Topic: It's 11:25. Do you know where your sister is?

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2011-10-17 20:12 EST
The music was loud, bass thumping heavy enough to rattle the glasses on the shelves and vibrate right through your chest like a fist. Wall inside the place were painted a deep purple so dark it looked black under the flashing strobes near the cage where a band was screaming an inarticulate obscenity of a song.

Josephine had sent out a small group of underlings under the leadership of Marcellus to keep an eye on the Granger girl and when the time was right to do to her what the Grangers had done to Kit. They'd been tracking Helena for a few nights, learning her habits, her haunts, who she hung around with, what she did with whom, anything that would help them do what their mistress had instructed. They were just waiting for the right time and the right place, and as immortals, they had all the time in the world.

These underlings, while not old and powerful, were at least more disciplined than Kit - at least while under Marcellus' watchful eye. Disobedience here meant disobeying their mistress Josephine, which meant death. They kept to the shadows, waiting as patiently as their hunger allowed.

Marcellus had fed early in the evening and unless one knew better, he appeared to be an ordinary human. The small group separated before heading into the club, so as not to attract any undue attention, silently in psychic contact with each other. Each of them knew precisely what was expected of them.

Outside, bikes were lined up like horses at a trough. Inside, bodies were crowded into a single living mass of flesh and sweat, beer and cheap whiskey, hoarse shout and raucous laughs. The guy who'd brought Helena inside had her pressed up against a cigarette machine near the door, his big ham of a hand inside her shirt and his tongue halfway down her throat. She might as well have been trying to push away the building.

The place personally disgusted Marcellus. He considered himself too refined for such a place, but he had to admit, if he was hunting, the crowd was ripe for the pickings.

Well, one vampire was less patient than the rest. "This is boring," he drawled, blowing a needless breath through stringy blonde hair. "No one's paying attention, right' We already got a suspect for the Watch," jabbing a finger at the biker groping their target, "just knock 'im on the head and leave 'im. Boom. Done. But look at this fancy *ss." He jerked his head at Marcellus. "Goes about Josephine's dirty work like it's the Mona f*cking Lisa."

Gigi had been a walking time bomb ever since Jon told her of the new threat to the branches of family she still cared about. "Move it, ." With the hood of her sweatshirt drawn over her head and a backpack slung over her shoulder Gigi shoved her way through the club. The in question stepped aside not because of the dealer's stature but because of the spiked ball mace she carried almost carelessly at her side. She had product to peddle.

"C'mon, Marcellus," Lucas crooned. He made a show of adjusting his sleeves, rolled just so halfway up his forearms. "You know I've got the finesse, for your art."

Marcellus rolled his eyes at the impatient one. He'd always been hard to control, but despite his misgivings, Josephine insisted he was useful. Like a bull in a china shop useful, Marcellus thought. He waved a hand to a couple of others to fan out and watch the renegade's back.

"Oh....oh, my that the go ahead from our fearless leader?" Lucas' lips curled.

Marcellus rolled his eyes again and affected a sigh, since he really didn't have to breath anymore now that he was Undead. "You have no patience, Lucas. You have forever and you have still not learned patience. Very well, just don't leave any evidence behind." Evidence being survivors. He would have preferred to take matters outside, but this should at the very least prove entertaining.

Gigi palmed off a few small vials of the black-violet yola in exchange for payment from one customer when the sight of a face she'd recognize anywhere flashed into sight underneath the strobe lights. It wasn't the face that struck her but the context. "You've got to be kidding me." She stalked with deadly intent straight for the cigarette machine.

The small group fanned out to surround the girl and her molester. Hey, in a warped sort of way, they were coming to her rescue.

"Gracias, sensei." Lucas slithered out of his seat, trailed by two lovely ladies who were probably the closest things to followers he had. He hadn't sired them, but they still seemed to think the brash young Lucas could walk on water. One of them broke away to 'occupy' the bouncer, leading him outside for an old-fashioned tryst and maybe a quick nip. The other stayed with Lucas. "Uh-oh, darlin'. This just got messy," he said, spying the drug pusher moving in on their target.

The biker lifted Helena with the other hand so she was sitting on a piece of the machine that jutted out, insinuating his hips between her thighs and pulling one knee up and around his waist. She got one hand up in desperation to rake her nails across his cheek, a bloom of copper invisible beneath the clouds of smoke and liquor fumes - to most noses.

As the leader of the pack, Marcellus took a seat at the bar, in full view of the show, tapping his fingers against the counter, claws slowly replacing fingernails. He sighed as he watched the mortals groping each other. "Animals."

