The music was loud, bass thumping heavy enough to rattle the glasses on the shelves and vibrate right through your chest like a fist. Wall inside the place were painted a deep purple so dark it looked black under the flashing strobes near the cage where a band was screaming an inarticulate obscenity of a song.
Josephine had sent out a small group of underlings under the leadership of Marcellus to keep an eye on the Granger girl and when the time was right to do to her what the Grangers had done to Kit. They'd been tracking Helena for a few nights, learning her habits, her haunts, who she hung around with, what she did with whom, anything that would help them do what their mistress had instructed. They were just waiting for the right time and the right place, and as immortals, they had all the time in the world.
These underlings, while not old and powerful, were at least more disciplined than Kit - at least while under Marcellus' watchful eye. Disobedience here meant disobeying their mistress Josephine, which meant death. They kept to the shadows, waiting as patiently as their hunger allowed.
Marcellus had fed early in the evening and unless one knew better, he appeared to be an ordinary human. The small group separated before heading into the club, so as not to attract any undue attention, silently in psychic contact with each other. Each of them knew precisely what was expected of them.
Outside, bikes were lined up like horses at a trough. Inside, bodies were crowded into a single living mass of flesh and sweat, beer and cheap whiskey, hoarse shout and raucous laughs. The guy who'd brought Helena inside had her pressed up against a cigarette machine near the door, his big ham of a hand inside her shirt and his tongue halfway down her throat. She might as well have been trying to push away the building.
The place personally disgusted Marcellus. He considered himself too refined for such a place, but he had to admit, if he was hunting, the crowd was ripe for the pickings.
Well, one vampire was less patient than the rest. "This is boring," he drawled, blowing a needless breath through stringy blonde hair. "No one's paying attention, right' We already got a suspect for the Watch," jabbing a finger at the biker groping their target, "just knock 'im on the head and leave 'im. Boom. Done. But look at this fancy *ss." He jerked his head at Marcellus. "Goes about Josephine's dirty work like it's the Mona f*cking Lisa."
Gigi had been a walking time bomb ever since Jon told her of the new threat to the branches of family she still cared about. "Move it, ." With the hood of her sweatshirt drawn over her head and a backpack slung over her shoulder Gigi shoved her way through the club. The in question stepped aside not because of the dealer's stature but because of the spiked ball mace she carried almost carelessly at her side. She had product to peddle.
"C'mon, Marcellus," Lucas crooned. He made a show of adjusting his sleeves, rolled just so halfway up his forearms. "You know I've got the finesse, for your art."
Marcellus rolled his eyes at the impatient one. He'd always been hard to control, but despite his misgivings, Josephine insisted he was useful. Like a bull in a china shop useful, Marcellus thought. He waved a hand to a couple of others to fan out and watch the renegade's back.
"Oh....oh, my that the go ahead from our fearless leader?" Lucas' lips curled.
Marcellus rolled his eyes again and affected a sigh, since he really didn't have to breath anymore now that he was Undead. "You have no patience, Lucas. You have forever and you have still not learned patience. Very well, just don't leave any evidence behind." Evidence being survivors. He would have preferred to take matters outside, but this should at the very least prove entertaining.
Gigi palmed off a few small vials of the black-violet yola in exchange for payment from one customer when the sight of a face she'd recognize anywhere flashed into sight underneath the strobe lights. It wasn't the face that struck her but the context. "You've got to be kidding me." She stalked with deadly intent straight for the cigarette machine.
The small group fanned out to surround the girl and her molester. Hey, in a warped sort of way, they were coming to her rescue.
"Gracias, sensei." Lucas slithered out of his seat, trailed by two lovely ladies who were probably the closest things to followers he had. He hadn't sired them, but they still seemed to think the brash young Lucas could walk on water. One of them broke away to 'occupy' the bouncer, leading him outside for an old-fashioned tryst and maybe a quick nip. The other stayed with Lucas. "Uh-oh, darlin'. This just got messy," he said, spying the drug pusher moving in on their target.
The biker lifted Helena with the other hand so she was sitting on a piece of the machine that jutted out, insinuating his hips between her thighs and pulling one knee up and around his waist. She got one hand up in desperation to rake her nails across his cheek, a bloom of copper invisible beneath the clouds of smoke and liquor fumes - to most noses.
As the leader of the pack, Marcellus took a seat at the bar, in full view of the show, tapping his fingers against the counter, claws slowly replacing fingernails. He sighed as he watched the mortals groping each other. "Animals."
"Look, Delilah, look how polite these creatures are. They just might take care of our lady's little problem for us. Maybe patience is a virtue," Lucas smiled, walking his fingers along the vampiress' shoulders.
A random female stepped up to the bar and made the mistake of trying to start a conversation with Marcellus, that is, pick him up and he sneered with a mouthful of sharp teeth. "Piss off, darling, or I'll have you for dinner." The woman shrank back in fear and bumped into a biker. Marcellus sighed again. "Lucas....I grow restless," he told the younger vampire in his head. "What do you say we get this party started?"
