Topic: Hochi in Space

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2015-07-30 21:34 EST
Bravo Port was busy. The clatter of machinery ricocheted off the tall plasti-steel structure. Rafters crisscrossed the ceiling and all manner of conduits, pipework, and ducts — air and otherwise — were there for the seeing and hearing. Simple droids, their servos whirring happily, moved cargo bins, refueled ships in their bays, and assisted in repairs.

Repairs that Lirssa was delighted were complete, at last, on Motley Moxie. That delight was at war with nervousness as she paced from one enormous door to the other. No ships were currently landing or taking off, so she was safe to patrol the hangar doors. She got a few odd looks, but that was nothing she had not had before in her life.

This was going to be the first time she took someone she knew, or sorta knew, up in space for nothing more than an expedition. There was no protocol she could think to follow. She didn't want to treat him like a paying passenger. But she also did not want to take for granted that he was in her care, and she stopped her pacing short.

Admiral Aja would kill her if anything happened to Hochi. Considering the last flight she had, Lirssa quickly drew out the datapad from her pants" side pocket. "I want reports every ten minutes of anything in the planned flight path." She commanded to the software connected to her ship's computer. "No, every five minutes."

In a few seconds, the first report appeared and all was clear. Lirssa looked out to the bustling streets once more, trying to catch a glimpse of green hair. "Maybe I should make it every two minutes."

Hochi moved through the busy streets making his way toward the Bravo Port. He smiled. Today was going to be a good day. He was going to go into space today. He had been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time. Most of the people that Hochi met on his adventures were not of the space faring type.

He moved through an alley and saw the port. He grinned as he headed into the hangar letting out a low whistle as he saw all the droids moving around doing odd and end jobs. He was distracted by a few ships as he went to examine them closer. As he tried to look at the helm of one ship he was pushed away by a few droids.

He continued walking around suddenly realizing he may have made a wrong turn.

One of the service droids stopped near Hochi. The voice from the box on box on square legs shaped android was oddly human in quality. "Hello, sir. May I be of service?" For all the strong, angular structure of the droid, he — or so the depth of voice would label the mechanical being — seemed warm and friendly. The droid was a good foot shorter than Hochi, and his servos whirred as he angled his body to approximate looking up at the young man.

Hochi looked down at the small droid smiling. "Hey there little guy, uh ya could be of some help. Do you know a Lirssa, about yea height." Holds his hands up, then realized that the little droid may not have any eyes. "She is supposed to have a ship somewhere around here." He looked around the port a couple of times looking back at the droid eyeing it up and down. The little droid seemed to take a few moments to process the question.

"Lirssa." The droid repeated as he continued to search his databanks. "Ship: Motley Moxie. Docking bay: A2—-"

The droid was interrupted by a call out, "Hochi! There you are!" Lirssa ran up to them, looking from droid to Hochi then back to the droid. "Thanks. I've got it from here." And the droid seemed to wobble a little as if attempting to bow and then whirred on its way.

He spied Lirssa and smiled brightly, "Ah yeah that thing is really interesting." His eyes followed the little droid as the little guy sped away.

"Sorry about that." Lirssa began. "I guess I should have given more details on how to find me. My ship is this way." She gestured down a row of ships to their left. "She's all set and rarin" to go. Have to admit, I am, too." She bounced a little and turned about to walk backwards facing him. "Are you excited" Nervous?" And without even waiting for an answer goes straight to reassuring, as if Hochi needed it. "It'll be fine, I promise. Gotta make sure I get the Admiral's son back in one piece, ya know?"

"I think you gave me good directions, I just got a little sidetracked looking at the ships. There are so many of them," He looked at the ships that they passed them. He smiled as she turned and walked backwards, "I am excited; never done anything like this." He laughed looking away from the ships and to her, "Well I didn't think anything would — well a few things crossed my mind." He chuckled, glancing around the busy port.

Lirssa looked around at the other ships as Hochi mentioned how many there were and belatedly realized he was right. She had always taken it for granted. True, in a few hours most would be on their scheduled flights, but Bravo Port was one of the busier hangars. Which made space rental cheap enough for her.

And her ship did not take up much room anyway. Just past a large cargo ship, one that barely met the maximum size and thrust capacity to pull away from the gravitational hold without tearing a hole in everything around it, was her smaller transport. Motley Moxie had its port side hatch open. A short set of stairs, no more than seven steps, provided by the hangar led up to the door. "Here she is." She was a sturdy looking craft, almost beetle like in shape with stabilizing wings that lifted away from the hull when airborne. "Come on in.?

