Aaric Liam OShea: :: He was right on time but she was already seated at the small outdoor table, bottle of wine uncorked and poured. The waiter pulled his chair and then quickly and silently disappeared::
Aaric Liam OShea ::: a quick glance at his watch and then a smile offered:: I hope I'm not late, did I get the time wrong"
Bryn Kinsey: "No, you are in fact right on time. I just got here a little early. I took the liberty of ordering the wine. Riesling, right?" It was her turn to offer a smile as she raised the wine glass,
Aaric Liam OShea::: he nodded and, in turn, raised his glass.He lightly tapped his glass to hers and laughed:: You remembered, how charming. And a little bit surprising if you don't mind my saying so.:: this was starting of well and to be honest, he was caught a little off guard::
Bryn Kinsey: She took a sip of the wine and then returned the glass to the table. She had
something to say and, although it was, she didn't want it to sound rehearsed."At the risk of sounding a little like a stalker, there is nothing about you that I don't remember."
Bryn Kinsey: "Aaric, before this goes any further, please just listen. I can't lie about this and I don't expect you to either. I want more from you than just friendship. I've made that embarrassingly obvious so if friendship is all you want, you need to say it now. Please don't play with me anymore. Say what?s on your mind. Please." Taking a breath and looking down, she took a long
slow sip from her glass.
Aaric Liam OShea: :: he had started to take a drink but stopped as she spoke, returning his glass slowly to the table. He had anticipated the conversation getting to this point but not nearly so quickly. After she finished speaking, there was somewhat of an uncomfortable silence for a few moments before he replied:: Well, true to form, you certainly get right to the heart of the matter Bryn. I'd hoped for some small talk and pleasantries I guess. :: he shrugged as he looked across the table at her::
Bryn Kinsey: She was glad the outdoor seating area was dimly lit, her face felt flushed and warm. " That's just how I am Aaric, a what you see - is what you get kind of girl. Just be straight with me,okay?"
Bryn Kinsey: "We've been dancing with each other for years. We're past the let's take our time phase, we're past the getting to know each other crap. I mean, either we're worth the chance or we're not. It's time to make up your mind. I think I've made my thoughts pretty clear."
Aaric Liam OShea: :: he took a long sip of wine and nodded:: I guess you're right Bryn. It's getting rather silly, all these games. :: he sat back in his chair, wine glass in hand, and took a deep breath:: Let's give it a shot and see what happens. If we don't kill each other first, it might just be fun. :: he shrugged as he drained his glass, leaning forward and returning it to the table::
Bryn Kinsey: It was her turn to be caught off-guard. She hadn't expected such quick acceptance. She still had a lot of memorized speech left to go. Oh well, she'd had success so far, why not go for it all" "Aaric, I was thinking I should probably move in with you."She decided to press forward. "I mean, it's really the smart thing to do. It'll save us both money in the long run, and I simply love your place." She did love the cottage and the lake but, then, who wouldn't"
Aaric Liam OShea: ::his eyes widened in surprise and he shook his head slowly:: Have you set the wedding date yet' I'm free this Saturday. :: said with obvious sarcasm:: Come on Bryn, this is exactly what I mean. I'm not saying we have to take it slow but let's not do it all in one night, okay' :: just so she wouldn't think he was ill intentioned, he reached across the table and softly squeezed her hand::
Bryn Kinsey: She blushed at both his words and his touch." Okay, that's fine but give it some thought. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone there for you, someone who cares" Don't you get lonely up there at the lake all by yourself?" She shrugged and emptied her glass in a swallow.
Aaric Liam OShea: :: he found himself looking into her eyes as she spoke, and thinking that maybe he'd already had enough wine. Her eyes sparkled, reflecting what little light was present. He motioned the waiter over and whispered something to him. The waiter left, returning in a few minutes with an unopened bottle of wine:: I'm not sure of the whole move in thing Bryn, why don't we just take it a day at a time. How about we finish this bottle :: he nodded toward the fresh bottle on the table:: at my place"
Aaric Liam OShea: and we can continue this discussion tomorrow morning" :: he stood, and offered a hand to her, taking the bottle of wine in the other::
Bryn Kinsey: She sighed. " I don't have anytime tomorr.." She paused as his meaning sank in, then a sly smile played across her face." Why Aaric, I do believe you are a cad." She laughed aloud as she took his hand and stood. " I'll go with you but we will discuss this tomorrow. And let's get one thing straight before we take one more step. We are exclusive. Exclusive or no deal. Get it mister?"
Aaric Liam OShea: :: he steadied her as she rose to he feet. Neither of them had that much to drink but they were both feeling a little heady it seemed:: Of course Bryn, we're exclusive. I wouldn't have it any other way. :: and with that, he tossed enough money on the table to cover the bill and a generous tip to the waiter. The waiter remembered Aaric from long ago and he gave him a smile as the two left::