"Look, Delilah, look how polite these creatures are. They just might take care of our lady's little problem for us. Maybe patience is a virtue," Lucas smiled, walking his fingers along the vampiress' shoulders.

A random female stepped up to the bar and made the mistake of trying to start a conversation with Marcellus, that is, pick him up and he sneered with a mouthful of sharp teeth. "Piss off, darling, or I'll have you for dinner." The woman shrank back in fear and bumped into a biker. Marcellus sighed again. "Lucas....I grow restless," he told the younger vampire in his head. "What do you say we get this party started?"

"Get your paws off her, sweetheart, if you want to keep them and any other extremities in tact." Gigi snarled at the man groping Helena. She hadn't let the thought cross her mind that it might have been a willing entanglement.

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2011-10-17 20:15 EST
And with that, Marcellus shot out an arm and with a clawed fingertip slit the woman's throat.

"Hell, they'll even provide us free snacks. All you gotta do, is," and that's when Lucas decided to clobber Marcellus with a bar stool, which, with the woman reeling back from him, caused the vampire to trip backwards over her, knocking several patrons over and sending the elder vampire into a rage.

"Like dominoes!" Lucas laughed, shooting past his enraged superior into the rapidly emerging bar brawl. If he was lucky, it'd take ages before people realize some of the patrons that fell and never got back up had been exsanguinated. He and Delilah were ducking and dodging swinging fists, making their way closer to their target, and dropping a couple of the biggest patrons in their way.

Marcellus was pissed off, to say the least, mostly at that idiot Lucas. He'd deal with him later. Right now, he had a job to do. He gestured to a couple of others and they set about creating mass chaos, as if there wasn't enough already.

The big guy finally came up for air to a torrent of searing profanity from Lena. As he turned to face off against Gigi, with the fight erupting behind them, Helena hauled back a leg and drove the four-inch heel of her boot through his thigh.

Gigi was reaching to pull the biker off Helena. She didn't dare take her eyes off of them and only took a quick look behind her. A bar brawl wasn't out of the norm, all things considered. She slipped her brass knuckles on the hand not clutching her mace and followed up Helena's nasty kick with a fist for the thug's kidneys.

Marcellus disappeared as if into thin air only to reappear behind the bar, ripping the throat out of the bartender and grabbing a glass to catch the blood, not wasting a drop, humming to himself as if nothing in the least was amiss.

Gigi was a problem. Her getting so close to that biker, though, seem about to solve Lucas' problem for him. When she punched the biker in the kidney, Lucas aimed a good shove at her from behind. "Delilah," he hissed, and jerked his head towards Helena. Delilah took the long way around to the lady on the cigarette machine.

"I would tell you nice move if I didn't have half a mind to strangle you right now, Lena. What the are you doing here?" But the question soon left Gigi's mind at the shove.

Behind the bar, Marcellus sipped at the blood as if it was the finest cognac. Ah, he remembered the taste of cognac.

Gigi regained her footing and separated the biker from Lena's heel. She whipped around to see and possibly knock out whoever pushed her when she noticed this was not an ordinary bar brawl. Brawls usually involved less bodies on the ground. "We need to get the out of here." Her voice retained its monotone despite the threat. She reached to grab Lena's arm to drag her towards the exit.

Lucas' hand shot out for Gigi's mace-swinging arm. "Not so fast, darlin'!" he snarled, baring teeth, flashing red eyes at her. "We haven't been properly introduced!"

Marcellus noticed Gigi now, and narrowed his eyes. She was ruining his party. He snapped a finger at a few underlings and they moved to block the exit.

Helena cast about for something to use as a weapon, her fingers closing around the neck of a bottle just as Geeg grabbed her arm and started steering her for the door. Fortunately, they had two things working in their favor: first, they were close. And second: the doormen were finally coming inside to see what the noise was about. Though, unfortunately, any doorman who came through that door were going to find themselves facing two vampires, hungry for blood.

"How the do you do?" The ticking time bomb that was Gigi had been stockpiling her favorite kinds of toys ever since Jon told her there was a new threat to the Granger clan. It was clumsy with the knuckles still on her free hand but the butterfly knife Correy gave her as a gift was pulled free from the pocket of her sweatshirt. Good thing it took only one swing to open and a second to try and slice off the hand holding her arm.

Delilah made a desperate grab at Helena while Lucas tangled with Gigi. "C'mere, girlie!" What the hell" Helena didn't think about what she was doing as she swung the heavy glass bottom of the bottle in a lateral arc at Delilah's face.

Very unwisely, as it turned out. Vampires are immune to many things, but losing limbs wasn't one of them. Lucas lost his hand in a torrent of black blood, as well as his cool. He roared and swiped his remaining clawed hand at Gigi's face.

