This is a tale, that has taken nearly seven years to come to fruition...This is a chapter in the life of Brian Ravenlock, as he lived in the wonderous world known as Vana'diel, before his return to Rhy'din. Before he was re-united with his loved ones, and long before he had met his life mate, Jenai. A chapter that has not had much light shed upon it, until now.
Familiar....That's the only word that came to him. Standing before the entrance to the Gusgen Mines, he began to truly wonder just how many times he had done this. It was such a familiar feeling to be standing where he was, that he swore he could easily have done this in his sleep. Blue eyes wandered about the area once more, taking in all that was around him.
It was early morning and bits of the moon and stars could be faintly made out overhead. The lack of clarity was mostly due to the overcast weather, which made it rather cool, as a breeze swept through the small cut that housed the entrance in the mountain side, just to add emphasis to the weather. Remnants of the mine's former glory were scattered about...The sight of which, brought forth several trains of thought, in regards to how productive this mine was before the Great War.
Long before the citizens of Bastok had abandoned the site, giving way to undead that had occupied the mine, in their stead. Long before the Dark Lord had made his presence known, long before the Orcs had taken it upon themselves to decare war on the races of Vana'diel. Such a history, this land bore. The Konschat Highlands...At one time, the center piece of trade production for the Hume based Nation of Bastok.
From it's various mines, to the multitudes of wind mills, that allowed the nation to export ores, and grains to the nations both neighbouring, and afar. Before the Great War, several farmsteads stretched across the expanse of this impressive land, a far cry from it's current state, with Quadavs, Goblins, and undead currently roaming the land, in the place of the Humes, and Galkas that once worked and resided there. A far cry indeed.
All that aside the soldier felt something...Something that extended from the farthest of reaches...Something that made him, the slightest on edge. Once more, his eyes looked about the area, and once more nothing was seen. It was rather quiet for that time of the evening, and truth be told it made him rather uneasy. Closing his eyes a moment he used a talent that was basically the standard for his job, with a soft voice he spoke.
Within moments a wave of information came to him in a rush, causing the man to reel somewhat in response to the sheer amount of insight, the talent gave him. It had taken a moment to recover, but once he had done so, the clarity he had been shown was astounding. Creatures great and small in the surrounding region, he could see them all, he could feel them all. And for the briefest of moments, he was one with each of them. Each heart beat felt, each kill experienced in the slightest sense. It was as if he was literally side by side, next to each of them, as they went about their lives.
A faint smile began to form, as he began to concentrate on a small group of rather excited sprouts as they fled from the path of a nearby Tremor Ram. Relief washed over him a moment, as they were safely able to get out of the large ram's path. A chuckled escaped his lips, as he noted the particularly angry banter the sprouts had spewed towards the beast, as it lumbered on by. While not a 'Beast Master' by any means (granted he had studied the job a bit) and could not understand exactly what they said, but given their demeanor, he had to assume they were rather relieved, but seriously vexed. The ram however, just continued on along, oblivious to just about everything, as Tremor Rams tend to do.
Working the scan closer to him he begain to feel something, faint...An ebbing life force, one that was not instantly recognizable. Eyes clenched a bit as he worked the scan eastward, passing the Crag of Dem and then further into the cut, where the mine was located. The heart beat began to slow in pace, as the force became fainter by the second. The scan stopped abuptly, as he realized the force was literally on top of him.
Feeling as if he were somewhat in a trance, his eyes slowly opened, panning downward. What they found was a set of grayed eyes that locked to his own. Blue eyes widened in surprise as he stared into the eyes, not seeing anything else...It was as if they had literally enveloped him whole. His mouth opening to speak, yet no words came forth. Instead, he heard, "Well played Human...It seems I was not long for this realm." Puzzled as to where the voice had come from, his eyes blinked several times, and re-focused, as his surroundings returned once more. Looking closer, the soldier saw that the eyes and voice belonged to an Quite grizzled, elderly Quadav.
His eyes rested upon the beastman on the ground, as he knelt closer. It was near death, that much as apparent to him. But, how exactly did it end up in this state, and what did the Quadav mean by "well played". Also, since when can Quadavs speak basic hume? Moving to stand up he found his answer within the grip of his own right hand. An arrow deeply embedded into the chest plate of the Quadav.
The soldier's hand lightly gripped it, as blood stained the Noct Gloves he wore. Near to where they were, lay, his own War Bow, the trademark of a Ranger. His eyes panned back and forth between the weapon, and wounded beastman, in puzzlement. More words came from the beastman, but none could be made out. A fiece thunder that had crashed in the distance, caused him to turn and look around once more. When his eyes came back to the beast man, he realized that it was too late for the elder. Grayed eyes were now closed, his breathing ceased, his life had come to an end.
Looking downward to the elderly one, a few words were spoken...A small prayer to Altana to watch the spirit of this creature that had seemingly died by his own hands, granted he could not recall the event. Wiping his face, as he slowly stood, the soldier was oblivious to the somewhat crimson mask he now wore, courtesy of his blood stained gloves. Moving towards the bow, kneeling once more he reached for it and was startled once more by words from yet another voice he had never heard.
"Very well Adventurer, you did not disappoint me once bit, Ravenlock."
With that, Ravenlock fell to a knee once more, and soon was upon the ground, as everything began to darken around him. His head rang, his chest began to tighten, the weapon fell once more to the earth. Hands rose to his head and chest, all the while the darkness continued to envelope him. The last thing he recalled was what looked to be the legs of a female, adorned with tribal type tattoos. And once more the thunder clapped around him.
