Topic: The Mystery and Magic of Midsummer


Date: 2011-06-15 13:58 EST
It's been coming. You've all known it; Midsummer's near upon the realm at long last. The flowers had long bloomed, fueled by the lazy sun that'd finally managed to break through the lingering winter's gloom. It spiraled up as always of course, the season's heat and blazing sun; crashing through spring like a renegade on a mission to recapture lost time. The grass too, had risen up with full, lush blades like so many hands of the faithful to their god. Or....In this case. Goddess.

It was this very same grass, this very same air, and this very same, undeniable electricity that surged in tidal waves through the fiery buxom, Lilliana, and spurred her ever ambitious self towards preparations for that magical night.

That witching hour.

That lighting of the torch to signal the way for resolute, indian summer nights and cool, forgiving mornings where the world was still bathed in a refreshing dew.

It was finally here, and with her family's wagon wheeling ever closer, their not-so-little-princess was flying about, busy as a summer's honey bee. Doing what you ask" Why, visiting the local ale houses and breweries.

Conversing with butcher and farmer alike that she'd spoken to the year past. Checking up on the upcoming evening's feast of fat, happy hens and suckling pigs, as well as the bevy of fresh, rich produce.

Then there was the tailor with his year's collection of scraps to speak to for those intoxicating swatches of color soon to be decorating the clearing in the glen. The trickiest business, of course, would be conversing with the local fairy that still roamed wild and free. No doubt she'd have help with that, were she to get ahold of a few certain individuals.

But yes, much to do still" Oh yes. And so little time to finish it all...

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OOC Note: Just a happy reminder, and an invitation, for Midsummer (DATE CHANGE: Thursday June 23rd, 10pm EST, Southern Glen). And further still, a secondary invitation to post up some things your characters might be prepping or merrily plotting for the occasion....Marriages" Proposals" Foodstuffs" Booths" Entertainment' Links to your own character's threads or activities in your own respective folders....Post it all HERE in this thread! :D

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2011-06-19 22:54 EST
Event Date Change

The Midsummer Event scheduled for the actual night of Midsummer, due to reasons beyond the event-thrower's control, MUST and WILL be switched to THURSDAY June 23rd. The time will still remain the same, only the date is changing.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused for folks! But have no fear....MIDSUMMER IS ALMOST HERE!

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2011-06-23 21:06 EST
Through a path less lit by earthly manners and more illuminated in some otherworldly means. Lights zip and zag, leaving trails so solid and striking even the smartest of lightning bugs would fizzle neon with envy...

As one finds the end of this magical game of follow the leader, they come to the grand, great opening of the southern most part of the Glen. Not the lakeside, mind, but in some great, roiling field all alit and ablaze with a triumphant series of small bonfires, all of which halo a the greatest sight of the evening....The skeleton meant to hold the giant Midsummer inferno. Intimidating isn't the world, more breathtaking really. So much potential in so many faggots of well tended wood and twigs. Amidst the wood are strung a series of offerings from the season past; dried spring flowers, vials of melted snow, and even a few precious sachets of autumn leaves still spicy with the previous year's decay.

Aside from the fires are not only a plethora of stumps, neatly carved seats, heaps of flowers for the maidens to wreath or braid their hair with, and many a well crafted gazebo to gather in for a good drink or private chat, but a colorful, garland-bestrung semicircle of gypsy wagons- the Garridan clan!

Dancers whirl about, flagons of fine, homemade gypsy brews and local taps all flow freely, fire eaters play their games between the rows of knife swallowers and fortune reader tents. Many a wild-eyed rogue and crafty gypsy maid would surely take even the loneliest of Midsummer wallflowers for a dance...

To all those in the spirit, and those still in the need for it, enjoy the evening....For one never knows just what type of fairy mischief might find them when their back's turned!


Date: 2011-06-24 00:46 EST
Victor and Aksana departed, each nursing a bottle of fae wine, and both chattier than usual.

"That....was entertaining. But do not ask such of me again, Kazon. I am a Naira, not a performer." She looked back over her shoulder and the fire from the 'pirate ship' was still blazing strong. The column of flame must have been nearly forty feet high at its peak, and lit the Glen like the noon sun.

"Yeah, yeah. You did better than me, and I had the easy part!" Shaking his head, Victor followed, sucking down a lungful of smoke.

"Well, you weren't supposed to speak."

"I thought it would be funny." An elbow to the woman's ribs was returned with a sharp one of her own.

"Careful, seraph. My directive does say I must keep you all alive, but I do know many ways to deliver a non-lethal wound to a seraph that will make your life hell for quite some time. I have used them." Her smirk was probably more dangerous than the threat itself.

"Not on this seraph, you haven't." The bottle met his lips again.

Their paths would split eventually, and the Naira would return to her vigilant stealth, but for at least a little while, the world had slowed down enough for two Verchani lost in an alien world to release a little caution to the winds.

"Where is the dragon queen, anyway?" Aksana turned him a curious gaze.

Victor shrugged. "No telling. Good fire, though."

The Naira nodded, looking back once more. "Indeed."