It was finally dark out. Marx slunk out of his latest hidey, feverish and grimacing when any motion shook his left shoulder. Guess the alcohol the herb-lady'd used to swab out that stab the Parker cunnie left him hadn't worked like she said. He had to get something to eat, though. Then he could think about how to get Bree proper. Whore thought she was all that, getting treated up at the fancy Clinic and all. But the Clinic would dope her, rich folks clinics always did, and everybody on the streets knew what drugs did to Kendall.
"She was asleep when I left," Bashir murmured to Anya. "I asked the housekeeper to stay with her, in case she got up. She doesn't know what she's doing on those pills of yours."
She nodded thoughtfully. "I prescribed the lowest effective dosage for Kendall, given her tolerance and body mass." Pensive twist of her features as she regarded her brother in law. "Beyond willing, she will rest."
He nodded, staring out of her office window into the darkening streets. "Who told you he was coming tonight?" He was a different man from the boy that had come to stand at his brother's wedding, tonight. Hard and grim and exhausted. Worried.
The gun holstered at his side had drawn more than a few stares when he arrived tonight.
Her brows furrowed together while she stirred her mental Rolodex to come up with the name. "Nan. Da, Nan." Security had been alerted to the situation, of course. Stand back until the signal from her. The microphone concealed as a button on her knee length white lab coat would pick up flea flatulence because she designed it so.
She leaned back in the ergonomically designed cordovan leather chair at her desk, and studied the younger Ergin brother with undisguised concern. He's grown up fast, and not the way his Baba or Alper would have wished. By the Beyond, nothing must go wrong tonight. I may not be able to heal him from it.
He jerked a nod when she produced a name he heard her mention before. Somehow, he'd lost the thread of the memory in everything else done to prepare. Kendall's discharge from the clinic had been done covertly, and she'd been spirited to the penthouse without the staff - beyond the housekeeper, who had not been allowed to leave for more reason than that Bashir needed her to watch Kendall.
"We should keep her name out of this. I think we would not be doing this Nan a service if it got out that she told us." He sounded like he was thinking aloud, but it was intended for Anya.
"That guilty secret is safe with me." Solemnly stated. Her bare of rings hands steepled over her tummy covered by royal blue scrubs tunic. In Kendall's room, a female security officer resided in place of her sister in law in the hospital bed. From a distance, the woman would hopefully fool this zasnarec Marx.
By the time Marx had devoured a foot-long 'dog and made his way to the Riverview Clinic, he was almost feeling himself again. Now for the Parker whore. Nan had slipped to Lil who'd slipped to Connie that Kendall was still in the clinic, doped out of her head " and that tonight they were doing a change of the security, new guards up that wouldn't know to watch for him. Marx had beaten it out of Connie.
The clock in Maranya's office ticked interminably. He didn't move, from the spot he had taken beside the window. If Marx came in through the front, Bashir would see him. And he would recognize him.
And he would kill him. Kendall would never be free of the bastard otherwise.
If Bashir did not kill the zasnarec outright, Maranya silently vowed to do the task herself. There was a rather hard glint in her hazels when she pondered exactly how she would do it. Take him to the Isle. He will suffer over and over. And I will heal him again and again, until the blood debt is paid sevenfold. She schooled her features to remain in calm, placid lines. Only someone as skilled at reading kinesics as she was could tell the turmoil and gruesome thoughts that laid behind the surface. He'd scored a gun, resting in the back of his waistband underneath his shirt. And Marx had his knives, all four of them plus a couple. And he had a lust for revenge on that snarky, sharp-tongued Parker bint. He'd make her pay, until she was begging for what he had to give her, and then he'd take out the stab in blood. Yeah. New blood, new guard on the front door for sure. He limped in with a nod to the guard, making it look like he was just looking for treatment to get through the front door.
Bashir's fingertips were steepled against the sill, and flexed in a tick-tick-tick twitch timed with each advance of the second hand on her clock. It was a small irony that the weapon he wore was Israeli, rather than Turkish. Zeki taught him to shoot; his brother would be horrified, not by his decision to kill this rabid dog, but by his choice of sidearm.
The twitching stopped. "He's here."
Slow, deep breaths to calm herself. "Time for me to go on rounds, then. Situation normal, after all." She rose slowly from the comforts of the chair, and tipped a brave smile to Bashir. "He will pay, dorogai Bashir. When the time is right." Hazels flicked a glance to the sidearm, and she paled slightly for a moment. Then she shook her head, sending the long tail of her French braid to swish against the back of her labcoat. It will not harm me. Only the zasnarec. Mental repetition of that mantra.
He was a shadow slipping into the hallway after her, pausing just long enough to shrug into the white lab coat Anya had procured for him. It hid the holster and gun, and made him a little less conspicuous in the hallway, to a casual observer, anyway.
Marx eluded the check-in clerk and found one of the elevators. "Set up in one"a them private suites on th' top floor, yanno.? Nan's words, filtered through Lil and Connie, echoed in his brain. The bint was getting plush treatment, but she wasn't any better than any other two-bit trick. He'd show her.
The dark blond haired Chief of Staff passed through the halls after leaving her office. To the normal observer, she was just doing her rounds. But her path was calculated tonight. The end would be the top floor, and those private suites. Eventually.
