Theron decided that he had to try harder to win this thing, the primaries first. He needed to announce his plan. What he would do if he was some how elected into the runnings. He had no gift for forecasting the future so he had to just do his best, and lay it all out on the table. After all, nobody knew what he was planning to do so for better or worse, here it was.
Theron created his list goals that he was certain he could accomplish in his time as governor. If he was dedicated to this cause he believed he could actually do anything to help people, much like the Knights did over christmas by feeding the people who really had nothing. He thought that was a very nice gesture, but the old saying goes give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a life time. Gestures and gifts of good will are awesome, but self reliance needed to be taught and relearned once again. This was his goal.
Theron displayed his list of goals and accomplishments he would try to do in a small pamphlet, or in this case it was slightly bigger than small, lets say it was medium.
Dear People of Rhydin,
I am sending this all to you. I would just like you to read this and make of it what you will. But please finish it before you decide. This is what I plan to do to help you all.
1. First thing is first. The destruction must stop. Terrorism is running rampant and explosions are far too common, the homeless are then victimized by gangs and raiders with unknown purposes. The only thing that feeds evil, is more evil. My friends of Rhydin I suggest that we create a regenerative shield over the city, any destruction caused by an evil doer with an explosive device, will have their plans ruined because the destruction will repair itself with in minutes. With your belief in me and my ablitity I can do this for you, best of all it will not cost you anything. Anything in the city limits will be safe. The cost of reconstruction and damage repair bills will be brought down to zero.
What of the construction industry you ask" Instead of wasting their time rebuilding destroyed things, now we can look to the future and make our city something to be looked at rather than a scar on the eyes of tourists and the ones that get dropped here from the nexus at random. We must welcome everybody equally, before we judge them.
2. Serial killers. How do you stop such inmoral behavior. Every race has their rejected and tortured souls that can find release only by releasing somebody else of their lives. This is a question that may not have an answer. But I offer a solution to this problem. I vow to open magical self defense classes, as well as physical ones for low income and struggling families. You are the ones most of these cowards attack. You have suffered enough at the hands of the likes of this current scourge, The Ravager, and the Zodiac as well. If you can defend yourselves, you give your self something you had not had before, a fighting chance! You deserve it, you have always deserved it and I will give this to you. You can not depend on the City Guard or the Government to save you from every monster. We will do the best we can, but it is time you start fighting back.
3. City Guardians. This is leading off of the last topic. First and for most restrictions will be lifted. The watch is fine as they are, but there is so much red tape and political drabble in the way, it takes far too long for anything to get done. The watch has been more than prepared to go to war against criminals, but it has not been allowed to do so. We need to investigate all the dark corners and do it with some force to clean out some of the decay that this city hides. Serial killers, terrorists, psychopaths and villians that would do harm to others for no reason other than to enjoy it, your days are numbered. The watch will gain some powerful allies, I know there are people out there chomping at the bit just trying and waiting and willing to take these monsters down. I say it is high time we let them do what they want. People of Rhydin, what do you say. How long will you allow this cycle to continue" When will you stand up for yourselves.
4. Tolerance for slavery. This is a sensitive issue. This is Rhydin. Lifestyles of all kinds of peoples and worlds from all over the multiverse and anybody who has ever been to the Red Dragon Inn as I have knows this for a fact. You can not expect somebody who lived with slaves their entire life come to a world where it not allowed. There would be guidelines enforced.
Zero Tolerance for children made into slaves, this is not allowed. It is a lifestyle choice as much as anybody hates to see it, people actually choose this lifestyle, we can not judge them for what they have chosen. This is not approving of torture and senseless abuse of anykind. As a matter of fact I propose a registry, any owner must register their slaves vital statistics. The human trade committee will be formed out of people I choose and they will appoint inspectors to make sure a level of respect is maintained. If there is abuse, the slave will be removed. I would rather have this in place instead of a zero tolerance restriction, people will choose what ever lifestyle they wish, nothing we do will ever change that fact.