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2015-07-30 21:35 EST
Lirssa led the way up and stepped aside with her hands out. If she didn't perform the role, every bit of nervousness would bleed through in gesture and voice. She was a pilot of her own ship. She had to act like it. Just inside was an open area with slats in the floor where things such as chairs or cargo bins could be bolted down. The major cargo hold where they stood curved up to a height twice their own and tapered back down at the back to two doorways. To the left, an open doorway created a minimal definition between the helm where Lirssa piloted the craft and the rest of the ship. The new helm with its monitors and switches could be seen. To the aft of the ship were two doorways. One led to a necessary room and the other to private quarters.

Hochi followed closely behind looking at all the ships around him. His attention was brought to the Motley Moxie looking over the ship smiling brightly. He steps up into the ship looking around the interior.

With a gesture to the aft doors, Lirssa said. "You can stow your stuff in that room there on the right side. I cleaned it out for you. I don't use it much anyway, but when the gravity compensators start working to take over from actual gravity you may need a place to lay down and recover. It can sometimes get a little rocky." A nod to the door next to it. "That's the necessary room for...ya know...necessary stuff."

The ship had little by way of decoration. A few lockers ran along the starboard side of the cargo hold. "Emergency suits in the first locker, major med-kit in the second locker. I keep a smaller med-kit up at the helm.

"Anyway, here she is. Not fancy, but she's a fine ship." There was no mistaking the pride, and she did nothing to conceal it. "So, when you're ready, I'll get us started. I've picked out a few flight plans. One won't take us too far out, and the other that will really utilize whatever time we both have to spare. But I thought for starters, I'd just travel a bit overland and sea before we head out to the stars. Sound good?"

"Looks really nice. I really like it. You could fit quite a bit of cargo in this thing couldn't you." He walked around the main room looking around. He was so excited, just seeing the ship made his heart beat a bit quicker. "I think I should be able to handle a bit of rocking back and forth. Lived on the ocean for most my life." He grinned as he opened the door and quickly stowed his gear. "Ahhh a necessary room, I thought we were the only ones who had one of those. Ours is chock full of necessary looking items."

He chuckled as he moved back into the main area. He looked toward the lockers making note of where the important items were. "It looks like a helluva ship. I can't wait to see what she can do. You must be so excited, you got your ship back and running. There were a few times when my ship would break down. Getting her back up and running, was always a great day." He moved toward the helm, "flying over the sea and land, I am fine with that. Lets pick the second flight plan, lets stuff as much fun and excitement in the time that we have." He smiled happily as he leaned against the wall looking at all the dials and buttons in the helm.

Hochi was right. It was a great day. There had been some unspoken tether holding her down ever since her ship was grounded. Now, she felt able to stretch out and up and nothing holding her back. "Right-o." She sat down at the helm. Her fingers lightly brushed over the edge of the panel as if saying hello to the ship with her touch. A breath released and instinct took over. Her eyes were on the monitor as she ran through initialization procedures. A punch of a button, she spoke to a com. "Bravo Port, this is Motley Moxie, awaiting clearance. Flight plan Beta 6."

He watched her at the helm as he moved over and sat down in one of the available seats. He was impressed at quickly her hands danced about the helm console.

Over the com, came a warm friendly man's voice. "Hey, Lulu! Glad to hear you're back in the saddle. Don't see a manifest list here. Joy riding?"

A heavy sigh, her head hung a moment at hearing the nickname, she punched the com again. "No manifest. Passenger only. And yes, Baker, if you must know, I'm joy riding. Can I go now?" Irritation, amusement, and no small touch of embarrassment colored her tone and pinked her cheeks.

Baker was laughing as he completed the procedure. "Yeah, yeah. Motley Moxie, vector theta." A pause, then with the happiest voice said, "Safe travels, Lulu!"

"Maggot rotting apple cores," she muttered and punched the com. "Vector theta, aye." With her hands on the guide, she spoke over her shoulder to Hochi. "Get ready. Here we go."

"Lulu?" He looked to Lirssa eyebrow raised, "Haven't heard that one before" he teased as he leaned forward in his seat getting ready for take off.

Lirssa was quite reluctant to acknowledge the nickname, but when Hochi spoke it with that inquisitive tone she shrugged and muttered. "Yeah, tell ya about that sometime."

At that moment, she was more interested in splitting her attention between her plotted course and watching Hochi's reaction to their flight. "You can stand if you want to. In about two minutes, we'll head up into the between — umm space — pass by Gateway Station, you'll see some monster ships docked and waiting to dock there.

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2015-07-30 23:23 EST
With a hum and slight tremble, the ship lifted up and moved forward. Flying above the other waiting ships, Lirssa angled the ship out of the hangar bay doors and with a gleam, punched up the pace, shooting them out from Starport proper and on their way south toward the ocean. They rose quickly to a mile above the land and then she leveled off. At the rate they were flying, RhyDin city proper was already moving swiftly by on the port side. A quick check over her shoulder to make sure Hochi was still okay.

He looked out the the window he was so excited he could hardly stay in his seat. He watched as the spaceport vanished he sat up a bit straighter trying to see a bit better. Every sped he looked out over the water, he was about to be a whole lot farther from his element soon.