"Get your paws off her, sweetheart, if you want to keep them and any other extremities in tact." Gigi snarled at the man groping Helena. She hadn't let the thought cross her mind that it might have been a willing entanglement.
Josephine had sent out a small group of underlings under the leadership of Marcellus to keep an eye on the Granger girl and when the time was right to do to her what the Grangers had done to Kit. They'd been tracking Helena for a few nights, learning her habits, her haunts, who she hung around with, what she did with whom, anything that would help them do what their mistress had instructed. They were just waiting for the right time and the right place, and as immortals, they had all the time in the world.
These underlings, while not old and powerful, were at least more disciplined than Kit - at least while under Marcellus' watchful eye. Disobedience here meant disobeying their mistress Josephine, which meant death. They kept to the shadows, waiting as patiently as their hunger allowed.
Marcellus had fed early in the evening and unless one knew better, he appeared to be an ordinary human. The small group separated before heading into the club, so as not to attract any undue attention, silently in psychic contact with each other. Each of them knew precisely what was expected of them.
Outside, bikes were lined up like horses at a trough. Inside, bodies were crowded into a single living mass of flesh and sweat, beer and cheap whiskey, hoarse shout and raucous laughs. The guy who'd brought Helena inside had her pressed up against a cigarette machine near the door, his big ham of a hand inside her shirt and his tongue halfway down her throat. She might as well have been trying to push away the building.
The place personally disgusted Marcellus. He considered himself too refined for such a place, but he had to admit, if he was hunting, the crowd was ripe for the pickings.
Well, one vampire was less patient than the rest. "This is boring," he drawled, blowing a needless breath through stringy blonde hair. "No one's paying attention, right' We already got a suspect for the Watch," jabbing a finger at the biker groping their target, "just knock 'im on the head and leave 'im. Boom. Done. But look at this fancy *ss." He jerked his head at Marcellus. "Goes about Josephine's dirty work like it's the Mona f*cking Lisa."
Gigi had been a walking time bomb ever since Jon told her of the new threat to the branches of family she still cared about. "Move it, ." With the hood of her sweatshirt drawn over her head and a backpack slung over her shoulder Gigi shoved her way through the club. The in question stepped aside not because of the dealer's stature but because of the spiked ball mace she carried almost carelessly at her side. She had product to peddle.
"C'mon, Marcellus," Lucas crooned. He made a show of adjusting his sleeves, rolled just so halfway up his forearms. "You know I've got the finesse, for your art."
Marcellus rolled his eyes at the impatient one. He'd always been hard to control, but despite his misgivings, Josephine insisted he was useful. Like a bull in a china shop useful, Marcellus thought. He waved a hand to a couple of others to fan out and watch the renegade's back.
"Oh....oh, my that the go ahead from our fearless leader?" Lucas' lips curled.
Marcellus rolled his eyes again and affected a sigh, since he really didn't have to breath anymore now that he was Undead. "You have no patience, Lucas. You have forever and you have still not learned patience. Very well, just don't leave any evidence behind." Evidence being survivors. He would have preferred to take matters outside, but this should at the very least prove entertaining.
Gigi palmed off a few small vials of the black-violet yola in exchange for payment from one customer when the sight of a face she'd recognize anywhere flashed into sight underneath the strobe lights. It wasn't the face that struck her but the context. "You've got to be kidding me." She stalked with deadly intent straight for the cigarette machine.
The small group fanned out to surround the girl and her molester. Hey, in a warped sort of way, they were coming to her rescue.
"Gracias, sensei." Lucas slithered out of his seat, trailed by two lovely ladies who were probably the closest things to followers he had. He hadn't sired them, but they still seemed to think the brash young Lucas could walk on water. One of them broke away to 'occupy' the bouncer, leading him outside for an old-fashioned tryst and maybe a quick nip. The other stayed with Lucas. "Uh-oh, darlin'. This just got messy," he said, spying the drug pusher moving in on their target.
The biker lifted Helena with the other hand so she was sitting on a piece of the machine that jutted out, insinuating his hips between her thighs and pulling one knee up and around his waist. She got one hand up in desperation to rake her nails across his cheek, a bloom of copper invisible beneath the clouds of smoke and liquor fumes - to most noses.
As the leader of the pack, Marcellus took a seat at the bar, in full view of the show, tapping his fingers against the counter, claws slowly replacing fingernails. He sighed as he watched the mortals groping each other. "Animals."
"Look, Delilah, look how polite these creatures are. They just might take care of our lady's little problem for us. Maybe patience is a virtue," Lucas smiled, walking his fingers along the vampiress' shoulders.
A random female stepped up to the bar and made the mistake of trying to start a conversation with Marcellus, that is, pick him up and he sneered with a mouthful of sharp teeth. "Piss off, darling, or I'll have you for dinner." The woman shrank back in fear and bumped into a biker. Marcellus sighed again. "Lucas....I grow restless," he told the younger vampire in his head. "What do you say we get this party started?"
"Get your paws off her, sweetheart, if you want to keep them and any other extremities in tact." Gigi snarled at the man groping Helena. She hadn't let the thought cross her mind that it might have been a willing entanglement.