Topic: Phoning Home

Josh Stuart

Date: 2014-03-11 19:05 EST
It had been nearly two weeks since Josh had checked in with his father and brother, and during that two weeks, a lot had happened that had changed things. While he didn't want to share every detail of his growing relationship with Dru, he needed his father's advice, and maybe more importantly, his support and approval. While Dru took care of her own business with her uncle and Xoren, Josh returned to the cottage he was staying in on Maple Grove, allowing them both a few hours of privacy to reconnect with their families before they rejoined one another later.

He showered and changed his clothes and got an overnight bag ready for the evening, with every intention on spending the night at Dru's, whether it was a good idea or not. But first things first. It took a few minutes for the call to go through, as Josh nervously waited on the other end for his father to answer.

While ordinarily it could take up to twenty minutes to get through to the Duke's personal line, today Josh was put through immediately. Evidently his father had been waiting for him to call. The Duke answered from his seat by the window in his office, where he had been studiously ignoring a pile of paperwork that needed to be looked at for the past hour or so in favor of watching Jamie fail miserably at archery with amusing consequences. "Hello?"

"Hey, Dad, it's me," Josh started. Well, of course it was him. Who else would it be? "Sorry I haven't called in a while. I've been pretty busy." He knew that excuse sounded lame and told his father nothing, but at least, it was honest. "How are you? How's Jamie?" he asked, sounding a little bit nervous.

"Josh, what wonderful timing you have!" Duke Oliver sounded genuinely pleased to hear from his youngest son, tearing his eyes away from the pig's ear his eldest was making of the archery course to give Josh his full attention. "I've been well, thank you for asking. Stupidly busy with the security arrangements for the Trooping of the Color, of course, but aren't I always?" He glanced through the window once again and chuckled. "Your brother has just shot the nose off that appalling statue of some goddess or other in the rose garden, would you believe" Somehow I don't think Jamie was made to be an archer."

Josh winced at that bit of news, chuckling a little. "Maybe you should take the bow away from him before he hurts himself," he suggested. Josh had always been better at athletics than his older brother, though Jamie had excelled at most everything else.

"I suggested he should try something easier," the duke chuckled. "Perhaps knitting. But he is trying to impress Lady Alyssa Grigori, and you know how much she likes a man with a few lethal skills." His grin was audible as he adjusted his tie, turning away from the window properly. "And how is Rhy'Din treating you, son' How has your performance been going" I understand you opened last Monday."

"Maybe he should try impressing her with poetry," Josh suggested with a smile in his voice that his father would be able to hear across the many miles that separated them. It was good to hear his father's voice again and to imagine his brother's romantic exploits. "I'm sure you have already read the reviews, Dad." Reviews which consisted of glowing praise for all involved. "A lively production," one critic wrote. "Tons of fun for the whole family," wrote another. "Exuberates joy," said yet another. And the praise went on and on, not only for the principals, but the entire cast.

"Reviews only tell me how the show is being received, not how you are enjoying it," his father scoffed cheerfully, deftly switching handsets to a wireless one. He'd heard the nerves in his son's voice when Josh had said hello - he wouldn't be so high in the government of the country if he couldn't tell when he might need to seek secure privacy at a moment's notice. "If I could snatch the time away, I would have come to see it myself, but the ceremonial season is upon us. So tell me do you like being God King of all Egypt?"

Josh Stuart

Date: 2014-03-11 19:06 EST
Josh laughed, his father's easy-going demeanor putting him a little more at ease. "Dad, I'm basically doing Elvis in a kilt!" he laughingly told him. It wasn't a kilt exactly; at least, not the kind that Scotsmen wear, but it was close enough. "I'm enjoying it, but it's a lot of work. I've been thinking about transferring to the University of Rhy'Din and finishing my degree."

"And I'm sure you are putting your peers to shame," his father enthused, immensely proud of his youngest for doing what he loved, even if the circumstances in which the opportunity had presented itself weren't exactly ideal. At the mention of Josh's education, he blinked, impressed by the responsible side of his son's nature. "I understand Rhy'Din does have a highly recommended theater arts programme," he conceded thoughtfully. "What do you need from here to get that transfer done?"

