It had been nearly two weeks since Josh had checked in with his father and brother, and during that two weeks, a lot had happened that had changed things. While he didn't want to share every detail of his growing relationship with Dru, he needed his father's advice, and maybe more importantly, his support and approval. While Dru took care of her own business with her uncle and Xoren, Josh returned to the cottage he was staying in on Maple Grove, allowing them both a few hours of privacy to reconnect with their families before they rejoined one another later.
He showered and changed his clothes and got an overnight bag ready for the evening, with every intention on spending the night at Dru's, whether it was a good idea or not. But first things first. It took a few minutes for the call to go through, as Josh nervously waited on the other end for his father to answer.
While ordinarily it could take up to twenty minutes to get through to the Duke's personal line, today Josh was put through immediately. Evidently his father had been waiting for him to call. The Duke answered from his seat by the window in his office, where he had been studiously ignoring a pile of paperwork that needed to be looked at for the past hour or so in favor of watching Jamie fail miserably at archery with amusing consequences. "Hello?"
"Hey, Dad, it's me," Josh started. Well, of course it was him. Who else would it be? "Sorry I haven't called in a while. I've been pretty busy." He knew that excuse sounded lame and told his father nothing, but at least, it was honest. "How are you? How's Jamie?" he asked, sounding a little bit nervous.
"Josh, what wonderful timing you have!" Duke Oliver sounded genuinely pleased to hear from his youngest son, tearing his eyes away from the pig's ear his eldest was making of the archery course to give Josh his full attention. "I've been well, thank you for asking. Stupidly busy with the security arrangements for the Trooping of the Color, of course, but aren't I always?" He glanced through the window once again and chuckled. "Your brother has just shot the nose off that appalling statue of some goddess or other in the rose garden, would you believe" Somehow I don't think Jamie was made to be an archer."
Josh winced at that bit of news, chuckling a little. "Maybe you should take the bow away from him before he hurts himself," he suggested. Josh had always been better at athletics than his older brother, though Jamie had excelled at most everything else.
"I suggested he should try something easier," the duke chuckled. "Perhaps knitting. But he is trying to impress Lady Alyssa Grigori, and you know how much she likes a man with a few lethal skills." His grin was audible as he adjusted his tie, turning away from the window properly. "And how is Rhy'Din treating you, son' How has your performance been going" I understand you opened last Monday."
"Maybe he should try impressing her with poetry," Josh suggested with a smile in his voice that his father would be able to hear across the many miles that separated them. It was good to hear his father's voice again and to imagine his brother's romantic exploits. "I'm sure you have already read the reviews, Dad." Reviews which consisted of glowing praise for all involved. "A lively production," one critic wrote. "Tons of fun for the whole family," wrote another. "Exuberates joy," said yet another. And the praise went on and on, not only for the principals, but the entire cast.
"Reviews only tell me how the show is being received, not how you are enjoying it," his father scoffed cheerfully, deftly switching handsets to a wireless one. He'd heard the nerves in his son's voice when Josh had said hello - he wouldn't be so high in the government of the country if he couldn't tell when he might need to seek secure privacy at a moment's notice. "If I could snatch the time away, I would have come to see it myself, but the ceremonial season is upon us. So tell me do you like being God King of all Egypt?"
He showered and changed his clothes and got an overnight bag ready for the evening, with every intention on spending the night at Dru's, whether it was a good idea or not. But first things first. It took a few minutes for the call to go through, as Josh nervously waited on the other end for his father to answer.
While ordinarily it could take up to twenty minutes to get through to the Duke's personal line, today Josh was put through immediately. Evidently his father had been waiting for him to call. The Duke answered from his seat by the window in his office, where he had been studiously ignoring a pile of paperwork that needed to be looked at for the past hour or so in favor of watching Jamie fail miserably at archery with amusing consequences. "Hello?"
"Hey, Dad, it's me," Josh started. Well, of course it was him. Who else would it be? "Sorry I haven't called in a while. I've been pretty busy." He knew that excuse sounded lame and told his father nothing, but at least, it was honest. "How are you? How's Jamie?" he asked, sounding a little bit nervous.
"Josh, what wonderful timing you have!" Duke Oliver sounded genuinely pleased to hear from his youngest son, tearing his eyes away from the pig's ear his eldest was making of the archery course to give Josh his full attention. "I've been well, thank you for asking. Stupidly busy with the security arrangements for the Trooping of the Color, of course, but aren't I always?" He glanced through the window once again and chuckled. "Your brother has just shot the nose off that appalling statue of some goddess or other in the rose garden, would you believe" Somehow I don't think Jamie was made to be an archer."
Josh winced at that bit of news, chuckling a little. "Maybe you should take the bow away from him before he hurts himself," he suggested. Josh had always been better at athletics than his older brother, though Jamie had excelled at most everything else.
"I suggested he should try something easier," the duke chuckled. "Perhaps knitting. But he is trying to impress Lady Alyssa Grigori, and you know how much she likes a man with a few lethal skills." His grin was audible as he adjusted his tie, turning away from the window properly. "And how is Rhy'Din treating you, son' How has your performance been going" I understand you opened last Monday."
"Maybe he should try impressing her with poetry," Josh suggested with a smile in his voice that his father would be able to hear across the many miles that separated them. It was good to hear his father's voice again and to imagine his brother's romantic exploits. "I'm sure you have already read the reviews, Dad." Reviews which consisted of glowing praise for all involved. "A lively production," one critic wrote. "Tons of fun for the whole family," wrote another. "Exuberates joy," said yet another. And the praise went on and on, not only for the principals, but the entire cast.
"Reviews only tell me how the show is being received, not how you are enjoying it," his father scoffed cheerfully, deftly switching handsets to a wireless one. He'd heard the nerves in his son's voice when Josh had said hello - he wouldn't be so high in the government of the country if he couldn't tell when he might need to seek secure privacy at a moment's notice. "If I could snatch the time away, I would have come to see it myself, but the ceremonial season is upon us. So tell me do you like being God King of all Egypt?"