"This is definitely the way to travel.".

He looked over to Lirssa, "This thing has some get up and go doesn't she. I bet you have some good stories about your time with this ship."

There's a bit of pride in her voice, and she straightens a touch in her chair as she pilots the ship. "Yes, she's fast. The engines are a little ramped up for this model, but it makes for my preferred method of escape than fight."

"I've only been flying for about four years, I guess, I've never been much to reckon time, except now with Raza — my brother — he's growing up so fast that time sorta means something. Anyway, yeah, lots of stories. Not too much unlike yours, only, I've never been mistaken for a god — good or bad."

A glance to the flight plan, the coordinates, and a grin to Hochi. "Ready to get into the black" I plan on heading us out to the deep nothing for an hour or two, try to get you in viewing range of a comet that's passing close by — well, close by the path I'm plotting at least. Should be fun...or at least not deadly."

"I am definitely ready to go into the black." his smile seemed to grow even larger, somehow. "See a comet on my first time out, I must be lucky." Chuckled hearing her, "Well those two generally go hand in hand though.

"I can't wait to get up there and see what it is like." He stood up and walked nearer to the window looking out, his face was stuck in a constant state of wonderment. He looked at the ground and the sea rushing beneath them. He could take his eyes off of the window,

"Gateway station with monster sized ships," he smiled, turning his attention to her. His stomach had rabid eagles in his stomach flapping away. He was so excited and happy that he was finally getting his butt up into space. He had been so busy with exploring the seas he had kept putting this trip off. There was always something new and shiny that pulled him away.

"They only thought that because of my green hair...I didn't really try to stop them until they tried to encase me in stone." He chuckled ruffling his hair making sure it was messy enough. "How many siblings do you have?" He turned his attention to Lirssa finally being able to pull it from the window.

"If you're talking blood relations," she hesitated, "well, no siblings there. But if you talk about from the different families I've been accepted into, there's Raza who is my brother in my current family. And I have a brother and a sister from the Sarengrave family, but I've not seen them in...oh ten years or so now, I guess."

A shift of direction, the ship angled up. The climb was not steep, but pitched perfectly to keep the ship relatively happy as they transferred through the various layers of atmosphere. The gravity compensators started doing their work. There are a variety of sensations not unlike one would feel pitched about in one of those roller coaster contraptions. The ship itself does not shake, but more in a sense an exciting tremble.

Hazy grey cut to a blue before they broke beyond to the black of space. To the starboard bow was the turning monstrosity of Gateway station. Cruisers accompanied it in synchronous orbit some distances out, while smaller ships came into dock along variety of bays. An assortment of smaller ships were zipping along on their own flight plans.

"Those gravity compensators are a pretty rough ride you weren't-" He stops talking as soon as the the blue sky vanished and was replaced with blackness. He stared out the window at the Gateway Station his jaw dropped. He stood there jaw dropped a half smile splayed across his face at the same time.

Lirssa gave the ship a turn away from Gateway station, at a forty-five degree angle. She punched the com. "Gateway Station, this is Motley Moxie heading out to Galantis Prime. No one's blown up the comet — or anything else along my path have they' My monitor still says all is clear."

A crisp voice, hard to place as either female or male, returns over the speaker. "Sector clear. Good flight."

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2015-07-30 23:25 EST
Lirssa smiled and let out a sigh of relief. For one, there had been no nickname, and for two it seemed the flight would be a smooth one. "Well, it is going to be some time before we get to the comet, but there is still plenty to see." She looked out the broad window. Beyond it were stars, some ships coming into orbit, and ". "Well, not a great deal more. I suppose, in some ways you've just traded out a big expanse of blue for a big expanse of black. You will see a few planets, but they'll just be slightly larger specks than the stars. We don't get too close to many of them. That takes longer flights than this one."

As she set the auto-pilot to take the helm for the moment, she leaned back in her chair and looked to Hochi. "So, other than Noah how many siblings do you have?"

"None as far as I know, I never knew my biological parents. We were split up when I was really young. I don't really know if I had or have any blood related siblings." He shrugged as he shifted his weight as the ship shifted upward. His stomach rolled a few times his head felt like it was spinning for a few seconds. He put a hand on the bulkhead to steady himself.

"This is amazing" his eyes darted from ship to ship then to Lirssa then back to the station and all the ships. He listened to her talk to the station he didn't really know what to look at more, the station the giant ships the small ones buzzing about.

"I love my big blue expanse, but I think I could trade that for this." Hochi chuckled "I'm guessing there are quite a few planets out there that haven't been fully explored or haven't even had an outsider step foot on them. So many new creatures that I could discover and name." He smiled turning his attention back to Lirssa, "Tell me a bit about yourself. What made you decide to become a space pilot. Well apart from being a cool sounding job."