"Just my transcript, I think, showing what classes I've already taken," he replied, pausing a moment in thought, a short silence on his end of the connection while he considered the wisdom of that decision. "Dad, there's something you should know..." he started, words that might preface a parent's nightmare.

"I'll make arrangements to have your record sent to you," Duke Oliver assured his son, but that brisk organisational matter was swiftly overwhelmed by a sudden flash of concern at the sound of Josh's voice. "Is this a something that requires family privacy?" he asked, making sure to use the code words he had trained into his wife and sons as soon as possible. "Privacy" didn't really exist in the duke's household; family privacy meant the one place where there were no ears to hear or eyes to see.

"I think so, yes," Josh replied. His father would almost be able to hear the frown in his son's voice, or at least, the worry. He'd been sent to Rhy'Din, not only to pursue his own dream, but to keep an eye on the Princess Drusilla, and Josh couldn't risk anyone else knowing about that but his father.

"Just as well you were put through to this phone then, wasn't it?" the duke chuckled, purposely keeping his voice light for the sake of the security men who were monitoring the room as he rose to his feet and moved to the dead spot where he and Josh had first discussed the trip to Rhy'Din. He knew from years of experience that nothing said in this three meter square was ever picked up on the cameras or microphones installed for his family's protection. The only other place like it in the house was the master bedroom. "All right, Josh, let's have it. What has happened?"

How did you tell your father that you were falling in love with the girl you'd been sent to keep an eye on' Not just any girl, but the one girl who was going to take over as leader of the entire nation one day, and whose partner would share that future. How did you tell your father that she wanted to pick you to be that partner, to share in that future" How did you tell him that you had to make a choice between everything you'd ever worked and hoped for and the one person who meant more to you than life itself" Josh sighed. Where did you begin"

"It's complicated," he started.

As it turned out, that was all he needed to say to have his father understand completely. Oliver Stuart wasn't as old and out of touch as some people liked to think, and he knew his boys well. He also was privy to the quiet hope of His Serene Highness that the princess might find a friend in his youngest son. He cleared his throat thoughtfully. "Is it equally complicated from the other side?" he asked artfully.

"Yes," Josh replied without delay or hesitation. She had, after all, told him she loved him and that she wanted to choose him, and he had reciprocated those feelings. Though neither had ever been in love before and they hadn't known each other very long, they were both sure of their feelings and their decision to be together. It was just a matter of figuring out how to make it possible and how to make it work.

There was a very brief pause. Unknown to Josh, his father has drawn the phone from his ear to breathe out a very soft sigh of relief. One hurdle overcome, as they had hoped it might. Returning the phone to his ear, he spoke again. "What do you need us to do?"

"I..." Josh trailed off a moment as he gathered his thoughts and his words. He felt a little foolish asking for his father's help, but if this was going to happen, there was no one he trusted more than his father to know what was best. "I need you to help me prepare. I have no idea how to run a country, Dad! I'm an actor, not a politician. I don't want to make a food of myself. I don't want to go into this ignorant and unprepared."

For a moment, the duke genuinely had no idea what to say. He had a vague memory of being in love making a bit of an idiot of him, but he hadn't really expected the same thing to happen to his sons. And now both of them were behaving like wallies over girls. Rolling his eyes, he decided to approach it from the obvious perspective. "Josh, you are many things, but you are not ignorant, and you are not so unprepared as you seem to think," he informed the boy firmly. "Tell me why you're feeling that way."

"Why?" Josh echoed, almost incredulously. Why, indeed. The answer to his father's question seemed obvious, but out of respect for his father, he was obligated to reply as honestly as he could. He sighed, convinced he was ill fit and unprepared for such an important position in the future of the country. "Dad, all I've ever wanted to do is be an actor, until now. I'm-I'm not prepared for this! I don't know the first thing about running a country. Jamie would be better at this than I am. I don't know what to do. I..." He broke off before he rambled too much, before he blurted the fact that he'd fallen in love, embarrassed by what his father must think was childish foolishness. "I need your help, Dad."

