Serphestos stands on the westernmost bridge in RhyDin. The trail passes it allong the museum and right into the Marketplace, so it seemed as good as any a place.
In his hands he holds a land deed for under the bridge, labeled "Free of Charge" and has conditions that he must keep it cleanly. The lady who assigned him the permit must of thought him a loony.
He walks down the steps making sure to note every aspect of his new domain. As the steps wind under the bridge he smiles, and with a magical effort, lights begin to spring into place, and steps begin to walk themselves into the water.
Serphestos places a welcome mat in front of the steps, and a sign labeled Underbridge Tower, as he steps into the water, a pulse of magic can be felt, and a light shines bright from under the river.
In his hands he holds a land deed for under the bridge, labeled "Free of Charge" and has conditions that he must keep it cleanly. The lady who assigned him the permit must of thought him a loony.
He walks down the steps making sure to note every aspect of his new domain. As the steps wind under the bridge he smiles, and with a magical effort, lights begin to spring into place, and steps begin to walk themselves into the water.
Serphestos places a welcome mat in front of the steps, and a sign labeled Underbridge Tower, as he steps into the water, a pulse of magic can be felt, and a light shines bright from under the river.