Topic: The Journey from West Street

Ialys Elanesse

Date: 2008-04-17 06:26 EST

Sunlight gleamed through crystal windows in the lavish palace of Lord Olwe Elanesse situated in the ideal nest of high society found only on Dragon's Tooth Hill. The beams of light trailed across the marble and wooden floors through the grand dwelling and brought the air to a balmy seventy-two degrees. Bare feet went skittering across the hallway to the private chambers of Ialys Vervain Elanesse, the loyal ward of Lord Olwe only heir to the Elanesse household. The misfit fae servant knocked three times before turning the glass knob of the trueblood's door and bustling over the threshold to Ialys's sitting room.

The moment the door opened the sound of sweet music went flooding into the rest of the house. One of the few joys that could be found in the rather stuffy confines of Lord Elanesse's estate was the breathtaking music that lept from the strings of Ialys's many instruments as artful fingers indulged in their hobby. The fae servant, Mudgen, gave a respectful bow and the ward ceased in her practicing immediately. With a dexterous display Mudgen leapt to the chair nearest the entry door and flipped up the switch that operated the three oversized fans in Ialys's sitting room.

Summer is approaching more steadily each day. The young trueblood rose from her magenta velvet lined chair with a bow in one hand and a priceless cherrywood cello in the other. Mudgen turned to regard his mistress with a deep bow and then a nod of his head. Yes, things will get right hot here within about a month or so.

A hopeful expression crossed the angelic youthful face of the trueblood as she thought of the warmth of summer. A memory of time spent in another realm with sand between her toes and the scent of coconut against her skin flashed across her mind and Ialys allowed herself to linger in the fond remembrance. As the trueblood daydreamed, Mudgen again bowed respectfully and ducked out of the ward's private chambers to tend to the fans in the rest of the household.

Once the door closed the fair-faced elven turned to gently lower her instrument to the ground and dance blissfully to the balcony nearby. Stained-glass walls opened up to a private escape lined with rose beds and ivy vines that fell like a curtain across the entrance to her bed-chamber. The unfiltered sunlight was so soft and tender against her ivory-peach flesh. The rays made elphinstone earrings glimmer as Ialys leaned across the elaborately decorated banister to peer on the other citizens of Dragon's Tooth Hill from her loft.

Those located close by refered to Ialys Elanesse as the nightingale. She was the songbird created solely for her guardian's entertainment and given no more purpose in life than what he laid out for her. Adopted in infancy to serve as Lord Olwe's daughter, she was raised by nannies and tutors rather than the noble-born trueblood himself. All her reading materials had to be approved by Lord Olwe. All her dresses were custom-tailored and the patterns and materials picked by Lord Olwe. Every subject that was taught by her tutor, Nelfar, was first validated and approved by Lord Olwe. She had no personal friends, no private space, and no freedom to anything outside of her little glass box.

Ialys, for her part, simply took ever rule in stride. The young trueblood catered to her guardian's every whim and tried her best not to flap her wings against the bars of her cage as she went about pleasing him. It was the goodness of Lord Olwe's heart that had afforded her the opportunity to have fine things, a solid education, and access to the greatest resources Bordertown could provide. Each week she would have one new dress made, a small box of chocolates (usually truffles and dark chocolate-covered cherries which were extremely hard to find in B-town), and a trinket of her choosing from any of the upscale boutiques the town had to offer.

All things considered, it was a fairly carefree existance and Ialys was grateful for the home Lord Olwe provided. It was a shame then, that the blissful ignorance of the young trueblood was about to fade, and the real world was going to have its say in the fate of the young Miss Elanesse.

Ialys Elanesse

Date: 2008-04-17 17:27 EST
Jasseik Frentaelle was a popular name in many estates across Dragon's Tooth Hill. A respectable young man in the eyes of his father, a member of the High Council, and a pleasant addition to the neighborhood. It was because of his noble-born position and ties that he was selected by Lord Olwe to be a friendly companion for his ward, Ialys. Jasseik was an accomplished musician himself and his skills on piano and flute were second to none. It was a hobby that kept Lord Frantaelle in a pleasant mood and allowed the youth to keep up his high society appearances.

