Count Talomar Longden stood at the podium in front of a large crowd of very disappointed supporters. He lifted his hands for them to be silent.
"My dear friends and supporters, your loyalty and work for a better Rhy"Din has not gone unnoticed, nor has it gone unappreciated. But now it is time for me to concede the race for governor to my very worthy opponent, Miss Kitty Helston."
There were boos and sounds of disappointment in the crowd but he held up his hands again to quiet them.
"I shall give her my full support, and I ask that all of you do the same. She has a year of very hard work to try to make any difference at all in our city, and she can use all of our support in that endeavor.
"It was a hard fought race. I have been told that in several polling places there was a significant problem with "hanging chads" that left the intended vote ambiguous. I have also heard that many of my most ardent supporters " senior citizens and old widows, the downtrodden and homeless, those who have hit life's bottom rung and were looking for help to have a better life " all of those could not get transportation to the polling booths. Had these factors not been in play, we might have won.
"But I am not going to dwell on "what might have been". I am very thankful for you 30% of the population who were not afraid to express that you wanted more excitement, romance, and adventure in your lives. Perhaps some time in the future I can help you to have those dreams fulfilled.
"For now, I once again congratulate Kitty Helston, and I'm looking forward to having Kitty be my new governess. I think she will be perfect for the job."
He waved to his supporters as he climbed into his black carriage and was taken to S.E.C.T.O.R. headquarters.
"My dear friends and supporters, your loyalty and work for a better Rhy"Din has not gone unnoticed, nor has it gone unappreciated. But now it is time for me to concede the race for governor to my very worthy opponent, Miss Kitty Helston."
There were boos and sounds of disappointment in the crowd but he held up his hands again to quiet them.
"I shall give her my full support, and I ask that all of you do the same. She has a year of very hard work to try to make any difference at all in our city, and she can use all of our support in that endeavor.
"It was a hard fought race. I have been told that in several polling places there was a significant problem with "hanging chads" that left the intended vote ambiguous. I have also heard that many of my most ardent supporters " senior citizens and old widows, the downtrodden and homeless, those who have hit life's bottom rung and were looking for help to have a better life " all of those could not get transportation to the polling booths. Had these factors not been in play, we might have won.
"But I am not going to dwell on "what might have been". I am very thankful for you 30% of the population who were not afraid to express that you wanted more excitement, romance, and adventure in your lives. Perhaps some time in the future I can help you to have those dreams fulfilled.
"For now, I once again congratulate Kitty Helston, and I'm looking forward to having Kitty be my new governess. I think she will be perfect for the job."
He waved to his supporters as he climbed into his black carriage and was taken to S.E.C.T.O.R. headquarters.