Topic: The Breakfast Club


Date: 2006-10-03 15:54 EST
Toes wiggled, contained within her socks, as her feet were swung over the edge of the bed, before curling up in the bedside rug. A yawn distorting her usual cuteness into a more epic cuteness, the back of her gloved hand rubbing at one closed eyelid, the other at half-mast staring forward over the side of the bed out the pre-dawn skyline of RhyDin. It had been so nice for her oniisan to let her stay at his place, and she'd have to thank him, but it'd be rude to wake up her host and roommate early in the morning for such. She stood and stretched both arms over her head giving her a "Y' shape as she yawned soundlessly and placed both hands brought before her face, a gentle 'slap" given to her cheeks to help wake her up and she brightened, an unconscious whisper out loud to herself, "I promised Gwem breakfast!"

She beamed to no one particular out the window; still taking in the sight before and in the middle of her turn away to start "getting around" she realized something rather important. She didn't know when Grem woke up. What if he was going to work right now" What if she had missed him' She had after all promised to show him he didn't have to stay at the inn for free food anymore because she could make it for him. Her arms flailed briefly as she quickly thought up her next course of action. She couldn't use the kitchen at her host's house, and Jewell's house was too far away! She'd have to use the Inn's kitchen like it had been suggested, and before he awoke and" well, he'd probably consider it "escaped", but she'd consider it a failure. She reached for her duffle bag to change into her uniform but again she hesitates, what if that caused her to be late" No she had to go now!

The strap slung over her shoulder she quietly tiptoed out of Nitsu's residence and, in her pajamas, made her way towards the familiar landscape of downtown RhyDin and it's infamous landmark the Red Dragon Inn. Although it was easy enough to say that her PJs were far more modest and less revealing than her uniform so the average person wouldn't feel uncomfortable or shocked to see her zip by, except maybe for how " utterly' cute it was! Zipping in through the back door of the tavern her duffle bag was half tossed half rolled against the wall next to the kitchen door that she flashed thru.

She snatched at a wok hanging from overhead and it was haphazardly tossed onto a stove, a flick of the wrist and tendrils of flame shot up from beneath the bottom of the metal dish, perhaps a bit too high, but she was already moving down the counter way, an arm reaching out to brush some of the dishes away into the vat of a sink, a fresh cutting board pulled out and placed on the space and then that too is left behind as she's turning and making for the fridge. Fingers jerking on the handle several times before managing to pry it open, pools of dark emerald scanning over the monstrous cavern that opened before her. Her mouth slipping into an "o' of amazement her hands seemed to act on their own, one reaching out to snatch four, five, six, seven eggs, cheese, butter, her eyes lingering on a drawer labeled "fruit' and then green pepper and onion snatched, the other arm cradiling the items as best it could. A plastic bag containing half a loaf was placed between her teeth as the last carrying spot and she's racing back towards the counter, fridge door left wide open, one egg not quite making it back to the counter and it's left to ooze its poor white out over the floor. The contents dumped onto the space she'd cleared and the eggs are snatched two at a time to break against the now nicely heated wok. A few shells slipping down in her haste, but she seemed a little too busy to worry about minor details as such. The shells tossed beneath the counter into the waiting trash baskets so thoughtfully provided.

The frightening gleam of flashy sharp metal is in her hands and several thin strips of cheese, along with diced onion and green peppers are produced and tossed in with the eggs in not time at all. Mostly perhaps because none of it was washed and the onion wasn't peeled, but that was just simply another minor matter, Grem could be leaving any minute now! Slices of bread were produced and placed in the toaster, a tug given on the lever to pull them down and heat them was not quite pulled down all the way and that too is forgotten as she's moving back to the open fridge, depositing the leftovers back in their perspective spots and her eyes wander to the drawer still taunting her with "Fruit". Her hand snaked out on it's own accord to tug it open and peered in, an expression of glee taking hold of her features she snatched up the box of strawberries and dashed over to the sink, rather oblivious to the first trails of smoke rising from the scrambled eggs she had been making, or the fact that the bread was well, not becoming toast. Yet in this task, of all of them, she took her time, washing the strawberries, nimble fingers with the slightly oversized chopping knife cutting out the stems just rightly so, like she had done so a million times. Her head shaken to keep her persian blue strands from falling down onto her work, the dozen strawberries placed on a towel to dry and with a satisfied nod she turned back to her previous works.