Familiar....That's the only word that came to him. Standing before the entrance to the Gusgen Mines, he began to truly wonder just how many times he had done this. It was such a familiar feeling to be standing where he was, that he swore he could easily have done this in his sleep. Blue eyes wandered about the area once more, taking in all that was around him.
It was early morning and bits of the moon and stars could be faintly made out overhead. The lack of clarity was mostly due to the overcast weather, which made it rather cool, as a breeze swept through the small cut that housed the entrance in the mountain side, just to add emphasis to the weather. Remnants of the mine's former glory were scattered about...The sight of which, brought forth several trains of thought, in regards to how productive this mine was before the Great War.
Long before the citizens of Bastok had abandoned the site, giving way to undead that had occupied the mine, in their stead. Long before the Dark Lord had made his presence known, long before the Orcs had taken it upon themselves to decare war on the races of Vana'diel. Such a history, this land bore. The Konschat Highlands...At one time, the center piece of trade production for the Hume based Nation of Bastok.
From it's various mines, to the multitudes of wind mills, that allowed the nation to export ores, and grains to the nations both neighbouring, and afar. Before the Great War, several farmsteads stretched across the expanse of this impressive land, a far cry from it's current state, with Quadavs, Goblins, and undead currently roaming the land, in the place of the Humes, and Galkas that once worked and resided there. A far cry indeed.
All that aside the soldier felt something...Something that extended from the farthest of reaches...Something that made him, the slightest on edge. Once more, his eyes looked about the area, and once more nothing was seen. It was rather quiet for that time of the evening, and truth be told it made him rather uneasy. Closing his eyes a moment he used a talent that was basically the standard for his job, with a soft voice he spoke.
Within moments a wave of information came to him in a rush, causing the man to reel somewhat in response to the sheer amount of insight, the talent gave him. It had taken a moment to recover, but once he had done so, the clarity he had been shown was astounding. Creatures great and small in the surrounding region, he could see them all, he could feel them all. And for the briefest of moments, he was one with each of them. Each heart beat felt, each kill experienced in the slightest sense. It was as if he was literally side by side, next to each of them, as they went about their lives.
A faint smile began to form, as he began to concentrate on a small group of rather excited sprouts as they fled from the path of a nearby Tremor Ram. Relief washed over him a moment, as they were safely able to get out of the large ram's path. A chuckled escaped his lips, as he noted the particularly angry banter the sprouts had spewed towards the beast, as it lumbered on by. While not a 'Beast Master' by any means (granted he had studied the job a bit) and could not understand exactly what they said, but given their demeanor, he had to assume they were rather relieved, but seriously vexed. The ram however, just continued on along, oblivious to just about everything, as Tremor Rams tend to do.
Working the scan closer to him he begain to feel something, faint...An ebbing life force, one that was not instantly recognizable. Eyes clenched a bit as he worked the scan eastward, passing the Crag of Dem and then further into the cut, where the mine was located. The heart beat began to slow in pace, as the force became fainter by the second. The scan stopped abuptly, as he realized the force was literally on top of him.
Feeling as if he were somewhat in a trance, his eyes slowly opened, panning downward. What they found was a set of grayed eyes that locked to his own. Blue eyes widened in surprise as he stared into the eyes, not seeing anything else...It was as if they had literally enveloped him whole. His mouth opening to speak, yet no words came forth. Instead, he heard, "Well played Human...It seems I was not long for this realm." Puzzled as to where the voice had come from, his eyes blinked several times, and re-focused, as his surroundings returned once more. Looking closer, the soldier saw that the eyes and voice belonged to an Quite grizzled, elderly Quadav.
His eyes rested upon the beastman on the ground, as he knelt closer. It was near death, that much as apparent to him. But, how exactly did it end up in this state, and what did the Quadav mean by "well played". Also, since when can Quadavs speak basic hume? Moving to stand up he found his answer within the grip of his own right hand. An arrow deeply embedded into the chest plate of the Quadav.
The soldier's hand lightly gripped it, as blood stained the Noct Gloves he wore. Near to where they were, lay, his own War Bow, the trademark of a Ranger. His eyes panned back and forth between the weapon, and wounded beastman, in puzzlement. More words came from the beastman, but none could be made out. A fiece thunder that had crashed in the distance, caused him to turn and look around once more. When his eyes came back to the beast man, he realized that it was too late for the elder. Grayed eyes were now closed, his breathing ceased, his life had come to an end.
Looking downward to the elderly one, a few words were spoken...A small prayer to Altana to watch the spirit of this creature that had seemingly died by his own hands, granted he could not recall the event. Wiping his face, as he slowly stood, the soldier was oblivious to the somewhat crimson mask he now wore, courtesy of his blood stained gloves. Moving towards the bow, kneeling once more he reached for it and was startled once more by words from yet another voice he had never heard.
"Very well Adventurer, you did not disappoint me once bit, Ravenlock."
With that, Ravenlock fell to a knee once more, and soon was upon the ground, as everything began to darken around him. His head rang, his chest began to tighten, the weapon fell once more to the earth. Hands rose to his head and chest, all the while the darkness continued to envelope him. The last thing he recalled was what looked to be the legs of a female, adorned with tribal type tattoos. And once more the thunder clapped around him.