5. Better standard of overall life. I will do everything in my power to make sure you have food on your table, money in your pocket and feeling safe in your own homes. And I will do it with out raising any new taxes. You deserve to be safe in your own city. Vindication is yours for the taking, I need to know you are willing to take it. I will show you the way, but I can not make you do anything you do not wish to do as a people. As it should be. I will serve you. I also believe we should make alliances with our neighboring nations and start trading routes to enrich both of our cities with culture and knowledge.
6. Freedom of Business. I know this city is very much an engine of industry. Anybody should be allowed to attempt to get into this world of business. I know the Bonny Corp. Exists and is staple of the economy of this city, likewise all the wonderful providers of liquors and other things that make people happy. Corruption is a problem but with some help with some other points I have made we can work out that problem on its own. The pursuit of happiness should not be denied by anybody. This will also test the morality of this city, it should be interesting to see what shows up once freedom is allowed equally for everybody.
7. Council. I will attempt to create a council of people to discuss ideas, and the best solultions to what ever problems may arise. This may be difficult but I believe that many minds are better than one when it comes to major issues and points and details may be missed with out this advantage. There will be five of them, and the governor. The first council will be hand picked, and if they accept they will have the job. The council should change when the governor does. This is still a viable option I am willing to keep open. I will ask the people in a poll if this is what they desire or not.
8. Banning Mortal Sacrifices. Relgion is fine. But if your god or goddess demands the blood of the innocent, the right to religion will not save you. You will treated as a special monster, we will call you by the offical term, relgious zealot. I will call you a nutjob and send the watch after who ever you are, we will find you. The road to mental ruin is often a long one, and tortured and beliefs are stronger than almost anything. If you have to cut the heart of a virgin out, you may want to rethink your Deity's true intentions.
This, my friends ends the basic outline of my plan. I am sorry the details were lacking, but I did not want to waste any more of your time than I had to. I know it is valuable to you and you wont get it back, I am glad you took the time for reading this, Thank you.
::The Pamphlet was delivered to every door step, every business and different versions of this were posted to street lamps and trees everywhere, now everybody could read this and they could all know equally his intentions::
Theron created his list goals that he was certain he could accomplish in his time as governor. If he was dedicated to this cause he believed he could actually do anything to help people, much like the Knights did over christmas by feeding the people who really had nothing. He thought that was a very nice gesture, but the old saying goes give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a life time. Gestures and gifts of good will are awesome, but self reliance needed to be taught and relearned once again. This was his goal.
Theron displayed his list of goals and accomplishments he would try to do in a small pamphlet, or in this case it was slightly bigger than small, lets say it was medium.
Dear People of Rhydin,
I am sending this all to you. I would just like you to read this and make of it what you will. But please finish it before you decide. This is what I plan to do to help you all.
1. First thing is first. The destruction must stop. Terrorism is running rampant and explosions are far too common, the homeless are then victimized by gangs and raiders with unknown purposes. The only thing that feeds evil, is more evil. My friends of Rhydin I suggest that we create a regenerative shield over the city, any destruction caused by an evil doer with an explosive device, will have their plans ruined because the destruction will repair itself with in minutes. With your belief in me and my ablitity I can do this for you, best of all it will not cost you anything. Anything in the city limits will be safe. The cost of reconstruction and damage repair bills will be brought down to zero.
What of the construction industry you ask" Instead of wasting their time rebuilding destroyed things, now we can look to the future and make our city something to be looked at rather than a scar on the eyes of tourists and the ones that get dropped here from the nexus at random. We must welcome everybody equally, before we judge them.
2. Serial killers. How do you stop such inmoral behavior. Every race has their rejected and tortured souls that can find release only by releasing somebody else of their lives. This is a question that may not have an answer. But I offer a solution to this problem. I vow to open magical self defense classes, as well as physical ones for low income and struggling families. You are the ones most of these cowards attack. You have suffered enough at the hands of the likes of this current scourge, The Ravager, and the Zodiac as well. If you can defend yourselves, you give your self something you had not had before, a fighting chance! You deserve it, you have always deserved it and I will give this to you. You can not depend on the City Guard or the Government to save you from every monster. We will do the best we can, but it is time you start fighting back.
