Topic: The Sparrow's Dance || Devious Intent

Ballay Dearn

Date: 2010-06-21 19:00 EST
Devious Intent: Part One

Xundril sat behind a large wooden desk, feet kicked up on top of it. Rhy'Din was different from Eryndlyn but there was the opportunity to turn a profit. Since the death of his former business partner at the hands of some fool he had held prisoner, Xundril Zaufain had become head of the band of mercenaries known as the Dancing Sparrows. Killers and thieves for hire and all the basic mercenary like things. He ran a hand through his short, spiked white hair as he pondered what new things would present themselves today.

As she walked, she swayed, hips swishing back and forth with each footstep she took. Once presented by the door to his office, one hand lifted up, and pushed it open. While she smirked, Ballay entered the room, making sure the door closed behind her. Long silver hair draped over her shoulders and a long silken robe being the only thing covering her frame. It had slits down the sides, allowing the middle to move between her legs as her ebon skin showed in all its glory all the way to her hips. Long golden bracers were about her wrists, and a matching necklace rose and fell right above the bosom of her chest. Even though she looked it, she was hardly unarmed. Slowly, she drifted around the wooden desk to come to the side he was sitting at. Slowly she rose up and sat down upon the surface, one leg folding the other as she spoke," Such a dull evening, my dear.."

Xundir watched as she entered, the sway of her hips and the bits of flesh teasing his eyes as she wandered in and sat upon his desk. If only men knew how deadly that ebony skinned nymph could be. His blue eyes trailed up her legs as she folded one over the other and his gaze continued up to her face with a growing smile, "My dear Ballay, the evening is not dull. Why, as we speak, the agents of this little outfit are out causing mayhem for anyone we deemed unworthy." He laughed softly as though killing people for money wasn't a bad thing at all. He took a hand from behind his head and ran it up her leg. Such an act in the Underdark would cost him that hand, but this wasn't the Underdark, was it"

One brow arched upwards, curiosity growing at his words even while she leaned forwards. Hands splayed along his chest for a moment, giving a gentle caress, however near the end nails lightly scratched at his shirt. Her voice, even in it's soft and gentle tone gave warning of a viper within," And what of the one who ruined your business plans?" Fingers trailed up his chest in a walking motion to his chin, lifting it so that eyes could give a deeper stare. Her thumb traced along his jaw line for a moment, letting it keep him silent even as she spoke," When will he suffer?" Nearly purring those words.

The scratches of her nails made his smile fade a bit, she still remembered the ways of the Underdark a bit it seemed. He eyed her walking fingers unsure of whether she would strike him or caress him. As they settled along his jaw line, he listened to her words and his smile faded completely. A scowl came over his face as he wondered indeed what would he do with this new problem. "Tanair was a fool to make him suffer so long, he paid with his life." His smile returned, "Of course, that left me in charge of this little organization. No sharing the profits," He sat up and steepled his fingers together, "This man, this Ashe though, he must pay before he becomes a thorn in my side. But how?" he looked up to Ballay, she always had a wicked way of making someone hurt that he enjoyed.

Both eyes flickered over him, taking in the view of his formed frame. Every line and contor examined while she grinned to herself cooly. He was quite the prize now, wasn't he" Slowly, gaze shifted from him and turned, lingering upon the view behind him. Fingers clasped at the desk while she thought. Then it came, the cool viper tone falling from lush, ebony lips," Make him suffer in a way he hasn't before. Find out who he loves, get those people, and when he comes to collect them....Let him watch them die, slowly, painfully. Once you're done with them, he'll simply beg you to end his suffering." Smirk growing broader and broader," Make a enchanter, make him immortal, leave him in a cage, and like a dog let him suffer with the memories of his loved ones last breath day after day." Was that enjoyable enough for his ears" It was to hers.

A white eyebrow arched as she detailed the torture that she would deliver if this were left in her hands. Xundir grinned his devious grin and he rose from his chair, leaning forward to steal himself a kiss, "You, my dear, are a mistress of misery," He opened a drawer and pulled from it a pile of papers that contained information on the man called Ashe, "He is a tricky one, but Ive found that he lives in the forest somewhere. A house in the trees if he knows anything about surface elves," Xundir sneered at the mention of his light skinned cousins. To say he hated them would not touch the surface. Blue eyes scanned the paperwork until he ran over the name of a female, "Bridget," he hissed, " to capture his beloved." A finger tapped his chin as he walked over to a window looking out over Rhy'Din.