For now, she walked the halls. Aware of her Turkish shadow, if peripherally.
Her shadow peeled off as an elevator headed up slid open with a cheerful and muted chime. Bashir pushed the button for Kendall's floor.
And pushed it. And pushed it. And pushed it until it slid closed.
"She was asleep when I left," Bashir murmured to Anya. "I asked the housekeeper to stay with her, in case she got up. She doesn't know what she's doing on those pills of yours."
She nodded thoughtfully. "I prescribed the lowest effective dosage for Kendall, given her tolerance and body mass." Pensive twist of her features as she regarded her brother in law. "Beyond willing, she will rest."
He nodded, staring out of her office window into the darkening streets. "Who told you he was coming tonight?" He was a different man from the boy that had come to stand at his brother's wedding, tonight. Hard and grim and exhausted. Worried.
The gun holstered at his side had drawn more than a few stares when he arrived tonight.
Her brows furrowed together while she stirred her mental Rolodex to come up with the name. "Nan. Da, Nan." Security had been alerted to the situation, of course. Stand back until the signal from her. The microphone concealed as a button on her knee length white lab coat would pick up flea flatulence because she designed it so.
She leaned back in the ergonomically designed cordovan leather chair at her desk, and studied the younger Ergin brother with undisguised concern. He's grown up fast, and not the way his Baba or Alper would have wished. By the Beyond, nothing must go wrong tonight. I may not be able to heal him from it.
He jerked a nod when she produced a name he heard her mention before. Somehow, he'd lost the thread of the memory in everything else done to prepare. Kendall's discharge from the clinic had been done covertly, and she'd been spirited to the penthouse without the staff - beyond the housekeeper, who had not been allowed to leave for more reason than that Bashir needed her to watch Kendall.
"We should keep her name out of this. I think we would not be doing this Nan a service if it got out that she told us." He sounded like he was thinking aloud, but it was intended for Anya.
"That guilty secret is safe with me." Solemnly stated. Her bare of rings hands steepled over her tummy covered by royal blue scrubs tunic. In Kendall's room, a female security officer resided in place of her sister in law in the hospital bed. From a distance, the woman would hopefully fool this zasnarec Marx.
By the time Marx had devoured a foot-long 'dog and made his way to the Riverview Clinic, he was almost feeling himself again. Now for the Parker whore. Nan had slipped to Lil who'd slipped to Connie that Kendall was still in the clinic, doped out of her head " and that tonight they were doing a change of the security, new guards up that wouldn't know to watch for him. Marx had beaten it out of Connie.
The clock in Maranya's office ticked interminably. He didn't move, from the spot he had taken beside the window. If Marx came in through the front, Bashir would see him. And he would recognize him.
And he would kill him. Kendall would never be free of the bastard otherwise.
If Bashir did not kill the zasnarec outright, Maranya silently vowed to do the task herself. There was a rather hard glint in her hazels when she pondered exactly how she would do it. Take him to the Isle. He will suffer over and over. And I will heal him again and again, until the blood debt is paid sevenfold. She schooled her features to remain in calm, placid lines. Only someone as skilled at reading kinesics as she was could tell the turmoil and gruesome thoughts that laid behind the surface. He'd scored a gun, resting in the back of his waistband underneath his shirt. And Marx had his knives, all four of them plus a couple. And he had a lust for revenge on that snarky, sharp-tongued Parker bint. He'd make her pay, until she was begging for what he had to give her, and then he'd take out the stab in blood. Yeah. New blood, new guard on the front door for sure. He limped in with a nod to the guard, making it look like he was just looking for treatment to get through the front door.
Bashir's fingertips were steepled against the sill, and flexed in a tick-tick-tick twitch timed with each advance of the second hand on her clock. It was a small irony that the weapon he wore was Israeli, rather than Turkish. Zeki taught him to shoot; his brother would be horrified, not by his decision to kill this rabid dog, but by his choice of sidearm.
The twitching stopped. "He's here."
Slow, deep breaths to calm herself. "Time for me to go on rounds, then. Situation normal, after all." She rose slowly from the comforts of the chair, and tipped a brave smile to Bashir. "He will pay, dorogai Bashir. When the time is right." Hazels flicked a glance to the sidearm, and she paled slightly for a moment. Then she shook her head, sending the long tail of her French braid to swish against the back of her labcoat. It will not harm me. Only the zasnarec. Mental repetition of that mantra.
He was a shadow slipping into the hallway after her, pausing just long enough to shrug into the white lab coat Anya had procured for him. It hid the holster and gun, and made him a little less conspicuous in the hallway, to a casual observer, anyway.
Marx eluded the check-in clerk and found one of the elevators. "Set up in one"a them private suites on th' top floor, yanno.? Nan's words, filtered through Lil and Connie, echoed in his brain. The bint was getting plush treatment, but she wasn't any better than any other two-bit trick. He'd show her.
The dark blond haired Chief of Staff passed through the halls after leaving her office. To the normal observer, she was just doing her rounds. But her path was calculated tonight. The end would be the top floor, and those private suites. Eventually.
For now, she walked the halls. Aware of her Turkish shadow, if peripherally.
Her shadow peeled off as an elevator headed up slid open with a cheerful and muted chime. Bashir pushed the button for Kendall's floor.
And pushed it. And pushed it. And pushed it until it slid closed.