Topic: The Cat's Eye of Aldune:(p1) A Prologue. (A Cynthiana story)


Date: 2015-02-27 01:10 EST
Random Encounters:  Prologue: A little over a month ago...Cynthiana had been hired to collect a very valuable piece which was part of an extensive collection of gems.  The Cats-eye of Aldune, had been stolen from the Three Daggers guild, it was the half-elve's task to return it. In return she would gain access to services only the guild could provide. On an evening which was cold and snow threatened to blanket the city, Cynthiana found herself dressed in black leather clothing from head to two, even a mask of black

Random Encounters:  hid her face. Black leather boots made little noise as she slipped along through the alleyways, taking back roads toward the address she had been given. She stopped once standing in a dark alley between as collection of three storied warehouses, the halfling she had taken the job from had given her specific directions and instructions on where to go and even what door was best to be used. The half-elf would stop and check the pathways, being sure no one was seen she crouched near the doorway and

Random Encounters:  listened. She heard no sound, no voices, the door she crouched next to was simple, wooden and could have easily been forgotten or overlooked from the outside. Attention was paid to the door, the latch and the framing, mint green eyes searched for traps, triggers or springs.  After a few moments searching, nothing was found, a black leather gloved hand reached and tested the latch, there was a very soft click as the door was opened. Cynthiana crept through, keeping her senses on edge, her eyes


Date: 2015-02-27 01:12 EST
Random Encounters:  adjusted to the lighting of the large room she had let herself into, it was a storage room full of crates pilled three or four high in places. Deeper into the room she'd sneak, staying quiet, listening to all that was around her, though only silence was heard, she crossed through the large room, thinking how easy this was going to be she had seen no guards yet, she kept moving, only stopping when she came to a large arched doorway the doors stood open, she heard a sound up ahead, her ears picked

Random Encounters:  up what it was and a grin came to her lips, someone up ahead was snoring, a hand moved to her belt and she took out a small wooden sap which had a leather wrapped handle, holding it just right she slipped up to the door way and peered out into the hall, to the left set a chair with a gruff looking human who seemed to have had a few many drinks tonight, made apparent by the empty bottle of rum which laid on the floor the leftover drink spilling out onto the floor. Cynthiana kept the small wooden

Random Encounters:  weapon in her grasp but continued out into the hall, there were two ways to go, left toward a set of metal stairs ascending to the next floor or around a corner to the right. She took to the right careful to stay silent with her steps, her eyes ever watchful, staying closer to the walls as she went. The path she took led her past a set of large wooden doors, from the way they sat she knew this was the main entrance to the building from the main street, the room that opened up opposite the main

Random Encounters:  doors was another large warehouse room with many crates a stairway across the way going up and another near the back wall which headed down. The half-elf nodded to herself and made her way stealthily toward the back wall and that descending stairway.  As she went she was listening, she could hear voices and work being done above, perhaps on the floor over head, perhaps once she had her treasure she could explore a bit more. Below she heard laughter and the sounds of bottles clanking and talk,


Date: 2015-02-27 01:14 EST
Random Encounters:  she knew this group of men would more than likely be celebrating their latest heist and that more than likely the gem she sought was on display to be showed off, where others gathered. This kept her moving toward the stairway leading down.  Below there were indeed laughter, drinking and eating, men and women of various races were deep in their cups, inside a makeshift bar which was set up a midst another room of storage crates, boxes and barrels, at the farthest side of the barroom a chair

Random Encounters:  made of wood, with elegant carvings and a thick cushioned seat sat, there were cushions around to both sides on the floor and at the very side of the carved wooden chair was a small pedestal, the gem atop it glimmered yellow in the lighting of the bar.  Sitting on the chair was a tall elven man wearing fine clothing vests, pants and leather boots, around his neck was a necklace of finely spun gold, he wore other fine things as well, he sat while a human brute of a man stood nearby talking to

Random Encounters:  him.  Cynthiana had snuck her way down the stairs and ducked behind a set of crates nearby, her mint green eyes took in the scene before her and taking a breath she would stand, hoping the patrons closer to the bar would only see her as one of them, or preferably not see her at all, she attempted to fit in to the small crowds, even taking a seat at the bar, That's when she caught sight of the pedestal and the flickering gem which sat on it, then she saw the elven man on the nice wooden chair and

Random Encounters:  the man who stood only feet away from him. She knew that the stone was what she sought, the way it shone in the dimly lit bar, she would lower her eyes away from the men at the chair as the barkeep offered to take her order, she blinked softly, she hadn't considered having to speak or to be asked a question, slowly leather clad hands moved up and pulled the mask down so she could speak, the hood of her cloak was still up, she prayed silently that it shadowed her face enough to keep her features