Sliding from her desk she slid up behind him. Fingertips ran up along his back and over his shoulders, almost as if she was going to strangle him where he stood. Fingers danced along his neck and then down along his chest while she rose to look over his shoulder. A viper's whisper fell to his pointed ear," Simple....Just as we aim to catch him we catch her." She nipped his ear with smooth, yet sharp pearly teeth. Her whisper resuming a second after," Watch him like a hawk and when he leaves her side..." Nails drifting up to pull his hair softly as she speaks," Draw her out fearing for his safety. When she makes a mistake, she'll be ours...and soon after. So will he." Another pull was given to his hair before she slid back, her frame coming to lean against the desk.

He noticed how her hands slipped forward and as he realized that she wasnt trying to strangle him, he slid a hand away from the hilt of a hidden dagger. He canted his head to the side as she nipped his pointed ear and growled somewhat playfully as she pulled his hair. He turned to face her as she leaned upon his desk and he strode toward her, "A perfect plan indeed, we could place a few men in his path. He will surely cut them away, but as he deals with the fodder, we sweep away his lady!" As he neared Ballay, he put his hands upon her hips, "What things would you do to her?"

Fingers coiled at his shirt, knowing if he even tried to strike she'd be ready and eager. Her nails dug into his chest again, this time with a harder bite than before. The coy grin grew on her lips, twisting into a rather demented smirk. Nails trailed up along his neck and to his hair, giving a sharp tug while she purred," Make her think we mean her no harm until precious Ashe comes to play. Then when she realizes that, she's been used to get to him. Her will, will be destroyed. Perhaps even hold onto him, make time lapse for a week or two just so that she thinks he's lost or given up on returning. Watch her heart break for all that I care." She continued to torment his skin with the slight grazes of her nails along the back of his neck," I'll let you deal with the female. You have a much sweet charm than I do."

"Oh?" he didn't resist her pull, he instead purred and only continued as she planted her nails in his chest. He was a bit of a sadist it seemed. As she described breaking the will of the female, he just enjoyed it that much more. At that moment, a mercenary scout entered the room and bowed slightly. As he saw Xundril and Ballay, he averted his eyes to the floor, "Lord Zauafain! We've more information on the man called McGray," he gasped slightly as Xundril produced a hand crossbow from seemingly nowhere and leveled it at him. "Speak," the drow demanded and the man did, "It seems his lover is with child!" the man spoke nervously not knowing whether the crossbow dart was dipped in poison or just the common sleeping potion. "Leave," Xundril commanded and the man was gone. Xundril eyed Ballay with a deadly grin, "Two lives for him to suffer over," he crooned and the crossbow slipped back into a drawer.

Eyes of crimson narrowed at the intrusion. Still her back never turned, knowing full well that there was no point for her to stop what it was that she was doing. While he spoke to his man, her nails started to open his shirt to her, nails dancing over each bit of skin that came into view. His words to her made a small hiss of pleasure leave her lips," The more it will make her will break when he doesn't come." Quickly her nail lifted, digging into his chin a bit painfully, lightly cutting into his skin. A droplet of blood dripped onto her fingertip," The next time one of them so much as interupts us while we are alone and you do not kill them for their insolence, I will show you far more pain then you can take." Such a viper.

As she drew blood from his chin, he growled once again, not flinching in the slightest. Xundril would never allow himself to acknowledge pain before a female; he was too proud of himself, "Should I summon him back so you can hang him from the wall and flay him?" He raised up to kiss her neck and afterwards bit her shoulder none too softly, "You needn't worry over the fool who delivers the news, focus on Ashe and Bridget. Would you beat her until she lost her child?" Xundril was beyond cruel at times.

Ballay hissed when he bit her shoulder, not a sign of pain in sight. It was like a little game of theirs, who caves first' His shirt was slid off his shoulders, nails cutting along his back while they wrapped around him. From the marks on his back, she had done this numerous times before. Her body lifted towards him, lips pressing to his ear, giving a whisper hardly sweet, hardly tender," I would beat her until no child could be born from her for the entirety of her life time....not that, that will be long." Her teeth bit at his ear, sharply. A small tug being delivered.

