Rhae ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran until her legs ached, her heart pounded, and her lungs burned, and then she ran just a bit more. There was a message board there in the middle of town an to it she stuck a piece of cardboard, perhaps from a pastry box or perhaps a packing box it was no real matter. The piece was two feet wide by a foot tall. On it in brilliant blue pain was written in huge letters:
Attached to the great big sign was a letter. Rhae had had to slow down so many times when writing it to make sure the lettering was still legible. The letter read as follows:
"To any Granger,
I had the pleasure of meeting three of you last night. Jon, GiGi, and Caroline, I am sure there are many more of you out there so I am praying that this reaches one of you as these meetings were brief. I do not know where a single one of you resides but I had to relay what happened in the Inn.
Tonight as soon as Caroline was trying to leave a very thin man stopped her and they started talking. I have never met the man before, nor do I know his name, but another patron at the bar informed me he was a slaver. That became all too clear when he snapped a collar around her neck, kneed her in the stomach and disappeared with her.
She has been taken by this slaver. I am so sorry I couldn't be of more use to her, stopped it or at least known more about who you were looking for. From where I was standing I could only hear that he was upset about some sort of business that wasn't cleared with him. Textiles or some such thing. I know I have only met any of you as acquaintances but I could not stay silent about this. You can find me at the Inn, and anything I can do to help you get her back I will.
Caro had been so kind to Rhae in the Inn that night, she had treated her immediately like she was someone special. In such a short time she considered the woman a friend, and Jon had showed her such kindness that she couldn't just do nothing to inform them. As she stood looking at the sign and the letter she prayed that any one of them would find it. Back to the inn she ran as fast as she could as she had been warned about being out and about alone at night.
Attached to the great big sign was a letter. Rhae had had to slow down so many times when writing it to make sure the lettering was still legible. The letter read as follows:
"To any Granger,
I had the pleasure of meeting three of you last night. Jon, GiGi, and Caroline, I am sure there are many more of you out there so I am praying that this reaches one of you as these meetings were brief. I do not know where a single one of you resides but I had to relay what happened in the Inn.
Tonight as soon as Caroline was trying to leave a very thin man stopped her and they started talking. I have never met the man before, nor do I know his name, but another patron at the bar informed me he was a slaver. That became all too clear when he snapped a collar around her neck, kneed her in the stomach and disappeared with her.
She has been taken by this slaver. I am so sorry I couldn't be of more use to her, stopped it or at least known more about who you were looking for. From where I was standing I could only hear that he was upset about some sort of business that wasn't cleared with him. Textiles or some such thing. I know I have only met any of you as acquaintances but I could not stay silent about this. You can find me at the Inn, and anything I can do to help you get her back I will.
Caro had been so kind to Rhae in the Inn that night, she had treated her immediately like she was someone special. In such a short time she considered the woman a friend, and Jon had showed her such kindness that she couldn't just do nothing to inform them. As she stood looking at the sign and the letter she prayed that any one of them would find it. Back to the inn she ran as fast as she could as she had been warned about being out and about alone at night.