the day.

She had already assumed that he would have her work as his apprentice during the slow part of the day and bartering with customers when it got busier. She raised her hand once she had reached the The Silver hammer, knuckles rapped lightly against the door. She would pause and attempt to knock on the door that served as an entrance into the store three times before shifting into a lean against the wall outside were he not to answer. She was patient in waiting, watching what few people passed on by while she stood there.

She had dressed in less favorable clothing than she usually did, she wore charcoal breeches which was what she tended to adorn on her lower torso. However, she opted for a cobalt tunic instead of the sleeveless sweater and vest of white leather. Her mantle was worn for warmth over anything else and the fact that she didn't want to be scolded like a child for traversing the outdoors without it.


Date: 2009-11-27 15:37 EST
He was at the forge already of course, he was always there usually considering he lived on the second floor of the forge. He was dressed for work, almost. While he still had no shirt on he wore his heavy leather breeches made for work in a hot forge and greeted Ixxy with a grin.

"Wasn't sure you'd show. Come in"

He led her into the "show room" of the forge which his new worker would be spending the majority of her time. A few moments would be spent showing her the wares that were available for sale right away, a collection of different blades and armors we well as a few tools he had created. He also went over with her on taking special orders for customers wanting something...special made for them.

"Also, if Colleen MacLeod, or someone on her behalf requests an order, just take it, do not quote a price because there will not be one. She is our....I believe the term is VIP Account..."

From there he took Ixxy into the forge itself, showing her where the different tools were, and where, as an apprentice, she would likely be cleaning and reorganizing tools at the end of a work day.

For now though, he added some coal to the forge and lit it, smiling as he stoked the flames and worked the billows to get the fires nice and hot before turning to face her once more.

"Now...lets see how strong that arm of yours is..."


Date: 2009-11-29 01:57 EST
She returned a grin of her own as he made his way to the door and opened it.

Wasn't sure you'd show, come in.

"I told you I would," she chose to remind him incase he hadn't quite heard her before. Or perhaps he would assume that since they hadn't quite agreed on a price that she wouldn't grace him with her presence. "I hope you don't mind that I showed before you wanted me in." She lifted her hand up to her hair and brushed a few silky strands back before she admitted herself entrance.

She examined everything with the eye of a hawk, scrutinizing every minor detail and stored it away for later use. Also, if Colleen MacLeod, or someone on her behalf requests an order, just take it, do not quote a price because there will not be one. She is our....I believe the term is VIP Account...

"Right," she mused absently. "Colleen Macleod," she repeated as the name was committed to memory so that she wouldn't forget the matter.

Now...lets see how strong that arm of yours is...

She removed her mantle. The thing would only get in her way regardless of the fact that it was pretty much just a hooded cape. She looked around for a place to set it down. She tossed it off in a corner, not at all worried about it getting dirty since it wouldn't matter if she ended up doing more of the heavy work in the forge. The sleeves of her tunic were rolled up and she waited for further instruction.


Date: 2009-12-02 19:20 EST
He smiled as he usually did and started showing her some of the more common back shop duties, moving and piling the coal fuel for the forge, and where the iron ore is kept, of which there is quite a bit, enough for several weeks work.

"Now...when you work back here, you could have several things I need you to do. One is shovel coal, the forge must be kept at a certain temperature to get the best out of the ore especially when we are making steel."

from there Ixxy was shown the various horse shoes that had already been shaped, ready for final heating and fitting to show to customers.

"Hope you've no fear of horses"

The forge tour was brief, soon heading back into the showroom to lean against the counter.

"Now...everything else you need to know back there you'll learn when the time comes. Till then, you'll spend your time up here unless I call ya or need you to run an errand. Now, we still need to discuss matters of your requested compensation..."


Date: 2009-12-04 02:25 EST
Now...when you work back here, you could have several things I need you to do. One is shovel coal, the forge must be kept at a certain temperature to get the best out of the ore especially when we are making steel.

She nodded to show that she understood, observing him as he moved from the coal and over the horse shoes.

Hope you've no fear of horses

She pursed her lips tightly. Having only dealt with horses on a few occasions, she couldn't promise that she would be most successful when it came to that. She said nothing of the matter though. She was stubborn and would tough it through if she absolutely had to.

Now...everything else you need to know back there you'll learn when the time comes. Till then, you'll spend your time up here unless I call ya or need you to run an errand. Now, we still need to discuss matters of your requested compensation...

"I offered my work for five hundred," she answered with a shrug. "You still have yet to fully decide if it is too much though. So tell me, what were you thinkin' o' for my pay?" She arched a slender brow and moved around the counter to take up a lean on the opposing side. She face him, chin tilted up so that iced orbs met his eyes.