Lirssa snickered, shrugged, rolled her eyes — all sorts of trying to look at ease while feeling uncomfortable. Then, she just honestly laughed. "For all my performing in front of people since I can remember, and talking up a storm, I don't know why I suddenly feel weird talking about myself. Must be because you are actually listening." A wry smile teased the corners of her mouth.

A sigh and she nodded. "I guess the story will get us partly there." It took a moment for her to think of a good place to start. "Well, I'm not sure when I exactly decided to become a pilot. For awhile I wanted to go to the academy. That started when I moved in with Fio and Ali. My father — Ali — is a pilot. I sorta had a knack for it, I guess. I went to a school in Star's End. That was when I had the goal to get to the Academy and be a true fighter pilot." She remembered so clearly the feeling. The memory was barely tarnished now, and she smiled. "I did get in the Academy, but I broke a rule." A shrug and she sat up again, fiddling with the helm that didn't need fiddling. "Breaking rules also was a habit of mine. I guess that's why I understand Noah some. Keep trying to do something right, but turns out it isn't the right thing by someone else's rules."

She brushed that aside with another shrug and smiled to Hochi. "Anyway, so got kicked out of the Academy, but I had made some connections. Like with my coach from school. He was the one that nicknamed my Lulu. He was my coach for Zero-G physical education and in speeder races. When he returned to a job at Gateway Station, everyone learned my nickname because that's what he'd call me over the com." A scratch at her head, "Sorry, I seem to have gotten ahead of myself. How I became a space pilot. I lucked into it. Like most of my life. Someone I had helped had this ship they were selling to get a newer one, gave me a really good price for it, and over time and with help I fixed it up to be able to start doing short cargo or transportation runs. I am. From acrobat to space pilot." She looked to the stars and back to him. He had asked her to tell him about herself, but there was too much there. "I won't bore you just yet with the rest of my story. Rather hear about yours.

"So, what about you? I mean, you've said you can be a green polar bear, and you explore the oceans. That right there is a whole passel of interest and intrigue." She beamed a smile, pulling her legs up into lotus and ready to listen.

"I know what you mean about trouble, I tend to get into a lot of trouble before realizing just how much trouble I am in. So far I have been lucky enough to still have all my fingers and toes. With the Bird family there is Trevor, Noah, and Mara." Hochi chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. He loved telling stories about his crazy adventures but about himself this was going to be a bit more difficult. but he didn't know where to start this one. Well the best place to start would be the beginning. He sighed and ruffled his hair making sure it was messy enough.

"Well I never knew my parents. We were sold into slavery when I was very little. Spent a very long time in those mines in the middle of the desert...never saw anything but sand and rock till I came to Rhydin. I was able to escape from there with some help from a man named Lantos; first person to actually try to help me. He helped me as much as he could help...unfortunately he didn't survive. Aja managed to find me, and she took me in, and then later adopted me." He smiled thinking of that night in the Outback when he was a child. He ruffled his hair again as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"I grew up in mainly in Arcadia and Rhydin; free for once. It was here that I learned how to shift into a polar bear and where I learned to hide certain abilities of mine. I usually don't show this off in public but since it is just you and I"." He pulled a small ordinary rock from his pocket. It wasn't weird that he had a rock in his pocket. He held it up for her to see it, suddenly the rock shifted into a diamond the exact same size as the rock. Then it quickly shifted into a ruby then back into the ordinary rock.

When the stone turned into a precious stone, Lirssa's brows rose and her mouth twisted to the side. She could see how some people would definitely want to keep such a talent for themselves. It was the type of secret she had her own knowledge about.

"This was the only magical ability I was born with. Most slave owners like to keep those that can do something like my power. He came after me, and luckily Aja was able to help keep them away." He sighed. He usually didn't talk about it. Something about Lirssa just made him open up. He looked at her and smiled brightly before continuing the story.

"Then Aja showed me the ocean and sailing, and it was amazing. Just no one out there to tell you what to do, seeing new wonderful places for the first time." That smile of his grew even bigger as the memory flooded into his mind. "It was the first time in my life that I felt truly free. I grew up around boats and constantly trying to see new things. I wanted to see everything. When I was old enough I went to a school far off. Time moved a lot quicker there so when I came back after two years nearly grown up. When I came back home I decided it was time for me to explore everything I could. Discover as much as I could, and help whoever I could along the way." He smiled as he glanced out at the empty blackness before looking back to Lirssa.

"I went out exploring as soon as I built the Odyssey. Discovered a lot of new lands and cultures and people. Helped when I was able; was drafted into a war against my own will. That was interesting." He half smiled now having those memories flood into his mind.

"I just keep upgrading my ship and going back out to create new maps and discover new...well everything. He leaned back against the bulkhead again pausing for a few moments. "That's about it...I usually don't tell people all that."

