Topic: Lady GreyMantle


Date: 2012-02-27 15:30 EST
"Mother! Mother!" Erwyn's excited voice echoed in the hall. Teleperien sighs, she was trying to calm her daughter's exuberance, but there were times it seemed an impossible task. Her daughter skidded to a stop at the study door.

"Erwyn, stop shouting!" Tele says quietly. "Remember what I told you?"

"Aye...mother. I am sorry." She makes an effort to control herself. "You must come see this! I've never seen the like!"

Tele set down her pen, rising then follows her daughter. "Slowly Erwyn." She breathes quietly. "What am I to see?"

"You shall see. I cannot tell you." Erwyn answers fighting for more self-control. As they enter the Great Hall Tele looks out the door toward the courtyard to see a platform that hovered above the ground. She had seen this before while in Rhy-Din in the sector called Stars-End. A young man stood on the ground holding a square pad. By this time a crowd had gathered in the courtyard to gap at the new-comer. "It is a transport! Lady GreyMantle used to ride these when she lived in Rhy-Din proper, before she was married to Sir GreyMantle."

She exits the castle and stands near the young man. "Teleperien of Eldicor?" The young man asks.

"Aye." Tele answers, her curiosity now peaked.

"I have a message for you. Can you sign here?" The messenger points to pad. He hands Tele a pen then points to his pad where she signs it. He prints out a copy of the message and hands it to her. He hemmed and hawed and held out his hand. "Ah." Tele breaths then from her pocket draws out a small leather bag. Fishing out a few coins she hands them to the messenger. "Thank you." The young man hops back on the transport, turning it, it purrs as he deftly guides it through the gaping crowd. "Who is it from Lady?" It is Borin, next her elbow. Tele scans it and exclaims;

"It is from Lady GreyMantle!"

"Lady GreyMantle!" Borin cries out. "What a surprise, what does she say?"

"Your Majesty;

The time has come for me to return to Rhy-Din. I will be arriving in a month. I hope I can impose on your hospitality until I can find a home for Gwyn and myself. When I arrive, I will send another message and wait for your answer.

I remain your friend;

Lady Murelle GreyMantle."

"How did the transport travel across so long a distance and without the notice of the archers?" It was Gwindor. He had ridden horseback across Eldicor many times and was familiar with its lay. Tele shrugs. "I do not know. Perhaps they have their own portal stones, for the lack of another name, as we have."

"That is not a settling thought." Gwindor remarks quietly.

"No." Tele replies just as thoughtfully. "It is not."

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2012-03-26 18:35 EST
"Transport 1184 from Milky Way galaxy to and all points between has docked in Bay 54."

The announcement blared out from the strategically placed speakers. Dock workers quickly descended on the ship to unload its cargo while the passengers disembarked with groans and exclamations of how glad they were to get off the ship.

"This way, Gwyn."

Murelle GreyMantle turns to her young daughter and holds out her hand. Murelle is a small woman, standing about 5 foot and slender. A little more slender than when she lived in RhyDin years ago. Long dark brown hair gathered into a bun, brown eyes and olive toned skin. Not strikingly pretty but a wholesome face with a mouth ready for a smile or a laugh.

With her is a young girl, at age 10 was almost as tall as her mother. Gwynelleth Patrice is her name for her father's mother and Murelle's grandmother. She looked more like her father than her mother, except for thick red locks that fell like in rivets down her back. This from Murelle's mother, Beatrice. Murelle had a few memories of her mother, but she died when she was young and she was since raised by her grandmother, Patrice.

"Let's go get our trunks."

Gwyn answered by quickly taking her mother's hand and trying to walk as close as possible without tripping her mother.

"Murelle! I heard you were coming!"

A musical and familiar accent greets Mure's ears. She turns to see a blue-skinned officer striding towards her.


That wasn't his name, it being unpronounceable. He settled in the Stars End district when he fled from the Pleiades during its wars. His actual name sounds more like tones, beeps, and squeals to those who speak the common tongue. So he was called Charlie. He held his arms out for a hug which Mure was more than happy to give. "It is good to see you, Charlie!"

"And you, Murelle!" He paused and looked at Gwyn. "Who is this little beauty' It can't be Llewyss's girl!"

"Yes! Gwyn, this is Charlie. A good friend of mine."

"Hello," Gwyn replied almost in a whisper.

"Let's go get your trunks. When I heard you were coming, I set a room for you in the hotel near the Star's End Bar."

"So there is a hotel now" Can we get fresh meals there and not replicated?" Mure asks with a grin. "I am sick and tired of replicated food. It always has a taste of plastic."

The two waited for the stowed goods were hauled to the luggage area. They kept their talk light. There was more to be said, but this was neither the time nor place.

"Charlie, I sent a message to Eldicor. Has there been a reply yet?"

"We'll have to check," Charlie answered. "Let's get your stuff first."

Once they gathered the trunks and loaded onto a hovering cart, they set off to the communication shed.

"A message was sent to Teleperien of Eldicor from me. Has there been a reply?"

"And you are...?" The clerk looked up from his computer screen.

"Murelle GreyMantle."

"GreyMantle...GreyMantle...ah...yes here it is. It was delivered and received. There was a signature, a 'Queen Teleperien.'"

"Is there a reply yet?" Mure asked.

"Not yet." The clerk replied.

"Thank you." Murelle looked up at Charlie. "Well, I guess it's to the hotel. Is it far?"

"No, it's right off the tarmac. It's outer walls are soundproofed against the noise of the ships coming and going. As far as food is concerned, there are a few restaurants around here."

As they walked to the hotel Murelle noticed that Gwyn was wide-eyed at the number of species that roamed the concourse. Gwyn had seen a few in Denver when she went with someone from the ranch to pick up supplies, but this was far out-numbered. Murelle noticed it because she had been away for so long, but she remembered the day it didn't even register.