"I want you to listen to me before you start arguing, Joshua," the duke said very calmly, remembering a rant of his own made to his own father when he had first realised that he really was going to be the next duke of Roslae. "You and your brother are not so very different. You received the same education. You went to the same schools - you actually gained higher grades than Jamie and graduated at a higher level than he did. The only difference comes when we reach your vocations. Jamie chose to study agriculture with a minor in politics. You chose to study theater. Jamie's major applies perfectly to the running and maintenance of Roslae. Consider, now, how your ability to act, your understanding of the theatrical, might apply to the role of a prince. You know the princess by now, you will have seen how she handles certain situations. Consider it all, and then tell me how unprepared you are."

"You think my ability to sing and dance is going to help me run a government?" Josh asked, once again sounding more than a little astonished, a hint of panic in his voice. If he'd stop to think about things, he might realize his father was right, but that was part of the problem - he hadn't really stopped to think about it. He had already decided he was sorely unprepared for the job, but he did have nearly a year to make up for lost time, and he was hoping his father could somehow help him with that. "I could minor in politics. I still have some time."

Josh Stuart

Date: 2014-03-11 19:07 EST
"No, you didn't listen to me," his father said, still calm, but forceful in his own way. He needed his son to understand this before any kind of teaching could take place. "I said nothing about singing and dancing. I spoke of acting, of taking on a character, and I spoke of understanding the theatrical, how a production is staged. Surely you have noticed by now that the young lady is at least two different personalities in one form' There is Drusilla, and there is the Princess Royale. Stop jumping to conclusions, and think about that."

"Well, yes, but..." Josh broke off again, giving himself time to consider this. His father wasn't wrong. He had already made this observation about Dru, and in truth, he could be two distinct personalities himself, perhaps more. There was the Josh that had grown up a duke's son and who understood protocol and proper behavior, and there was the Josh that was a student and an actor and a son and a brother and a friend. Two very different people rolled into one. "But..." he started, unable to argue that fact with his father, though he still didn't believe himself capable.

"Before everything, you are my son," Duke Oliver pointed out, refusing to let Josh talk himself out of having this confidence in himself. "Your mother and I raised both you and your brother to move in these circles, to understand this world before others. You have at your fingertips the skills needed to navigate the arena you are hoping to enter. And before you try to tell me you don't know what is going on right now in that arena, let me assure you that no one knows exactly what is happening at all times. That is why the Prince has a personal secretary; it is why the princess has her aide. You are not required to know everything, but to take the advice of those closest to you, whose job it is to know such things and make sure you are informed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but..." There was that but again. He understood all that, but he had no secretary or aide. He had no one to help him through this, to tell him what he needed to know before he needed to know it. "What do I do to prepare myself better" I never expected this would happen. I mean, I knew it was a possibility, but that's all. I don't know anything about politics. What if Parliament doesn't think I'm capable" What if they're right?"

"When it comes to matters of the monarch's lifetime happiness, Parliament is never right - you should remember that at all costs," his father assured him firmly. "Josh, you navigate politics every day. Every social group, regardless of their rank or station, has their own set of politics - the people you need to keep on side to have an easier time of it, the people who have innovative ideas and should be encouraged, the people who cause trouble for trouble's sake. That is politics, but reduced down to its most basic level. You are capable of navigating the higher levels. I know you are, and you will not be without support. What I can do is keep you informed of the movements of the various factions within Parliament and the Ministry, the high level players in Tirisano. I can send you information on their histories, and certain case studies of historical events that have lent precedence to the way things are done now. These are all things that the princess herself is studying as we speak - while she may have ceased attending college in Rhy'Din, she is still enrolled nominally in university here, and she is expected to attain a certain understanding of the way the country works. You might even be able to study together."

