The Market Place, directly in front of the building that serves as the station for the 27th Division of the Rhy"Din Watch and Localized Militia. We find a bit of a press conference in progress. The focus of the event seemed to be one Brian Ravenlock, who seemed to be accompanied by other members of the 27th, some of which were even decked out in formal uniforms.
"Thank you all for being here on such short notice, I greatly appreciate your response and I will be as brief as I possibly can?"
A hand lifted to adjust the those antique spectacles of his, as he glanced to a sheet of paper that rested upon the podium before him, "And yes Robert, that does actually mean that I will be brief."
A bit of a chuckle spread throughout the gathered press, as "Robert' raised a fist up in acknowledgement. "Thanks!"
"That aside, again I'd like to thank you for coming out here tonight."
A clearing of throat followed as he then continued"
"My name is Brian Alexander McDineen-Ravenlock ."
"I am a son of Rhy"Din" My Family was born of this very city?"
"Y"know, I had this real pretty little paper right here. See" I'll wave it for you, so you can see it. All of these insanely fancy words that would make the most ignorant of masses, and arses believe anything and everything" Almost like what people have been hearing for the last few days in regards to this election?"
"That's not me."
"I don't have the luxury of a weapon of mass destruction, or being able to fly around in sleek airships during my service to the city over the past years. My service to the city has always been in the trenches" Knee deep in the trenches, doing what needed to be done when it needed to be done, and then some?"
"With these men and women standing up here with me, and quite a few back there behind you press folks. That's right, back there. Those are some of the Public Works officials who held their posts even when their own building fell down around them, so that others could make it back to us during one of the worst attacks this city had faced, in a long time. An attack that was stopped dead in its tracks by these men and women, and many others like that with NO initial assistance mind you, and no military experience what so ever?"
"And they didn't run away, or vanish' They didn't remain in an office, or bark orders from afar. They were right there with us, in the trenches" And when it was over, they didn't even get as much as a thank you? Let alone an insurance plan, or what have you? And yet here they are, like the rest of us, still living here and still working here in some way, shape or form' Because they love this city, and ALL she stands for!"
"I love this city, and I always have" It was here that my family was born, and it's here my family continues to remain. The Guild Wars of old" The Goblin Wars" Any of you here recall any of those" Honestly, maybe a few at best' Many of you are newer arrivals, and that's alright. Cause there are some of us who still remember what this place used to be like, and what a living cluster ^&%$ it was?"
"And even with how much this city has advanced in these last few years" Despite all of these new wonders, we have here. Cell phones, and Television and Radio' Earthen Cars, and gods know what else? Internet, and Amazon.RDN" Hey don't knock that Amazon, okay' My last few tactical vests came from there, and Jensen back there loves his. He'll also model it later, for any interested and possibly desperate ladies, and maybe a man or two."
"All of that aside, I am losing myself and I apologize?"
"You see, my service to the city' To OUR city has always been in these trenches I speak of? Side by side with the men and women I serve with and many others. We're people of action' Blood, sweat and more tears than you could imagine" We handle what needs to be handled, and we move on to the next issue at hand. Sometimes with no break between said issues?"
"We're soldiers, to our very core and we serve this city no matter what comes at her, and no matter what anyone thinks or says" And if you think that's lip service you can bring yourself down here and join the Watch for a bit, and see what we really have to deal with on a day to day basis. Hell, you can pick any of the districts in the city, as they have their own independently run station houses and divisions. Just drop on in and spend a day with any of them and you'll see exactly what I mean?"
"I love this city' I do. Just as the men and women who serve this city in her defense, no matter the capacity of that service. Just as the elected officials, like Governor Fionna Helston and her appointed Council, of which I was a part of for a time. Just as the 'secret' heroes, who walk among us day in and out, as they too look out for this city and its people, time and again. Each of us doing our part to make this a better place for each of us, no matter how bleak things happen to look at times. And in that scheme of part doing, I know my place?"
"And it is not in the Governor's Office."
"It's right here, doing what I have been doing all along. It's here in these trenches, with these men and women. It's here in the market place, working with the other members of the Chamber of Commerce, as we find new ways to promote and revitalize this amazing area that's been abused ever too much. It's with my beautiful wife and children, who I happen to love even more than this wonderful city. A wife who also has served this city with her Scathachian Sisters, and still continues to do so with a new group of people, who also share her views in regards to this city and its people."
"So I am withdrawing from the election, to better serve this city in the ways that I know best."
"Hmm' What's that' Heh, no' I will not bend a knee to Jesse, however—- I do respect her powerful trio of toys. Alright, next question?"
"No, I will not announce support for anyone at this given time."
"I do have one other thing....This is to the people that have something that belongs to some of us....You took our Blackstone, and we are coming to get it back."