Date: 2015-02-27 01:15 EST
Random Encounters:  hidden. She took a slow exhale and spoke- "I be 'aven' a swig o' 'er best Ale" -the barkeep nodded and would go about filling her a glass, his brow rose as he turned back and she had walked away from the bar, a few others had heard her voice and turned to look around when she walked away, she seemed to have vanished. Oh no, the half-elf had quickly ducked away and behind the patrons, she was headed to hide behind another stack of crates and catch her breath, the small hitch in events had caught

Random Encounters:  her off guard. She was now standing close enough to get a clear view of the men standing near the pedestal, there she would stop and wait,  The music in the bar was coming from a jukebox along the opposite wall but the sound didn't travel so loudly on this end of the barroom, like it seemed to across the room. The elven man spoke with a slightly cold tone to the other man, "Will we have something new to impress our customers...come the end of the month' Or will it be the same?" -he sneered-

Random Encounters:  "more of the same over used stock?" -the human man who stood six feet and a few inches tall, had black hair which was combed back and kept in multiple short plaits behind his head, his body muscled and he showed signs of brute strength, spoke with respect toward the elf though his tone seemed to mask something behind it- "..Sir...we will have the gem.." -he motioned a hand toward the displayed stone, then lowered his hand- "there are not many new 'items', that have come into our hands...

Random Encounters:  with the do-gooders and the has been slim fer new...merchandise" -he didn't snivel or bow as he spoke, the man seemed like he wouldn't ever do such a think, he was dressed in black clothing with a black trench coat, when the light hit him, a series of chain could be seen hung off his belt, as well as a few other items which foretold his trade, cuffs, a couple collars..etc. The elven man on the chair scoffed darkly and took a drink from a silver goblet as he sat back against his


Date: 2015-02-27 01:16 EST
Random Encounters:  chair- "So..boring...I have bedded few of them...because i don't see most of them wonder we haven't sold them." -he growled at the human- "you need to work harder...whip our stock into shape! Hire men to deal with the Watch..and you better come up with something suitable for stock...soon." -it was a threat, he waved the man away as if he were sick of him...he took a longer drink from the goblet.  The human man in black sneered right back at him, he would turn to look out over the

Random Encounters:  barroom in thought.  Cynthiana had heard far to much, these men were nothing but pigs, they were slavers and merchants, thieves who gave a bad taste in her mouth, but her task was to retrieve the gem and to return it to The Three Daggers guild safely, that was first priority. She knew she couldn't take these two on alone, they had friends, thugs and loyalists within theses very walls, it would be a dumb move to even attempt it. She had inched her way behind the wooden carved chair now,

Random Encounters:  crouching down behind the high backed chair she turned so that she was facing the pedestal, there it was before her, the Tiger's eye of Aldune, the gem glimmered as the light hit it and caused a ripple of reflections and refraction around it on the surfaces. She calmed her breathing and slowly rose her hand toward the gem, her arm extending outward, black leather gloved hand opening to be ready. The human man dressed in black, turned to look at the elven man on the chair and his blue eyes went

Random Encounters:  wide as he watched the hand reaching up then the arm- "Sir...someones stealing the Eye!" -he alerted the elf.  Cynthiana blinked as she looked at the man, she had been caught in the act- ~Oh..hell!~ —hand snatched up the gemstone and quickly pulled her hand back, she pushed to her feet and started back the way she had come quick on her feet, her mind racing with fear, she worked to keep her thoughts straight.  The elf stood up once he had seen the hand take the stone from its place,


Date: 2015-02-27 01:17 EST
Random Encounters:  his voice rang out over the once relaxed bar as he whirled around toward her- "Stop!.you stop!" -he then turned to the man in the trench coat- "Stop fool!" -the man turned round and started shouting orders- "Stop her! Guards!" -he bellowed and climbed over the cushions that lay on the floor, his hand moving to his belt. The men who were mostly drunk now heard the bellowing slaver and a few of them would perk up, some taking swords from their belts. Cynthiana slipped around some barrels

Random Encounters:  and jumped up onto the bar top. A man turned around on his stool and attempted to grapplw the half-elf around the legs. "Come 'ere...girlie...i got ye!" -Cynthiana brought a boot to his chin and jumped over his hold, then started along the length of the bar, a couple other men including the barkeep tried to subdue her, The first she kicked a glass of whiskey over into his face as she danced by, the other she simply toppled over, the barkeep had come around the end of the bar in attempts to

Random Encounters:  grapple her into his arms. but the half-elf glanced above her and lept up, taking hold of a hanging light above the bar, she raised herself up off the bar top and swung over the keeps head through the air. By this time the man in the black trench coat was running toward her pausing long enough to watch her take the leap and swing, he turned and headed toward the stairs. The elf watched from near his chair he was furious and pacing a bit as he watched, the merchant waited for his men to bring the

Random Encounters:  thief back to him.  Cynthiana swung and let go of the hanging lamp, her agile from on a course for the stairs, her feet landed first and she was forced to crouch in a way that showed off just how agile she was, taking only a few seconds before she saw the slaver closing on the bottom of the stairs, she popped up and ascended the stairway, the gem was tucked down into her leather shirt- ~go..girl go!~ -her thoughts pushed her on as she ran up the steps, not daring to look back, she could hear the


Date: 2015-02-27 01:19 EST
Random Encounters:  man cussing and yelling as he gave chase behind her- "Guards!" -he bellowed and when he thought he was close enough he unfurled his whip which he had taken from the belt and snapped it upwards toward the fleeing female- "Seize her...Damn you all!"