"As far as the pest...I shall deal with him while he lingers in the comfort of his pillow. Tonight will be his last, be assured of that, my dear." Whispered while lips pulled from his ear.

Xundril smirked and closed his eyes for a moment, the thought of people suffering, which was his aphrodisiac. His back arched as she raked her nails over it and he bit down on her shoulder once again, just enough to break the skin, "And how will you do that?" He slipped his hands under her bottom and lifted her up another bite was placed on her breast. Sensitive area, he laughed inside his own head, not daring to laugh aloud should their game turn into another fight.

Another hiss to the bite, both eyes narrowing to his question. Fingers rose up swiftly when he bit upon her breast, pulling his head back with a sharp tug to his hair. She growled down at him. Both legs folding about his waist with the way he held her. Her free hand moved to his shoulder, closing around it and gripping firm with her nails. Still no pain was show as she answered cooly," Cut off his eye lids first, that way he can watch while I cut out his tongue, then his member so that he will never feel a woman again. By then, his tongue will have bled so much that he would simply suffocate on his own, not that it wouldn't keep me from ripping his heart from his chest." Gracefully she leaned forwards, her lips parting so that she could bite at the crook of his neck, sinking into the flesh enough to leave the mark, but not cause any lasting damage.

He tensed as she bit his neck, she knew his sensitive places as well it seemed but he did as best he could not show it, "You talk like a woman after my own heart," he purred. Of course, he would never admit nothing other than mutual physical attraction. He thought emotions to be a sign of weakness. But there was some reason he didn't carry her over and throw her out the window. He swept the contents of his desktop to the floor with one hand and laid her down upon it, "My dear, I may restrain you with a muzzle," his tone was perverse, "Then I may restrain your hands and feet," He went for a kiss and ended it by biting her lips, "But of course, there would be no fun if you were all tied up now, would there?"

His lips were bit in return, a growl rather than a purr leaving her lips. Her crimson gaze locked with his blue ones while she lay there before him. A coy grin on her lips even as she lingered before him, not moving an inch to pull from him. An equally perverse tone flowed from her lips," Careful dear, muzzle, bind, and chain me and I might cut your throat and let you bleed at my feet." Something kept her from doing the same to him; even though there were so many chances in which she could have killed him where he stood. Yet, she chose not to.

"Don't make promises you cant fulfill, dearest," he growled and worked a hand under her shirt. He pinched her stomach with a smirk, "You get my hopes up and I'll skin that belly for not fulfilling those promises," He raised up and settled back to his chair. This was always an interesting part of the game. Get all hot and then just stop, he wondered just how angry would she become this time"

Oh yes, bite her breast and then leave her like that. It made her slide up, back arching forwards. A view just for him. Hair fell down around her face and her shoulders, still the casual grin lingered upon her lips. The next was a quick strike, her frame moving in a blink to straddle his in that chair. His head was pulled back against it by his hair as she growled. Gaze lifted to his own, lips by the Adams apple of his neck," I'll make all the promises I want....Rest assured, you cross me..." Teeth lowered and bit upon his chest sharply. For a moment they lingered before pulling back, allowing her to watch as blood trailed down along his chest," I will make you suffer a very slow, agonizing death."

He finally gave in as she drew blood from his chest, he flinched and though he did not cry out, he knew that she had seen him flinch. He growled softly under his breath and drew a deep breath. Oh how he hated to lose. He turned his pale blue eyes upon her, "Cross you? I would never," he chuckled darkly, "I would be too proud to beg for my life," Xundril was sly and had a bit of charm when he wanted to. He turned his head enough to lay a small kiss on the inside of her forearm as she gripped his hair, "You know the fun we have, would you do without that?"

The kiss made her equally flinch. Not because of pain, no. It was something so unexpected. He always knew how to break through her guards. Grip at his hair lost, she locked her eyes with his. A faint coo left her lips and formed words," No fun at all...not even in the slightest." There were times that she knew he was her 'mate', but to admit it, never.

"Precisely," he purred defiantly and placed a simple kiss on her lips. No bite, no scratch, just a simple kiss upon the lips. He loved to confuse her. Likewise, she was his mate, but to admit it would be folly, "I do believe these next days will cure the dullness of any evening," he laughed as he began to work her out of her clothes, "I believe we shall see blood and glory before all is said and done,"