It was an evening I shared with the Son.
To find out where I belonged.
Wine in my canteen instead of water, I indulged and sought guidance, then danced in the tall shadows of the early morn beneath His steadfast gaze. Frolicked in a spirit induced stupor. Exposed myself much like Noah had. Desecrated what remained of the altar and my faith.
A victory, I was told. Each one felt less than the last.
When the sun finally dared show its face I met it naked and still belligerently drunk.
I saw their faces again. Panicked. Frightened.
All but one. He looked right at me from the cover of his blindfold. Eyes pierced through the cloth, my cloth, to stare at me accusingly. Sorrowfully.
Much like the Son has ever since.
Mortar fire had blown all but one wall to rubble. The fallen stone piled before a beautifully sculpted, wooden, artist's rendition of the Crucifixion that stood on an adjoining wall that remained untouched. Sacrament, said some of the soldiers whose faith somehow remained unshaken. It was here, underneath His enduring sacrifice, I choreographed my excommunication.
The stones a testament to a structure that stood too long, I emptied many rounds from my carbine's grenade attachment into them, daring not to face the Son while I did. It collapsed, exhausted.
To find out where I belonged.
Wine in my canteen instead of water, I indulged and sought guidance, then danced in the tall shadows of the early morn beneath His steadfast gaze. Frolicked in a spirit induced stupor. Exposed myself much like Noah had. Desecrated what remained of the altar and my faith.
A victory, I was told. Each one felt less than the last.
When the sun finally dared show its face I met it naked and still belligerently drunk.
I saw their faces again. Panicked. Frightened.
All but one. He looked right at me from the cover of his blindfold. Eyes pierced through the cloth, my cloth, to stare at me accusingly. Sorrowfully.
Much like the Son has ever since.
Mortar fire had blown all but one wall to rubble. The fallen stone piled before a beautifully sculpted, wooden, artist's rendition of the Crucifixion that stood on an adjoining wall that remained untouched. Sacrament, said some of the soldiers whose faith somehow remained unshaken. It was here, underneath His enduring sacrifice, I choreographed my excommunication.
The stones a testament to a structure that stood too long, I emptied many rounds from my carbine's grenade attachment into them, daring not to face the Son while I did. It collapsed, exhausted.