"Alright folks, that's all I got. Now I got a wife and children to get home to, not to mention Jensen back there is about to start his show. G"night!?
"Thank you all for being here on such short notice, I greatly appreciate your response and I will be as brief as I possibly can?"
A hand lifted to adjust the those antique spectacles of his, as he glanced to a sheet of paper that rested upon the podium before him, "And yes Robert, that does actually mean that I will be brief."
A bit of a chuckle spread throughout the gathered press, as "Robert' raised a fist up in acknowledgement. "Thanks!"
"That aside, again I'd like to thank you for coming out here tonight."
A clearing of throat followed as he then continued"
"My name is Brian Alexander McDineen-Ravenlock ."
"I am a son of Rhy"Din" My Family was born of this very city?"
"Y"know, I had this real pretty little paper right here. See" I'll wave it for you, so you can see it. All of these insanely fancy words that would make the most ignorant of masses, and arses believe anything and everything" Almost like what people have been hearing for the last few days in regards to this election?"
"That's not me."
"I don't have the luxury of a weapon of mass destruction, or being able to fly around in sleek airships during my service to the city over the past years. My service to the city has always been in the trenches" Knee deep in the trenches, doing what needed to be done when it needed to be done, and then some?"
"With these men and women standing up here with me, and quite a few back there behind you press folks. That's right, back there. Those are some of the Public Works officials who held their posts even when their own building fell down around them, so that others could make it back to us during one of the worst attacks this city had faced, in a long time. An attack that was stopped dead in its tracks by these men and women, and many others like that with NO initial assistance mind you, and no military experience what so ever?"
"And they didn't run away, or vanish' They didn't remain in an office, or bark orders from afar. They were right there with us, in the trenches" And when it was over, they didn't even get as much as a thank you? Let alone an insurance plan, or what have you? And yet here they are, like the rest of us, still living here and still working here in some way, shape or form' Because they love this city, and ALL she stands for!"
"I love this city, and I always have" It was here that my family was born, and it's here my family continues to remain. The Guild Wars of old" The Goblin Wars" Any of you here recall any of those" Honestly, maybe a few at best' Many of you are newer arrivals, and that's alright. Cause there are some of us who still remember what this place used to be like, and what a living cluster ^&%$ it was?"
"And even with how much this city has advanced in these last few years" Despite all of these new wonders, we have here. Cell phones, and Television and Radio' Earthen Cars, and gods know what else? Internet, and Amazon.RDN" Hey don't knock that Amazon, okay' My last few tactical vests came from there, and Jensen back there loves his. He'll also model it later, for any interested and possibly desperate ladies, and maybe a man or two."
"All of that aside, I am losing myself and I apologize?"
"You see, my service to the city' To OUR city has always been in these trenches I speak of? Side by side with the men and women I serve with and many others. We're people of action' Blood, sweat and more tears than you could imagine" We handle what needs to be handled, and we move on to the next issue at hand. Sometimes with no break between said issues?"
"We're soldiers, to our very core and we serve this city no matter what comes at her, and no matter what anyone thinks or says" And if you think that's lip service you can bring yourself down here and join the Watch for a bit, and see what we really have to deal with on a day to day basis. Hell, you can pick any of the districts in the city, as they have their own independently run station houses and divisions. Just drop on in and spend a day with any of them and you'll see exactly what I mean?"
"I love this city' I do. Just as the men and women who serve this city in her defense, no matter the capacity of that service. Just as the elected officials, like Governor Fionna Helston and her appointed Council, of which I was a part of for a time. Just as the 'secret' heroes, who walk among us day in and out, as they too look out for this city and its people, time and again. Each of us doing our part to make this a better place for each of us, no matter how bleak things happen to look at times. And in that scheme of part doing, I know my place?"
"And it is not in the Governor's Office."
"It's right here, doing what I have been doing all along. It's here in these trenches, with these men and women. It's here in the market place, working with the other members of the Chamber of Commerce, as we find new ways to promote and revitalize this amazing area that's been abused ever too much. It's with my beautiful wife and children, who I happen to love even more than this wonderful city. A wife who also has served this city with her Scathachian Sisters, and still continues to do so with a new group of people, who also share her views in regards to this city and its people."
"So I am withdrawing from the election, to better serve this city in the ways that I know best."
"Hmm' What's that' Heh, no' I will not bend a knee to Jesse, however—- I do respect her powerful trio of toys. Alright, next question?"
"No, I will not announce support for anyone at this given time."
"I do have one other thing....This is to the people that have something that belongs to some of us....You took our Blackstone, and we are coming to get it back."
"Alright folks, that's all I got. Now I got a wife and children to get home to, not to mention Jensen back there is about to start his show. G"night!?