She listened to his history, smiling when she saw the memories were pleasant, and noting when he moved quickly past the unpleasant. It was all, in some small measure, familiar. "I am honored you shared it with me, Hochi." Sincere in smile and words, she shifted in her chair, legs unfolding. "I guess we're a little alike. Only, I never had to deal with slavery or mines. Though, some of my friends felt Bubber was harsh on me, it was nothing like what I've seen slaves go through." A pause, she clarified. "Bubber was the first adult who cared for me, he trained me to perform, earn money for the both of us to live. He died when I was very young."

" of the reason I have so many scars, and why some don't have dangerously fun stories." He nodded a slight frown on his face but he quickly replaces it with a smile. He glanced out the windows looking at the stars and the endless blackness. Something deep down in him was begging him to go out into that expanse. To go where no being has gone before, deep space.

With a wobble of her head, she admitted, "And I've only recently found some blood relatives. Or, well, they found me. My parents both died. My uncle says I was supposed to die, too, which is cheery, don't you think" But I've had lots of people look out for me; some have taken me into their families, and others adopted me. But, as Bubber once told me, everyone leaves." She was not bitter about it. It was just a fact and she smiled, looking out to the space beyond.

"I am very glad that you didn't die. I would have never met you. And, yes, in my experience everyone does leave eventually, but you have to make the time of it while they are there."

Lirssa's smile shifted, and she leaned forward, looking over the monitor and reading the sensors. "You cannot be —" she did not finish the sentence, but altered it to say, "Hochi, strap in. Some idiots out here have decided to take exception to each other's existence." And the shriek of blasts followed by a ship skim close by as Lirssa gives the helm a hard turn to the port and at a down angle.

Hochi's own smile quickly vanished as the shriek of blasts flew down. He quickly scrambled into his seat and strapped himself in. "Space pirates" Or just psychotic killers?"

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2015-07-31 14:09 EST
Lirssa checked the sensors on the helm panel while she answered Hochi. "Neither. Seems that members of two different merchant cartels have taken it upon themselves to duel, so to speak, out here in the stars. Just they've brought it into our flight path." Another quick adjustment as another ship went careening by. "And they brought friends." She scowled. "Think of it as sorta gang fight. Should be clear of it soon unless they find dinging my ship particularly fun!" The last she yelled to the broad expanse in front of them as her ship did pitch slightly when hit by an errant blast. "You okay?"

He smiled as the ship rocked back and forth as she flew the ship around. He held onto the chair, but easily able to adjust his weight to the rocking. "Gang fight huh' Seems like it would be easier to settle this on the ground somewhere instead of way out here." He smiled looking toward Lirssa, "Yeah this is a blast!"

She spared a moment to examine his smile, and she responded with some measure of surprise. "You are really having fun, aren't you? I'm not sure whether to think that's a good thing, or disturbing."

He continued smiling as she spoke "Of course I am, I'm stuck in a spaceship with you dodging laser blasts trying not to explode and die." He chuckled and watched her fly the ship excellently. She turned the ship once more. The gravity compensators did their best, which means each swift turn was minimally felt. It was just when unexpected blasts and the waves of energy that slung against them when ships came close by that the ship jolted one way or the other. "Well, until we're through with this fun, keep seated."

And that would have been great advice. As they pulled free of the confrontation, the feeling of unnatural gravity lessened and lessened. "No, no, no, no." Lirssa muttered and looked at the monitor. "And now...your opportunity to feel nearly zero-g, Hochi." She announced as if narrating a play. A sigh soon followed, "No, this was not planned. Sorry."

Suddenly the he could feel an odd sensation, "Zero g. That doesn't seem like it is supposed to happen." He chuckled, "Anything that I can do to help?" He unhooked himself and pushed up to floated gently in the air.

"Yes, don't tell your mom. I swear, this ship is built better than it is showing right now." She unbuckled and stood, keeping hold of the helm panel. She reviewed the information it was spewing up on the monitor. With a tilt of her head, looking up at him, there was nothing for it but to be amused at the joy he was getting. "Actually, yes, you can help. Sit at the helm while I go back and do a manual reset. When I tell you to do so, flip this switch back up." The one she had just flipped down. "And then this one." The second one she flipped down. "Need help getting back down here?"

He swam in motion much like a cartoon character. "Flip that one and that one" he pointed at the switches. Reaching for the seat back he pulled on it sending him floating and running into Lirssa. "Ah sorry bout that." He reoriented himself using the console and Lirssa's shoulder. "I'm a natural, see?" That smile still plastered on his face.

When he ran into her, she tried to balance the both of them. "No worries. It happens. Why the gravity compensators exist." Moving to get out of his way so he can gain the seat at the helm. "Yep, you're a natural alright." When she saw he was in his seat, she angled herself for the back of the ship, and then kicked off the edge of the helm panel. Gliding with a steady pace to make her destination with a slight corrective touch to a wall.