Her mouth made that "o' shape again.

—- —- —-

The smell of " well" it wasn't eggs and toast, more like just the smell of burning floated through the halls of the upstairs of the inn, her still-in-slippers feet stepping noiselessly as she struggled with the large platter she had managed to scrape the " er" ex-eggs into. The buttered bread slices that never quite became toast were sliced in half and the dividing barrier between the unholy eggs and the fresh strawberries. Her eyes flickering from door number to door number, having been quite proud of herself to find his room by glancing through the ledger.

Balancing the plate precariously with just one arm beneath it she reached out with the other hand and began the knocking on his door"


Date: 2006-10-03 17:05 EST
There was an incoherent grumbling from behind the door, after the first knock. He mumbled to himself, reaching down to retrieve his pillow and press it down over his own head as the knocking continued. He'd only gotten an hour or two of sleep so far. "Unless th'building's on fire, lemme sleep." His voice, muffled by the pillow, wouldn't carry to the door with any clarity, let alone through it. "Hell. Even if th'building is on fire. I can jump out th'window at the last minute." He waited, then. He couldn't hear the sounds of panic, so he was reasonably sure that it wasn't a fire.

The list of people who knew what room he stayed in was fairly short. In fact, he could count them on one hand, with fingers left over. Still, he ran over the names of those it could be, frowning. Not very likely, any of them. Not at that early hour, at any rate. The knocking wouldn't abate. He grumbled further, as he threw his sheets aside. Fingers ran over his hair, though the mess didn't get any neater, as he moved to his feet. He adjusted his boxers, took a look around the room, and shrugged.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" Voice rising, he moved toward the door. Arms, straight at the elbows, crossed in front of his chest, drawing a crack from his shoulders as he stretched tired muscles. "What the hell kind of hours to people keep around here?" He muttered a bit more, as he brought a hand to rub at the fading patch of angry red skin at the center of his chest, then reached out to open the door. "Alright, what do you—Natsuki?"

And he froze, blinking in the light of the hallway. The door was held half open (as, coincidentally, was his mouth) and he simply stood there for a moment. He cast a glance back at his room. Visible in the opening was a mess, the covers of the bed were strewn all over, as were various articles of clothing. He obviously hadn't cleaned anytime recently, possibly since moving back in. Above the bed, hanging from a nail in the wall, was a silver cross on a thin leather cord. Just visible under one corner of the bed was a steel manacle, glittering studs marking the inside of the cuff. In the far corner of the room is a full suit of armor, polished enough to still carry a sheen under a layer of dust.

Mismatched eyes moved back to the girl, then down to the plate in her hands (were those eggs"), and continued down to his own barely-clothed body. "Criminy. Give me just a second, yeah?" He looked back to her face, one hand moving to rub the back of his neck. "I'll be right back." With that, he ducked back into his room and gently shut the door.

One foot kicked up a pair of jeans, and he practically jumped into them as he continued across the room. He ducked down to snatch up a shirt, lifted it for a sniff. A face was pulled, and he threw it across the room, to land in an area where the crumpled clothing was far more concentrated than the others. At some point, he would have to put a hamper there. He moved to a closet, pushed something red out of the way, and snatched out a short-sleeved button-down. When the door opened again, he was in the process of buttoning up the dull green shirt.

"So, um...good morning?"