Several of the group were moving to back up Lucas and Delilah, though the place had really turned into mass hysteria, bikers pulling blades while vampires countered with teeth and claws.

"What do I keep saying about filthy paws!" Gigi let out an aggravated snarl at the slash against her face. She wound up and swung that mace right for Lucas' head. For now she'd have to ignore the black blood congealing all over her.

"That's what you get, you — " Lucas didn't get to finish his sentence. His skull caved in, and he crumpled, turning to dust, Buffy-style. What Buffy didn't teach you was that dust goes freaking everywhere, and doesn't clean up as nicely as the CGI makes it.

One of the doormen made it past the pair at the door and grabbed at Delilah's shoulder, a sap worked loose from a loop at his belt. The bottle Lena swung crashed over the woman's head, shattering and leaving Lena with a jagged-edged weapon in one hand and Delilah's nails sunk into the opposite wrist.

A crash from the blocked doorway announced the arrival of a new face in the fray. The doors flew inward off their hinges, taking a couple of the lower vampires with them, and framed in the doorway, the compact package of rage and skill that was Shen Lei stood for a moment or two, sharp eyes taking in the massacre in progress. "Aww, you guys had a party and you didn't invite me?" she asked the nearest vampire as he disengaged himself from the wreckage of the door. "I'm hurt."

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2011-10-17 20:17 EST
With a movement graceful as a dancers, she withdrew a much-used wooden stake from the back of her shorts and slammed it into the vampire's chest, without even stopping to watch as the second vampiric casualty of the night turned to dust. A clawed fist caught her on the jaw, and she lashed out with a booted foot, finishing off that doubled up undead with another accurate stake to the heart. "What the hell is going on here?"

A few gunshots went off, but that did little to stop the group. Marcellus, meanwhile, was sampling the various blood types in the room. It was good to be the leader. He came to a sudden halt when he felt Lucas' death, like a shudder of pain rippling through him. He dropped the glass and it shattered on the floor, as he looked over at Gigi just in time to see Lucas turn into a pile of dust.

Delilah roared at Helena's counter-attack, enraged at the glass embedded in her face, then at the doorman grabbing her. She abandoned her primary target to pounce on the doorman, pressing him into an overturned table and burying her face in his neck with a sickening crunch.

Gigi yanked the ball of the mace back towards her side. Lena was too close to Delilah to risk swinging it again. Gigi ran for Delilah and tried to jump on her back.

Delilah nearly lost her footing just as she regained it, face dripping with blood. She struggled to disentangle from Gigi, rampaging into the middle of the room while the increasingly frightened crowd gave them a wide berth.

Lei's progress from the door was punctuated by a series of screams as vampires who attacked her ended their hopes in an explosion of fiery dust. Caked in the stuff, as well as the blood of those who had already been made victims, the Slayer jumped up onto a pool table, frowning around herself at the carnage. She leant down, grabbing a biker by the jacket. He struggled for a moment, but even in Rhy'Din, it's only an idiot who'll attack a small woman who can lift him off the ground with one hand. "Get them out," Lei hissed furiously. "Everyone who isn't bleeding or doesn't have fangs, get them out. Now!"

Her wrist was bleeding from the woman's nails, but aside from that and the fact that she was flashing her left breast for the room, Helena was far ....unscathed. And she went right after Gigi for the woman because, bloody hell, she was pissed.

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, Marcellus thought to himself, and before anyone could follow his motion, he was standing behind Gigi, dangerously close to Lena. While Gigi was busy with poor dying Delilah, he reached out and slashed at Lena with a clawed hand, not really caring where he made contact. He only needed a moment and a lucky swipe and she'd be dead. Enough fooling around.

A moment he wasn't going to get. Lei had spotted the advance on the disheveled-looking Lena. She kicked a discarded pool ball in the direction of Marcellus - it wasn't going to do anywhere near enough damage, but hey, it might knock him off balance long enough to let the woman he was after realise her danger. However, that little moment of rescue distracted Lei just a little too long. Clawed hands grabbed her legs, yanking them out from under her, and she landed heavily on her back with a grunt, underneath 16-stone of pissed off, blood-hungry biker.

Gigi stabbed the knife through Delilah's shoulder in the hopes of pinning her to the ground and out of the way, if not killing her. She had kept a death-hold on the handle of the mace. She turned around and made a wide arc towards Marcellus' legs.

It wasn't enough to pin Delilah down, nor kill her, but itwa enough to get her stumbling away from Gigi. She was fortuitously close to the door, and in a bar with bikers who were increasingly fighting back. She stared uncertainly after Marcellus ....then decided to cut her losses.