The lavish palace of colored crystal and luxurious rose beds was always in a twitter whenever social time between the young master Frentaelle and Miss Elanesse was arranged. The piano would be tuned at eight in the morning and all of the young miss's instruments would be brought into the formal sitting room where there was the most light. The staff would prepare the finest delicacies for the pair to munch on throughout the afternoon. Jasmine tea and Bordertown wine were mixed with lemon-tart pastries and little slices of quail and pheasant dipped in a rich plum sauce and accented with diced oranges.

As with every visit, Jasseik would arrive at ten in the morning to a chorus of fae servants who would usher him inside and spoil him with no expense spared by the generous Lord Elanesse. Master Olwe would take a brief respite from his business to greet the young master and chat with him on the current state of the gang violence, Bordertown politics, and the threat of humankind to the peaceable state of the Trueblood (as Lord Olwe perceived it). At half past the hour Ialys would come dancing down the stairs in a pale blue gown (her father's favorite for receiving guests) and would relieve her guardian in his duties and take over as the hostess for their gatherings.

Good afternoon, Lord Frentaelle. The young Trueblood would curtsy as Jasseik bowed. Good afternoon, Lady Elanesse. Immediately afterwards he would offer her an arm and the pair would go strolling from the parlor to the veranda where tea and snacks were waiting. Their hands would touch briefly as Ialys pulled from the tangle to procure an intricately decorated cup of spun glass and fill it with the jasmine scented tea. It was offered out on a saucer and their sparkling topaz eyes met and lingered for just a second too long.

After Ialys poured herself a cup of tea she would move with an elegant sway and perch rather ceremoniously on the edge of a wicker chair. You are kind to come and visit today, Jasseik. Innocent gaze rose with timidity and the devilishly handsome young master wore a sly grin as he sat with regal poise. Where else would I go' It's such a beautiful day and I can think of no other musician that I would rather spend the time with. Ialys remained perfectly still and composed. This was an act, afterall. Lord Olwe watched them during their tea-time socialization (perhaps hoping to gain some secret news on the household of the high councilman) and the pair had decided it was best to make everything seem as courtly as possible.

Have you seen the latest news on the scandal in Dragontown? It's all very sketchy I'd say. With a socialite's grace her upturned nose gave a little wriggle and pinky finger traced across the spun glass cup as she sipped the sweet-fragranced tea. I'm not really sure what to think of it. On one hand I would like to think that such a prestigious person as Lady Klehelias wouldn't get herself involved in such a venture. On the other....I can't help but think this is a pathetic attempt to drum up sympathy for the halfling misfits that traverse those streets. The young master paused and gave a little snort at the very notion. Without a doubt you wouldn't see something so biased in our paper. The Hill crowd was supplied with their own weekly source of information and its word was often taken as undisputed fact for all those living in the region.

Regardless, it will be quite the topic of gossip in the shoppes for the next few weeks. A twinkle of a smile was flashed towards Jasseik. This was nothing more than a game to them and it was ever so fun to play. Through her peripheral Ialys saw her guardian leave his window box and retreat to the confines of his study. The moment he was out of sight she stood and gave a firm nod to Jasseik. The pair moved inside where they could have privacy and a more serious conversation.

Ialys Elanesse

Date: 2008-04-17 18:02 EST
Sketchy my foot. The young master spoke through a laugh as the pair went gliding over the threshold to the formal sitting room where they could converse in privacy. That woman has had whore written across her forehead for the entirety of her adult life. This comment earned Jasseik a reproachful look from Ialys. Language, Jas. You know the servants might be able to hear you. Soprano tones chirped with a harsh whisper to make sure no eavesdroppers would be able to hear the scolding. Regardless it would be drained by the fits of laugher errupting from Jasseik's lips as he rolled leisurely onto the chaise.