He pulled himself into the seat and strapped himself in. "Just let me know when to flip the switches." He looks over the console smiling making sure to keep track of the two switches he had to flip. "I don't know if I would even have gravity compensators, it seems like this would be loads more fun."

Pulling open a panel, she grunts a little while she framed her body in a corner of the ceiling to keep from floating away with each counter movement. "Oh yeah. Loads of fun. Until you actually have to get something done. Trust me, peeing while this is going on is not fun. Neither are tons of other things. Besides," she said as she grit her teeth and reached down inside the open panel, "if you really wanted to, you could turn them off. Best to have them if you ever make a ship to sail out here in the black." A clunk followed by a clang, and she called to him. "Flip the switches now." And she's already altering her position so not to fall on her head.

He laughed loudly hearing her, "I can see how that would be messy and annoying." He chuckled to himself shaking his head. He heared her and flipped the switches quickly.

A happy whirring sound and the gravity compensators started doing their duty. Gravity was brought incrementally. Soon it was enough for her to walk with only a minor bounce back towards the front. "It will take some time for the gravity to reset. Don't want it to happen suddenly or...well, it can get messy." She rested her hand on the back of the chair where he sat. "Sometime I should teach you how to read everything at the helm."

"I would love to learn about all these buttons and learn how to fly a ship like this." He lovingly patted the console before looking back at Lirssa, "So what?s next on the agenda" More gang fights?" He smiled brightly.

"No. Well, I hope not. Next on the agenda is"," she looked around with a momentary frown. "I don't have anything until we reach the coordinates where we should meet up with the comet's path. That won't be too much longer. An hour, I suppose. You could read, take a nap, ...."

He smiled "Well how about you teach me some of these controls. Maybe see if I could pilot?" He asked her. "I promise I wont kill us."

"Couldn't do worse than I am. Okay, so," she leaned over the panel and pointed out a circular screen with a companion circular screen. "These two together basically give you where you are." Above that were three digital screens in a row. "These tell you various degrees pitch, direction, angle. Unlike on a ship at sea where you basically go right or left around in a circle, here you have right, left, up, down in anyway." A thoughtful pause, she corrected, ?Actually, there is no up and down. To be one of the best pilots, you sorta have to throw that notion out." She looked to him to see if he was following.

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2015-07-31 14:11 EST
He nodded, making mental notes here and there as she pointed things out. "Understandable; feel like that may take me a bit of time to get the idea of no up and down." He smiled.

"This, of course, is the helm. Not fancy like some other ships that have touch responders. But it suits me." She rested her fingertips on the half-circle. It was not a wheel, not fully. It moved more than just one way or the other, but could be pulled and pressed in all directions. "Of course, have all the sensors that read out information about the ship, around the ship, on the course plotted — but only so far out. Why it was a near thing when those other ships showed up. If they are moving my way at a pretty good clip, and I'm moving their way, saw what happened." She shifted her weight a little as gravity finally settled to normal.

"Yeah they seem to appear out of nowhere, huh." He smirked. "It has quite a few similar sensors that I have on the Odyssey." He looked over a few controls then glanced out the window.

Her mouth twisted one way and then the other as she considered. "I suppose I could turn off auto-pilot and give you a go at steering her. If you go bibbledy, I can right us again. Want to try?"

"Thought you would never ask" He smiled, "Now what switch allows me to do that." He took ahold of the controlstick looking over the console, eyes darting this way and that. "Like I said I promise not to kill us."

"Sounds like a pie-crust promise, but I have no doubt it won't happen intentionally." She grinned to him and nodded to a button just to the right of the helm. "That one there when you are ready. Remember, this is space, you typically don't have to do anything unless you want to change course."

He nodded and took a deep breath; leaning forward and hitting the button then gently leaning back, making sure he didn't move the stick. He then tilted the stick allowing the ship to gently rock back and forth. He was just trying to get a feel for the controls. "The controls are so much more responsive than i would have thought."

He pulled the nose of the ship up and then back down. He had a massive smile plastered on his face. "Could I try a barrel roll" Or is that too much for my first day flying."

"Go ahead and try, just remember, lots of pushes and pulls on out there in the black, but until you get close to something, they aren't strong." She leaned back against the wall, arms crossed and ankles crossed. "Have fun!"

He pushed the nose well downward and twisted the controls putting them into a barrel roll. He pulled back on the stick to make the ship do a little loop before pushing the engines hard. He glanced over the controls then pulled the stick up to do a loop de loop. He laughed happily as he banked the ship to the side.

"This thing is amazing! The maneuverability of it!"

It was like watching a child with a kite, pulling the string to make it dive and dart about. She chuckled and shook her head, "Glad you're having fun there, kiddo. Thank the gyroscopes. Much more efficient than using the thrusters for this sort of trick." She glanced to the monitor just to make sure things were clear still. They were.

