The drow's eyes could hold little more disinterest than they did at that moment. It was his ears, however, bearing the most punishment of all, desperately trying to convert the drunken ramblings of his patient into a true language.
"And then....I've had these....these cramps you see. Almost feels like the liver, y'know" Sometimes it goes up to my head know, that thing when your head feels like it's been squeezed..."
"You mean a headache." Or migrane, depending on who we're talking about here.
"Yeah, that's it what?s up with me?"
"Hmm, that's a tough one....your breath's enough to chase off the Watch's finest and your clothing looks like you rammed right into a Badsider brewing factory. If I had to hazard a guess.....Ohhh, I'd say its alcohol poisoning. You know, because you're drunk." The drow shook his head and scribbled down in a pad, tearing it off and tossing it to the man. "Show that to the pharmacy counter. Mild painkiller that won't react violently with the rotgut in your....gut."
The man stumbled out of the exam room without a word. For Spider, it was literally a breath of fresh air. Soon he was back to behind the front desk, adding another checkmark to the case list. That was the trouble with this sort of department. No one knew where the list would start or where it would end. The only certainty was that it'd go on as long as your shift did.
"Dr. Savaris..." Alton Lewis, one of the recently appointed residents, strode up to Spider. "Ms. Stewart is currently in post-op, the appendix removal went off without a hitch."
"Mmm hmm....keep an eye on her, none of us are mind-readers when it comes to post-op complications....actually, I'm glad that you're here." Ebony fingers grabbed a clipboard and shoved it in the resident's arms. Lewis blinked. "What's this?"
"Room 214, mother with single infant. Possible whooping cough case, and you're the first doctor freed up and in line." Lewis rolled his eyes and strode off towards the exam rooms once more. The drow in the meanwhile poured himself a cup of steaming black brew, already 3 hours past its freshness date. That's when the emergency radio whooped and crackled from the front desk.
"1090, 1090 incident, broadcasting to all emergency squads. Orphanage at 47 Palisade Lane engulfed in flames. Numerous 2nd & 3rd degree burn injuries reported. Majority of victims in transport to Riverview, 34 count. Repeat, 34 patients en route to Riverview. Over."
The trembling cup of coffee in the drow's hand almost made that count 35. In a moment, the quiver in his throat was replaced by a boisterous tone that drill sergeants wish they could match. "All staff on-hand, I want any and all rooms prepped for burn treatment! Check our stocks, if there are any rooms lacking so much as a single skin graft, correct it! This is a Code Black incident, let's move!"
"And then....I've had these....these cramps you see. Almost feels like the liver, y'know" Sometimes it goes up to my head know, that thing when your head feels like it's been squeezed..."
"You mean a headache." Or migrane, depending on who we're talking about here.
"Yeah, that's it what?s up with me?"
"Hmm, that's a tough one....your breath's enough to chase off the Watch's finest and your clothing looks like you rammed right into a Badsider brewing factory. If I had to hazard a guess.....Ohhh, I'd say its alcohol poisoning. You know, because you're drunk." The drow shook his head and scribbled down in a pad, tearing it off and tossing it to the man. "Show that to the pharmacy counter. Mild painkiller that won't react violently with the rotgut in your....gut."
The man stumbled out of the exam room without a word. For Spider, it was literally a breath of fresh air. Soon he was back to behind the front desk, adding another checkmark to the case list. That was the trouble with this sort of department. No one knew where the list would start or where it would end. The only certainty was that it'd go on as long as your shift did.
"Dr. Savaris..." Alton Lewis, one of the recently appointed residents, strode up to Spider. "Ms. Stewart is currently in post-op, the appendix removal went off without a hitch."
"Mmm hmm....keep an eye on her, none of us are mind-readers when it comes to post-op complications....actually, I'm glad that you're here." Ebony fingers grabbed a clipboard and shoved it in the resident's arms. Lewis blinked. "What's this?"
"Room 214, mother with single infant. Possible whooping cough case, and you're the first doctor freed up and in line." Lewis rolled his eyes and strode off towards the exam rooms once more. The drow in the meanwhile poured himself a cup of steaming black brew, already 3 hours past its freshness date. That's when the emergency radio whooped and crackled from the front desk.
"1090, 1090 incident, broadcasting to all emergency squads. Orphanage at 47 Palisade Lane engulfed in flames. Numerous 2nd & 3rd degree burn injuries reported. Majority of victims in transport to Riverview, 34 count. Repeat, 34 patients en route to Riverview. Over."
The trembling cup of coffee in the drow's hand almost made that count 35. In a moment, the quiver in his throat was replaced by a boisterous tone that drill sergeants wish they could match. "All staff on-hand, I want any and all rooms prepped for burn treatment! Check our stocks, if there are any rooms lacking so much as a single skin graft, correct it! This is a Code Black incident, let's move!"