Date: 2006-10-03 18:27 EST
As the door cracked open and the face of Grem emerged she let that smile take over her face, eyelids sliding down in the happiest of smiles, a pretty good opposite to his look, and thankfully saving her from the embarrassment of seeing him nearly naked. The look of happy enough of a response to his strangely worded question. By the time she opened them again the door was closing after his quick excusal and she tilted her head to the side, some of the hair brushing up against her cheek and one of the fuzz balls of her pajama's hat joining in on the fun.

She cast her gaze down the hallway in a time passing manner, counting out the door numbers soundlessly to herself as she moved her other hand back beneath the tray sized plate to keep it from wobbling out of her grasp as it was threatening to do.

The click of the door knob being turned arrested her attention back to glance up at Grem once more, the plate hefted upwards, wobbling, so he could get a better look at it and the smile arrested her features once more, "Ohayoo, Gwem." That usually quiet and soft spoken voice treading dangerously close to loud for once, perhaps she was a morning person. "I brought you breakfast like I said I would!" A nod of her head flouncing the white fuzz attached to green tip of the hat back out of the way, her jade pools staring up at him for his obviously soon-to-be-emerging happiness of the work she had just gone through for him.

The eggs, if they were still eggs, were looking more like charcoal at this point. Big hardened black pebbles with distinct 'scrambled" egg shapes, and even smaller black bits that could of once possibly been green peppers or onions, and it all seemed to of been caramelized together. That was the cheese of course. The half frozen butter had in-fact not spread very well at all on the cold bread, it was partially torn up and the small thin slabs of butter remained unyielding in their stance of unspreadability and sat there on the ruined torn and fluffy white pieces. Only the strawberries had any semblance of being the saving grace of this" this travesty of meals. She had, of course, forgotten to bring a drink. Or silverware it seemed until he'd spot the two spindly sticks lying horizontally at the top of the platter. Chopsticks.

She looked entirely unperturbed at the meal, focusing far more on him at this point, "I used the kitchen downstairs like you said!"

The lack of focus on the plate sending it in a tipping motion and she "eeped" and began the struggle of keeping it balanced once more as some of the morsels threatened to spill off the too large plate, the kind that might of been used to placing the whole turkey on during Thanksgiving.


Date: 2006-10-03 21:03 EST
He does manage a smile, as he regards the pile of blackened bits that were once...a sniff was taken...yes, those were once eggs. In fact, it takes an effort of will to not be rude and laugh. He managed a nod, though, as his gaze moves on to the bread. "You did say you were going to do this, didn't you? I'm sorry, I kind of forgot about it." One hand rose to rub the back of his neck as he considered the sad contents of the plate. Except for the strawberries, of course.

"You know, you really didn't need to do this. I mean, I don't normally get anything more than coffee before heading off to work, yeah' I don't think I'm going to be able to eat all of this." He leaves off that the reason that he would be unable to clean the massive plate might have something to do with the mass which seemed to be solid carbon. It wouldn't do to outright insult the girl's culinary abilities. "I'm really more of a fruit person than eggs, when it comes to breakfast, actually. Eggs always seem to...slow me down." He smiled, pleasantly enough for the hour. The girl's cuteness was hard to resist at the best of times, never mind when his mind has only managed to barely drag itself out of the murk of sleep. "Oh, did you? I told you there wouldn't be anyone around. Hey, if you didn't do it already, I can help you clean up after I finish...eating." Just a touch of uncertainty in that last word. Will he be able to chew that stuff" Therein lies the question.

And then the plate started to fall. He had not yet finished buttoning his shirt, a few buttons left undone near the top to reveal the skin there, and he ceased any attempts at finishing that as he drops down into a kneel, hands moving to help her steady the platter. A portion of the blackened mass slides off, and drops to shatter on the floor. He frowns, apparently genuinely, as his hands move to try and get the plate more or less level. "Oh. I'm sorry about that, Suki. I can be a bit clumsy. But you made more than enough, so it's not a total loss, yeah?" Indeed, the remains of probably four of the original eggs remain, even if they do take up far less space now than they would had they not been cooked to a crispy level.