The pool ball did the trick, but not in the way Shen Lei intended. It skipped off his hand and into the remnants of the bottle in Helena's. But it made her jump back enough that the swipe from Marcellus grooved a gash across her collarbone rather than her throat.

The breath knocked from her, it was only instinct and training that kept Lei from having her throat ripped out. Her stake discarded, she pressed her hand into the throat of the newly-turned vampire above her, holding him at arms' length. The other hand fumbled at her pocket, coming up with a bottle. She bit the cap off, and took aim ....and the biker-vamp screamed backward off her as holy water doused him from head to foot. Damp ashes, anyone"

Marcellus growled when Gigi's mace cut deep into his leg and he realized it was time to go. Live to fight another day. He stumbled to the floor, but before anyone could do further damage, he disappeared again, reappearing near Delilah's retreating back. Wrapping an arm around the younger vampire, both of them disappeared. They were gone.

Helena was bleeding like crazy, hissing and so angry her own family might not recognize her. She started to chase after Delilah when the woman cut and ran for the door.

Gigi almost wore a look of disappointment when she stood up. Not that it was easy to see much under the black blood on her face. "You stay right here, Lena." Her voice cut through what was left of the crowd. She spit on the ground and wiped at her face to no avail. The black blood and her own were impossible to clear away. Dark eyes stared at Lei.

Pushing up onto her feet, Lei fell into a crouch, breathing hard as she looked around at the carnage. The fight was over, it seemed; bloodied bodies lay everywhere, promising a bumper crop of patrols in the next couple of nights for her. Across the almost abandoned dance floor, she noted the upstanding pair of women who had held their own.

"Here." The small Slayer tossed what remained of her bottle of holy water toward Gigi. "It'll sting when it washes off. Either of you get bitten?" As she spoke, she scooped up her stake to tuck it back into her shorts, patting the dust from her arms and legs.

"No. Who the are you." Gigi said this instead of thanks even as she took the water. Helena was standing braced in the door of the bar shouting some ridiculously foul suggestions at the empty parking lot. It probably wouldn't be long before the Watch arrived. Only two of the clan had made it out alive to return to their mistress and explain what had happened.

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2011-10-17 20:19 EST
Lei snorted with laughter at the lack of greeting; she could appreciate the reaction of anyone after a fight like that. "Shen Lei," she introduced herself with what Rufus would have referred to as her post-fight niceness. "I do this for a living. Who're you?" Her head jerked toward Lena. "And why does she have vamps after her?"

She poured the water over her head and let out a string of curses at the burn. "Gigi. Granger. That seems to be reason enough in our family." She didn't know whether it would prove useful to explain further. "Lena, you've got a lot of explaining to do. But I need a drink and I can't be here when the Watch shows up for an explanation." She picked her backpack off the floor and hoped the yola inside was still viable to sell later when she had cleaned the vials off.

"Granger." Another snort echoed from Lei as she rolled her eyes. "Jon's family. Of course." The mention of the Watch made her frown; they always got in her way. "Well, I'll be seeing you around. Make sure she washes in holy water, too. And tell Jon Lei's on it." With a flash of a cheeky salute, Lei turned, ducking out through the door past Lena and into the darkness beyond.

Jon's family. Of course. The look Helena sent after Shen-Lei's back was purely venomous rebellion. Sirens could be heard in the distance, getting louder as they got closer, assuming the Watch used sirens on occasion. "What the hell were you doing here, Geeg" You came with her or does Jonny have you following me for him?" She was a bloody and crackling mess when she turned around to look for her.

"You don't want to know what I was doing here. It wasn't following you. Good thing though. You owe me a drink and an explanation." She started for the back exit tossing the holy water to Lena. That she hadn't spit anything nasty at Lei in return meant Gigi somewhere deep down had an appreciation for the backup. Jon obviously trusted her. Hopefully he'd used better judgement this time around.

The sirens were growing urgently close. "My car's around the corner." Helena said, fumbling as she caught the bottle, picking her way after her cousin around prone bodies and puddles of she didn't want to know what. "I'll buy you a drink." It was as much as she was willing to commit to.

The Watch was going to have a field day with this one. The place was awash in blood, both human and vampire alike. Who knows what conclusion they'd come to' It was highly unlikely they'd suspect any Grangers were involved. And if they did, which of those Grangers were they most likely to pin the blame on' Certainly not Helena. And Gigi could look after herself.


((A HUGE thank you to all the players involved in planning and playing the above scene. It was a total blast! And a very special thanks to Lei's player for transcribing it for us. Thanks, everyone!))