3. City Guardians. This is leading off of the last topic. First and for most restrictions will be lifted. The watch is fine as they are, but there is so much red tape and political drabble in the way, it takes far too long for anything to get done. The watch has been more than prepared to go to war against criminals, but it has not been allowed to do so. We need to investigate all the dark corners and do it with some force to clean out some of the decay that this city hides. Serial killers, terrorists, psychopaths and villians that would do harm to others for no reason other than to enjoy it, your days are numbered. The watch will gain some powerful allies, I know there are people out there chomping at the bit just trying and waiting and willing to take these monsters down. I say it is high time we let them do what they want. People of Rhydin, what do you say. How long will you allow this cycle to continue" When will you stand up for yourselves.
4. Tolerance for slavery. This is a sensitive issue. This is Rhydin. Lifestyles of all kinds of peoples and worlds from all over the multiverse and anybody who has ever been to the Red Dragon Inn as I have knows this for a fact. You can not expect somebody who lived with slaves their entire life come to a world where it not allowed. There would be guidelines enforced.
Zero Tolerance for children made into slaves, this is not allowed. It is a lifestyle choice as much as anybody hates to see it, people actually choose this lifestyle, we can not judge them for what they have chosen. This is not approving of torture and senseless abuse of anykind. As a matter of fact I propose a registry, any owner must register their slaves vital statistics. The human trade committee will be formed out of people I choose and they will appoint inspectors to make sure a level of respect is maintained. If there is abuse, the slave will be removed. I would rather have this in place instead of a zero tolerance restriction, people will choose what ever lifestyle they wish, nothing we do will ever change that fact.
5. Better standard of overall life. I will do everything in my power to make sure you have food on your table, money in your pocket and feeling safe in your own homes. And I will do it with out raising any new taxes. You deserve to be safe in your own city. Vindication is yours for the taking, I need to know you are willing to take it. I will show you the way, but I can not make you do anything you do not wish to do as a people. As it should be. I will serve you. I also believe we should make alliances with our neighboring nations and start trading routes to enrich both of our cities with culture and knowledge.
6. Freedom of Business. I know this city is very much an engine of industry. Anybody should be allowed to attempt to get into this world of business. I know the Bonny Corp. Exists and is staple of the economy of this city, likewise all the wonderful providers of liquors and other things that make people happy. Corruption is a problem but with some help with some other points I have made we can work out that problem on its own. The pursuit of happiness should not be denied by anybody. This will also test the morality of this city, it should be interesting to see what shows up once freedom is allowed equally for everybody.
7. Council. I will attempt to create a council of people to discuss ideas, and the best solultions to what ever problems may arise. This may be difficult but I believe that many minds are better than one when it comes to major issues and points and details may be missed with out this advantage. There will be five of them, and the governor. The first council will be hand picked, and if they accept they will have the job. The council should change when the governor does. This is still a viable option I am willing to keep open. I will ask the people in a poll if this is what they desire or not.
8. Banning Mortal Sacrifices. Relgion is fine. But if your god or goddess demands the blood of the innocent, the right to religion will not save you. You will treated as a special monster, we will call you by the offical term, relgious zealot. I will call you a nutjob and send the watch after who ever you are, we will find you. The road to mental ruin is often a long one, and tortured and beliefs are stronger than almost anything. If you have to cut the heart of a virgin out, you may want to rethink your Deity's true intentions.
This, my friends ends the basic outline of my plan. I am sorry the details were lacking, but I did not want to waste any more of your time than I had to. I know it is valuable to you and you wont get it back, I am glad you took the time for reading this, Thank you.
::The Pamphlet was delivered to every door step, every business and different versions of this were posted to street lamps and trees everywhere, now everybody could read this and they could all know equally his intentions::