Date: 2006-10-04 10:02 EST
"I said I would Gwem!" and then if I said I would and I didn't I'd be a liar and not a very good person?" her voice fading out towards the end before shaking her head, "So I made breakfast!" A nod, as if to confirm she did "indeed- make him breakfast, flouncing her hair nearly into the plate's contents.

"I put all the stuff away to soak so don't worry about cleaning up!" more nodding, there, a bit of her hair did land on one of those strawberries during that head dip and then was pulled off. They wok had also been thrown into the sink as to make sure it didn't catch anything else on fire. How long was he going to keep this girl who had cooked him breakfast standing in her pajamas in the hallway"

Her hands struggle with the plate until his join in and it right, the sound of the "eggs" shattering on the floor causing a slight shade of red to caress her cheeks, "I " I think I might of overcooked them you see" I was worried I was going to miss you?" she swallowed and her eyes lifted up, not even pausing on the "rash' to his, "AndSoILeftTheStoveOnTooHighIGuessAndWhileIWasGett ingOtherStuffAroundIThinkIMaybeAccidentilyBurntThe Eggs?"

There, right there! There was some yellow! That might still be edible! Or was that a bit of one of those frozen butter pads that had scraped off on to some egg"

She was beginning to get that misty eyed look that men so dread, her mouth hanging just a bit open, lower lip beginning to tremble"


Date: 2006-10-04 16:51 EST
The girl had entirely too much energy for this early in the morning. It was unnatural, he was sure of it. Never mind the number of times he's been awake much earlier than that; he had gotten to sleep quite a bit earlier those times, as well. Once the plate was more or less stable, his hands moved back, to finish buttoning up his shirt.

Maybe burnt the eggs" Goodness. Maybe fire was a little warm. "Er...well, yeah, these to look a little bit over done. But that's alright, I don't like my eggs...overly soft, anyway. Besides, you said you haven't really cooked before, yeah' This isn't bad at all, for someone who doesn't cook much, you know." Grem was lying through his teeth, but his tone was believable at least. His expression became thoughtful for a moment as he considered just how close he had been with his guess about the knocking having to do with the building being on fire.

During that moment, he also considered the possibility that this was some sort of strange dream. He'd certainly had stranger. If it was a dream, then, he had to consider what it might mean. The eggs, probably a symbol of mornings and thus of beginnings, were obviously a reference to his hopes for the future. Their being burnt...well, the meaning there was rather obvious as well. No use in dwelling on that for over long. The bread could be his life in general at the moment. The slices were damaged and torn, yes, but not by any stretch a total loss. It was certainly still edible, and might be quite tasty, despite appearances, so his life could still have good things in it. Now, the strawberries" He could remember something about strawberries and tigers. And black and white mice" No, that made no sense at all.

He blinked, that train of thought having lasted only a matter of seconds. His back ached, his chest itched, and there was a dull pounding behind his eyes. He wasn't dreaming. "I don't really have anywhere to put that in here." He took a look back into the room, then back to her. "Or, um, chairs. Let me carry that, I'll eat it downstairs, yeah?"


Date: 2006-10-04 19:39 EST
The beginning of the sniffles disappear right away as he assures her that it's a rather 'good' attempt for her first try she was all better again, bouncing lightly by rocking back and forth from toe to heel, nearly grinning with her smile once more. Too much energy' Never!

Her eyes flickered to his chest as he buttoned up his shirt, the flush not fading quite so much and she glanced back up to his different hued pools. Strawberries were good in dreams! Pleasure and advancement....or something.

But he was indeed awake, the drafty hallway of the inn was proof of that. And the burning smell of eggs. And the overly joyous Suki. What would she signal in a dream anyway"

She nodded again at his offer and she hefted the plate to him and as soon as it was our of her grasp she was moving down the hallway, practically skipping. Two fuzzballs of her hat bouncing along with the movements, the hair swaying side to side and the skirt raising and lowering with each take off and landing. Luckily it was much longer than what she normall wore.

