Within a deep area of the forest there is a rumbling as the Earth splits itself open. The hole it creates spills out millions upon millions of zombies all dressed in black armor and a black cape, both having a crest of a Bible with crossed swords behind it. They slowly form into lines around the area that has been ruptured. They were waiting for something, and that something was coming soon. Upon a skeletal horse and in white armor rides Super Zombie Jesus, or better known as just Jesus. The helm upon his head is normal for now, but that doesn't last for long as a man comes along to see this. The helm transforms into the face of a dragon. The order is called and a dozen zombies surround the man and start tearing him apart with their teeth. The first man to go down in this rapture, but something wasn't right. This was definitely not Earth.
"Back into the pit. We have made a mistake." Slowly the zombies file back into the hole where the Earth had split, but Super Zombie Jesus stops one of them. "Not you, you're going to do some scouting for me." He waits while all the other zombies leave. Those that had feasted had blood upon their helms. The moaning was terribly loud, but it was necessary. Of course he could make them capable of speech, but there was no need. This was to scare those who did not deserve to be taken into Heaven. Of course here that might not be the case. Who knew where he had shown up? It was strange and not at all as planned. There was only one thing he knew. He had to make it to the right place, because right now Earth was ready to take the Rapture. "Your orders are just to scout, nothing more." A groan from the zombie.
It slowly shambled off in a random direction. This direction took it straight for Rhy'Din city. A new type of zombie was coming to terrorize the folks there. Though not all the time he decided. He didn't know how these people were or if the Ten Commandments even fit here. An attack would happen soon either way, because everywhere had at least some wicked souls. Yet some would still get the chance to learn.
"Back into the pit. We have made a mistake." Slowly the zombies file back into the hole where the Earth had split, but Super Zombie Jesus stops one of them. "Not you, you're going to do some scouting for me." He waits while all the other zombies leave. Those that had feasted had blood upon their helms. The moaning was terribly loud, but it was necessary. Of course he could make them capable of speech, but there was no need. This was to scare those who did not deserve to be taken into Heaven. Of course here that might not be the case. Who knew where he had shown up? It was strange and not at all as planned. There was only one thing he knew. He had to make it to the right place, because right now Earth was ready to take the Rapture. "Your orders are just to scout, nothing more." A groan from the zombie.
It slowly shambled off in a random direction. This direction took it straight for Rhy'Din city. A new type of zombie was coming to terrorize the folks there. Though not all the time he decided. He didn't know how these people were or if the Ten Commandments even fit here. An attack would happen soon either way, because everywhere had at least some wicked souls. Yet some would still get the chance to learn.