Mid-January ((I forgot I hadn't posted this!))
Mornings at Maple Grove Manor were always a little hectic, what with four children under the age of four, one octogenarian, two slightly frazzled parents, and a hyperactive dog all settling down to breakfast together before they started their respective days. Afternoons were a little less hectic, at least once the kids and the octogenarian were down for a nap, and the frazzled parents could finally take a breath, but neither Jon nor Vicki were complaining. This was the life they had chosen for themselves, and despite the chaos, they were both loving it. Things were about to change a little bit, though, as the Shanachie reopened for the season, and Jon returned to work after a few months of paternity leave.
Thankfully, with the Christmas season over, Emily and Ben had returned to nursery in the mornings, which had given their parents some much needed time to focus on working out how to juggle the twins single-handed. Vicki was going to need that breather in the weekday mornings for a while before she got a handle on dealing with all four at once alone. Right now, though, Vicki was dealing with the mother of all tantrums emanating from the usually sweet-tempered Benjamin; Emily was, for once, utterly enthralled in her drawing; and Jon' Well, Jon was juggling the twins and Sol for the moment, laying out what he needed his assistant to do when he went back to the theater while simultaneously attempting to keep two three-month-olds from joining their big brother in his scream-fest.
It wasn't easy trying to juggle two newborn children while reading over the script for first play of the year and sort out casting. Thankfully, the rep wasn't scheduled to open a play for a few weeks' yet, it was still a little daunting trying to juggle being a husband, father, teacher, and assistant director all at once. Thankfully, Jon had stepped back from acting for a while, which freed up the time he might have spent memorizing his lines.
"Sol, for god's sake, take one of the twins, will you? I can't juggle three things at once!" Jon complained in a rare moment of frustation. His assistant arched a blond brow, secretly wondering why humans always made things so difficult for themselves, as Jon shoved one of the twins at him.
"May I point out that I am your assistant, not a nanny?" Sol asked, as he suddenly found a squirming twin in his arms.
"You're my assistant, so assist!" Jon countered, flipping through the script with one hand, while he jiggled the other twin in the other.
"If you insist," Sol replied, looking only slightly perturbed. It really was hard to fluster the man, which was one of the reasons Jon had kept him on for so long. He lifted a hand and snapped his fingers and in an instant both twins had quieted right down, as content as could be.
Which, of course, left the sound of Ben's yelling in his bedroom the only really intrusive noise in the place. Vicki had the patience of a saint today, it seemed. And into this interesting mess walked Liv, with her own bundle of trouble. Today, this included Bess, Bella, Lir, and the three puppies. The little dragon seemed to have stopped his growth spurt for the time being, stopping at around the size of a minature horse, and had developed a distinct love of being put on a leash and walked with Bella and her pups.
"Hello!" she called, somehow managing to get through the doorway before her little menagerie pushed in front of her. "Sit. No, all of you. Sit." On her hip, Bess waved a hand at the pups and repeated her mother's instruction just as firmly, much to Liv's amusement. It took a moment, but Lir and Bella had the pups in hand for now, all of them sitting as they were told. Then Liv turned to Jon and Sol, raising a brow at the noise from another room and the twins apparently being as good as gold. "Looks like you have things well in hand."
"He has things well in hand," Jon replied, with a jerk of his head toward Sol, who was trying to look innocent, despite the fact that everyone in present company knew what he really was and how he used his specific talents to the best of his ability.
"You said to assist, so I'm assisting," Sol pointed out, logically. "Liv, brought your entourage with you, I see," he said by way of greeting.
"Well, what would I do in the face of your sarcasm without my entourage, Sol?" she answered sweetly. Lir sneezed in Sol's general direction, scoring a direct hit on the warlock's shoe with a big gob of phlegm which Liv pretended not to notice while grinning hugely. "What did you do to the twins this time?"
As she spoke, she sat Bess down on the floor with the pups and took Maddie out of Jon's arms, lifting the baby girl up to sniff her rear end. "You need to change Chris' diaper," she told her colleague with a smile. "Jon, I need a statement to release about John Hurt's death. Too many journalists have been asking about your reaction for me to make something up."
"Charming, as usual," Sol replied with a scowl that was not entirely due to the phlegm on his shoe, which had been polished to a perfect shine just that morning. The man was almost annoying hard to fluster and never seemed to have a single hair out of place, no matter what was going on around him. "Sorry, love, I don't do diapers," he said, promptly handing Christopher back to his father, filling the void left by Maddie. "Would you like me to write up a statement for the press?" he asked his employer, preferring clerical tasks to that of childcare.