Hochi chuckled as he sent the ship into one last barrel roll before leveling the ship out. "This ship is astounding. I am definitely going to be looking for one myself." He turned and looked up at Lirssa. "I think I would stay up here forever just keep on flying; doing jobs wherever I can get them."

"Well," she smiled and moved back closer to the helm. "That's just about what I do, except I tend to stay near Rhydin so I can keep up with my interests there. I think your mom would miss you a lot." A pause, her voice softened. She wasn't quite sure how to ask it, but so she tried stating an observation. "You two are really close."

He smiled warmly, "She is the only mother I have. I owe her my life and then some..." He paused as he looked out the window at the emptiness. "She was the first real family I ever had." He ruffled his hair to make sure it was messy enough. "I'm glad you keep it close to Rhydin. I wouldn't have met you again."

She reached out to messy up his hair, too — being helpful and all. A light laugh, "Yeah, well, you'd have gotten up here to space eventually. You seem the type that doesn't easily give up on a dream. On top of that, you work for it." Another assessing look, "Yeah, you'd have gotten up here."

He chuckled as she messed with his hair. "Yeah I would have made it up here. But you made it a helluva lot more enjoyable.". He looked over a few dials and screens on the helm. "That and without you here I would have probably been sucked out an airlock or something." He laughed as he began to fly more carefully as they talked.

A slight bow, she grinned, "Why thank you, kind sir." She reached around him to punch through a few screens on the monitor while she spoke to him. "I doubt you would have been sucked out of an airlock. That takes effort. You may have, however, gotten blasted out of the sky or run too close to a supernova. That would have been horrible. I guess it's best you waited for a tour guide this first time out. I hate to see the Admiral cry." She did not try to hide the teasing tone.

He smiled, "Both of those alternatives sound like painful ways to go." He looked toward a monitor correcting his course toward the comet. "What' Aja cry' I don't think that is even possible." He laughed, shaking his head. "I believe I am getting the hang of all these monitors I am going the right direction, right?" He pointed to a couple monitors to make sure he was using the right one to guide the ship.

"Yes, you sure are." And then she whispered close to him. "I wouldn't let you get us too far off course." A pat to the back of chair, she stood up straight. "I'll take over when we get closer to the comet, though. Managing the gravity of the comet plus the dust and gas of the tail, well, let's just say I'd feel more comfortable with my hands on the helm. I'll admit it, I don't trust you — yet."

"Understandable I do look like a dastardly devil of a man.". He smiled brightly. " I will happily give you the helm when we get close don't want to break your freshly fixed ship."

She moved about to face him, eying him as if assessing his level of devilry. Her green eyes narrowed on him, and she tapped her finger against her cheek. "Hmm, now that you mention it. You do sorta look devilish — if you mean in that cherubic, green-haired sort of way." Quite clearly joking with him. Then her hand dropped, and she nodded, gesturing to the helm. "Exactly! Thank you. So glad you understand. It isn't that I don't trust you, exactly, I don't trust anyone with my ship right now."

He raised an eyebrow trying to look more evil and devilish. "I know exactly what you mean. I don't think I would allow you to steer my ship into a busy trade port. I would be terrified that you would sink her." He smiled patting the helm softly, "This is your baby; I don't wanna hurt her."

"Thank you." She was grateful for his understanding, and she moved past him to open up a storage bin. "And I wouldn't trust me to steer your ship anywhere. I'd go crazy trying to figure out how to get it move against the wind." The storage bin closed once more, she returned to take the extra seat.

He smiled "We have big engines on board; we don't use sails that much anymore." He shrugged, "But when we did, you just keep tacking until you get where you want to go." He chuckled, "It was very boring back when I first started to explore. Then I got new engines that, well, are being held on by duct tape and gum right now." He turned toward her, "I think if you could fly this thing you could easily manage to steer a big water bound vessel. They not similar at all but I think you could do it."

"Not similar at all, huh?" She beamed a smile at him and shook her head. "I'll leave the sailing to you. If I get a chance to go aboard sometime, I plan on being lazy — or climbing the rigging. That always looked fun. I guess if you don't have sails you don't have rigging." A small pout as she thought on that. "No rigging. Hmm, well," she laced her hands behind her head and leaned back, "I guess I'll get some practice in now on being lazy, then, with you at the helm."

"We have rigging and sails stowed away in case the engine's go dead. There is plenty to climb onboard the ship." He turned and looked at her, " You can't practice being lazy when I'm at the helm. A planet may appear out of nowhere. Or aliens might come and abduct me right from this seat." He chuckled as he glanced out the window for a flying saucer or some other danger. "Well it could happen. But if you come on my ship, you're going to drive, and I get to be lazy and work on my tan." He laughed " I always need more time to work on my tan."

