Topic: Christmas Campaigning

Karen Wilder

Date: 2007-12-25 15:56 EST
Shortly before dawn upon Christmas morning the entire Templar infantry regiment, including the newer recruits, left the Templar Headquarters and spread throughout the city.

At the door of every commoner's home was left a simple meal of bread, cheese and wine, wrapped in a red cloth bearing the white Maltese Cross of the Templars. In homes were children were known to live; small, hand-carved wooden horses with knights riding upon them (enough so that each child could have one) were also left.

Karen and her squire, accompanied by those Knights known to play musical instruments (as Karen herself was known to), went to the Orphanage. Also accompanying them was the kitchen staff of the Order. Thus, when the children awoke, they were greeted with a fine meal of wheatcakes, fine syrup, fresh fruit (imported from another world) and Christmas music.

Later that day an elite calvary unit arrived at the Orphanage and put on a show of trick riding. They also delivered hand-carved wooden horses with knights riding upon them for the children, once the show was over.

By then, a few Bards and Storytellers had arrived to regale the children with stories of adventure and derring-do....and, Karen made sure, the story of Jesus' birth.

No press release was reporters were notified. Templar Knights on their patrols of the city would only smile and say that it must have been a Christmas miracle....though if told that some child or other had not received a toy, each Knight carried a dozen or so in their saddlebags and would hand them out so that no child might do without.