Down the stairs she went and grabbing ahold of the banister at the button she swung around on the last stair, staring up at him while balancing in her lean back, "Where do you wanna sit GwemGwem?"


Date: 2006-10-04 22:12 EST
He actually sighed in relief as the impending doom (or crying, whichever) was averted. Plate in hand, he sagged against his doorframe for a moment as the girl pranced off. "Saints preserve." That muttered, barely loud enough to reach his own ears. He balanced the platter on one arm just long enough to gently close his door. He turned, then, to follow her along the hallway. Shoulders rolled, one then the other.

Mismatched eyes were on the plate as he walked. He was sure he'd be able to get down at least some of it. He shook his head, once, before moving on down the stairs after her. He was replaying what he could remember of the conversation the night before, trying to piece together why, exactly, he was getting breakfast delivered. He remembered her making an offer, but not for the very next morning. He'd been distracted from pretty much everything lately, though, so perhaps that had something to do with his confusion. A shrug, just before she turned back to him.

" about this one?" He was carrying the plate, after all, so he couldn't really direct her to pick one herself. He set the plate down on the second table he passed, and kept on moving toward the bar. "I'm grabbing a cup of coffee. Want anything" Juice, milk, whatever?" He continued on through the break in the bar, a mug plucked up in the process. He looked back to her as he took up the coffee pot and began to fill his cup.


Date: 2006-10-04 23:44 EST
Siting -normally- in a seat she smoothed her skirt down before she sat and places her hands on the table he directed her to. Upright. Awake. Hands folded properly before her on the table she beamed another smile at him, "iie, I'm fine!" A shake of her head to emphasize the foreign word, hair flung and hand tails flung outward to merely settle back down half wrapping around her for the briefest of moments, some sliding stubbornly before her left eye and cheek. At least that much was normal for her.

Her toes wiggeled absently in her slippers and she idily glanced around at the empty tavern, even the passed out drunks had gone home by this time. It really was deserted. Her eyes wandered back towards the plate as if admiring her work, and so she waited for him to come back.


Date: 2006-10-05 08:49 EST
Once his cup is filled with steaming java, he cast a glance toward the sugar and cream. A bit of muttering under his breath, and a shake of his head, as he decided that he might as well drink the stuff black. His nose wrinkled as he moved back through the break in the bar, scowl making a brief appearance as he caught a certain scent or two, before he shook his head and forced a more pleasant expression. The cup was raised to his nose, the odor of fresh coffee taken in.

He had a feeling that if he acted anywhere near as unhappy as he was, it would set Suki off, and that would just make him feel worse. So he sucked it up and sank down to sit, managing something that could, with a liberal definition, be considered a smile. "This really was very nice of you." He took a sip of his coffee, then set the mug down, mismatched eyes on the plate. "Now...where to start?" Which is a valid question, perhaps, all things considered.


Date: 2006-10-05 15:41 EST
The blush came back to her cheeks and she fidgeted, smiling of course, at the compliment, "Thanks Gwem, it was really easy I can do it anytime for you."

She leaned forward on the table, supporting herself on her wlbows with her forearms crossed just a bit below her wrists, looking at the plate now as if thinking, "Well, I'd start with the strawberries, that way you're starting your day out right....with strawberries! And then..." her voice dropping a bit, "....maybe some eggs and toast..." yes, she still considered those things eggs, and that bread toast, "....and then you're all done!"

His question had been taken quite literally, her eyes wandering up towards his face after answering that question and she tilted her head to the right, "You must be awful tired if you don't know how to eat breakfast, you need to get more sleep, mhm!"

Yet she continued, not quite giving him the chance for any remarks about what hour she had awaken him at, her jade pools now peering away out the front windows idily, "You've got a rash on your you have bed bugs? ....your room is kinda messy and dirty so I'm thinking you might need to clean it and then your rash will go awa-..."

