Topic: An explosive situation


Date: 2009-02-25 07:59 EST
Snorlax prodded the stethoscope over the Bulbasaur's leafy growth across its back. "Snorlax Snor Snorlax." The plant-dinosaur's congestion had cleared up greatly from a couple days ago. "Bulba..." The creature strummed happily before jumping off the exam table and striding to the check-out desk. The bear smiled and left the exam room, swinging by the large white board behind the desk to check his next case.

12 yr. old Weepinbell admitted about 20 minutes ago. Complained of difficulty breathing or talking. Possible obstruction.

One of the more serious cases the bear had been handed today, but this sort of thing was up his alley. He followed the chart's notes and entered the exam room, finding his patient on the exam bed, along with an unexpected surprise...

"Voltorb!" The round creature spat out in annoyance, apparently not too pleased with the current situation either. A spark or two occassionally lept from the stuck ball.

Blink-blinks escaped from the bear before he sloooooowly backed out of the exam room, gently closing the door behind him. He then went in a mad dash-waddle for the nearest phone. He typed in the central page number, which would page all the senior pediatric physicians on-staff. Along with the page, he included a text message to let them know to meet him in conference room 3B in five minutes.

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2009-03-01 20:09 EST
Chief of Staff Doctor Maranya Tatiana Valkonan looked over the faces of the senior pediatric staff that were gathered in Conference Room 3B one by one.

"We have a problem here with a patient that was admitted today. Snorlax, if you would please give us the case history, we'll see if we can come up with a solution."

Maranya flashed the bear an encouraging smile, and settled back in her chair to listen to the report.


Date: 2009-03-04 14:40 EST
Explaining the case would be a triffe difficult given his limited vocabulary. Luckily, he was able to whip up a script for the voice synthesizer in the room's computer to read out, as he began clicking through the slides being shown on the white screen.

"About twenty minutes ago, a Weepinbell, a grass-type pokemon, was admitted with a voltorb, an electric-type, lodged in the weepinbell's mouth. How exactly this occured is unknown since the patient is unable to describe for his or herself at the present time. The main concern is the voltorb, which is very easily and is currently agitated by this situation. Voltorbs have been known to explode under times of great stress or anger. Of course, this puts the weepinbell in great peril. Our job is to carefully separate the two without causing further stress to either of the patients. At the very least this is a two-person routine, in order to tend to both patients at the same time. I will now open the floor for suggestions."

In lamest terms, a mobile pitcher plant with a stuck bomb.

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2009-03-05 06:26 EST
Doctor Valkonan listened to the ideas that were batted, in some cases quite emphatically, around the conference table by the department heads that were present. She nodded in approval as cooler heads soon prevailed, and waited until the discussion settled down into a dull roar before she cleared her throat to regain the other doctors' attention.

"Very well. This is what we are going to do. First of all, the halls will be cleared while the patients are moved with utmost care to Operating Suite Ten, the Kevlar and Teflon insulated suite. There will be the absolute minimum of operating staff present. Everyone will wear full Nomex suits and grounding strips in their shoes. Non-conductive materials only will be used in this operation."

Maranya nodded to the Head of Anesthesiology. "Per Doctor Orchard's on the mark suggestions, we will be using simultaneous general anesthesia on the patients, as well as a topically applied muscle relaxant for the Weepinbell, in order to facilitate the extraction of the Voltorb."

The Good Doctor then nodded to Snorlax. "Since this is more your field of expertise, Snorlax, you're in charge of picking your team to assist you in this dicey, to say the least, operation." She looked around the table again. "Now, unless there are any other questions, we have an explosive situation to defuse. Let's make it work, people."