"I need paper," Lirssa mumbled as she sat in her room, her back against the door " just for extra secrecy. She was pretty sure nobody was home, but that could change at any moment. She sat with her legs angled out framing the collection of gifts obtained so far as well as the coins still left to her. Six silver and some coppers sat looking at her. She would keep the coppers, but the silver would go to Mister Ali for the letter opener. There was still a ways to go on that gift, but by her tally, she was ahead on the payments by a few days.
The job with Delectable Delights had been a true bit of luck, and she was not going to spoil it. She worked hard and careful all the hours assigned to her. Even Mister Mason had told Mister Ali that she worked her tail off " his words were a bit stronger. Running the deliveries for Miss Rena and Miss Eless sure helped, too. It was making paying for her lessons, as well as working for the good marks to lower the cost of those grades, so much easier.
Still, there were more gifts to get and that rosewood handle carved into a phoenix letter opener to pay. On display on the floor before her for survey and consideration, never just sure what to get some folks, were the two pairs of stockings she hoped were the right sizes, a pair of calla lily hair sticks , some embroidered ribbons, a hair comb , and a scarf of lovely black with brilliant cherry blossoms embroidered on the ends.
There was so much more to do and so much more to give. With a deep, determined breath brought in through a smile, she collected the items and hid them underneath the lower bunk mattress, careful that they would not meet harm if anyone sat on it, just letting them hang between two of the supporting slats. Assured of their safety and secrecy, she opened the door and went about her day holding a eager glow deep inside her.
The job with Delectable Delights had been a true bit of luck, and she was not going to spoil it. She worked hard and careful all the hours assigned to her. Even Mister Mason had told Mister Ali that she worked her tail off " his words were a bit stronger. Running the deliveries for Miss Rena and Miss Eless sure helped, too. It was making paying for her lessons, as well as working for the good marks to lower the cost of those grades, so much easier.
Still, there were more gifts to get and that rosewood handle carved into a phoenix letter opener to pay. On display on the floor before her for survey and consideration, never just sure what to get some folks, were the two pairs of stockings she hoped were the right sizes, a pair of calla lily hair sticks , some embroidered ribbons, a hair comb , and a scarf of lovely black with brilliant cherry blossoms embroidered on the ends.
There was so much more to do and so much more to give. With a deep, determined breath brought in through a smile, she collected the items and hid them underneath the lower bunk mattress, careful that they would not meet harm if anyone sat on it, just letting them hang between two of the supporting slats. Assured of their safety and secrecy, she opened the door and went about her day holding a eager glow deep inside her.