Her eyes find his once more, "I could help you clean up your room!"


Date: 2006-10-05 16:48 EST
He smiled faintly as she rambled on. He had some experience in dealing with such exuberance, and simply sipped at his coffee as she expounded on her chosen method of attack, when it came to breakfast. The comment regarding how much sleep he ought to get did cause him to lean forward, as though to speak, though he moved back again as she continued on and commented about the rash on his chest. A moment's frown, a fleeting thing, and then she...offered her cleaning services" That just wouldn't do.

"No, no. There's no need for that. With...with everything that's been going on, you know, my head has just been somewhere else. I think it's just an, er, allergic reaction, yeah?" That was actually very, very close to the truth. He nodded, once, making vague gestures with the hand that wasn't on his coffee cup. "I don't think it's bed bugs. Might be something else, though. I'll clean up sometime in the next few days, see if it clears up. I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned about."

He reached out, to pluck up a strawberry as per her suggestion, then. It was popped it into his mouth, with a smile, then he reached for another. "Of course it's good to start a day with strawberries, Suki. I was thinking I might save some for last, though, too. They're sweet, like dessert, yeah?" He munched on that berry, and turned mismatched eyes to the eggs. He glanced at the chopsticks, decided there was no way that was going to work, and just moved to use his hand. It wasn't trembling, really. Never mind that he was holding his breath as he moved to...break off...a piece of the eggs from the larger blackened mass. A swallow, before he lifted that piece and bravely placed it in his mouth.

Crunch, crunch. Hopefully that was the substance formerly known as eggs, not his teeth.


Date: 2006-10-05 17:10 EST
"Ooooh, you think you might be allergic to dust' I found some dust rags and cleaning stuff in this closet and I could clean it up for you or at least help! If you get sick it'd be horrible or all covered in rashes, you definately need to change your sheets at least, don't sleep in them again...", she stood as if about to go find some sheets right now to change his bed when she is caught by his words about the breakfast.

"Oh yeah! Strawberries are good to end on too! But you can't just eat strawberries for breakfast..." she nodded as she watched his next movement towards the eggs with his hand, she made the 'o' face again and her fingers snatched up the chop sticks and paused as she was too late. The snap of the eggs. Silence. The crunch was rather plainly heard. One could almost say it echoed in the inn. Dead Silence.

Suki swallowed nervously, "Um, shouldn't eat with your hands, I didn't even see you wash them! Here, let me..." The chopsticks were manuvered to grab a section of 'toast' with the now half melted pad of butter on it, curled up expertly and she offered it forth to him when it looked like he might be finished with the ....egg....or tooth.

She fidgeted again as she waited, " it good?", pearls flashing as she bit down on her lower lip, half flinching like she knew what the response was going to be.


Date: 2006-10-05 18:32 EST
He shook his head, lifting his cup for a sip of his coffee. That softened up the black mass enough for him to chew and swallow. A moment's mental calculation was made, and he believed he had enough coffee to make it through almost all of the eggs in that manner. It wasn't really all that bad. He could tell which bits were eggs and which were peppers, at least. He was reaching for another bit when she commented on his use of his hands.

"Oh. I did wash them, before I came out of my room." It was, in fact, one of the larger rooms, with its own facilities. He flashed her a quick, rueful smile. "I'm not a complete savage, you know. Though, yeah. My manners probably could use some work. But I don't know how to, um, use..." He had started to gesture toward the chopsticks, when she took them up and showed him just how easy it was. His head ducked forward a bit, before he reached out to try and accept the hashi without spilling the bread. Probably a hopeless endeavor, however, as his fingers simply weren't trained to deal with the sticks.