Random Encounters:  -the men and women in the bar watched as the woman dressed in black leather ran up the stairs out of the bar, most were already to drunk to respond and sat in stupors or hushed conversations, when the female and the slaver had ran out of sight they went back to their evenings, the elven man sat back on the chair and turned the silver goblet with his fingers, he was waiting, perhaps he had some

hidden faith in his men. The whip had cracked near Cynthiana's cheek and in her quick
Random Encounters:  movement she ducked away from the stink she felt on her cheek, she would reach the top of the stairway and turn to the left. She found this room darker than it had been when she first came in, someone had turned out half of the overhead lights, but with the aid of her low-light vision she could still make out the crates, barrels and other things in her way, she quickly rounded a stack of crates piled high, hoping to make the man who was chasing her pursuit a bit harder. The slaver in the black

Random Encounters:  trench coat came to the top of the stairs and gave chase to the left around crates. Cynthiana made her way across the large room trying not to slow as she worked her way back the way she had come, her goal was to slip back into that other supply room and out that door before the human could realize where she had gone.  There was someone the half-elf had forgotten, the man who had been sleeping, who had appeared to be drunk, he was now standing in the doorway she had used to access the hall


Date: 2015-02-27 01:20 EST
Random Encounters:  blocking her way out of the building, he had closed one of the storage rooms wooden doors and was standing in the other half of the archway, he wasnt huge but would be ready to stop her. The slaver knew the warehouse and how things had been set up but the half-elf proved quick and agile, he was strong but not as quick on his feet of course, he would continue to close the gap. Cynthiana rounded that open door way into the hall and her feet skidded to a stop as she saw the partly blocked doorway

Random Encounters:  with that storage room and her way out beyond, her heart wanted to sink, she knew the man in the black trenchcoat would be on her soon, she kept moving closer to the man who blocked her way out, the wheels of her mind working hard as she thought of a way past the human blockade.  The man before her had a grin on his lips, he was ready or so he thought, to catch the female, he knew he'd heard the boss yelling for some reason, though he wasn't to bright, he had done his job in securing the

Random Encounters:  back entrance, now he would also get to assist in capturing someone who wasn't supposed to be inside, he set his feet firmly and waited a little laugh came from him as he watched her come closer, hes hands out waiting for her to get close. Cynthiana shook her head, she wasn't gonna get caught that easy, looking up at the big buffoon she reached to her belt and opened a pouch taking out two small greasy looking bundles she ran closer to the man and threw the two bundles on the floor, the floor

Random Encounters:  became slick with grease which splattered everywhere and she guided with her feet, there came a litle laugh from her as the grease spread and she down into a slide, aiming to either bowl the man over or slip between his legs, she gave a little squeal as between his legs she was able to slip and through to the other side. He grabbed for her as she went but the grease that came in a wave after her made his feet slip and slide and soon he was falling forward on his face, but he had managed to rip

Random Encounters:  her cloak from around her as well as the mask which was still in his grasp as she went sliding along the floor and off of the greasy trail. Cynthiana blinked as she got to her feet a little cat who ate the canary grin came to her lips as she hid in the shadows of a crate there.  The human was having a hard time getting up the greas was a nightmare and it was all over the front of him now, he looked up and yelled out in panic. The slaverr had rounded the corner and gave a mad yell as he watched


Date: 2015-02-27 01:24 EST
Random Encounters:  the female slip away, but the grease did its job well and his boots caught in it and pulled him forward and quickly he found himself falling over onto the human who had nearly caught the half-elf. There was a fit from both these men as they flailed and made attempts to get up a few times, the foul language and yells from the slavers lips were in rage. Cynthiana would sneak for the door and make her way out it and down the street quickly, not stopping to realize her cloak was gone.  She was headed for safety away from the alleyways in haste, with her prize tucked into her shirt for safe keeping until she could return it to the rightful guild. 

Random Encounters:  Later, the two men were able to right themselves and the grease had lost its effect, the henchman handed over the cloak and mask to the man in the black trench coat, the slaver returned to the elf.  After a heated conversation and argument, and belittling from the elf the slaver was heard telling the elven merchant- "She may be gone...for now...but She and I will cross paths again soon" -it was a promise-  -End Prologue-