He listened carefully to everything his father was telling him, quietly absorbing and considering every word, a little relieved that his father was willing to help him navigate his way through the political maze that was at the heart of Tirisano's government. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he wanted to be there at Dru's side, not only because he loved her, but also because he loved the country that was his homeland. The possibility that he'd be able to share in Dru's studies put his mind further at ease. He had nearly a year to prepare. Would a year be enough' "I think I'd like that. I know I have a lot to learn. If I'm going to do this, I want to do it right."

"You don't need a university degree to be able to handle Tirisano politics," the duke assured him quietly. "When the time comes, you will given a personal secretary. You will have a security advisor. You will have an entire team of people assigned to keep you in the loop, to make sure you are never without the information you need. And to be a functioning monarch ....all you need is a basic understanding, and a keen mind able to solve problems. You already have that, Josh. I believe you can do it."

Once again, Josh listened to his father's words, knowing his father had faith in him, even if he doubted himself and his own abilities. Another thought came to mind, something that had occurred to him over the course of the last few weeks as he and Dru grew closer. "You knew this would happen, didn't you? Or at least, you were hoping it would happen." The question wasn't asked in an accusatory or angry tone of voice; Josh was merely curious.

"I couldn't have known, Josh." But there was a tone of resignation in his father's voice as he sighed quietly. "I hoped," he admitted, never one to be dishonest with his children. "Knowing what I know of you, and of her, I thought that you were suited to one another. You were right, Josh, I could have sent Jamie to Rhy'Din. I asked you because ....because you deserved the chance to find out if there was a lifetime of friendship or love with her, before the country starts poking and pulling you apart with their interest."

They had never lied to each other, and they weren't about to start now. Josh believed his father had always had his best interests at heart, even now, even if this was not the life Josh had ever planned for or expected. He sighed again, resigned to the choice he and Dru had made even more so now that he knew his father believed in him and had even hoped for this. "So, what happens now" She won't let Parliament choose for her. We're determined to be together, no matter what recommendation they make."

"All right." Just like that, he had his father on his side, and he could be certain that the duke would do everything in his power to smooth the way for them. "I will speak to her uncle, as soon as I can assure true privacy with him, and make sure he knows to keep your name on the list at all costs. I am inclined to send a tutor to Rhy'Din to assist with the reading material I am going to be sending your way - I'm sure the princess will appreciate someone to badger with endless questions as well. I will inform your brother of your intention; he can be relied upon to subtly influence the younger nobility without being caught at it. Let's see, what else? I believe there is a list of Tirisano's most eligible bachelors coming up - fairly sure you and your brother will be on it - and I can drop a few hints among the press that will open up speculation and encourage the people to start thinking seriously about whether or not Parliament should have a say in the princess' choice of a husband. Healthy debate never hurt anyone, did it?" His grin was audible as he relaxed, all these things easy to accomplish within a matter of days. "Does that suit?"

Josh could tell from his father's voice that he'd pleased the old man, that he was even excited about the prospect of preparing both his son and the princess for their roles as future leaders. There was just one last question he needed answered. "What about the theater?" he asked, uncertainly, the question encompassing not just Josh's involvement in the Shanachie, but also the degree he was pursuing with the University.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2014-03-11 19:08 EST
"Ah, yes, the theater." The duke was obviously teasing with his slow drawling repeat of his son's biggest concern. "Well, Josh, you will be expected to honor your commitment and complete your degree as a good example to the young people in our country. Beyond that, I think you will be in the perfect position to inject a little more life into the entertainment industry of Tirisano - by the time you come back here, you will have solid contacts with the Shanachie and certain stars, you will be able to invite a small contingent to come and entertain the crowds that will gather in the parks for your wedding day. There are, of course, the court theatricals, as well."

"I can do that," Josh replied, his father almost able to hear the smile in his son's voice. "I know I can do this, Dad. I want you to be proud of me." But he wasn't doing this for his father, whether he wanted him to be proud of him or not. He was doing this for Dru because he loved her, plain and simple. He knew it wouldn't be easy juggling school and the theater and learning how to be a good leader, but it was only a year, and he was determined to do his best. Because Dru was counting on him; his father was counting on him; the whole country was counting on him, even if they didn't know it yet.