And she went straight for the question that was, really, not the sort of thing that any decent person would want to answer. He took a moment to consider his phrasing and to cough lightly, clearing his throat. When he speaks, he takes on as gentle a tone as possible. "Ah. Well...Next time you make someone breakfast, maybe take a little more time, be more careful? This is a little overdone, yeah' And, you know, it can be dangerous to try to rush this sort of thing."


Date: 2006-10-05 19:15 EST
The chopsticks were handed off to him, and she swayed briefly, she was obviously tired of sitting and now she cradeled her head in her arms in a lean against the table, luckily the table being slightly higher than her hips not to become too obscene, and this....outfit's skirt was at least twice as long as her regular. The hat seemed to be fine with staying on even as she snuggeled her head against her arms, watching him chew and take a drag of coffee while still chewing, "I'm sorry, but I didn't know when you left in the morning, or if you did at all. Then you wouldn't of had -any- breakfast and I'd be here with a big platter of stuff and no one to give it to, and then you wouldn't ever wanna leave the tavern cause I didn't bring you food....and it wasn't dangerous at all, just a little scary when the towels caught on fire....but I tossed those in the sink too so don't worry."

It probably made sense to her, she turned her forehead down in her nest her arms created before peeking up over her forearm at him, just faint spots of jade seen with all the peeking and veiling from the hair, "I don't think you're a savage Grem though..." going back to an earlier comment he had made, "'s just that you've still touched things since then, right?" Ah, she was making a defense of her chopsticks.

"Do you go anywhere in the morning, that way I could find out what time I should make you breakfast!" Oh. God.


Date: 2006-10-05 19:51 EST
He nodded as she explained her ignorance of his schedule. It was strange enough that she knew what room he was staying in, so her not knowing what time he leaves in the mornings was actually a bit of a comfort. Was his real name in the ledger" That might explain it, without him having to worry about being followed at night.

"There you, go, see" If you hadn't thought quickly enough to put the towels in the sink and put them out..." She had put them out, right' He sniffed at the air discreetly, though he was pretty sure he would have noticed smoke by that point. "Well, it could have been bad. No one wants a fire, yeah?"

He was trying to use the chopsticks. He really was. Mostly, it involved getting them around a bit of egg, using both hands, and arranging them so that he could use one to lift them to his mouth. Crunch, sip, munch. He's had coffee in the past that he had to chew, and this wasn't really worse than that. Of course, that had been pretty bad. Still, he was able to work his way through them with little real difficulty, save a bit or two that were harder than the rest. He did not, however, fight with the chopsticks when plucking up a strawberry here and there. Something about fruit just seemed to require he use his hands.

"In the mornings?" It only lasted a moment, and it wasn't something one would expect on his face. That's right. Deer in headlights. "Oh. Er. Well, you know, I don't really have much time between getting up and needing to get to work. And eating in the morning tends to slow me down a bit. Please, you shouldn't be going out of your way to make me breakfast. Really."


Date: 2006-10-05 22:55 EST
"Well I put them into the sink before the wok, and then while it was still floating on the surface I got as much of the eggs out as I could before it sank!" She was just so proud of herself. Her fingers were tracing the grain work of the table when she sat up straight again and the fingers moved down instead to fidget witht he hem of her skirt.

"It's no problem at all Gwem, I usually get up to make myself breakfast, so it's no problem for me to come down here....and...."

Here. A most furious blush worked up over her as she glanced down at herself and back at the breaking of dawn.

"OhI'veGotToRunGremBeforeIGetCaughtInMyPajamas!J ewJewIsGoingToFreakOutThatIHaven'tBeenHomeYet!" she's gone, careening towards the bar and almost falling to the ground in her slippers as they just don't seem to do much for traction. Her duffle bag is yanked on and she's running for the door as the bag catches on various things jerking her to a stop before she untangles it and repeats the process over again a couple times, "I'llBeBackWhenICanToCookYouBreakfastAgainMaybeN extTimeI'llDoPancakes!"

Her hand's on the door and opening, a quick peek outside to only spot the earliest of travelers and she glances back at him once more before she's gone.