Jon winced at the odor emanating from his son's diaper and got to his feet with a sigh. He'd heard about the actor's death, but with everything going on around him hadn't had much time to think about it. "No, that's something I think I need to do for myself," he replied. "If you two will excuse me, Mr. Stinky needs changing."
"Right then, you can supervise Bess and the animals while I help Jon with his children," Liv told Sol with a bright smile. "No magic, or I will set my husband on you." She wiggled a finger in his direction with a chuckle. "Hand him over, Jon, I can do two. You look frazzled."
Too late; Sol had gotten rid of the dragon phlegm with a flick of his wrist, but at least, he hadn't used his magic on any of Liv's entourage just yet. "Are you sure you don't want me to change Pete's Dragon into a newt?" he asked, slightly sarcastically. "You're going to need a bigger aquarium before long," he warned.
"We're managing just fine, thank you," she laughed, laying both twins down on the changing table. "Besides, in a couple of weeks, we'll only have one puppy, not three. That should calm things down a little. How are you doing" Is Kelly-Ann giving you any more trouble?"
"Will you two stop arguing" We're on the same team!" Jon pointed out with an exasperated sigh. It wasn't so much that he was feeling stressed or frazzled as it was a little overwhelmed, but wasn't that why he had hired Sol and Liv in the first place" "No," he exhaled a sigh, content to let his super-P.A. take over the diapering, since Sol refused. "She keeps sending me scripts and pestering me to do another film though. She seems to think the public will forget me, unless I do at least one film a year."
While Jon and Liv chatted, Sol was tapping something out on a tablet that had appeared out of thin air, while keeping half an eye on Bess and the rest of Liv's entourage.
"She's wrong," Liv nodded as she worked on the diapering in front of her. "Sol, can you do anything about her" Maybe write one of those contracts that restricts her from drowning her client in unwanted solicitations of work?" It was a genuine request; despite still feeling threatened by Sol's presence, Liv did appreciate that the warlock knew more about certain things than she did, and she wasn't too proud to ask for help.
"Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something or other," Sol replied with complete confidence. "Though you might want to consider letting her go. We don't really need her, you know," he reminded Jon, not for the first time. After all, he felt he and Liv had things well in hand without any interference from the Earth front.
Mornings at Maple Grove Manor were always a little hectic, what with four children under the age of four, one octogenarian, two slightly frazzled parents, and a hyperactive dog all settling down to breakfast together before they started their respective days. Afternoons were a little less hectic, at least once the kids and the octogenarian were down for a nap, and the frazzled parents could finally take a breath, but neither Jon nor Vicki were complaining. This was the life they had chosen for themselves, and despite the chaos, they were both loving it. Things were about to change a little bit, though, as the Shanachie reopened for the season, and Jon returned to work after a few months of paternity leave.
Thankfully, with the Christmas season over, Emily and Ben had returned to nursery in the mornings, which had given their parents some much needed time to focus on working out how to juggle the twins single-handed. Vicki was going to need that breather in the weekday mornings for a while before she got a handle on dealing with all four at once alone. Right now, though, Vicki was dealing with the mother of all tantrums emanating from the usually sweet-tempered Benjamin; Emily was, for once, utterly enthralled in her drawing; and Jon' Well, Jon was juggling the twins and Sol for the moment, laying out what he needed his assistant to do when he went back to the theater while simultaneously attempting to keep two three-month-olds from joining their big brother in his scream-fest.
It wasn't easy trying to juggle two newborn children while reading over the script for first play of the year and sort out casting. Thankfully, the rep wasn't scheduled to open a play for a few weeks' yet, it was still a little daunting trying to juggle being a husband, father, teacher, and assistant director all at once. Thankfully, Jon had stepped back from acting for a while, which freed up the time he might have spent memorizing his lines.
"Sol, for god's sake, take one of the twins, will you? I can't juggle three things at once!" Jon complained in a rare moment of frustation. His assistant arched a blond brow, secretly wondering why humans always made things so difficult for themselves, as Jon shoved one of the twins at him.
"May I point out that I am your assistant, not a nanny?" Sol asked, as he suddenly found a squirming twin in his arms.
"You're my assistant, so assist!" Jon countered, flipping through the script with one hand, while he jiggled the other twin in the other.
"If you insist," Sol replied, looking only slightly perturbed. It really was hard to fluster the man, which was one of the reasons Jon had kept him on for so long. He lifted a hand and snapped his fingers and in an instant both twins had quieted right down, as content as could be.
