Topic: OOC Conversation

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-07-05 16:10 EST
This is the spot for OOC chitchat. Feel free to stop in, say hello, leave a comment, or whatever! We're always happy to have visitors. :)

Katt Batten

Date: 2012-07-05 16:10 EST
Congrats on your folder!

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2012-07-05 16:12 EST
You're so polite. ;-) -Cracks knuckles.- I'm ready to start typing!

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-07-05 16:13 EST
Thanks, Katt! And me too, Min. I'm ready to get crackin'!

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2012-07-05 17:01 EST
Good luck you two.

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2012-07-05 17:06 EST
Thanks Katt and May!

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-07-05 17:49 EST
Thanks, May!

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-07-23 11:00 EST
Still without a computer. Going on two weeks without it and I'm getting pissy!! >.< It better be done by tomorrow or I'm going to demand a refund. 2 business days to "fix" it the first time but over 7 this time around, and yet it's supposed to be the same exact issue? Sounds fishy to me. *sigh* Anyway, just wanted to pop in and give an update. Hope everyone's doing well! <3

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-08-04 22:57 EST
Alright, so I've finally got my computer back and I'm starting to get caught up on things. Still kind of unsure of where I want to take things but, I promise I'll get something rolling!

Anyway, see ya'll around!

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-09-03 22:41 EST
*Finally!* God, it feels like forever since I've been waiting for that post to get out of my head. I hope you enjoy, everybody, and Kingsley will be seeing you around in the Inn again very shortly. :)

Thank you to a certain friend of mine for helping encourage me not to give up and a special shout-out to Minoko for being ever patient with me and my fickle creative brain. You're the best! :D

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-10-03 20:54 EST
Just wanted to say sorry to everyone for being so absent from here over the past few weeks. Life has kind of exploded and things aren't looking to cheery right about now. It's making it rather difficult to be on here. But you all are not forgotten! I hope to be able to return sooner rather than later. Thanks for your understanding and I hope you're all well.

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-11-07 08:56 EST
So life ended up taking a rather sudden and unexpected turn but it's luckily looking to be for the better. I've moved to a different state and am finally getting a bit more settled, plus I finally got a new wireless adapter! So things are looking up now and hopefully I'll be around more again. Thanks, everyone, for your patience and see you all soon!

Elijah Waltz

Date: 2012-12-08 05:32 EST
Hey there! Just thought I'd drop by and say hello! I like what I've read on here so far, keep it up. :) See all of you around in play, hopefully!

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-12-08 23:50 EST
Well, thanks! We haven't been too active but hoping that's going to be changing. :) Been liking what you've been writing as well! Definitely hope to catch you on again soon. :)

Elijah Waltz

Date: 2012-12-09 02:56 EST
Stuff happens, you gotta put this on hold every now and again. Glad you're getting back into it, though, looking forward to seeing what comes next.

And thank you! Hopefully I'll have more up soon, looking forward to catching you online as well! :)

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-12-21 07:21 EST
This just a test. Having a hard time posting things for some reason. Weird.

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2012-12-25 04:02 EST
Merry Christmas everyone! <3

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2012-12-25 11:18 EST
Merry Christmas!! <3

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2013-01-11 09:54 EST
Sorry for being so absent this week. Some things came up. I should be around more after this weekend though. Looking forward to playing with all of you. :)

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2013-04-15 01:28 EST


Date: 2013-04-23 14:10 EST
Yasmin bounces over to read the Rumble in the Jungle link since she's in it.

She skims over everything that doesn't involve her.

Even without all the extra filler parts not about her, it's still a good read. Of course it is ? Yas is in it!

Let's stop kidding ourselves. It'd be a good read if her arm was in it.

In all seriousness, loved playing with you and love seeing you at BC! Let's do it again soon!

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2013-04-24 01:11 EST
You're too funny Yasmin. I can't wait for the next campaign/BC event/whatever! <3


Date: 2013-04-24 04:48 EST
Yasmin is hilarious for sure! Can't wait to do the next campaign and see Katan in his true element! By the way, I LOVE your new avatar. :P

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2013-05-10 06:12 EST
All of Martyr and Valcroix's threads are now located in Sweet Crusades. I would be totally okay with this, if not for the fact that Val hasn't posted in the roll call. Val, please get on that. Martyr, you're good. -Showers her with glitter and bubbles.-


Date: 2013-05-14 22:50 EST
Due to some RL issues, I will not be around much in the next couple of weeks. I will come up with some SL reason for Martyr's absense....Feel free to PM me for I will hop on to at least check that, and should be on AIM occasionally, too. Those of you who have my cell phone number, know how to get ahold of me if anything important comes up. Sorry, guys but my heart isn't in it right now.

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2013-08-16 11:32 EST
Sorry I haven't been around so much lately, everyone. As most of you know, I'm getting married in September and with it only 5 weeks from tomorrow (holy crap!), I've been in crazy planning/got-to-get-everything-done mode. x.x After the wedding, I'll be gone on my honeymoon until the beginning of October (yay, Disney!) but after that I'm sure things will get into full swing again. :) Anyway, <3 you all! And have fun.


Date: 2013-08-18 16:24 EST
Congrats!!! Minnie-mun and I expect pictures! So excited for you! <333

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2014-05-19 21:54 EST
Sorry to everyone that I haven't been around much lately. I had a lapse in drive and then got smothered in work- and family-related things. I should be back into working order over the next couple of days so expect some new diary posts at the very least! And I promise I'll get my butt into gear responding to email posts.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2014-06-19 13:36 EST
If Katan and Minoko's taste in music had a baby...metal.

Emlen Slane

Date: 2014-07-09 08:15 EST
Emlen is now cutting himself, and praying for the wounds not to heal. -Facepalms.- Yes, everyone, I'm still alive! Just having some writer's block. Min/Val are helping me work that out! :D

Kingsley OConnor

Date: 2014-08-27 10:25 EST
Sorry things have been so quiet here. Hoping to get back into the swing of things sometime soon. Love to you all!


Date: 2014-08-28 20:14 EST
Look forward to seeing you back. Not the same without you.


Date: 2015-05-18 18:46 EST
Met Minoko's mun in real life. Sitting next to her right now, and she is just as awesome as her character. Sadly, I do leave for home tonight. But we will probably take at least one picture! I have not been around lately, but I'll make a point to come back more often from now on!

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2015-05-19 00:47 EST

My adventures with Martyr-mun in upsetting tiny dogs. <3

Minoko Funaki

Date: 2019-01-31 21:26 EST


I love this webcomic. Warning, frequently NSFW.