"Don't let it all overwhelm you, son," his father said gently. "There is no need to destroy yourself trying to be everything at once. Be yourself first and foremost; love her, first and foremost. Everything else will fall into place, I can promise you that. Just be happy with what you have chosen, and never forget that you have time to change your mind, should it become necessary."

"I do, Dad. I do love her," he admitted, needing his father to know that, even if it had only been a month. It was important that he knew - that someone besides Dru knew - that he was doing this for the right reasons, that he was doing this because he loved and cared for Dru and could no longer imagine his life without her. "I won't change my mind," he assured him, spoken like the determined young man that he was. He did not mention the fact that he and Dru had talked about getting married without Parliament's knowledge. That was a last resort only, and not something they had to worry about just yet.

"Then I will do what I can to keep the press from discovering where you both are," the duke promised him. "You need this time to learn each other and just enjoy being in love. And don't worry about propriety or decorum too much - being polite never built a bond between lovers. Being honest with your feelings and your actions ....that does."

Whether Josh heard his father saying something different than what he meant or not, he needed to assure the man that he would not do anything stupid. "Don't worry. I won't bring any shame on her or myself," he assured him. Lena had only just warned him that morning about nearly the same thing, and he had taken that warning to heart, though he felt it unnecessary. He was raised to be a gentleman, a duke's son, and he took pride in that fact.

The duke chuckled; he knew his boys almost better than they knew themselves. "That isn't quite what I meant," he tried to clarify his point. "With the correct precautions, nothing shared in love is indecorous or inappropriate. Nothing. An injudicious no can do a lot of damage. Is that any clearer?"

There was a long pause on Josh's side of the connection while he considered what his father meant. What exactly was he giving his son permission to do' He couldn't be giving him permission to sleep with her, could he" "I-I think so," he replied, uncertainly.

Another gentle chuckle made itself known as his father picked up on his slightly confused uncertainty. "I'm not saying you should attempt to go all the way this evening," he assured his son cheerfully. "But over time, it will feel right. Don't shy away from it when it does. I did that with your mother, and it took me a year to convince her that I really did love her after that."

"Alright," Josh agreed. "I'll try to remember that. Thanks, Dad," he said, his voice changing again, warm with affection. He sensed the phone call was nearly at an end, but there was one last thing he needed his father to know, and it was something that was difficult for a twenty-year old who was trying to break away and make a life of his own to say. Though it had been years since his mother had died, the mention of her saddened him, more for his father's sake than his own, and he needed his father to know that even far from home, he was always in his heart. "Love you, Dad. Give my love to Jamie, okay?"

The duke smiled, wishing for a moment he could gather his son into his arms and embrace him. "I'll tell him," he promised. "I'm very proud of you, Josh, I need you to know that. Not because of your libido, either. Your mother would be so proud of you. I love you, son. Take care of yourself."

Josh wished that same thing, but he'd have that chance soon enough, he hoped. He'd go home for a visit and maybe even take Dru with him, or maybe his father would find the time to visit them there. Either way, he beamed with pride and joy at his father's sentiment and assurance that he'd have made his mother proud. "Thanks, Dad. I'll talk to you soon."

As the line went dead, Duke Oliver Stuart smiled at his empty study. Perhaps things were moving faster than he had expected, but that was all to the good. It gave them all more time to play with. But better had been the absolute certainty in Josh's voice when he spoke of his feelings. There had been no love in an Iarocci marriage for more than two centuries, each marriage arranged by Parliament for the sake of heirs, often leaving the royal households very separate and the rulers very lonely. It was about time Parliament learned the hazards of forcing duty over love. The duke's smile widened to a grin. He wondered if they would hear the screams in Rhy'Din when this little snippet of information was finally released to the government. Oh yes, he was looking forward to this.

((Many thanks to my partner in crime for this very important phone call home. More to come soon! :) ))