High atop the clouds of Greece, over looking Athens and the wild hills of Macedonia, Zeus sat on his throne with a cowering Eros at his feet. "She's over stepped her bounds. I want her reigned in."
"Your highness, she only asks that you keep to the terms of your contract. Let her live out a natural human life. She will not cause any trouble if you would honor your word."
A mighty fist slammed against the arm of his golden chair, shaking the entire throne room. "I am the Ruler here! I don't have to do anything. No spoiled, little biatch is going to hold me to anything. Tell her I've rescinded the contract. She's to stop parading around with those..mortals and get her butt back up here where she belongs."
Eros nervously glanced up, knowing the Goddess' answer. "Sire, she said if you tried to do just that, she'd use her powers on every living, breathing creature from the smallest to the largest against you. And Hades will offer you no escape this time."
A loud growl filled the air as the Almighty cracked every knuckle on his fisted hand. Just as he'd love to crack every bone in her body. Twas true she could make his life a living hell. Had done so more than once. Get Hera on her side and there'd be no reprieve for years. But, there was always a way to get around a contract. "Kill him. This boy she's so fond of."
"You touch him or any of his family, she will seek retribution against you."
Zeus rubbed his hands down the length of his snowy, white beard. Searching for a way to bring Eris home of her own free will. A way which also left no wiggle room for her to justify revenge. "Make the boy fall in love with someone else."
Cupid hated playing these little games. His purpose in life was not to use love as a means of evil. His alignment was on the side of good. "Highness, there has to be another way. If I do so, you've breached the contract."
Breach the contract, breach the contract! So help him, he'd never put anything down on parchment again! Another idea came to mind. One that would not break the terms..persay. "If she wants to love him, then let her. What is your motto' The purveyor of love everlasting."
"Forever and always, Sire." Eros quickly added. Glad this would be resolved peacefully.
"Yes, always...until death do they part." Smiling widely, unnaturally so. For his mind was scheming the entire time. "Give her this gift. Peace and prosperity, friendship and love, for the rest of her mortal life."
Eros could be dense at times for he saw life through rose colored glasses. So he'd readily agreed. "Yes, yes, see that's the way to make peace. She'll be so happy, Eris will seek to please you as opposed to causing you hell. You're a very smart leader, Zeus. That's why you're the big man in charge. Our fearless Father, fair and understanding leader..the one we look to for guidance and..
"Stop kissing my arse. It won't get you more vacation time."
"Yes Sir." Bowing low. "I'll tell her of your compromise right away."
"Wait.." Raising his hand to stop the flighty messenger. "No need to tell her. Just shoot her with your arrow of love and be done with it. She need not know."
A confused expression crossed the love God's face. "You don't want her to know of your generous change of heart' I think it would be a lovely gift. She's sure to appreciate the gesture."
"No, she need not know. Deliver it and be gone. Why don't you go have some lunch first. The banquet table is set."
"Yes Sir. Thank you sir." Was awfully nice to be appreciated around here. "I'll deliver your gift as soon as I find them together, Sire." For the arrow to work, Brenton needed to be the first man Eris saw. Since the couple already got along so well, this would be the easiest job ever.
As Cupid left to partake of the afternoon meal, his bow and arrow were left behind, as was required within the hallow walls of the Pantheon. Zeus rose, stalking toward the quiver, his lips curling into an evil grin. Mortals were very fragile. Didn't take much to break them or worse. He'd proven this to Eris already. Now he'd truly show the wayward Goddess who was the boss. Withdrawing a vial from the inside of his robe. The lid was uncorked with sinister hiss, a dark, snakelike smoke trail curled up from within. A drop of the noxious brew was poured on the tip of every arrow. So what if Eros shot a few other people before getting to the target. Collateral damage is a necessity from time to time.
"You make war with me and you lose, Eris. The contract says til death do you part my dear...death it shall be."
"Your highness, she only asks that you keep to the terms of your contract. Let her live out a natural human life. She will not cause any trouble if you would honor your word."
A mighty fist slammed against the arm of his golden chair, shaking the entire throne room. "I am the Ruler here! I don't have to do anything. No spoiled, little biatch is going to hold me to anything. Tell her I've rescinded the contract. She's to stop parading around with those..mortals and get her butt back up here where she belongs."
Eros nervously glanced up, knowing the Goddess' answer. "Sire, she said if you tried to do just that, she'd use her powers on every living, breathing creature from the smallest to the largest against you. And Hades will offer you no escape this time."
A loud growl filled the air as the Almighty cracked every knuckle on his fisted hand. Just as he'd love to crack every bone in her body. Twas true she could make his life a living hell. Had done so more than once. Get Hera on her side and there'd be no reprieve for years. But, there was always a way to get around a contract. "Kill him. This boy she's so fond of."
"You touch him or any of his family, she will seek retribution against you."
Zeus rubbed his hands down the length of his snowy, white beard. Searching for a way to bring Eris home of her own free will. A way which also left no wiggle room for her to justify revenge. "Make the boy fall in love with someone else."
Cupid hated playing these little games. His purpose in life was not to use love as a means of evil. His alignment was on the side of good. "Highness, there has to be another way. If I do so, you've breached the contract."
Breach the contract, breach the contract! So help him, he'd never put anything down on parchment again! Another idea came to mind. One that would not break the terms..persay. "If she wants to love him, then let her. What is your motto' The purveyor of love everlasting."
"Forever and always, Sire." Eros quickly added. Glad this would be resolved peacefully.
"Yes, always...until death do they part." Smiling widely, unnaturally so. For his mind was scheming the entire time. "Give her this gift. Peace and prosperity, friendship and love, for the rest of her mortal life."
Eros could be dense at times for he saw life through rose colored glasses. So he'd readily agreed. "Yes, yes, see that's the way to make peace. She'll be so happy, Eris will seek to please you as opposed to causing you hell. You're a very smart leader, Zeus. That's why you're the big man in charge. Our fearless Father, fair and understanding leader..the one we look to for guidance and..
"Stop kissing my arse. It won't get you more vacation time."
"Yes Sir." Bowing low. "I'll tell her of your compromise right away."
"Wait.." Raising his hand to stop the flighty messenger. "No need to tell her. Just shoot her with your arrow of love and be done with it. She need not know."
A confused expression crossed the love God's face. "You don't want her to know of your generous change of heart' I think it would be a lovely gift. She's sure to appreciate the gesture."
"No, she need not know. Deliver it and be gone. Why don't you go have some lunch first. The banquet table is set."
"Yes Sir. Thank you sir." Was awfully nice to be appreciated around here. "I'll deliver your gift as soon as I find them together, Sire." For the arrow to work, Brenton needed to be the first man Eris saw. Since the couple already got along so well, this would be the easiest job ever.
As Cupid left to partake of the afternoon meal, his bow and arrow were left behind, as was required within the hallow walls of the Pantheon. Zeus rose, stalking toward the quiver, his lips curling into an evil grin. Mortals were very fragile. Didn't take much to break them or worse. He'd proven this to Eris already. Now he'd truly show the wayward Goddess who was the boss. Withdrawing a vial from the inside of his robe. The lid was uncorked with sinister hiss, a dark, snakelike smoke trail curled up from within. A drop of the noxious brew was poured on the tip of every arrow. So what if Eros shot a few other people before getting to the target. Collateral damage is a necessity from time to time.
"You make war with me and you lose, Eris. The contract says til death do you part my dear...death it shall be."