The pediatric cardiology clinic was a little more chatty lately, not that the nurses hadn't been in the first place. There was always something they were looking to talk about between rounds, and their latest bit of gossip perked up as Maranya made a pass by their station
"Oh hey, did you hear what Dr. Snorlax told me?" "No, what was that?" "He beat Ms. Valkonan last night?" "Beat?" "Oh yes, a fists duel. As he put it to me, he 'squishified' her."
That got more than a chuckle out of the RNs and LPNs gathered around, seemingly unaware of Maranya's presence.
"Oh hey, did you hear what Dr. Snorlax told me?" "No, what was that?" "He beat Ms. Valkonan last night?" "Beat?" "Oh yes, a fists duel. As he put it to me, he 'squishified' her."
That got more than a chuckle out of the RNs and LPNs gathered around, seemingly unaware of Maranya's presence.