When they reached the hotel Murelle went inside to register. A very familiar voice called out..."Sir! Where can I find the...uh...the...uh...where you send messages?"

Murelle rushed to the door to see Brego and the cook, Irene, on the seat of a wagon full of supplies.


Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2012-04-10 19:23 EST
"Brego! What a surprise!" Murelle cried out. Brego threw the reins to Irene and climbed down from the rider's box and caught Murelle up with a warm hug. The now retired assistant to Llewyss's Rangers had hardly changed except for an ample waist and grey hair.

"Lady Murelle! I was just to send a message for you to come immediately! Her Majesty says you are not to linger."

"I will come right away. Charlie, can you help us put the trunks in the wagon?" Murelle answered with a grin.

Together, Charlie and Brego hoisted the trunks into the wagon. Mure gave Charlie a hug. "Thank you Charlie. I am glad to be back."

"So am I Murelle. Don't be a stranger." Charlie replied with a grin. "Though I can see though you are not here for a party."

Murelle noticed that Charlie gave her a piercing look. "What do you mean?" Murelle asked. Charlie just nodded, gave a last wave of his hand, turned and headed back to the station.

"Gwyn and I will ride in the back." Murelle offered quickly. "We'll sit on the trunks."

"Well, that's the only seat we have." Brego agreed with a chuckle.

Brego gave Murelle and Gwyn a hand up into the wagon, he climbed back onto the box, chirruped the horses as he gave a quick slap with the reins. Mure and Gwyn lurched as the wagon started out.

"How is everyone at the castle Brego?" Murelle raised her voice over the noise of the wagon and the noise of those on the road.

"You will find much has changed." He replied over his shoulder. "You will see as much when you are there. General Xenograg Darelir spends a good deal of time there with the lessons with Erwyn and his daughter Amanda.

"I think I met him just briefly when Llewyss died."

Once they found a spot outside the town border Brego fished in his pocket and pulled out a small stone. Murelle recognized it at once. A portal stone. He tossed it in front of the drawn horses and when it hit the ground the Realm of Eldicor opened before them.

Excited, Murelle turned toward the open portal and felt the magic of the realm as she passed through. "Gwyn, this is Eldicor.?


Date: 2012-04-20 12:18 EST

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2012-08-26 15:40 EST
Brego and Murelle laugh and chat as they pass through the city gate and up toward the castle. Emotions started to stir. The small shops she and Llewyss would stop into lined the cobblestoned streets invaded her memories like a jolt. Somehow, it seemed like a dream.

"It's not totally different as I remember Brego." Murelle remarks. "Except it is a little larger."

"The folks at the castle have changed, Gwindor is high captain now, and Her Highness the Princess Erwyn has grown into a beautiful young lady. She's a bit of a pip though; her mother has a time taming her. His Excellency Xenograg is a school master to Erwyn and advisor to the Lady. "

"Xenograg." Murelle muses. "I think I met him just before I left for Earth."

Murelle grows silent as they pass through the main castle gate. In some ways it was very much the same, but the courtyard held more elves than she remembered. Borin comes from the Great Hall door and calls out; "Hail Brego! What news from town?"

He stops in his tracks and stares. "Lady GreyMantle" Is that you!?"

"Lord Borin!" Murelle stands when the wagon comes to a stop. Brego helps her down then she and Borin catch each other up in a warm hug. By this time servants have come from the castle and start carrying the contents of the wagon into the castle.

Constance, the head housekeeper, could be heard giving orders and directing the servants. She must have spotted the small crowd that was gathering near the wagon, as she marches toward them she shouts,

"If ye' dunna have.." She stops and her mouth opens in surprise. "Lady GreyMantle! I heard ye' was tae arrive soon, bu' nae thi" soon."

"I arrived sooner than I expected." Murelle replies. "And we met up at the space station just as Brego was about to send your answer to my message."

"She anticipated us!" Brego chuckles good naturedly. "Of course I couldn't leave her standing there."

An" is this yer wee bairn?" She smiles at Gwyn with grandmotherly affection.

"Yes Constance this is Gwyn. " Gwyn shyly smiles and nods her head.

"Yer apartment is ready, th' Lady had it readied a" soon a" we heard y' were comin"." Constance says, "Peiter, ge" a couple lads an' carry Lady Murelle's boxes tae her apartment! Tis the one wi' two bed chambers."

"You didn't have to go to so much trouble." Murelle says looking a little worried.

"Lady GreyMantle, you were the wife of Sir GreyMantle. That gives us reason enough to give a hearty welcome. Not to say of your own service in my realm." A melodic voice comes from behind Murelle. Turning she saw Teleperien standing next to a young elf.

"Your Majesty. I am honored." Murelle answers, bobbing a small curtsey. She then sets her hand on Gwyn's head. "This is Gwyn."

"Gwyn, welcome to Eldicor, and this is Erwyn, my daughter."

"Erwyn. You were a little thing when I saw you last." Murelle answers politely.

"I will walk with you to your apartment." Tele offers as they walk off. "How was your travel?" "Long. I am glad to be back on the ground. I am a spacer, but I much prefer the Terra Firma." Murelle answered tiredly.

Tele asks; "Have you eaten" I believe dinner will be served soon."

"Yes Mother! We are having fish, fresh from the sea." Erwyn piped in, not one to stay quiet.

"Sounds delicious. I have had nothing but replicated stuff since we left Earth."

"We'll leave you to freshen up and send word when dinner is ready." Tele says steering a curious Erwyn away from the door.

Standing in the room, Murelle looked around.

"This is the very same room you were born in, Gwyn."