Which, of course, left the sound of Ben's yelling in his bedroom the only really intrusive noise in the place. Vicki had the patience of a saint today, it seemed. And into this interesting mess walked Liv, with her own bundle of trouble. Today, this included Bess, Bella, Lir, and the three puppies. The little dragon seemed to have stopped his growth spurt for the time being, stopping at around the size of a minature horse, and had developed a distinct love of being put on a leash and walked with Bella and her pups.
"Hello!" she called, somehow managing to get through the doorway before her little menagerie pushed in front of her. "Sit. No, all of you. Sit." On her hip, Bess waved a hand at the pups and repeated her mother's instruction just as firmly, much to Liv's amusement. It took a moment, but Lir and Bella had the pups in hand for now, all of them sitting as they were told. Then Liv turned to Jon and Sol, raising a brow at the noise from another room and the twins apparently being as good as gold. "Looks like you have things well in hand."
"He has things well in hand," Jon replied, with a jerk of his head toward Sol, who was trying to look innocent, despite the fact that everyone in present company knew what he really was and how he used his specific talents to the best of his ability.
"You said to assist, so I'm assisting," Sol pointed out, logically. "Liv, brought your entourage with you, I see," he said by way of greeting.
"Well, what would I do in the face of your sarcasm without my entourage, Sol?" she answered sweetly. Lir sneezed in Sol's general direction, scoring a direct hit on the warlock's shoe with a big gob of phlegm which Liv pretended not to notice while grinning hugely. "What did you do to the twins this time?"
As she spoke, she sat Bess down on the floor with the pups and took Maddie out of Jon's arms, lifting the baby girl up to sniff her rear end. "You need to change Chris' diaper," she told her colleague with a smile. "Jon, I need a statement to release about John Hurt's death. Too many journalists have been asking about your reaction for me to make something up."
"Charming, as usual," Sol replied with a scowl that was not entirely due to the phlegm on his shoe, which had been polished to a perfect shine just that morning. The man was almost annoying hard to fluster and never seemed to have a single hair out of place, no matter what was going on around him. "Sorry, love, I don't do diapers," he said, promptly handing Christopher back to his father, filling the void left by Maddie. "Would you like me to write up a statement for the press?" he asked his employer, preferring clerical tasks to that of childcare.
Jon winced at the odor emanating from his son's diaper and got to his feet with a sigh. He'd heard about the actor's death, but with everything going on around him hadn't had much time to think about it. "No, that's something I think I need to do for myself," he replied. "If you two will excuse me, Mr. Stinky needs changing."
"Right then, you can supervise Bess and the animals while I help Jon with his children," Liv told Sol with a bright smile. "No magic, or I will set my husband on you." She wiggled a finger in his direction with a chuckle. "Hand him over, Jon, I can do two. You look frazzled."
Too late; Sol had gotten rid of the dragon phlegm with a flick of his wrist, but at least, he hadn't used his magic on any of Liv's entourage just yet. "Are you sure you don't want me to change Pete's Dragon into a newt?" he asked, slightly sarcastically. "You're going to need a bigger aquarium before long," he warned.
"We're managing just fine, thank you," she laughed, laying both twins down on the changing table. "Besides, in a couple of weeks, we'll only have one puppy, not three. That should calm things down a little. How are you doing" Is Kelly-Ann giving you any more trouble?"
"Will you two stop arguing" We're on the same team!" Jon pointed out with an exasperated sigh. It wasn't so much that he was feeling stressed or frazzled as it was a little overwhelmed, but wasn't that why he had hired Sol and Liv in the first place" "No," he exhaled a sigh, content to let his super-P.A. take over the diapering, since Sol refused. "She keeps sending me scripts and pestering me to do another film though. She seems to think the public will forget me, unless I do at least one film a year."
While Jon and Liv chatted, Sol was tapping something out on a tablet that had appeared out of thin air, while keeping half an eye on Bess and the rest of Liv's entourage.
"She's wrong," Liv nodded as she worked on the diapering in front of her. "Sol, can you do anything about her" Maybe write one of those contracts that restricts her from drowning her client in unwanted solicitations of work?" It was a genuine request; despite still feeling threatened by Sol's presence, Liv did appreciate that the warlock knew more about certain things than she did, and she wasn't too proud to ask for help.
"Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something or other," Sol replied with complete confidence. "Though you might want to consider letting her go. We don't really need her, you know," he reminded Jon, not for the first time. After all, he felt he and Liv had things well in hand without any interference from the Earth front.