Oh.. The sound was wavering from the chuckles as a hand reached up to cross his chest. Sorry Lys, but I still say it's true. Flawless topaz eyes rolled with humor at Jasseik as Ialys went to gather her viola and some music. The young master watched her with interset. Are we playing outside today? A tendril of milky white fell across her cheek as Ialys nodded her head. They're less likely to interrupt us that way. The servants were always clamoring to gain favor with Lord Frentaelle in hopes that he would be the future suitor for Ialys and a kind master to the staff.

Jasseik rolled upright to claim the embossed case with velvet lining that held his flute. He reached to take Ialys's viola and, after a look of protest, she allowed him to carry it. Arm-in-arm the pair walked from the sitting room to the garden path which lead to the beautiful hedge maze centered in back of the grounds. At the middle of the maze was a tilted dome with an ornate gold-painted onion top and a twisted spire that looked strangely like a lightening rod. Around it were chairs and flower beds and a thin mote that held koi fish of all different colors. The acoustics of the hedge maze were perfect and the half-sheltered dome amplified the sound and sent it whirling back towards the palace for all to hear. This was, by far, Ialys's favorite spot on the property.

After ducking through the winding passageways they emerged in the maze's center, far beyond the view of anyone on the grounds. This was where the high society Jasseik vanished and the more playful Dragon Fire gang member could relax with a peer and spin stories of the streets outside of Ialys's reach.

Ialys Elanesse

Date: 2008-04-18 00:52 EST
You know, you really ought to be more careful about the situations you put yourself in. The sunlight gleamed and reflected in all directions from the spotless flute as it was pulled from its case and the cool metal pressed against the young master's lips. Artful fingers seemed to danced across the various positions as angelic music spilled into the air. There was a smug look on Jasseik's face as he played and it garnished a rather incredulous one from Ialys. Oh, spare me. I do nothing of the sort. The frog of her bow was pinched between her thumb and forefinger while the knob was twisted with her other hand to tighten the flawless pegasus hair strung from end to end. A meticulous gaze inspected the bend in the expensive purnambuco wood to make sure it was at the perfect angle for playing.

A pompous sway sent young master Frentaelle gliding across the uniformly cut grass to tower over Ialys's perch. Without missing a single note his reached down to pluck the bow from her fingers and hook it around his ring finger. With that the Trueblood turned away from her and continued the chilling melody that wafted through the air along with the scent of roses on the spring breeze. A snobbish wriggle of her nose was followed by an annoyed look as she rose from the wicker chair to follow along behind Jasseik. Jas, stop! You're going to ruin the hair! It was a worthless protest because they both knew he would do nothing of the sort. The young master stopped once the pair had walked around the outer half of the dome. With a final arpeggio his hand lowered with both the flute and bow securely clutched in artful fingers.

In the flash of an instant Lord Frentaelle's nimble fingers spread and his hand shot out to latch around the delicate line of Ialys's throat. A moment later and the bulk of his weight shoved the young Trueblood against the outer curve of the dome. His elbow ground into her chest and a knee pinned her dress close between her legs. It was all so sudden that Ialys reacted instinctually with fear. Brilliant topaz eyes went wide and soprano tones caught in her throat as she tried to suppress a screamed. She gasped and felt her voice waiver before the fear faded and she smiled up at him. You ninny! What do you think you're doing"

The line of his jaw went rigid and sky-blue eyes narrowed to slits at this playful expression she was wearing. The hold around her neck tightened and he pressed his body mercilessly against hers. I'm teaching you a lesson. What was he doing" The blood drained from her face and Ialys could feel her heartbeat practically exploding in her temples. His sneer made her eyes water at the edges and hands raised up in an attempt to claw at his arm. Jasseik! Let me go!

No. Not this time. You implicitly trust everyone and constantly disregard the protection of others. You should never EVER be so naive. The line of pearly teeth showed as his lip curled back and again his fingers closed around her ivory-peach flesh. The world began to spin around her as eyes went wide with this betrayal. Ialys felt the vice-like grip of panic welling up in her chest and it heaved with hopes of gaining more oxygen. She began to feel faint. Something on her face must have said as much because the grip was immediately released. Ialys's knees buckled and the strong arms of the young master reached out to support her weight as innocent topaz eyes rolled into the back of her head and she faded from consciousness.