She laughed along with him. "A tan is not something I have to work on much. And," she sat up moving back to the helm, pointing to a monitor. "Anything coming your way you'll see energy readings show up here first. Also," she turned to smile at him, she was quite close making sure she held his gaze, "we are all aliens to someone out here."

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2015-07-31 14:14 EST
"That is very true, we are all aliens. I shouldn't be afraid of aliens...well unless they want to eat my brain through bendy straws." He laughed as he held her gaze smiling and rubbing the back of his neck. "I can't thank you enough for doing this for me."

"Am happy to do so, Hochi." She turned to look over the monitors once more. "We're coming up to it now. It'll be a few minutes more before I get us in position to ride along side for a bit." A little nudge with her leg to his to encourage him to move. "The tail might not be too long right now, but the nucleus and coma will be obvious. Mostly water and dust, and the closer it gets to the sun, the more volatile it will get."

He smiled as he looked out the windows for a bit until she nudged his leg. He stood up and moved behind the chair putting his hands on the back and leaning on it. "Sounds like this is going to be pretty amazing"

Taking the seat, she breathed out. "I hope so." A few switches were shut down, and she rotated through some screens on the monitor. On the right side of the window a smudge, like a child had brushed white across the painting of a starry sky, was seen. It grew larger and more distinctly comet-like as Lirssa began to maneuver them along side. The ship trembled slightly, and Lirssa altered the course so as to keep the comet in framed view of the window. They were, in fact, moving sideways by the earthbound perspective. But in space" They were just moving along with the comet's course.

He looked out the window at the comet. His jaw was dropped. Eyes were wide with amazement; a comet, an actual comet. He couldn't believe that he was that close to a comet. "This is amazing." He squeezed Lirssa's shoulder, "Thank you again."

One hand drifted up to rest over his hand on her shoulder. She dare not look from her observations of monitor, window, and sensors, but she smiled. "You're welcome."

"I've seen some crazy things, but this takes the cake." His jaw was still dropped, and he still hadn't blinked. He finally turned his attention to the monitors on the helm. He tried to read as much as he could from what little he knew. "Looks pretty intense down there."

A soft chuckle, her hand slipped away from his and rested on the helm again. "Just making sure no large parts of it break away. Right now, looks to be going along steadily. The water percentage is pretty low out in the coma and tail, so we should be good for a bit longer." Her mouth twisted sideways. "You let me know when you're ready to move on." Though she was pretty certain he could study the comet for hours on end.

"I could stay here all day if you let me, but we should probably head back." His eyes were locked back onto the comet.

A nod. She more than understood. With care, she adjusted course to move backwards from the comet before she turned about and set them back on a path for home. "So, first jaunt into space. More tales of adventure to add to your repertoire."

"It had some excitement: Comets. spaceships, dogfights. I think it could make it in my collection." He grinned as he sat down as the comet vanished from view. "So are comets just a normal thing to you now?"

"Normal?" She considered that. "I wouldn't say so, not exactly. I mean," she took a moment to think and try to find a proper analogy. "Let's say you come across a brightly colored bird. Is it normal" Well, yes. Does that mean it doesn't still amaze you and make you smile to just watch it?" A shrug. "Lots of things are normal, I guess, but it still thrills me. If it all got boring, I don't think I'd keep coming up here."

"I know what you mean, I've just never seen anything like that before" He looked to Lirssa. "if you ever need a hand on a job or something let me know. I would love to come with and help out in any possible way."

Feeling secure in their path for awhile, she set auto-pilot and turned to face him. "That's kind of you, Hochi. I'll keep it in mind. But, surely you'll be off on your own adventures, seeing new things, investigating discoveries, meeting new people. Don't want to muck up a grand life like that to run cargo." A merry laugh, light and warm. "Say, are you hungry' I didn't bring much, but I've got some apples, some honeyed almonds, and..." she frowned, "I can't remember what else."

"Bah, grand life huh?" He shook his head, "I still run cargo whenever I can. It is good honest money. Also I could investigate mysteries, meet new people and have great adventures out here and on this ship." He smiled as he looked around, "I am actually pretty hungry. Didn't know being in space would make a guy so hungry."

She stood slowly. "Hochi," she mused as she moved to the storage bin to pull out a bag of foodstuffs. "I can't really pay you that much. And..." she looked around, not sure she's following his thought path, but not wanting to assume, "Are you wanting to be like...part of my crew or something?" She set out the small offering of snacks on a towel between their chairs: apples, honeyed almonds, strawberries, and a few squares of chocolate.

"I wouldn't need any kind of payment. Just would like to come on a few jobs if you need help." He stood up looking toward Lirssa. "I don't know if you ever need a hand or some company." He looked over the snacks, "This all looks delicious"

"Oh," and she nodded, her head tilting one way and then the other as he clarified. "Well, help yourself. Ride back home is as long as it was out here, maybe shorter barring any run-ins with random fights."

((Adapted from post and live play with thanks to Hochi Banto!))